Hello There!

A little area for new users to say hello if they don't want to post in the recruitment threads just yet.
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Hello There!

Post by Dr.West »

At last, I've found a community of CoC players! I've been touring the online RPG wastelands, and have left many boards disappointed at the lack of Call of Cthulhu games. Happy to see this one alive and kicking (or screaming,) regardless of how many players are around. I see a few active games, and that's great to me!

I'm a long time fan of RPG's, and an obvious admirer of Lovecraft since my youth, but despite owning the 6th Ed. book for some time, I've never managed to play an actual game. I thought the internet would be fertile ground for RPGers, but it seems to be kind of difficult to find games. Play-by-post seems interesting, but honestly it looks like most games either never get off the ground or end prematurely for one reason or another. I hope I can find a group of dedicated players who can avoid that untimely demise, as the game system is great and offers tons of experiences and horrible fun waiting to be had.

Thanks for reading. I'll see you folks around.

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.
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Son of Yog-Sothoth
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Re: Hello There!

Post by Laraqua »

Hello there! Yes games do have a bit of trouble both here and elsewhere so I recommend dipping in to a couple different ones at first.

My game is particularly suited to surviving the disappearance of several players (already has) since each player tours around the various locations (each in its own thread) which makes for a relatively easy matter to disengage from a disappeared player to do something else. It also means the game doesn't end due to inconsistencies from players coming and going. I'm also updating the time every Friday by fifteen minutes which forces me to put up some new lead in the various threads to keep folks interested. I have around ten players at present, six of which have proven their dedication, with a few new ones so you won't be alone.

You can either create a new character who enters the train at Charlons or pick up an existing one from the NPC thread.

There's not a lot of forum reading for picking up the various NPCs, at least, as there's about eighteen of them in total. Since the NPC thread gives out little information (it's a game of spies, espionage and the occult after all), you could also go: "Wanna play a Nazi! IRA guy! Drug smuggler! Is there an NPC that fits?" If so, I could point them out. If not, you could then create your own.

viewtopic.php?f=38&t=4665 for the Recruitment Thread.

Please don't read the in-game threads while choosing whether to join the game as, unfortunately, that might give away a few secrets your character shouldn't know.
Is it bad that I listen to this about ten times a day?

Oh, also, check out my new blog on roleplaying and running games: http://stwildonroleplaying.blogspot.com/
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Re: Hello There!

Post by Kadael »

Welcome, Dr. West! I hope you enjoy your time here--this is a great community full of amazing players and Keepers. PbP has its challenges (always, always) but there are quite a few successful games in the Hall of Fame.

<shameless advertising>

If you have any interest in a Classic-era campaign set in Arkham, I'm resurrecting one of my games and I need more bodies for the ritual. It's an adventure of sight beyond sight, disturbances in the night, and an urgent need to make things right: In a Different Light

</shameless advertising>

Also Laraqua is a wonderful Keeper and The Last Express is really cool.
I'm a smooth criminal and a neurotic lawyer with a crush on a pretty-boy author, and I'm being controlled by my creepy older brother (twice!) while I worry about not having a can opener.
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Re: Hello There!

Post by Dr.West »

Thanks for the warm welcome. I was already creeping around 'In a Different Light' and had my heart set on that old gnarly janitor.

I'll definitely peruse the games and join whichever ones are available. I've been a member on some forums for years, and am known to be quite active so I'll probably be around a lot.

If anybody comes back in and reads this, I've also really been wanting to get a group together for game sessions via chat room. I think that would be great to do chapters or whatever in sessions, from start to finish, in chat format with pictures and what not, and the necessary dice roller. Anyone tried that before?
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Mr. Handy
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Re: Hello There!

Post by Mr. Handy »

Welcome, Dr. West! I've validated you, so now you can post on the game boards. I've been running play-by-post games for years (one of them is still running after well over seven years), and I've got a good track record for sticking around. I haven't tried playing online via chat, but I'm sure others have.
Doctor Who/CoC Campaign:
(viewforum.php?f=176)The Terror Out of Time
(viewforum.php?f=191)]The Ninth Planet
The Shadow Over Dunwich
The Brotherhood of Death
The Horror in the Blackout
The Masque of Nyarlathotep
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