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What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement?

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 8:05 pm
by Dave Syrinx

Saw this one for inspiration. Not my kind of film. But I love the poster!

Just finished Lee Child´s One Shot. Never read anything by him before. Really like the writing. Good character portraits and easy reading, a good flow.


Awaiting the 6th season of Dexter, I´m watching Jeremiah, watchable two seasons of post apocalyptic scenery - without zombies. The return of the Walking dead takes a life time, so this will have to do for now.

The series is fair. The comic albums are superb!
Reminds you of a TV-series? Minus horse....

The series is akin to BBC´s The Survivors and Jericho. I might try to make something out of a mix of those three. Some other time. These two scenario ideas we´re working on will have to do for now.

what about you? What are you guys reading / viewing?

Btw. Have the [sup] and [flash] buttons been in the edit bar all the time???

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 3:53 am
by Mr. Handy
They've been there at least since the last major upgrade, I think. I've never used them myself.

Currently, as in this very moment, I'm watching The Snows of Kilimanjaro with Gregory Peck and Susan Hayward on TCM. I'm also making my way through the classic Doctor Who series (all 26 seasons!), and I've got most of them on DVD. The ones that aren't out yet on DVD I've been watching online, including reconstructions and animations of the missing episodes. I started last February with An Unearthly Child and proceeded in order. After finishing The Talons of Weng-Chiang, I went back and watched The Dominators again because I had just gotten the newly released DVD. Tomorrow I plan to finish watching the bonus features for The Dominators and then start Horror of Fang Rock, the first story in Season 15. The seasons get shorter as you go along, with the first six being much longer than the others, so I'm already close to two thirds of the way through.

I'm in the middle of reading Homeward Bound by Harry Turtledove. It's the conclusion of a lengthy series of alternate history novels he wrote about an alien invasion in the middle of World War II (Worldwar) and the subsequent arrival of their colonization fleet in the 1960s (Colonization). Though I've read all of the Worldwar and Colonization books and Homeward Bound came out in 2005, I'd never read it before. It concerns the arrival of a human starship at the aliens' homeworld (Home) in the 21st century. I've been reading a lot of Turtledove in recent months, including the last three books of Settling Accounts, part of an extremely long alternate history in which the Confederacy won its independence from the USA in 1862 that began with one book set in the early 1880s, three during World War I, three during the interwar period, and finally four during World War II. I just finished Hitler's War, the first book in The War That Came Early series, where World War II starts in the fall of 1938 with the invasion of Czechoslovakia. I had wanted to read the next book in the series, West and East, but it had been checked out of the library, so I got Homeward Bound instead.

I've also started reading December 6, by Martin Cruz Smith. This one follows an American expatriate named Harry Niles living in Tokyo shortly before the attack on Pearl Harbor. I put it on hold partway through to read Homeward Bound, but I intend to get back to it.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 11:45 am
by Dave Syrinx
I see your trait in following through. I also tend to watch whole series and read certain authors in streaks. But not yet for 26 seasons! That must be some kind of record?
Thanks for sharing your nightstand with me. That was a mix of what ifs and science fiction. The only thing I´ve read coming close to Turtledove is Philip K Dick´s The man in the high castle.
You might have heard of Do androids dream of electric sheep filmed as Blade Runner with Harrison Ford? (My number one favorite sci fi film as well as favorite author.)
In The man in the high castle, the axis powers won the war and rule USA. The book is made into a TV-series by Ridley Scott as we speak. (Announced on IMDB.)

Speaking of adaptions, a best seller from the 80's Joseph Garber´s Vertical Run. Something I´d like to try to convert to a solo adventure. "Dave Elliot comes to work as usual. But something is wrong. He will have to fight to get his way out of the office alive. As he did in the jungle all those years ago." It is being filmed by Warner Bros, produced by Jon Peters(Batman Returns, the only good Batman film ever made).

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 5:11 am
by Mr. Handy
Well, I think the 1966 Batman movie with Adam West and Burt Ward was also good, in a campy sort of way. ;)

Philip K. Dick is great, and I have The Man in the High Castle, though it's been years since I've read it. I also have Through a Scanner Darkly. I've heard of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, but I've never read it. I've seen Blade Runner plenty of times, though I've heard it's very different from the book.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 12:04 pm
by kabukiman
Hi guys!
Blade runner is excellent, but they have left many things out of the book, it would be impossible to include everything. And it's THE cyberpunk movie, you may forget Matrix. Scanner darkly was a bit weird. And about The man in the high castle, it's a great book, it really understands the ethos of fascism.
I'm currently reading "The other Greeks" from Victor Davis Hanson. It explains that most of values of the western world were created by the free farmers of the Greek polis and not by the intellectuals of the greek cities. I'm also reading the manga "Monster", it's a thriller about experiments and social engineering done in the late East Germany (this one would be a great scenario). On TV, I'm watching again Rome, the first season,
Computer games; I'm playing Bioshock 1 (I'm not very found steampunk, but I must agree it's well done).

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 5:43 pm
by Mr. Handy
I'm currently playing Fallout 3. It's fun, but it's not really true to Fallout 1 and 2 nor up to their level of quality. I've heard good things about Fallout: New Vegas, though.

I have Bioshock 1 and 2, but I haven't had time to play them yet.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 6:14 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Between writing a paper on women´s and men´s teaching styles and trying to be productive on the site, I play some odd rounds of Jagged Alliance 2 (newer mod as of 2010) can´t give it up.
I laughed when I saw my 13 year old son play the char generation phase of Fallout 3! Kid stuff!
Then it turned out to be an ordinary shooter.

In real life my oldest daughter has some aviation reading to do, hopefully. She went down to do try out tests for pilot school.
Oh, how I would like to trade places with her... They let her know how it went in a month.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 10:14 am
by kabukiman
By the way, I was was drawing a comic with a mythos theme and part of the action was in Egypt. Now, it's all ruined.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 11:03 am
by Dave Syrinx
Just place it to occur last year ;) . Can we get a preview of your work??

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 12:15 pm
by kabukiman
It's all written in Portuguese, and I'm still learning how to draw (when I started, I didn't knew at all), but here is the link:

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 2:28 pm
by Dave Syrinx
I see you are drawing in the computer. Have you tried to draw on paper and scan the pictures? I think that gives a better look to it. Drawing in the computer is really hard, I think.

I made a quick character pic for a scribe I played some years ago:

I guess, given sufficient time and training anyone can draw decently.
That said, if one not keep the drawing up, one loses the talent quickly. I used to draw pretty good. This is light years from my work from twenty years ago. Sadly...

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 2:39 pm
by kabukiman
Nice! I wish I could draw like that.
I've been drawing the scenarios in computer to be quicker. The figures I made them in paper, but I will take a long time (on the other hand, I already saw worst comics than mine in the net, so not everything is lost :P )

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 8:34 pm
by Dave Syrinx
But then again, the message in the text will put the strip in another light. (I´ll look at it more closely tomorrow.)
Regarding art, I´ll be putting together a "front page" for the Aquitania scenario. What elements would you like to have?
I was thinking of the cliffs of Morocco, a dive shot, ocean liner, raging war, horrors of the deep... I just need to compose those in a neat layout.

Any ideas?

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 2:45 am
by kabukiman
Imagine the ruin of a ship at the bottom of the city with divers exploring, and "something" appearing, hows that?

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 10:34 am
by Dave Syrinx
I´ll work on that! Some snatching from the web. Morph it. Then upload for approval. Give me some time....

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 7:03 pm
by Dave Syrinx
OK, I had a look at Sanctum.
It fits the "How was the dive?" "Same all, same all..." as Kabs said before. Some great underwater scenes.
I also had a rewatch of The Cave.

Into the Blue 1 & 2 got on my watch list and I´m about to see #2 right now. All to prepare for the 2011 epsiode of Aquitania.

The thing with diving is when things go bad - it´s hard to do them right again ;) . With the planning of baddies with harpoon guns and lost treasures, greedy Brits and such, we´re in for a treat!

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 8:44 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Jeez! :shock:

Halfway in the film, I´m thrilled! It´s like Aliens in UK! Possibly one of the best films in the genre ever! Cool environ suits. I like the plot. The pace is increasing all the time and I´m only half way...
The rest can be a flat out, but based on the film so far it´s a ten pointer. :D
Expecting nothing... Enormously glad I had a view of it.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 5:50 pm
by Dave Syrinx
In retrospect... I should have stopped watching there! The second half was...not to par with the first half. I´ll make good use of the first part for a future project of mine, though.

You seen it?

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 10:00 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Ok, what am I thinking of? The scenes in the first half set a great tense mood.
That is suitable as an eye catcher.

The plot is from Ursula LeGuin´s Intracom, paired with an old Traveller scenario: Sky Rig.
It will be quite a quick job to put these pieces together and have a scenario going.

I guess I´ve found yet another thing to add to my to-do-list :D


Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 3:29 pm
by kabukiman
I finished to see the anime Higurashi (When they cry). The idea is simple: in 4 episodes you see what hapen in a beautiful and peaceful small vilage (a group of teenagers playing, a festival, a murder, then a spiral of murders and madness). Then the story repeats with some minor changes in another 4 episodes. In a total of 52. Each group of 4 episodes gives hints for what is really hapening, until at the end you know almost everything. I didn't like how it was solved (a true happy ending with everyone happy, including the baddies).

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 5:05 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Ok, I did it... I added myself as keeper to the above scenario. Over at Umbria They got a neat site - in Spanish. Kabukiman - do you understand Spanish? Anyways, I drafted Airbornexo to join that game. Does either of you guys want to jump in?
I have two slots open. One as a Geology Professor and one as Electronics Specialist. Place: Antarctica (swapped Sky Rig for Rig below massive ice...)

While trying to wrap my non Spanish speaking head around the board, I kind of slipped with my effort over here. But I´ve been creative!

Regarding forums in general. The Umbria forum has one up on PLAY@YSDC, that is the character and player tabs. Check them out and you´ll see what I mean.
I visited Dark and moody forums, and couldn´t get past the fact that I didn´t like the black background and multicolour texts. It´s subjective, I know. And arguable if it´s better to have texts in Spansih :D

So, when you guys get back, please drop over to umbria and say hi. It will be a short scenario. I just want to test the forum and see if it´s possible to create something similar in English.

Link to the game: ... TIDA=16698 (If you didn´t check it up top ;) )

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 11:12 am
by Dave Syrinx
Got seven Spanish players and one Brit, Airbornexo on board over there. I can still add any of you if you want to check it out. There´s a function to get VIP-passes to watch the game - without participating.
Still one character not taken - Electronics Specialist Camilla Vasqez.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 5:07 am
by Mr. Handy
I'm still catching up on everything I missed while I was away, but I'll be sure to check it out once I have time.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 1:10 pm
by kabukiman
I read spanish, but don't know to writte (if you need any help to translation, jusk ask me).
I'l read the scenario first to get an idea.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 2:17 am
by Mr. Handy
I know a bit of Spanish too; I took two semesters of it in grad school. That said, it was a long time ago and I'm very rusty.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 11:03 am
by kabukiman
If you could read spanish then you MUST read portuguese! :twisted:

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 11:31 am
by Dave Syrinx
Yesterday, I watched True Grit, and I think my one-eyed marksman for the Maple Hill scenario made an appearance there :D . Added the first character to that scenario.
My movie weekend ended with The Tourist, what I like to see as a sequel to Salt (Saw it a month ago). Oddly enough I haven´t used Mrs Jolie for any of my characters... She´s awesome!


Besides these two films I managed to sneek a peek at The Adjustment Bureau.
As with most films I watch, I tend to like the concepts but not the final turnout. Guess that´s the drawback of being at the helm plotwise in gaming. Of the four films I keep the one with Evelyn Salt as the best.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 10:43 pm
by Dave Syrinx
What about you, Shane? What´s on your night stand / in your DVD?
Welcome back to the cyber-realm, btw.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 3:12 am
by Mr. Handy
I saw The King's Speech when I was in London last month, in a very expensive movie theater. Had to sit through ten minutes of commercials there too, but at least they were different commercials from the ones I've seen, and then ten minutes of coming attractions before the movie actually started. It was very good and earned every one of its awards.

I just finished reading Harry Turtledove's The Man with the Iron Heart, an alternate history novel that speculates on what might have happened had Reinhard Heydrich survived the assassination that killed him in 1942 and gone on to prepare an effective guerrilla resistance to American, British, French, and Soviet occupiers. It was pretty good, but I don't think American sentiment would have turned as rapidly against the war as it did in the timeframe involved. I know the author was trying to compare it to Iraq, but it was a different mindset in the 1940s - and even in the 2000s, Americans didn't turn against the war anywhere near as quickly.

I finished Season 15 of Doctor Who some time ago, but I went back to watch the new DVD releases of The Mutants, The Ark, and The Seeds of Doom. Now I'm ready to start Season 16, which is about the quest for the Key to Time. I haven't seen those in a while. The second story of Season 16, The Pirate Planet, was written by Douglas Adams. He also cowrote City of Death, the second story of Season 17 (and probably my favorite overall). I also just ordered about half of the DVDs I don't yet have because BBC America is having a big sale on them. With that and my promotion codes, I'm getting 12 stories for just $170 plus tax, and my collection is now nearly complete.

My Doctor Who/Call of Cthulhu game The Terror Out of Time is going really well. I just wrapped up Episode 3 with a doozy of a cliffhanger, and Episode 4 just started. It should be quite a rip-roaring conclusion. If things really go pear-shaped, and there are a number of ways this could happen, the investigators may end up meeting Nyarlathotep himself. This scenario has used many of the standard tropes of both Doctor Who and Call of Cthulhu, but with some novel twists. After that, I plan to start the second adventure in my Doctor Who campaign, the science-fiction themed The Ninth Planet. I still need to do some more work to develop it before it's ready to start, but I haven't had time lately, nor have I had time to do much work on the Aquitania scenario.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 7:06 am
by Dave Syrinx
Good to hear things are running smoothly. I ordered something too. The USB-from yoggie with the two first issues of The Black Seal. I really liked reading the preview and look forward to reading the real deal.
My game at Umbria is flowing just fine. I have set a slow pace and have had time to interact off-topic with the players. I even tried the chat function. I will use that next weekend to take my players to the mission site. If enough of them log on at midnight.
Kabs, you´ve been lurking over there, any comments?

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 12:08 pm
by kabukiman
Well, to tell the true I hate the system of navigation there. I think it's much more confuse that good old YSDC... But the players are doing well, and that's what counts. And the campaign is nice remembers me "The thing".
I had enouth of see my son playing super-mario and sonic. so I have introduce him to Sid meyer's pirates and he just loved it. And I have play with him for the first time dungeons and dragons (I had the old red box translated in portuguese) and he liked. Now I'm thinklig to buy miniatures to be easier to understand it.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 2:22 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Yes, it´s quite a roundabout way to navigate the site. But when one has reached the actual game, the structure is easy. All threads on the same drop down list and the die-roller is in the message menu. I just wanted to have the VIP, Player, character and group messages on a similar drop down.
Maybe less effort should be put on décor and more to optimize browsing?

And a big plus is that it´s a huge community. It took no time to gather players :D . Even in a foreign language!

I see how you get a feel of The Thing, I sure have had that in mind when putting the scenario together. Well, let´s see how the actual mission turns out...

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 3:06 pm
by kabukiman
There are a lot of spanish playing. Several of the material of CoC (and other rpg's too) that I bought were in spanish because they translate it and it's much cheaper.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 6:11 pm
by Dave Syrinx
I´ve just got The Black Seal #1 & 2 in my hand. Bought the pre-packed USB from yoggie and printed the articles I was interested in.
Is there something in these volumes either of you is interested in?
I can pdf-print one or two articles for you to review as part of our writing scheme.
'Unusual suspects' - Sermon Grant, occultist; and Michael Scrimgoer, city analyst.
'Mental Health in the United Kingdom' - a factual introduction to modern mental health laws.
'Let Sleeping Gods Lie' - PISCES section 'H'
'Dangerous Places' - The Devil's Rings.
'Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels' - procuring illegal firearms in the UK.
'The Further Files of Prof. Grant Emerson' - Delta Green: Countdown's Quincy reports more.
'With Extreme Prejudice...' - PISCES' dirty jobs squad.
'Zodiac Clearance' & 'Drive Through Carefully' - DG-UK-style. Campaign outline and starter scenario.
'Tale of Terrors' - A couple of tales for Cthulhu Now and Delta Green.
'A Landscape of the Stones' - an examination of stone circles, standing stones and ley lines.
'The Tombola Cipher' - your very own secret code based on the UK National lottery results!
'Firearms of the UK and Irish Police and Military' - the Ronseal article.
'The Mythos Gazetteer of the British Isles' -updated to 2002 from Games Workshop's 'Green and Pleasant Land' (1987).
'British Investigator Templates' - a list of military and civilian agency profiles and character templates in the style of Delta Green: Countdown.
'Green Box' - the latest gear for the well-equipped investigator.
'Reviews' - no magazine would be complete without a review section.
'What is the Black Seal?'
PISCES: Her Majesty's Watchmen
A Brief Summary of known Great Old One-worshipping Cults and Independent Agents in the British Isles
Missing Persons...: PISCES' Magonia Facility
Unusual Suspects: Wilbur Bromley
The Avengers: Off-beat espionage in the Swinging Sixties
Dangerous Places: RAF Hobwood
Perfidious Albion: PISCES Operations in the United States
A Stylish Death: A Tale of Terror
Mind Games: A Tale of Terror
The Wrong Man: A Tale of Terror
Strange Histories: Four alternatives to PISCES for Cthulhu Now games
The Penhew-Carlyle Foundation
13 Places of Interest in Brichester
An Interview with Gary Sumpter
The Further Files of Professor Emerson Grant: Report on Peruvian Mummy
Investigator Templates
Dangerous Places: Stranger's Race

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 7:13 pm
by Mr. Handy
Nice! The police/military firearms and the investigator templates could prove useful for my scenario. So could the PISCES summary. I hadn't thought of using them, but that would spice things up. Maybe PISCES knows something of the fate of the Aquitania, and there could even be a PISCES operative aboard the sub.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 7:20 pm
by Dave Syrinx
I´ll print it at upload it right here!

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 8:05 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Here we go:
(320.54 KiB) Downloaded 96 times
(527.38 KiB) Downloaded 226 times
Pieces of Pieces.pdf
(1.47 MiB) Downloaded 181 times
Templates 1.pdf
(225.8 KiB) Downloaded 61 times
Templates 2.pdf
(401.25 KiB) Downloaded 85 times
I added the Esteemed Penhew Foundation to the reading list.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 9:48 pm
by Mr. Handy
I've tried opening the first two of the PDF files, but they're pretty badly messed up. Almost all of the text is missing or unreadable.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 9:53 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Hmmm, works from my end. I used pdf create along with foxit reader.
I´ll put the two mags in my drop box and post the links her instead.
Just hold on.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 10:05 pm
by Dave Syrinx

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 10:09 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Number one works, but the second I´ll have to up once more.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 10:54 pm
by Mr. Handy
The other three PDFs are just as messed up as the first two. I cannot access the ones on Dropbox, as I don't have an account there.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 4:30 pm
by Dave Syrinx
OK, this turned out to be more work than I anticipated. I brushed up some screen dumps in Photobucket and attached them to an Articles thread. I´ll post the text in a quote post after the jpegs. I´ll get the other articles up later.
I hope this way works for you guys.


Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 8:14 pm
by Mr. Handy
Thanks! It might take me some time to read all that.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 8:19 pm
by Dave Syrinx
We have all the time in the world, right? ;)
Feels great not to work against a deadline.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 6:42 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Just watched Source Code, with Jake Gyllenhaal.
I watched it with no prior knowledge - that´s the best way to see films! And was pleasantly surprised.

Quite a good take on Groundhog day from -93.
The time frame, for the episodes in the film, could work for a segment at the Aquitania scenario. Where the PCs work towards the clock to get a puzzle right. Strict time management and multiple tries.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 7:46 am
by zielonobrody
Currently reading:
Bauchelain and Korbal Broach novels by Steven Erikson. These are much simpler and easier to read than the whole Malazan series, which I've found make me use my brain while reading. The guy is the Tolkien of our time, a real pleasure to read some high literature in the loads of crap we're bound to read.
Speaking of crap, I've been rereading the Harry Potter series for some light reading. These books don't require much brain usage ;) Which is pleasant after a month of physics of optics day in day out.
I've also started reading a history of Poland pre- WW1 to almost present day.
Yes, I multitask, but it's hard to read anything consuming with a year old girl runninga around the same room ;)

Currently watching:
Would like to see Dexter season 2 sometime soon. Also House season 7 is halfway through, and I'll be seeing the Game of Thrones which is an all time fav book of mine.
I don't watch many movies, but I finally bought the Dark Knight DVD and intend to see it soon.

Haven't had much time for anything lately, so there's lot's of catching up to do. I saw a bit of "the great escape" recently. I decided I have to watch it. Also have the dirty dozen lined up (book).

If looking for aquatic adventures and ideas, definitely read some Clive Cussler books. Sahara is a classic bestseller with a film on top of it (that wasn't all that great, but fun to watch).

It's good to see people of totally different interests here :)

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 3:39 am
by Mr. Handy
I just finished The Gap into Power: A Dark and Hungry God Arises, the third book out of five in Stephen Donaldson's Gap Cycle. I read the first two books a couple of years ago and just got back into them after a long break. I'd forgotten how good they are. Syrinx first pointed me towards them, as he used the character of Morn Hyland as the inspiration for one of his characters in my Zombie Apocalypse game. I'm planning to read the fourth book (The Gap into Madness: Chaos and Order) soon, but I just got the new Mongoose Publishing version of Lone Wolf Book 15: The Darke Crusade (part of an epic gamebook campaign), so I'll be reading that next.

My Doctor Who marathon is nearing the end of Season 17, and I'm 3/4 of the way through The Horns of Nimon. Next up is Shada (or at least what exists of it), also written by Douglas Adams. Last year I saw the animated version of this with the Eighth Doctor (Paul McGann) instead of Tom Baker along with Lalla Ward as Romana and John Leeson as K-9 instead of David Brierley. That's a great story, and it's a shame they never managed to finish it. I'm getting to the end of Doctor Who's Golden Age, so it kind of goes downhill from here, but there are still some gems to come.

Oh, and I've just rediscovered Star Blazers! I first saw it over thirty years ago and used to watch it all the time when I was little. Now that I'm older, I finally get some of the aspects of it that I had completely missed then. Star Blazers (and the original Japanese version, Space Battleship Yamato) is the granddaddy of anime, and there was nothing else like it in its time. SyFy finally brought it back to TV, but they put it in an awful timeslot: two episodes from 2:00-3:00 AM every Friday morning. I can't stay up that late, and I'm having a problem with my VCR, so I've been watching it on YouTube instead.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 12:15 pm
by zielonobrody
There's a lot of cool stuff to be taken from the Scooby Doo series, I'm sure. I hope to watch some soon :) Space Ghost was a favorite of mine too.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 12:35 pm
by Airbornexo
Currently reading: Just started Game of Thrones, as I liked the look of the series pilot (not watched the rest yet), just finished a steampunk novel called Terminal World that was pretty good. I returned to Abnett's Ghost's novels frequently and also Lovecraft's main earth based works but have always struggled to get into the dreamlands with the exception of the Carter cycle. I also enjoy Cussler and have read nearly all of them - good 'popcorn' novels.

Currently watching: Finished a CSI marathon of seasons 9 & 10 last night, I do like that show and also watch it with the wife. Next up on the slate is criminal minds boxed set of s3. Literally cannot wait for the adventures of Sam and Dean Winchester to start up again next week in S6 (no spoilers please), I think that might be my favourite show on TV.

Also watching all of BSG again from the start as they have double bills on my satellite network. Another must not miss for me is Castle starring Nathan (Firefly) Fillion as a writer working with the NYPD, cheesy but fantastic. As I have had a week's vacation I can also not get enough of The Wire, which again I've started from S1 and am mid way through S2 now.

Movies: Cannot be arsed with film at the minute, I quite enjoyed the last Harry Potter and will be waiting for the final instalment as I haven't read the books beyond Order of the Phoenix. Last film I really loved was:


Cheers, Hal

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 12:57 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Welcome to our reading/writing/watching corner Hal. We have some varied tastes and all seem to have the time watch and read some. Regarding Game of Thrones, I started to read the latest novel, A feast for Crows, but it went missing when my car got stolen. Got the car back but not the book :cry: . Now, I´m watching the series and it´s quite good but very comprised.

Never saw Supernatural, might give it a go.

Now, I´m off to the beach to get some tan and read the first three chapters of The Dead White World.


Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 8:25 pm
by Airbornexo
Supernatural (despite all the promos that tell you it is a girly show like vampire diaries or some such cack) is about as close to a CoC modern TV series as I have seen. Occasionally it gets bogged in a 'creature of the week' or some crazy religious-war overtones. But seriously it is a massive winner! Give it a go, but make sure you watch from season 1 for maximum viewer pleasure. enjoy!

PS and there's enough hot chicks in it to keep the fellas interested as well.

Cheers, Hal

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 8:35 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Yes, I sure will. Like Chuck then? Modern investigative agents with hot girls!
What did you think about the background material for the scenarios btw? We haven´t got around to much writing yet, but the general idea is out there.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 10:08 pm
by Mr. Handy
Welcome, Hal!

I recently finished Chaos and Order, and I went to the library today to return it and get the final Gap Cycle book, The Gap into Ruin: This Day All Gods Die, only to find that the room where the books are kept is being renovated and all the books put into storage. They won't be accessible again until January, and this is the only copy the library has in the entire city. So it's back to Lone Wolf for now. My recent attempt at Book 15 started out well, but my carefully cultivated character died at the end because of a random unavoidable instant death. I'd gotten past quite a few of these throughout the series, but this one was worse in that it has a 20% chance of killing you instead of 10%, and there's nothing you can do about it. I'll be starting over from Book 1 and try to get through the series again before Book 16 comes out.

I'm finishing up Season 18 in my Doctor Who marathon. I'm currently in the middle of Logopolis, Tom Baker's last story. I remember watching it when it was new 30 years ago. I've also finished the first 20 episodes of Star Blazers, with 6 more left in the first season. SyFy has moved its timeslot up a little, but 1:00-2:00 AM is still too late. Next week it'll be from 12:30-1:30 AM and I can sleep late the following day, so I think I'll watch it on TV then, but otherwise I'm stuck with the low quality YouTube videos.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 4:13 pm
by zielonobrody
There seems to be a new series out called Teen Wolf. Lot's of lacrosse, so I'll have to check it out :) I'm going to have to stop watching Game of Thrones until my wife reads the book, so we can watch together. Loving it so far. Feast for Crows was worse than the first three. I hope the next one is better.
Started reading the Wheel of Time series again, as I got book 12 as a present but I seem to have totally forgotten what was going on in book 11, so I decided to start over and relive the fun :) I also received a Kindle 3.0 in the meantime so I'm reading on that, as my books are starting to fall apart, and I'm missing books 7 and 8 which I lended out and didn't get back.
Started watching True Grit today, but I'll leave it for the evening with the wife. Looks like a good one :) Can't wait to see X-men: first class and Kung Fu Panda 2. Had fun watching The Hangover, might catch the second sometime.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 4:41 am
by Mr. Handy
The first ten books of The Wheel of Time plus an introduction (The Strike at Shayol Ghul) and a prequel are a free download on the Android Market; you just have to put up with some ads that pop up and cover the page navigation buttons. I started reading the intro, but haven't had much time to get into it.

I may be able to get the last book in the Gap Cycle a lot sooner through Interlibrary Loan, as there are copies at universities in town. I requested it, but it's possible I won't be able to pick it up, as I work 9-5 during the week and there might not be a way to pick it up on weekends. In the meantime, I found a sample online that had the first three chapters, so I devoured those.

I finished Logopolis and plan to start watching Castrovalva, the first Doctor Who story to star Peter Davison, tomorrow. I finished Season 1 of Star Blazers and am about five episodes into Season 2 now.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 10:42 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Video diving for a while over here. Found one gem:


Some neat close encounters ;) . I watched the dubbed version. From French to English.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 1:17 am
by Mr. Handy
Nice! I generally prefer subtitles to dubbing. I do like Star Blazers, which uses dubbing, but one of these days I'd like to see Space Battleship Yamato in the original Japanese with English subtitles. I do know some Japanese, which is helpful, but not enough to follow it without the subtitles. I finished Season 2 of Star Blazers and saw the beginning of the first of two movies that takes place between Seasons 2 and 3. These movies are only in Japanese, but they have subtitles.

I'm currently reading The Gap into Ruin: This Day All Gods Die, which finally came in a little over a week ago. I'm just over 40% done, and things are really getting good!

My Doctor Who marathon is in the middle of Season 19 now, early in The Visitation (Peter Davison's fourth story).

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 9:28 am
by Dave Syrinx
This cat has never watched Dr Who. Maybe I will give it a go? Anyway, I saw some episodes of Supernatural and found it quite good. Still, I prefer Chuck - no angels and mythos but a good sense of "this could be a rpg session" feel to it.

On Midsummer´s Eve I had a look at The Dunwich Horror (1970) - for the first time. I didn´t know Dean Stockwell had done that great amount of films! The library scenes worked out quite well and had the feel of what might have passed in Masks, and some of the scenes could work in a trailer for that campaign, Airbornexo...

On that note I stumbled upon a review site: Beasts in Human Skin Mountain of the Cannibal God (1978) could be something similar to The mountain of the Black Wind? I´ll have a look :D

Image Apocalypto - some neat sacrificial scenes.

Besides Mountain of the Cannibal God, I´ve put a few more films on my watch list.


Vampire flick with HPL influentions, I think I read that Medusa’s Coil by H. P. Lovecraft and Zealia Bishop was an inspiration to the film. Have to see it to be sure.

:D From the review site, I had to watch Image Just for the Deep Ones similarity. Guess there´s a certain boob warning here.
I watched Pirahna (2010) the other day and thought that the clicketi click sound when the fish came, would work as mood setter in a table RPG, just drum with the fingers against the table! Hilarius take on the music dum, dum, dum - from Jaws :D

On a completely different note I decided to watch this one!

A pastiche of James Bond, duh?! Well, it got to be an early version of Shagalicious Image

Which makes me remember this old game: Image

Excuse my ranting and non stop image dropping. Must be the-day-after-remedy of ten cups of coffee talking. Cheers! Off to watch those flicks now!


Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 3:51 pm
by Mr. Handy
Doctor Who is definitely worth it. I'd start with the classic series. The new series is kind of different, and you'll probably appreciate it more and get the references to the classic series if you're familiar with it first. I finished The Visitation, but I'm watching the new Series 6 Part 1 episodes on On Demand in HD before they fall off before I watch the bonus features and then move on to the short but sweet Black Orchid, which is set in the 1920s and has a certain Lovecraftian vibe, though there are no monsters/aliens in it. It was the first pure historical adventure in a very long time, and the last one they made.

I've passed the halfway mark in This Day All Gods Die. Just keeps getting better and better! Can't wait to find out what happens next, but also don't want it to end.

I've seen the 1970 version of The Dunwich Horror, but it's been a while. Dean Stockwell has been in many movies for well over 60 years now (he started as a child), in addition to TV series such as Quantum Leap and the new Battlestar Galactica.

I saw Apocalypto once before too, but my memories of it are a little hazy.

That cover's from the 1996 remake of Humanoids from the Deep. I saw that one (an edited version on SciFi) before I ever saw the (unedited) 1980 one, which is even more boob-filled. I haven't seen the 1996 version since then, but the explanation for the creatures' existence was less implausible in that one. I've never seen the 2010 Pirahna, but I did see the original 1978 movie long ago.

I've seen both Our Man Flint and In Like Flint years ago. Classic spy shenanigans! I've seen all three Austin Powers movies, but the only one I watched recently was Goldmember. And I love No One Lives Forever! I haven't played those games in so long, but I still have them. I have the Game of the Year Edition of the first game with a bonus mission, the second game, and Contract J.A.C.K., where you play a hit man who gets caught up in the middle of things in a story set between NOLF 1 and 2.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 10:24 am
by Dave Syrinx
:oops: Ahem... Sorry for the bad judgement to considering watching some of those films. Let´s say that it was pretty much wasted time. For most part the first half hour of any has promise, then the decline begins. I still look forward to Mr Flint, that can´t go bad.
And to remedy the lack of skill in picking odd films, I´m preparing to watch the 1937 version of King Solomon´s mines, to find something Masks worthy. Fingers crossed. The era is right. It´s Africa. It´s an expedition. Missing people. The future looks bright.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 11:56 pm
by Dave Syrinx
After watching the Salomon films I re watched Apocalypto, which is the highlight of my viewing spree.

Fear is a sickness. It will crawl into the soul of anyone who engages it. Quite good quote to start off a scenario with!

This film really have the qualities to function as a Mesoamerican chapter to Masks. I read about the various locations in Brady´s statement and paired with the different forms of Nyarla. To use a hidden cult in the jungle would be an easy task for any keeper. To change the setting to 1500 could turn out more difficult.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 4:17 am
by Mr. Handy
Yeah, Xipe Totec would be active in those parts. As for setting it in 1500, time travel is always a possibility where the Mythos is involved.

Part of Zombie Apocalypse may even eventually find its way to that area. I don't want to say any more, as I don't want to spoil it. Of course, at the pace Zombie Apocalypse moves, "eventually" could be several years of real time. The journey from the U.S. heartland alone could take ages. The pacing is another thing about which the later books in the Gap Cycle remind me (over 70% done the final book, by the way). So much is going in on in such a short period of time, and the interlocking motivations and interactions of the various characters is similar too.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 12:51 pm
by kabukiman
Hi guys! I have been awfully busy lately. Now I'm in holidays for the next 2 weeks.
Well, I've been reading different things.
"Naissance des divinité, naissance de l'Agriculture" (starting of the gods, starting of the agriculture). It's a book about the neolithic in middle east, and it can be used easily as a source for a scenario of an archeological expedition finding traces of Shub-Nigurath.
"The Himmler brothers". The details to make a very original enemy in a scenario. Someone who is nice, soft, and will help others. And at the same time, is a mass murder. For the players it's a surprise very different of the normal maniac cultist.
Cyberbad days. Collection of stories in India in 2050. Without the technology0 they give lot's of information to make scenarios in that country,
I've been reading several stories of Dylan Dog (an italian comic). It's about a private eye that investigates paranormal cases. Most are perfect to one-shot scenarios.
About movies: I saw "3 Extremes". Horror stories made by oriental producers. They are indeed a bit extreme... But have good ideas (one is a about cannibalism and eternal youth).

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 3:57 am
by Mr. Handy
I finished This Day All Gods Die before I left for the convention, and I've started replaying the Lone Wolf gamebook series starting with Book 1, Flight from the Dark. As the last surviving Kai monk after the Darklords invade your country Sommerlund and massacre your kin, you must make a dangerous journey to the capital of Holmgard to warn the King. This is the first adventure in an epic campaign that is currently at 28 books, with the long awaited book 29 due out before too much longer and three more new books in the works. This is the revised and expanded version published by Mongoose Publishing in 2007, which has 550 sections instead of 350 and adds a lot to the story - but also adds annoying unavoidable random instant deaths and particularly hard battle at the end. Still, at least it's the first book, so if I die I don't have that far to replay when I start over. I made a wrong turn early on, as I hadn't remembered which way to go, and wound up in a place where there were a couple of random rolls that could have killed me, but I somehow survived. I'm about halfway done the book now.

I'm in the middle of watching The Descent 2. It's not as good as the first one, at least so far. The creatures remind me of ghouls.

In my Doctor Who marathon, I've finished Time-Flight, the final story of Season 19. Next is Arc of Infinity, the first story of Season 20 which features the return of an old enemy and Colin Baker in a small role as a Gallifreyan commander - he later went on to play the Sixth Doctor after Peter Davison left.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 10:57 am
by zielonobrody
Re-reading the Wheel of Time series due to Jordan passing away after publishing book 11 and the long wait for book 12, and me totally not remembering what was going on so far, so I've started over. I first started reading them some 11 years ago ;)

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 3:50 am
by Mr. Handy
I had finished the intro and started reading the prequel New Spring a while ago, but it's been a while and I haven't gotten back into it. But now I understand why there are no male Aes Sedai. :shock: I think I mentioned before that I have those and the first ten books as eBooks on my phone. They were free, but annoying ads pop up and block the page navigation buttons.

I almost finished Lone Wolf Book 1, but I died in the final battle. I rolled up a new character and got one that was a good deal better, but again I died in the last battle due to some bad rolling. So I started up a third character and got nearly optimal stats, and this time I made it to the end and really kicked butt in that fight, prevailing with damage to nothing but my armor. My copy of the book started falling apart last night, with pages starting to come out of the book. The original run (from which my book came) had faulty bindings, but I had never had a problem with my copy before, and this is the first time I've read Book 1 in two years or so. Thankfully, Mongoose will send me a replacement with a good binding quickly. I'm still reading the final section, but when that's done it's on to Book 2: Fire on the Water. In order to save Sommerlund from Darklord Zagarna, I must journey to the heart of Sommerlund's ally Durenor to retrieve the fabled Sommerswerd, the only known weapon that can destroy him. But the forces of Evil know about my mission, and they're going to try their best to stop me. They probably won't succeed, unless I roll a 0 at the wrong time and killed by a certain falling mast... :evil:

I'm almost done Arc of Infinity. Before I move on to the next story, Snakedance, I intend to watch The Gunfighters, a classic First Doctor story that was just released on DVD. It's a pure historical set in Tombstone, Arizona in 1881, involving the famous gunfight at the OK Corral.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 3:10 pm
by Dave Syrinx
What I´m currently writing?

