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CH3-05 Return to Malta, the end?

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2018 8:45 pm
by ghill
A week before the first of Rudaj's people are supposed to arrive you are all ensconced in the Professor's house*, Mitar promises that "stuff is coming" but he needs to arrange its safe transportation and delivery. Fireproof clothes and fire extinguishers have been secured but there is little cash left and both the credit cards have been disposed of after they were refused.

OK says Jacob what now?

*less the professor who has been advised to remain outside the country until he is legally obligated to return.

Re: CH3-05 Return toi Malta, the end?

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 12:28 am
by Mr. Handy

"We should rent a car," says Liz. "We'll need one to tail those guys from the airport."

Re: CH3-05 Return to Malta, the end?

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 4:42 pm
by ghill
OOC:   Consider that done. You can have a simple hatch back from a rental place with no issue. Something more flash/specific will require a Credit Rating check  

Re: CH3-05 Return to Malta, the end?

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 5:25 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,That's fine with me. We want a car that won't stand out anyway.

Re: CH3-05 Return to Malta, the end?

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2018 8:10 pm
by BenTheRat

OOC: Sorry I have been super busy and not sure when I'll be able to recommit myself to this. But keep going and I'll try and keep up.

Re: CH3-05 Return to Malta, the end?

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2018 6:06 pm
by carnage_lee
Andy Wade

Andy suggests that they take some time to acquaint themselves with the 'lay of the land' - drive their rental car around a bit so that it's sudden appearance may not be automatically noteworthy.

He heads out to buy maps of the island (large scale) so they can familiarise themselves with the area around the site where the ritual is to take place. Those will be of use to Mitar and his people as well.

He also suggests doing a couple of drive-bys of the site - taking pictures, looking for places that they could 'lay-up' or even possibly create an observation post.

OOC:   Do we know where Rudaj is located?
We did pin down the ritual location, right?  

Re: CH3-05 Return to Malta, the end?

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2018 4:22 am
by Mr. Handy

"I've had a thought," says Liz. "Malta was very heavily bombed in 1942. Maybe we can get a metal detector and try to find an old UXB from the war. There's doubtless some left, and Mitar's chaps may have experience with explosives."

Re: CH3-05 Return to Malta, the end?

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2018 10:16 am
by ghill
OOC:   I'm going to rule that out as both impractical and downright certifiable. If there was a bomb which could be discovered by a metal detector it likely would have been disposed of off already. You could spend the next year looking and find nothing. Bombs turn up in London and German cities even now, but typically when someone is digging foundations for large buildings(ie well outside your typical metal detector range). That aside the idea of tampering with a 70 year old bomb is SO NOT a good idea.  
The first thing that becomes apparent is that the security around the third site has been considerably enhanced, you cant drive down the approach road now as its blocked with a reasonable looking security fence/gate arrangement.

Liz may have some ideas's I believe she discovered some details of properties which had been aquired and had links one way or another to Rudaj.

Re: CH3-05 Return to Malta, the end?

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2018 11:07 am
by carnage_lee
OOC:   Good call  

Re: CH3-05 Return to Malta, the end?

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 3:49 am
by Mr. Handy

"I remember Rudaj has links to a big villa on Malta," says Liz, "I bet he and his chaps are staying there."
OOC,Yeah, I didn't think that one through. I'd had second thoughts about it last night as I was in bed trying to sleep, but I was too exhausted to get up and go edit it. In [b]Liz[/b]'s defense, she [i]is[/i] downright certifiable, and in mine, I haven't had much sleep in the last fifteen and a half years. If we want explosives, we'll have to try to steal them from a mining site.

Re: CH3-05 Return to Malta, the end?

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2018 11:02 am
by ghill
OOC:   In her defence Liz is a techie, not an explosives expert. :)  
So are we going to check out the villa asks Jacob or hang around the airport and start seeing if we can ID his people, or is there something else we need to do?
OOC:   NB Liz has a list of people and flights to help with identifying the incoming Verbetoi, considering their typical dress sense it should be relatively easy to identify them.  

