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Pre-Game (Chung Yeung Festival)

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 9:00 am
by Dave Syrinx
This is what has passed.
(Victoria Wolf)

AM 7:30
At HK Central
Victoria Wolf arrives at the new job. She took the subway to Central station and coming up the steps she sees the dwarfed block surrounded by the Titan skyscrapers. This area of Hong Kon´g Island really belonged in another era.

The street is milling with traffic as the city slowly starts to come to life.

Re: Pre-Game (Chung Yeung Festival)

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 11:42 pm
by Mr. Handy

Victoria Wolf looks at the buildings and the people as she walks by them, flush with excitement. She was born in Hong Kong and has lived here all of her life, and now she has the chance the help protect the city she loves and its people, just as her father has been doing for all this time. She knows her new job will be a challenge, but she feels that she is ready and is eager to face it. Confidently, she strides towards the police precinct where she will be working, looking forward to meeting her new colleagues.

Re: Pre-Game (Chung Yeung Festival)

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 5:37 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Victoria walks along the sidewalk and comes to an old iron gate leading to the exercise yard of Central Police Station. The yard lies deserted, only a paper tumbling across the yard in the morning breeze stirs the image of total desolation.
She crosses the yard and enters through a set of blue double doors of the main building.
She turns and watches the yard again before heading inside.
Is this how the city honors its ancestors? By abandoning them and forgetting about them?

Inside she foyer she is greeted by Sgt Femming who she knows from speaking to him over the phone and from the HK Police college. Femming had held an SDU drafting call. Now, he´s supposed to get her a place to crash while on assignment here on Precinct 9.

"Welcome to Precinct 9, Constable Wolf!", he greets with a smile. Behind him, stacks of boxes await to be moved to a modern state of the art hi-tech station on the west bank of the island. No one else is in sight.

Re: Pre-Game (Chung Yeung Festival)

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 5:45 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Good morning, Sergeant," says Victoria, smiling back. "I was expecting there would be more people here. Where is everybody?"

Re: Pre-Game (Chung Yeung Festival)

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 6:42 pm
by Dave Syrinx
"We are orchestrating a sting operation on a location belonging to a street gang we´ve had under surveillance for the last six months. It´s just me and Lin Hwai-min are here to greet you. Lin is over at the flats to get the vacant apartments ready. The previous recruits left some stuff that needed to get moved. We should go over there and help her out." He points in the direction of the right wing corridor and offers to carry Victoria´s bag.

Re: Pre-Game (Chung Yeung Festival)

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 12:22 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you, Sergeant," says Victoria, letting him take her bag. "Of course, I'll be glad to help. Let's go." She walks with him down the corridor.

Re: Pre-Game (Chung Yeung Festival)

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 12:25 pm
by Dave Syrinx
They walk past the Chief Inspector´s office directly to the left. It looks all cleared out. To the right are large windows with a view of the yard and a small porch. They continue past the clerks´ room and the detectives office. At the end of the corridor a stairwell leads up and down. On the opposite side from the detectives office is the detention room, where suspect are being held before questioning.
"The holding cells are in the basement."
Femming comments as he shows Victoria up the stairs. "No tenants, yet. The previous ones were transferred to Lai Kai Prison two months ago."

As they get to the second floor Femming leads her out on a built in bridge walkway to the apartment house.
Inside the building he takes point and walks up to the top floor. "We believed you wanted a great view. If you rather want one of the lower flats, we can prepare another one..." As the two officers get to the top floor, Lin Hwai-Min exits the flat with a black plastic bag, zipped tight.

"Ah, welcome to the loneliest place in Hong Kong!" She puts the bag outside the doorway and greets Victoria with a palm extended. She hesitates and wipes her hand on her thigh and offers it again. "Hwai-Min"

Are you OK with the ultra realistic approach to "being on site"? I think it´s quite cool to feel the life on the streets like this.
Over and out!

Re: Pre-Game (Chung Yeung Festival)

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 8:44 pm
by Mr. Handy

Victoria grins and shakes her hand. "Victoria," she says. "I'm very pleased to meet you." She glances back at Sergeant Femming. "This will do nicely, Sergeant. I do like the view."
OOC,Yes, I like the realism.

Re: Pre-Game (Chung Yeung Festival)

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 9:59 pm
by Dave Syrinx
"Good." Femming seems pleased that his assessment of proper flat accommodations suits Wolf. He places her bag on a bed in the room directly to the right.
"Get your things unpacked and come down to the detectives office when you´re done. We have some calls directed to us from the new central office. Guess they leave the dirty jobs to us. But in two months we´re shutting down for good. Just as good we get some stray calls till then." He smiles at Hwai-Min, "But this sting we sent the others on will bring us honor and prestige with the chiefs, no doubt." He clarifies, "We have ten officers assigned to this precinct and they should be back any minute."

