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Re: OOC - GENERAL Campaign Discussion

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 9:28 pm
by Túrin Turambar
Job wrote:My new job's workload is pretty heavy, however I'm starting to develop new routines and I hope to carve out some time each day to exercise and relax. If all goes well, I should be able to at least post a couple of entries during the weekdays and catch up on all responses on weekends. As you see, I was able to make a couple of posts this evening.
Túrin Turambar wrote:About self-analyzing:

As far as I know (both my parents are psychologists) that would be impossible, especially in Psychoanalysis (the branch of Psychology that dominated completely during this time).
As for the Psychoanalysis skill discussions above, I can understand why it would seem strange for an investigator to be able to psychoanalyze himself, but the 6th edition rules do not strictly forbid it. Further, I remember reading somewhere that a key part of a psychologist's training is that they must spend a great deal of time performing self-analysis in order to understand and improve their own thinking and behaviors. Would this not suggest that an investigator with the Psychoanalysis skill could spend time assessing his own insanity and perhaps "staunch temporary and indefinite insanity for a day or so" as the rules state?

I'm not a psychologist, though. Túrin, I understand that CoC is a game, but could you ask your parents whether this ( investigator psychoanalyzing themselves to fend off an insanity) might be within the realm of possibility. Your parents will probably decide that I need psychoanalysis for asking this... If you've already asked them, and if they respond "No", then I'll accept that and will rule that an investigator cannot Psychoanalyze themself.

This is a wonderful discussion!


I discussed this with my mother today and the answer was naturally a bit ambiguous. Sigmund Freud, who developed the foundations of Psychoanalysis claimed that it was dangerous and not constructive to try and analyze yourself. In 1942, Karen Horney, a Neo-Freudian, wrote a book claiming that self-analyzis could be a good method. She was however rather alone to have this view. So, in the 20's and 30's, no Psychoanalysis educations would advise self-analysis. On the other hand, many of the forerunners in the field had (of course) no therapists of their own, but had to analyze their own emotions and inner worlds. The self-analysis in Psychologists' training that you referred to is conducted with the help of other Psychologists that have already finished their education. You are "treated" yourself to understand how the method works.

The conclusion would be that people who had learnt Psychoanalysis during this time would have learnt that self-analysis did not work and was potentially dangerous, but that very special individuals might have the insight into themselves to be able to do self-analyzing to some degree. Most people, however, would need another as guide on their inner journey.

Re: OOC - GENERAL Campaign Discussion

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 9:18 am
by royya
Mr. Handy wrote:Yes, I'm going to DEXCON 15, in Morristown, New Jersey. It's going to be a lot of fun. There's plenty of CoC goodness going on there, and I'll get to try out Delta Green, Trail of Cthulhu, and a couple Cthulhu Live LARPs using the new edition (3.5) of the rules, including one very awesome-looking Star Wars/CoC crossover set in the Old Republic era on Nar Shaddaa. There are plenty of other games going on there too.
Cthulhu LARP ... Sounds interesting.
A fallout based game with CoC rules can be nice as well.

Re: OOC - GENERAL Campaign Discussion

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 2:30 pm
by Job
Ewoklord wrote:Just posting to say that I'm still here.
Excellent! Thank you for responding, Ewoklord. As you may deduce from the Panama to Australia thread, the engines of the SS Gabrielle (and our BtMoM game) are about to rumble back to life.


Re: OOC - GENERAL Campaign Discussion

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 2:32 pm
by Job
royya wrote:
Mr. Handy wrote:Yes, I'm going to DEXCON 15, in Morristown, New Jersey. It's going to be a lot of fun. There's plenty of CoC goodness going on there, and I'll get to try out Delta Green, Trail of Cthulhu, and a couple Cthulhu Live LARPs using the new edition (3.5) of the rules, including one very awesome-looking Star Wars/CoC crossover set in the Old Republic era on Nar Shaddaa. There are plenty of other games going on there too.
Cthulhu LARP ... Sounds interesting.
A fallout based game with CoC rules can be nice as well.
Yes! Mr. Handy, it's your obligation to tell us about your LARPing experiences! And Delta Green! I love Delta Green.


Re: OOC - GENERAL Campaign Discussion

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 2:38 pm
by Job
Túrin Turambar wrote:I discussed this with my mother today and the answer was naturally a bit ambiguous. Sigmund Freud, who developed the foundations of Psychoanalysis claimed that it was dangerous and not constructive to try and analyze yourself. In 1942, Karen Horney, a Neo-Freudian, wrote a book claiming that self-analyzis could be a good method. She was however rather alone to have this view. So, in the 20's and 30's, no Psychoanalysis educations would advise self-analysis. On the other hand, many of the forerunners in the field had (of course) no therapists of their own, but had to analyze their own emotions and inner worlds. The self-analysis in Psychologists' training that you referred to is conducted with the help of other Psychologists that have already finished their education. You are "treated" yourself to understand how the method works.

The conclusion would be that people who had learnt Psychoanalysis during this time would have learnt that self-analysis did not work and was potentially dangerous, but that very special individuals might have the insight into themselves to be able to do self-analyzing to some degree. Most people, however, would need another as guide on their inner journey.
Thank you for the excellent background research, Túrin!

