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Re: IC-SWORD-Family Reunion(Lara/Bells/Sven/Tricia)

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 5:28 am
by Pickman37
"Alright...looks like we have some kind of plan here..." Jake looked around nervously, his voice slightly wavering. "Mary..." He looked towards her, the only one who had not spoken up. "You know this is right. We're just gonna take a look..."

He waited for a response but continued.

"Me and Clyde are just gonna slip over there and take a look. We'll come right back if things look bad."

He turns to Sven. "Son, I appreciate the offer but maybe you would do better staying here, with the low ammo and such..."

He nods towards Sven, hoping he did not offend the young man...

"Anyways we need some binoculars so we better check that store if we don't have them..."

Jake looks towards Lara and Caitlin who have a lengthy head start towards the store...

"So, I'll be goin Mary..." Jake pauses momentarily then goes on. "Clyde, maybe you and yer wife can discuss things..."

Jake rushes off to catch up to his niece and the foreign girl...
Mr.Handy,Do we have binoculars? Either way I'll join Lara and Caitlin on the search. Maybe look for some ammo...
Jake's luck roll is successful!

Re: IC-SWORD-Family Reunion(Lara/Bells/Sven/Tricia)

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 11:07 pm
by SSior.27
Luck Roll,I totally forgot about the Luck roll, so here we go. Excellent result! Don't think you can impale a Luck roll, but I did, hahaha. [url=]Luck - 60% (1d100=9)[/url]

Re: IC-SWORD-Family Reunion(Lara/Bells/Sven/Tricia)

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 3:38 am
by Mr. Handy
In Flaxville-
"All right, Jake," said Mary at last. "It doesn't sit right with me, leaving that girl behind. At least this way maybe those military types can do something for her. Just be careful, honey."

Veronica glared at Clyde. "I don't know how you talked him into this," she said, her eyes wild with worry and fury, her mouth moving faster than her brain. "You better not get yourself killed, or you'll be sleeping on the couch!"

In the general store-
Lara, Caitlin, and Jake entered the store. The shelves had various household goods and foodstuffs, along with various tools and hardware supplies, but it did not sell binoculars. When Caitlin went behind the counter, she saw a box on a shelf there. It contained a hundred loose 9mm bullets. There were no magazines, unfortunately, but those who had 9mm handguns could still reload the maganes that were in them manually.
OOC,You have no binoculars. I checked back because I remembered the question coming up before several months ago at the barn.

Re: IC-SWORD-Family Reunion(Lara/Bells/Sven/Tricia)

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 3:45 am
by SSior.27
Caitlin quickly grabs the box and calls, "Lara, Jake, I found something."

Re: IC-SWORD-Family Reunion(Lara/Bells/Sven/Tricia)

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 8:33 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Lara walks over to Caitlin and examines the box. She takes out her 9mm and ejects the magazine. Pulling out one round she compares it to the ones in the box. "Looks like."
Having checked the ammo out, she starts adding rounds to the magazine, stopping when it´s full. (10 or 15?)
Then she pockets the gun and takes the box under one arm and the shovel in her other hand. She checks the aisles for traces of someone having been in there lately. Also she looks for doors to other areas of the store. "Are we alone?" She whispers to Jake and Caitlin. Knowing it´s probably too late to avoid being noticed, but it´s a reflex action.

Re: IC-SWORD-Family Reunion(Lara/Bells/Sven/Tricia)

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 11:00 pm
by SSior.27
At Lara's question, Caitlin hefts up her shotgun again, suddenly more nervous than before. She continues to check around the shop, not straying too far from the other two.

Re: IC-SWORD-Family Reunion(Lara/Bells/Sven/Tricia)

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 4:23 am
by Pickman37
Having struck out on finding binoculars in the store, Jake is rooting around the shelves when Caitlin calls Lara and him over. Upon seeing the box with the 9mm bullets, he begins checking around where that ammo was found, as if more would magically be there but his search is futile. He is still searching when Lara speaks...
"Are we alone?"
Jake stops in his tracks and scans the aisles around them. He unslings his rifle from his shoulder as a precaution...
"You girls keep checking. I'll keep watch..." He whispers.

Re: IC-SWORD-Family Reunion(Lara/Bells/Sven/Tricia)

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 9:42 pm
by SSior.27
Caitlin continues looking around for anyone. At Jake's comment, she says "Very chivalrous of you to let the ladies go and get killed." Her attempt at humour fell flat even on her own ears as she looked around further, moving closer to the door.

Re: IC-SWORD-Family Reunion(Lara/Bells/Sven/Tricia)

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 7:43 am
by Pickman37
Jake, momentarily lost in thought, misses Caitlin's quip and begins to speak almost immediately after...

"I think that's about all we're gonna find in here. Most likely any survivors would have made off with anything valuable and we were lucky enough to get them bullets. Let's get back to the others."

He still keeps his gun ready but considering the bloodbath at the ranch yesterday, doubts there is anyone in town at all...