I´m starting another project - A Blade Runner rules set and background material for running Blade Runner scenarios.
I´ve invited Steff Worthington from Miskatonic River Press and he´ll be doing this as a hobby project.

My goal is to have a scenario ready to run by December, using whatever we´ve created by then as skeletal rules.


Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 3:26 pm
by Dave Syrinx
And btw, say hi to Steff!

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 4:27 pm
by kabukiman
Hi Steff, welcome to the gang!
I'm starting to read a book of Osprey publications about the battle of Leyte (Americans versus japonese) and Altered carbon, a kind of cyberpunk book.
And I'm playing Deus ex3.
Two last weekends where quite interesting. I was in the Iberanime (a convention of anime/manga in Oporto) and the national meeting of boargames. Played several games (including "The order of the stick", based in a webcomic) and bought "Pandemic".

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 4:45 am
by Mr. Handy
Welcome, Steff! I'd noticed that you'd joined the site. Glad to have you aboard.

Can Steff even see these forums? Let me know if you need me to add him to the list of moderators, Dave, unless Raiko has already done it.

I bought Pandemic too, and it's fun. I've seen the Order of the Stick game and would like to play it, but I've never had the chance.

I have a couple of conventions in New Jersey coming up in November, and I'm really looking forward to them. The first one is Metatopia, in Morristown, which is centered around game designers. There will be a lot of playtesting going on there. It was also recently announced that Kenneth Hite will be there. Philcon is two weeks after that. It hasn't been the same since they moved it out of Philly, but maybe there will be more and better stuff this time. They've been treating gaming as an afterthought the past few years.

I'm not writing anything at the moment, but I'm about to have some free time. The first thing I plan to do is write the third scenario in my Doctor Who/Call of Cthulhu campaign. It's a UNIT adventure set in 1985 called "The Shadow Over Dunwich" (the real life UK town, not the fictional one in Massachusetts). Then I'm going to work on "Alone Against the Invaders," a short solo adventure set against the backdrop of the War of the Worlds broadcast of October 30, 1938. I intend to submit this one to Protodimension Magazine, hopefully by the end of the year.

I'm starting to play Civilization V, but I don't have much time for it. I've just completed the basic tutorials. I like the new hex map and the addition of city-states, but I'm disappointed that they took out religions (which were introduced in Civ IV) and espionage (which had been part of the game since at least Civ II, maybe even Civ I). It also doesn't look like they'll have a real expansion pack.

I finished Lone Wolf through Book 16 and am ready for Book 17 when the new Mongoose edition comes out. That one's really tough, I remember, but I'm well stocked up on the potions and Combat Skill-boosting gear that I'll need. I recently read Alan Moore's The Courtyard and am planning to borrow Watchmen next when I return this one to the library. I'm also reading a Greg Iles thriller, Third Degree, that I bought for $1 at a book sale in my building. I also got Bram Stoker's Dracula and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo there.

I've made a lot of progress on my Doctor Who marathon. I've just finished Revelation of the Daleks, the finale of Season 22. Season 23 (Trial of a Time Lord) is next, and from here on out the seasons are only 14 episodes - and there are only four seasons of the classic series to go. I expect to finish it by the end of the year. Before I move on to Season 23, I just got the new Special Edition of The Talons of Weng-Chiang, so I'll be giving that a watch first.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 9:06 am
by Dave Syrinx
Hi! Steff has some serious cartography do finish so he won´t be committing to the forum as such, but work on the Blade Runner thingy solely. I´ve set up Raiko to sort out visibility and mod rights to the new forum.



Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 11:58 am
by Dave Syrinx
Altered Carbon

Right on that, Kabs! Read it a couple of years ago and found it in line with Blade Runner. Memory stacks and retiring expired licenses.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 8:45 pm
by Dave Syrinx


Just had to put some inspiration up here!

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 12:15 am
by Dave Syrinx
To show you what the finished product might look like, here´s a sample:

One Last Song

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 12:04 pm
by Dave Syrinx
:-D I just watched a hilariously fun Johnny Depp portraying a drug addict extraordinaire.

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

This must be how totally whacked out people see reality. I guess the choice of movie to watch was due to my Philip K Dick research.

I couldn´t help but thinking of Robbie William´s "Me and my Monkey" which is a rip off from the movie. But cool nevertheless.


Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 9:02 pm
by Mr. Handy
I love that movie! It's been far too long since I've seen it. I did play in a great series of LARPs at DEXCON and Dreamation over the past year and a half which featured Hunter S. Thompson as a PC. In the last one I teamed up with him in a failed but entertaining attempt to stop my character's misguided cousin from "becoming the king of Groundhog Day," as Jack O'Neill put it in an episode of Stargate SG-1.

I recently read V for Vendetta for the first time, and it's very different from the movie, which I also watched again last night. Currently I'm reading Dracula by Bram Stoker for the first time, which reads a lot like a CoC scenario.

My Doctor Who marathon hasn't made much progress in the last month or so. I finished watching The Mysterious Planet, the first sub-story in The Trial of a Time Lord (Season 23). Colony in Space was newly released on DVD and just arrived last week, so I'm watching it before moving on to the second Trial of a Time Lord story, Mindwarp. I probably won't finish all of the classic series by the end of the year, but I hope to at least get close.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 10:16 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Having an old touch mobile phone, I´m trying to emulate android OS on my old laptop. Going to have a run of wordfeud if I get it to work. (Just bought my two teenagers new cells. They can´t sleep without them!)

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 7:04 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Hah, that really didn´t work. Found a website doing scrabble online. Worked fine. Gets boring quite fast, though.
Back to RPGing instead. :D

Five episodes into season 2 of "The Walking Dead" it feels like I´m watching "Zombie Apocalypse"... I guess that´s why it so great. I´ve caught up on Dexter as well. Not so great, yet. That leaves two shows to wait for: "Game of Thrones" and "Breaking Bad".

Still haven´t finished "A Feast for Crows" but guess I´m done when the next book comes out.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 8:49 pm
by Mr. Handy
I've been watching and enjoying The Walking Dead too. Interestingly, Welsh and I were discussing back in 2008 the possibility of making Zombie Apocalypse into a TV series.

I've finished Colony in Space and am in the middle of Mindwarp now. I should finish that tonight.

I was very sick yesterday with a migraine, and I'm still recovering today, but I'm mostly better now.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 9:10 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Glad to hear you´re better. I just came back in from the cold. -3 Centigrades :shock: :shock: . Had to swap to winter tires. Bummer. Can´t feel my toes and my hands are pitch black. Sucks to do manual labour :D


Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 11:18 am
by kabukiman
How are you now? Hope you recovered.
I have been playing the mmrpg age of conan. One quest was interesting: getting 3 tomes. The Shadow Over Acheron, The Pashtun Horror and The Haunter In The Dark. The reward wasn't great, but the reference were nice.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 5:43 am
by Mr. Handy
Yes, I'm fully recovered. I went to Philcon last weekend and had a great time (I'm still catching up). I bought some new games there as well that I haven't had time to play yet: Death Angel (a cooperative WH40K card game of Space Marines vs. Genestealers on a Space Hulk), Luna (a cooperative board game), the Space Alert expansion The New Frontier, and The Legend of Drizzt (a D&D board game of the same type as Castle Ravenloft, which I have, and Wrath of Ashardalon, which I don't have yet).

I'm still reading Dracula, and I'm not yet halfway done.
Lucy Westenra
just died.

In my Doctor Who marathon, I just finished watching Terror of the Vervoids, the third sub-story of The Trial of a Time Lord. The final two episodes, The Ultimate Foe, are next, and that's it for Colin Baker as the Doctor. Then it's three 14 episode seasons of Sylvester McCoy.

I recently started playing Civilization V's full game tutorial. It's on the easiest difficulty level, so I'm doing amazingly well. I'm playing as India (chosen randomly), and their special ability has a bonus and a penalty, though the penalty outweighs the bonus. Building more cities is a huge disadvantage, though not as much of one on easier levels. I'm going for a cultural victory, though I may end up with a science victory first. My capital is growing and flourishing, and I've just founded my second city and built my first Wonder of the World, Stonehenge (which produces gobs of culture as well as Great Engineers). I can really churn out wonders thanks to my high production, a local supply of marble in my backyard, and one of the social policies I obtained. The Great Library is next, as I can really use the science boost. The only other full-fledged civilization in this game is the Iroquois, and they're not doing so well, though they do have a couple of techs that I don't. They never built a single military unit as far as I can tell. Their starting warrior must have gotten upgraded to a spearman by finding ancient ruins, and they just sent it marching due east (my scout met it on its way) until it reached my territory. There were some ruins that I hadn't found yet, as they existed on a tile I hadn't managed to explore yet, but I sent a newly built scout there and it arrived just behind the spearman. There were also barbarians camped out there, but rather than fight them, the spearman went straight for the ruins, blocking my path. It got to them ahead of me, but the spearman got badly wounded by the barbarians and managed to escape with 1 HP. It later got picked off as it moved north, probably by a barbarian galley off the coast that I can't see. Now they have no military at all, and there are barbarians not far from their only city.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 11:30 am
by kabukiman
I stopped playing civilization at II. It was consuming too much time, and I didn't wanted to repeat the mistake with the III.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing?

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 5:22 am
by Mr. Handy
I played Civilization I, II, and III a lot. They are a lot of fun, but it's hard to find the time. I preordered Civilization IV, but there was a bug that they never fixed that kept it from working properly on the computer I had at the time. You could play it, but there were bizarre graphical effects, and the fog of war still revealed rivers and flood plains when it should have kept them hidden. It would probably work right on my current computer, but I never installed it on this one.

I just got to the Medieval Era in my current game. I got the Iroquois back for "stealing" my ancient ruins. One of my scouts found another ruins just four tiles away from where they had started, yet they had never found it (probably because they didn't build any military units up to that point). I got my scout upgraded to an archer, which I hadn't been able to build yet at the time, and it still retained the scout's special ability to ignore terrain costs. Unfortunately, it only had 2 HP at the time and got killed by a barbarian archer before I could get it home. At least the Iroquois didn't get it. I completed the Great Library and the Pyramids in my capital before turning my attention to other things, though with another Golden Age coming up I'll be getting back to building wonders soon. My capital is now size 10, and my second city is size 6. Both are still growing fast, as I'm positively swimming in food. I'm about to build my third city, and I think that'll be it for me. I'm going for a cultural victory, and it's better to build fewer cities. I've completed one social policy track and started on a second (which will help me get more culture), but I need to finish five tracks before I can build the game-winning project.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:30 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Speaking of games. I´ve been checking out some relatively new games. I´v just recently built a good-old desktop to my six year old son. The specs are around 2gb video memory. 3,8Ghz processor 2,5Gb memory. I threw in a 160Gb drive and a DVD burner. (I have 20 desktops in the storage so I have plenty of spare parts.)
Not much to brag about but it´s a relief not to be forced to head out and buy stuff to be able to play games.
The specs let me play almost anything at low graphics performance.
The low drive space is worked around with twenty 160Gb drives as back up. :D

Now to what I´m play-testing:

L.A. Noire

Kane and Lynch Dog Days.
Heavy Rain (PS3)

The background for testing those games is that I really liked playing Mafia - The City of Lost Haven when it came out in 2004.
I also played a lot of Dunegon Siege when it was hot in 2003.
Fahrenheit - The Indigo Prophecy back in 2005.
Codename XIII from 2003.
That and not having a good enough computer for newer games I decided to try out the new games on the newly assembled desktop.

I think the games I´m playing now are mirrored in the games from 2003-2005 with a mixture of some of them. The extended realism and enlarged game worlds speak to me. But I really see where the games come from.

L.A. Noire could work really well to use as a Call of Cthulhu game. (Just played a little of Dark Corners of Earth from Betsheda but I like the Noire game better.)

Anyway I just wanted to share my gaming diary with you guys.
Currently I´m hooked to watching playthroughs of Darksydephil. He´s quite funny to watch. Guess I´m a bit lazy :D
Those gives a general idea of how the game runs before playing it.

Over and out.


Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:41 am
by Mr. Handy
I've played and enjoyed Mafia, Indigo Prophecy, and XIII. I've never tried Dungeon Siege, though. I do have Heavy Rain for my PS3, but I haven't had time to try it yet. I have literally hundreds of games I've never had time to play. In Civilization V, I just need four more social policies on the fifth and final track before I can build the Utopia Project and win the game, and I can do those quickly thanks to my huge cultural output and massive production in my capital (which also has an absurdly high defense strength even if an enemy somehow manages to breach my rather secure borders). Victory is pretty much assured in 40 or so turns (I should be in the early to middle Industrial age then), but I haven't had much time to play of late. I did squeeze in two turns tonight, but I want to get Zombie Apocalypse fully going again before I play any further. After that, I want to play again on a higher difficulty level with a larger map and more opponents, but before I do so, I want to play Watchmen: The End is Nigh for the PS3. I just bought it a couple of days ago, and it was rather cheap too. It takes place years before the events of the graphic novel, and you can play as Rohrshach and Nite Owl.

I tried Death Angel and managed to breeze through the first of four locations quickly and with no casualties, but I lost two Space Marines one after the other early on in the second location. Then I lost three more, leaving me with one, just before I made it through to the third location. Luckily, that location is easier to get through when you have fewer marines, so I reached the fourth and final location, which was a breeding ground for Genestealers that also contained two Brood Lords. In order to win the game, I had to kill both of them. My lone marine didn't even survive the first round.

I also played Luna, which was clever and fun. It was kind of easy playing it solitaire, but that was using the preselected start recommended for one's first game. There are also higher difficulty levels that will make it harder.

I'm over 80 percent done reading Dracula. Our heroes are in a confrontation with the infamous Count, but not the final one.

In my Doctor Who marathon, I'm now two-thirds of the way done Delta and the Bannermen, the third Sylvester McCoy story. Only 33 more episodes remain in the classic series.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 12:28 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Merry Nerdy Christmas to you all!

(Not my craft :D )

This could have been mine, though. I just returned from a tour to the garage. Dug out some scart cables and an old P4 desktop along with a GeForce 6600 graphics card. Also found an ancient steering wheel and pedals.
Will be assembling a VCR for my five-year-old kid. Got hundreds of Disney movies in the attic. So, it´s time to let him watch a select few.

The computer stuff, I´ll use to try to play Need for speed -the Run.

Beside that I spend too many hours in Skyrim Universe. Just restarted a game and am going to clear all quests in Falkreath.

About movies - I watched Mission Impossible - Ghost Protocol, which I can recommend for some casual fun watching. A more RPG oriented movie is Straw Dogs with Alexander Skarsgård. That one was really neat. "Horror in the cabin" meets "Redneck mentality". Great fun to watch!

Merry Christmas, once again.


Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 6:22 am
by Mr. Handy
Merry Christmas!

I've seen the original Straw Dogs from 1971 (directed by Sam Peckinpah), which was quite good. I haven't seen the recent remake yet.

I finished reading Dracula and started on The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. It's good so far, though I haven't gotten very far yet.

I'm in the 26th and final season of classic Doctor Who. I've just finished Battlefield, which leaves three stories containing ten episodes to go. Next is the confusing and complicated Ghost Light, which I only vaguely remember.

I won that tutorial game of Civilization V almost two weeks ago, then played through Watchmen twice, once as Rohrshach (whose fighting style is really vicious and dirty) and once as Nite Owl. It's a fighting game and is fairly short. There's also Watchmen-related bonus material on the PS3 Blu-ray disc, but I haven't had time to watch it yet. I've also started a new game of Civlization V on the second difficulty level. Still easy, but a bit more of a challenge. A new patch was just released a few days ago, which was good timing, but it still didn't fix the graphical problems or the annoying crashes. My random civilization is Arabia, so I'll be swimming in gold and (eventually) oil. I'm planning for a diplomatic win this time, as I'll be rich enough to bribe display my generosity to the city-states. I actually managed to meet Germany on the very first turn - my starting warrior moved onto a hill, and theirs moved onto a hill barely within sight of it. Berlin is only nine tiles away from Mecca. Fortunately Bismarck likes me and is friendly, as the Germans can make nasty neighbors if they're hostile. I just have to snatch up the choice territory that lies between us before they get it. I also met the English on the tenth turn. There's one other civilization I haven't met yet, and they're doing the best according to the Demographics screen. The Germans managed to find El Dorado and snag a boatload of gold (they also made first contact with two city-states). I could have had it first if I had headed in the right direction, but I didn't know it was there and had gone looking for Berlin. I did manage to find two sets of ruins and grab them just before someone else would have. One got me the Sailing tech for free, which was nice, though I can't use it until I build a coastal city. The other gave me survivors of an ancient civilization that increased my capital to size 4 right after it reached 3. I'm 22 turns in and I'll be able to start making settlers and expanding rapidly pretty soon.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 2:55 pm
by kabukiman
This days I haven't play any MMO (usually I play age of conan or Lord of the rings online), because I started playing knights of the old republic. It's a rpg where we play a jedi and we can choose with actions the light or the dark side (I'm playing the light).
I read 4 more books of the manga higurashi: we see the things of the perspective of the twin Shion and we finaly understand why she got crazy.
I resumed my drawing and I should post them in my blog soon.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 4:27 am
by Mr. Handy
I'm just about finished The Curse of Fenric in my Doctor Who marathon, which I think is the best Sylvester McCoy story. I still have the bonus features as well as a special extended edition to watch. Next is the final classic Doctor Who story, the three-part Survival, which I should be able to finish on Monday.

I'm more than a quarter of the way done The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

My Civilization V game is going well. After a little over 85 turns, I'm into the Medieval Era and well ahead of my rivals. Egypt and Germany are friendly, though England doesn't like me much. I built three more cities in quick succession, and I'm starting to win over the city-states and connect trade routes before I expand any further. I've explored most of the world and found several more ruins that the other civilizations missed. They were nice to have, but nothing spectacular.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 5:38 pm
by Dave Syrinx
I went back to 2007 and found a treat from Paris!

Frontier(s) by Xavier Gens

A love story. A family... A troubled family. Riots and right wing winds. An absolute gore feast.
Starts out with a regular modern urban scenario and ends in a desolate rural area. Great movie!

You can really feel how it could be used as an RPG scenario with a lot of choices.
Deception and horror all the way!

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 5:58 am
by Mr. Handy
I saw that one years ago, but I don't remember it too well. I'd like to watch it again the next time it's on, though.

Well, my Survival DVD turned out to be blank. Apparently they forgot to burn it back at the factory or something. The bonus DVD was fine, though, so I watched that and watched Survival online. I called up BBC America and they're sending out a replacement, but the problem is that I bought it months ago with a card that has since expired and been replaced. They can only send out a replacement by refunding me and charging me again (at least this time I got them to take into account the original sale price and promo code I used, so that's one less thing to straighten out; it was a pain when they sent me the DVD version of Doctor Who Series 6 instead of the Blu-ray version I ordered), and the law requires them to only refund to the original card, so I'm going to have to call up my bank and get them to move the funds over. That was why my replacement order had been canceled, which I had just found out today. It took me 23 months to finish the classic series Next up is the 1996 Doctor Who TV movie, which I last saw in 1996. Then I have a collection of Eighth Doctor audio stories. After that, I'll put the new series on hold so I can watch the DVDs and Blu-ray discs I bought in the past couple of years and haven't had a chance to watch yet.

I'm almost halfway done The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, and it's getting really good.

On Monday I got to within two turns of the Renaissance Era in Civilization V, but haven't had a chance to get anywhere since. Germany betrayed me by denouncing me to the world and threatened me, but so far there's been no war. I'm ahead in tech and production, so if there is one it won't go well for the Jerries. Half of the city-states are now my allies, and I'm on track to win eventually.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 10:37 am
by Dave Syrinx
Too bad with the blank DVD. Regarding The Millennium - Series: I have cheated :shock: I started to watch the trilogy, the Swedish not remake with bad Swenglish. I´m really enjoying the investigation Blomkvist is taking on.
Strangely, I tend to compare most things to my "gaming life" and this one fits right in the CoC - investigation niche.



Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 4:12 am
by Mr. Handy
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing as I was reading it. I don't want to watch the movies before I finish the book on which each one is based, as I want to avoid spoilers. I want the mystery to take weeks to unravel rather than have the whole thing revealed in a couple of hours. The Swedish trilogy is available here too, with English subtitles.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 11:51 am
by Dave Syrinx
Good think I didn´t reveal anything then. The TV-series release in DVD is nine hours long and will deliver more depth than the trilogy movie release. (Adds about two hours of plot :) )


Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 6:39 pm
by Mr. Handy
A war started in Civilization V, but it wasn't the one I expected. Egypt declared war on England (and England's city-state ally Monaco jumped in on England's side). Egypt is my friend and England isn't, but I don't want to get involved in a war at this time and risk Germany stabbing me in the back while I'm distracted. Their denunciation wore off 50 turns after they made it, and the very next turn they denounced me again! Luckily nobody's paying any attention to that, since they weren't my friends any more when they denounced me the second time. I'm still able to give some support to Egypt and improve our relations further without having to commit to war (they recently asked for a spare luxury resource, and I gave it to them), but they haven't asked me to join yet. Egypt has only one city, but gobs of military units. England has almost no military but three cities (plus their ally). England also has a lot of gold and can rush buy troops. I expect Egypt to have some early success, but the tide may turn. One of my units near the fighting caught a glimpse of a nearly dead Egyptian archer, though it survived whatever attacked it.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 3:01 pm
by kabukiman
I am playing Deus ex the human revolution. I'm in Hengsha (fictional city near Shangai). I'm doing most of the scenarios with stealth avoiding killing anyone, even if sometime I feel the urge (like when the mecenaries killed the residents of a slum). I'm working for a corporation that suffered an attack some months ago, and I'm investigating who was the responsable; for now, the clues point for a rival that wanted to buy the company that I work for.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 4:34 am
by Mr. Handy
I have the first two Deus Ex games, but have never gotten around to playing them. I've heard wonderful things about the first and horrible things about the second. I've heard of the new one, but I don't know too much about it.

As I expected, Egypt started out well in Civlization V. After besieging Nottingham (the closest English city to Egypt), it finally fell and the Egyptians installed a puppet government. A few turns later they attacked York, England's second city, but it managed to hold out. Then Egypt and England made peace. England had blown it, wasting its money by trying to buy Warsaw as an ally and get them into the war. However, because Warsaw is naturally hostile and I had recently completed the Patronage social policy branch, the alliance lasted all of one turn, and then Warsaw made peace with Egypt the next turn. England did manage to build the Great Wall, which is a good defensive wonder that slowed down Egypt's advance. Then Egypt built Himeji Castle, another defensive wonder that they didn't end up needing, as Egypt's territory wasn't threatened. As a result, the war got into a stalemate. I'm about halfway through the Renaissance now.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 5:44 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Skyrim update: Reached level 20 by doing quests in the Falkreath region. Mostly clearing caverns and shrines as well as training to become a decent Smith. The graphics in that game is outstanding, mountain slopes and flowers, great vistas.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 12:16 pm
by kabukiman
Deus ex 1 was full of good ideas, deus ex 2 was full of bad ideas, deus ex 3 have copy good ideas.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 11:22 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Welcome back Hal. Just issed you on my way out. I´ll be back in a few weeks. Have fun in SH!

Still playing Skyrim. Also had Half Life 2 installed on a newly assembled laptop, has no shader 3.0 tech so I run older games on it. Also had a peek at Dark Corners of The Earth on it. Windows 7 is acting up on mostly anything I try to run :( . So, I put a third laptop together and run XP on it. (Never understood the idea of XP-mode in W7 and the comparability mode is not sufficient to run all games.)

I did play Deus Ex back in the day on PSone, I believe. Alongside Metal Gear ah! and Golden Eye on the Nintendo. Good times.

TV-serieswize I picked up a French Canadian series starring Tom Berenger in a few epsiodes. XIII-the series. I´ve already revealed that I´m a fan of Van Hamme. Saw the Largo Winch films last year and really liked the Burma Conspiracy. The game XIII was great in my opinion and anything made nowadays in fps is cloned from that game - with super realistic graphics as opposed to the cartoon in XIII.

The TV-series will be starting shooting the second season next week and I´m just watching episode one.

Speaking of Tom Berenger, I just wamtched the credits of Platoon. (Prepping my next appearance here at PLAY.) It´s quite good, but man it was a long time ago I watched that one at the cinemas! Everyone´s got old except Charlie Sheen. And Johnny Depp must have been seventeen!

Now it´s time to get that timeline ready and pick locales for the story to unfold at. It will all begin in ´Nam, 1968.


Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 5:11 am
by Mr. Handy
Awesome! Looking forward to going to Vietnam, unlike a lot of the people who actually went there in 1968. I love Platoon. I also have the Avalon Hill board game that tied in with the movie. It's actually a pretty good wargame where the units are individual soldiers, but I've never had the chance to play it (two players are required). Willem Dafoe is in the movie too, and he's cast against type as the good guy in this one. Often he plays a villain, and I had him in mind as Gardner in Zombie Apocalypse.

I watched the 1996 Doctor Who TV movie featuring Paul McGann as the Eighth Doctor. Now I'm listening to a collection of Eighth Doctor audio adventures starring him. I'm a little more than halfway through those. After that, I'll take a break from Doctor Who to watch all of those other DVDs and Blu-ray discs I bought in the last couple of years.

XIII is a terrific game. I had no idea there was a TV series based on it. I have PC versions of Deus Ex 1 and 2. I also have the PC version of Metal Gear Solid, which is a great game - feels a lot like an interactive movie. I played the original Metal Gear a very long time ago on a friend's NES. I also have Metal Gear Solid 2 and 4 for the PS2 and PS3, respectively, but haven't played them yet. I have Half Life 1 and its offshoots, but not HL2.

Everything went as planned in my Civilization V game, and I got my diplomatic victory back in late December. Funnily, Egypt and England started another war just a couple of turns before I won and put a stop to all the fighting. Germany never attacked me, which was too bad. I far outclassed them in tech by the end and had troops lined up on their border waiting to smash them flat within a few turns. Since then I've started to give Civilization IV a whirl. The tech tree there makes a lot more sense, and it has "or" as well as "and" requirements. I like that some units require multiple resources in order to build (knights need both horses and iron, for instance), whereas in Civilization V units require no more than a single resource (many modern units that should require oil don't). However, I prefer how resources are quantized in Civilization V. If you have X oil, you can build X units that require it. In Civ IV, one source of a resource is enough to supply your entire civilization. Civilization IV also has religion and espionage, which were dropped from Civ V. I do prefer the hex map of Civ V to the traditional square maps of Civ I-IV, though, and I like how cultural growth of cities in one tile at a time in Civ V, whereas borders grow in quantum leaps in Civ III and IV (the first two games didn't have cultural borders). Civilization IV also still has wonder and victory movies (as well as movies that play when you found a religion). Civ V just has a splash screen that zooms out and music in the background. Oh, and Civ IV starts up in seconds (whereas Civ V takes a few minutes), and unlike Civ V, Civ IV hasn't crashed on me even once.

I played the Civ IV tutorial, which was the quickest game ever. You can't save during the actual tutorial portion, which is a shame as it takes hours. However, once you get past that to the open-ended part of the game, you can save and play it as normal. I won a swift conquest victory by "axe-rushing" (building and/or upgrading warriors to axemen quickly and rushing him) poor, helpless Gandhi. The tutorial gives you a huge headstart, and I had two fully developed cities and was about to found a third before India was even plopped onto the map. They started with a spearman, which they lack both the technology and the resource to build, and a scout, which they also cannot build yet. My first axeman unit was actually able to take Delhi and win the game alone, though he was backed up by an archer for support and my second axeman was only a handful of turns behind him. Shortly before the end I had discovered iron and was building a couple of praetorians (Rome's unique unit, which is more properly called a legion in Civ V). They're nigh unstoppable, and I had a galley ready to take them to the front if the axemen failed to do the job. Luckily, India didn't even have archers yet, which could have caused my axemen some grief.

I started a proper game of Civilization IV a couple of days ago, though still on the easiest level and on the smallest map with just one opponent. My random civ is the Incas, and my rivals are the Greeks. I lucked out and found copper right near my starting point, though the Greeks got iron near their capital and recently discovered Iron Working, which means they can build all sorts of nasty units. There's a second source of iron on the map, though the Greeks just plopped down their second city a couple of spaces away from it. Luckily, there's still room for me to slip in a settler next to the iron and grab it, and I outclass Greece in culture, so I should be able to hold Sparta off that way. Unfortunately, I can't just mop up Greece so easily militarily since they have iron, as I'd need a pretty good tech lead before I tried to take them on. I am using religion very effectively, founding the first one just five turns in (right after I met Greece, in fact). Missionaries are very helpful for spreading it to my other cities, and I'm about to send one in to Athens to spread it there. I built Stonehenge, which is a lot cheaper when you have stone, and my capital of Cuzco has insanely high production. I'm now building the Oracle there. Pretty soon I'll generate a Great Prophet who can create my religion's holy shrine. This means I get bonus gold per turn for every city that has my religion (whether or not it's my city), and I'll get line of sight into every city that has it, so I'll be able to keep an eye on the pesky Greeks. I don't want to spread it to Sparta yet, though, as if Greece adopts the religion they'll get culture from it, and I don't want Sparta to grow.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 5:38 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Two "new" TV-series I´ve started to watch.


Cool 1960´s / present time conspiracy alá Delta Greenish stuff. The entire population of Alcatraz got vanished at ´64. Now they are back to even the score. An agency is protecting the town from the new arrivals.

Sam Neil as the old guy.
Jorge Garcia (Lost) is a comic book store owner.

Quite good series.


Breaking in- a mix of Chuck and Leverage and a dose of The Office... Some fun entertainment.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 4:29 am
by Mr. Handy
I haven't seen either of those shows. I wanted to see Alcatraz, but it's in a bad time slot for me and I missed it every time.

I finished the Doctor Who audio adventures while I was home sick, and now I'm in the middle of the bonus CD with the Making Of documentary. When that's done, I plan to watch the Choose Your Own Adventure movie on DVD. Yes, you heard right. It's an animated feature based on The Abominable Snowman (which I also have, but haven't read yet) starring William H. Macy, Frankie Muniz, and Felicity Huffman, and as the viewer I get to make choices throughout the movie that will determine which scenes and which ending play.

My Civ IV game is going well, though I realized that I accidentally started a game on the second easiest level instead of the easiest. That explains why it hasn't been a complete cakewalk, though I'm doing well enough. I have four great cities, a strong tech lead (I'm in the Medieval era, and Greece is still Classical), and lots of culture. The city I founded near Sparta has swamped it with my culture and has already caused it to revolt once. When it happens again, Sparta will break off and join my empire. It shouldn't be long now; the city is almost entirely Incan already. The Greeks did found a city near the only source of horses on the continent where we started, but I don't really need them. I have a source of iron, which is what I really need.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 8:51 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Just watched the relaunch of The Walking Dead at AMC. Great it´s back again.
No comment about it as I don´t want to spoil it.
Now, wait for Dexter.

Off to the cabin for a week of solitude and writing. I´ll be back online on the 18th.
I will warm myself with 30 days of night.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 3:55 am
by Mr. Handy
I saw the new episode of The Walking Dead last night too. Great stuff! Reminds me so much of Zombie Apocalypse. I saw early episodes of Dexter years ago, I think during a free preview of Showtime. Unfortunately, I don't have Showtime (premium channels are expensive), so I can't watch it now. I am watching Alcatraz right now, though, and liking it.

I've been reading Imperium, by Robert Harris, a fictionalized biography of Cicero in the late Roman Republic as told by his slave and secretary, Tiro (who was very interesting in his own right and is the inventor of shorthand). Apparently, Tiro wrote a real biography of Cicero that was well admired, though it was lost sometime in the Middle Ages. This book is the next best thing to the real one and is fascinating reading, though the author does inject some thinly veiled references to 21st century American politics that would not have been present in Ancient Rome. There are plenty of similarities to be sure, but there were also differences.

I'm doing great in Civ IV, though Greece got a Great Artist and created a great work in Sparta, so it did not revolt a second time and my territory got pushed back, but I'm holding my own there. I've just discovered gunpowder and entered the Renaissance, while Alexander is still in the Classical era. I've recently started getting a very high positive cash flow, so I'm starting to found new cities again and grab up the rest of the land, soon to include a large island I discovered (with new sources of horses and iron, as well as silk, which cannot be found anywhere else) once I research Astronomy and can build galleons to carry settlers to it, which won't be long now. There was a one-tile island close to Greek territory that can be reached by galley, but Greece just claimed that one. I'm thinking of going for a domination victory. I already have much more than enough of the world's population, and while I have most of the land in my territory, I need 74% of it to win and the Greeks have 29%, which means I'd need to get some of their land either by culture flipping or, failing that, by conquest. That would have to wait until I get some more key technologies and build up an army. It'll be rare that I'll have an opportunity to get a domination victory on a larger map with more rivals, so I'd like to get it now. If it's not feasible, I can always get a diplomatic victory once I get Mass Media. Then all I have to do is build the UN and vote myself world leader, since I have such a large majority of the world's population.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 1:30 pm
by kabukiman
I read a comic "neonomicon" from Alan Moore. I liked the first the part the story (about the detective). The second part with the dagon cult was too obvious.
I saw a japonese movie that include the necronomicon and a spell to make zombies. It was quite bad. Then I saw a german movie (demons) that included a cult and a monster with tentacles: made the japonese movie seem ok. Bad script, bad actors, no logic.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 3:15 am
by Mr. Handy
I'm actually about to read Neonomicon. I placed a hold on it at my library, and it just arrived yesterday, but I won't be able to pick it up until Saturday. The first part of it is actually The Courtyard, which Alan Moore wrote in the 1990s, I think. I read that last year. The second part of it is Neonomicon, which just came out recently.

After I read The Courtyard, I read a couple of other graphic novels/comics that Alan Moore co-wrote (I mentioned them earlier in this thread): Watchmen, which was excellent, and V for Vendetta. I also bought the Watchmen motion comic on Blu-ray, though I haven't watched it yet. The entirety of Watchmen is there, only with animation and voice acting added.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 10:38 am
by kabukiman
I read THe watchmen. It is indeed excelent. I didn't read yet V. From Moore, I read also the league of the extraordinary gentleman. It's good pulp adventure, but no match to The watchman.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 8:49 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Picked up a relatively new series, Image

it looks promising. Feels like Enemy of State and Minority Report mixed together in a contemporary setting.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 6:05 am
by Mr. Handy
I like Person of Interest, but I've missed most of the second half of the season.

I'm currently reading Volume 1 of The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. I finished the comic portion, and now I'm reading the Allan Quatermain story in the back. Lone Wolf Book 17 finally came while I was away, so that's next on my reading list. It's easily the toughest book in the series.

I bought five board games at Dreamation, though I haven't had a chance to try them yet. They can all be played solo. I got Elder Sign, a dice-based game similar in theme to Arkham Horror. I did get to play in a multiplayer game of that at Dreamation. We all lost, narrowly. Yig woke up and devoured us all. I also got the On the Brink expansion to Pandemic (which can be played solo if I play all of the roles), which adds a lot to the game. I got Castle Panic, which is like a boardgame version of Tower Defense. I got Space Infantry, a science fiction squad-based wargame. And I got Mage Knight, which is made by the same designer who made Space Alert.

I played in a bunch of fun games at Dreamation, but I don't have time to go into them right now. I'm still catching up.

I'm watching Island at War, a British series set on one of the Channel Islands (a fictitious one) during the German occupation in WWII. It's very good stuff, and it features Philip Glenister as the colonel in charge of the occupation. It took me a little while to recognize him, as his voice, appearance, and character are very different from his later role as Gene Hunt in Life on Mars and Ashes to Ashes.

I won a domination victory in that game of Civ IV as planned, all without firing a shot. Corinth flipped over to me much sooner than I thought it would, and that allowed me to amass enough territory. I started a new game on a slightly larger map on the next higher difficulty level. This time I have two rivals, though I haven't met one of them due to us being on different continents. I drew the Germans this time, and Egypt shares my continent with me. I'm in the early Medieval era with a small lead, though I am getting all of the World Wonders before the others so far. I managed to build my cities strategically to block Egypt off into the northern third of our landmass. They tried to swamp me with culture, but I caught up and then surpassed them. I'm planning on getting a diplomatic victory this time.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 1:02 pm
by kabukiman
I have already read the first 2 volumes of the league, and the first is much better.
I finished to play an hentai, black bible. We play a high school student who put his hand in a book of black magic. In my first 2 try I was killed bu the cult, until I was able to defeat it (the good ending). The other endings are bad endings (finishing mad in an asylum, being a slave of the cult) or evil ending (turning in a member of the cult or killing the leader and ascend as new leader).

