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Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 6:03 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Johnny Walken was no coward, just careful. That had helped him in the past and would help him in his present situation. The army surplus visits, last year, had really paid off. When all shit broke lose five hours ago, he was the first one who sensed danger. He would in a regular fire drill too, of course. But this time it had been for real. Not many moments after he´d donned the 1986 model gas mask from Germany, had his fellow sales reps at Umbrella Corporation Sales dept started to drop like flies. Staying low, he skillfully evaded the security cameras.

Never trust the computer!
had been his motto for many years. That´s why he still manually filled out his bills and walked them to the bank at the end of every month. The bank was surely skimming his accounts. Damn if he´d let them have his money all the time.

The long walk out of the HIve - death trap had taken him four hours. He never once took the mask off. At last he came to the shopping mall, west of the Hive. This was where Umbrella got all supplies to the company. As well as recruiting personnel.

The subway was absolutely sealed. No way of getting out that way. Only back to the Hive. The tracks stopped at a dead end of mountain rock.

Ascending the escalator manually as it was shut off, listening to muzak coming from hidden wall-speakers, he started to find dead people here too. They were dead right? Or just unconscious... he hoped. Taking the stairs up to the parking garage took no time for him. Even though he had been hiking for four hours he felt he had the stamina to pull this through.
Johnny opens the metal door to the next floor - the parking area. Seeing the exit ramps
are open, he heads towards them. As he comes closer to the exit he walks a bit faster, running almost. Freedom!

The parking garage is a normal garage. Johnny counts to thirtyfive vehicles parked here. Two exits lead to the outside. To the east and to the west. He´s close to the east, right now. The stairs he just left are fifty meters behind him.
He can spot security cameras close to the exit ways. They are moving but he has not walked into their arc, yet. The stairs continued upwards to the first floor as well, he read by the exit door to this floor. What did he bring from his office, btw?

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 6:28 pm
by kabukiman
OOC,cellphone, keys, spray to self defense and some crowbar or anything like that he may found

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 6:56 pm
by Dave Syrinx
The cell phone went dead half way to the shopping mall. Some interference from the main computer, no doubt. Other that that Johnny may have some stuff from his drawer from the army surplus? What´s the next move?

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 8:05 pm
by kabukiman
OOC,I didn't join the army, so I don't knew the regular material :oops: , maybe some food and a bussola?
Johnny will try to go by east side, but waiting that the camera don't spot him.

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 8:21 pm
by Dave Syrinx
In a small bag he got to grab before he evacuated the Hive, Johnny keeps his twenty rations of dried jerky all packaged in vacuum packs. A multi-tool and a compass as well as a two liter canteen are in there as well along with a flash light and a rad-meter. He makes the strap holding the bag together rest a bit more comfortably over his shoulder and ducks under the camera and heads for the eastern exit. He steps out on the ramp and immediately three red dots appear playing on the cement floor. They quickly reach his chest and stays there, almost unmoving...

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 11:08 pm
by kabukiman
OOC: Is there any wall or something that he may hide behind to avoid been shot?

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 11:37 pm
by Dave Syrinx
The safest option is to back away from the ramp. Two quick steps backwards will get him out of sight. To sprint out in the dark to a nearby outer wall is not advisable. But, if Johnny tries to push forward to find a protective wall to press against, you´ll have to roll Luck, not to get shot. He sees the ramp going out on the street outside. There the road goes left and right. Across the street is a parking lot. On the others side of the parking lot is an apartment high rise. He sees something glimpse in one of the windows. Beside the ramp, on both sides, small walls ward off the ramp from the sidewalk. They are his cover, should he try to dive. But as stated to back away is the safest bet. If he´s lucky and fast he might have a chance to get away. The odds of three snipers missing a target are high, though.

Johnny takes in his precarious situation and makes a split decision...

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 11:54 pm
by kabukiman
-I didn't survive sleeping gas from a mad computer to be shot by some rambo...
Johnny returns back.

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 1:16 pm
by kabukiman
OOC: Can he reach his car without being shot/detected?

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 5:15 pm
by Dave Syrinx
OOC: Johnny´s car is parked at the Hive parking... Three hours walk from the shopping mall. Sorry. There are plenty of cars to boost, though. Johnny has 10% in car boosting, so after ten attempts on different cars he´ll get one started. Consider the ride of your choice to be Johnny´s "borrowed" car.

tries the ten choiciest cars, but the state of the art anti theft systems warded off the car assailant. He tries five more and gets lucky.

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 12:17 am
by kabukiman
OOC: Then he get's a Lamborghini, a imported car from a director.

Johnny cursed those new anti-theft systems. His older brother had explained him how to do it; now he was mechanic. He earned less then 1/3 of Johnny. "But at least he isn't trying to escape from a mad computer and some snipers"- thought Johnny philosophically. He lost his count of how many tries. Then a car started. An old Lamborghini, probably a collection car, whose owner didn't wanted to adapt the system. Johnny luck. He looked at the exit, and after a brief moment of hesitation, he launched the car at full speed.