Hmm. For the purposes of this game--and to keep things simple--I guess that we should limit the Psychoanalysis skill such that there would be no game benefits for an investigator to analyze themselves.


Re: OOC - GENERAL Campaign Discussion

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 11:58 am
by Túrin Turambar
Yes, that seems like the best way to incorporate it.

Re: OOC - GENERAL Campaign Discussion

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 4:43 am
by Mr. Handy
I just got back tonight, and I still have a lot of catching up to do. I'll tell you about the games I played at DEXCON when I have the time.

Re: OOC - GENERAL Campaign Discussion

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 3:21 am
by Job
Sorry for the delays, everyone. My laptop died due to overheating and I was forced to order a new one. It took a number of days to get it ordered and received, but it's here now.

I'm still setting it up the laptop, loading programs and data, but am nearing completion. I hope to be back posting this weekend.


Re: OOC - GENERAL Campaign Discussion

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 12:43 am
by Job
Sheesh! Setting up a new laptop is really a lot of work...

I struggled for hours attempting to get my MSOutlook to send emails (essential to me!), and to get MSMessenger to allow IM's (very important!), and to get MSLive work with a couple of my Steam games (fun fun's sake!), all to no avail. I tried googling for the problems and spent hours setting configurations of the firewall and antivirus packages, and resetting passwords and such. I finally decided to try uninstalling all of the bloatware that came installed on the laptop. That finally worked.

Now I can finish migrating my data for my taxes and finances and all other applications, including my BtMoM pics and videos and files, and reloading my Adobe Elements packages and such. I still have a ways to go, but transferring files and loading apps should be easier than debugging configurations.

Anyway, even though I'm not completely done, I'm done enough to start posting again.


Re: OOC - GENERAL Campaign Discussion

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 10:53 am
by Anatomist
Job wrote:Sheesh! Setting up a new laptop is really a lot of work...

I struggled for hours attempting to get my MSOutlook to send emails (essential to me!), and to get MSMessenger to allow IM's (very important!), and to get MSLive work with a couple of my Steam games (fun fun's sake!), all to no avail. I tried googling for the problems and spent hours setting configurations of the firewall and antivirus packages, and resetting passwords and such. I finally decided to try uninstalling all of the bloatware that came installed on the laptop. That finally worked.

Now I can finish migrating my data for my taxes and finances and all other applications, including my BtMoM pics and videos and files, and reloading my Adobe Elements packages and such. I still have a ways to go, but transferring files and loading apps should be easier than debugging configurations.

Anyway, even though I'm not completely done, I'm done enough to start posting again.

8-) goodie

Re: OOC - GENERAL Campaign Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 2:58 am
by Job
Welcome Aine!

For those of you who haven't seen the posts in the Game Recruitment forum, Aine has agreed to join our expedition, taking over Martin LeBlanc, our photojournalist.

Jump in wherever you'd like, Aine. Martin is currently meeting with George Barrow, James Starkweather and Professor Moore in the "Death of a Sea Captain" thread. And in the "Chapter 5 Panama-->Australia" thread, I believe that Martin has recovered from his gas inhalations and is now back on deck with Professor Moore and the teams who are hauling food from the refrigerated hold.


Re: OOC - GENERAL Campaign Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 8:48 am
by Anatomist
Welcome Aine! :)

Re: OOC - GENERAL Campaign Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 11:45 am
by royya
Anatomist wrote:Welcome Aine! :)
I second it.

Re: OOC - GENERAL Campaign Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 2:04 pm
by aine
Aine flourishes a bow to one and all. "Thankyou, looking forward to some desperate madness!"

Re: OOC - GENERAL Campaign Discussion

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 3:23 am
by Mr. Handy
Welcome aboard, Aine!

Re: OOC - GENERAL Campaign Discussion

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 11:41 am
by Job
FYI, I'll be travelling on business this week to Dallas, TX, and will have little to no access to the internet during that time, so I'll be quiet for the week. I leave tomorrow, Sunday, and return late Friday night. Hopefully, I'll be able to begin writing again next Saturday.


Re: OOC - GENERAL Campaign Discussion

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 11:49 am
by Job
On a different topic, I've realized (too late) that I should've split off a couple of separate threads from our "Chapter 5: Panama --> Australia" storyline, perhaps one side thread to track the events below deck in the refrigerator compartment, and maybe another side thread to track events in the Medical Facility. Because I tried to track all of these in one single thread, and because some posts and responses were occasionally delayed, our flow of events and the story timeline has become a bit mixed up in terms of what happened when. So in the future, I'll be quicker to create side threads if I see that a story element may be of substantial length on its own.


Re: OOC - GENERAL Campaign Discussion

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2012 5:12 pm
by Job
REMINDER: I'm about to pack my belongings and depart for the airport. I'll be offline for the week due to work.


Re: OOC - GENERAL Campaign Discussion

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 4:10 pm
by royya
I’m out for a vacation. I will resume full posting in a week from now.


Re: OOC - GENERAL Campaign Discussion

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 6:21 pm
by Anatomist
royya wrote:I’m out for a vacation. I will resume full posting in a week from now.

have a nice tripp Roya!