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Re: IC-Ep 1-Future Shock(Story/Elizabeth/Lucius/Brook)

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 2:24 pm
by ImpInTraining
Lucius stood and approached the doors, "I'm game. What's the worst that could happen?" His thoughts reflected back to being attacked by ghouls, witnessing a human sacrifice first hand, and the Black Pharaoh ... then shook his head, "Nevermind answering that. Best not to know."

As he opened the doors, he looked back to Story and asked, "What is plastic?"
ooc,it was my understanding that the Tardis door could be opened even in the outer space and still keep atmospheric integrity inside. The only real threat on opening the door would be that someone might enter unexpectedly.

Re: IC-Ep 1-Future Shock(Story/Elizabeth/Lucius/Brook)

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 4:09 pm
by yockenthwaite
"We have plastic in my time too," muses Elizabeth, "like Bakelite and other things around televisions and power sockets. Though this type looks a bit different from the kind I'm familiar with."

Re: IC-Ep 1-Future Shock(Story/Elizabeth/Lucius/Brook)

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 5:22 pm
by Thorn
Brook follows Lucius, glancing back at Story and Elisabeth. "Well, in my time we have lots of plastic dinosaurs, so maybe you weren't too far off, Story."

Re: IC-Ep 1-Future Shock(Story/Elizabeth/Lucius/Brook)

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 11:29 pm
by jaysun81
Story looks up. "Ah well plastic is derived from the Greek word plastikos meaning capable of being shaped or molded. It's used for all kinds of things... chairs, containers, toys and many many over things." Hearing Brook's dino comment he just smiles. "Perhaps... perhaps." Story follows Lucius and Brook out of the TARDIS.

Re: IC-Ep 1-Future Shock(Story/Elizabeth/Lucius/Brook)

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 4:41 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,Someone...or some[i]thing[/i]. ;) Yes, that is correct. The TARDIS does contain its atmosphere. However, visible light is clearly able to enter the TARDIS, so it is possible that other forms of radiation could as well.
Story and his companions stepped out of the TARDIS and into the room. Now that they could see in all directions, it was apparent that it was the shape of a quarter of a circle. The only exit, aside from the TARDIS itself, was the door in the curved wall. It was made of sturdy-looking metal, and some sort of electronic plate was embedded in the wall next to it. The black plate was slightly larger than a human hand, and in fact the white outline of a hand was on its surface. The door did not have any handles, knobs, or other visible means of opening it.

Looking back at the TARDIS, the time travelers could see that it was still in the shape of a London police box. It usually changed shape to blend in with its surroundings. Lucius had known this too, as it had appeared as a large statue when he had seen it in Rome. Elizabeth and Brook had seen it take many different shapes. Story had mentioned that the TARDIS had a chameleon circuit that was responsible for altering its appearance. The Time Lord had heard that this was a known issue with the Type 40 model. Theta Sigma, better known as the Doctor, still used a Type 40, and his TARDIS had gotten stuck in the exact same form due to a faulty chameleon circuit.

Re: IC-Ep 1-Future Shock(Story/Elizabeth/Lucius/Brook)

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 3:07 pm
by ImpInTraining
Lucius walked over to the door and tried to move it by sliding it with his hands, but it wouldn't budge (I presume).

Re: IC-Ep 1-Future Shock(Story/Elizabeth/Lucius/Brook)

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 5:58 pm
by Mr. Handy
OOC,Correct again.

Re: IC-Ep 1-Future Shock(Story/Elizabeth/Lucius/Brook)

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 6:06 pm
by jaysun81
Story checks to insure the TARDIS is locked up and then looks at Brook "I almost forgot..." Reaches into his pocket and pulls out a spare TARDIS key. "This is for you." Smiles as he hands it to her. "This is your lifeline if things get hairy. Never hesitate to use it if I get captured. And remember no one is permitted to enter but our group. "

Re: IC-Ep 1-Future Shock(Story/Elizabeth/Lucius/Brook)

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 9:13 pm
by yockenthwaite
"What about pressing a hand onto the plate?" asks Elizabeth. "It looks as though that's how the door might work. Shall we try it? I guess it can't be too unsafe on the other side."

Re: IC-Ep 1-Future Shock(Story/Elizabeth/Lucius/Brook)

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 9:35 pm
by ImpInTraining
Lucius stepped back, obviously confounded by future technology again. He spread an upwards palm beckoning Elizabeth to feel free and give her try at the door.

Re: IC-Ep 1-Future Shock(Story/Elizabeth/Lucius/Brook)

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 9:38 pm
by Thorn
Brook beams with delight as Story hands her the key, hugging him tightly around the waist. "Thank you!" She nods at Elisabeth's idea as well.

Re: IC-Ep 1-Future Shock(Story/Elizabeth/Lucius/Brook)

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 1:06 am
by jaysun81
Returning the hug Story says "You are very welcome." Looking over at Elizabeth. "Yes by all means Elizabeth feel free. It's probably best for one of you to try instead of myself anyways."

Re: IC-Ep 1-Future Shock(Story/Elizabeth/Lucius/Brook)

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 1:12 am
by yockenthwaite
"Alright, I'll try it." says Elizabeth, as she steps forward and cautiously reaches up her hand to press it into the hand impression on the plate.

Re: IC-Ep 1-Future Shock(Story/Elizabeth/Lucius/Brook)

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 1:15 am
by Mr. Handy
Elizabeth pressed her hand against the outline of a hand on the plate. Nothing happened, and the door remained closed.

Re: IC-Ep 1-Future Shock(Story/Elizabeth/Lucius/Brook)

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 1:17 am
by jaysun81
"Hmmm... well, I suppose that means it's my turn." Story walks forward and once Elizabeth moves he places his hand on the plate.

Re: IC-Ep 1-Future Shock(Story/Elizabeth/Lucius/Brook)

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 1:38 am
by Mr. Handy
Story tried pressing his own hand against the plate. Again, nothing happened.
OOC,You may roll Idea if you like.

Re: IC-Ep 1-Future Shock(Story/Elizabeth/Lucius/Brook)

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 1:48 am
by yockenthwaite
OOC,[url=]Rolling Idea (stat 65%) trying to figure out what to do with the panel/door (1d100=62)[/url]

Re: IC-Ep 1-Future Shock(Story/Elizabeth/Lucius/Brook)

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 2:01 am
by Mr. Handy
Elizabeth Young,[b]Elizabeth[/b] noticed that the locking mechanism seemed to be electronic, of a common sort that she had seen before on trips into times after her own. [b]Story[/b]'s sonic screwdriver had proven effective against such locks.

Re: IC-Ep 1-Future Shock(Story/Elizabeth/Lucius/Brook)

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 2:05 am
by yockenthwaite
"Story, could you try the sonic screwdriver on the door?" says Elizabeth, peering towards the door. "The locking mechanism on it looks to be electronic. Maybe the screwdriver would work on it?"

Re: IC-Ep 1-Future Shock(Story/Elizabeth/Lucius/Brook)

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 3:31 am
by jaysun81
Story snaps his finger. "Ah Elizabeth thank you for your brilliance... I just love it!" Smiles and pulls out the Sonic Screwdriver, aims it at the hand plate and activates it.
OOC,If it's still needed... [url=]Idea - 65% (1d100=91)[/url]