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 3:48 pm
by Dave Syrinx
The Lambo roars and Johnny speeds up the ramp, turning the wheel a bit too heavily but the anti spin system kicks in and heaves the spin. No red dots, no shots fired as far as he can make out.
The car darts down the street to the left, heading for the secluded areas outside the city. That is that´s the plan. Looking straight ahead, Johnny sees a road lock and S.T.A.R.S police vehicles at the intersection. The only options are to turn left and circle the mall, stop at the road lock or try to run through it... A few thoughts race through Johnny´s mind, though. Would he be able to reverse back to the garage? Why not just exit and tell the cops what happened? His heart beats faster. He adjusts the gas mask and breathes. From the corner of his eye he sees a helicopter circle over the mall.
What now?

Do you have a character picture I can post on the cast-list? Scuse the hold-up I´v been at the ICU with my wife.

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 12:17 pm
by kabukiman
OOC,Np, real life comes first, I hope everything goes well with your wife
He will go to the police.
Johnny decide to risk his chance with the police. At the worst, they would put him in cistody in a far away place of that dead place, and a cell seemed a nice place now.

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 8:58 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Easing the pressure on the gas pedal, Johnny prepares to stop at the road block. However, as he comes closer to the police cars, he sees them ready their assault rifles and open fire! A cascading torrent of ammunition hit the newly boosted car. Most of the rounds hit windshield. Luckily it´s bullet proof. The windshield´s visibility is close to none as thirty rounds spiderweb the shield. The rest of the rounds hit the front of the car. The tires are all good, the on-board computer signals. The warning lamp for the engine shines red, however. And the windshield indicator flashes orange.

The orders must be to shoot to kill on anyone exiting the mall/hive. Johnny just stares as the now, white webbed shield and listens to the engine, still humming. Time to buy a lottery ticket... The police who fired make room for another squad of STARTS SWAT. These guys have grenade launchers mounted underneath the assault rifles.

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 11:20 am
by kabukiman
Johnny feet jumps to the pedal and he turns to the first block he can so he may avoid the launch grenades. Then he will return to the mall.
OOC,Does the car have any cellphone or radio so he may try to contact anyone? And I think this image is a good way to show Johnny mind

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:18 pm
by Dave Syrinx

Johnny gets out of the tight spot by reversing and braking the car to a skid. He then turns left and races around the block, coming to the other exit ramp from the parking garage. Coming back into the garage he makes the Lambo stop at the stairs he not a long time ago came up from.
He looks at the exits and sees no one coming after him. The security camera pans to the parked car.
The stairs lead down back to the subway as well as up to the first floor of the mall. Further away to the left a bay of elevators wait with the doors shut. The indicator shows they are at the main floor, one floor up.

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 11:41 am
by kabukiman
Johnny decides to return to the mall. Maybe he can find something useful in a store?

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 7:36 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Walking up the stairs, Johnny can hear soft music from the ceiling. The music theme is a strange mix of musac. Tunes heard before, but not quite...
He comes to a set of double doors with a large 1 on them. There are round windows in the doors and an electronic lock blinking red. The doors seem to be locked. But as he closes in on the doors his high level security pass, shifts the doors´lock to green and the doors swing open. Through the doors come a small trickle of water from the public area of the mall. In the water are bodies floating. Women, men and children. The stench is horrible.

Having seen many dead during the last couple of hours have hardened Johnny, but if he fails the SAN check at this point he will have to throw up, and remove his mask.... Roll SAN!

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 11:46 am
by kabukiman
Johnny was certain now that all those people were dead. He felt dizzy... His eyes were crying. He wanted to puke. He removed his mask.
OOC,What's the penalty for failing the check?
OOC2,Yep, he really removed his mask

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 2:17 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Oh! Sorry... 1d6 roll, 1-4 just nausea, 5-6 can´t jhold it in - remove mask and vomit.

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 9:00 pm
by Dave Syrinx
After fighting the stench, Johnny advances through the doors. He gets into a corridor leading to the main store walkway. It´s lit up by emergency light lining the corner where the walls meet the floor. From somewhere inside the mall a voice can be heard over the muzak, "Crawford! Help him out!" "Hale! Keep that position of Dr. Sanchez open." "Larsen! You come with me and Collins and Hale!" "Collins, do you have something C.L. can give that girl to get her moving?" After a brief apprehension comes more, "You escort the girl. If you are unable to continue at our pace ... Well, you know what to do ..." From the sound of it, someone very angry, with military background is shouting orders, from anywhere in the mall. This guy is screaming quite loudly.