Re: CH3-05 Return to Malta, the end?

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2018 2:01 pm
by carnage_lee
Andy Wade

"Lets do a reccie of the villa and see if we can work out the route that Rudaj and his followers would take to get to the ritual site. We might find there's an opportunity to plan an ambush or to delay them as they travel. I'd also like to try and get to the site itself ... even if we have to hike overground to get around the new gate and fences.

Re: CH3-05 Return to Malta, the end?

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2018 2:24 am
by BenTheRat
Greg is going to spend most of his time reviewing the spell he will need to cast in the event they do summon this thing.

Re: CH3-05 Return to Malta, the end?

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2018 4:24 am
by Mr. Handy

"Yes, let's scope out the security," says Liz. "Maybe I can hack into their systems while we're there if they have wi-fi. I could also see if I can find floor plans of the place online. We know when the flights with Rudaj's goons are going to arrive, so we only need to have someone at the airport at those particular times. We could also snap some discreet pictures of them. Might be able to run them through facial recognition software and identify them, but the free stuff out there isn't as good as the expensive packages. Anyway, Rudaj is the only one we really need to identify, and he's made sure his face isn't online."

Re: CH3-05 Return to Malta, the end?

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2018 9:36 am
by ghill
Assuming it is his Rudaj owns a magnificent detached PALAZZO located west of the town Bahrija in one of Malta's most unique and sought after areas. It is surrounded by several acres of irrigated gardens, ornamental fish ponds a swimming pool and a helicopter landing pad. From the plans which Liz pulls the main house includes 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, a dining room, 3 stately rooms designed for entertaining, a TV room, a breakfast room, kitchen and office. There are also two separate servant quarters persons and a separate cottage and a 4 car garage.

The whole Palazzo is surrounded by fields. A drive-by doesn't show any wireless networks for Liz to try and poach and as far as Liz is concerned they'd have to walk up to the wall surrounding the place to have any hope of picking any signal up.
OOC:   Can I have two spot hidden rollsplease from anyone accompanying Liz.  

Re: CH3-05 Return to Malta, the end?

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2018 7:07 pm
by Mr. Handy
OOC,Should I roll too?

Re: CH3-05 Return to Malta, the end?

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2018 4:41 pm
by ghill
OOC:   Yes sorry Liz and anyone accompanying her.  

Re: CH3-05 Return to Malta, the end?

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2018 6:42 pm
by Mr. Handy

Liz isn't completely fixated on her computer, so she does notice something about her surroundings.
OOC,Spot Hidden roll (61% skill) outside the palazzo: [dice]0[/dice] [dice]1[/dice]

Re: CH3-05 Return to Malta, the end?

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2018 8:52 am
by ghill
OOC:   Actually, Liz is fixated on her computer and Google maps and thinks the plans don't match up it is almost like someone has swapped them for another vaguely similar building ;)  

Re: CH3-05 Return to Malta, the end?

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2018 1:04 pm
by carnage_lee
Andy Wade

Andy looks on at the the large house and grounds, it's an impressive sight. He makes a note that there's a hele-pad and the size of the garage.

Re: CH3-05 Return to Malta, the end?

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2018 7:54 pm
by Mr. Handy

"The plans I found online don't match what I'm seeing," says Liz. "I think he must have swapped the plans for those of a similar building. We can't rely on them."

Re: CH3-05 Return to Malta, the end?

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2018 9:15 pm
by carnage_lee
[bAndy Wade][/b]

"Seems like he's a paranoid bastard, eh?" Andy says. "If this were back home we could apply to see the plans at the local council offices, the hard copies I mean. They probably couldn't swap those out as easily, could they?"

Re: CH3-05 Return to Malta, the end?

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2018 2:06 am
by Mr. Handy

"We might give it a try here," says Liz. "Malta used to be British. Maybe they still do some things the same way."