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 4:54 am
by Mr. Handy
I haven't had much time this week, so I haven't gotten much further. I've only played a few turns of Civ IV here and there, but I'd forgotten to mention some things in my last post. It took me twenty turns to explore my starting continent, thanks to starting with a scout, getting another one from a tribal village, and building a third first thing. I got all or almost all of the tribal villages before Egypt found them. I founded my second city next to the only source of horses on my continent, getting there just ahead of the Egyptians. Shortly after I did that, a barbarian city sprang up to the east of it, exactly where I had planned to put my third city. I built a chariot quickly in my second city while a scout kept an eye on the barbs, then sent the chariot in to attack. There were two warriors defending, and the first one should have been a cakewalk, but I had bad luck and my chariot was badly damaged, though it did prevail. I got a promotion out of the deal, which partly healed the unit and made it stronger. The next turn I took a chance and attacked the remaining warrior with the chariot, with odds not much better than even, as to wait for the chariot to heal or a new one to be constructed would take too long. It worked, and the city was mine! The chariot even got a second promotion out of the deal.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 8:30 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Serendipity strikes again. Got my hands on a digital network series from BBC4 HD.

Based on late h2g2 author Douglas Adams work: Dirk Gently´s Holistic Detective Agency!

I watched the first episode just now, and it´s a crazy mix of Sherlock Holmes and Chuck... A nerd, tech and investigation. All blended in to a somewhat childish format. A show that can be described as comical.

There will be two more episodes during March.

I´m still following Person of Interest and Alcatraz, both working as amusement pass time. Not much time to get my Vietnam game past equipment phase. Sorry about that.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 3:24 am
by Mr. Handy
I read both Dirk Gently novels a long time ago, but I don't remember them very well. I finished Island at War, and I'm currently watching some newly released classic Doctor Who DVDs before I move on to the rest of my collection. I just watched the Special Edition of Tomb of the Cybermen and am starting on the special features.

i'm reading Lone Wolf Book 17 and almost got killed due to a boneheaded mistake caused by sleep deprivation. I had an opportunity to run from some really tough unavoidable enemies that are practically guaranteed to kill an inexperienced character (which does not have the chance to flee until it's too late, as I've discovered when scouting the book with new characters), and I decided to tough it out and fight them rather than risk getting shot in the back and instantly killed, as I did not know what would happen if I fled. Unfortunately, I forgot that they're immune to all forms of psychic attack, which makes them absurdly tough. I beat them in the end, but got badly wounded and had to use up some potions that I hope I don't need later.

I had a chance to play through a few of the board games once each so far. Elder Sign is great. I messed up on the rules the first time and started over early on, and this time I was able to beat Yig as Darrell Simmons. Castle Panic was fun and not too difficult, and I tried Pandemic with the expansion's basic additions and won fairly easily. Next I plan to try a mission of Space Infantry.

I've made a lot of progress in Civilization IV. A barbarian warrior gave me a scare when I settled my fifth city, Cologne. I had sent a scout ahead, and the intended garrison (a longbowman) was just a little behind. I moved the scout into the woods between the warrior and the city, which also had a river protecting it, but the barbarian was lucky and killed my scout. The city was wide open for the taking, but I tried leaving a worker out next to the warrior as bait, and it worked. The barbarian killed the worker instead of sacking the defenseless city, and my longbowman killed it on the following turn. Then it just moved into the city to guard it. Currently I'm around halfway through the Renaissance and about to get gunpowder. I found the Aztecs on the other landmass, and they're doing a lot better than the Egyptians, though not as well as I am. I'm swamping Egypt with culture and just got one of their cities to flip to me (along with their only source of iron; they no longer have copper either). I recently agreed to Open Borders to improve relations now that I've got almost all of the choice territory, but they sent a galley with a settler and a longbowman all the way to the south of my lands to claim a luxury and an untapped source of copper in the icy wastes there. I expect I'll be able to achieve victory with little difficulty, but it'll probably be a couple of weeks.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 7:01 pm
by Dave Syrinx
An update on series to be renewed during summer.

June 17 Season 2 of Falling Skies
Been a looong time in waiting for this - hopefully it will be good.

I didn´t think Leverage would get another season, but it will. (July 15)

Just recently, I checked out Homeland
, and I find it really good. A huge hint to the stellar show 24. I guess it´s the way the story is built up that makes me constantly think of 24. Somehow I think that Mandy Patinkin´s character Saul Berenson is the mole in the CIA operation.
This show is renewed as well.

Person of Interest is renewed, a thing that in my opinion was a long shot. Shows I like tend to get cancelled :x . So, that´s good news.

Another show I picked up was The River. I like the Amazon shots and The Magus, the expedition ship. The show is a little hit and miss between episodes but all in all a neat, new acquaintance.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 9:07 pm
by Kadael
Hello everyone.

I've been playing a Facebook/Twitter connected game called Echo Bazaar. I'd also really like to play Fallout 1 and get the experience everyone says is so great, but the dang thing keeps crashing all the time! :(

I'd also be playing Myst, but I'd have to do some finagling with QuickTime and I've been putting that off. I don't think my computer likes old games very much.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 9:15 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Good old Fallout! One game from the same era I can´t stop playing is Jagged Alliance 2. Isometric as well. Not RPG though but tactical turn based combat.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 2:55 am
by Mr. Handy
Welcome, Kadael!

Jagged Alliance 2 has RPG elements in it though, far moreso than in the first game (which I also own and have completed), and you can interact with the world in other ways than combat. I haven't played it in years, and I never did finish it. I also have Unfinished Business and Wildfire for JA2 but never tried them.

I always keep my old computers, just in case, but I've managed to get old games to run on my "new" computer (which is approaching four years old). Resident Evil 2 gave me some problems, but with a little searching on the Internet I found the solution. Many other people had the same issues.

I'm getting much further in Civ IV. I just entered the Industrial Era a turn after Egypt entered the Renaissance. I'm about to get Steam Power next turn and am monopolizing almost all of the Wonders, though Egypt beat me to the Sistine Chapel with a Great Engineer. They're neutral towards me, but we both don't get along with the Aztecs. The Aztecs have their landmass all to themselves and have an empire almost as big as mine, but with Egypt's help I can win a diplomatic victory in the early Modern Era (and I can block the Aztecs from winning even without their help). One of Egypt's cities, Heliopolis, just went into revolt and is on the verge of flipping over to me.

I picked up Supreme Ruler 2020 Gold last night for $15. It looks great, but I don't know when I'll get a chance to play it.

I like and watch Falling Skies, Leverage, and of course Person of Interest. I haven't seen Homeland (I don't have any premium channels) or The River.

I played Space Infantry's introductory mission several times with the basic rules, but I kept getting defeated due to a run of bad luck. It does play quickly, though. I finally won rather easily when I drew an enemy that wasn't too hard. Some of the enemies you can face are truly nasty. I started looking through the Mage Knight rules. It looks like a lot of fun, but I probably won't be able to play the first scenario until next weekend.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that I did successfully complete Lone Wolf 17: The Deathlord of Ixia. The tough combats turned out not to be too much of a problem thanks to my reserves of potions, though I was almost out of them by the end. The real problem was a random roll after the final battle with the Deathlord that you have at least a 30% chance of failing, and I've heard that if you fail that roll you die instantly. Luckily, I succeeded. After that point, you later have to choose between two directions, and I heard that choosing the wrong one gives you a 10% chance of dying automatically. Fortunately, I picked the right way. Now I'm ready for Book 18, Dawn of the Dragons, though Mongoose is pretty slow about releasing these books. I've been playing the bonus adventure in the back of Book 17, where I get to play a Helghast, which is a lot of fun. I'm very close to the end of it now.

Also, today I bought a limited edition of Elemental: War of Magic, a turn-based fantasy strategy game for the PC. It only cost $20, which is half the usual price, and the limited edition comes with all sorts of goodies. I'm looking to play this next after I finish my current game of Civ IV. It reminds me a little of Master of Magic, which I've always enjoyed.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 10:50 am
by Dave Syrinx
I took the risk of updating my Windows 7 to Windows 8 prewiew. Now, I have access to IE10. I don´t usually use IE, I prefer Mozilla.
I thought it would be nice to try out the latest Microsoft has to offer, though.

At the moment I think it works out OK. I´m hesiatant to the app idea. All my programs are changed into apps and I have an ipad look to my interface.
In a way I have an App-top right now.

I understand the Windows 8 is supposed to be run on a touch pad, but it does work for laptops too.
It takes some tweaking to feel comfortable, though. Sadly, I miss my old laptop.

The problem with trying out new things is that you never know how it will work out.

I still have my old files so there won´t be any trouble keeping up with my games. When I wrap my head around the change, I´ll update the Nam scenario.


Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 6:30 pm
by Mr. Handy
Is there any idea Apple came up with that Microsoft hasn't stolen? :roll:

I started reading Monstrous Regiment, a Discworld book by Terry Pratchett. It came out eight and half years ago, but I never finished it. I'm woefully behind in reading Discworld books.

I finally got a chance to play the Mage Knight board game's introductory scenario yesterday, and it was a lot of fun. It's a fantasy game of exploration and conquest (though conquest is purely optional in the first scenario, where the focus is on exploration). There are many options and different ways to play. I'm still learning the rules, and the intro doesn't introduce everything in the game, so there will be more to discover when I try a full game scenario.

I'm still not quite done Civ IV, though I'm getting much closer now. I'm in the middle of the Industrial Era, though I had to delay winning in order to research Biology and Medicine so that I could get my population up higher. Otherwise, I would have fallen under the 60% necessary to win the vote (with Egypt's help). Egypt likes me well enough and hates the Aztecs. They converted to my religion for 410 gold once my Open Borders mellowed them enough (I still had about 3000 left), and that got them happy enough with me eventually to agree to a Defensive Pact. They just converted back to their old religion shortly after that, but they're still okay with me. The Aztecs hate me even more for forming the pact, but if they go to war with one of us it'll be both of us fighting them, and my infantry can crush them easily. I just researched Physics, which gave me a Great Scientist for free that I'll use to speed up researching Electricity. That'll take a few turns, and then I just need Radio and then Mass Media (which is much easier to research than Radio) before I can build the UN. I may not be able to win tonight, but it should be tomorrow or soon after.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 7:16 pm
by Dave Syrinx
I purchased an anthology at the library the other day. "The mommoth book of fantasy". Reading through the short stories in it I found a gem.

"The Moon Pool" by A. Merritt. The story begins with the vanished expedition of Dr David Throckmartin. The site of the expedion is placed on the Island of Ponape.

Half way in I feel it connects well with the mythos, and being published in 1918-1919 makes it a candidate for a classic era scenario.

Over and out!


Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 7:24 pm
by Kadael
I was looking around the local library for something to pass the time with. The selection was disappointing (six copies of Animal Farm and no 1984?!).

I vaguely remembered reading some Raymond Chandler when I was younger, and the library had precisely one copy of Trouble is My Business.

Cue new Philip Marlowe/protagonists who were later given his name obsession.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 4:39 am
by Mr. Handy
Murray would definitely be into that. :D

I put Monstrous Regiment on hold partway through because I checked out a book from my library, which has a much better selection (though much of it had been put away in storage for most of a year while they were doing renovations that have only recently been completed): In the Presence of Mine Enemies by Harry Turtledove. It's an alternate history novel set in 2010 where America stayed neutral during WWII and Germany won, and it's about Jews secretly living in Berlin. After that, I plan to read Ruled Britannia by the same author. The alternate event in that one is that the Spanish Armada defeated Drake's fleet in 1588 and Spain went on to invade and conquer Britain, and William Shakespeare is one of the central characters.

The Mage Knight board game is awesome! There's a steep learning curve and it takes a long time to play and needs a lot of space, but it's an awful lot of fun. I played a full game, where you have to conquer two cities in three days and three nights. It seems impossible when you're just starting out and not very strong (even orcs aren't pushovers), but you can grow your power pretty fast and it wasn't long before I was able to slay a dragon. I lost my first full game narrowly. I lucked out in being able to conquer the weaker of the two cities in the final night. I thought there wouldn't be any way I could conquer the second city, but the city I did conquer allowed me to buy an artifact by spending gobs of influence, so I did it, burning some movement cards to get enough. The artifact actually gave me a chance to take the second city because by sacrificing it, I could keep the defenders from fighting back and only had to worry about causing enough damage to destroy them. Without the movement cards, I thought I'd never reach it, but I used a skill to get a new spell, which made another spell available that would let me reach the city. I bought the spell at a mage tower I had taken on the way to the second city, but I had to use cards I needed for the attack to get it and my deck was nearly empty. I launched a desperate attack on the last turn of the game, but I couldn't destroy all of the defenders. I'm playing a second full game, and despite a tough initial setup I managed to get off to a rolling start. The third and final night is just about to start, and I'm poised to attack the first city. This time I may succeed, as the two cities are very close together and I have a lot of cards that can help me, including that same artifact that I was lucky enough to find in a dungeon. I just have to stop making stupid mistakes.

In my Civ IV game, the Aztecs still gained population a bit too quickly and had just enough to stop me from winning the vote, but I realized that this would happen shortly before getting Mass Media and hastily assembled an invasion fleet. I found a weakly defended city (just three spaces away from their capital) and snatched it, and that was just enough to tip the population balance in my favor. I was able to hold it against counterattacks that were halfhearted (I had been expecting serious resistance). I kept flooding in infantry and artillery, and my forces had marched right up next to the Aztec capital and were about to attack when I won the diplomatic vote. Guess the Aztecs saw reason and surrendered before I crushed them. I started playing Elemental: War of Magic's campaign mode, which also serves as a tutorial, but it's a big disappointment. The game still has bugs even after being patched up, and some things are just plain broken. There is no sense of scale in the economy, as personal wealth and your nation's budget are one and the same, and even a simple staff or a piece of salted pork costs the same as the annual output of a gold mine! It's still fun, and I intend to finish out the campaign, though it may be some time before I play it again. I much prefer Master of Magic, which also has a wider variety of stuff in the game. After I finish this game, I plan to play Civ IV again with the Beyond the Sword expansion, which adds so much that it's like a new game. I'll keep the same difficulty level for now but use the next larger map size with more rivals.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 4:38 pm
by Dave Syrinx
"Let´s see if we can give this world another day.", character 1.

"Who talks like that?"
, character 2.


This quote and the gallery of characters in the movie Battleship, including Alexander Skarsgård and Rhianna - make it a fun to watch film. I won´t go in to politics of the movie. For me it´s an alien invasion and the response by a handful of characters.


Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 5:22 pm
by Kadael
Poked around on the Interactive Fiction Database and found a couple games I hadn't played before - Shrapnel and Insight. I enjoyed them both, though I had more feelings about Insight:

1. Confusion
2. Confidence
3. Shattering of aforementioned confidence, due to confusion
4. Disappointment
5. Realization
6. Frustration
7. Utter bewilderment
8. Jon Ingold is evil
9. Jon Ingold is evil
10. Jon Ingold is evil and clever
11. Satisfaction

It's one of those games.

Unrelated: I'll be starting my game here soon. Experiencing pre-Keeper nerves. Wanting to triple-check everything.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 5:26 pm
by Dave Syrinx
I´ve only played The Lurking Fear set on Miskatoic Campus. Enjoyed it immensely. I´ll have a look at Insight.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 5:33 pm
by Kadael
Be warned: it's not a game that can only be played once. It's essential that you play it several times, to fully grasp the evil.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 5:35 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Eh, Insight... The dude don´t understand English! What?!

OK, the commands are clunky as expected, but dang! It´s confusing as you said. I´ll get back on that :D

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 6:42 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Hmm, investigated and tried to get back to the interview room. Mission finished. I´ll have another go tomorrow. Didn´t solve the case today.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 6:51 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Btw Kadael, did you know Mr H has written some interactive fiction? I guess he has a link somewhere to his scenario.

The end of it all

(Found it, but he has written other stuff too.)

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 12:38 am
by Mr. Handy
Yeah, I've been writing interactive fiction for over 30 years, but I'm not as old as you might think. I started when I was about five years old after discovering the first Choose Your Own Adventure books in kindergarten. My early works weren't very good, but I've gotten a lot better since then. Somewhere I've posted a list of the stuff I've written since the mid-1990s, on in one of Yockenthwaite's blogs here. I've written computer IF games as well on my old Apple IIc. I grew up on Infocom games and similar IF games in the 1980s, and I've played a lot of them.

I'm more than two-thirds of the way through In the Presence of Mine Enemies. About a year has passed in the story, and things are changing gradually, but I think the pace will really pick up in the rest of the book in order to resolve things.

My plan in Mage Knight worked like a charm, and I conquered both cities with two turns to spare. I've played Elder Sign again and won; it's a lot easier playing solo than Arkham Horror. I've played Castle Panic again, which is also pretty easy, and I played another game of Pandemic with the On the Brink expansion, but I narrowly lost. After I play again and win, I want to try Space Infantry with the advanced rules and then play Mage Knight again.

My PS3 died again last week. It didn't even last three months, and I lost another DVD that got stuck inside it. Luckily, it's still discounted so I can buy another copy without spending as much. Apprently there was also no warranty on the PS3, or on any online purchases from GameStop, but at least they're giving me a refund anyway. I ordered a used PS3 through Amazon from a guy in Hawaii that still has three months of warranty left on it, and he threw in an extra controller, a cooling fan (which will hopefully keep my system alive longer), and a whole bunch of PS1, 2, and 3 games. It was supposed to be a backwards-compatible 80 GB model, but it turned out to be a 60 GB model like the two I had that died.

I finished the campaign in Elemental, which was easy but time consuming. Now I'm looking through the expansion changes before starting a game of Civ IV with Beyond the Sword added. There's a lot of cool new stuff.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 5:37 am
by Kadael
Wow, that's really cool! I've done a little work with both traditional IF and choose-your-own adventure, but I have yet to finish anything. I don't personally know anybody with an interest in those kinds of games. If I'm lucky, they know what a grue is.

Those old books were silly. I think in at least one, it was impossible to get an ending that resembled winning.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 3:22 am
by Mr. Handy
I'm in the middle of watching There Will Be Blood, which is great so far. I bought two DVD boxsets that were on sale last week (Knight Rider Season 2, which completes the series for me, and The Fall Guy Season 1, which is the only one available in North America), and when you buy two things they had a special deal where you get your choice of one of about a dozen movies for free, and I chose this one.

I've got a huge collection of gamebooks, though it's by no means exhaustive. The Way of the Tiger series was great. There are only six books (I'm missing Book 5, which is supposed to be the best), and the sixth one ends on a cliffhanger, which I've heard was intentional. Maybe that's the one you mean. The Lone Wolf series is epic and features a living, breathing world. Mongoose Publishing is editing and rereleasing them with bonus adventures in hardback collector's editions, and I purchased a deal where I get them all as they come out. However, they're going much, much slower than they promised. They were supposed to release one every month or two, but it's been almost five years and they're only up to Book 17 (there were originally 28, and the author is working on four new ones). They came out fairly quickly initially, but now we're lucky if we get more than two per year. They're also full of errors. Even when they've corrected errors in the original books, new ones have crept in.

I also have some solo adventures for various roleplaying games. The only one I have for CoC is Grimrock Isle, as the others are out of print and I haven't found them. I do plan to write some solo adventures myself if I ever have time. If you look at the list in that link, you can see that I've written some for GURPS, but I haven't had time to do that since 2001.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 3:30 am
by Kadael
I have yet to come close to finishing the Lone Wolf series. I love it, but it keeps killing me.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 4:06 am
by Mr. Handy
I know what you mean. I was extremely lucky just to get to Book 17, let alone actually complete it with my veteran character who has been through all of the books. I start over from Book 1 whenever I die, and there are a lot of random instant deaths that are unavoidable. Many of them are in the first five books, which isn't so bad, and there are none in Books 6-12, but the Grandmaster series (13-20) has a ton of them. Book 17 is one of the deadliest, and I think I'm out of the woods, though I have the sneaking suspicion that I might not have the right disciplines to avoid random instant death in Book 18. If I do manage to get this character through the end of Book 20, any deaths after that point will restart from Book 21, as I'd actually be playing a different character. I've never played any of the books after 20 (and I've only played the abridged US versions of 18-20, plus it's been many years since I played those), so I'm really looking forward to them.

You can read and play Lone Wolf (and Joe Dever's other gamebooks) here on Project Aon for free, legally.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 4:23 am
by Kadael
That's actually where I've been playing them. :D

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 4:36 am
by Kadael
I borrowed The Little Sister from a friend who likes Chandler as much as I do. I'd read it once a few years ago, and finished re-reading it today. It didn't make any more sense, but I still enjoyed it.

My friend assures me that The Long Goodbye is less complicated, so that's what I'll be reading next week.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 5:06 pm
by Dave Syrinx
I guess I´m holding the banner for easy Reading :D . Never read Chandler… Took an English literature course at college, though. My bed stand has Baldacci´s Divine Justice on it. It´s about a government wet jobs specialist going below radar and trying to remain unnoticed. Doing horribly...

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 11:22 pm
by Mr. Handy
I'm almost done In the Presence of Mine Enemies. I'm in the last chapter, with about 25 pages to go. I might finish it tomorrow.

I played Pandemic a few days ago and lost again. I don't remember it being so hard. I played another game of it the next day and finally won. I've read the advanced rules for Space Infantry, but haven't had a chance to play with them yet.

I finished watching There WIll Be Blood, watched V for Vendetta on Blu-ray, and have just started watching Donnie Darko on Blu-ray.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 5:17 am
by Kadael
Been reading The Long Goodbye, like I said. It's opened up avenues for assorted silly conversations with my Chandler-reading friend.

I've also been playing through the Lone Wolf series again, since Mr. Handy reminded me. I'm only on book ten, The Dungeons of Torgar, and to be honest I've only gotten there because I don't restart from the very beginning of the series every time I die. :o Just to the beginning of the book I died in.

The battle at Cetza keeps killing me. Rushing into combat is probably the cause of that, but I have a combat skill of 41 and an endurance of 36, and I want the cosmetic awards my playing aid will give me.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 10:01 pm
by Mr. Handy
Are you playing using Seventh Sense? I've heard about the achievements feature that they included in it. I'm still waiting for Mongoose Publishing's new edition of Book 18, Dawn of the Dragons, which from my vague recollection is a great one. They haven't even announced it for pre-orders yet, so it'll probably be months. I could play it on Project Aon, but I want to run my veteran character through the new one, which may have changes, and I want to scout the new version with fresh characters so that I'm not surprised by them if I'm used to the original edition. Dungeons of Torgar is awesome! I don't want to spoil the ending for you, but it's a good one. The Battle of Cetza is very hard if you have the Sommerswerd (I found that out the hard way), but not so bad if you don't. The Hellswamp route is safer, and it's usually the one I take. There is a Special Item you can get in the battle that may prove useful later, though.

I finished In the Presence of Mine Enemies and have started on Ruled Britannia. Shakespeare has been recruited by those still loyal to Queen Elizabeth (locked in the Tower of London) to write a play that will incite the people to rise up against their Spanish oppressors, and it's very enjoyable so far. When I'm finished that, which will probably be a while, I plan to read a two-book series also by Turtledove, Days of Infamy and The End of the Beginning, where Japan actually occupies the Hawaiian Islands rather than just raiding Pearl Harbor.

When I played Space Infantry with the advanced rules, I lucked out and had the easiest game ever. I was up against the Dark Gods' Followers, whose cultists have a nasty tendency to run up to you and blow themselves up. Fortunately, I didn't run into any of them through an incredible run of luck. My squad's mission was to rescue a bunch of scientists on this planet that was infested with huge sandworms. Luckily, I only bumped into one of them, and I was able to kill it easily. I also managed to find all of the scientists very early, again due to luck. I played Mage Knight again, this time making sure I got the rules correct. There is an ambiguous rule in the rulebook, but the FAQ clarifies it. It turned out I was playing it the wrong way, so I played it the correct (and somewhat more difficult) way. I beat First Reconnaissance again, and then went on to successfully complete the Solo Conquest mission, doing an even better job than I had when I had played it before. I amassed a huge army and was able to steamroller the two cities pretty effectively (thankfully, they were also very close together again).

I recently watched Donnie Darko on Blu-ray and also saw, for the first time, the Director's Cut. That version actually explains things better and makes it easier to understand what happened and why, and it has a lot of extra footage. I also have S. Darko on Blu-ray, which I've never seen. That one's next on my playlist after I finish watching the newly released Doctor Who DVDs I just got this week.

I started playing Civ IV: Beyond the Sword a couple of weeks ago, but it's been slow going since I haven't had much time until today. The random civilization I drew is the Koreans (one of the expansion civs) led by Wang Kon. I share my continent with Arabia (led by Saladin) and the Aztecs (led by Montezuma). Both of them found me with their scouts within five or six turns. There are two others on some other landmass somewhere, but it'll be a long time before I find them. I grabbed an early religion thanks to starting with Mysticism and researching Meditation to start, but the Arabs got the other early one a few turns later. Having different religions soured our relations, and I knew that they would be my chief enemies. I've stayed on good terms with Monty, who doesn't like Saladin much either. I got off to an excellent start, founding a second city close to the Aztec capital (and securing a source of gems before they could) and almost founding a third city before anyone started a second. Almost. The Arabs beat me to the only source of copper I could find by one measly turn and plopped a city right on top of it, and not having copper is a huge disadvantage, especially if you don't later end up with any iron either. So I did the only thing I could. I declared war on them and sent in my archer, which had been escorting my settler and would later garrison my third city, to attack their new city while it was still weak. Only a single warrior guarded it, and it didn't have much time to fortify. The warrior had a slight edge, except for my archer's first strike ability, which saved my butt. I was very lucky and took out Medina with only minor damage to my archer, which earned two promotions out of the deal and became the ultimate city garrison. The city was automatically destroyed because it was only size 1 and had no culture, but I used my own settler to build a city on the spot I had selected, next to the copper. Saladin was afflicted with massive war weariness as a result and was only too happy when I offered him peace. Of course, he still hates my guts, but he was never going to like me anyway. I was able to grow rapidly, while their early growth was crippled - it was a long time before they got a second city. They did, however, beat me to building the Oracle, which gave them a free technology that allowed them to jump into the Medieval era (instead of giving one to me). Still, I'm doing much better than they are. I'm just over 100 turns in and have entered the Classical era. The random events are cool, but forest fires seem to come up an awful lot. Maybe it's just the luck of the draw, or maybe different events are more likely in later stages of the game.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 10:40 pm
by Kadael
I am indeed playing with Seventh Sense. I like shiny buttons and having something to bookkeep for me. I think I might leave the Sommerswerd at the monastery this next run. (+8 Combat Skill, double damage versus undead, doesn't take up a weapon slot, and protects you from a lot of strange beam attacks? What drawbacks could there possibly be?)

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 10:46 pm
by Mr. Handy
A lot of the boss battles in the Magnakai series were made insanely tough when you have the Sommerswerd, but are more manageable without it. However, that's not always the case, and sometimes it's better to have it. It can save your life and is very useful. The tougher bosses seem to be Joe Dever's attempt to balance the game so that everything isn't a pushover when you have the Sommerswerd, which does make most combats way too easy. However, it makes some combats too hard.

One realistic drawback of the Sommerswerd is that it radiates such goodly power that it (and therefore Lone Wolf) can easily be detected. This will come up in later books.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 8:39 am
by Dave Syrinx
Had a check in with the Canadian / French studio Prodigy Pictures. I was about to check on their status on XIII- the series, season two. Image
There I found out they have a Project in production: Neuromancer

Might be Worth a view if it´s actually made…

The studio has one show on it´s third season, Lost Girl. Never heard of it but will give it a chance.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 6:12 am
by Kadael
Now even my Chandler-reading friend is tired of my ramblings about Philip Marlowe. I'm about halfway through The Long Goodbye now.

My brother wants me to read The Hunger Games, and I've picked up a non-fiction neuropsychology book called Mistakes Were Made (But Not By Me).

As for Lone Wolf, I did indeed leave the Sommerswerd in storage, and was better off for it... until The Prisoners of Time started and I didn't have my +8 Combat Skill bonus. Now I keep getting killed before I can get that last Lorestone.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 4:26 am
by Mr. Handy
The Prisoners of Time is hands down the hardest one in the Magnakai series, though there's a harder one still in the Grandmaster series. The Chaos Master is much harder to beat with the Sommerswerd, but the fighting at the end is much harder, especially if you're still hurt from the Chaos Master battle. I always bring the Sommerswerd along on every adventure, but I can see why some players put it in storage for certain books (The Cauldron of Fear is a good one for that).

I'm about 1/4 of the way done Ruled Brittania. The Spanish now want Shakespeare to write a play about the life of King Philip so that it's ready to be performed when he croaks, so now he has to write two plays for opposite sides at the same time (and finish a third play that he was working on before). Still, if anyone can do it, the Bard can!

I'm about 125 turns into my Civ IV game. I now have a fourth city, Pusan, established guarding a chokepoint into the barren northern part of my continent, where nobody lives but barbarians. There's also iron, stone, and sheep close by. The Aztecs could get up there if they wanted, as I allow them passage through my territory and they can just sail across in a boat anyway. The Arabs are using their spies to harass me. First they destroyed my horse pasture, and while I had a worker nearby who quickly rebuilt it, that delayed my using said worker to build plantations and hook up resources. I built a spy of my own in Wonsan, my city next to the copper source. No sooner had it set out than it caught an Arabian spy lurking at the copper mine and getting ready to destroy it. But while it was away scouting Arab lands, they sent in another spy and poisoned the water supply in Wonsan. Once my spy returns, I'll keep it there for defense. I managed to build the Temple of Artemis in Seoul, which increases my trade income and, more importantly, gives me a free priest specialist. I can now generate Great People pretty quickly. I also just built my first Hwacha, the Korean unique unit. It's a primitive rocket-firing artillery piece. In Civ IV it replaces the catapult, in spite of the fact that gunpowder is a very long way off. In Civ III it replaced the cannon, which makes sense, but in Civ IV you get cannons so late that you're probably not far off from artillery at that point. I'm now most of the way through the Classical Era and making good progress.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 3:32 pm
by Dave Syrinx
I´ve joined a Person of Interest RP at The Daemon Accord
I´m using one of my previous NPCs as a PC.
Character details: Lucy Mills

Check it out, only six members and no dice rolls. It looks quite good.

I also have had a look for a forum that uses an integrated dice roller. I´ll get back to that when I know how it goes.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 4:06 am
by Mr. Handy
I've only had time to play about ten more turns, but they've been very eventful. I found myself in a war, but not against Saladin. It was Montezuma who sneak attacked me, in spite of the fact that we were on good terms and share the same religion. Just can't trust that guy. :evil: He had demanded tribute from me earlier (Monarchy, an expensive and useful technology), but I rejected his demands. It was a while before he attacked, though. Fortunately, his initial assault was halfhearted, as P'yongyang (the city by the gems near their border) only had one defender, an axeman. They moved one of their own axemen into my territory and stumbled around the jungle, but they didn't attack with it. A turn later they moved in a chariot, which has a huge bonus to attacking axemen, and attacked the city, but I had enough defensive bonuses to counter them. My axeman was wounded badly, and a followup attack probably would have finished it off and cost me the city, but the Aztecs had nothing in position. I quickly moved in an archer from Seoul and built another one in P'yongyang, so the city was very well defended by the time they moved their real army across the border. I had started building a spearman in Seoul when the war started, and he just moved into P'yongyang right before the army attacked. They included Monty's other two chariots, and spearmen get a big bonus against them. I wiped out their army without losing any units, and then my own chariot took down their axeman that was a turn behind them. I had redirected my spy to the Aztecs' sole source of iron in the hopes of sabotaging the mine, but he got caught. My hwacha made its way all the way from the border with Arabia to P'yongyang and has just caught up. I'm about to build another one in Seoul. Now the tide has turned, and I've moved some of my forces across the border into Aztec lands, just two spaces from their capitol, Tenochtitlan. I'm hoping to draw out some of the garrison so I can defeat them with better odds, thus reducing the capital's defenses. Shortly after the war started, I began researching Feudalism, which will advance me to the Medieval Era and give me some huge advantages. I'll be able to build longbowmen (and upgrade archers to them with enough gold), which will make excellent city defenders, especially with my Protective trait. I'll get two civics: Vassalage (bonus XP for newly built units and several more units are maintenance-free) and Serfdom (workers work faster). I'll also get the ability to make someone a vassal state, which is my plan for the Aztecs. Once I take their capital away, they'll probably cave. If not, they'll only have two cities left, and those won't be as hard to take as the capital.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 11:47 pm
by kabukiman
I have been playing as beta tester"The secret world" an horror/ocult/comspiracy mmrpg. I'm having a mix reaction and I'l post with more details in a couple of days.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 1:54 am
by Mr. Handy
I'm currently reading Days of Infamy, and I'm over 1/4 of the way done. Japan has invaded Oahu in force and has recently taken Wahiawa. It's now December 26, 1941, and Hawaii will probably fall before much longer.

I've been watching Wish Me Luck, a British show that originally aired on ITV in the late 1980s. It's set during WWII in Nazi-occupied France from 1942-4 and is about female Special Operations Executive agents. There were three seasons with a total of 23 episodes, and I've now watched all but the last two. It's very good, with complex characters and a starkly realistic portrayal of underground operations.

I'm still playing the same game of Civ IV, now over 300 turns in. Tenochtitlan was on a hill with walls and too heavily guarded, so I had to settle for taking Tlatelolco, which was also near the Aztecs' only source of iron. After a long siege, the timing of everything came together perfectly, and I was able to take the city and get all of their gold in exchange for peace. I found Hannibal of Carthage and Elizabeth of England on the other major landmass. The Aztecs attacked me again much later after we'd been friends for a while, and while I was able to destroy their entire invasion force on the first turn of the war, Saladin jumped on me on the second turn when I wasn't ready. I nearly lost Wonsan, but I managed to keep it because they ran out of attackers before I ran out of defenders; only a single explorer was left garrisoning the city on the last turn of the war. I used the new Apostolic Palace wonder to force them to make peace with me, and I had the votes to carry it by myself. I had built it hoping to get an early diplomatic victory, but I experienced setback after setback that kept me from it. Still, its other functions have proved very useful. I ended up in a third war when Carthage sneak attacked England and destroyed the tiny new city of Canterbury, and Elizabeth came to me asking for help. I agreed because I needed her votes to win a diplomatic victory, as I didn't have enough otherwise. Being wartime allies was good for winning her support, but not enough. When the vote came up, she abstained. Meanwhile, Saladin attacked me again after I refused to give him tribute, and this time he actually took Tlatelolco even though I had three riflemen defending it while he had camel archers, macemen, and catapults. I should have won, but he was very lucky. However, his forces were crippled after that. I had started besieging Baghdad, just south of Wonsan, at the outset of the war, and I captured it and took back Tlatelolco on the same turn. I extorted gold out of Saladin in exchange for peace. Meanwhile, relations with Elizabeth had improved greatly. I wasn't able to do much to help her in the war, but I gave her a caravel and used my own navy to fight Hannibal's caravels, though I took heavier losses than I should have in spite of my more advanced tech. Then she lost Nottingham, and a couple of turns later she surrendered and became his vassal. Suddenly she hated me and was now at war with me as well. Luckily, I used the Apostolic Palace to force peace again. I'm now in the late industrial era and well ahead of anyone else. Diplomatic victory seems out of reach, but I"m on track to win a cultural victory in about 100 turns if I can't get another kind sooner.

I also just got the Civ V expansion, Gods and Kings, but I want to finish my game of Civ IV before I try it.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 12:15 am
by kabukiman
After reading your player I tried to play again Civ II and discovered that it didn't worked in my computer. I decide to buy a new version. In the stores, they had expansions for Civ IV but not the game, so I had to bought CIV V. Different, but most of the mechanics are the same (there are culture points and other new stuff, but nothing too much difficult). I'm playing the greeks. I discovered an independent city, and made a peace treaty with the aztecs. For now, the only real trouble are the barbarians; I haven't discovered any other civilization. I am the most prosperous and rich, but I have a pathetic military power.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 4:38 am
by Mr. Handy
That tends to be how it goes for me too. I usually concentrate on building up the infrastructure of my cities while keeping my military forces relatively small unless I'm specifically preparing for war or find myself already in one. I didn't get to finish my game before going to the convention, and I was about 15-16 turns from a cultural victory at the time I left. I finally had a chance to play some tonight, and now I'm only about ten turns from winning. My culture is swamping the Aztecs, and their capital may go into revolt or even flip to me before I win if I'm lucky. I'm actually into the future era now since I researched genetics early, but there are still a number of modern techs I don't have. I'm building the Apollo Program now, but I'll win by culture long before I'd complete the spaceship. I'm pretty assured of peace since I used the Apostolic Palace to force everyone to make defensive pacts. If anyone goes to war with me, it means war with the entire world. I expect to finish the game this weekend and I'll finally be able to start Civ V after that. I had originally skipped Civ IV since it wouldn't work right on my previous computer, but it works wonderfully on this one, and I'm glad I went back to it. You can buy Civ IV with the expansions on Steam. Culture was introduced in Civ III, which you also skipped, but Civ V handles cultural expansion differently. In the previous two games, your borders expand in large leaps on rare occasions, but in Civ V they expand gradually, one hex at a time, which I prefer. I also love the use of hexes instead of squares/diamonds. I'm hoping the expansion will make up for all of the deficiencies of the base game.

