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Online Friends, I Salute You!

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 11:12 pm
by Colonel Harbinger
Hi everyone,

I'm returning to roleplaying after an absence of many years and CoC is what's attracted me back - specifically Cthulhu By Gaslight.

I'd like to take on a keeper role eventually but for now I'd like to work my way back into roleplaying as a player character. Ideally I'd like to play in a Gaslight PBP game, but failing that the traditional 1920s/30s settings are appealing.

Anyway, hello again!

Re: Online Friends, I Salute You!

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 1:19 am
by Laraqua
I have a Lovecraftian game set in late 1939 that has a number of traditional elements though rather than existing in a party-setting you play individual characters aboard the Orient Express. The game has started but that won't be a problem because your character might have stayed in their compartment for an hour and only be coming out for the Second Dining Service of the first night. Check out: viewtopic.php?f=39&t=4249 if you're interested. As some of the PCs can be antagonists in their own way, you can get a lot of flexibility in what to play.

Re: Online Friends, I Salute You!

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 4:21 am
by Mr. Handy
Welcome, Colonel Harbinger! I've validated you, so now you can post on the game boards. You'd be welcome to play in any of my games, though none of the ones I'm running now are in the eras you prefer.

Re: Online Friends, I Salute You!

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 12:16 pm
by DrPeterson
Welcome aboard!

Priest is waiting for some more players to start a game of Leagues of Adventure, it is a larger-than-life pulp Gaslight setting, so chronologically, it should be more up your ally.

Re: Online Friends, I Salute You!

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 11:01 am
by Colonel Harbinger
Thanks for the quick responses :D

I really do appreciate the invitation Laraqua but having taken a good look at your game I think it's probably a little too much for me to take on as a newbie. The setting looks great though (when I win the lottery one of my first purchases will be tickets for the modern day Orient Express), and I'll definitely be watching the game progress as I think I could learn a lot from the techniques you're using to manage it. Oh, and that's a great blog too by the way!

Similarly thanks too to you Dr Peterson for the kind invitation to join your Gaslight era game. Again though, I'll politely decline if I may. The era appeals but I'm really looking for a CoC adventure, and one that is very much grounded in reality. I know to some that may seem like a contradiction in terms, but what I particularly enjoy about Lovecraft's stories is the fact that they're absolutely set in the real world - until the weird stuff starts happening! Good luck with your game though, it'll certainly be interesting to see how the system you're using works out.

Re: Online Friends, I Salute You!

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 7:35 pm
by Dave Syrinx
At ease Col. Harbringer,
I´ve started Aquitania, a real ocean liner game. Real people, no weirdness... Not yet that is.
Mostly the rich and fortunate have afforded passage.

They are getting the lay of the land and finding out how to navigate on the ship.

The trouble is that the keeper of that game is real slow, at posting that is. I´m updating the game
over this weekend and hope to see another passenger in first class.

The voyage of a lifetime

And, welcome to the boards, Harbringer!


Re: Online Friends, I Salute You!

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 3:15 pm
by Colonel Harbinger
Hello to you Syrinx!

That looks an interesting setting aboard one of Cunard's most famous liners. The ship's library may be well stocked, but I doubt a Cthulhu adventurer will find much to aid them :o

I'm keeping a watching eye out for an vacancies in games that interest me, but in the meantime I've started creating in Photoshop some player handouts for what I anticipate will be my first stab at being a keeper - a Gaslight adaptation of The Haunting.

Not exactly an untried scenario I acknowledge, but looking through the Hall of Fame on this forum I see only one completed game, and that was in the Classic Setting. My own version will hopefully be an atmospheric Gaslight scenario set in the throbbing heart of the British Empire, Victorian London. The Corbitt House is translated into a once grand but now crumbling early Victorian villa in Pimlico, and the player characters are all members of the South London Rationalist Society - seekers of the truth who aim to unmask the many bogus faith healers and spiritualists common to London at the time. Anyway, it'll be a while before all my supporting material is ready so in the meantime it's watch and learn from the good members of this forum.

Re: Online Friends, I Salute You!

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 3:30 pm
by Dave Syrinx
So true, but you don't know the secret history about the making of Aquitania...
Anyhow, good luck on setting up the Haunting.
Will be looking out for it when it goes up. Might even apply.
Best wishea.