Re: IC-SWORD-Family Reunion(Lara/Bells/Sven/Tricia)

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 5:09 pm
by Dave Syrinx
At the door, Lara kneels down and waits for Caitlin to open it, sitting - sort of - back to the wall holding the shovel in her right hand and ready to trip anything coming out the door. "Da, Sestra..."

Re: IC-SWORD-Family Reunion(Lara/Bells/Sven/Tricia)

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 4:25 am
by Mr. Handy
In Flaxville-
The general store was pretty small and completely deserted. It didn't take long to confirm that nobody else was there. There was a door in the back that led to a storage area, but that was also devoid of people. Lara, Jake, and Caitlin went back outside where the others were waiting.

Re: IC-SWORD-Family Reunion(Lara/Bells/Sven/Tricia)

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 4:35 am
by SSior.27
Caitlin approaches the rest of the group. "We found some bullets," motioning to Lara, who was holding them. "Not much else."

Re: IC-SWORD-Family Reunion(Lara/Bells/Sven/Tricia)

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 4:50 am
by Pickman37
"Well Clyde. If everything is settled out here, we better get a move on and check out that chopper."

Jake looks at the others. "The rest of you best get out of sight 'til we get back. Find a good place to hide the vehicles...maybe a garage or something. Ya'll should be safe here. If anyone is looking for us, it would be most likely back at the ranch."

Re: IC-SWORD-Family Reunion(Lara/Bells/Sven/Tricia)

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 10:21 am
by Dave Syrinx
Lara checks the surroundings and notices a large building , at west central of the small village, a warehouse. "There should be good, da?." "We wait there. Fix cars and wait. Many doors if we need to leave." She carries the box of ammunition to the truck and hands out rounds to Sven for his pistol. "Take those, never know how many you needs."
To Jake she says, "Stay off trouble." She nods to Caitlin, "Sestra, let´s drive."

Re: IC-SWORD-Family Reunion(Lara/Bells/Sven/Tricia)

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 5:11 am
by Mr. Handy
In Flaxville-
"I'll drive, Dad," said Clyde as he led Jake over to their pickup truck, leaving Caitlin's truck, which was loaded with supplies, and the Civic. Mary and Veronica got in the Civic.

"Thanks," said Sven, taking a handful of bullets and filling his pistol's magazine. He joined Caitlin and Lara in Caitlin's pickup.

While Clyde drove south back to the main road, the other vehicles drove over to the large warehouse and hid in the parking lot behind it.
OOC,There is no gas station in Flaxville. The only large building is the warehouse, and there are no trucks parked outside of it. It is in the west central part of town. The shop is in the south part of town, right next to the road that goes back to the main road.

Re: IC-SWORD-Family Reunion(Lara/Bells/Sven/Tricia)

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 4:59 pm
by SSior.27
Caitlin got in the truck and got settled quickly, keeping the window rolled down. "I think you're right, Lara. That's probably our best bet."

"Are we all set?" she asks when Sven and Lara are in, looking at the Civic to check everyone's readiness.

Re: IC-SWORD-Family Reunion(Lara/Bells/Sven/Tricia)

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 5:39 am
by Pickman37
Jake checks his gun, making sure it is good to go while he rides in the truck with Clyde. He feels a little peace of mind now that they are doing something towards Tricia's benefit but still cannot relax considering the potential danger of the task: Getting close to the compound and the threat of the skinheads. He speaks aloud more to calm his nerves than to instruct his son...

"We'll try to get close enough without gett'in spotted and see whats happening with that chopper. Unfortunately, we have no binoculars so we may have to go in a ways on foot. Hopefully we'll have some kind of cover we can use."

It had been awhile since he had been in that neck of the woods.

"Remember boy, we're just goin to hopefully make contact with that chopper and let them know 'bout the kidnapped girl. Nothin that'll put us in harm's way..."

Re: IC-SWORD-Family Reunion(Lara/Bells/Sven/Tricia)

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 2:43 am
by Mr. Handy
In Flaxville-
"I'm all right, I guess," said Sven. "Lara, you okay?"

On the road-
Clyde approached the four-way intersection about a mile east of the ranch. "Right, Dad," he said. "The chopper set down about a mile south and four or five miles west of here. Which direction do you want to approach it from?"

Re: IC-SWORD-Family Reunion(Lara/Bells/Sven/Tricia)

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 8:43 am
by Pickman37
On the road...

Clyde.... "The chopper set down about a mile south and four or five miles west of here. Which direction do you want to approach it from?"
Jake thought for a second.

"Alright boy. We should roll on down here to the south and get ourselves directly east of where it should be. Hopefully we can find some cover..."
Mr. Handy,Does any of Natural History or Track apply for an attempted edge? I'm not above rolling for that to help 'Ole Jake! :D

Re: IC-SWORD-Family Reunion(Lara/Bells/Sven/Tricia)

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 12:14 pm
by Dave Syrinx
"Da, fine." Lara replies. When the Civic reach the warehouse, she exits and gets the pistol out and covers the others when they move out of the car. She scans the rooftop for possible snipers and the surrounding streets for walkers. "We back the car to block the door. We get away fast when we leave, yes?" She waits for Sven, Caitlin, Mary and Veronica.