Johnny´s position is at the second "emergency label" (near room 180) from the left side of the map. (A stairwell leading outside, in this case the parking garage)

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:49 am
by kabukiman
"Nice. Militaries. At least this group has someone who don't belong to their group and haven't shoot at her for now. Maybe I'l follow them".

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:36 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Moving up to the main hallway, where the mall proper begins, Johnny hears that the military are to the right. He picks up voices and footsteps in the puddles. Not close, more in the end of the right wing of the mall. The store to the left (146) is a Guns and Ammo store. Metal blinds down and locked. A card reader is placed by the metal curtain to the left on the wall.

The store to the right (142) is a H&M clothes store.

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:31 pm
by Dave Syrinx
The people around you rise ...

As if having suffered from a sleeping drug, more wake up, most seem to be suffering some sort of seizure. Some bodies shake, others move without coordination, like learning to walk again, but the point is that slowly and surely, the people rise. They shouldn´t as they showed to signs of life a minute ago. You had made sure of that when you walked into the mall.
Many emit drowned moans, others are waking up in silence. Their eyes look without seeing, as if they are drunk. However, those close to you look straight at you.

The moans increase in volume, eclipsing the music. Now they begin to focus, but it seems that they don´t actually see but go by another sense. It is as if they are searching for something, as if they needed something desperately vital to them. Their moans and expression of infinite pain and suffering in their faces are results of them not finding it. Imagine the terror when finding out you have no air to breathe when drowning. Or when you face yourself exhausted and starting to sink after a few hours in the ocean.

This discription fits to those not close to yourself. They who are close by are directed towards you, as if they had found exactly what they want. They have found their salvation. Now they move with intent as if close to the finish line.

Johnny, roll 1d10 to see how many awakened people are close by. (Within reach...)

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 5:22 pm
by kabukiman

-Men, this can't be good...
Johnny starts running in direction of the voices he heard before.

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:27 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Clarification of the situation:
Seeing the awakened people just on his heels makes his head race. To get to the soldiers he would have to run straight ahead and turn right, then he sees he´d have to zig zag his way through the mall. But through the hall hundreds of people get to their feet. It´s like getting to the hot dog stand at half time on a soccer game. The closest at one o'clock, a man in his forties wearing a Pepsi T-shirt and who is all drenched in water and vomit grasp at Johnny as if the man was drowning and grabbing for a railing to get out of the water. These guys are not well by any standard, he thinks to himself.

Getting past these guys without getting caught he would have to have some luck on his side. To go back where he came from, would be easier...
Only one awakened comes lurching from the exit doors he just came from. It would be easy to pass that guy, a man of sixty years or more wearing a checkered suit and a walking cane. The old man walks aimlessly as he hasn´t seen or observed Johnny yet.

To make a run for the soldiers you need to roll luck to pass the first encounters. Failing that roll will give the closest one a chance to grab at Johnny. Then to reach the soldiers, a luck roll is needed for every ten meters run. It´s 50 meters to the turn to the right wing. A failed luck roll gives 1d3 awakened an opportunity to assault Johnny

Should you let him head back, it´s a natural success. Trying the corporate card in the card reader to Guns & Ammo is one opportunity. Maybe his card will get the shutters to open? Should it work, he´d still have to try to fend off the closest awakened - not to get affected by whatever their condition is.

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 1:08 pm
by kabukiman
Ok, so Johnny plays safe and return and try to go to the Guns & and Ammo.

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 1:33 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Johnny eyes the man with the cane and bolts to the card reader by the guns and ammo store. He puts a couple of meters between himself and the Pepsi guy. He pulls his card from his jacket pocket and waits...
A light starts blinking red on the top of the reader. Then it turns green and the blinds start to rise.

To slip in under the curtain before it´s raised further and get out of the way before the Pepsi man cometh, you must roll below Johnny´s dex on a d20. Should that fail, he won´t have time this round to get inside. Then he must fend off the customer with a shove or try to dodge him. Shove will use the fist attack but will be directed to make the guy to fall backwards or take a few steps back - without injuring knuckles as when hitting someone. He can move away from the rising curtain and move towards the exit. Then if he wants to get to the Guns and Ammo store he would have to roll against luck to pass the four customers in the area.

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 2:37 pm
by kabukiman
Johnny slips quickly under the curtain.
-Go find a girlfriend elswere your F*** pervert!

OOC: What weapons he has acess?

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 4:40 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Not missing a beat, Johnny is inside the armoury. He quickly gets to one knee and slips the card in an identical reader on the other side of the wall. The curtain goes downwards again as the Pepsi man thumps into the folded steel curtain. The red light from the card reader is the only illumination source inside the gun shop. Before the curtain is closed the little emergency light from the mall outside is enough to make out the surroundings in Raccoon´s Guns & Ammo.

