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Hello :)

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 7:49 pm
by Waylander

I am a long time fan of Lovecraftian fiction, which grew from a love of Metallica in my teens. Previously I had read a lot of Koontz and King. I remember staying up late as a child to watch hammer house horror movies and not sleeping much after watching Salems Lot. I played a lot of tabletop rpgs when younger and have still enjoy pc rpgs. I thought pbm COC sounded fun so I've signed up :)

I look forward to joining in. Do I need some rulebooks to get started?

Warm regards to you all :)

Re: Hello :)

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 8:10 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Hi Waylander,

There's a set of quick-rules available via google search. That's all you need and some imagination.
I'm starting a modern setting game - more twilight zone than Lovecraft, though.
You are welcome to join in the I'm thinking of running a game - section.

I'm validating you to post elsewhere after this post.

Re: Hello :)

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 8:42 pm
by Waylander
Thank you so much!

Re: Hello :)

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 3:52 am
by Mr. Handy
Welcome, Waylander! You'd be welcome to join any or all of my games.

My Doctor Who/Call of Cthulhu campaign is on its third adventure, The Shadow Over Dunwich, which is a UNIT adventure set in Dunwich, England in 1985. You can create a new UNIT character who I should be able to introduce soon, and there won't be any catching up needed. Or you could take over the character of Valerie Soames, but then you would need to do a good amount of back reading. We're early in Episode 4. No knowledge of the first two games is needed, but you can read them in the Hall of Fame if you like.

Zombie Apocalypse is a modern non-Mythos game, though it has its own similar mythology. It's been running for over eight years, but you could join in with little to no catching up, as we're still only on the second day of game time (a lot has been happening). You could take over existing characters or create your own. The game is moving slowly, and we only have a couple of active players right now.

Space Oddity is inspired by Life on Mars/Ashes to Ashes and is set in 1969 Philadelphia. It's been running for over five years, but you wouldn't need to catch up if you create a new character. You could also take over an existing character; the amount of back reading required varies depending on which one you want. The game has been stalled for over four months, as the only two active players have been absent. I just archived it, but I can bring it back if there's interest.