I bought some interesting board games in the dealer's room at the convention, but I haven't had the chance to play them yet. I got Thunderstone Advance, a deck building fantasy game, and its expansion, Heart of Doom. I also got Wrath of Ashardalon, a D&D boardgame, and Flying Colors, a naval wargame set in the Age of Sail. In addition, I used prize points for playing games at the convention to get an adventure pack for the Lord of the Rings LCG. Normally it would be $15, which is a lot for just 60 cards and one adventure, but for prize points it was a no-brainer. I'm also planning to order When Darkness Comes... and all of its expansions from Twilight Creations, since ImpInTraining reminded me of it and told me that it can be played solo.

I'm over 5/8 of the way done Days of Infamy. It's well into 1942, and all of Hawaii is now under Japanese occupation.

I finished Wish Me Luck and am well into Manhunt, another British WWII series. This one is from 1970 and has 26 episodes, and I'm almost done the 12th. The three main characters are a British airman who was shot down over occupied France, a half-British, half-French resistance man, and a French woman in the Resistance who has vast knowledge of its networks. They're trying to get her to England, but they have orders to kill her rather than let her fall into German hands.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 6:00 am
by Kadael
Goodness, what happened? I joined some games with a friend of mine, and the time just disappeared into a void!

I'm about a year late, but I watched the Thor movie and enjoyed it considerably. The season finale of The Legend of Korra also made me all emotional. :? :o :cry: :D essentially.

I played the Extended Cut DLC for Mass Effect 3's ending about a week ago. I don't feel like talking about it much.

In addition to all the roleplaying, Sims have been eating up all of my time! I'm sure there's a word for that feeling when your Sims have unexpected twins and suddenly there isn't enough room in the house to comfortably fit enough beds.

Oh, and something I just remembered. I recently cleaned out my downloads folder, and found a treasure trove of unplayed interactive fiction. I decided to give Room 206 a spin.

I'm sure the creator would be delighted to know that I was really uncomfortable the following day.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 5:03 am
by Mr. Handy
I haven't played Mass Effect 3, but I've heard about its lack of an ending. I haven't played the first two games either, though I do own the second one. I must have hundreds of games that I've never had time to play yet. Before I started working full time, I didn't have money to buy the games I wanted. Now I have the money, but no time to play. :(

I did finish my Civ IV game last night, winning a cultural victory. Oddly, on the very last turn of the game, Hannibal declared war on Montezuma, forcing me into war with him and Elizabeth thanks to the defensive pact. That messed up some of my trade deals, but it didn't matter since I won immediately after that happened anyway. I've just started looking through the Civilopedia for Civ V with the expansion to see what's changed (it's a lot!). It'll probably be a week or two before I actually get to start playing.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 9:14 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Ladies and gentlemen, I just saw a quite above average action film. Safe stands to compare to both Ronin and Leon .
For next weekend´s amusement I say, watch it. It´s worth your time.

Also, I´ve almost finished my second Lee Child novel, Nothing to lose. Jack Reacher is on the move again. Easy action digestion. Perfect for the hangmat.
I know the season closes to the end, but never the less. I noticed Tom Cruise is doing a series of Jack Reacher films. Might be worth watching.

Gamingwise, I have tried out Telltale games´ The Walking Dead. A comedic gem, it is :P
Still slacking over here, I have been active over at Obsidian Portal playing a Pathfinder and a Traveller game. Both are moving on at a high pace and are fun to follow/play.
I´ll be trying to steer my Vietnam game over to the 80´s here at P@YSDC. On that note, I find Lee Child writing in a similar vein as Joseph Garber (Vertical Run).


Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 11:17 pm
by Mr. Handy
I bought The Walking Dead as part of the Almost Everything Pack when they offered it for $45. It included all three seasons of Sam & Max, Back to the Future, and several other games. I haven't played any of them yet, as I'm still playing Civ V, and there are other games ahead of them on my playlist. I also bought some Telltale Games that weren't included in the pack during their promo sales on GOG (a few of them are on sale now). Civ V is going well. I'm playing as the Ottoman Empire, and my opponents are the Songhai, the Romans, the Russians, the Celts, and the Carthaginians (the latter two being on another continent). I have a massive tech lead, having just entered the Modern era in the mid-16th century. The Romans got into the Renaissance a while back and just got cannons, while a couple of the others just reached the Renaissance and the Celts and Carthage are in the Medieval era. Rome is the real threat, and I beat off an early attack from them, luckily before they could bring any of their unique units to bear. They conquered the city-state of Sidon during their war with the Songhai that otherwise didn't go anywhere. The other 11 city-states are now my allies. The problem with having such a huge tech lead is that everyone spies on me and steals my technology in spite of all I do to try to stop them. Sometimes they'll agree to stop when you call them on it, but then they go right on doing it. The Songhai tried this one time too many, so I declared war on them finally. While the war was going on I caught Rome at it again, but I had to let it slide this time as I can't take them both on at once. I'm about to finish researching Replaceable Parts, which will allow me to build WWI-era infantry (among other things). Then I'm going for Flight, which will let me build WWI-era fighters and bombers. I won't bother with fighters, as nobody else is even close to Flight and I won't need air defenses for a long time, but bombers will kick butt. I'm building an artillery unit near the front, and when it's ready I'll deploy it on a hill in range of two of the three Songhai cities (though out of the cities' range to return fire), at which point I can pulverize their defenses quickly and just walk in and take them. I've crushed their army in the field already and I'm clobbering them in a naval battle off the coast of their third city. My unique ability to take prize ships with any melee naval unit and pay less maintenance for my navy has been very useful - I only ever had to build one warship. I didn't have any coal within my borders in spite of having lots of jungle, but Songhai have a big source near their capital, and there's already a mine there. Once I take it, I can start buiding factories and upgrade my caravels to ironclads - when I have the cash. I haven't been able to fully upgrade my units to what I can, but I'm still well ahead of anything the Songhai can field. Plundering their rich cities should fix that problem.

I played the first two scenarios in When Darkness Comes... The second one, Last of the Tzimovars, was much easier than it looked, but I really lucked out, as it should have been nearly impossible. I happened to select the random hero who was best suited to it, and I managed to automatically kill the boss monster thanks to a very lucky roll.

I finished Days of Infamy and started on The End of the Beginning, which follows on from it. I put that one aside when Coup d'Etat came in. This is also a Harry Turtledove alternate history book, the fourth in a series where WWII started in 1938 over Czechoslovakia. It's late 1941 there, and while many things are similar and familiar, events have taken some very different turns. I'm almost done that book.

I finished Manhunt and the first season of Enemy at the Door, which takes place on the German-occupied Channel Islands during WWII. I'll come back to the second season after I finish a wave of newly released Doctor Who DVDs. I just finished the special edition of The Seeds of Death and am about to start the special edition of Resurrection of the Daleks.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 12:00 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Never played Civilization on PC, only as a board game. It was fun, though to plot and scheme.

Watched yet another survival movie. I have watched quite some non-American films over the posts in this thread. Now, it´s time for an American movie set in Chernobyl, Ukraine.


The pathfinder game at Herocentral is about to restart, Runelords of Varisia. (A two year hiatus is over)
Obsidian Portal games played are
The Approaching Storm, Pathfinder.
Free Trader: Maverick, Traveller.

Keeping the CoC-modern, Antarctica 1983.

Finishing my INTRACOM CoC-end times scenario over at Comunidad Umbria.

The Person of Interest game died off - but the TV-series is soon starting again. And Watch Dogs, the game is up next year.

On PLAY@YSDC, I´ve managed to close the fist part of Eyes of Doom, 1969. Beginning the Vertical Run chapter, 1989.
Playing Zombie Apocalypse and having a blast doing it. Never know what´s coming next. Not many players left though.

That´s my gaming update.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 3:41 am
by Mr. Handy
Civilization is even better as a computer game, deeper and much more involved, with many more options. While I was laying siege to the Songhai capital of Gao, Rome backstabbed me after pretending to friends (again) and declared war on me, starting a two-front war. They invaded the land around Bursa, which was in a pocket surrounded by Rome and Russia and had just been completely cut off. Fortunately, their puny weapons were no match for my superior technology. Even without fully upgrading my units, I was able to destroy their invading army, in part because they diverted part of their force in a failed attack on the city-state of Venice. After I conquered the Songhai, I took the fight to the Romans, quickly taking their second city of Antium and liberating Sidon. Rome offered me two cities for peace, including one I was about to take in my backyard. I told them to stuff it; I will accept nothing less than unconditional surrender (i.e., I'm going to finish them off). I took that city and now am marching on Rome itself. I'm in the late modern age and have WWII-era infantry (I just received one from Sidon), and soon I'll finish researching Combustion and get the ability to build landships (WWI-era tanks), and I can also upgrade my cavalry units to landships then.

I finished Coup d'Etat and resumed The End of the Beginning.

My PS3 died again, the third one so far this year. I had bought it used online from someone in Hawaii, and it still had some time left on the warranty at the time. It had just expired less than two weeks before, but the PS3 was supposed to be an 80 GB backwards compatible model. Instead it was the more flawed 60 GB model, the same as the first two I had that died earlier this year. The receipt for it claimed that it was the 80 GB model, but GameStop sold the guy an inferior model instead, and he sold it on to me. Now I have to wait for GameStop to get back to me. In the meantime, my parents loaned me an old DVD player, but the DVD of Resurrection of the Daleks is stuck in my PS3. I'll watch Greatest Show in the Galaxy next, and then Mad Nation, a Fallout fan-made post-apocalyptic series in a similar vein that the creator was giving away free for the first 20 No Mutants Allowed members who asked (and for $3 for those who came later).

I still need to get Zombie Apocalypse moving again, and it's doubtful I'll have time tonight. I recently finished The Ninth Planet, the second game in my Doctor Who/Call of Cthulhu campaign. I'm now recruiting players for my third game in that campaign, The Shadow Over Dunwich. It's a UNIT adventure set in Dunwich, England in 1985. I still need to catch up in my other games before I can finish preparing for it and getting it started.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 6:01 pm
by aine
Thank you Syrinx for inviting me to this thread. I've had an enjoyable 15 mins reading what everyone is playing/reading. I have to agree with Kadael:
I played the Extended Cut DLC for Mass Effect 3's ending about a week ago. I don't feel like talking about it much.
but I got one bonus: it's put me off playing XBOX so I now have more time on my hands.

We played a great live game in town last week run by IGFest. It was called 2.8 Hours later we had to get across zombie-infested town centre using a map and coordinates. Most of the zombies were located in scenic run down buildings that the organisers had hired: churches, an old fire station complete with cells, a four storey bank lit only by candles. It was very scarey. If you got caught by a zombie you were marked with a UV pen which showed up later in the quarantine screening area and you were whisked off and made into a zombie. Here's one we met on the way, luckily a slow one.


Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 6:32 pm
by Mr. Handy
I haven't gotten far in Civilization V lately, both due to a lack of time and the fact that wartime turns tend to take a lot longer than turns in peacetime, as much more planning is required. Still, I've made tremendous progress in blitzing through what's left of the Roman Empire. The turn after I took Rome, I caught Russia spying on me again. They had done it several turns before, early in my offensive against the Romans, but I'd had to let it go because I wasn't ready to face both of them. At this point I only had to finish mopping up Rome, so I declared on Russia. I was able to grab their annoying Great Prophet that was converting my cities to their religion, but it was useless to me as it could only spread their religion, so I just disbanded it. Luckily I just accumulated enough Faith to get a Great Prophet of my own religion, so now I can start converting my cities back. I also snatched their settler. At this point I'm shelling both the last Roman city of Arretium and the Russian city of Rostov. I should take Rostov this turn, as the Russian cities have poor defenses, but Arretium is a tougher nut to crack and it'll have to wait until next turn to finish them off. The Russians only have three other cities, so I'll make short work of them. At that point I'll have the whole continent to myself aside from my city-state allies. Once that's done, I'll relocate my forces overseas to my city-state allies on the other major continent and prepare to conquer the Celts, as they just denounced me after I declared war on Russia and I've caught them spying before, plus their own Great Prophet had been messing with my cities. When I eliminate them, all i have to do is take Carthage and I'll have won a Domination victory. The Celts and Carthaginians have been fighting each other for quite a long time, but neither side has enough of an advantage. Each of them has only three cities. I'm about to finish researching Ballistics, which will allow me to make machine guns and anti-aircraft guns, not that I need the latter. Then I just need Electronics, which lets me build battleships and carriers, and I'll enter the Atomic Age. My research just got a huge boost because I just finished building research labs in all of my cities.

I'm over a quarter of the way through The End of the Beginning. At the end of the previous book, Japan thwarted an American attempt to invade and retake Hawaii, defeating the Navy and sending the transports full of Marines packing back to California. Then they installed a puppet king and queen of the "independent" kingdom of Hawaii. It's now November 1942, and American submarines are wreaking havoc with Japan's supply lines to Hawaii, but they've got a ways to go before they can attempt to mount an invasion again.

I was able to borrow an old DVD player from my parents, so I'm at least able to watch DVDs while I try to get a replacement PS3. I just started Mad Nation.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 5:34 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Am starting A dance with dragons next weekend. I got it just as summer sprung but never got the hangmat up. Now I´m finishing up Nothing to lose by Lee Child. Yes, I find it hard to get time to read. Too many TV-series worth watching.
This summer I´ve watched a couple of cops-series.

On top of the list ranks The Wire and Southland. Those two are brutal and really good.

While reading Laraqua´s blog I started to think of what games I´ve played face to face, they are not many, but enjoyable.
On my RPG played-list are:

The Temple of Elemental Evil
Desert of Desolation

Those three, of course are AD&D and in bits and pieces good modules. As with films, I tend to see what´s good in the product and disregard any flaws.
For RuneQuest I played Apple Lane and the Pavis campaign.
Traveller and Prison Planet was the scariest ever!

Those adventures might not seem a lot, but we made our own scenarios and played sessions where we changed GM ever so often.

I never got to play Masks of Nyarlathotep but heard about it when others spoke of Jackson Elias and the Carlyle expedition. It seemed to be a real historic event. As a CoC player I did my share of B&E:s. Can´t say I remember what it all was about, but we always tried to talk ourselves out of trouble.
That seldom worked.

The funniest rpg-moment ever was while playing Paranoia. A friend of mine had his hands clasped on a Computer interrogation booth when the Computer asks him if he´s part of a secret society and he says yes. Twice. He burns two clones at that booth. Hilarious. His character was honest and couldn´t lie. Then, he crosses the street (with 4 in APP) and we, the other jumpsuit troubleshooters, see how a driver spots the ugly nogget and puts the pedal down and rams him. One more down!

That´s what my memory tells me of the past. Bet I forgot everything that was horrible and dull. Those glimmers shine through.

Back to Laraqua, who is writing about video games to RPGs. I´d like to change the phrase to Movies to RPGs. My first thought is Tremors.
That film could be a neat scary scenario.
Firefly, already is made. I can´t watch that series and not think of Traveller.

Enough Saturday rambling. What about you guys, what did you play back in the day? Maybe still playing? And what film would make a good scenario?

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 7:12 pm
by Mr. Handy
I finished off Rome in Civilization V and then easily wiped out Russia. Now the whole continent is mine, and my expeditionary force has already landed on the other major landmass and is lining up on the Celtic border. Now I just have to wait until I catch them spying on me again before I unleash hell. Or maybe I won't bother waiting once everyone's in position and at maximum strength. It's not like I need an excuse, and my modern forces will easily squish the medieval units the Celts have. I could even fight both the Celts and the Carthaginians at the same time if I have to, and I may. They ended their war shortly after I beat Russia. The Celts have the Great Wall, which will slow me down, but it won't stop me. Even though it's peacetime now, the turns are still taking quite some time because I'm monitoring all of my conquered cities. Once I finish this game I'll start on the Tex Murphy series, beginning with Mean Streets. Then I intend to play the Broken Sword series in anticipation of the new game that was just funded on Kickstarter (in part thanks to me). I've played the first three games before, but never the director's cut of the first and never the remastered version of the second (or the fourth game at all, though I have it), plus it's been so long since I've played them. I'll be getting all of them free on GOG as one of my rewards.

I'm almost halfway done The End of the Beginning. It's Summer 1943, and the American invasion force is on its way to retake Hawaii. A huge naval battle is about to begin, and this time the Americans are ready and Japan is not.

I'm watching the second season of Enemy at the Door on DVD now. It very realistically portrays the situations that arise on the German-occupied Channel Islands in WWII, and the characters on both sides are very human and complex. I'm still waiting for GameStop to call me back, but they are going to replace my PS3 - it's just a matter of them working out how to do it.

I used to run Paranoia back in high school. I made up my own adventures for that one. One of them was a murder mystery - the victim was a previous clone of the NPC troubleshooter team leader. The PCs didn't solve the mystery, though. Instead, they ended up killing every NPC except the one who was actually the killer (including their team leader, I believe). I don't think they even suspected her, and she managed to get away with it. I used to play D&D in college and grad school, and I also played Call of Cthulhu and Vampire: the Masquerade.

I've been inspired more by TV series than movies when running my games here (Life on Mars, Ashes to Ashes, and Doctor Who), though the Romero zombie films are a big source for Zombie Apocalypse. So are Quentin Tarantino movies, at least the way I've been running it. Witty conversations, sudden violence, and gruesome endings for characters all abound. There was even a scene that played out somewhat like the end of Reservoir Dogs late in Chapter 3, with the farmer's zombified wife. The situation turned into a bloodbath when Alvarez shot her, and then the farmer shot him dead, taking off his other leg (Gardner had already cost him one earlier) - and then the zombie killed the farmer. Now there were three zombies, and things went downhill from there. Flynn and Jack both ended up dying, and Lauren nearly bought it as well when she climbed out the window and dropped onto the roof of the porch.

One book that would make an excellent scenario is Dracula, which I read last year. It felt exactly like a Gaslight Call of Cthulhu scenario.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 1:21 pm
by Dave Syrinx
What to watch?
I decided to check out some new series, new to me at least. The series decided upon was.

, post apocalyptic theme!
Flashpoint, never watched SWAT series...
Last resort, submarine crew dram, don´t know much more.
Lastly, I´ll watch the first episode of Scandal.
Four series with Scandal being out of my comfort zone ;)
I´ll comment later tonight what I thought about the batch.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 7:57 pm
by Mr. Handy
I saw the first episode of Revolution, which was pretty good. I'm really looking forward to Last Resort, but I didn't think that was airing yet (it premieres Thursday here). I've never seen Flashpoint either, though I did watch the entire first season of Scandal, which I think you'll enjoy.

As I was lining my forces up on the Celts' border in Civ V, Boudicca called me on it. I could have said they were just passing through, but I decided to just declare war at that point. Unfortunately, it was on her turn, so she got to strike first, and one of her crossbowmen damaged one of my artillery units. It also hadn't had time to get into position yet, nor had a couple other units. Even so, I managed to take Cardiff last turn, and I barely missed being able to capture Dublin on the same turn. Instead, I'll polish it off this turn. I now have a WWII-era tank and bomber in Cardiff, where they can strike at anything they need to hit. I have a carrier, but it's not needed now that I have Cardiff. In a few turns, I should take Edinburgh and eliminate the Celts. That only leaves Carthage, who now has caravels and musketmen, but those didn't help the Romans any, and I fought them with WWI units. My destroyers may be able to seize their capital before my land forces even get near. I'm now midway through the atomic era, but I should win before I advance to the information era (the final age).

I've passed the halfway point of The End of the Beginning, and as expected the American fleet trounced Japan and sank both of their carriers. Onward to Hawaii!

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 6:08 pm
by Dave Syrinx
The Voyage of a lifetime

Wherein the parties of the story leave Britain
due to a lost football match to maybe lose
yet another game. The chance game of life...
Four gentlemen of The Athenaeum Gentlemens´ club of Liverpool board the first class area of The Aquitania. The maiden voyage of the ship that a few weeks earlier had been furnished and made ready for her first trip across the ocean.
The misfortune of last day on the sea had cast a dark shadow over the festivities but people were still cheering as the passengers boarded the ocean liner.

The center of the club, the library, had been where they had decided on making the trip. It was just after Liverpool had got kicked out of the FA Cup they´d decided that it wasn´t worth staying. They had to find amusement elsewhere. It was mostly a bet that had caused for this drastic solution. "Should the Reds lose - we´ll emigrate!".
Promises made in wine - never end well. The most beautiful ship in the world sounded like a splendid alternative to watching some other team than the Reds take the cup.

Posh drinks and fancy women would easily change their mood. Once they´d get to New York they´d surely find something other to pique their interest.

They enter on C deck, along with the second class passengers, above the third class passengers. having been greeted by stewards and been offered a brochure on the ship´s restaurants and pass time activities their luggage arrive and is carried to their suite. As they enter their suites they quickly pick their beds. Then after getting the luggage unpacked they take the promenade to watch the ship leave the landing. Beverages are served on silver trays and they move up a deck only to discover there´s a swimming pool sitting invitingly waiting for them.
Keep your light on...
Hmm, I´m considering having a stab at this old idea. First, just a brief outline that can be winged here on the site to see if it´s playable. Is there ant interest in writing some more on the bits of this scenario? Anyone?
We could keep the grand schemes to other scenarios. As I see it things can grow to humongous proportions really fast if we don´t think small.

Back to the TV-series of last night:
I´m definitely watching Last Resort as it airs more episodes. I liked the cast and see some great ideas brewing in the plot.
Revolution is a bit half hearted, I think. A mixture of things seen before. Not bad but not good either, just not all there. As always, just my thoughts.
Flashpoint and Scandal might be recurring on my watchlist, they didn´t pop though.

The winner ultimately is Last Resort.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 3:17 am
by Mr. Handy
I'm still interested in the Aquitania scenario. I'm still pretty busy, though, especially with all the preparation I have to do for The Shadow Over Dunwich, but I'd contribute as I can. The first WWIII segment is a small (though crucial) part of the much larger war, so it need not be overly complex. The war and the events leading up to it are there as a backdrop, and many of the details can be glossed over. I've already plotted out the general course of the war, and not all that many specifics are needed.

Revolution's second episode is on now, but I'm not watching it because the Castle season premeire is on. Revolution will reair on Saturday night, but I'll be busy then. I'm definitely planning on watching Last Resort when it premieres on Thursday night; the concept alone sounds excellent.

Last night I won my game of Civ V. Dublin fell as expected, and I took Edinburgh the very next turn. The turn after that I declared war on Carthage, and all I needed to do was take their capital, so I ignored their other two cities. My destroyers made fast work of their navy, capturing most of it as prize ships. One destroyer specialized in coastal raiding took advantage of an opening through Carthage's waters to raid the capital after my bomber softened it up. The turn after that, my bomber struck again and my destroyer seized the city. Game over! Next up is Mean Streets. I may have ten minutes to play it tonight, but I don't think I'll get much past the intro. I should have more time on Wednesday to get into it.

In The End of the Beginning, American planes are blasting Japanese bases and positions in Hawaii in preparation for landing the invasion forces.

My replacement PS3 should be shipped in by the end of the week.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 8:26 pm
by Dave Syrinx
I´m considering reading Doctor Glass(1905) by Hjalmar Söderberg, one of Sweden´s classic writers.
One wants to be loved,
in lack thereof admired,
in lack thereof feared,
in lack thereof loathed and despised.

One wants to instill some sort of emotion in people.
The soul trembles before emptiness and desires contact at any price.
This rhymes well with the core of being a Keeper of a Call of Cthulhu game. :twisted:
Will trot over to the library and retrieve a copy. Love and deceit should be the theme...

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 5:16 am
by Mr. Handy
I've only had a little over half an hour to play Mean Streets so far. I've gotten used to the interface and am now accustomed to flying my speeder and searching a room. I'm finding some interesting clues already, but I have a long way to go before I unravel the mystery.

The Marines are coming ashore on Oahu in The End of The Beginning. I'm a little over 3/5 of the way through the book now.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 10:28 am
by Dave Syrinx
Another great return.

Person of Interest relaunched, and what a beginning. I really enjoyed seeing the show again. Now, my watch list is almost back to normal.
Tonight, I´m guessing I start the last season of Dexter. Hoping for a good ending.

In the future only two shows remain to be continued. The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones. Those four are why I have a TV at home.
The rest are only... substitutes.

Game of Thrones
Person of Interest
The Walking Dead

Which are your Big Four?

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 9:31 pm
by Mr. Handy
The Walking Dead is on my list too, as is Doctor Who (which just wrapped up the first part of a split season and saw two companions who had been around for over two years depart). I'm not sure what other shows I'd add.

I don't have any premium cable channels, so I can't watch Game of Thrones or Dexter, though I did see some early episodes of Dexter during a free preview or something. Person of Interest is great, though I missed so much of the first season. I did catch the premiere last week. Last Resort was awesome, and I'm looking forward to more.

I've gotten pretty far in Mean Streets, which is not as big a game as it seems. You can go anywhere in California and western Nevada, but there are only a certain number of interesting locations. I don't know if I'll finish the game tonight, but it is possible. Martian Memorandum, the second Tex Murphy game, is next.

I played my first multiplayer game of Mage Knight with Job and taokan, who came over for a visit yesterday. We played the tutorial First Reconaissance scenario, and taokan won. I got off to a slow start and came in third, but I managed to catch up enough that I wasn't too far behind. We stopped at The Compleat Strategist before and bought some games. I got a solitaire game called Struggle for the Galactic Empire, a science fiction game where you have to manage and expand a large interstellar empire, develop technologies, and deal with internal and external threats. I also picked up The Most Dangerous Game, an expansion for When Darkness Comes... that's out of print and is the only one I didn't have, and The Coast, a big expansion for A Touch of Evil. I don't know when I'll get the chance to play them.

I'm about 70% of the way done The End of the Beginning. The Americans are closing in on Wahiawa, in the middle of Oahu. I just bought Hornet Flight by Ken Follett, a WWII novel of his that I've always meant to read but never got around to it, for $1 at a book sale in my building. That's next on my list.

I'm finishing up the newly released Doctor Who DVDs. I watched Planet of Giants, the first story of the second season of the original show in 1964. It was originally a four part story, but it was edited down to three parts (with episodes three and four cut down and merged into a single episode). The original parts three and four never aired and were lost when the BBC wiped its archives, but they reconstructed them using the scripts, footage from the existing episodes, animation, and voice acting from the two surviving actors and impressionists doing the voices of the other characters and included the reconstructions as special features on the DVD. I finished Vengeance on Varos Special Edition and am now starting the special features. I previously watched the first seven episodes of the second season of Enemy at the Door, and I plan to watch the remaining six next.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 4:15 pm
by aine
I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Tom Mead last night at a art auction find-raising event. I didn't realise until I got there that it was in aid of a candidate's campaign for the new city mayor. Still, Mead's work was the best thing on the wall and I'm still seriously considering buying an original if I can cope with having such an unearthly drawing in the house. Tom listed his influences, which included H.P. Lovecraft; his is described as cathartic art and he says he can't help himself, he just has to produce the images in his head. Have we met one or two artists of his type in various C of C games?

I am also talking to Jim Mortimore (Dr. Who, Farscape, Babylon 5 novel and episode writer) about illustrating his new graphic novel, watching my first TV drama in years- Game of Thrones and replaying Skyrim as an imperial thief.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 7:34 pm
by Mr. Handy
I finished Mean Streets, which was a bigger game than I had thought at first, on the morning of Saturday, October 5. Then I played through Martian Memorandum over the rest of the three-day weekend. Last week I started Under a Killing Moon, and I'm now a little more than 40% done. This is the only Tex Murphy game I had played before, but it was so long ago that everything's new to me because I hardly remember it.

I finished The End of the Beginning and had started Hornet Flight, but I've set that aside for now to read The Girl who Played with Fire by Stieg Larsson. I'm over a fifth of the way through that, and it's very good so far. I had read his first book, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, last year.

I finished watching Enemy at the Door and am now making my way through Jeeves and Wooster, which I'd bought a couple years ago but hadn't gotten around to seeing yet. It stars Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry, and it's hysterical. I'm a little more than halfway done, currently on the second episode of season three. I finally got my replacement PS3 two weeks ago.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 9:08 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Just watched the first part of the Coma remake.
One thing that caught my mind was this house.


Sure feels like the house on one of the rule books, right?

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 4:40 am
by Mr. Handy
Yes, it looks almost non-Euclidean. ;)

I finished Under a Killing Moon before I left for London and am now about 3/4 of the way through The Pandora Directive.

I finished The Girl Who Played with Fire right before I left, and this morning I returned it to the library and checked out The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest, which I've started reading and am enjoying. I had been wondering how everything from the second book would be resolved as I was getting closer to the end, since there were so many loose ends, and then I realized that it would take the third book to do it.

In London I bought a bunch of board games. Star Trek: Expeditions is a fun game by Reiner Knizia and is set in the rebooted Star Trek universe created in the 2009 movie. I did pretty well my first time out, though I was playing on the easiest level. Defenders of the Realm is a fantasy game which uses a similar mechanism to Pandemic for the armies of darkness to spread out and taint the land, but there is a lot more going on. I barely won my first game. The hero I randomly drew, the wizard, is quite powerful, so it would probably be even more challenging with a different one. There's a built-in mechanism to increase the difficulty as you make progress, which keeps the endgame interesting rather than making it a dull mopping-up phase. Dungeon Run is a fun little dungeon crawl that's different every time. The single player variant is short and very hard. It took me several attempts, but I finally prevailed with Stabbins the goblin rogue. His arsenal of dirty tricks made it possible for him to defeat the boss monster (which was a fire-breathing dragon in that game). I also got Boots on the Ground, which pits special forces teams against terrorist insurgents in an urban setting, though I haven't had time to play it yet. I also bought some gamebooks that I can't get in America: Blood of the Zombies, the new 30th anniversary Fighting Fantasy book, as well as the first two DestinyQuest books. These are brand new (the second one only appeared in stores as I reached London) and only available in the UK. They are massive books, with nearly a thousand numbered sections and six or seven hundred pages. I've started on the first one, but I had extremely bad luck on my first two tries, getting killed by a couple of goblins I encountered at the beginning of the first "easy" quest I tried. My third attempt was better, and I completed all of the easy quests and figured out the optimal order to attempt them (the one with the goblins should be done last), but I died on the first "moderate" quest I tried, again due to very bad luck. I also bought the soundtracks for the remaining missing episodes of Doctor Who on CD, completing my collection of them.

I finished Jeeves and Wooster and watched the extended collector's cut of Avatar and the first disc of bonus material. I'll wait to watch the other bonus disc until after I finish the two new Doctor Who DVDs that arrived while I was gone. I'm watching the special edition of Claws of Axos, and then I'll watch Disc 2 of the special edition of Resurrection of the Daleks; I had to buy another copy after my first Disc 2 got stuck in my dead PS3 in September.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 10:01 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Lately, I´ve been addicted to the TV-series Flashpoint. Good that there were four seasons to watch.
Of the TV-series mentioned before, they trailed off. Last Resort, Revolution and Scandal had nothing to compare to the SRU-series.

Halfway into the new season of The Walking Dead, I´m enjoying myself. I also checked out the game. (Telltale Games) Gruesome!
Dexter is back on my watch list.

I bought the core rules for Götterdämmerung. I´m in the middle of the secret societies bit.
Other recent purchases are the Lifeboard board game for Fallen Reich. I also have the rules.


I managed to hunt down a series of 1939 scenarios for OP:Fallen Reich as well. This will make a great campaign some day...

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 11:16 pm
by Mr. Handy
That Lifeboard looks awesome! I've never heard of it before and can't find anything about it on BoardGameGeek. I'd love to play Fallen Reich.

I missed a bunch of episodes of the TV shows I usually watch while I was away on vacation, including two episodes of The Walking Dead. Luckily, AMC has a marathon today before the new episode, so I'll be able to catch up. I missed three episodes of Burn Notice's new half-season, but I did manage to watch the first of those.

I finished Pandora Directive a week and a half ago and am making excellent progress in Overseer, the fifth Tex Murphy game. It's a retelling of Mean Streets, but with so much more added and changed, and there are plenty of new surprises. I'm most of the way done that, but I won't finish tonight. When I do, I plan to start playing through the Broken Sword series, starting with Circle of Blood. I've played the first three before, but never the Director's Cut of the first game or the remastered version of the second (or the fourth game, period). This is in preparation for when the new fifth game comes out next year.

I'm over 3/4 of the way done The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest, and I'm fast approaching the point where the bad guys' house of cards comes crashing down and they get exposed. Should be awesome! I also ordered the reprints of the first six Fabled Lands gamebooks, which I had never seen before either in the original or the new editions, from Amazon. I got one free as part of a 4 for 3 promotion, and they should arrive in a couple of weeks.

I ordered the last copy of Fortune and Glory from Noble Knight Games during their sale, where it was $72 instead of the usual $100, plus shipping is only $10 instead of $22 or so when ordering from Flying Frog. It should get here later this coming week, so I'm hoping I'll have a chance to try it next weekend.

Who watches the Watchmen? I do! I just started watching the Director's Cut of the Watchmen movie after finishing both the Doctor Who DVDs and the last Avatar bonus disc (though I didn't have time to read the entire scriptment, screenplay, and Pandorapedia - which alone has 449 pages). After that, I plan to watch Tales from the Black Freighter with Under the Hood, and then the complete Watchmen Motion Comic. All of them are on Blu-ray. I first read Watchmen last year, and it'll be great to see it with animation and voices.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 11:45 pm
by Dave Syrinx
A review of the game at Boardgamegeek: OP:FR
Cheers mate!

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 7:07 pm
by Dave Syrinx
I have now scanned the game board and all cards. Next, I have to arrange and edit all files to make them useful as game aids for rolling up a character.
If someone want to try to roll/play up a character for Call of Cthulhu using those rules.
I´m game to host a forum for that purpose.

As I see it, characters for Operation Fallen Reich will be between 35 and 55 years old. My idea is that they will have lived an exciting life before joining the British Secret Service which is labeled OP:FR.

When beginning creating a character I will hand out five cards, randomly with starting careers and traits. Pick one of the careers and the traits from the remaining four cards. This will be the base we start off from.
One point on the cards will translate to 5% for Call of Cthulhu skills.

Sample Career Cards

The head office of OP:FR is Central Library.
One of the departments of CL is King´s Cross Badminton Club, a possible branch for the players to join.
Below is some back story to said department.

After finishing the character, the character gets some extra training in the society he or she chooses.


King's Cross Badminton Club
The Players


This is the in depth description of the tad more highbrow — but definitely effective — company and its colourful commander.
Indoor court in London

As the name implies the badminton club was situated on King’s Cross Road in London. Each day the staff — mostly classy women and possible agents — arrived with sport bags and rackets. Oddly enough the badminton courts were filled with games since the staff didn’t exactly have a lot to do.

The president of the Club, Sir Percy Carmichael, encouraged the independence and initiative of the different groups and personally handled many of the reports. He wasn’t specially particular with keeping notes or files of events, instead he keeped most of it in his head. The task of the staff therefore became more decorative than functional.

The lack of a proper archive would prove to have a practical advantage, since the badminton courts was hit by bombs during the war no less then three times. Some claimed that the bombers were attracted by the huge emblem of the club painted on the roof, it’s also a possibility that the true activites of the club were known to the germans. Anyway, the bombs caused very little effect and the emblem was painted back after each bombing on the orders of Sir Carmichael.

President Sir Carmichael

Just before the war, Sir Carmichael, was a leading diplomat. In 1914 he took the credit for being one of the responsible for starting the war — by not attending a final diplomatic meeting to save the peace. He didn’t mention the fact that he overslept, due to spending a more than exciting night with two russian mistresses. Since the war was meet with cheers he even managed to get knighted before the popularity took a severe fall with the realisation of enormous number of casualties.

After being assigned an obscure desk job he resigned in 1918 and started a business that would make him excessively wealthy. Sir Carmichael is the image of a wealthy, skirt loving playboy in the prime of his life. He’s good looking, unbelievably charming and rather inconsiderate.

This is a man with no scruples — he started the bloodiest war in history and sleeps well at night after a lesser orgy. Sir Carmichael is a very competitive man and loves seeing his agents perform spectacular and remarkable heists. But he is also a man of a sharp intellect, as long as he’s not distracted by beautiful ladies, which as least according to Sir Carmichael himself is all to seldom.
No everyday missions, please

The Players has a liking for sensational operations, at the same time they are the most skilled company in stealth missions. They preferably keep to the high society lifestyle, seem a tad highbrow and they prefer cunning to violence. Mostly active on the continent they have an an extensive network i larger parts of europe (with the exception of Germany) and are able to perform complex missions almost anywhere. Although, as a rule, they avoid frontline assignments.

Mission summary #1:
The Destruction of the SS Skull Rings

The raid of Castle Wewelsburg is a classic mission of the Club. This medieval castle was the spiritual headquarters of the SS, rites were performed and courses in the art of war, archeology, myths and astronomy filled the agenda. Early on the Kings Cross Badminton Club took an interest in the place, and managed to identify that in the castle was situated a small chest containing all the rings from fallen SS-soldiers.

A small hand picked team was assembled. Assassinating a group of swedish and danish nazis on their way to the castle — the group managed under false identity to infiltrate the castle and make their way to the chest. The objective was to let a priest do a blessing of the rings and then blow them up. What actually happened is unclear. Only one member of the team managed to escape and somehow make her way to Sweden. Unfortunately she had aged 50 years and died of heart failure shortly after her arrival. She is said to have rambled on about destroyed rings before she past on at a hospital in the city of Malmö. Sir Carmichael took this as a sign of success and the club celebrated with champagne and canapés.