Re: CH3-05 Return to Malta, the end?

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2018 10:17 am
by ghill
OOC:   You can indeed go to the Land Registry and obtain plans. The plans are certainly different.  
OOC:   Assuming you are not planning on burgling Rudaj's villa, whats next on the agenda?  

Re: CH3-05 Return to Malta, the end?

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2018 6:11 pm
by Mr. Handy
OOC,Let's see what we can find out about the site where we expect the ritual will take place.

Re: CH3-05 Return to Malta, the end?

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2018 1:37 pm
by carnage_lee
OOC:   Agreed.

Park up some distance from the gate and make our way to the site from there, seems like a good idea.  

Re: CH3-05 Return to Malta, the end?

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2018 4:16 pm
by ghill
What the prof calls Site 3 stands on a rocky plateau on the Northwest coast of Gozo, overlooking the sea. from your own recollections it covers around two acres, sitting in a natural amphitheatre right on the coast, access was via a long dusty dirt track. Out of sight of the road was a fairly poor security fence, this has now been replaced by a significantly newer and more robust looking version. With a variety of warning signs indicating the private property, dog patrols, electrified fences.
OOC:   Sorry, my mistake but the most serious dig site the one Greg believes is religiously significant to the Verbti is on Gozo the other Maltese Island, so it is a ferry journey away. Certainly not impossible to get to so assume Liz/Andy and anyone else who wants to come has taken the next ferry  
The Village of Mgarr,I've added this background detail. It may or may not be useful but its the sort of stuff Liz would pick up on Google as a matter of course. The Palazzo is located just outside the village of Mgarr. Mgarr’s name derives from the maltese word for 'was carried' although another meaning may be 'springs of water'. Mgarr is perhaps the most isolated village in Malta separated from any other habitation by some distance. The village is a typical Maltese agricultural village and has retained much of its charm and distinctive character. Over the centuries several towers had been built on the cliffs over Mgarr’s sheltered bays which were in times acted as refuges to pirates. Mgarr has some of the oldest known places of worship. Skolba temples, consisting of two distinct temples, are so old that they have been entered in the Guinness Book of Records as one of the two oldest free-standing structures in the world. The West Temple dated to about 3500BC and is about 60 feet square. It is built on a trefoil plan with three apsidal chambers and a courtyard in the middle. Some of the walls are four feet thick. The East temple is not so old and is neither preserved so well. Another important set of megalithic structures is at Ta’ Hagrat. These consist of two temples and the basic format is again a trefoil plan and a central courtyard. The larger temple has a spectacular massive facade. Cart ruts can be found all over the Village. The Southern boundary of Mgarr is formed by the Great Ridge and the Victoria Lines, a fortified 19th Century wall. The Victoria Line was completed in 1897, the year of Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee. The long stretch is punctuated with watchtowers, batteries, gun posts and various strongholds. Four forts are positioned along the lines, Madliena Fort, Fort Mosta, Bingemma Fort and Fort Pembroke. Mgarrs’ population is around three and a half thousand. Investigators who travel to Mgarr will be warmly welcomed. Staying in Mgarr Despite its isolated location Mgarr boasts several hotels. NB Its probably a 20 minute drive from the Palazzo to the temple.

Re: CH3-05 Return to Malta, the end?

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 8:49 am
by carnage_lee
OOC:   So the dig-site is on Gozo, OK and Rudaj's villa is on Malta itself?

If so, then it's possible that he plans to use the helicopter (was there one on the landing pad) to get to the site for the ritual (maybe not everyone as that would require a few trips). Disabling the helicopter would possible force all of Rudaj's people to use the ferry or use Rudaj's yacht.
Does the magical leg bone have enough range to 'hit' the helicopter from a safe distance, if (1) it's on the ground, or (2) in the air (after just taking off). Could we/someone remain hidden near the villa to do that?

