Hullo Hullo

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Hullo Hullo

Post by Supercape »

New player here!

Ill confess, its been years since I played CoC, and my rule knowledge is weak (Functional but not good). I have a lot of experience on PbP boards (other sites) however.

I have been rereading HP over the last few months and had a unquenchable desire to play again! My RPG palate is for very dramatic / narrative games rather than anything tactical - and I recall how CoC is a game that, wonderfully, you can't "win", only transform (to dead or insane). I also rather like the way PbP games are full of prose, and can stretch my limited writing skills.

So I am up for pretty much anything (probably not running - rules is not my thing).
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Mr. Handy
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Re: Hullo Hullo

Post by Mr. Handy »

Welcome, Supercape! I've validated you, so now you can post on the game boards.

You'd be welcome to join my games, and I'm more than happy to take on new players. All of my games are well underway. The Shadow Over Dunwich, the third adventure in my Doctor Who/Call of Cthulhu campaign, is a UNIT adventure set in 1985 Dunwich, England. It's currently wrapping up, and it may be done in the next week or so, but you could still join if you really want. You don't even need to do much catching up if you join, as you can create a UNIT soldier or take over a recently added UNIT character at this point. No knowledge of Doctor Who is required, and there's a thread detailing everything you need to know about UNIT. If you don't mind doing back reading, there are a few abandoned characters, and you could take over one, but the game will probably be over before you can catch up on one of the characters who has been there since the start. After this scenario ends, I plan to start the fourth adventure, a Cthulhu Invictus scenario set in the late Roman Republic that I call The Brotherhood of Death. It wiil probably start in late June/early July.

I also run Zombie Apocalypse, a modern near-future non-Mythos game, though with a similar mythology. It has been stalled lately and could use some fresh brains.

There was also Space Oddity, based on Life on Mars/Ashes to Ashes and set in 1969 Philadelphia, but that has been dead for a long time, as all of the players have disappeared. I can bring it back if there's interest.
Doctor Who/CoC Campaign:
(viewforum.php?f=176)The Terror Out of Time
(viewforum.php?f=191)]The Ninth Planet
The Shadow Over Dunwich
The Brotherhood of Death
The Horror in the Blackout
The Masque of Nyarlathotep
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Re: Hullo Hullo

Post by Supercape »

Thanks for the welcome!

I'm up for most anything. My only two qualifiers (which are kind of related) are my rules knowledge is functional but weak, and for me an RPG is all about having fun roleplaying than "winning" or tactical considerations. So I would probably lean towards the more bleak "Mad" side, and make it about research, social interaction, etc, than firing rifles or so on (although I am not averse to the odd brawl!)

The Doctor Who one sounds too close to wrapping I guess. The Roman Republic ones sounds very interesting. Space Oddity has a certain novel appeal too, although Life on Mars/Ashes to Ashes is something I am nearly totally ignorant about. Still, a hippy 60s vibe sounds very interesting!
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Mr. Handy
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Re: Hullo Hullo

Post by Mr. Handy »

You're welcome! Zombie Apocalypse is probably not what you want then, as it's survival horror. It has more combat and less research, though it does have social interaction. I'm also all about fun roleplaying, and I give full instructions to all players for anything rules-related, so don't worry if you're not too familiar with them.

Space Oddity is tremendous fun, and you don't need to know anything about Life on Mars/Ashes for Ashes (it may be better if you don't, in fact). If I'm going to revive it, I will need someone to play Bill Johns, who is the linchpin character for the whole thing. This will mean doing a lot of back reading. If you're up for it, I can run the game even if you're the only player. You can find it in the Graveyard, under Modern Games.

The Brotherhood of Death should be a blast, and I'll make the formal announcement in I'm Thinking Of Running a Game... after the current game concludes. There isn't as much research in Cthulhu Invictus, but it does depend more on social interaction (especially for the scenario I have in mind). The Shadow Over Dunwich, while it had a lot of investigation and social interaction for the first two-thirds of the game, is now very actiony, though most of the combat is over at this point.
Doctor Who/CoC Campaign:
(viewforum.php?f=176)The Terror Out of Time
(viewforum.php?f=191)]The Ninth Planet
The Shadow Over Dunwich
The Brotherhood of Death
The Horror in the Blackout
The Masque of Nyarlathotep
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Location: Kent

Re: Hullo Hullo

Post by Supercape »

Cheers again.

I am defo up for Brotherhood of Death, if nothing else, for the novel value of CoC in ancient times (something I have never done before).

Shadow over Dunwich is also appealing although I have reservations about jumping into a game 2/3 over. I am not really averse to combat, but neither is it what I particularly like - I'm just neutral on the subject. The only hitch here is that as its "story first" for me, I sometimes end up RPing characters not doing the tactically "right" thing (which can be perceived as awesome or terrible depending on your perspective). So your guidance on that would be helpful.

Space Oddity sounds fun, but to be honest, I am not a fan of jumping into a pre existing character especially with a lot of backstory. Lazy, I know. I find I get the most bang for my buck playing when its a character I have generated (And have my own working model of in my head), so I'll probably duck out of that one, whilst adding a big thanks for consideration.
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Re: Hullo Hullo

Post by Supercape »

PS: I have long wanted to run / GM a "trip to Africa" horror adventure in the 1890s ("Hunt for the Nile" replaced by some quasi anthropological / occult horror search). Its probably a bit early to GM but throwing out it out there for consideration!
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Mr. Handy
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Re: Hullo Hullo

Post by Mr. Handy »

You can run a game any time you're ready, whether you've been a player or not, but there's nothing wrong with trying things out first before jumping in at the deep end. A Gaslight adventure would be most welcome here! I have one planned for my Doctor Who/Call of Cthulhu campaign, but it'll be years before I can get to it.

The Shadow Over Dunwich was 2/3 over when the action sequence started (it's analogous to the Raid on Innsmouth). It's currently about 99% done. I just have to resolve the final encounter.

I agree with putitng the story first. You should definitely stay true to your character, even if it's not the optimal thing to do. My NPCs do that too. Brigadier Crichton has made some rash in-character decisions that have resulted in something akin to Dieppe.

You're welcome again, and Space Oddity can remain shelved. I understand about wanting to create your own characters. You can do that in Zombie Apocalypse if it does interest you (we may be getting some players to revive it soon). That game does have some very intense story. It took six years of real time just to complete 24 hours of game time, and we're still only on the second day, so there won't be much catching up required (if any) for new characters. In The Brotherhood of Death, you'll be able to create your own character and join in from the beginning.
Doctor Who/CoC Campaign:
(viewforum.php?f=176)The Terror Out of Time
(viewforum.php?f=191)]The Ninth Planet
The Shadow Over Dunwich
The Brotherhood of Death
The Horror in the Blackout
The Masque of Nyarlathotep
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