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Greetings from the moss dripping, usually gray skies of WA

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 1:46 am
by Ritterton
Just started getting back into the game I loved playing in the 1980s. 7th Ed quick start is awesome...have a character and everything, but I need to find a way to play...rural Washington doesn't have a huge pool of RPGers and for CoC, even smaller. I love to play by post on another game, Pathfinder, somewhat familiar with inserting dice rolls and such.

History and government are my specialties - and writing. So, would really enjoy being picked up for a game if you need someone. Character is a researcher/antique dealer in the Philadelphia area that was a WWI Observation Balloon veteran. So, hit me up if you want a player --- or if you have a family member that is a Twihard as I can provide a lot of info about that fandom too!


Re: Greetings from the moss dripping, usually gray skies of

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 2:37 am
by Mr. Handy
Welcome, Rod! I've validated you, so now you can post on the game boards. You'd be welcome to join my games, and I'm more than happy to take on new players. They're sixth edition rather than 7th. The Brotherhood of Death, the fourth adventure in my Doctor Who/Call of Cthulhu campaign, is a Cthulhu Invictus adventure set in Rome in 44 BC. It's currently just getting underway. No knowledge of Doctor Who or the first three adventures is required (though you can read them if you like), and there's a thread detailing occupations and setting background that I'm constructing.

I also run Zombie Apocalypse, a modern near-future non-Mythos game, though with a similar mythology. It has been stalled lately and could use some fresh brains.

There was also Space Oddity, based on Life on Mars/Ashes to Ashes and set in 1969 Philadelphia, but that has been dead for a long time, as all of the players have disappeared. I can bring it back if there's interest. This is the only one in an era where your character would fit, if you either made it a lot older or modified the backstory. Either way, we'd need to convert it to 6th edition from 7th. Alternatively, you could always create a new character or pick up an abandoned one in any of my games.

Re: Greetings from the moss dripping, usually gray skies of

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 5:01 am
by Ritterton
I would be interested in the Invictus one...watching the Doctor right now with my the Dr...Also saw another Keeper doing WWI, so maybe yours in ancient rome and his if he is interested.

As I don't own a rule book for 6th, I would say I just set up the dice rolls per your standards and then go from there...

Reading thread right now.

Re: Greetings from the moss dripping, usually gray skies of

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 5:13 am
by Mr. Handy
Great, I'd be glad to have you join! The Character Creation/Rules thread has full instructions. The Friends, Romans, Countrymen thread lists most of the occupations with their occupational skills and starting money. I'll try to get the rest of them up tomorrow.

Re: Greetings from the moss dripping, usually gray skies of

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 7:03 am
by DrPeterson
Welcome aboard!

I'm sure our WWI game could use some extra blood. ;-)

Re: Greetings from the moss dripping, usually gray skies of

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 7:25 am
by Ritterton
Thanks Doc, read through that...pretty cool, hoping to hear from the Keeper...just finished the character generation for the Invictus campaign...two is going to be my max...I think

Re: Greetings from the moss dripping, usually gray skies of

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 2:25 pm
by DrPeterson
Don't forget that games move slowly here. ;)

Re: Greetings from the moss dripping, usually gray skies of

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 2:47 pm
by Ritterton
LOL, well, single dad two weeks of every four, and juggling a few other things...slow may be a good way for me to start, Doc and to be honest it's been a few years since I really played this, it takes a bit for the brain to catch up on all of those details! ;-)

Re: Greetings from the moss dripping, usually gray skies of

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 7:27 pm
by DrPeterson
Aha, I see where you're going :)

Don't worry about the system too much. Most of us here focus on the narrative. And I don't think I can recall anyone ever ruleslawyering on here.
We're a laid back crowd.