As for weapons on the glassed shelves, Johnny can find all types of handguns, automatic and revolvers. There are also many hunting type rifles as well as scopes.
Shotguns are at display on a wall behind a counter furthest in the shop. Ammunition and shells are stored in a back room as precautionary measures, a sign says laminated to the counter´s front. The door is visible and open. Before the curtain goes down all the way, Johnny catches a glimpse of knives and machetes in a glass display just inside the front entrance. The glass doors to the blades are locked.

Bear in mind that no gun shops, in malls, sell automatic weapons, so there are no sub-machine guns or large calibre machine guns. Of course, he can' t find explosives or grenades either.

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 5:25 pm
by kabukiman
Is there anyone inside? Anyway, Johnny grabs as quick as possible a revolver and the ammo to load it. Then if the place is safe, he will look for other material: a bag, a machete, a rifle (and plenty of ammo for the revolver and the rifle); no point of having more weapons, he hasn't a truck to transport it.

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 4:48 pm
by Dave Syrinx
In the darkness of the guns store, the only light is the small red LED by the card reader. Remembering where the revolvers are at, Johnny feels his way over and grabs one. Then he realizes he must go past the counter and in to the back room to get ammunition. Hesitating to whether that is wise, he turns and looks at the glass display with machetes. Then a definite sound comes from the back room. The same moaning he heard out in the mall comes from the back room. Certainly the customers and shop clerks within the stores when everyone fell to sleep are still here. The steel blinds just went down to secure the place making sure no one escaped.
Johnny is sure there are at least two different sources of noise from the back room. And that is not all he hears. Three fast burst of automatic fire comes from outside the shop. The bursts are followed by a long burst and two single shots. He also hears screams but can´t make out anything from them.
There are more thuds on the metal blinds as the lonely Pepsi man is accompanied by the four other customers. He can hear them banging on the steel blinds.

Only shades of black and grey can be seen in the store. The small red light source is enough to see a reflection in the glass display. He now can hear that at least one of the customers inside the back room has come out to the counter as the customer bumps into the counter. It´s ten meters to the counter from Johnny´s position between the revolver shelves and the glass display with the blades.

Does Johnny have anything to light up the store with, in his pockets maybe? Or will he try to make the place darker? No need to roll Sanity yet as this situation is what Johnny would expect as he is aware of numerous projects the directors have going. And still he´s not in real imminent danger. At least that is what he tells himself... Should things turn sideways, I´ll call on a roll. But not yet.

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 10:58 am
by kabukiman
OOC,Maybe a celphone with ligth?
Johnny will take any object he find and throw to the oposite corner where he is to make noise to attract the attention of the freaks (he doesn't knew their zombies I think).
Is there any fireweapon he can grab quickly with ammo? He won't be very picky with some weirdos near him...

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 1:10 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Johnny activates his flashlight beam on his Motorola and slides it over the floor to the other side of the store. The phone comes to a stop and lights its beam up at the ceiling. The reflected light illuminates the rack of guns so he can see something at least. No luck in finding any weapons with bullets in them.

On the counter is a box of shotgun shells. Evidently the last customer was in the process of making a purchase. There are shotguns close to where Johnny stands. A shotgun would suit fine as a blunt force trauma weapon, should he not have time to get to the shells.

But, he now also can see the two rabies infected people who came out of the back room. Could it be that the Umbrella Corporation spread a rabies virus making people frantic about water? The two move to the left of the counter.

Roll luck, twice to see if the two infected go for the light or for Johnny. If you´re lucky on both accounts, Johnny may take the shotgun and get to the shells, load and be ready for the next round. If either of the rolls fail, he must try to dodge the oncoming infected. If that fails, he may attack with the shotgun as a blunt weapon. (25% 1d8 damage 1d20+7 Hit Location.) He may also try to hide (50%)... Roll and stay still behind the glass display....

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 12:05 pm
by kabukiman
"Dammit! One of those things is coming here! I really should have accepted that job in New York, less pay but saffer".

Johnny had already understood that those creatures weren't very bright. So he dodged avoiding the creature giving him some time.

"How does this creature die? Piercing it's heart? No, that's vampires. Silver bullets? Not, those are werewolf. Should have seen less romantic movies with those chicks I use to date and more terror movies!"

Johnny tried to hit the creature, but he was so nervous that he missed the target.

-Sorry mate, I hope you won't be mad with me...

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 7:09 pm
by Dave Syrinx
In the gloom light, Johnny´s close miss sent him staggering past the shambling monster. This is the result of the company´s research? Turning innocent people into mindless fools??? The assailant, evidently the store keeper wearing a checkered shirt, attacks Johnny and bites him in the shoulder. Luckily Johnny gets the but of the shotgun to connect with the teeth of the store keeper, escaping the bite. Moving past the attacker, Johnny reaches the box of ammunition for the shotgun.

