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Re: OOC - Feed

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 4:23 pm
by Airbornexo
Hi all,

just to say I'm lurking and enjoying what I've read so far! Keep up the great work Dave!

Cheers, Hal

Re: OOC - Feed

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 5:04 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Cheers man!
I´m off to update the other game and will deal with this one later today. Hopefully there will be some dead ends killed off...

Re: OOC - Feed

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 6:56 pm
by ImpInTraining
Hi all...

Syrinx is hooking me up with the strings to pull in order to take over one of your abandoned characters. Probably be Collins, by the sounds of it. Figure ya'll might be needing a medic eventually.

Re: OOC - Feed

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 9:29 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Yup, the sheet is coming your way, Imp. The basics are in the Cast list, though. Welcome!

Re: Supporting Cast

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 9:41 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Characters who got away - Alive. Still....

Barry Dunn

Played by Houngan
Johnny played by Kabukiman

Investigator Name: Johnny Walken
Occupation: Junior Director of Selling department
Colleges, Degrees: Harvard
Birthplace: New York
Mental Disorders: None

Sex: M
Age: 27
STR: 11 DEX: 14 INT: 16 Idea: 80
CON: 8 APP: 13 POW: 11 Luck: 55
SIZ: 13 SAN: 55-7=48 EDU: 16 Know: 80
Damage Bonus: none

Hit Points: 11
Accounting 60%
Anthropology 1%
Archaeology 1%
Art (05%):
Astronomy (01%):
Bargain: 60%
Biology: 20%
Chemistry (01%):
Climb (40%)
Conceal (15%):
Craft (05%):
Computer use: 35%%
Credit rating: 55%
Disguise (01%):
]Dodge: 48%
Drive Auto (20%):
Electrical Repair (10%):
Electronics (01%):
Fast Talk: 55%
First Aid (30%)
Handgun: 50%
Hide: 50%
Geology 1%
History 20%
Jump 25%
Law: 55%
Library Use: 50%
Listening: 50%
Locksmith: 41%
Machine Gun 1%
Martial Arts 1%
Mechanical Repair 20%
Medicine 5%
Natural History 10%
Navigate 10%
Persuade 15%
Pharmacy 01%
Photography 10%
Physics 01%
Pilot 01%
Psychoanalysis 01%
Psychology: 5%
Ride 5%
Sneak 10%
Spot Hidden: 55%
Umbrella Secrets 0%
Swim 25%
Telepathy 00%
Throw 25%
Track 10%

9mm pistol with 1 clip of ammunition and a set of light armor with a helmet.

John started to work in a small company with financial problems as soon he finished college. He helped the company to avoid the bankruptcy, getting a big reputation in the business world; he was immediately offered a job in the Umbrella Corporation, and John simply jumped to the offer. After some time, he managed to turn himself indispensable in the selling department and managed to be promoted to junior director (making the previous director to lose his position). He always read very carefully the info he receives about the new products, so he may look very convincing to sell them.
John is arrogant and very self-confident by his success; he is completely unscrupulous as long as he think he isn’t caught.. He has bought a new apartment and a Maserati. He changes regularly of girlfriend and is having an affair with his secretary.

Kim played by Airbornexo

Investigator Name: Kim Kirkland
Occupation: Auto Mechanic
Colleges, Degrees: None
Birthplace: Raccoon City
Mental Disorders: None
Sex: F Age: 24


Kim Kirkland is a young woman of independent means the owner of Kirkland Autos and lives above the workshop in a small flat. She had always been brought up with an enquiring mind around her father's Auto shop, encouraged to tinker with engine parts after school. At the age of 18 her father died of a brain embalism and left her the workshop and a heap of debts to pay. An only child of a single parent family, Kim was left all on her own and decided to make a go of the shop to honour her father's memory rather than sell it on. It was, after al, her only link to the past apart from her collection of photographs of her long gone mother.

Running the workshop occupied her full time and she dropped out of college but to be honest her heart was never in it and she is most at home working on cars and bikes. In the last couple of years she has turned the business around, made possible by securing a contract with Raccoon city Police Department to service all of their patrol motorcycles. The business doing well, Kim's personal life was and still is a mess. Her latest boyfriend, Matt, was shown the door after he raised his hand to her. She has since had to buy the shotgun that she keeps in the workshop to persuade Matt to leave her alone as he didn't get the message and kept returning, liquored up, starting trouble.

Her pride and joy is the 2003 Buell Firebolt XB9R Motorcycle that she keeps covered in the back of the workshop. Every weekend she takes the bike for a spin around the city to blow the problems of the week out of her head. Her other release is the boxing classes that she has been attending for six months, another remnant of the car-crash relationship with Matt.