As he starts down the stairs, he says, "See you in a minute."

Re: Pre-Game (Chung Yeung Festival)

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 1:42 am
by Mr. Handy

Victoria quickly unpacks her things, not wanting to keep Sergeant Femming waiting. When she is done, she heads back downstairs to the detectives' office.

Re: Pre-Game (Chung Yeung Festival)

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 11:00 pm
by Dave Syrinx
When Victoria gets into the detectives´ office she becomes aware of the relics they use to monitor their cases.
On a white-board, or rather grey-board - recent deaths and licensed establishments are listed.


On the wall facing the white-board a laminated map over the northern parts of Hong Kong Island is mounted.
An old MacOne is used to entering reports and a telex-plotter is used for transcripts. On all desks around the room, Canon Typestar machines are plugged in and bring an air of technology to the work space.
Femming draws a new line on the board. "We got a 999-call of a 417 disturbance on Chi Lok Terrace 22, 4th floor, apartment 16b. The woman living there has reported a man with a gun in her apartment. She is screaming and bothering people on the street. Can you get this Wolf?"

Re: Pre-Game (Chung Yeung Festival)

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 3:50 am
by Mr. Handy

Victoria nods eagerly. "I'm on it, Sarge," she says, already planning the quickest route to the location in her head. She hurries back outside and over to Chi Lok Terrace, looking forward to her first real assignment. The potential danger concerns her, and she's heard that domestic situations are the worst because anything can happen, but she's been preparing herself to face this sort of thing for some time.

Re: Pre-Game (Chung Yeung Festival)

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 5:31 pm
by Dave Syrinx
ImageMoving out of the detectives office, she swipes one set of keys for the squad cars parked out under the car port in the yard outside. She checks with Femming who nods. On the way out she checks her service weapon and radio. Before getting out of the building she contemplates if she should ask Hwai -Min to come with but decides to do this solo. This must be her test run for sure.

Eight minutes later she parks outside Chi Lok Terrace. The Toyota Prius handled quite nicely. She surveys the street as she gets out and soon spots the cause of the commotion.
A hysterical woman is being calmed down by two civilians by the curb.
About twenty passers by watch Wolf as she looks up at the fourth floor. A number of cell phones are up and used as cameras. No movement in the windows.
The woman desperately tries to get free to return in to the building but is held back by the two men helping her.
From the report there should be an armed man somewhere. Reports rarely told the truth. This could be a prank or dead serious. When she was back at the desk, she´d know what was what.
I need a spot check for this segment of the game, please.

Re: Pre-Game (Chung Yeung Festival)

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 4:36 am
by Mr. Handy

Victoria can't see anything when she looks at the fourth floor windows, so she approaches the woman. "Ni hao," she says to her in Chinese, a smile on her face and her voice calm and soothing. "I am Police Constable Victoria Wolf. I'm here to help you. Please tell me what happened."

Re: Pre-Game (Chung Yeung Festival)

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 9:26 pm
by Dave Syrinx
The woman stops flailing and looks at the police uniform. "A-a-a man walked in my apartment. He got gun. Point at me, say leave. I not go. He hit me." Victoria can see a gash in the woman´s temple. The woman starts to try to get away from the two men keeping her down."My child! She´s in there. I, I got to get her."

"She lives in 16b."
One of the men tells Wolf.
There´s a shot fired from the building. It is soon followed by two other shots. From the sound of it it´s from the same weapon or at least the same kind of weapon.

Re: Pre-Game (Chung Yeung Festival)

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 9:46 pm
by Dave Syrinx

Location Bank of China Tower
From the top of the building, Bric Sodeyama gazes down at his latest piece of art work. The mid section of the sky scraper now seemed to have vanished in a blue haze. The amount of blue he had spent on those sheets of glass during the night had been a hardship. The result, however, was astonishing.

He removes his safety harness and prepares the chute for the dive. Before jumping he signals to Jimmy Chin to get ready to jump too, he dares his brother in crime and says "Live a little."

Then he takes the plunge.

[Camera zooms out from the close up. Showing a free fall down the face of the building.]