Hearing the commotion, the second monster in the store turns around and walks towards the counter where Johnny rushes past. outside the store, he can hear shots fire rapidly again, accompanied by the banging on the metal blinds to the store.

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 12:01 am
by kabukiman
Johnny will load as quick as possible the weapon and shoot at blank range (no need to take risks of failing!).

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 10:53 am
by Dave Syrinx
Johnny brings the barrel up to his waist and waits for the store keeper to get almost too close. He takes one step backwards to have some leeway if he misses, but he can´t really. Can he?

The cell phone in the far corner of the shop illuminates the room so Johnny can see that the second deranged man in the store is not far behind the store keeper. Johnny will have time to pump another shell in the chamber before he reaches him, though.

Base to hit is 30% point blank 60%. If it´s a hit roll 4d6 for damage. If it is a miss Johnny may jump inside the back room before the store keeper can attack. If you want him to.. You decide what he´ll do.

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 10:56 am
by Dave Syrinx
As things has been turning out, Johnny starts to wonder if he hadn´t been better off staying at the offices back in the Hive. Maybe there´s a chance to get back there? This place is a death trap. He has seen a handful of deranged people. And there are hundreds of stores in the mall.. And the police outside didn´t make the situation easier. .

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 10:47 am
by kabukiman
Johnny was nervous, if he failed it could be his end. He waited until the creature was almost grabing him and he triger the gun.
-Eat this your m***** f****!

The shot made an incredible sound and Johnny saw the creature being hit makin a lot of damage: it basically opened a hole. That should be enouth to kill. Or wasn't?

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 11:49 am
by Dave Syrinx
There´s a gap above the store keeper´s shoulders where the head was a second before. Johnny stares in amazement as the body drops to the ground.
Indifferent to what happened to the store keeper, the former customer closes in on Johnny.

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 12:21 pm
by kabukiman
Johnny reload as quick as possible to shoot again.
-This thing is easier than I thought. Hey, you wanna taste a bit of metal too?

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 12:37 pm
by Dave Syrinx
This time, if you aim for the head - deduct 5% from the to hit. 30-5=25 x 2 = 50%. If not the shot will hit a random hit location.

gets the shotgun ready and stands his ground. Soon the shop will be clear and he´ll get it to himself. The customer closes in on him with increasingly surer steps. As if he´s learning how to coordinate his movements after time. At first his walk was more stumbling.

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 2:54 pm
by kabukiman
Johnny didn't wait so much time, since the guy was abbandoning infancy and knew how to move itself: he didn't pointed in any particular part of the body and shot:

He saw a good part of the man flying away.

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 4:04 pm
by Dave Syrinx
The left arm of the customer is severed halfway between the shoulder and the elbow. Nevertheless he comes closer. He stretches his remaining arm and claws after his nemesis.

Another shot would do it. Normally, he would have been finished off. But these are no normal crazies. Roll luck to see if Johnny gets a second shot off before he has to retreat to the back room, or run around the store to the corner where his phone lies. Failure means he must face the attack from the infected and parry an assault with the gun or bolt away from the situation.
I added the character sheet for both Johnny and Kim, Here! Real ID-cards will be uploaded soon to the cast list.

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 4:45 pm
by kabukiman
OOC,Did I understand well? Can he instead of rolling luck, simply run away and reload near the phone? Or he must roll luck anyway?

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 4:55 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Yes that´s correct. That´s the safest. In a film, I guess he would fumble while trying to get the last shot off. But this is more realistic.

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 5:55 pm
by kabukiman
Johnny calculated that the madman would get him before he could reload the weapon, so he decide to run away to near the phone to reload there safely, since the guy was still learning how to walk.

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 6:33 pm
by Dave Syrinx
He reaches his phone and realizes that the pounding on the metal blind has increased. Maybe just the proximity to the source of the sound, but he certainly feels more exposed. This close to the threat of the outside. He calmly reloads the shotgun and waits for the pursuing customer. There- a clean shot.

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 10:00 am
by kabukiman
Johnny just pointed and shot

-Tralálá, your dead!. Again it seems.

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 10:16 am
by Dave Syrinx
The shot takes off the right leg and the customer slumps down motionless. Still, there´s the increased banging on the steel curtain. From the east comes even more gunfire. The good thing is that the main part of the Guns & Ammo store is cleared of threats.

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 10:32 am
by kabukiman
Johnny will stick to his plan: stuff with 3 weapons (one machette and 2 firearms and lot's of ammo.). Then he will go to the steel curtain. Can he see the madman outside?

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 1:50 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Johnny picks two Beretta 92s, with 17 round magazines. He stuffs his suit pockets with five extra clips, totalling 170 rounds plus the 34 loaded in the two guns. He takes a braod leather belt and beautifully carved cheat holding a Mahogany Machete with jagged back. He dons it across his chest so the machete rests on his back, accessible from his neck/back. Then he leaves the shotgun on the counter, loaded with two new shells beside the box of ammo.