STR: 12
DEX: 12
CON: 10
APP: 15
SIZ: 9
INT: 13 Idea: 65
POW: 11 Luck: 55
EDU: 15 Know: 75
SAN: 52/55
99-Umbrella Secrets: 99
Damage Bonus: none

Skills: (Non-default skills BOLD, Hobbies preceded by a DOT)
Accounting 17%
Anthropology 1%
Archaeology 1%
Art: Car Spraying 15%
Astronomy 1%
Bargain 5%
Biology 1%
Chemistry 1%
Climb 65%
Conceal 15%
Credit Rating 45%
Umbrella secrets 0%
Disguise 1%
.Dodge 54%
Drive Auto 67%
Electrical Repair 69%
.Fast Talk 19%
.First Aid 48%
Geology 1%
Handgun 20%
Hide 10%
History 20%
Hypnotism 1%
Jump 25%
Law 5%
Library Use 25%
Listen 38%
Locksmith 1%
Machine Gun 15%
Martial Arts 1%
Mechanical Repair 79% *
Medicine 5%
Natural History 10%
Navigate 10%
Telepathy 0%
Operate Hvy. Machine 64%
Own Language: English 75%
Persuade 10%
Pharmacy 1%
Photography 10%
Physics 1%
Pilot 1%
Pilot Boat 11%
Psychoanalysis 1%
Psychology 5%
Ride 5%
Rifle 25%
Sneak 20%
.Spot Hidden 45%
Submachine Gun 15%
Swim 25%
Throw 25%
Track 10%
.Shotgun (pump) 62%
.Fist/Punch 66%
Head Butt 10%
Kick 25%

Possessions -

Small Auto shop that is near the warehouses not far from the marina. The Autoshop contains- comprehensive tools, parts and welding/painting equipment. (There is a chance that customers may have dropped their vehicles in for repair or that there are RCPD motorcyles in for servicing). Also at the shop is her 2003 Buell Firebolt XB9R Motorcycle, in the flat above the shop is a 12 gauge Pump action shotgun.

In her backpack - cellphone, water, snacks, ipod, cellphone charger, book, small kit of tools and $55 to hand in her wallet, flashlight, radio, candybars.

Re: OOC - Feed

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 8:38 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Have a great christmas! I´ll update this game later tonight. Cheers!

Re: Cast of Characters

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 9:25 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Ammo report #1
initial ammo report.JPG

Re: OOC - Feed

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 11:20 pm
by Airbornexo
Hello guys I'll be playing Kim!

Cheers, Hal

Re: OOC - Feed

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 11:36 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Yup, hi Hal! Mr.H is on vacation over in UK. Probably back by the end of the month. Imp, Iggy and Kabs are with us regularly though. Btw. Where did you find that pic for Kim? I tried an inverted pic search and came up empty. If you need to find who a picture shows, or have more pictures similar to the one you have - upload an e-dress or pic from your hd and voila!

Found out that Crawford´s model is digital :o
crawford proper.JPG
Looks real to me... But is the creation of Franz Steiner.

Re: OOC - Feed

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 10:24 am
by ImpInTraining
Hi Airbornexo. Glad to have you with us. Can't trust these bot NPCs.

Re: OOC - Feed

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 9:43 pm
by Mr. Handy
Yes, i'm back for now, though I'll be gone again starting late on Thursday until Sunday night. I'll have Internet access while I'm away, but not much time to use it. I probably won't have much on Sunday night either, and I go back to work on Monday.

She does look so real. It's hard to believe that she's made from whole cloth, but now that you mention it I can see that she looks a bit too perfect. There's not a single line on her face.

Welcome, Hal! Good to see that Kim has also migrated to this game, but I hope the other RE game eventually resumes too.

Re: OOC - Feed

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 10:40 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Yes, let´s hope so. Royya was just in for a short spell. Don´t know where he went. Guess we´ll see him soon again. We´re keeping an eye on that entrance. Got to get those elevators going, aye.

Re: OOC - Feed

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 10:28 am
by kabukiman
Mr. Handy wrote:
She does look so real. It's hard to believe that she's made from whole cloth, but now that you mention it I can see that she looks a bit too perfect. There's not a single line on her face.
Actually my guess was that it was a real person and improved with fotoshop.

Re: Cast of Characters

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 9:41 am
by Dave Syrinx
Hale- unarmed
Kim- .50
Heather- .50
C.L.- grenades & HK5

Larsen, Crawford, Collins & Weiss- Fully armed

Re: OOC - Feed

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 5:36 pm
by Mr. Handy
I don't think I expended my entire magazine before I reloaded, so I should still have a partial one. I just didn't have too many rounds left in it and didn't want to be caught short.

Re: OOC - Feed

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 7:25 pm
by Dave Syrinx
I´ll put the spare mag on the list. Just followed what you stated Larsen did earlier. My bad.

Re: OOC - Feed

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 9:13 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Not gone fishing, just clearing my thoughts. Will post updates over the weekend.
Over and out!

Re: OOC - Feed

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 3:24 pm
by Lorena
From now I will be playing Heather's character.
Please, be patient with me. It is not just my first game here but also English is not my mother tongue.
But I will do my best.


Re: OOC - Feed

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 5:09 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Welcome and have a nice time here with us!

Re: OOC - Feed

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 9:29 pm
by Mr. Handy
Welcome, Lorena! Have fun!