Mission summary #2:
The Kidnapping of Antonio Verdici

Antonio Verdici was one of Europe’s most reliable psychics with a special flair for predicting death and illness of prominent persons. He also had a severe gambling obsession and toured the casinos of Europe spending all the Deutsch Mark the Nazis gave him. Unfortunately his gifts were of very little use at the roulette table, except for one time when he predicted the death of the croupier, made an astronomical bet on number 36 and put the ball on the right number when everybody was helping the dying man.

The Players first plan was obviously to kill him, but after two disastrous attempts the Players realized that it will never work. Instead an advanced kidnapping plan was set in motion. With the help of a hypnotizing roulette wheel and a bribed casino manager in Monte Carlo they managed kidnap not only him but also one of Mussolini’s cousin and German general. After being relieved of his gag, Verdici claimed to be predicting the death of all the members of the team, himself, the cousin and the General. By now however the team had realized that his prediction could be altered and they swiftly changed plan. Instead of crossing the border to Switzerland they only sent a decoy car. It was shot to pieces before getting even close to the border station.

Instead the team got hold of a pilot who could fly them out, but on the airfield they ran into a Hussarian rescue team, in the ensuring fight all was gunned down except for Verdici and Moussolin’s cousin who both ran to and boarded the aircraft and took off by themselves. Verdici had heard about Havana’s gambling dens from one of the agents and was filed with an unbending desire to visit them. However, after the hypnotizing roulette wheel his psychic abilities was no more. He was believed to have been killed when his ship was torpedoed on the way to Cuba.

Mission summary #3:
The Burning of the Library of Castilé

This is by most people seen as an act of extreme vandalism as the library contained many unique and historically invaluable volumes including “Abyssus Abyssum Invocat” and early manuscripts of “Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems”. Hidden amongst the thousands of other books were also several potent scripts on occult and terrible matters. Not even the methodical Germans had managed to find a scheme on how to uncover them and a small staff of historians worked there since the occupation. A team of Player agents posing as a German film crew managed to get into the castle, following ancient scripts found previously in Marseille they got their hands on two dangerous documents and had leads on several more. They were however interrupted by Gestapo, after a brutal fight most of the team was killed but two survivors manages to set the library on fire and get the French to blame Gestapo. A bad day for both Nazis and historians all over Europe, but a very glorious day indeed for the two surviving agents and the Players in general.

Kings Cross Badminton Club

This is were a gentleman or a lady gets training in the noble art of espionage.
Skills: German, Shadowing, Stealth, Photography, Observation, Searching, Interrogation, Lock Pick, Acting/Disguise.
Mandatory: Clubs and Etiquette.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 6:08 am
by Mr. Handy
This looks great! I'd certainly like to give it a try.

Fortune and Glory arrived, and the game looks awesome! I won't have time to read much of the rules (let alone play the game) until the weekend.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 10:26 am
by carnage_lee
I'd like to give that a try too - id it's not too late? Have been reading your threads on the game with ever increasing interest :)

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 4:01 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Never to late, Sir!

Always a pleasure to get the attention of your superiors. I´ll be sending the first four cards your way during the next couple of days, Mr. Handy´s character is wrapping up and we´re trying to get the OP-FR/CoC rules to work out without too many glitches.

Regarding an actual game, I´m launching another game before the Fallen Operations.
But when we set off at Oxford, I´ll send you a letter good Sir.

Jolly good to have you joining the ranks, Lee.


Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 6:01 am
by Mr. Handy
I finished Overseer a week and a half ago and have started playing the original version of Broken Sword 1. I'm more than halfway through, and I hope to complete it and start on the second game (original version) this weekend.

After finishing The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest, which was excellent, and I'm now reading Hornet Flight, which is great. I'm more than halfway done now.

I got through all of the Watchmen material and have started watching Rome on Blu-ray. I picked up both seasons when they were on sale for $20 each. I've seen the first two episodes so far, and it's quite good. It reminds me of how much I miss Cthulhu Invictus. I haven't played that in quite some time.

I've only had time so far to play two games of Fortune and Glory, which is every bit as awesome as I'd expected. My first game pitted me as Jacques Moreau, tomb robber, against the Chicago mob in a race to secure dangerous ancient artifacts. It was a quick game, lasting only six turns. Half of the artifacts in the game ended up in Africa, and my starting city was Cairo, right nearby. On my first turn I went to the Ivory Coast to try to retrieve The Helmet of the Azure Jewels before one of the villains showed up. Unfortunately, the first of two dangers I needed to face brought a villain to the site, and I failed to sneak past, which resulted in me getting captured after a brief fight. The villains also got a huge boost from a random event that sped up their search for the artifacts, and one of them recovered The Armor of the Cursed Eye. On the second turn, I managed to escape from the villain and snatch the helmet right out from under him. On the third turn I made my way to New York to sell the artifact for Fortune, which I need to amass to win the game. Meanwhile, the mob spread its operations. They started with HQ in Chicago and an outpost in New Orleans, and most of the random locations where they spread were in the USA, though they did deploy thugs in Berlin. They opened a new outpost in Los Angeles and recovered another artifact, The Book of Hades. Their outposts also generated a lot of cash that brought them gradually closer to victory. I decided it was more efficient to raid the mob and steal the artifacts that they'd already collected than to go hunting them down, especially since Moreau is combat oriented. I went to L.A. on the fourth turn to raid the outpost. Luckily, I managed to find a revolver, which helped out immensely. I raided the outpost and was intercepted by three mobsters. They should have been easy, but I had bad luck in the third fight and we took each other down. I still managed to shut down their outpost and steal the armor, and I was lucky that I got to keep the armor after getting knocked out. I got sent back to Cairo. On the fifth turn I made for Paris, where I got help from a friend of the "Family" based in New York and sold the armor for a lot of Fortune. I only needed one more artifact to win, so I went to Chicago on turn six and raided the HQ. Again, I had to face three mobsters, only this time I clobbered them with no problem. I stole the book and immediately sold it, winning the game.

My second game didn't go as well. I was Doctor Zhukov, master of science, battling against the Nazis. Appropriately, the randoml location of their first secret base, zeppelin, and first soldier was in Germany. The game started off almost exactly the same way, but I experienced more setbacks as I played. I was raiding the Nazi base to get the last artifact I needed to win when the Nazis got enough victory points due to a sudden spurt.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 5:26 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Currently at The Hobbit.... Better put down the phone... Don't want to get it confiscated...


Well, out from the cinema, I can just say. Wow! HD, 3D and never out of focus anywhere. Even the grime looked pristine. Might be the only thing that I can complain on. Might be I´m getting too old for super realism.

Neat gap-filling in the plot by Jackson and crew.

Stellar performance by Smeagol/Gollum.

And lastly, great to see dwarves standing tall! Never saw that coming.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 5:42 am
by Mr. Handy
I saw The Hobbit last weekend on IMAX, but I forgot to mention it last night. It was not as good as the Lord of the Rings movies, but still great! Loved seeing Sylvester McCoy (the Seventh Doctor from Doctor Who) as Radagast the Brown!

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 5:03 am
by Mr. Handy
I played another quick game of Fortune and Glory today, and it was a close one! I played race car driver Shelly Hargrove, and I was battling against the mob. I started out in Paris, and the mob's initial hideout was in Washington, D.C. I quickly made for an artifact in Scandavia, but despite my car's movement bonus, I rolled poorly and couldn't get there on the first turn, though at least I picked up a couple of useful Event cards on the way. I did eventually get there and retrieved the artifact after two more turns, then went to Moscow to sell it for Fortune. Meanwhile, the mob was expanding, deploying a thug into London and getting deeply entrenched in China. They moved another thug into Shanghai, then coincidentally established a hideout and a thug in Hong Kong within the same turn. I went to get the Spear of the Monkey God in Arabia, but the villains had been busy. They collected a few artifacts and were racking up victory points. Also, Nazi femme fatale Tresa put in a guest appearance, but I managed to sneak past her. While diving to retrieve the spear, I was attacked by a shark and barely survived thanks to my Spunky special ability that let me spend Glory to heal wounds. I managed to beat the shark and get the spear, but on their turn the villains reached 17 victory points out of the 20 they needed. They also built a new hideout in Paris. I knew I only had one turn left, as the villains would almost certainly win on their next turn. I hatched a desparate plan to hurry back to Paris and try to sneak into the hideout and steal an artifact in spite of my lack of combat skills and weapons. If I succeeded, I could cash in both that artifact and the Spear for enough Fortune to win. When I arrived in Paris, the random City card gave me a secret delivery mission that would give me 1d6 Fortune if I delivered a package to...Paris! I was able to instantly deliver it and rolled high enough (a 5) that I didn't need to go into the outpost after all - I just traded in the Spear and won!

I've set up for the next game, but I haven't started yet. I drew Shelly as my hero again, but this time she's facing the Nazis, led by occultist Herr Teufel and Tresa. Two of the starting artifacts are in Western Europe (The Valley of the Dead) and Germany (The Sword of the Sacred Stone). All of the initial artifacts are worth a good deal of Fortune. Herr Teufel is already in Western Europe looking for the Valley's treasure, so I'm planning to slip into Germany and get the Sword. Even if I can't get it in one turn, Tresa is still going to go for an even more valuable artifact somewhere else, so I shouldn't run into her. The Nazis' first secret base and accompanying soldier and zeppelin start in South Africa, thankfully far from everything.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 11:18 am
by Dave Syrinx
Hah! It sounds like a OP:FR scenario. Nazis, Zeppelins and world dominion.

On another note, I was at the mall today and bought a 7" touch pad for the wifey. It will do nicely as a reading pad (or gaming pad). The usual ipad is too large to carry around, if you ask me. And an iphone is a bit too small to read from.
Hence the 7" choice.
While walking aisles, I walked by the US department. What caught my eye was the chocolate stand. Hershel´s dairy/chocolate bars! The Walking Dead...
No.. wait. Hershey´s bars. Close enough for me. Bought a bunch and wrapped for the kids.

Another Lee Childs novel "Gone tomorrow" sits on my side of the sofa. As is a historical novel about the Swedish / Russian battle of Poltava. "The Ratan Affair" by Björn Holm.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 12:04 am
by Mr. Handy
The inspiration for this game is more Indiana Jones, though I can see the similarities. Fortune and Glory takes place in the late 1930s, before the war starts in Europe, though some of what the Nazis can do in the game makes it seem like the war is already underway. They can deploy soldiers randomly anywhere in the world, either from their secret bases or their zeppelin (which is similar to a mobile base), and the Vile Tactics card also lets them send them out and try to hunt you down or occupy cities near their soldiers, which means you'll have to fight tougher Nazis in order to get access to those cities. In my first game against them, they only managed to occupy Berlin and Venice, which at least made sense historically, though it's quite possible for them to occupy any cities in the world, including those in America.

I played two games today, both of them pretty fast. Now that I'm becoming more familiar with the rules it goes faster. Still, I keep forgetting them sometimes, particularly the ability to exert by taking wounds to get extra dice on Cliffhangers and my characters' special abilities. My first game didn't go very well, as I kept messing up trying to retrieve the sword in Germany. I got knocked out twice, forgetting that I could try exerting to improve my chances, but on the third attempt I finally managed to get it. However, it was too little, too late. The Nazis did very well early on, and their soldiers spread out very quickly. I had an Event card that gave me a chance to steal an artifact from a villain, but there was no time and that wouldn't have given me enough to win. Three of the artifacts at the end were in Australia and New Zealand, so I headed to Bombay first to sell the sword instead of New York. The City card I drew was a Secret Delivery for New York, which would have meant 1d6 Fortune had I gone that way instead. I still would have needed to steal something even if I had rolled high, though.

My second game got off to a slow start. I played reclusive novelist Alexander Cartwright against the mob. They took an early lead, getting five out of twenty victory points on the first turn, but they got bogged down and took forever to find the next couple of artifacts. It took me two tries to get an artifact that popped up at the start in Greece (if I'd remembered I could exert I'd probably have had it in one). I unloaded it and went for another one quickly in the steppes of central Asia, selling that just in time for a temple to pop up on Madagascar. The villains were otherwise occupied, so I had time to slip in there before they arrived. WIth temples, you earn Fortune as you go, so I was able to win there without having to return to a city to sell an artifact.

So far, I've won every time I've faced the mob, but I've lost to the Nazis every time. Maybe now that I've mastered the rules better I'll be able to beat them too with a little luck.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 10:41 am
by Dave Syrinx
I had a dream last night that I remember. Which is unusual. As with all dreams it lacks a reason for things happening. This dream had a clear story, what was lacking was the beginning. I stumble in when searching for a wounded bad guy.

Hospital mayhem

The agents arrive at the observation room where the spy is being kept.
The sounded spy is gone, a nurse says that an unknown man in doctor´s coat was rushing the patient to the OR.
The wounded spy is taken via corridors cross-crossing through the hospital floor.
A flurry of a hunt ensue.
After loosing and recovering sight of the escaping duo, they are caught up at an elevator bay. The two escape moving upwards (they are currently at mid level of the hospital 8 floors.

Catching a second elevator, clinging to the outer wall of the hospital, some of the team members take up chase that way. While the others take the stairs.

When in the crammed glass elevator facing the entrance below with hot dog stand and bus terminal, there´s an explosion underneath the glass carriage. The floor drops away and all inside the elevator try to cling to each other or a hold on the walls. Miraculously they all get a grip, but only after falling a bit.

A woman, second to the bottom has caught a man who fell unconscious to his death and grab him by the coat. She swings him in an arc and drops him to the roof of the hot dog stand. Then she herself lets go and jumps to the roof, three floors down!

The remaining agents climb up and manages to pry up the elevator doors and reach safety.

Just about there, I wake up and wonder how it all ends.

When getting up, having breakfast, and nibbling on the Christmas treats I start my read through the 116 pages of The Second Chapter of The Masks Companion, an unexpected gift from Yoggie.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 9:47 pm
by Mr. Handy
That is an awesome dream! I also don't usually remember my dreams. Once I wake up, I usually have to run around like crazy to get to work on time. I also never get enough sleep, which doesn't help with remembering things.

I played another game of Fortune and Glory today, and it went fast. I played flying ace Jake Zane against the mob this time, and I won handily. I've now played five of the eight heroes so far, but there are still many things about this game that I haven't seen yet. After my first adventure, I got a free revolver when I went to Hong Kong to sell the Book of Illusion, which helped immensely (Jake isn't bad at combat even without it). A mobster thug showed up there afterwards, but I took care of him with no problem. The villains had really bad luck, their search for artifacts slow and causing them a good deal of injury. Seductive singer and mob operative Vanessa Love managed to raid an ancient temple and take its treasure, while hitman "Icebox" Eddie was getting lost and hurt in another one in the American heartland. I headed there next, rolling enough on movement that I didn't even need to use my plane, so that I could keep Eddie from recovering the treasure there. I got lost in the maze of caves and had to fight my way past a cultist of the Order of the Crimson Hand and score a single point of Fortune, but the temple collapsed. I managed to escape in one piece, but Eddie wasn't so lucky. He didn't get well enough to go back to artifact hunting until after the game was over. The mob had gotten a couple of new hideouts in Paris and Moscow which were helping them rack up victory points, so I raided the outpost in Paris. I only got intercepted by one mobster and killed him in the first round, then stole the temple treasure they had recovered and trashed the place. Also in Paris, I got a secret delivery mission to Moscow. There was another hideout I could raid there anyway even though the villains had not recovered any other artifacts to steal, but it was not necessary. I went to Moscow in the following turn and rolled a 6 for the Fortune I gained from the delivery. Then I sold the treasure, which gave me enough Fortune to win the game.

I finally finished Broken Sword 1 today. I only needed two hints for some very obscure things I needed to do, but I probably could have figured it out if I'd just kept at it long enough. I started the second game, but I haven't gotten far at all yet.

I'm in the middle of the eighth episode of Rome, which is excellent. It follows two soldiers, centurion Lucius Vorenus and legionary Titus Pullo, as they move through and influence key events in Roman history. They are real people mentioned in Julius Caesar's account of the Gallic Wars, though I'm sure they invented their postwar exploits and the necessary details about their personalities and family lives for the show. It starts with Caesar completing his conquest of Gaul and being ordered back to Rome by Pompey, which quickly escalates into civil war and the end of the Republic. Pompey died at the end of episode seven, and now Caesar is in Egypt. King Ptolemy (who is just a child) and his advisors thought Caesar would be pleased when the killed Pompey after he fled to Egypt and offered his head to Caesar, but they couldn't have been more wrong - he was seriously pissed off at them for murdering the Roman consul.

I'm almost finished Hornet Flight - our heroes have just caught sight of the coast of England. After that, I plan to continue with the first DestinyQuest book.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 6:40 am
by Kadael
So today I got a shiny new gaming computer! I haven't had any time to really try it out, since I've been reinstalling all my old things, but it's quiet, it glows a nice blue color, and I'm no longer trying to run The Sims 3 on a sandwich toaster.

I'm a little concerned about my old games being able to run (hello, 1998, your polygons are calling), but I do have some newer games that'll work just fine. Like Deus Ex: Human Revolution and L.A. Noire... which I guess don't count as new anymore, but that just means they were cheap. 8-)

XCOM: Enemy Unknown is a lot of fun! I'm not very good at it, though, and I keep getting attached to my soldiers. My brother complains that I visit the memorial too often.

If anybody likes browser/textish games, they should join me on Improbable Island and fight malfunctioning rice cookers or build houses or something. :)

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 8:57 pm
by Mr. Handy
I've played a few more games of Fortune and Glory, and in my last one I finally beat the Nazis. Of course, this was only the third time I played against them, as I kept drawing the Mob as the random Vile Organization. I was Jacques Moreau again, and he's very good at kicking Nazi butt. I rolled poorly for movement on my first two turns and couldn't reach any of the initial artifacts, but I was able to reach the secret Nazi base in the Himalayas on the second turn. I clobbered the Nazi soldier guarding the area, and it took me a few turns to get through the dangers in order to find it, but it also took the Nazis that long to retrieve an artifact - which I promptly stole when I destroyed the base, thus keeping them from flooding the world with too many troops. I brought it back to Moscow, where there was an auction, the first time I'd ever seen one come up. Then I went into Eastern Europe, beating the Nazi soldier that was there and finding another artifact, which I also sold at auction in Moscow. Both artifacts sold for the list amount of Fortune. I was running out of time, as the Nazis were finding too many artifacts and racking up victory points, but I was well equipped. The Nazi war zeppelin happened to be in Germany, so I hurried over there to sneak aboard and steal one more artifact that would give me the win when I sold it. A couple of Nazis did intecept me, and I forgot that I could have used my Driving Gloves to reroll and probably evade one of them, but it didn't matter. The President was my ally, and I used his special ability to defeat one of them automatically. I couldn't use my Rifle aboard the zeppelin, but Jacques is great at fighting even without it and I took out the other Nazi without a scratch. I swiped the artifact and destroyed the zeppelin, though they got a new one at the end of the turn in the Sahara. The next turn, I went to Moscow, used the President's special ability to take care of the mobster thug there, and sold the artifact at auction for an incredibly high price, giving me far more than enough Fortune to win. I think I'll give this game a rest for now and play some of the others, starting with Struggle for the Galactic Empire, which I got three months ago. I just need to finish reading the rules.

I'm in the middle of Broken Sword 2 and doing well, so far not needing a single hint. I'm hoping to finish within a week. I've found that DosBox is very useful for running my old games, and I also have a bunch on GOG that use it. I also only buy games after they become cheap, which is how I've ended up with hundreds of games that cost a handful of bucks each. Now I just need time to play them all. During the Steam sale I've picked up more games I may never have time to play. I picked up the complete Civ IV for $7.50. While I have the base game and the second expansion (Beyond the Sword), I didn't have the first expansion (Warlords) or the Colonization remake. They also finally made an upgrade from the standard edition of Civ V to the Game of the Year edition, so I was able to get all of that DLC when it was on sale for a mere $5.00.

I'm in the middle of the twelfth and final episode of Rome's first season, where (spoiler alert!) Julius Caesar is going to be assassinated.

I finished Hornet Flight and got back into DestinyQuest Book 1. I managed to complete all of the easy and moderate quests in Act I, but the first hard quest I tried ended with me getting killed by a giant spider, the final monster in that quest. Though we were evenly matched, I couldn't land a single hit due to extraordinarily bad luck. I've restarted and am currently working on the final easy quest.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 9:08 pm
by Dave Syrinx
I´ve rebooted one of the PCs from my attic, and installed a mod for Skyrim. Now, I´m chopping wood and mining ore to get meself a wood cabin by the stream.
Happy days, if it wasn´t for the pesky frost dragons.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 9:46 pm
by Dave Syrinx

I like this site better than the one I got through Herathfire. This location is superior and I get more variation.
Even a fishing spot.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 10:05 pm
by Dave Syrinx

Two Science Fiction movies to bring the year to an end!
I watched these two really good films the last few days. Looper runs like a homage to Philip K Dick, while Cloud Atlas like a dream on speed.

Being a fan of Inception (2010) and Brazil (1985), the movie year couldn´t end better.

Happy New Year!

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 9:32 pm
by Mr. Handy
I'm approaching the endgame of Broken Sword 2, but I won't have time to finish it tonight. I did need to look up a hint at one point, only to discover that I'd already tried the solution to the puzzle. The problem was that I'd had to do the same thing twice in succession, which I had done, but apparently I'd waited too long between attempts and the same thing that happened the first time I tried it happened the second...and the third...and the fourth. I had no way of knowing what I needed to do and thought I must be missing something even though I'd tried everything. I'd played the game before, but probably not since 2000 and I didn't really remember it. I also found out that the Civ V GOTY content didn't include the Korean civilization/scenario pack or the Wonders of the World scenario pack, but luckily Civ V went on sale again briefly and I was able to pick up a combo pack with both of those for a nice discount (with 75% off on top of that).

I finished Season 1 of Rome and have started on the first episode of Season 2, which only has ten episodes in all. I also completed my collection of Breaking Bad on Blu-ray (except for the fifth season, which isn't done yet), and I plan to watch that after I finish Rome.

I tried a different hard quest in DestinyQuest 1, but it was harder than the one on which I'd died, and I died again. I restarted after realizing that my selection of items hadn't been optimal, and now I've found a way to max out my Speed stat, which is the most important one, as much as possible. You need every point of Speed you can get just to have a chance. It's the eqivalent of SKILL in Fighting Fantasy. I just started the only hard quest in Act I that I haven't yet tried.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 12:36 pm
by Dave Syrinx
TV-series-wise I´m having a look at Continuum.
The pilot felt really good.
I will also have a look at Outcasts.

I did have a look at Cult and The Following, none of them seemed that good.

Fringe has ended.
Last Resort came to an end, also.
Revolution never picked up pace...

Person of Interest is still running, which is a good thing.
Obviously The Walking Dead is on my playlist.
One police series I´m watching again is Southland.

That gives a current watch list of four TV-series.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 12:47 am
by Mr. Handy
I finished playing through the Broken Sword series in mid-February and started playing The Longest Journey (for the first time ever) in preparation for the new game that just got funded on Kickstarter today. It's an awesome game, and it really lives up to its name, but I'm glad it's so long since I'm enjoying it. I'm not even halfway done yet. I've really gotten into the head of the protagonist, April Ryan, and can sometimes tell what she's going to say before she says it. I'm so April!

After I finished Rome, I started watching Breaking Bad, which I'm loving. I was in the middle of Season 2, Episode 9 when my PS3 died, the fourth one in a little over a year. It's covered by the Product Replacement Plan, but I'll have to get it to the store and then later pick up the replacement from the same store, so it'll be some time. Luckily, I was able to get the disc out this time because it's an 80 GB model, not the 60 GB one. In the meantime, two new Doctor Who DVDs that I'd preordered arrived early. I've watched the first disc of The Aztecs Special Edition, and now I'm in the middle of the reconstruction of Galaxy 4, a missing story, on the second disc. Episode 3 was just recovered in July 2011, and this is its first release. Six minutes of footage from Episode 1 also still exist and are incorporated into the reconstruction of the entire story, and of course the soundtrack exists in its entirety. Once I finish that and the bonus material, I plan to watch The Ark in Space Special Edition.

I'm still playing DestinyQuest 1, but I'm nearly finished. I just have to wrap up the final quest of Act III, where I'm about to fight the main boss, and then visit the camp to stock up on supplies, and finally hunt down five optional legendary monsters before tackling the ultimate boss. You don't have to restart the entire book when you die, but I'd done it anyway for a while to learn the best paths and optimize my equipment. I've managed to get my Speed very high and my Brawn even higher, while completely neglecting Magic and Armour. I'm playing a Rogue, so my preferred tactic is not to get hit in the first place. Once that's done, I'll give DestinyQuest 2 a whirl.

I got some board games at Dreamation and have finally had time to start playing them. I played The Walking Dead boardgame based on the comic (not the one based on the TV show). It seemed ridiculously easy to me, but maybe I was just lucky since I found an axe very early and then picked up an excellent survivor who kept me supplied with more gas than I could ever need. Without competition, since I was playing solo, I could just take my time and stock up on it. Now I'm playing Mice and Mystics, and I've just successfully completed the first scenario (out of eleven) in the campaign. It took me a few tries, as I'd kept messing up, but I've got the hang of the rules now. I also picked up the new version of The Merchant of Venus, but it'll be a while before I have time to try it.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 5:37 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Back from the cabin. The first couple of days without a wintry feel to them. A bit too chilly, still. All snow and ice was gone. Great sunsets!
Now, back, I face an ice covered lake and snow here and there.

While gone, I´ve watched two series with a definite feel of RPG to them. Warehouse 13 & Zero Hour.

Anyone seen them?

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 4:05 am
by Mr. Handy
I haven't seen Warehouse 13, but I did watch most of the episodes of Zero Hour. It's a shame they cancelled it. I finally got my replacement PS3 after nearly a month, and I've just resumed watching Breaking Bad this week. I only have two episodes left before I finish Season 2, and Walt's daughter was just born.

I finished The Longest Journey and then played its sequel, Dreamfall, in the last couple of weeks. It's a very different style of game, but still enjoyable. Now I'm ready for the new one, Dreamfall Chapters, but that won't be out until late next year. After I finished Dreamfall, I started replaying the Quest for Glory series. I'm about 20 percent done the first game, playing as a fighter. At this point I was just able to beat an ogre, and I've still got a long way to go before I finish. This time I'm playing the original EGA version of the first game, which I've never played before. My first PC game was the VGA remake of QfG 1. There are five games in the series, which I repurchased on, and I'll be able to become a paladin at the end of the second game. I also now have the speech pack for the fourth game, which I didn't used to have because I had the floppy version rather than the CD one. After I finish all five games, I'm planning to play through the entire Ultima series. There's a Kickstarter for a new Richard Garriott game, Shroud of the Avatar, which I'm backing and is ending soon. This will be the first in a series of five new games set in a new world, and at the level I'm backing I'll get all five of them. I've been wanting to replay Ultima even before the Kickstarter was announced, and I'll finally get a chance to play the two Worlds of Ultima games that are free on

I'm getting close to the end of Act II of DestinyQuest 2. Now that I've gotten a feel for this style of game, I'm doing much better at it, but the second book is more involved and I've missed a whole bunch of stuff. Once I finish this, I intend to play the Fabled Lands gamebooks.

I played the Merchant of Venus and managed to beat the Solo Challenge game, though it took a few tries and a decent amount of luck. I've played the first two chapters of Mice and Mystics, which I restarted while in the middle of the third chapter after realizing that I'd gotten some key rules badly wrong.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 5:00 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Zero Hour update!

Channel 5 in Sweden has bought the first (and probably only...) season of the series. They will air it ASAP before summer.
Cool, I say!

I´ll get back when I´ve seen episode four.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 9:36 pm
by Mr. Handy
I'm now in the middle of Season 3 of Breaking Bad, having just started on Episode 7. I also recently bought the first two seasons of Game of Thrones on Blu-ray when they were on sale, so those will be coming up pretty soon on my playlist after I'm caught up on Breaking Bad.

I finished the first Quest for Glory game and am nearly done the second one now. I may be able to finish it tonight.

I'm almost done DestinyQuest 2. I'm fighting a very difficult optional battle where I get to team up with my character from the first book, and after that I just have to get through the finale. I might manage that tonight too.

I haven't had time to play any board games since two weeks ago.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 7:07 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Game-wise I´m trying to create a fort or stead in Skyrim.

The Zero Hour thingy I wrote about apparently aired in Portugal first. It made a cool series after all.
I happened to stumble on The Americans. I really like that show. Tangent to that show I found Orphan Black
which reminded me of a Delta Green op.

Waiting for The Walking Dead and A Game of Thrones.

I´ve been reading The Unicorporated Man by Dany & Eytan Kollin, a sci fi novel with deep sleep problematics...

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 10:19 pm
by Mr. Handy
I also really like The Americans, and I've seen Orphan Black as well. Got caught up on Breaking Bad in time for the second half of the final season, which is currently underway with a new episode tonight. I watched the first two seasons of Game of Thrones, but Season Three may be some time. Right now I'm in the middle of watching Inglorious Basterds, which I saw before once a year or two ago. Then I have two classic Doctor Who stories that were recently released lined up: a Blu-ray edition of Spearhead from Space, which was recorded entirely on film due to a labor action and thus is the only one that can be mastered in true HD, and the Special Edition of The Green Death. After those I intend to get back to Homeland, where I'm in the middle of the first season.

I finished all five Quest for Glory games a whle ago and replayed Ultima I. I'm playing Expeditions: Conquistador, a game I backed on Kickstarter. I've been at it for a couple of months now, as battles take a while and I haven't had much free time recently, but I'm getting closer to completing it. Then I want to go back to the Ultima series.

I finished DestinyQuest 2 months ago and then tried out Fabled Lands, which is amazing and very open-ended. I had explored the first two books and parts of the third and fourth when I ended up in a situation from which I couldn't even be resurrected. I restarted with a new character and got through the first book and part of the second when I put it on hold to read other things. I'm in the middle of Quicksilver by Neal Stephenson, the first book in the Baroque Cycle, a fascinating romp through the 17th and early 18th centuries featuring ancestors of characters from his earlier book Cryptonomicon. I also recently got To Be or Not To Be, a choose-your-own-adventure version of Hamlet by Ryan North that I backed on Kickstarter, and Dawn of the Dragons, Book 18 of the Lone Wolf series (now being published by Manticore after Mongoose dropped the ball). It'll be some time before I can get to them.

I got The Lost Legion, the expansion for the Mage Knight Board Game, which was awesome. I've played a few games with it so far, and I'm looking forward to more. I played the first two scenarios in Legends of Andor, a cooperative fantasy board game. I also played a couple of games of Agents of SMERSH, which I just got last week. It had been on Kickstarter last year before I discovered the site, and I found out about it when I saw its expansion on KS. It's a fun spy spoof set in an alternate version of the 1970s. Currently I'm reading the rules for All Things Zombie, which I intend to play next.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 8:31 pm
by Dave Syrinx
I watched Now you see me? the other day. Liked it a lot. Dark Skies was good too.
Time well spent both of them. What can you guys recommend?

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 11:35 pm
by Mr. Handy
Copper is also very good. It's a British show set in New York in 1864-5, and the main character is a police detective. It really captures the feel of the period, blending real historical events with its plot.

I'm most of the way through The Green Death, and I expect to finish and get started on the special features on Tuesday.

I'm getting closer to the end of Expeditions: Conquistador, but I still want to finish rebuilding my new fortress and exploring before I march on Tenochtitlan. That's likely to take a while.

I'm almost 40 percent through Quicksilver, having completed the first of three books that make up the volume. It follows Daniel Waterhouse, Natural Philosopher. I'm in the early parts of the second one, where the protagonist is Jack Shaftoe, King of the Vagabonds. Right now it's 1683, and he's currently a musketeer on his way to help relieve the Turkish siege of Vienna (and do some looting).

I played a game of All Things Zombie on Tuesday night, and I lost the introductory scenario when one of my survivors got surprised and ripped apart by four zombies when searching a building, but we'd been doing well up to that point. It'll be some time before I get another chance to play.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 10:20 am
by Dave Syrinx
I´ve been watching the summer show SIBERIA on NBC. It will click well with yet another game idea I have.
The site actually looks like an rpg cast list:

Unfortunately the show seems to have been cancelled.

So, mixed with some paranormal Russian incidents and some book plots by Phili K Dick, a game premise is
taking form. More on that when I have something solid to deliver.

I´ll be trying my hand at some Fallout3. Never played that one past the character generation before.

Over and out.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 5:32 pm
by Mr. Handy
I tried Fallout 3 and played it for a while, but my heart wasn't in it. It simply isn't true to Fallout 1 and 2, and much of the game makes litlte sense. When I bought Civilization V, I put Fallout 3 on hold and ended up never getting back to it. That was almost three years ago.

I just watched the new classic Doctor Who release The Ice Warriors. Two of the episodes are still missing, but for this release they've replaced them with animation combined with the soundtrack, which still survives. I'm currently watching the bonus features. After that, I plan to watch Scream of the Shalka, an animated Doctor Who feature from 2003, with Richard Grant doing the voice of what would have been considered the Ninth Doctor had this led into a new series. It didn't happen then, and Christopher Eccleston became the Ninth Doctor when the series was relaunched in 2005. After that, I've got Homeland Season 2 lined up, having recently finished the first season. Also, the Breaking Bad finale is on tomorrow night. It'll be interesting to see how they wrap things up.

I'm almost done Expeditions: Conquistador. I just need to finish exploring while new recruits fill up the barracks in my fortress, which is mostly full already. Once I've got a full battallion, it's time to take Tenochtitlan. I hope to finish up either tonight or tomorrow. Then it's on to Ultima II, the only game in the series that takes place on Earth (and bits of it on other planets in the solar system).

I'm well over halfway done Quicksilver. It's 1685, and the groundwork is being laid for a plot to overthrow the new Catholic King of England James II, following the death of Charles II. I know from history that it won't work out as intended, though William of Orange and his wife Mary (daughter of James II) will take the throne in 1689.

A couple of weeks ago I tried the third scenario in Legends of Andor, but I failed to complete one of my characters' quests. This scenario is great because it has a lot of randomization, which makes it different every time you play. I haven't had a chance to play any board games since then, but I hope to try again this weekend.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 7:09 pm
by Dave Syrinx
I pat myself on the back. After having scribbled my watch lists here in our amusement thread I decided to post my first post at
A couple of days ago I added some lists of shows I watch over there.

Then, The Bridge season 1 ended and I started to watch the Swedish original Bron season 2. I wrote about it as the staff at only had
mentioned the series was based on a Swedish-Danish original.

Five sentences later I posted and added some pics. Now, at least for a few minutes, I´m at the front page 8-)

Link: ... 381069661/

Watching episode three of season 2 at nine.

Over and out!

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 10:37 pm
by Mr. Handy
I watched The Bridge too, but I hadn't known it was based on another show.

I've watched a third of Homeland Season 2 so far (which is also based on another show, the Israeli series Prisoners of War, and Homeland was in fact partially shot in Israel). The fourth episode had quite an ending, and I wasn't expecting what happened to occur so soon. Breaking Bad had a great ending that suitably tied up all the loose ends.

I finished Expeditions: Conquistador last weekend and started on Ultima 2. I'm now in a position where I know what I have to do to complete the game, but it's going to take a lot of grinding to build up the obscene amounts of gold I'm going to need. Fortunately, there's a tower which has a lot of gold not too far from the entrance, and I can net close to 200 with each foray. However, it burns up torches, and the only way to get more of those is to fight monsters on the world maps.

I'm over two thirds of the way done Quicksilver. It's still 1685, and there's a lot of intrigue going on in Versailles.

I haven't had time for board games yet, but Zombicide 1 and 2 (plus expansion) which I backed on Kickstarter should be on their way to me and will hopefully arrive this week, just in time for a three day weekend.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 7:56 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Ooops! I´m being bashed at the review line by users who are of another opinion that mine! Wow. Isn´t a review a personal viewpoint of a series?
Just asking...

Then I get a PM from Product Manager :shock: who loves my posts.

Gee, I neglect the users and listen to the manager, right?

Then, to post on a series community and say something else is way better isn´t good form, I´d say. So if
they had a section for the original series - that would be the place to post all praise. Correct?

Over and out!

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 12:27 am
by Mr. Handy
I'm almost done Homeland Season 2 - less than two episodes to go now. I'm hoping that the newly released Doctor Who DVD of Terror of the Zygons gets to me in the next couple of days, in which case I'll watch it next. Otherwise, I've got the entirety of Spartacus lined up.

I finished Ultima 2 this morning and created my characters for Ultima 3, the first game to have an adventuring party rather than just a single character. I recall that there's some grinding for gold here too, but there's a particular town where there's a hidden stash of 25 chests you can just loot over and over again, which should speed things up.

I have a little over 200 pages left to go in Quicksilver. It's still 1685 (a very eventful year), but now it's October. The character of Bob Shaftoe has just been introduced. He's the brother of Jack Shaftoe, who met with a sorry end, and a much nicer guy than Jack.