He walks to the front of the store and tries to peer through the window and the metal blinds. On the other side he sees four crazies banging on the wall trying to get through. They become more violent as they feel his presence inside. Further away he sees five more but those he can outrun before they get to his location.

From the south-east he hears two long bursts of automatic fire.

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 2:30 pm
by kabukiman
OOC: Can he get near them and shoot against them from the outside?

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 2:48 pm
by Dave Syrinx
OOC. From the inisde you mean? The steel blinds open when Johnny uses the card in the card reader. If he opens the blinds, they will try to get through the glass sliding doors. He may try to sneak out through one of the sliding panels. Roll luck to see if he manages to get out before they reach him. Or, he could open the blinds and back up and cap them off as they enter... Both ways are dangerous. There might be a back door in the rear room...

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 3:09 pm
by kabukiman
OOC: I meant from the inside. I think the problem is that in Portugal we have a kind of curtains of steel with very big holes (that let you see perfectly well), that let you pass an hand. Obviously, your not talking of that kind, but some massive curtain.

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 3:16 pm
by Dave Syrinx
OOC: Yes, with very limited slits to peer through. More a metal mesh. So, no, shooting through the mesh is not a good idea. He could use the shotgun to blow a large hole (app 3 shells needed). That would let him fire through the hole... Roll Idea - and I´ll let Johnny use that strategy ;) .

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 3:35 pm
by kabukiman
Johnny has a briliant idea: he decides to shoot with the shotgun against the curtain and make a hole to kill the creatures by there.

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 5:13 pm
by Dave Syrinx
It takes three blasts with the shotgun to penetrate the steel blinds. The glass is shattered at the first shot, obviously, and then the second shot makes a bulge in the outer curtain. The third shot creates a hole, two fists wide.

Directly, a face appears in the hole. Staring eyes all blood shed the being presses its face against the hole.
This will reappear for the initial five customers. Roll to hit. Johnny won´t be able to miss by skill. Only by critical failure. Two shots per target finishes a target. The next five customers will be dealt with in the same way. Roll away!

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 5:17 pm
by kabukiman
Johnny shot the firts one, with two shots and killed the thing.

And then he saw another one appear.

OOC: Can I roll for the other four?

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 5:28 pm
by Dave Syrinx
You can roll for the following nine. A failure 97-99 will be a jam and he will have to clear that. (or prepare a new gun..) A 100 roll will result in a shot fired at a bad location - making the steel blinds to become unstable...

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 10:23 am
by kabukiman

Johnny kill them easily, feeling happy about the situation.
-This is quite easy actually! Should I drop the riffle for the shotgun? Maybe not.

OOC: What does Johnny have better stats? Rifle or shotgun? If it is shotgun, he will drop the rifle and it's ammo and keep the shotgun and a lot of ammo.

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 11:20 am
by Dave Syrinx
Actually the Beretta 92s is an automatic pistol. Johnny has 50% to hit. Shotgun has 30% base chance. Rifle has a 25% base chance. So I guess he´d be using the two Berettas he picked up. On the other hand a shotgun has wider spread and could injure more targets at once than a hand gun. The rifle has the benefit of hitting on long distance. Could be worth using to cap off targets from a balcony or such. Lesser to hit rate, but other benefits...
As he empties another clip of 9mm, the targets stop appearing in the hole. He waits. Nothing happens. He can hear movement outside, but not as much as before. The banging has stopped.

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 12:48 pm
by kabukiman
OOC,Ok, so two berettas and a shotgun (and lots' and lot's of ammo).
Johnny will open the curtain and see if anything is coming.

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 1:47 pm
by Dave Syrinx
10 clips (170 9mm rounds) plus the 34 loaded in the two Berettas. Shotgun with 30 shells (2 per load) Due to the load Johnny will have to roll -5% at all physical skill rolls.
Peering through the hole, Johnny first notices the mound of ten wounded and dieing customers. To the left he counts seventeen customers far away, maybe five shops away. It will take them a while to reach the store. He should be able to raise the curtain and dash out of there before any of them reaches him. Maybe they won´t even notice him...

Straight ahead and to the right, the coast is clear. No customers visible. They must have moved to where the hard core gun fire is - to the east. The tactics worked out quite nicely.

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 3:11 pm
by kabukiman
Is the gunfight still continuing?

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 4:21 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Johnny can hear a scream from the south east of the mall. "Aargh! You won´t get me!!!" Followed by a loud "BLAM!" A large caliber shot. The fight at that end is not over.

The directors had followed the tube, under the mall a bit further than Johnny did. He had taken the closest route to the outdoors. hoping to get out. He had yet to succeed to get out, safely - without getting shot at. He could double back to the emergency stairs, right south of the Guns & Ammo shop. Then head back to the corridor along the tube and see how far it went. The directors must have had a plan where to go.