We also need a plan to get us and our gear over to the dig-site in advance, perhaps the better plan would be to disable the 'copter once it lands at the dig-site? (if they're going to use one) that is.
We need to be able to neutralise the dog patrols - we should be able to set up camp nearby and see what the patrols schedules are?  

Re: CH3-05 Return to Malta, the end?

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 11:04 am
by ghill
From the car it wasn't possible to see much apart from the top storey of the house, the site is clearly designed for privacy (high wall, tall trees and hedges etc) It is also surrounded by open fields with a single track/drive for an approach. In Andy's opinion approaching it unobserved would be a long drawn out process taking quite some time. Looking at the plans Andy can determine that if Rudaj is going to use a helicopter it won't be a big one. A small commercial would fit perhaps six people at a squeeze. The maximum limit for the leg bone seems to be about 100m which would require whoever was using it to get closer to the house.

OOC:   As the gear hasn't been delivered yet it is a relatively simple to get it redirected to Gozo rather than.

At the site, you can determine two things. 1) You need to be inside the fence to observe the dig site. 2) The dog patrol is not on site and is more likely a visiting patrol, certainly while they walk/observe the perimeter there is no sign of a dog inside the wire.

Andy or anyone else with him can determine a number of sites from which they can observe much of the fence line, but not the site itself.  

Re: CH3-05 Return to Malta, the end?

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2018 9:16 pm
by Mr. Handy
OOC,We'll eventually need some way to deal with the electric fence (if the sign isn't just a bluff), possibly by cutting power to it. If there are power lines, we may be able to do that. However, if there's a generator on the site within the fence, that will be harder. Can I detect any wireless connections on my laptop? Maybe I can hack into it.

Re: CH3-05 Return to Malta, the end?

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2018 10:07 am
by ghill
The sign doesn't seem like a bluff (the fence does seem to hum slightly) and a quick walk along the fence line reveals a power supply box (inside the fence line) connecting to the fence. and freshly dug earth leading back to another box by a power pole at the road.

Re: CH3-05 Return to Malta, the end?

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2018 5:13 am
by Mr. Handy

Liz points out the box by the pole. "When we're ready to enter the site," she says, "we can cut the power to the fence there. We might not want to do that too early, though. It would bring unwanted attention."

Re: CH3-05 Return to Malta, the end?

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2018 5:14 pm
by carnage_lee
Andy Wade

Andy tries to get the 'lay of the land', working out the probably routes to the site..
OOC:   Are the routes obvious?
Is there access to the site only from the road?
Number of roads?

Thinking - setting up ambushes - delaying tactics.  

Re: CH3-05 Return to Malta, the end?

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2018 8:54 pm
by ghill
Single lane road (low stone walls either side) then a dirt track about 50m then it hits the fence line a similarly new/sturdy looking gate. The track is downhill all the way disappearing into the natural amphitheatre where you know the temple to be.

In his opinion, an ambush en route would be feasible but not the easiest thing, in the villages, it would be possible (cover from the houses, tight roads, tight corners but risks discovery by locals) but outside simply because there is little cover except for these low boundary walls you'd risk being seen before you could spring the ambush.

Re: CH3-05 Return to Malta, the end?

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2018 11:55 pm
by BenTheRat
OOC: Greg is back, sorry I've been so swamped lately trying to get my book out. I'll try and stay up now.

Re: CH3-05 Return to Malta, the end?

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2018 11:07 am
by ghill
OOC:   No worries mate, work/home life is throwing me a bit of a curve ball at the moment which is making life a tad difficult just at the moment as well. RealLife (TM) has that habit. :)  

Re: CH3-05 Return to Malta, the end?

Posted: Wed May 02, 2018 2:06 pm
by ghill
OOC:   Guys are you waiting on me?

To be clear Rudaj is behind this and he has a great deal of wealth and he is not stupid he clearly uses that wealth to employ someone or somebody to ensure his electronic footprint is massively reduced if not non-existent. You can assume he uses his wealth to ensure his physical security is just as well maintained.