Zombicide still hasn't arrived; it was apparently sitting around for nine days before they finally shipped it on Friday night. If I'm lucky, it'll arrive tomorrow, but that won't leave me enough time to try it out. I might be able to read the rules, though.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2013 11:38 am
by kabukiman
With the black Friday, I bought The walking dead (the game), close combat III and Half-life 2.
I finished reading 2 comics from the order of the stick "on the origins of the PC" and "start of the darkness".
I also have now shogun total war 2. I was a huge fan of the first one, but this is too complicated to my taste.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2013 3:30 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Cheers, Kabukiman!
I watched a neat UK series called Black Mirror. Awesome!
Also had a look at a three year old canceled series: Rubicon. A spy story. Quite good and sadly, canceled.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2013 7:06 pm
by Mr. Handy
I've just started watching Spartacus: Vengeance. I have nine episodes of that left, followed by ten of Spartacus: War of the Damned.

I'm in the middle of Ultima 3, but I took a break to play the newly available Broken Sword 5 beta (for Kickstarter backers at $50+ only). It's only the first few areas of the game, and I've gotten through a good deal of it already. The first half of the game is due to be released on December 4.

I've long since finished Quicksilver, but the next book in the series had been checked out already when I went to return it to the library, so I've started reading Fall of Giants. I'm over 30% done, and World War I has just started.

I've gotten quite a few board games in the last six weeks and have hardly had time to play them until recently. I tried out Friday, a quick solo game where you have to help Robinson Crusoe learn and survive. I did fairly well, but I died before I could get to the endgame. I played a couple of games of the new Firefly board game, which is a lot of fun. Yesterday I played my first game of Eldritch Horror, and you can find my account of it here. I have Zombicide lined up to try next, hopefully tonight.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 7:58 am
by Dave Syrinx
Ok, I've been watching True Detective the last week. Great with ties to coc-DG! Then I watched super violent The Raid 2.... Brutal and oroginal. Hamner-girl and the prison scene are my favourite bits.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 5:20 am
by Mr. Handy
I've been watching True Detective too, and I'm now in the middle of the last episode.

I recently finished Tex Murphy Tesla Effect, and now I'm in the middle of Ultima 4, a great classic I haven't played in a long time.

I finished reading Last Orders, the final book in Harry Turtledove's "The War That Came Early" alternate history series, and now I'm back to reading A Game of Thrones. I'm almost halfway done.

I have a whole bunch of board games that I haven't had time to play yet, and I just found and ordered a used copy of the out of print Runebound for $65. The game next on my playlist is Machina Arcana, a steampunk/Cthulhu Mythos game I backed on Kickstarter.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 8:50 am
by carnage_lee
I've not seen any episodes HBO shows air on a dedicated Sky channel in the UK and my tv package is via Virgin :/ Which means I don't get to see these great shows.

I understand that 'True Detectives' has a lot of references to the King in Yellow and was also responsible for Chambers' 'The King In Yellow' hitting the Amazon top 10 best sellers list in February.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 4:34 am
by Mr. Handy
I don't have HBO, but I was able to buy a used copy on Blu-ray at a very steep discount (along with Game of Thrones Season 3, which I watched first, and the first two seasons of Boardwalk Empire). There are references to Carcosa and the King in Yellow in True Detective, but they don't seem to fit what I know of the Mythos exactly.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 1:50 pm
by kabukiman
Just finished the game syndicate (the original from bullfrog). In the 90's I played it a lot but didn't finished it. I corrected that now. Pure cyberpunk with dark humour.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 2:06 pm
by carnage_lee
Wave of nostalgia..... I used to love to play 'Terror from the deep' never finished that game though :/

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 2:51 am
by Mr. Handy
I have both games and played them in the 90s as well. I completed Syndicate more than once, but I never finished Terror from the Deep either (probably because it was buggy, but it was also a lot harder than the original X-COM). I have heard that the final missions are set in R'lyeh, and Cthulhu might have been the end boss. I do remember encountering Deep Ones. Maybe they'll remake it like they did with Enemy Unknown.

A couple of weeks ago I finished Ultima IV and started on Ultima V, another awesome classic. It's been so long that it's like playing again for the first time, though I am remembering some things. I'm still in the early stages of exploring the world, but I've already made significant progress. After that, I have the newly released Wasteland 2 on deck, but I'll wait until I finish Ultima V before I play it. That'll give them time to patch it.

I've been watching Boardwalk Empire lately. Plenty of 1920s gangster action, but no Mythos. I finsihed Season 2 and am now watching the bonus materials before moving on to Season 3. Season 4 came out on video last month, but I'm waiting until I can get it for a decent price before I buy it.

I finished A Game of Thrones and read about a third of A Clash of Kings, but I've put that on hold to read the new Ken Follett book Edge of Eternity, the conclusion to the Century Trilogy that clocks in at just under 1100 pages. I'm over 1/6 of the way through, and it's still only mid-1962.

I recently had time to play some board games. I played a few games of Machina Arcana, but I got my head handed to me. That game is hard. I've put it aside for now. I played the first scenario in Level 7 [ESCAPE], which was fun, and I have Run Fight or Die ready to play as soon as I have some time, which will hopefully be in a couple of days. Still plenty more lined up after that, plus I just bought a few more on Miniature Market during their one-day sale (including Descent, with an expansion that allows it to be played solo). Also, the core sets of Shadows of Brimstone, which I backed on Kickstarter, should be arriving soon.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2014 11:58 am
by kabukiman
Wow, Ultima! I bougth that in gog and I'l try to finish one of those days.
I am playing rome total war by the seleucids. They are the biggest faction, but they have many problems: they start at war with 4 other factions, their subjects hate them, the empire is too big, they have only levy farmers and hoplites at the beggining.
I started to conquer Jerusalem from the egypcians and another city in anatolia from ponthus; but after some time with my armies far away, I was loosing cities. My situation actually improved: I concentrated my armies in my core region, so my armies could fight several battles in the same turn; I develop the phalanx, missile cavalry and archers. This ways I destroyed the enemies armies, and recovered the lost cities. I have now 13 cities, and I have invaded Egypt and conquered the parthian capital (Susa).
The game has some flaws (It's stupid that even after defeating enemy armies and conquering some of their cities they refuse my peace propositions even if I propose to pay an indemity). But from a tactical point of view, the game is funny.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2014 9:05 pm
by Mr. Handy
I have Rome Total War (got it for $1 when Steam had it on sale at 90% off), but I haven't played it yet.

I'm currently in the process of playing all of the Ultima games in order, for the first time in ages (and I've never played the Worlds of Ultima games, which are free on GoG). I haven't had much time to play Ultima V so far this week, but I've explored a little more and am almost ready to go get the sandalwood box, which I'll eventually need to win the game, as well as the ever-useful magic carpet and a couple of other magic items in Lord British's private chambers.

I started on Season 3 of Boardwalk Empire and have watched the first episode so far. They've skipped almost all of 1922, and it's 1923 now.

I'm almost 1/4 of the way done Edge of Eternity, currently at the height of the Cuban Missile Crisis.

I haven't had time to play board games yet, but I should tonight. I also went and ordered another bunch of games from CoolStuffInc, as the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Skull and Shackles Base Set was on a daily sale at $25 (retail price $60, and their regular price is $40) and I couldn't pass it up. With it I ordered The Cards of Cthulhu and Upon a Fable (with the New Kingdoms expansion). That order should arrive tomorrow, well before the one I had previously ordered from MM because of delays due to high volume during the sale.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 4:34 pm
by kabukiman
I'm continuing with rome total war. I conquered all the parthian cities. But since they are a nomad people, they simply fled, and I have now an army looking for them in the russian steppes; a waste of troops.
I have conquered Egypt and Ponthus. I'm near to conquer the last independent greek city in minor asia. The problem is that one of the roman factions has already come to ask a "volunteer contribution". And my army is of very low quality (mainly normal phalanx , missile cavalry and archers), I can only win battles against the independent greeks because I have more than twice the armies and sometimes I bribe. I'l have to get better units (silver and golden shield, catrafactes- but it's very expensives) if I want to have any chance against Macedonia or Rome (and get a navy).

I have read several books of Dylan Dog. They are stories about a paranormal investigator, some are excelent and original, others are near copies of books or movies.
I saw for the first time on tv a Doctor Who episode, and I liked.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 7:30 pm
by Mr. Handy
I'm still a long way from finishing Ultima V, but I haven't had all that much time to play. I really shafted myself early on in the game. Apparently picking crops at Iolo's Hut counts as stealing, even though Iolo has been in my party the whole game. I did it at the outset to bolster my food supplies, and now my virtue score is shot. I've had to start building it up slowly and painfully, but there are only limited opportunities to do so. I'll probably need to donate a ton of gold at the shrines later on to boost my score high enough to complete the game. On the plus side, I've explored a lot of Dungeon Wrong and scored a lot of treasure and items, many of which I didn't need and could sell for more gold. I saved up enough to finally buy a frigate and am now exploring the seas.

After finishing Season 4 of Boardwalk Empire, I've started watching the original BBC version of The Forsyte Saga that aired in 1967. I've watched about eight episodes (out of 26) so far. I also recently bought Homeland Season 3 on sale, which I have lined up to watch next.

I've finished both Edge of Eternity and A Clash of Kings, the latter just two days ago, and I've now started on A Storm of Swords, the third book in A Song of Ice and Fire.

I've since played and won at both the Cards of Cthulhu and Upon a Fable, and I've played a game of The Bravest Warriors, a cooperative dice game based on a cartoon I've never seen, though it's from the same people who make Adventure Time. I lost, but I should have time to try again tonight. After that I have a bunch more games waiting for me to play. Shadows of Brimstone also arrived not too long ago, but I want to play the shorter games I have waiting before I jump into something so big. I've also ordered some new games during Miniature Market's Black Friday Sale, including Nations for only $50. I would have bought Merkator, but someone snatched it out of my electronic cart before I could complete my order. There had been four copies left when I added it to my cart, and immediately afterwards there were three. I'd thought that this meant one had been set aside for me, but it just meant that someone else had happened to complete an order at that moment. By the time I had selected the other games I was buying, they were all gone.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 8:19 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Been watching Sons of Anarchy, reached season 4 atm. Still playing with my dear Skyrim. Trying a Thalmor spy this time. Also, trying to upload vids to youtube and am failing horribly at that. Kudos to those who upload good content over there. They must be skilled in a couple of areas...
That said, most fail to deliver any content worth watching. Humbly I add my name to that list.
I may, however learn by doing.

I´m reading a couple of short novels in one of those Fantasy anthologies you can find at book stores.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 9:35 pm
by Mr. Handy
I just made some major progress in Ultima V at Blackthorn's Castle. Not only did I retrieve Lord British's Crown, which has the very useful (though double-edged) ability to negate all magic, but I've also found several prisoners to rescue, which will do wonders for my virtue score.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 9:57 pm
by Dave Syrinx
I remember playing Ultima IX as one of the first games on my first computer. It was along with the Blade Runner game from Westwood studios.
I got a Tarot deck, a map and some neat stuff in that box.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 10:21 pm
by Mr. Handy
I also got a physical boxed copy of Ultima IX with the same stuff in it. That one tried to recapture the feeling of the excellent middle trilogy, but I think it failed, and the ending seemed rushed. It'll be some time before I get to that one again. I backed Shroud of the Avatar on Kickstarter at the $125 level, so I'll get a boxed copy of that one too, as well as digital copies of all five games they have planned. It's still in pre-Alpha and way behind schedule, and it has just gone into Early Access on Steam. I logged in once to check it out, but I didn't really have time to explore. I also have the Westwood Studios Blade Runner game.

The first IBM PC game I got was the VGA version of Quest for Glory I, though I'd been buying Apple II games for years (I think the first one I got for that was the hilarious and difficult Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy from Infocom). I got a boxed copy of the first Ultima VII early on as well, which was a great game. Before that I'd played Ultima I on a friend's computer (it takes all of three hours to complete) as well as the NES version of Ultima III on a friend's console, which had music and better graphics. gives away the two Worlds of Ultima games for free. I've never played them, as they were very difficult to find. I plan to play them right after Ultima VI. I also bought digital copies of the entire Ultima series on sale on GOG. My Ultima I-VI CD doesn't work on any computers that aren't near 20 years old, my floppy disk copies of the Ultima Underworld games aren't in such good shape, and my Ultima VIII is also on floppy disks and thus does not have the speech pack or expansion, so this allows me to get the full experience.

I actually have some surplus GOG codes. Kabukiman, I know I still owe you for Broken Sword 4, so I'll give you first crack at the ones you want. I got a second copy of The Witcher 2 free, but that code expires on December 31, so it has to be redeemed by then. In addition, I got free gift codes for Dungeon Keeper Gold (Fantasy game where you control the dungeon), Magrunner: Dark Pulse (Mythosy Science Fiction), and Torchlight (Fantasy Roguelike). Also, as part of my rewards for backing Wasteland 2 on Kickstarter, I have additional GOG codes for The Bard's Tale and Wasteland 1, and a second digital copy of Wasteland 2 (in your choice of GOG or Steam key).

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 10:52 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Dropping some good games to the list. Had them but they are hopelessly gone, now.
Planescape Torment
Icewind Dale

Pure awesomeness!

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 3:03 am
by Mr. Handy
All of those games are available digitally on (including bonus stuff). Their fall sale is over, but they'll be having another one in December, I'm sure. I have all three of those (including a physical copy of Arcanum), but I never got around to playing any of them yet.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 10:50 am
by Dave Syrinx
Oh! Then you have a treat ahead of you! Especially Planescape is really good. They all follow the same game concept. I guess it´s the sign of the time with Fallout and Jagged Alliance, Baldur´s Gate and so on. The origin must have been Pen & Paper Dungeons & Dragons, I guess. Followed by Zork and those maze games.

Nowadays, most games are good too, but can get by with mere graphics. The question is - is it possible to appreciate the out-dated gameplay mechanics and slower gameplay of the 90´s games?

I´d bet someone is doing a Kickstarter of at least one of the three games I mentioned.

Fabiano, did you play any of the games?

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 6:01 pm
by Mr. Handy
It is possible to enjoy and appreciate old games, not just from the 90s but from the 80s as well (or even the 70s, such as Collossal Cave, the original text adventure). I do it all the time. Earlier this year I replayed Wasteland 1 (1987) for the first time in ages and greatly enjoyed it, and the Ultima games I've been replaying are also from the 1980s (Ultima VI, the next one on my list, came out in 1990). For me, graphics aren't as important as the story and gameplay, and excellent graphics don't make up for the lack of those.

There already was a Kickstarter for another Torment game, Tides of Numenara, which I backed. It's not a literal sequel to Planescape: Torment, but it should be similar. That game isn't out yet, though. I haven't heard of any Kickstarters for Arcanum or Icewind Dale, but those would be great!

I played two more games of The Bravest Warriors last night. I lost the first one badly, ending with only 3 VPs out of a needed 20, and I was lucky to get that much. I failed a few encounters early on, which doomed me. However, in the next game I did exceptionally well, thanks to a decent helping of luck, and I won the game easily. Of course, that was Easy Mode. In Standard Mode, you need 25 VPs, but it'll be some time before I try that. I have Baldrick's Tomb ready to try next.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 10:39 am
by kabukiman
I have several of those games from gog too :D
When I'm bored from the battles of rome, I play baldur's gate 2 (I never finished it, it was huge).
The only game I'm interested and I'l buy it as christmas present for me is indiana jones and the fate of atlantis. But I have already more games that I have time to play.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 3:41 am
by Mr. Handy
So do I! I have hundreds of games I've never even started playing. I love Fate of Atlantis! I think I got it back in 1994, not long after getting my first CD-ROM drive. It was one of the first true "talkies," with full speech for the entire game.

I played two games of Baldrick's Tomb, a cute dungeon crawl, last weekend. In my first game I had very bad luck and never found Baldrick's gem, so I tried again. Having the Scout skill helped a lot, and I managed to make off with the gem and a decent amount of gold. I have Shadowrun Crossfire, a cooperative deckbuilder, lined up, but there's a lot of reading material with it that's taking me a while to finish. Hopefully I'll be able to actually play it this coming weekend.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 10:27 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Just watched the latest episode of Sons of Anarchy. Good times.
Managed to starting remodel the bathroom. Good job!
Took a few sips of Rosé, cotton for the soul.

Signed up for PARANOIA!, time to deny everything. No secret societies. Nope. None!

Finally, managed to stabilize my laptop. Threw away 200GB Of miscellaneous files and programs.
Hard work to track down the files on the webs to get what I need to play my games.

All files retrieved. System fine. Now, time to update,


Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 4:03 am
by Mr. Handy
Great to hear!

I haven't had time to play Ultima V in weeks, but I hope to be able to during the next couple of weeks. I might even be able to finish it in that time, as I'll be off from work for most of it. Then I can finally start Dreamfall Chapters, and Wasteland 2 after that.

I just finished The Forsyte Saga and started watching Season 4 of Downton Abbey on Blu-ray in preparation for Season 5's premiere in early January. I've already seen Season 4, but it's been a while, and I also watched them as they aired and I was doing other things, so they didn't have my full attention. After that, I have Homeland Season 3 lined up to watch.

I'm more than halfway done A Storm of Swords, and I know that the Red Wedding is coming up soon. There are numerous differences between the TV series and the books. Some things were changed, some were added, and others were done out of order. Before long I'll be in new territory, as I've only seen Game of Thrones through the end of Season 3.

I'm in the middle of a game of Shadowrun Crossfire that I started last Sunday night, but I haven't had time to finish it, though I should be able to tonight. I cleared the first two scenes easily, though I lucked out in getting the right cards at exactly the right time. My Street Samurai faced a Troll Bonelaced Adept that gave me some trouble. It took all of my cards just to put a dent in it, after which I took quite a beating, but my Decker was actually able to finish it off with the perfect hand. I'm early in the third scene, and I've only had to face Normal obstacles in this game because I finished the first two scenes so quickly. With the cards I've gained, I should be able to mop up in short order. I also found a local board game playing group within walking distance, and I went to my first meeting with them today. A lot of people showed up, and I played some great games. I brought Firefly and taught it to a few people. There wasn't really enough table space, and even the introductory scenario took a while, so we didn't actually finish the game, but I did manage to achieve the first goal and get about halfway to the second before the other players wanted to stop. I got to try Rise of Augustus, where I came in second. I also tried Merkator there, as the friend who told me about this group had bought it when it was on sale online for $26, probably the same sale where I missed out on it. After I finish Shadowrun, I plan to play Space Sheep! (a semicooperative real time Star Wars spoof) and then Nations.

If someone wants my extra GOG key for The Witcher 2, please let me know. It expires at the end of the year, so it'll go to waste if nobody uses it.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 11:41 am
by kabukiman
I was in tyhe cinema with my son and we say the hobbit 3; he really liked the movie (for me it was ok, but nothing else even if it had some good scenes).
I've played deus ex the fall (I haven't finish yet)- the game was considered a failure, but I don't agree: thye cyberpunk genre isn't about saving the world, but corporation wars. My char has already all the drugs he wants, now he is trying to save the life of an inspector- trouble is getting to him without killing his bodyguards

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 3:27 am
by Mr. Handy
I still haven't gotten back into Ultima V, but I hope to do so starting in the next few days.

I'm almost done Season 4 of Downton Abbey.

I'm most of the way through A Storm of Swords, and the Royal Wedding recently ended. Wow! I'd been exposed to a spoiler about how a certain character died, and even though I knew it was coming, there was still a surprise. The spoiler (probably based on the TV show) had the wrong information about who killed said character, but many of the characters in the book believe it to be true. Even without the spoiler, I would have known that the character would die hundreds of pages before once Stannis did that thing with the leeches. I've put A Feast for Crows on hold at the library, so it should come in by the time I finish this book.

I made quite a dent in my backlog of board games. After finishing my game of Shadowrun Crossfire, which I won, but with more effort than I had planned, I played Space Sheep!. I had gotten it for less than half price. It was fun, and I was able to beat it fairly easily, but I had played my first game on an easy level. I'll have to increase the complexity and difficulty some time and play again. Then I played Nations, and I did rather well in my first game. I played as Rome and ended up getting very far ahead on the Heritage track (buying expensive Legionaries, putting two workers there, and conquering Israel on the first turn of the game really helped out there). I just played with the basic cards for my first game, so I can add more complex ones in later games. Next I tried the Legendary Marvel Deckbuilding Game, which I had played once before at a convention, and I stomped Red Skull in the introductory scenario.

Then I played a few games of Conquest of Planet Earth, which was a lot of fun. It's set in the 1950s, and each player is a unique alien race bent on conquering Earth on behalf of the Overseers who dominate their armada. The aliens can also battle each other as they compete for the glory and try to impress the Overseers. Having the Duke (from Fortune and Glory) in the Resistance Deck as a Hero was a nice touch! First I played just the base game, and I easily conquered the Earth as the Fishmen in four turns. Eating Kittens helped a lot (giving me two of the eight Terror Points I needed), as did starting off by equipping myself with Blue Lasers. For my next two games, I added the Apocalypse expansion. Playing as the Venezian Matriarchy, I got my butt kicked. I started out with a lot of Alien Menace Tokens, but I burned through them with no effect and soon found myself out of them. Nothing I tried that game worked, and I went down in defeat. I had better luck playing as the Kazak-Zelos Federation, two alien races that share a homeworld: one brutal and dumb, and the other physically weak but brilliant. Shifting which one dominates allows you to get a huge bonus to either Strength or Intelligence. I started out with the Zelos dominant to get extra Event cards, then switched to the Kazak to conquer stuff. I got three Terror Points through Event cards (including Eating Kittens again) as well as the Blue Lasers once more. My luck was turning sour, as I kept trying and failing to take the nearby city as well as to destroy artillery that was shelling my landing site. I did eventually crack the city (another three Terror Points), defeating Captain Fantastic twice in the process, but I never did manage to take out the arty. I lucked out when I managed to bring the Apocalypse Cube into play, and I used it to take over a small town (backed up by two of my Blue Laser-armed saucers), again having to fight Captain Fantastic (does that guy ever give up?), finally scoring the last two Terror Points I needed a couple of turns before the humans would have developed the Super Cannon that would have enabled them to blast the alien armada out of orbit.

I also went to the board game group again last weekend. I brought Castle Panic, and we played a game (the castle fell due to bad luck, and we lost). Then I played a game of Progress, which takes a lot longer than it says on the box. I had been in the lead, but one of the other players passed me on two of the victory tracks, so I ended up coming in second.

The next game I'm planning to play is Kings of Israel, a game I backed on Kickstarter that just arrived tonight. Its mechanics are somewhat similar to Pandemic's. The players play prophets trying to wipe out sin when it pops up in ancient Israel. The timeline is measured by the historical reigns of each king (some good, but most bad), and the deadline is at the end, when the Assyrians conquered the nothern ten tribes of Israel and carried them away.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 12:56 pm
by kabukiman
Ie started to play elder sign: omens omen (a computer cthulhu game). It's very dificult, and luck is very inportant (but winning the GOO cannot be easy...). After some time, I defeated Yig (easy mode); now I'm with Tsatogua (normal mode) and I haven't been able to win yet.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 4:26 am
by Mr. Handy
I still haven't resumed Ultima V yet.

I finished Season 4 of Downton Abbey in time for Season 5's premiere (they're up to 1924 now), and I've already watched most of Homeland Season 3 (just two episodes left). When that's done, I just got the original British House of Cards trilogy.

I finished A Storm of Swords and started A Feast for Crows. This book is very different from the first three books. Instead of having the perspectives of the usual characters, it jumps around all over the place with viewpoints of various other characters (including, for the first time, Cersei Lannister). I finally got to see Oldtown and the Citadel, as well as Sunspear.

I've played a few more board games. Kings of Israel was very hard, and it took me three tries before I won a game on the standard difficulty level. It starts off deceptively easy, but it gets very hard after the first few turns. I also played Zombies Keep Out! (adding the Night of the Noxious Dead expansion after winning the base game) The players are goblin tinkers trying to defend their workshop from the undead. It's fairly easy, especially once you manage to construct your first contraption. I played Roll Through the Ages: The Iron Age four times, twice without the Mediterranean Expansion and twice with it. I quickly got the hang of it. In my third game I had a run of really bad luck, getting swamped by horrible disasters scoring me negative points, but in my fourth game I got exactly 100 points in spite of some setbacks and failing to get the Empire development in the last round. The expansion adds colonies, which are crucial to getting a high score. The next game I plan to play is The Red Dragon's Lair, a dungeon crawling card game. I also brought Conquest of Planet Earth to the board game group, which everyone enjoyed. We played a competetive game, and one of the other players managed to seize the Capital City for the win without a fight thanks to the Contagion event card and loads of luck.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 11:46 am
by kabukiman
I have finaly buy broken sword V, it was very cheap at steam. On the other hand, I jut discovered that the broken swords 1-4 don't work anymore in my computer :x

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 6:00 am
by Mr. Handy
That's painful. :( What about the Steam or GoG versions of those games? I think at least the GoG versions are made to work on modern computers. I played them on my desktop, which runs Windows Vista, just fine.

I had a little time to get back into Ultima V. I explored Jhelom and found a much-needed magic axe in a tree stump. It's the best weapon in the game. If only I had five more for the rest of my party. I could get them eventually, but I'll need 6250 gold first. I also got the grapple, which I'll need to climb mountains, and I found the keep of Farthing on an island and got the spyglass from Lord Seggallion (who used to be a pirate once). My next stop is the lighthouse south of Trinsic, where I'll pick up a sextant. I don't know how this thing can determine the exact longitude while I'm at sea, but somehow it can. Maybe it's magic. Or maybe it works because Britannia is a torus-shaped world. After that, I plan to explore Dungeon Destard now that I have the Word of Power to open it and explore the Resistance's island keep now that I have a ship and the grapple to reach it.

I finished Homeland and watched all of the House of Cards trilogy some time ago. I'm interested to see how the American version of House of Cards compares. I'm currently watching Season 1 of Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., and I'm more then two thirds of the way done. Next up is the classic Sherlock Holmes series from the 1950s.

A Feast for Crows did bring back familiar characters, but only some of them. It also featured the welcome additions of Cersei and Brienne, as well as occasional characters in Dorne and the Iron Islands. I finished it a few days ago and have now started on A Dance with Dragons. The first part of this book runs in parallel with A Feast for Crows, but it follows the rest of the characters (which include my favorites). Later in the book, it will catch up with the point where the previous book ended and then go past it, with all of the regular characters involved.

The Red Dragon's Lair was tough, and it took me three tries. In my first two games I played Zosi the Alchemist, but I got killed by surface monsters before I even found the first dungeon. In my third game, I played as Robin Hood the Rogue and was able to prevail. Finding the Purpleheart armor early on was important, and in the first dungeon I got the Holy Grail almost right away, which made me immortal as long as I held onto it. Soon after that I got a Mithril Shirt, which when combined with the Purpleheart armor made me immune to damage as well. Her abilities to hide and to bypass/disarm traps and her excellent save roll for the ones I couldn't avoid served me well in the final dungeon. The Red Dragon was a pushover by the time I reached it. I also played a game of District-Z, a zombie survival card game I backed on Kickstarter, which I won after kicking lots of zombie butt. Next on my list of board games to play are a few more Kickstarter games that I received recently but haven't had a chance to play yet: Incredible Expeditions: Quest for Atlantis (steampunk and somewhat Lovecraftian), Tiny Epic Defenders (cooperative game where you defend a fantaasy city and its surroundings against a horde of monsters), and Escape: The Curse of the Temple (a realtime game where you explore an ancient temple and collect gems in order to escape before time runs out).

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 7:51 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Darkest Dungeon, a Kickstarter funded early access game over at Steam is keeping me busy.
It's really hard to back out of a fight. It's against instinct! Only heroes at level 3 right now, but it's great fun!


AND, it's eldritch!

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 4:34 am
by Mr. Handy
I got the sextant in Ultima V and went poking around in Dungeon Destard, which netted me close to a thousand gold, a suit of plate mail and other useful equipment, and enough surplus arms and armor that I can sell. This will get me enough to purchase a second magic axe, which will allow me to kill tougher monsters to get even more gold and gear. I'm now in Bordermarch, the Resistance's keep.

I finished Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and have started on Sherlock Holmes. The cases seem to be original, and not actually based on the ones written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (though some of the characters are his). The Case of Lady Beryl featured Paulette Goddard as Lady Beryl. I hadn't recognized her until I saw her name in the credits.

I'm about a quarter of the way done A Dance With Dragons, and I've just seen confirmation of something I'd figured out at least two books ago: a certain person who was thought to be dead is actually quite alive.

I played a game of Incredible Expeditions: Quest for Atlantis, and it was a lot of fun. For a while I thought I was doomed to failure after a run of bad luck, but I somehow managed to squeak through and barely win in the end. I may have miscalculated the number of resources I needed, but I could have saved some just before the end and still prevailed. I played a few games of Tiny Epic Defenders, which plays quickly and is fun, but it's tougher than it looks, even on the "easy" level.

I was at a convention last week where I got to play some great games. I played Fiasco on Thursday night that was set in the world of the Dresden Files, about which I knew little. I played an amateur wizard who didn't know what he was doing, and I was using real magic in my stage magic act. My character got in over his head, but everything turned out all right for him in the end. I played in a Clone Wars game on Friday morning, where the squad of Clone Troopers I was part of kicked some droid butt and helped the natives of the planet we were on while a group of Jedi were off doing Jedi stuff. In the afternoon, I got to try the Doctor Who RPG, where I played K-9 and had a blast. That night I played a sheriff's deputy in a Cthulhu Live LARP. I couldn't keep the sheriff (my character's uncle) from being killed, but at least I helped avenge his death and survived, though I was wounded badly.

On Saturday, I played Gary Gygax in a Trail of Cthulhu scenario called All Along the Watchtower, set in 1968 during the Chicago DNC. I joined forces with Hunter S. Thompson, G. Gordon Liddy, and Hillary Rodham, and we thwarted the evil mastermind, and I got to organize and lead an army of hippies into battle. In the afternoon I played in an excellent Game of Thrones LARP that's part of a continuing series set 100 years before the books and the TV show. I was Lord Lyran Tully, 15 years old, whose father had been murdered by the treacherous Starks in a previous game. Helped by my lady mother, I tried to get my sister Tristana married to the rightful King Daemon Targaryen. That proved problematic, but we did manage to arrange for her to marry his brother Prince Aerys, who may yet be King one day if Daemon has no sons. Our efforts were complicated by the fact that Tristana was in love with Lord Talone Mallister, one of my lords bannermen, but we managed to sort everything out. Fortunately, one of the random rumors I was given at the start told me who my sister's paramour was. Aerys had another love too, so he and Tristana arranged that they could both keep their lovers on the side. Lord Blackwood's bastard granddaughter Sylvina Rivers turned out to have Targaryen blood, and the King made her legitimate - which made her a potential bride for him as well as his sister. I came up with the brilliant idea of trying to marry her myself, which would not only take her off the market (at the time we had not yet arranged a marriage for Tristana), but it would also further cement the ties between House Tully and House Targaryen. She does want to marry the King, but he had said that he must consider the war before matters of the heart when I suggested that he marry my sister, so perhaps there is still hope. I also managed to largely keep the river lords from killing each other (though I found out later that Lady Smallwood had been killed), with help from the Blue Fork Boys keeping the peace, and to prove myself as Lord of Riverrun and Lord Paramount of the Trident. Next to host multiple weddings, and then to raise and lead an army to help the King overthrow the Usurper Viserion Blackfyre and take his rightful place upon the Iron Throne - and to get revenge on his pet wolves. I have a clever strategy in mind that could help achieve both ends.

On Saturday night and Sunday morning, I played two Call of Cthulhu scenarios. The first was Needles, set in 1920s New Orleans (it's in Tales of the Crescent CIty). Then I played the unpublished Riding the Northbound, where all the investigators were hoboes in New England. Both were awesome! We ended both by burning down a building that, unknown to us, contained innocent people in addition to horrible monsters. Oops! :oops:

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 9:52 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Long time since last I visited this pocket for sharing ideas.

I'm playing or rather Keeping a fantasy setting game on TEG. Deathtrap Dungeon. It's loosely based on the FF novel. Going well, so far.
Just watched the Terminator movie (2015).
Saw the pilot of Minority Report, the series. That one can be good!

And.... Fear The Walking Dead!

What can go wrong...?


Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 4:41 am
by Mr. Handy
Welcome back! Fear the Walking Dead is great! It's nice to get back to the early stages of the zombie apocalypse.

I'd put Ultima V on hold to replay Star Saga: One and then play Star Saga:Two for the first time. Both are excellent and rare classics. I have the first game on my old Apple IIc, which still works despite being over thirty years old. I never bought the second game when it came out in 1989, as I couldn't find an Apple II version and I didn't have an IBM PC at the time. Once I did a few years later, I couldn't find the game anywhere any more. I was lucky to find it earlier this year for $70. The original price was $45, the same as I paid for the first game, but those are 1989 dollars, so it worked out a little better, even counting shipping. I'd waited over 25 years to play it, and it was even better than the first game! I also played a PBEM multiplayer game of Civ IV with someone from another board that just finished a few days ago. I'd been dominating the whole game and won a religious diplomatic victory in the late Renaissance, which I hadn't expected to get so soon. My human opponent actually voted for me, as did an AI civ with a lot of votes, and it was just enough. I haven't played Ultima V a whole lot, as I'm at a part of the game where I have to grind to make progress. I did a bit of dungeon delving recently, and I've racked up enough gold that, once I sell surplus equipment, I should be able to buy a third magic axe and be well on my way to a fourth. I've pretty much explored the surface world, but I'm not ready to go down the underworld yet. I'll also need gold to donate at shrines to boost my virtue score enough to complete the game, but I need the axes first so I can get gold more easily.

I'm currently watching Season 3 of House of Cards, early in the fourth episode of that season (30th overall).

I've long since finished A Dance With Dragons, and The Winds of Winter probably won't be out until next year. Right now I'm reading The Eye of Winter's Fury, the third DestinyQuest gamebook, which does bear some similarities to A Song of Ice and Fire. No doubt that was an influence on this book and its world.

I haven't played any board games solo for months, but I still get to play at the weekly board game group. The last one I played solo was Legacy: Testament of the Duke du Crecy. Each player is the head of a prominent family in 18th century France, and you have to build your family tree by marrying the right person, having children, marrying them off to the right people, and so on. I did eventually beat Tiny Epic Defenders, but I'd been playing it wrong and actually made it much harder on myself, as I'd thought I only played as one hero, when really I should get two of them.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 11:47 am
by kabukiman
I'm still playing Baldur's gate 2: I'm in chapter 6 now. I just have to clean one map and then kill the the vampires in their lair. Since I have now the spell of time stop, it should be easier.
I have play warhammer in tabletop with the 8º edition rules: I simply hated the rules of magic, too much random. My oponent was a high elf, I was a tomb king. He had better units, but I had more troops, and by sacrificing the infantry to buy me some time, I used my superiority to destroy his units isolated, one at the time.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 4:46 am
by Mr. Handy
I managed to get two more magic axes in Ultima V for a total of four (the price had come down since I increased my Intelligence stat), but I haven't had much time to play it lately. I still have a lot of grinding left in order to get two more magic axes and then raise my virtue high enough by donating gold at the shrines to access the endgame. I've started a new Civ IV PBEM game with my friend, this time with a larger map, and I'm currently in the early Industrial Age. I'm mostly ahead of the other civilizations in tech, but some of them still have a few techs that I don't. I got off to a slower start in this game due to a lack of luxuries and other sources of happiness at first, but now I'm pulling ahead and am on track to victory, though it will take longer. It will probably be either cultural or scientific, whichever comes first. Diplomatic is probably out of reach until the Modern Age due to other civs adopting Theocracy and keeping me from spreading my religion to them. I'm currently researching Assembly Line, so soon I'll have Infantry, which outclass anything anyone else has by far.

I finished House of Cards Season 3 and watched all of The Jewel in the Crown, a British series about the last years of British rule in India set from 1942-7. Since then, I've started on The Avengers (the Emma Peel Megaset). I've watched six episodes so far, with 45 to go.

I finished The Eye of Winter's Fury and got the better ending of the two possible ones, which was very hard. I didn't lose a single combat in the whole adventure other than a sparring session early on, though there were some close calls. Now I've started on the first book of the Shinte Warrior series, which I backed on Kickstarter. If you don't select certain things when creating your character, you can fail due to bad luck. That happened to me twice at the outset, but I made a tweak in character creation and am now doing well in the initial tests.

I finally had a chance to start playing solo board games again, but not much. I played Tiny Epic Defenders again the right way, and I won rather easily this time. I also played Legacy in Testament Mode, which was very challenging. I won on my first try, but it was close and I was lucky. Next on my list is Hostage Negotiator (also a Kickstarter project I backed), a solo only game where you have to rescue hostages and bring in the hostage taker by acquiring and using Conversation cards while dealing with the perpetrator's demands and terror events that make things worse.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 8:21 am
by DrPeterson
We have been watching Downton Abbey and after a scene in which the doctor quoted from Gunga Din, I started reading Kimpling's Kim again for the umpteenth time.

I'm also playing Knights of the Old Republic in advance of our Star Wars tabletop game set during the events of the game. I started as a male scout, leveled up to Lv4 and then took Jedi Guardian levels all the way from there. Light siding it for the win!