He could also move eastward to see what all the shooting was about. Though, he had a hunch. Maybe they could help him? Or not... There´s always the option to get to the roof. Same stairs as to the basement.

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 5:09 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Another single shot is heard. Then all is quiet besides the muzak coming from speakers all over the mall.

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 5:15 pm
by kabukiman
Nervermind following the shooting. Even if they didn't try to kill him like the police outside, a big group would atract attentions; actually, as long as they would be alive and shooting like mad, the better to Johnny. Johnny closed the curtains, so if he needed to return, he wouldn't have to fight against madman again inside. Then he followed in the direction of the directors, hoping to find some way to escape.

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 5:37 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Using the ID-card he shuts the curtains and escapes around the corner. Unfortunately the customers five store away spot the movement and start in his direction. He gets to the emergency exit before they reach the corner, though. He uses the ID-card to unlock the doors and escapes out of the mall. In the stairwell he checks so he´s alone and heads downstairs to the corridor he used to escape from the Hive. He continues east in it and soon reaches a dead end. At the end of the corridor is a metal door with an electric lock and a keypad. No sign says what it is. No other exits lead from the corridor. At the place he entered the corridor he had access to a hatch leading down to the subway. That´s what he has to work with besides the parking garage area and the roof of the mall.

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:06 am
by kabukiman
OOC: Johnny will always close the doors, since the madman seems to be so dumb.

Can he blast away the door?

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:20 am
by Dave Syrinx
Johnny gets the reliable shotgun up and considers the idea of obliterating the steel door. He might manage to shoot up the electronic lock. Then he might short circuit the system. He could then attempt to pry the door open, using the shotgun as lever. After that he´d have to climb an elevator shaft since the elevator system would be out.

As Johnny is a part of the directors board, he might have the emergency code for these kind of elevators. Roll against INT on 1d100 to see if he does. If not, he still have a slim chance to crack the code. He has 41% in locksmith. Should that fail, he´ll get five attempts to get the four digit code. For every digit he´ll have to roll below INT on 1d100. To give luck a hand in the game, roll against Luck on every failed INT roll to make them right.

So first attempt to crack the code needs four rolls at one time, against INT. Then if any of the rolls fail, the respective roll gets a luck check. Repeat five times. Good luck!

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 12:40 pm
by kabukiman
Johnny tried to see if he remembered anyone telling code.
No, nobody had ever speak him of this door.

He decide to try what his brother teach him about doors:

Bingo! You can always trust in family!

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 12:45 pm
by Dave Syrinx

Code: Select all → [[57, 10],[35, 10],[69, 16],[26, 49, 11]] = (283)
This is an example of coding the roll in Invisible Castle. Every roll above 18 is rerolled. As you can see the first four rolls are above 18. The second rolls are all below 18! Then the fourth digit is a miss, needing an extra roll. (Needing a luck check to go through ;)

Code: Select all

1d100 → [81] = (81)
Failing, sadly. This shows it´s not impossible. Even if this example failed due to bad luck. Should you care to take this approach it will be time consuming for Johnny. He´s safe where he is, for the moment... Count with every five attempts to crack the code to take five seconds. You can set the code at the Castle to roll 50 times a go. (About five minutes of game time)
Read the results easily by checking which roll is only one line long.(Most plausible to be a hit!) Longer streaks of rolls might on the other hand succeed all on the fourth attempt. So study the list carefully. Good luck once again. That is if Johnny doesn´t crack it with his locksmith skill!

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 12:47 pm
by Dave Syrinx
OK, that does it :D
The door slides open and reveals semicircle alcove with only two buttons to push, up and down.

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 2:43 pm
by kabukiman
OOC: Ah? :shock: You see, coding isn't my expertize.

He wait to hear if there is any sound. Then if not, he will open the door slowly...

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 4:17 pm
by Dave Syrinx
He pushes the up button and waits for the lift to reach the final destination.

OOC: Have to wait for the other players.

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 5:28 pm
by Dave Syrinx
OOC: Johnny needs to check for mental stability. Due to his relief from the horror before and the suspense in the current situation. Roll 1/1d8 if you doesn´t pass the SAN check at 55. If the loss is above five, roll against IDEA. If the IDEA roll is above the IDEA score, it´s safe. Otherwise the keeper will roll for outcome of a temporary insanity.

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:52 am
by kabukiman

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:15 am
by Dave Syrinx
The recent events from fleeing the office and getting here, seeing the crazy people walking around in the mall - have made Johnny delusional. He´s adamant that people are stealing the secrets of Umbrella Corporation and that he has to stop them. He remembers quite well how the sneaky directors left with a bag they shouldn´t have brought outside the Hive´s inner perimeter. The shooting in the guns store earlier was an attempt to throw him off their trail.
Now he´s really close. Must stop the directors.