Re: Pre-Game (Chung Yeung Festival)

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 3:46 am
by Mr. Handy

Victoria instinctively crouches low when she hears the shots. "Everyone stay down! Get behind cover and clear the area!" she shouts. She looks the woman in the eye. "I'll go in there to get your child. You stay safe so that she still has a mother." She approaches the building carefully, staying behind cover. She'll worry about treating the woman's injuries later; rescuing the child and the safety of the bystanders is her first priority. In one hand she draws her weapon, and in the other she takes out her radio and reports in. "This is PC Wolf at the Chi Lok Terrace. A male with a gun entered Apartment 16b without permission, ordered the female who lives there to leave, and hit her. She could use medical attention, but her condition is not serious. A female child is still in the apartment, possibly a hostage. The male has fired three shots from the building so far. Requesting backup."


"Hey, wait for me!" calls Jimmy. Having prepared his chute, he too takes off his harness and leaps after Bric.

Re: Pre-Game (Chung Yeung Festival)

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 4:42 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Chi Lok Terrace 22

replies over the radio, "I´ve requested a patrol from 11th district to your location. Constable Hwai-Min will be arriving at any minute too."

While Wolf hides in the doorway leading inside the apartment building she can hear sirens getting closer.

Location Bank of China Tower

free falls for a few moments, then pulls the release. The chute opes and he steers away from the bank.

I need a 97+ check on the chute. Should the result be 97 or higher the chute won´t open...

Re: Pre-Game (Chung Yeung Festival)

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 5:01 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Cheers, Sergeant," replies Victoria. "I've taken cover in the entryway to the building. The gunman can't get a bead on me here, but my backup will need to be careful when crossing his line of fire." She looks through the entrance into the building lobby to see if there's anyone inside or anything out of place.


Jimmy yells with delight as the wind whips through his hair and the sensation of free fall makes his stomach lurch. He pulls the cord, and his chute opens, slowing his descent.

Re: Pre-Game (Chung Yeung Festival)

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 4:58 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Location Bank of China Tower
After performing a decent landing in the regulated grass and gravel zone beneath the sky scraper,
gets free of the chute and lets it escape in the wind. He jogs over to the waiting Kawasakis and mounts one of them. He waits for Jimmy to catch up. Then he leads a race to the hide out.

At the den, he shows Jimmy a print out of a ware house close to the Crystal Hills waste plant. "There´s a trailer with electronics due for delivery to the US. But I have a connection who´s paid the driver to pick up a scrap order from Sanyo. A phone being ditched due skipping an upgrade. Totally good phones - bound for recycling. We can totally sell them as the latest model. But our gig is to let him load the phones - then to take what we want. Just knock him our and leave him to his fate. "

Chi Lok Terrace 22

can´t see anything out of place in the entrance or the elevator area. The elevator is coming down, though. That much is evident from the elevator panel. There´s no more shooting from upstairs.
On the other side of the street from Wolf, a marked car from 11th arrives with two constables. The two youths in uniform open the doors and squat out from the car under cover of the doors. They draw their sidearms and scan the windows from their side. They signal negatory towards Wolf.

Re: Pre-Game (Chung Yeung Festival)

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 5:32 am
by Mr. Handy

"Like taking candy from a baby," says Jimmy, studying the picture. "Sounds too easy. What's the catch?"


Victoria points at the elevator, then leans against the outside wall beside the entrance so that she will not be visible to anyone getting out of it. She motions for the two constables to join her, then carefully peeks around the corner to see who emerges from the elevator.

Re: Pre-Game (Chung Yeung Festival)

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 7:00 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Location Bric a Brac

Bric smiles slyly at Jimmy. "What´s the fun in going in all safe?" He points at a structure close to the waste plant. Hong Kong Island High Risk Penitentiary (CHP). "We don´t want to visit that place, do we?" He lights a smoke and draws on the stick. "Backing out?" He blows the smoke out to obscure his face. "He might have company in the truck who might be armed. Then there´s the warehouse staff - I have not checked the place out but my boy says they are a handful of losers."

He drops the fag at the basement flat that is Bric´s temporary crib. "Who do we want in on the gig?"

Chi Lok Terrace 22
The two rookies arrive beside Wolf. The elevator doors open. An Asian man with a automatic stretched out in front of him, ready to shoot, and a backpack slung over his shoulder walks confidently out of the elevator.

Behind Victoria she hears a car come to stop some ten meters up the street. "Hwai-Min, reporting in, status?", comes over the radio at Victoria´s shoulder.

Re: Pre-Game (Chung Yeung Festival)

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 4:51 am
by Mr. Handy

"We'll need a good wheelman, that's for sure," says Jimmy. "I'm not a good enough driver." He tries to think of who he might know that can do the job.