My students keep playing this silly game which is ridiculously addictive.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 10:53 pm
by Mr. Handy
Knights of the Old Republic is a lot of fun! I also played all the way through as a male light side Jedi Guardian when I played it years ago, though I started as a soldier. I saw the twist coming early on, but that might have been in part because of which planet I chose to visit first. I also played the second game, which wasn't as good. It was kind of unfinished, as the publisher forced them to release it before they were ready. There's supposed to be a third one in the works. I've wanted to replay them, but I haven't had time.

I did play Ultima V for about half an hour and made a lot of progress grinding. I found a good room to do it, where I can slaughter four reapers repeatedly from a distance with my magic axes without them being able to strike back thanks to the crown. There are also bats there, but they're no threat. The reapers have a lot of good treasure. In one chest I found both a magic bow and a fifth magic axe! Now I don't need quite so much money, and I can get it fairly quickly by selling my surplus loot. I should also be able to get my sixth magic axe in another chest eventually.

I've also seen Downton Abbey, and I have Seasons 1-5 on Blu-ray. Season 6, which premieres in January, is going to be the last one, which is a shame. I had been interested to see what they would come up with as they moved into the 1930s.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 6:57 pm
by Dave Syrinx
I'm thinking of writing a Shotgun Scenario for DG. Has anyone done that and sent a scenario in?

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 8:47 pm
by carnage_lee
Dave wrote:I'm thinking of writing a Shotgun Scenario for DG. Has anyone done that and sent a scenario in?
Not me.... you could check in with Giles (ghill) he's a DG fan and has done some stuff for The Black Seal.

Is this still via the DG mailing list?

Good luck on your entry!

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 8:53 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Yes, the DGML is still active. Got a g+ share from Shane Ivey a week ago.
I'll see if I come up with something.

Ubiquity Bundle of Holding

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 8:56 pm
by carnage_lee
I was eamailed this earlier:

Triple Ace Games has teamed up with the excellent people at Exile Games and Greymalkin Designs to bring you a Ubiquity Bundle of Holding!

For just $11.95 you get three core setting books plus two GM screens. Pay over the threshold (currently around $23) and you get a further four books! The combined retail of these Ubiquity products is over $120!

And not only are you getting a ton of Ubiquity, but you're also helping a worthwhile charity!
Ubiquity was the ruleset that was used in Leagues Of Adventure that Priest ran. While not strictly a 'horror' game the setting is excelent and there is a suppliment that adds horror elements (as well as a SAN analogue), which I own along with the core rules.

I'll probably be getting thr enhanced pack.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 9:01 pm
by Dave Syrinx
I'll be having some time to play over the holidays. Hopefully it will be filled with HORRIFICLY good Masks goodies.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 9:02 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Ok, I made this thread visible? I think it was hidden away a bit. :idea:

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 9:04 pm
by carnage_lee
Sorry me again!

In case you've not come aacross this...

Is awesome - not lovecraftian but great modern radio theatre:
Ten years ago, over three hundred men, women and children disappeared from a small town in Tennessee, never to be heard from again.

In this seven-part podcast, American Public Radio host Lia Haddock asks the question once more, "What happened to the people of Limetown?"

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 9:18 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Glad to see who's alive and kicking! :D

So many games. It's like Christmas.... It's kind of soon is!

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 11:35 pm
by DrPeterson
I'm reading Guerilla Warfare by Che Guevara, which is great.
I've just finished watching Penny Dreadful, which was nice enough.
And I've been playing the updated version of Knights of the Old Republic II, which is a massive improvement from the original release.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 6:26 am
by Mr. Handy
I enjoyed reading along with Leagues of Adventure, and I'd been hoping to get in on the followup (The Great Game), but unfortunately it never started.

I finished grinding in Ultima V, and now I have magic axes all around, ample armor, and plenty of gold. I haven't had time to play in a while, but when I do, I'm ready for my first expedition to the Underworld to find the amulet and the shards of Mondain's gem. I finished my PBEM game of Civilization IV Beyond the Sword, winning a cultural victory in the late 1940s. Two of my rivals double-teamed me with a surprise declaration of war some ten turns before I won, but I cleaned their clocks and took a few cities from them, then got them to make peace and pay me for it. Soon I plan to start a PBEM game of Civilization IV Colonization. I've almost finished reading through the Civilopedia, and I have a pretty good idea of how it works and how to play it now. I never knew that KoTOR II was updated. I'll have to buy it on GoG or Steam the next time it's on sale for 75% off or more.

I'm four episodes away from finishing The Avengers, but I put that on hold because I got new series on Blu-ray that I want to watch first. I just finished the second half of Outlander Season 1, and I'm about to start Homeland Season 4.

I completed the first book of Shinte Warrior and started on the second, but I temporarily put that aside to play Lone Wolf Book 22 when I received it. Then I went back to Shinte Warrior 2, but I ran into a gamestopper - an entire section of text is missing, and it's the one I need to read next. I informed the author, but I can't make any more progress until he produces the missing section. I'll probably start on the Way of the Tiger series in the meantime, starting with Book 0: Ninja!, the new prequel that I haven't read yet.

I got to play a few solo board games in October, but I haven't had time since then, and I've built up a huge backlog as some of the games I backed on Kickstarter have arrived, and I bought more on sale online for huge discounts. My first game of Hostage Negotiator didn't go so well, but my second went great. The abductor was the one based on John Q, and I won by getting medical care for his son, saving both of them and all of the hostages. Everybody wins! I plan to play Zombie 15' solo with the new campaign when I have time, whenever that is. I've played board games with other people in the group I found, and some of them like the same sort of games I like. A week and a half ago, I brought Eldritch Horror, and the game kicked our butts. Last weekend I brought Fortune and Glory and played a four player competitive game, which was a lot of fun even though I lost (but I came close a couple of times).

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 6:49 am
by Dave Syrinx
Guess who's knee deep in Fallout goodness? Playing through F3 & F4 atm.

Mythos reads

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 11:07 am
by carnage_lee
I thoroughly enjoyed the 'Harry Stubbs' books by David Hambling. Mythos investigation adventure stories set in Norwood, South London (very close to where Home Front Mythos was set (which was one of the reasons I bought the books). I picked them up for my kindle for a couple of quid each. Both stories have a 'pulp' vibe and the first one 'The Elder Ice' is most definitely Lovecraftian and would make a nice little Call Of Cthulhu scenario.

The Elder Ice (Novella)
Introduces our new hero Harry Stubbs, an ex-boxer, employed by a firm of solicitors as their 'debt recovery' specialist. A seemingly lost cause to recover debts from the estate of a renowned (and knighted) Polar Explorer (ohh alright it's , Ernest Shackleton) leads to a dangerous conclusion... what did Shackleton bring back from the Antarctic?

Broken Meats
What ties an agent of the 'Si Fan Society', the shooting of a dead man and a group of Theosophists together? Join Harry Stubbs as he's coerced into assisting the enigmatic 'Mr Yang' and once again gets drawn into more weird happenings on the streets of South London in 1925.

Hambling also has a short story collection out 'The Dulwich Horror & Others' has a couple of really nice Mythos stories, especially the 'The Dulwich Horror' (a re-telling of the 'Dunwich Horror' with the English branch of the Whatley family up to no good in South London) - the characters from that story pop up in two others extending the story further, with a very nice twist in the last one. For me the 'stand out' tale was set in Vermont - a PI on the trail of an elusive scientist and his 'break-through process', Chicago Gangsters and certain 'fungi' based extra-terrestrials.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 12:36 pm
by RonaHattingh
Well, I have just watched "Man from U.N.C.L.E" - great movie. Waiting for Star Wars 7.
Series that i am following at the moment is Limitless, Teenwolf, Vampire Dairies, Blue Bloods, Big Bang Theory, Supernatural, N.C.I.S + Los Angeles, Hawaii 5-0, Agents of Shield.....lots more (I love my series).
Books, last one I've read was from Gena Showalter - Lords of the Underworld
And I am playing Sims 3 and Anno 1404 at the moment on PC.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 1:13 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Welcome Rona!

I'm enjoying:

The Leftovers (Lost/Helix - esque.)
Legends (Sean Bean!!)
The Knick (On Cinemax)
The Man In The High Castle (Finally!)

Rereading Dance of Dragons by GRR Martin.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 5:08 am
by Mr. Handy
I just read A Dance with Dragons for the first time earlier this year, so I'm all ready for The Winds of Winter, which is supposed to come out next year. I've read the book The Man in the High Castle, which was great, and I'd really like to see the series, but I'll have to wait for it to come out on video.

Home Front Mythos was great! I have plans to run a scenario myself set in London in September 1940 called "The Horror in the Blackout" as part of my Doctor Who/Call of Cthulhu campaign, but I've only recently started The Brotherhood of Death, so it'll be a while before I can run that one. I have plenty of ideas in my head, but I haven't written any of it yet.

I started the PBEM game of Civ IV Colonization, and I'm off to an excellent start! I'm playing George Washington (New England), and my human rival is playing Samuel de Champlain (New France). I spotted land on my first turn, but I couldn't get close enough to let my colonists ashore until my second turn. I found an excellent site and built my first settlement, Jamestown, on a rich iron deposit, plus there's valuable silver in the mountains nearby. There's an Arawak village just three tiles to the north, and my starting soldier is about to visit the chief and get a gift of gold (doubled because they have the Gracious trait). My settlement also popped a Burial Grounds that gave me a map of the area, so now I can see the Pacific as well as the Incas to the southwest, plus other Burial Grounds and Ancient Ruins are now visible. I have sites for two more settlements planned out once I'm ready to expand. My caravel is on its way back to Europe, and it'll get there just in time to pick up the first immigrant, an Expert Ore Miner. That's the specialist I need the least, as I'm already getting more free ore than I know what to do with yet. I'll also fill my second hold with trade goods to sell to the Arawak. Once I drop off my Expert Ore Miner (who will be mining silver instead and won't get a bonus), I'll pick up the colonist currently in Jamestown and sail to the Arawak village to establish a mission. That will ensure a steady stream of Converted Natives flowing into my colony (at double speed, since the Arawak are Impressionable), and they're great at harvesting raw resources such as silver and food. After I sell the goods and sail back to Europe again (possibly picking up what silver I've managed to mine so far if I need more money), I'll pick up the next two immigrants. There's a Seasoned Scout, though I'll have to buy horses for him, and an Expert Fisherman, which I desperately need and may have to rush. Jamestown should one day make a great soldier factory, which combined with my trait that requires half the number of guns to equip soldiers, will help me on the way to independence. Right now, though, I'm only four turns in, and that's a long way away.

I'm in the middle of the third episode of Homeland Season 4, and things are already getting very interesting.

I'm making good progress in Ninja!. For my trial I need to find and acquire two of five flags in cities on the Island of Plenty, and I just managed to snag my second one. Now I have to finish crossing the island where I'll face my final test against whichever of my rivals also manages to get two flags.

I haven't had time to play solo board games, but I did play in my group today. I brought A Touch of Evil, which was fun, though one of the other players found and defeated the Scarecrow first and won the game. Then we played a couple of quick games of Loot, a card game where the cards represent merchant and pirate ships. In my first game I got almost all merchant ships and did terribly as a result, but in the second game I got mostly pirate ships and won by a landslide. Next week I plan to bring Firefly, which is always a lot of fun.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 10:59 am
by kabukiman
I'm still playing Baldur's gate 2. I'm in chapter 7, I just saved the tree of life and now it's time to find Irinecus.
I'm also playing Rome total war: the barbarian invasion by the west roman empire. Since I have a budget problem (too much troops and buildings to mantain and low income and a population that is furious with the taxes) I have reduced the rhe taxes, sold most of the buildings (except temples and markets) and I'm attacking the barbarian tribes in the border to reduce my troops and pillage their cities. It's working for now.
I have watch (again) bladerunner.
And I have also buy the bundle from Ubiquity; but in this case, I was more interested in the the hollow earth corebook.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 4:51 am
by Mr. Handy
My PBEM Colonization game is going well. My strategy of bringing in lots of colonists is starting to pay off, and I'm racking up a small fortune from selling silver and surplus ore, plus I discovered an ancient treasure and got gifts worth a lot from the natives. I established a mission with the Arawak village on the tenth turn, but I still haven't gotten a Converted Native after fourteen more turns. Maybe next turn I'll finally get my first one. The immigrants actually seem to come to docks in random order, but so far it has favored the ones on the right. The Expert Ore Miner is still waiting, and he can keep waiting. I have too much ore as it is.

I'm now about a third of the way through Homeland Season 4, which is filled with twists and turns.

I'm now probably most of the way through Ninja! Getting the flags was the easy part (I actually have three of them now). My rivals and I have been facing repeated ambushes by a mysterious and deadly enemy.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 2:52 pm
by kabukiman
I have finished baldur's gate II; I really liked the story, specially chapter 2, with the huge area that we were free to explore. Now I'm playing the expansion, the throne of Baal.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 4:32 am
by Mr. Handy
My PBEM Colonization game is going great for me. I'm building up my infrastructure in preparation for becoming self-sufficient, and I'm exploring a lot and amassing quite a fortune. I'm on track to victory, though my large population actually makes it harder for me to get enough Rebel Sentiment to declare independence, and the King keeps adding more units to the forces he'll eventually send at me. The French are in trouble, having encroached on Inca land an awful lot while leaving their settlements ungarrisoned. The Inca eventually attacked them, destroying their newest one (and their best source of silver) and destroying a wagon train that had just left it. Now they threaten their remaining two towns. New France is holding out, but the war is crippling them. The Dutch attacked the Aztecs and destroyed one of their two villages, but now the Aztecs are fighting back, killing their units and invading their territory. Meanwhile, I've reached the Underworld in Ultima V. Now I'll have to consult my notes, which I made a long time ago, to track down Lord British's amulet and the shards of Mondain's gem (which will allow me to destroy the Shadowlords).

I just finished Homeland Season 4 and am in the middle of the bonus materials. After that, I intend to watch the last four episodes of The Avengers.

I successfully completed Ninja!, though it took some doing. I nearly won in my first attempt, but the final battle finished me. I'd started out doing really well, but I was killed by a run of bad luck. More bad luck ended a few more attempts, but I finally won through. I'm planning to order the new versions of the Way of the Tiger books eventually, but in the meantime I've gone back to the Wizard editions of Fighting Fantasy. I've recently started the classic House of Hell. I've died several times, but that helps me to map it out so I can find the best route through it.

I still haven't had time for solo board gaming, but I should over the next couple of weeks, as I'll have some time off from work. Last week I brought Firefly to the board game group and played it with three other people. It was a lot of fun, but I kept getting stopped after one space right after I started a full burn, causing me to waste a lot of time and fuel, so I didn't even achieve the first goal before someone else won. I also played Between Two Cities and Sheriff of Nottingham there, both of which I enjoyed.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 1:15 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Merry Christmas guys!

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 3:50 am
by Mr. Handy
My colony in Civ IV Colonization is growing, and I now have Elder Statesmen in each settlement generating a bunch of liberty bells, which I need to increase rebel sentiment enough to declare independence and win the game, plus they help me in many other ways. I've assembled a small force, but it was enough to take down the Aztecs and plunder their wealth. I'm now able to produce my own guns too, so I don't need to buy them from Europe, and I'm producing a lot more silver. Of course, the price has dropped quite a bit in Europe due to me selling them tons of it.

I'm in the middle of the last Emma Peel episode of The Avengers, The Forget-Me-Knot, which also introduces the character of Tara King (who replaces Emma in later episodes). The one before that, Mission...Highly Improbable, also features Nicholas Courtney (later the Brigadier on Doctor Who) in a small (literally) role.

I'm still exploring House of Hell and getting killed a bunch, but I've only actually died of fright twice. However, I'm mapping out the best way through the upstairs and starting to poke around downstairs.

A couple of days ago, I finally had time to play three board games solo, making a slight dent in my backlog. I played a game of Dungeon Roll, which I'd played once before. I was the Half-Goblin, and I got a very good score. Then I played the inrtroductory scenario in Zombie 15', a real-time game where you play teenagers who have to survive after all of the adults have turned into zombies. The first scenario was easy, and I finished in less than five minutes, but it's there mainly to teach the basic mechanics of the game. Then I played Tiny Epic Galaxies, though due to bad luck there were no planets that generated culture for almost all of the game, which made it impossible to stop the AI player from upgrading its empire until it won the game. However, I came fairly close to winning, and I think I can do better in my next game. I also played some games at my board game group yesterday. I played a few quick games of Dimension, an abstract game where you have to stack different colored balls to fit randomized rules, and Deception: Murder in Hong Kong, a deduction game that was a lot of fun. I was disproprtionately the murderer a few times, but I did manage to get away with it once. Then I played a five-player game of the game I brought, Battlestar Galactica. Two of the other players were Cylons, but they exposed themselves early. One revealed himself and went over to the Cylons before he could be confined to the Brig, but we locked up the other one (until she managed to escape). The Cylons brought in a massive fleet and made it impossible for us to jump, and we were getting our butts kicked (both of our pilots happened to be the Cylons). The game dragged on, and eventually we just called it for the Cylons, as they were going to win in the end anyway.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 4:31 am
by Ritterton
On my end, I am on to episode three of the Man in the High Castle from Amazon. Interesting to say the least.

We got in our annual Star Wars RPG game yesterday with family friends. The son, he's now about 30, visits from California and then we all get together and play out a day long adventure. It was a lot of fun and really well done. We use LEGO characters and have a great time.

Reading - got two books going right now: Sword of Shanara and really enjoying returning to that world that I last visited some 35 years ago. The other is Ivory Vikings: The Mystery of the Most Famous Chessmen in the World and the Woman Who Made Them by Nancy M. Brown. Will also be reading her book on Snorri as well. So doing the 1200 period of history - fascinating time period.

My son and I hope to play Star Wars Imperium, and maybe get a go or two in of Mysterium....then next weekend a Call of Cthulu scenario if I can pull it off. Great way to spend a vacation!

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 5:10 am
by Mr. Handy
I read Sword of Shannara about twenty years ago, after having played the Shannara computer game (the book came free with it, in fact). I remember that there seemed to be a lot of repeated words and phrases in there (characters kept collapsing, for instance), but it was a great story, and I loved the fact that it was a post-apocalyptic world that used to be our world. Terry Brooks also wrote a series of books about how our world became the world of Shannara, but I never got around to reading them. I also heard that there's going to be a Shannara movie, which should be awesome.

I just saw the new Star Wars movie today as well, but I won't spoil it for those who haven't seen it. It was very reminiscent of the first movie (Episode IV), but not as good as it. Still very good though, and definitely better than Episodes I-III.

I've played Mysterium a couple of times with my board game group. It's hard to be the ghost, but we barely managed to squeeze out a victory in the game where I was.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 7:48 am
by Ritterton
MTV here in the states is doing a Shannara miniseries in that was the nudge to pick it up to read again.

Totally agree with the new Star Wars...great movie and really fun to watch. No spoilers here either. Though I will say I liked the richness of I-III that played different from the action in VII...but what a great movie.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 9:27 am
by DrPeterson
I loved the new Star Wars! And as a massive SW enthusiast I was really relieved that it didn't feel as artificial as Ep's I-III and was indeed more reminiscent of the original trilogy.

I also liked the fact that a lot of the new people were very clearly low-level PC's. And the new antagonist!
Kylo Ren,I love how Kylo Ren is emotionally layered and prone to failure, as opposed to the perfect uber-bad that was Vader.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 3:03 am
by Mr. Handy
I was lucky enough to see it on IMAX, so it looked even more impressive.

The Shannara miniseries was what I mentioned above, but I had thought it was a movie. A miniseries is even better! The computer game (made by Legend) is also well worth playing, but it might be hard to find a copy of it these days.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 10:50 am
by Tabs
I remember reading Sword of Shannara way back when. Funny to think of our slight connection 20 years ago and the path which has led us to this forum today.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2015 5:25 am
by Mr. Handy
I've only had time to play a couple more turns of Colonization, but my plans are moving along smoothly. I'll have a Master Distiller coming back from Europe soon, and I plan to have him settle on top of a sugar-rich area so that I can make large quantities of rum to sell.

I finished The Avengers and have now started watching Vega$, a show from the late 1970s and early 1980s. Before Robert Urich was Spenser: For Hire, he was Las Vegas PI Dan Tanna. This show featured numerous celebrity guest stars, including Tony Curtis in a recurring role as Dan's landlord. Greg Morris (Barney from Mission: Impossible) plays his contact on the police force.

I'm finally making progress in House of Hell, and I've figured out what I need to do to win the game...mostly. I still need to find the password for a secret door I need to open later (and actually get there), but at least I know who has it.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2015 11:26 pm
by DrPeterson
I downloaded Elder Sign:Omens on my tablet and have been playing that a lot.
It's cool and the animations make it more immersive than soloing it as a board game.

My wife got me Firefly the board game and it looks damn shiny! I've already played it on solo and it's really good. Varying degrees of difficulty, challenging assignments. Great gift!

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 4:40 am
by Mr. Handy
I love the Firefly board game! It's a lot of fun solo, and it's even better playing with other people.

There's a new Elder Sign expansion coming next year called Omens of Ice that appears to be based on that electronic expansion.

I found out the password I need in House of Hell. Now I just have to get into the secret room where the weapon I need to win is stored and make it to the endgame with it.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 7:31 pm
by Dave Syrinx
I've been reading the End Time supplement for Call of Cthulhu and just now started a game here called 12 Hours.
I'm still busy tinkering with settlements in Fallout 4 and trying out a game called Hard West. It's similar to X-com.

I'll be taking a look at Cloverfield Lane 10, quite soon. Cool with a sequel to Cloverfield.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 5:48 am
by Mr. Handy
I finally finished Ultima V, and now I'm learning how to play Civilization: Beyond Earth, which I plan to play before starting Ultima VI. I won the game of Civilization IV: Colonization some time ago, crushing the English in 1697 when they tried to thwart my independence. I've started a multiplayer PBEM game of the Civilization IV scenario The Road To War (Europe 1936). I'm playing the USA, and my friend is playing the USSR. Right now it's late 1937, and I'm zipping along in my tech research and improving my industry. The Republic of Spain is doing even worse than in the real history, as the Nationalists recently took Madrid.

I finished watching Game of Thrones Season 5 recently. I also saw the first episode of Season 6 last night as part of my cable provider's free Watchathon event (in addition to the first three episodes of Outlander Season 2). After I finish the GoT bonus materials, I plan to resume watching Breaking Bad Season 5.

I completed a bunch of Fighting Fantasy books, including House of Hell. Then I started making my way through The Way of The Tiger, a series of gamebooks where you play a ninja in the world of Orb. Tonight I've just started reading the final book in the series, Redeemer! (Book 7). This one is new, and it finally resolves a cliffhanger at the end of Book 6 from nearly thirty years ago.

I recently tried the Beyond the Veil expansion to The Cards of Cthulhu, which makes it much harder (and longer). I've failed three times in a row, when I've never lost at the base game. I've put it aside for a while and am now trying Warhammer Quest: Adventure Card Game. I easily beat the tutorial, but it'll be a little while before I have time to finish learning the rules and try the first real quest.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Wed May 04, 2016 2:07 pm
by kabukiman
I have seen the movie "The Extraordinary Adventures of Adèle Blanc-Sec". The beginning is screaming "Indiana Jones". The movie is a bit more comic than Indiana's movies, but I liked anyway (except the tennis game). It's pulp, with a lot of pseudo-science and adventures, before the WWI, perfect for a gas light adventure.
In baldur's gate: Throne of bhaal, I'm now int the chapter 9, and I had to kill a lot of drows (nasty evil elfs),

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Thu May 05, 2016 4:37 am
by Mr. Handy
I've heard of that movie, and it sounds good. I'd like to see it some time.

I'm still not done looking through the Civilopedia in Civilization Beyond Earth, but I hope to finally finish that and start a game this weekend. It's February 1938 in Civilization IV The Road to War. I've gotten pretty far in tech, but the Italians keep catching my spies before I can try to steal tech from them. I did have decent luck earlier stealing a tech from the Germans, though.

I finished Breaking Bad Season 5 and am now on Season 6, early in the third episode.

I completed Redeemer! with a new character, and now that I know a (relatively) safe way through it, I'm trying it with my character who has successfully completed Books 0-6 without dying. After that, I plan to read A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms, a collection of three novellas George R. R. Martin wrote that take place about a hundred years before the events of A Song of Ice and Fire.

I haven't had time to play board games in the last week.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Thu May 05, 2016 11:16 am
by Dave Syrinx
Cool about the pre-Fire and Ice books.
I started reading Conquerer by Conn Iggulden.


Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 4:44 am
by Mr. Handy
I still haven't finished reading the Cviliopedia for Civlization Beyond Earth, but I'm getting very close. Next I have to read about tile improvements. While there are a lot of them, and a few have walls of text, most of them are pretty short. After that there's just affinities and stations, both of which are very short sections, and then I'll be ready to start (probably this weekend). The Road to War is up to June 1938, and I just finished researching the tech that will let me train code breakers. Then I need to make a beeline for heavy tanks. Unfortunately, my spies keep getting caught (one I sent to Germany was stumbled upon right after she stepped off of the submarine), so I'll have to research tank destroyers the hard way. Unfortunately, CIv IV started crashing on me today every time I tried to launch it, ever since my computer got automatic updates. Also, Civilization VI was just announced, with a release date of October 21, 2016, which I believe is the 25th anniversary of the original Civilization's release. Hooray! 8-)

I'm about two-thirds of the way done the final season of Breaking Bad. The last two episodes are extended, with scenes I never saw when they originally aired.

I completed Redeemer! with my character who has been through the entire series without dying. I got A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms from the library today, but I'm only a couple of pages in so far. Also, I heard that George R. R. Martin released a new sample chapter from The Winds of Winter (probably delayed to avoid spoiling something on the TV show), but I haven't had a chance to read it yet. I was lucky enough to see the first two episodes of the new season, and my theory about Jon Snow was confirmed.

I haven't had a chance to play any new board games in my collection, but last weekend I did play a few games I'd played before at my board game group and won them all, in spite of not having much sleep. First up was Flip City, a microdeckbuilder. I didn't even flip most of my cards, as I'd accumulated enough Central Parks to get the victory points I needed to win. Then we played the Game of Thrones board game. I was House Baratheon, and I allied with the Lannisters against the Greyjoys and Starks. My ally and I did very well, and our enemies did poorly. I was within a hair's breadth of winning when the Lannisters (of course) betrayed me, capturing a territory adjacent to King's Landing with a huge force poised to take it from me. Still, I was prepared for it, and I was able to counterattack and win the game because I attacked them first. Then we played Tiny Epic Kingdoms. I (barely) won as the Lizardfolk, using their special movement abilities to good effect.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 8:47 am
by Dave Syrinx
Checking back in. I started to watch Cinemax' 'Quarry' and I'm positively pleased. You follow the life as returning Vietnam soldier of two tours in -72. Well worth the watch. Dark and moody with great music.


This fall also features BBC 'The Fall' with Gillian Anderson. Check it out!

'Z-Nation' on SyFy had a season 3 premiere abot a week ago. Haven't watched it yet but will tonight. In the same vein, 'Fear The Walking Dead' on AMC is running too. A series more ZA than its forerunner. Good times.

Next year, I'm expecting a great season of 'The Leftovers' (HBO).

If you like TV-series, check out my sig and drop me a line!

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 6:04 pm
by Mr. Handy
I saw the season premiere of Z-Nation, but I won't spoil it. The show is probably intended to ride on The Walking Dead's coattails, but it is played more for laughs. I've also been watching Fear the Walking Dead (plus the original The Walking Dead, which starts its new season in about a month). I haven't seen any of the other ones you mentioned, but I'm looking forward to The Fall.

I won my game of Civilization Beyond Earth quite easily some time ago. I started on Dreamfall Chapters, but once I got to Propast in the middle of Chapter Two it stopped working right. There's just so much in that area that it takes forever to get anywhere on my desktop. It runs okay on my laptop - for a few minutes, and then it crashes every time. It's a shame, as it's a great game with interesting choices that have consequences. I won't be able to continue it until I get a new computer. I started playing Ultima VI for the first time in a very long time, and it's wonderful. I've explored almost half of the surface world so far and made some progress in liberating and restoring the shrines. My multiplayer game of Civ IV The Road to War fizzled out a few months ago in February 1939 when the other player disappeared.

I recently finished watching the British version of The Office, which I picked up in a sale for $3, and now I've started watching The Sandbaggers, a British series about Cold War espionage in the late 1970s and early 1980s. It's very gritty and realistic, showing the behind the scenes bureaucracy and politics as well as the actual spy action. I got that one on sale too.

I've been playing the Blood Sword gamebooks lately, and I'm almost done bringing my veteran character through Book 3: The Demon's Claw. I don't have the fourth one (Doomwalk) yet, and the fifth one hasn't yet been released. After this I'll probably resume the Fighting Fantasy gamebooks, starting with the second one in the Sorcery! series: Khare, Cityport of Traps.

I recently started playing Star Trek Frontiers, having done very well in the introductory scenario playing solo as General Martok, but I still have to read the full rulebook. I also played a four-player game of it as Cisco and won it. This game is very similar to Mage Knight, which is my favorite board game, but there are enough differences to make it something new.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 5:40 am
by Dave Syrinx
Z-Nation, let's forgive the quirky bits: baby z:s and whatnot. It's purely poetic in some of the shots and music composition. It delivers some stunning one-liners.

"The worst thing, is not to turn zombie or even die. The worst is to... survive."

"An explanation? It's the Z-apocalypse - roll with it!"

Yup, I liked the opening credits where we get reacquainted with the characters. I also like the feeling it had of almost being an RP reenactment, with shaky plots and carbon NPCs. Everything does not have to be perfect. The fact that I started to count who'd be added to the cast the last five minutes was fun for me. Z-nation is like life to me. Don't take it to serious.

Your take on it?

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2016 3:18 am
by Mr. Handy
I don't like Z-Nation as much as The Walking Dead, but I still find it entertaining. I'm still watching it, after all.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 10:55 am
by Dave Syrinx
Jonathan, do you have a Steam-account? I'd like to add you to my network of gamers.
And there are some great games to try out. Unturned is a Minecraftlike game set in the apocalypse. Just putting it out there.


Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 3:37 am
by Mr. Handy
Yes, I have a Steam account. The account name is the first letter of my first name followed by my last name, with no spaces. I have over 450 games on Steam, the vast majority of which I haven't played yet due to lack of time. I've never played Unturned (or Minecraft, for that matter).

My Ultima VI saved game got corrupted somehow. I was able to restore the game, but not to save it again. Every time I tried, the game would hang. A search turned up no sign of this error, but there is a similar one that is apparently common with Worlds of Ultima 2: Martian Dreams, which uses the same engine. Unfortunately, Ultima VI only has a single save slot which is overwritten every time, so there is no way to recover from this. I had to reinstall the game and start over, but I'm still less than halfway back to where i was before. This time I'm backing up the saved game folder frequently so that I don't lose too much progress if it happens again. This never happened when I played it before back in the 90s, so it must be rare. I think what might have caused it was that shortly before I had used a crystal ball to look at a random set of coordinates, which happened to be in the sea. The bug in Martian Dreams can happen by visiting a certain area in that game, but that area is more frequently visited and also very close to the beginning of the game.

I'm almost halfway through The Sandbaggers, which is really excellent. It ran from 1978-80 and was cancelled after series creator Ian Mackintosh mysteriously disappeared. Maybe he knew too much. He certainly seemed to know a lot about the inner workings of the intelligence apparatus, going by what was shown in the series.

I finished Blood Sword 3 and have started on Sorcery! 2. I'm trying it out with a new character to find a safe route through it before I risk one that has been through the first book. The character I rolled up has cruddy Skill, so I'm mainly using him to test the waters. I've still managed to explore a lot even though I'm not making a whole lot of progress in finding out how to actually get out of Khare. Right now I'm wandering around the sewers, which I got dumped into, and I'm now nearly dead after a run-in with a Slime Eater. Hopefully I can explore a bit more before I kick it.

I still haven't had time to play any more solo board games, but I might over the next week, as I've come down with something and won't be able to work this week. However, I may be too incapacitated for it. So far it's not too bad, but it's bound to get worse.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 5:24 am
by Dave Syrinx
Expect an invite from DaveSyrinx 8-)

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 7:13 pm
by Mr. Handy
I've gotten caught up to the point where my save game got corrupted and gone a little beyond it, having now explored the mainland without encountering the game-breaking bug again. There are still some more places I need to visit on islands, plus a bunch of dungeons I'll probably need to explore sooner or later. Half of the shrines have been liberated.

I'm about 3/4 of the way through watching The Sandbaggers, which is still great.

I've mapped out most of the optimal route through Sorcery! 2, and I have two of the four lines of the spell I need to get out of the city and successfully complete the adventure, plus I know where to find one of the others.

I've finally had time to start reading the full rulebook of Star Trek Frontiers, and when that's done I plan to play the full version of the game.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 3:11 pm
by kabukiman
I am still playing Baldur's gate 2. I'm now in the chapter 9; I killed two dragons (with the spell "stop time" the game is a bit easier) and 3 favored ones of the god cymric. I need now to enter in the monastery to end chapter 9 (there will be one more chapter after that).

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 12:32 am
by Mr. Handy
I still never got around to finishing Baldur's Gate 1. Time Stop spells are very useful in any game. I needed those to get through the endgame in Ultima V, where there are two nasty rooms in a row, one with a bunch of dragons in it. I've made great progress in Ultima VI. There was a scare that I'd lose my new save when my computer's power supply died, but I was able to get it replaced and working again quickly. I have about half of a treasure map I need to find the other piece of the silver tablet that will let me translate the gargoyle language, and I know where to find most of the other pieces. My next stop is Dungeon Shame, where one of the pirates with a piece of the map lost it. The game's on hold right now while I'm in London. I copied the save and installed the game on my laptop, but I haven't had time to play here.

I finished The Sandbaggers and started watching Upstairs, Downstairs, which is excellent. I've completed the first season and just barely started watching the first episode of Season 2 before I left.

I completed Sorcery! 2 with both a new warrior and new wizard, and then did it with my veteran warrior and wizard who had made it through the first book. Somehow my experienced wizard barely made it through the second book, even though I only had a Skill of 6. I then started Trial of Champions and got almost to the end when a wrong choice of direction with no real information telling me it was wrong got me killed, but I'm pretty sure I can beat it. I left it at home, though. In London, I found two books in the big Waterstone's on Piccadilly that I bought. One is a new Doctor Who interactive book, Night of the Kraken, which I successfully completed on my first attempt. Now I've started reading Life's Lottery by Kim Newman, which is an interactive book written for grownups. I'd been searching for it for ages but never found it until now. It had been misshelved in the Horror section with Kim Newman's Anno Dracula books, and I just happened to see it. I've barely started reading it, and I've just been born. Thankfully I was not stillborn, but there was less than 1 in 2500 chance of that. Even if I had died at the outset, starting again would have been easy.

I read the full rulebook for Star Trek Frontiers, but I didn't have time to play it before I left.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 10:20 am
by carnage_lee
As some of you know, I've been working on 'The Dhole's House' for just over a year, it's finally going to be released on the 31st!

The Dhole's House is an on-line tool-kit for both players and keepers of Call of Cthulhu. The core of the site are character/investigator generators for 6th and 7th edition investigators, ending up with downloadable PDF character sheets. Characters that are created can be updated via a 'character control panel' allowing SAN, HP, LUCK (etc.) stats to be adjusted in relation to game events (keeping the character sheet updated).

There's also a library of NPC/Investigators that are freely downloadable as PDF's - site members can add to the library.

There's a small section of 'tools' (dice roller and name generator) and another section of handouts/props (telegrams (3 designs), calling cards, newspaper clippings, calendars).

Mike Mason gave the green light to this earlier in the year and we had a good chat about things at the YSDC games day back in September. Going live on 31st, there will be an official announcement next week in 'Ab Chaos' the Chaoisum newsletter.

You're all more than welcome to peruse the beta site (I know some of you already have).

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 11:46 pm
by Mr. Handy
It turns out Forbidden Planet had Life's Lottery, but I didn't see it there two nights ago. They actually had two copies there on sale at a two pound discount, and one of them was signed. Oh well. I'm still reading the lengthy introductory part of the story. I'm six years old now, but I have yet to get to my first real choice. I do get to grow up watching Doctor Who and seeing all of those episodes that are still missing today, at least. Also, while at Forbidden Planet I found Highway to Hell, Max Brallier's sequel to his (also interactive) Can You Survive the Zombie Apocalypse? That's next on my list to read. And I found Harry Turtldeove's alternate history book Bombs Away, where the Korean War turns into WWIII. Both books had a one pound discount.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2016 5:15 pm
by kabukiman
I have finished Baldur's gate 2.
The end of chapter nine was easy actually: I used a solar to keep the minions occupied, and then my characters attacked the main boss.
In the pocket plane I had a minor boss that was easy to kill.
Then the last chapter: I'm not entering in details, but the first fights were actually the harder. In the last combat, I used the strength potions and heal potions so my mages could use the anti magic spells. So I finally win.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 5:54 am
by Mr. Handy
Thank you for not dropping major spoilers. Of course, I'd probably forget anyway by the time I actually get to play it. I've made more progress in Ultima VI, having pieced together the map and found the tunnels where the late unlamented Captain Hawkins buried his treasure, including the rest of the silver tablet. I'm still searching for it. I also played some more turns of Civilization IV on my laptop while traveling, and I'm well into the medieval era now. I'm about to build the Hagia Sophia, if nobody beats me to it in the next couple of turns. Then I plan to build the Sistine Chapel, which is a must-have when going for a cultural victory, as I just finished researching Music, as well as cathedrals (for more culture). I got to Music first, which gave me a Great Artist (also helpful for culture). Since I have marble, I don't think anyone can beat me to it. I may miss out on the Spiral Minaret, though, as someone else got Divine Right. Now I'm working my way towards getting caravels. There are still five other civs I haven't met yet on other landmasses.