This will be effective for thirteen minutes.
Have a glass and sit down and relax - this will turn out just fine :shock:

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:18 pm
by kabukiman
-So chianti and pastta. Where is Sarah? I hope she doesn't appear latte. I hate cold food.

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:05 pm
by Dave Syrinx
When the elevator stops. The door stays shut. From the other side, the voice of director Sanchez can be heard. "He has the case with the samples... He must not leave this building...They will all die..." Her sentence is abruptly cut by a coughing attack.

To open the door Johnny probably must get closer to the door. He can see sensors at the beginning of the alcove shaped elevator. His current location

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:56 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Caught in the stupor of the situation, Johnny fails to understand the mechanics of the elevator. He waits for the doors to open... He does hear bits of the conversation outside, though. "....we both had a shot of antivirus... Smith has a refrigerated case with him... to stop the virus you need the case..." He loses himself in a series of flashbacks and comes to. He blinks and moves towards the doors. They slide open with a metallic sound.

Showing a blood pool just to the left of the elevator. A blood trail leads left, out from the room, a storage room, through a shot-up door. He can hear running steps from outside the storage room. There´s no muzak here. No banging on the doors. Only adrenaline pumping in his veins.

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:17 pm
by kabukiman
-Antivirus and pastta. It doesn't seems related. Maybe antivirus and pizza? That's vulgar.

OOC: As soon as I recover the control, please inform me.

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:37 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Johnny could easily sit down for ten minutes and wait for the world to stop spinning around him. This spot is quite ideal for just that. He does feel disconnected and the rest would do him good. The ten minutes pass quickly. The first thing Johnny notices is how quiet it is.

You´re in control. (Who´s Sarah, btw?)

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 2:40 am
by kabukiman
OOC, His secretary and lover. Probably dead by now.

Wine? Food? He was in a dead trap with a mad computer and he was thinking in things like that? Johnny started to think that maybe he had smoked some gas after all. Carefully, he opened the door, with his gun ready...

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 1:59 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Directly to the right in the corridor is a door to a fire hub, with control board. Further in to the right is a pantry alcove which staff use to make coffee and sit down to relax
Across from his current location, in the doorway of the elevator room/storage is a restroom and to the right of that is a conference room with the door wide open. It´s modeled to seat fourteen people. Even further to the right is a storage area with plenty of shelves for supplies needed for the everyday maintenance of the mall. (Cleaning agents, various machines and spare parts) Here´s also a back door in grey. No card reader.

Five meters to the left in the corridor are two grey steel doors. With a card reader. Back to the right end of the corridor. On the wall facing away from the corridor, opposite from the double doors, are three back doors leading to the closest stores. A sports store, a paper and books store, a food chain diner. (Signs give hints to this) These doors need a key card too.

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 10:41 am
by kabukiman
First, Johnny will close all doors to avoid any nastry suprised. Tehn, he will shout to see if anuone is alive.

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 9:12 pm
by Dave Syrinx
He closes the busted door behind himself as well as possible. Then he checks the rooms in the maintenance area. Empty. Left are the double doors to the main area to the left, the back maintenance door leading away from the storage area and the three doors leading to the nearby stores. Which route to take?

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 10:45 am
by kabukiman
He willl take the back maintainance area.

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 6:08 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Johnny opens the back door to the supply area and comes in to a long corridor ending in another door. He runs along the corridor and comes to the second door. When opening it quietly he sees a woman sprawled on the floor. A evere gun shot wound to the abdomen and two shots to the forhead, she is quite dead. She is lying in a stairwell similar to the one he came up through before. Wait, this may be the same stairwell. Yes, that´s it. He remembers the debris from when he opened the door and the water flooded the stairwell. So, below is the Lambo and the snipers... Up - no idea. From the others ide of the doors leading to the mall, he can hear thumping of fists trying to get through the doors.
Back where he started.

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 10:43 am
by kabukiman
-Guys who are scratchind doors, none of you is quiete alive, right? Guess not...
Johnny goes up (and close the door).

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 7:01 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Walking up the stairs, Johnny hears muffled voices from above and footsteps.

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 7:42 pm
by Dave Syrinx
The emergency lights flicks out and the stairwell goes pitch-black. Half a second later, a beam of light sweep the lower part of the stairs where Johnny is located. "Hold it!" A harsh man shouts down the stairs.

From behind Johnny comes a clicking sound from the doors to the mall. Electrical locks. Power failure...

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 9:07 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Then Johnny can hear a female conversing over a radio. He also hears the doors to the mall open and glances over his shoulder as four customers scatter in the landing area. They converge on the dead woman in the corner. The guy with the flash light flicks the light off and hisses, "Ehh. Come on up, man!"

Re: Johnny - The great outdoors (Kabukiman only)

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 8:11 am
by Dave Syrinx