"One Asian male suspect armed with a revolver emerging from the elevator into the lobby," Victoria whispers into her radio. "He has a backpack, contents unknown. The child might even be in there, not sure of her age, so be careful. Looks like he's trying to escape. If he comes out the front, we can take him from behind. Try to keep the crowd out of harm's way." She stays flat against the wall outside the entrance, motioning for the rookies to do the same. The other rookies, she reminds herself. She's just as green as they are, maybe more. She waits to see whether the man will head for the front door or do something else. She holds her pistol in her right hand, and in her left she holds her mace - just the thing to incapacitate the guy if she can get the drop on him.

Re: Pre-Game (Chung Yeung Festival)

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 3:34 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Bric´s cell comes to life and he picks up. "Hi Aden, we´re at my crib. We´ve got a job over at Crystal Hill. Care to be our wheelman?" He smiles at Jimmy. William never turns down a gig.
From the plans Bric has laid to plan the gig, it´s plain to see that it will take about ten minutes for security from the prison to get to the waste plant if they wanted to.
There are some pictures of people wearing overalls with CHWP on the backs. Four in total. One of them has military training, an old timer. The other three looks like high school drop outs. From a timetable it´s evident that the truck shall arrive to the plant for a pick-up at 11 AM. That´s two hours from now.
Jimmy also sees a holdall with handguns, silencers and ammo boxes under the table. Bric seems to have this planned out to go smoothly but with an expectation of something to go wrong. Well, you can never prepare to much, can you?

"It´s crunch time, Aden. Need you to be over asap. The hit time is in two hours." He ends the call.

"So, what do you think?"
He eyeballs Jimmy.

Re: Pre-Game (Chung Yeung Festival)

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 3:41 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Chi Lok Terrace 22

The man comes running at the front door and seems intent om barging through the door to escape the building. Now, from what Victoria can see, the man looks scared from something. He uses the hand he has free to push the door open and at close range his eyes look watery. He looks past the three rookies by the entrance, not paying any attention to them. He raises the gun at something in the air. Something unseen.

Re: Pre-Game (Chung Yeung Festival)

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 5:01 am
by Mr. Handy

"I think we can make this work," says Jimmy. "Any way we can get overalls like that for ourselves? That might help us get the drop on them."


"Police, drop your weapon!" says Victoria in Chinese, ready to take immediate action if he makes any sudden moves or points the revolver at anyone.

Re: Pre-Game (Chung Yeung Festival)

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 12:25 pm
by Dave Syrinx
OOC: Jimmy is continuing in this thread: Bric´s Crib (Will´s character is named Aden. Sorry for my mix up.)

Chi Lok Terrace 22

The man fires several shots into the sky. After ten shots he drops the gun and cowers, screaming on the sidewalk. The two rookies tackle him and cuff him. (If not Victoria decides to take him down before.)

Re: Pre-Game (Chung Yeung Festival)

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 4:47 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,[b]Victoria[/b] would have maced him as soon as he started shooting. She certainly wouldn't give him a chance to reload, and most revolvers don't have ten chambers. ;)

"Suspect in custody," reports Victoria on the radio. "No sign of the child yet. She could still be upstairs." She examines the backpack, looking to see if it might be big enough to contain a child, but being careful not to touch it yet.

Re: Pre-Game (Chung Yeung Festival)

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 10:53 am
by Dave Syrinx
:D I´ll edit to an automatic.
As the gunman started shooting Victoria maced him - to little effect. He nevertheless fired the entire clip.
The backpack is too small to hold a child Victoria estimates. The gunman shouts as if in pain oblivious to the two rookies handling him. Cuffed and ready for transportation, the gunman seems to calm down.

Re: Pre-Game (Chung Yeung Festival)

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 4:59 am
by Mr. Handy

"Good job, everyone," says Victoria. "We need to get up to apartment 16b, where the woman lives, and check for the child. The woman has some minor injuries and can use some medical attention too."

Re: Pre-Game (Chung Yeung Festival)

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 3:22 pm
by Dave Syrinx
One of the rookies moves away from the cuffed man while the other maneuvers the man in custody into the backseat of the patrol car. At the end of the street an ambulance arrives with flashing lights but no siren. The rookie, in the foyer takes the stairs and heads upwards.

Re: Pre-Game (Chung Yeung Festival)

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 5:23 am
by Mr. Handy

"The gun needs to be taken in for evidence," says Victoria. "Don't forget to clear the chamber, just in case there's still a bullet in." With the man in custody and the scene secured, Victoria heads upstairs with the rookie.