He or people working for him are well aware of your existence, you can or should assume he is either actively looking for you or taking measures to ensure your ability to interfere are reduced (new fences?)

Assuming his security is strong, then surveilling him may be a long drawn out process drive-bys are simply not going to cut it, but stealthing in may not be advisable either. However, you have arrived on the island several weeks before when you believe the ceremony will take place which gives you ample opportunity to make arrangements/plans.

You know where the ceremony will take place.
You know when the ceremony will take place
You know who in theory will be attending.

We can if none of this interests you simply gloss over the details but I suggest you need more info and you need to tell me how you would go about getting it and then you can make plans. Then we move onto the fire and the burning flesh and the screams and the end of the world.  

Re: CH3-05 Return to Malta, the end?

Posted: Wed May 02, 2018 5:35 pm
by carnage_lee
Righto, so an ambush isn't really on the cards.

Concentrating too much on surveillance is extremely risky; we're not experts and Rudaj can afford to hire the people that DO know what they're doing. I think we've done enough to ascertain that Rudaj is in attendance and that his plan is set in motion.

Knowing where and when the ceremony is taking place should be an advantage (on the face of it) but again we're undermanned. I don't see any reason why we can't get into the site before-hand and set up some booby-traps (IEDs in various locations would be a good start). We might have to camp inside the site for a day or two before the ceremony is due to take place. If the dog patrol is on the perimeter and infrequent then we ought to be able to do this - masking our entry point and scents.

I am not sure what else we can 'research' - IDEAS REQUIRED,

Of course what really would have helped is not pissing off the 'orthadox' Verbetoi, they'd probably do the job of foiling Rudaj job for us.

Re: CH3-05 Return to Malta, the end?

Posted: Thu May 03, 2018 3:15 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,Yes, we'll need to attack them when they go to the site for the ceremony, and we need to be already there waiting for them when they arrive. It would be nice if we could blow up [b]Rudaj[/b]'s helicopter with him in it, but I doubt we'll be so lucky as to score a SAM from our friends. The "orthodox" Verbetoi are a thought. We could have our [b]Alex[/b] arrange for them to get wind of what's going on at Malta without revealing the source, specifying the names of the people involved and where and when the ritual is set to happen. They may show up looking for revenge, but it could be risky. They'll be just as hostile to us if they detect our presence.

Re: CH3-05 Return to Malta, the end?

Posted: Thu May 03, 2018 8:50 am
by ghill
OOC:   Mr Handy is correct about how the Verbetoi is likely to treat you. The guy you fought on the mountain was fairly close to an orthodox Verbetoi (with Liberal leanings as he'd had a relationship with a non-Verbetoi), yes the reality is that they might not want what Rudaj wants but they are the worst kind of racist (well they think if you aren't Verbetoi then you are basically an animal), misogynists and generally "not nice"  
OOC:   So actions or do we just forward to the arrival of the Serbs?  

Re: CH3-05 Return to Malta, the end?

Posted: Fri May 04, 2018 4:36 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,I can't think of anything else, other than continuing to study and translate the murals.

Re: CH3-05 Return to Malta, the end?

Posted: Sun May 06, 2018 7:12 pm
by ghill
OOC:   I have assumed that to be the case with Greg  

Re: CH3-05 Return to Malta, the end?

Posted: Thu May 10, 2018 12:27 am
by BenTheRat
Yes, Greg continues and does anything else he can think of.

Do we want to wait till they get to the building to start the harrasment? What if we put down traps on the roads to slow them down, or possibly keep all of them from making it.

Just a thought.

Re: CH3-05 Return to Malta, the end?

Posted: Mon May 14, 2018 3:43 pm
by carnage_lee
Sorry for slow posting - I was off work last week (vacationing at home - I didn't get any time to post :/ )
I'm all for moving onto the arrival of our mercenaries ...