I'm about four episodes into Upstairs, Downstairs Season 2, and it's now December 1909. How many brushes with scandal can this family take? There's still plenty more to go, too. I also bought some more box sets on sale from BBC America, and I have them lined up to watch next: the complete collections of Land Girls, Yes, Minister, and Yes, Prime Minister.

I had a fulfilling and happy life in my first read through of Life's Lottery. I ended up with Rowena, which takes a lot of determination, but she's worth it! I also just finished Highway to Hell successfully. It's harder than the first book, as it took me a few tries after some deaths early on, but once I got past Indiana I managed to get through the rest of the journey in one try. I plan to start reading Bombs Away tomorrow, and I also bought a gamebook in a box set with custom dice called Midnight Legion, which has a science fiction theme (you play an android).

Still no time yet to play Star Trek Frontiers, but I have a long weekend coming. I started playing CardVentures #1: Stowaway 52, but it's taking longer than it said it would on the box. That's mainly because I'm doing well, but it looks insanely hard to win, as that requires a perfect score. I also got to playtest a bunch of games in development at Metatopia last weekend.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 2:21 pm
by DrPeterson
I just bought the Deluxe Edition of Kim on Steam.

It's a topdown game and the style is that of colour drawings. It looks pretty in a nineties adventure à la Dreamweb sort of way.
Haven't played yet, but it's on the to-do.

I also dabble in the occasional Civ IV, as my computer won't allow for a newer iteration.

And currently I'm reading both Avenue of Mysteries by John Irving, a magical realism novel set in both the past and the now as well as in Mexico and the Philippines, and the SAS survival handbook, because, you know, you can never be too well-versed in bush craft.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2016 5:53 am
by Mr. Handy
I have so many games on Steam and GoG that I haven't had time to play yet. I only buy games when they're at a steep discount, 75% or more off, as it'll probably be a long time before I can play them anyway. Kim looks like a cool game. The Civilization series is my favorite. My desktop can handle Civ V and Civilization Beyond Earth (with difficulty). I prefer Civ IV, though the other games introduce some new features that I like, and I play them as well. Civ VI just came out a few weeks ago, but I'm waiting until the price comes down and the bugs are fixed before I buy it. It won't work on my desktop, but it might on my laptop, which is less than three years old. One nice feature about Civ IV is that you can play multiplayer games by email, which you can't do in later iterations. I had a friend from another board who played PBEM Civ IV with me, but I haven't heard from him in months. I think he dropped out due to health issues. We would use Steam chat to notify each other when we'd sent the saved games, and we could play at our own pace, which was usually one turn per day once we got past the early game. We could play that way too if you like, as time zones don't matter so much with PBEM. I had a little time to play Ultima VI, and I finally got to the bottom level of the cave. The treasure is down here somewhere, but I have a tough fight to deal with before I can find it.

I've watched most of the fifth episode of Upstairs Downstairs Season 2, which is an award-winning one featuring a visit to the house by King Edward VII.

I started reading Bombs Away today, I'm about 25 pages in. The Cold War hasn't gone hot yet, but it will soon. So far it has introduced some of the main characters and set up the situation where history diverges. I've also read the rules for Midnight Legion and will soon be ready to play.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 1:26 pm
by kabukiman
Playing civ by multiplayer seems fun.

I started playing Rome total war: barbarian invasion (it's about the late empire). The roman empire is split between west and east; I have choose the west roman empire. There are several minor barbarian kingdoms in my border ((alamani, franks), the celts in Britain (I'm in war), the berbers (in north africa and we are in war), and east roman empire (my ally)
So, I start with a huge army with good units inside cities and just one field army; I don't have money and by looking at the budget page, I see I will be in debt in the next turn. So, I decide to sell several buildings: in the smaller cities, I keep only the traders (that increase the revenues). I decide to also keep 6 cities (each in a different area of the empire) with the ability of building good troops, just in case. And in each city I will build units of peasants to freed the good units and still keep units in the cities. This way, I passed from 1000 denari to 23.000. I don't make any religious change: everyone will follow his own religion (I have already problems enough).

First turn: I have 19.000. Not bad : half the money was spent with the new units. I continue like this for another turn, and 3 cities revolt (1 in Gaul, another in Germania and another in the danube). I use my small field army who join the units that we expelled from the city from Gaul and I make a siege: next turn I attack the city and my comitatensis (good foot units) win easily the peasants (since I had sold the buildings, they can only recruit peasants, beside the chief who have an elite unit). I have 3 choice: forgive the population (I earn very few money), sell half of them as slaves ((half the population is divided in my other cities and I earn more money) and exterminate (kill 90% of the population and earn a lot of money). They are traitors, so they will pay: exterminate.
By now, all my cities have a huge number of peasants inside, so all the good units they had form 3 big field armies. Two go to Germania, and conquer the rebel city easily; the third army go to Britain to take care of the celts. My financial problems are finished: I don't earn money, but I don't loose any too.
My campaign in Britain seems easy: my field army receives reinforcements fro the local cities. I meet a small celtic army, and I find a nasty surprise: they have chariots, and have good moral. They send their peasants in the front line so, my archers won't hit their best troops. My comitatensis smash their infantry, and my 6 units of light cavalry isolate the chariots. I win, but this won't be easy. In the next turn I find their great army: I have receive reinforcements (some more cavalry and archers). This battle is actually easier: they simply charge without much tactics. They nearly destroy my archers who were in the front line, but there already disorganized and my army surrounded them. After that, in the next turn I conquered their city. I'm feeling magnanimous (they aren't traitors, they are an enemy), so I decide to sell them as slaves. And then my army goes to Ireland.
My armies in the continent were lucky too: they conquered the alamani (I was in war with them and I only sold them as slaves- they are a fair enemy). I conquer the last rebel city (and I exterminate them). I'm now in peace in most of the empire. I will not attack the barbarians in the border: they could have attack me when I was in trouble but they respected peace and made actually some trade agreements: I couldn't ask for better neighbors. So now, I build markets in all my cities (or forums or some other building that earns money), and earn 5000 denari by turn (an elite unit cost 500), so my financial problems seem solved for now.
So, what will I do next? Wait for the next chapter.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2016 1:28 pm
by evil_scientist
I'm playing a game called Infra Arcana. It's a "roguelike" (RPG with randomly generated levels, punishing gameplay, no saves, usually with ASCII-based or simple graphics), Lovecraftian horror game. It's available for free:
Infra Arcana is a Roguelike set in the early 20th century. The goal is to explore the lair of a dreaded cult called The Church of Starry Wisdom. Buried deep beneath their hallowed grounds lies an artifact called The Shining Trapezohedron - a window to all secrets of the universe. Your ultimate goal is to unearth this artifact.

The theme and inspiration for this game comes mainly from the horror fiction writer H.P. Lovecraft. There is a Lore section on this site that describes some of his mythology. The game also draws flavor from various B-horror movies, as well as the first-person shooter PC game Blood.

Infra Arcana adheres to the virtues of the Roguelike genre - high replay value and challenging tactical gameplay.
There are four different classes: War Veteran (tough fighter, but with a fragile sanity...), Rogue (sneaky thief), Occultist (can cast spells), Ghoul (heals by munching on corpses...). Play style is actually quite different with the various classes. My favorites are the Occultist and the Ghoul.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 7:24 am
by Mr. Handy
Mutiplayer Civ IV is a lot of fun! Dr Peterson was interested too, and I created a game for us and sent him the saved game from the first turn, but I haven't heard back from him about it yet. You could play too if you like. Infra Arcana looks very interesting, and I've downloaded it, but I don't know when I'll get a chance to play it. I love NetHack, and combining it with the Mythos seems like it will be awesome. My game of Ultima VI is progressing, and I'm getting much further. I'm now exploring the Gargoyle city in the Underworld, and I roughly know what I need to do in order to save both their world and Britannia.

I've finished Upstairs Downstairs Season 2, but I'm putting it on hold before I proceed to Season 3, as I just got Season 6 of Game of Thrones and have Season 2 of Outlander coming.

I started Midnight Legion and got pretty far, but now I'm about to make a dangerous decision. There are some things about the story that don't seem to make sense, but there's an explanation for them in the game.

I finished both CardVentures games. In my first game of Stowaway 52, I got 211 out of 300 points in my first game, but you need a perfect score to count it as a win. In my next two games I scored much worse, so I've put that one aside. I got a good score in Jump Ship!, where you don't need a perfect score to count it as a victory. I also played Random Encounter: Plains of the Troll King, which seemed ridiculously easy, but I think I was just lucky. I hope to have time over Thanksgiving weekend to play Star Trek Frontiers. While at Philcon, I played a great board game called The Captain Is Dead. It's a cooperative game a little like Pandemic, but it has a science fiction theme. You're all crew members on a starship that ran into hostile aliens, and now everything is going wrong and, well, the captain is dead. You have to repair the jump core so you can get out of there before the ship is destroyed. We came close in our first game, but we died horribly. In our second game, we did much better and managed to survive with a little breathing room.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 10:50 am
by kabukiman
I don't have civ IV, just V
In rome total war
The berberians declared me war, and tried to conquer Carthage, but my troops managed to repulsed the invasion. I conquered Ireland and destroyed the celt faction.
Now the real problems: the goths (an horde), have appear near Salona; they tried to conquer it, but lacking decent siege machines, they were easily defeated. They have 4 huge armies, with much better troops than I have, so I will try to bribe them or defend my cities, because in a regular battle I don't have a chance. It was one thing to defeat small barbarian tribes or rebels, another those huge armies.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 10:54 am
by evil_scientist
Mr. Handy wrote:Infra Arcana looks very interesting, and I've downloaded it, but I don't know when I'll get a chance to play it. I love NetHack, and combining it with the Mythos seems like it will be awesome.
Just a quick tip: you can skip the intro level (in the Options menu). You die a lot in this game, and going through level 0 (the short wilderness screen) to get to the dungeon entrance gets boring. The dungeon levels, on the other hand, are never boring ;)

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 6:04 am
by Mr. Handy
Multiplayer in Civ V wouldn't work well in this case. We'd both have to be online at the same time, which is very difficult with the time zone difference. The complete Civ IV goes on sale at 75% off every so often, for a total of $7.50. If you ever do get it, we could play multiplayer Civ IV by email. Make sure you get the Beyond the Sword expansion with it if you ever do buy it; it adds so much to the game.

I'm almost done exploring the Gargoyle city in Ultima VI. I have to get to the Temple of Singularity in order to be able to visit the Codex of Ultimate Wisdom, but to do that I have to be able to fly. This will mean building a hot air balloon, but I still need to find plans that will let me do it. I have one of the items I need for the endgame, but I still need to find a couple more.

I got killed in Midnight Legion and had to start over, but I've found some new options and goodies.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 12:39 pm
by Dave Syrinx
It's been a long time since I posted!

I'm currently watching Fortitude, season 2. It's very close to what I was hoping for with my Antarctica 1983 scenario. Which is really fun to see. The fact that I stole the idea from John Carpenter doesn't matter. In a way, anything set in a polar climate along with death, will be in the footsteps of The Thing.

Check it out!

Not som much reading atm as I'm moving, or rather, trying to sell our house and then moving.



Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 4:22 am
by Mr. Handy
Welcome back, Dave!

I finished Ultima VI months ago and started on Worlds of Ultima: Savage Empire, though I put that on hold a while back. I've gotten back into Dreamfall Chapters now that the bug that caused it to keep crashing on my laptop is fixed. I'm currently in Chapter 3 (of 13), exploring Azadi-occupied Marcuria and doing work for the Resistance.

I've long since finished Upstairs Downstairs (including Thomas & Sarah and the 2011-2 Upstairs Downstairs series), Game of Thrones Season 6, and Outlander Season 2. I also recently watched Land Girls, a three-season drama set in WWII England. Currently I'm watching Yes, Minister, with Yes, Prime Minister ready to watch when I finish that.

I also completed Midnight Legion successfully long ago, though I had to do something that seemed unnecessarily reckless in order to progress (similar actions had gotten me killed before). Earlier this year I read Blackout and All Clear, Connie Willis's two part novel of time travelers in WWII England. It was excellent, and it gave me all sorts of useful information for The Horror in the Blackout, the latest adventure in my Doctor Who/Call of Cthulhu campaign that I'm just starting, which is set in London in September 1940. Then I read Declare by Tim Powers, which was also awesome. Currently, I'm reading Outlander. I'm almost halfway done and getting close to the point where I had stopped reading back in 2003. At that time, my condition had gotten so bad that I couldn't get much reading done for years, and I had stopped in the middle. Now I'm getting back into it, and I'm planning to read the other books in the series after I finish.

I've played a bunch of board games in the meantime. More recently I played Black Orchestra, a cooperative game where the players must conspire to kill Hitler. I managed it quite early in the solo game I played, but it took a good deal longer in the multiplayer game I played with friends. I've also played a few games of Days of Ire: Budapest 1956, which is about the Hungarian uprising against the Soviets. It's fun, but extremely hard. I haven't managed to win yet, though I came extremely close in my third game. I also played Zephyr: Winds of Change, a steampunk game of aerial exploration and combat, winning the simplest of the missions, which was still rather tough. Next up is Endure the Stars, a cooperative science fiction game set on a colony ship overrun by genetically engineered creatures designed for planetary exploration that have run amok. It seems very similar to Zombicide in some ways.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 11:38 am
by evil_scientist
Mr. Handy wrote:Then I read Declare by Tim Powers, which was also awesome.
Great book! I read it last month too.
I like how the agents' reaction to supernatural is depicted. Most of them just try to ignore it as long as possible, the main protagonist is afraid and ashamed of being a witness to these things...

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Fri May 12, 2017 2:31 am
by Mr. Handy
I liked that aspect too, and also that it is at the same time so grounded in the real world.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Fri May 12, 2017 5:32 pm
by carnage_lee
evil_scientist wrote:
Mr. Handy wrote:Then I read Declare by Tim Powers, which was also awesome.
Great book! I read it last month too.
Hmmm, I didn't finish this book, gave up 2/3 of the way through. I'll add it back on the 'reading pile' and give it another go. Not liking it did surprise me as I love all the other Powers' books I've read (especially 'The Anubis Gates').

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Fri May 12, 2017 8:58 pm
by evil_scientist
Mr. Handy wrote:I liked that aspect too, and also that it is at the same time so grounded in the real world.
Yes! I've read some non-fiction books about Philby and about the Cambridge spy ring before, so I could definitely enjoy this layer too.
carnage_lee wrote:Hmmm, I didn't finish this book, gave up 2/3 of the way through. I'll add it back on the 'reading pile' and give it another go. Not liking it did surprise me as I love all the other Powers' books I've read (especially 'The Anubis Gates').
The Anubis Gates is more dynamic, yeah.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sat May 13, 2017 4:16 am
by Mr. Handy
I'll have to read The Anubis Gates and his other books at some point - after my Outlander marathon, that is. Declare was definitely a slower read for me than the Connie Willis books, which I breezed through rather quickly. They did contain a lot of dialogue, in contrast to Declare, which I can usually read faster than blocks of descriptive prose. Outlander is also taking me a long time. After almost six weeks, I'm only halfway done the first book, which clocks in at 850 pages in paperback.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2017 5:03 am
by HelplessBystander
Personally, I'm reading YA stories recently. It's great for killing time. My standards of 'good books' are pretty low. Unless it's Twilight (F- Twilight), then I'm more-or-less okay with it. The purpose of reading fiction is to kill time, anyways. :)

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 5:01 am
by Mr. Handy
I finished Dreamfall Chapters a couple of months ago, and now I'm almost halfway done Ultima Underworld, which I found out goes chronologically before the Worlds of Ultima games, even though they were released sooner.

I'm in the middle of watching the entire series of MI-5 (or Spooks, which is its original name in the UK). I'm about two thirds of the way done Season 5. Not quite as realistic as The Sandbaggers, but still very good.

I finished Outlander, as well as its sequel Dragonfly in Amber, and I also read Armistice, the conclusion to Harry Turtledove's The Hot War trilogy. Now I'm reading Voyager, the third book in the Outlander series. I'm about an eighth of the way through so far, and loving it.

I haven't had time for months to play solo board games, and I won't for a couple more, as I need all the time I can get to write a scenario that will be published in BenTheRat's scenario compilation Devil's Swamp, which was recently funded on Kickstarter, as a guest author! I still play board games with a local group that plays them on Saturdays, and I'll play some more at various conventions coming up in November. Lately I've been playing a lot of Terraforming Mars, which is excellent, and I've gotten quite good at it.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 5:21 am
by Pastiche
What did you think of Dreamfall Chapters? I heard it's not as good as the previous games, and I'm wondering if I should sink time in it..

Congratulations on your published scenario!

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 5:30 am
by HelplessBystander
Congrats, Mr. handy!

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2017 3:44 am
by Mr. Handy
Thank you both!

Dreamfall Chapters is good, but it's not as good as the previous games (The Longest Journey is my favorite from that series). It took me a long time to play it, but part of that was that it was very buggy, including some gamebreakers that kept me from advancing until I found workarounds (or in some cases waited for a patch). Hopefully the bugs have all been fixed in The Final Cut, but I played it before that was released, and I have no idea when I'll have time to replay it. I'd still recommend playing it, especially for the continuing story, but you might want to wait until it's on sale.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2017 10:05 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Did some tidying up on the boards. Am reading some Popular Science Magazines from the 50's I bought on a flea market. Cool stuff. They have a real Fallout feel.
I watch Mr Robot and am off to check the season 2 premiere of Stranger Things.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2017 10:36 am
by evil_scientist
I'm slightly afraid to approach Stranger Things season 2, mostly because I have a lot of work to do, and I cannot guarantee that I don't binge watch the whole season straight away :mrgreen:

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2017 11:20 am
by HelplessBystander
conversely, I have too much work on my hands to allot time do anything else except reading short stories, RPing, and whathaveyous. No guarantee to ever find the time to watch Stranger Things.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2017 12:26 pm
by evil_scientist
I read a lot while commuting, mostly contemporary horror anthologies, and also some classics as well, like Howard's "Worms of the Earth". I really liked it.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 8:46 pm
by DrPeterson
I've just gotten back from Essen Spiel and the two top games I played there were the new Civ by Fantasy Flight and Joan of Arc by Mythic Games.

The new Civ is a lot less clunky than the old Civ, plays faster and has an interesting action mechanic where you use cards representing different fields, science, culture, military, commerce and production, you can research tech to improve the effects of these actions and they vary in strength according to their position on your game board, the cards sliding up when you play one that was higher in value.

Joan of Arc is an epic scale (meaning 15mm) miniature game with wonderfully rendered mini's in the setting of the Hundred Years' War. It has a very fluent game mechanic, is easy to learn, but still strategic af. The 15mm is really refreshing scale-wise as it truly brings out the awesome presence of cavalry piece next to the trembling peasants. In their kickstarter they also made a dragon and tons of other stuff. But the dragon is the must see piece, it is breathtaking! Instead of pointbuilding and making competing armies, the game is scenario-driven with predetermined armies facing off in (near-)historical campaigns and battles, such as the Battle of the Herrings. ... oan-of-arc

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2017 5:42 am
by Mr. Handy
I've never played the Civ board games, but it's something I'd really like to play, considering how much I love the computer game series. I've heard of the Joan of Arc game, but I didn't back it because it's not playable solo, so I'd probably never get a chance to play.

I'm heading to Metatopia in a few days, where I'll get to try out some new games in development. Some of the events there are playtesting games that were at Essen, but they don't tell you which ones beforehand. I'm signed up for mostly roleplaying games.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 8:52 am
by evil_scientist
I'm reading "Agents of Dreamland" by Caitlín R. Kiernan and enjoying it so far! Creepy government agencies against a creepy cult and a seemingly imminent Mythos threat, all delivered in Kiernan's brand of evocative prose (which I personally really enjoy) and cut-up structure. I think this book is the most outright "Lovecraftian" or Mythos effort from all her stuff I've read, but she still retains her own voice.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2017 6:10 am
by Mr. Handy
I'm now about halfway done Season 6 of MI-5, which is great. They have a story arc that continues through the season this time, building on what's happened in earlier episodes.

I'm almost a third of the way through Voyager. Claire and Jamie are finally reunited! :D

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2017 8:27 am
by evil_scientist
evil_scientist wrote:I'm reading "Agents of Dreamland" by Caitlín R. Kiernan and enjoying it so far! Creepy government agencies against a creepy cult and a seemingly imminent Mythos threat, all delivered in Kiernan's brand of evocative prose (which I personally really enjoy) and cut-up structure. I think this book is the most outright "Lovecraftian" or Mythos effort from all her stuff I've read, but she still retains her own voice.
"Agents of Dreamland" was great, but way too short :(

I want to watch Mindhunter - a netflix series about late 1970s criminal profilers.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 5:20 pm
by kabukiman
I have been playing stellaris a game about space (a bit like the old Master of Orion). I have also been watching Babylon 5 : I have finish the first season, I'm watching now the second.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 6:37 am
by Mr. Handy
I haven't had much time to play Ultima Underworld lately, what with three conventions in a row followed by my trip to California. I did play some of my old solo game of Civilization IV on my laptop while traveling. I finished researching Machinery and am starting on Optics now, so I can build caravels and find the civs on other landmasses before they find me.

I'm in the middle of Season 7 of MI-5, which just keeps changing, with all sorts of twists and turns.

I'm now just over halfway through Voyager, which continues to be excellent.

I still haven't had time to play solo board games, but I did play some at conventions. I was in two Terraforming Mars tournaments at PAX Unplugged. I advanced to the final round in both of them. In the first tournament, I came in second, losing by only two points. I won the second tournament by several points.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 12:34 pm
by evil_scientist
I am reading Jesse Bullington's novels. The Enterprise of Death was a blast! Definitely not for the fainthearted! But then again, it is a book concerning necromancy (among many other things), and necromancy is supposed to be dirty business. I'm one-third way through the next one, The Folly of the World, and really enjoying it. Macabre and weird.

All his novels are set in late medieval to early modern Europe. Not alternative history, but maybe more like hidden history?

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 5:04 am
by Mr. Handy
I've recently had time to resume playing Ultima Underworld, and I'm just short of halfway done, having defeated the mid-game boss. I have Civilization Beyond Earth with the Rising Tide expansion lined up to play when that's done.

I'm now about halfway done Season 9 of MI-5, and I'm planning to watch The Fall when I've finished the entire series.

I just completed Voyager last night. I put a hold on the next book in the series, Drums of Autumn, at the library a week and a half ago, but it still hasn't arrived. In the meantime, I'm reading the first chapter, which is included in the back of Voyager, and when that's done I can read the online sample that the library has while I wait, which contains about 10% of the book.

I haven't had time yet for solo board games. I've been playing some games with a local group that plays them. I played The Thing, and I and my fellow humans managed to survive and escape, leaving all of the imitations behind. I've also been playing some more Terraforming Mars and had two excellent games yesterday, scoring over 100 points both times. The first game I won by 30 points, but the second I was actually eight points behind the winner.

EDIT (12/27): I forgot to mention that last night I read William Shakespeare Punches a Friggin' Shark And/Or Other Stories by Ryan North, a work of interactive fiction in which the reader plays William Shakespeare and (major spoiler here) gets to punch a friggin' shark. It was silly fun, and I got the best possible ending on my first try. Also, Drums of Autumn arrived at the library today, so I returned Voyager when I went to check out the new book.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 1:32 pm
by evil_scientist
I watched Quatermass and the Pit (the 1967 movie version), and it is basically a Call of Cthulhu actual play!
Minor spoilers,There are three PCs, Quatermass (professor of physics), Dr. Roney (professor of anthropology) and her assistant, Barbara. Plenty of Sanity rolls... some of them fail... and one of the characters turns against the other!

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 8:10 pm
by Mr. Handy
I've seen that movie before and enjoyed it. It's also the inspiration for the Doctor Who story The Daemons.

I read the novel Dracula a few years ago, and that also feels like a (Gaslight era) Call of Cthulhu actual play.

I've started exploring the fifth (out of eight) level of Ultima Underworld. I have two and a half (yes, you read that right) of the eight artifacts I need to find.

I'm halfway done Season 10 of MI-5, which is the last one. Only three episodes remain.

I'm enjoying Drums of Autumn, and I'm now almost a fifth of the way through. It's really making late Colonial America come to life.

I've finally had time to start playing solo board games now that I'm done writing my Call of Cthulhu scenario and caught up on other things. I played Jailbreakers: Plan Your Escape, which is a fun game where you have to gather materials and craft them into items to help you enact escape plans to bust out of prison. However, the solo variant is far too easy, as the dummy player lives up to its name. Of the two initially available escape plans, both required the shovel, so I made that first (there's only one available in a 1-2 player game), making it impossible for the dummy player to attempt to escape as long as I held it. I simply couldn't lose. I managed to deplete the escape deck of all but one Fail card, which made my next escape attempt succeed automatically, and the next one wasn't much harder. Battle for Souls was harder, and I lost my first solo game, but I have only myself to blame. I kept farming one soul for relics when I should have let him build up enough Holy Points to take him straight to Heaven and get a second Archangel on top of it, which is the key to winning. Most relics don't do much in the solo game, and the one I got that would have been useful wasn't under the circumstances. Even so, I managed to get 26 points out of the 35 needed to win.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2018 3:54 pm
by DrPeterson
I'm eagerly awaiting the next wave of Star Wars: Armadan which will feature both the Chimaera and the Profundity. Yay, big ships!

And I've just finished Godless, what an epic Western adventure that was! And that finale! Much love!

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2018 3:53 am
by Mr. Handy
The Humble Monthly Bundle is currently offering Civilization VI with the Australia Civilization and Scenario Pack and Vikings Scenario Pack DLC. For a monthly subscription of $12 ($10.80 with a 10% off coupon, which I had), you get them all now plus a bunch of other games that will be revealed on February 2, and you can cancel the subscription any time, which I probably will in February. I'm currently installing it, which is taking forever, but I want to finish Ultima Underworld before I start that or Civilization Beyond Earth Rising Tide.

I'm now into the penultimate episode of MI-5, and things are starting to come to a head.

I'm now more than a fifth of the way through Drums of Autumn.

I played a few more games of Battle For Souls. In my first game, I had had a lucky starting setup but didn't know the winning strategy. Once I figured it out, I then got unlucky starting setups, but I eventually won. I got 41 points, as I managed to get a bunch of free relics that were all useful, in addition to being worth victory points. Then I played three games of Godforsaken Scavengers, which is very hard, as a little bad luck can get you killed. I got pretty far in my first game, died early on in my second, and in the third game I almost got to the final location. I could have, but I wouldn't have had anything left when I got there, making success there highly unlikely. Instead, I pushed my luck just a little, but that was enough to be fatal. Next I plan to play Hostage Negotiator: Crime Wave.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2018 7:26 pm
by Dave Syrinx
I´m in the middle of moving house at the moment. The house is filled with moving boxes and too much furniture. I´ve packed down most books, but have been reading a little David Bladacci and Lee Child. Easy reading!
Gamewise, I´m stuck with Fallout 4 and am doing a spelunking playthrough as the lone wanderer.

On tele, there´s Humans, 12 Monkeys and Shades of Blue. Westworld ended before it started. I enjoy Shooter and SIX.

And I came back here for a spell!!

Hi everyone!

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2018 5:30 am
by Mr. Handy
Welcome back! I finished Ultima Underworld months ago and played a game of Civlization: Beyond Earth with the Rising Tide expansion. I was Chongsu, so I started with an aquatic city. I ended up getting a Domination victory even though I was going for Contact, and I did it without declaring war (which netted me an achievement). I allied with ARC, and that dragged me into a war it started with INTEGR, which we wiped out easily. I had high levels of Harmony, so my units were far more advanced than everyone else's, in large part due to my insane science from espionage. I later carried out a successful Coup d'Etat against the North Sea Alliance's capital Deepcastle, causing it to go to war with me. It only had one other city (its outposts kept getting eaten by a siege worm), and my forces were already poised to take it, which they did right away. I finished the Beacon and was only 40-odd turns away from a Contact victory when ARC rather suicidally declared war on me. I had forces in position already, and I took its capital in two turns. Game over.

Then I started playing Civilization VI. The tutorial was pretty easy, though not being able to save the game was annoying, as I had to leave it running for over a week. Then I played a "full" game which I won quite easily and quickly. I was Arabia, playing against Germany, Greece (led by Pericles), and China. On turn 10, I found a relic in a tribal village. Although one of my special abilities meant I was guaranteed to get a free Great Prophet eventually, I decided to go for a super-early religion by building Stonehenge, which I completed on Turn 30. This won me the game, as for one of my beliefs I chose Reliquaries, which triples the Tourism and Faith of relics. I had originally been planning to win a Religious victory, but I got a Cultural victory instead after 48 turns, as the other civs weren't producing much culture yet, and the insane amounts of Tourism I was generating swamped what little they had in short order.

I then upped the difficulty level and started a new game. This time I'm Nubia, and I'm playing against Japan, Brazil, Spain, Arabia, and India. Japan and Brazil are on my landmass, and the other three are on the other major landmass. This time the barbarians were brutal. They found my capital early and swarmed me with horsemen and horse archers while all I had was a single warrior, but I managed to get enough troops together to beat them off and eventually take out their outposts, though it stunted my early growth. Spain founded Catholicism, but I was sure I would get the second religion. I was just about to get a Great Prophet when all three of the remaining religions were claimed. Brazil got one first; they must have spent Faith to finish it. The next turn Japan completed Stonehenge and Arabia got the last prophet, leaving me empty-handed. However, I'm still doing very well, with a huge science lead and the beginnings of a culture lead. I'm in the late Medieval Age and getting close to entering the Renaissance early, while only two other civs have recently entered the Medieval Age and the others are still Classical. I'm also starting to put out Great Works of Writing to help towards a Cultural victory, which will be doubly effective once I research Printing, which shouldn't be too much longer.

I've been watching 12 Monkeys too, though I think the movie was better than the TV show. I missed the last two episodes last week because I was away. I also like Shades of Blue and Shooter. I've watched a bunch of other videos, and I'm currently watching the Blu-ray collection of Tom Baker's first season of Doctor Who. I've seen Robot and The Ark in Space, and The Sontaran Experiment is up next after I finish The Ark in Space bonus materials. I'll probably put them on hold once I get the Blu-ray of SS-GB, which I preordered from BBC America.

I've long since finished The Drums of Autumn and am now almost 90 percent of the way done The Fiery Cross, the next book in the series. I'd never even heard of the War of the Regulation before I read it, and I know a lot about history. It's amazing what doesn't make it into (most) history books. I've put the sixth book, A Breath of Snow and Ashes, on hold at the library, though it hasn't arrived yet.

I haven't had any time for solo boardgaming since January, when I tried Mansions of Madness (first edition) with the Call of the Wild expansion. There's one coop/solo scenario with two variants. It's a hard one. I almost won, but got killed shortly before the end.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2018 9:14 am
by evil_scientist
I picked up Meddling Kids by Edgar Cantero. It's about a Scooby Gang type group of teenage sleuths, now grown up, teaming up once more to follow up on their last investigation. One of them suspects that there was a real supernatural element, and not just a man in a mask... I'm just a few chapters in. I have some qualms with the writing style (often the author uses explicitly "cinematic" descriptions, like "the camera pans to the right"), but in general I'm enjoying it, it's fast paced and quite dark.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 5:39 am
by Mr. Handy
I'm in the Renaissance now and currently researching Printing in my game of Civilization VI, and I'm also close to getting the Divine Right civic, which will allow the Monarchy government. I've got Cartography, so my ships can cross the ocean now.

I finished The Sontaran Experiment and have watched most of the bonus materials. I also watched the new finished version of Shada, which just aired on BBC America. I preordered that too last year when it had a January release date, but then they changed it to September. The UK got it last December, on schedule. SS-GB is about to ship, so it should be waiting for me when I get back from California.

I finished The Fiery Cross last night and started A Breath of Snow and Ashes. It's 1773 now, and the American Revolution is just around the corner.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2019 10:04 am
by kabukiman
I finished watching the fourth season of Babylon 5. The last episode could be a nice ending, but I'm curious now with season 5.
I also finished the game stellaris. Well, that game never ends, but I achieve the federation victory, so I decide to stop playing. I played Earth (and humans) with a democracy (the other members of my federation were aliens with democracies). We gave full citizenship to all populations conquered (including aliens and robots). I made some genetic engineering to improve the populations (getting smarter) and we defeated the horrors from another dimension. A good game.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2019 5:06 am
by Mr. Handy
I watched season 1 of Babylon 5 a few months back and enjoyed it. A cable channel I get airs ten episodes in a row every Wednesday from 6 PM to 4 AM. They used to air the same five episodes twice, once from 6-11 PM and again from 11 PM to 4 AM. The first three weeks, I saw the first showing and saw fifteen episodes. The fourth week, they started showing ten episodes instead of the same five twice. I watched the first seven of them then to finish the first season, but I had to call it a night at 1 AM. Stellaris sounds cool too. The description reminds me a little of Master of Orion 2, which is a fun game.

I achieved the victory conditions for a cultural victory in Civilization VI some time ago, but due to a bug in the game, my victory did not register. I had hoped they would patch it, but it still failed to give me the win even after the latest patch. Right now I'm replaying Star Saga: One and Two, this time with a different character. I mentioned them before here. I'm about halfway through the second game now, and really enjoying it.

I recently bought a couple of dozen videos from BBC America during a massive sale where they were all 50-80% off the regular price. I'm in the middle of watching Terminal, which stars Margot Robbie, Simon Pegg, and Mike Myers. It's weird, in a good way.

I finished the Outlander series through the latest book, and the next one has no release date yet. Then I read 11/22/63 by Stephen King, which is very different from (and better than) his usual books, though there are references to some of them. It also combines time travel and romance.

I recently played a solo game of Terraforming Mars with Venus Next, which was a lot of fun. Next I plan to play it with both Venus Next and the Hellas and Elysium boards if I ever have time.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2019 9:53 am
by evil_scientist
I am currently watching the second season of Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. It's a well-made and consciously cheesy horrorshow. It's not genius, but I enjoy it...

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2019 8:55 pm
by Mr. Handy
I managed to get past the Clathran Survey Line in Star Saga: Two, opening up previously inaccessible parts of the galaxy.

I finished Terminal, which was a very cool neo-noir with some clever twists, not all of which I saw coming. Then I started watching Churchill, which stars Brian Cox as Winston Churchill and Miranda Richardson as his wife Clementine. It focuses on the first week of June 1944 and the lead-up to D-Day.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2019 7:29 pm
by Dave Syrinx
This one is going to watch El Camino, the Breaking Bad movie, tonight.
We´ll see what it´s like. Might be good. Might not.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2019 10:32 pm
by Mr. Handy
That does sound good. I've actually been able to resume watching Babylon 5, as now the station that airs it does so from 8-10 PM on Monday through Thursday nights. I'm well into Season 5, and I should finish it in about two and a half weeks. I'm currently almost done watching Hidden, a Welsh police procedural series. Next on my list is season 1 of When the Boat Comes In, set in Northern England after World War I.

I'm in my fourth consecutive playthrough of Star Saga: One and Two, each time as a different character. I'm over a third of the way through the second game again and just about ready to run the Survey Line. I don't have much time to play computer games, so it really says something about a game when I play it multiple times in a row. I'd like to be able to play it multiplayer, which it was designed to do, but in hotseat mode. I might be able to host it on my computer and run it as a play-by-post, but that would only work if every player had all of the text and maps available. Almost of all of the game's story is in the character booklets and the books of text that come with each game. The games are both hosted on, but they don't come with documentation, though Home of the Underdogs has a link to an archived all-digital kit that has all the text and maps in HTML format. Still, I don't think that's strictly legal, even if the games have been out of print for decades.

I haven't had much time for solo boardgaming, but I've started learned how to play Tiny Epic Mechs. Months ago I did win a solo game of Terraforming Mars with Venus Next and the Hellas board.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2019 12:15 pm
by Dave Syrinx
So, I went out to a local thrift store and found a board game from 2009 called Runewars. It looks like a MERP fantasy battle game 2-4 players with perk cards and no dice. Has anyone tried this one? I bought it primarily for the 190 or so figurines. Spent 15 dollars and will use them in a start-up D&D game. Beats buying the real miniatures!


I also found a pair of foldable Skullcandy on-ear headphones. Cleaned and all in working order, they sit quite comfortably and sound is good enough. 3 bucks.

What about you guys, do you bargain hunt at Goodwills and such?

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2019 5:29 pm
by Mr. Handy
I don't have any board game stores near me, and the ones I've visited don't have bargains. I get most of my games, except the ones I back on Kickstarter, through CoolStuffInc and Miniature Market. All of their games are discounted, and they have sales where they have even steeper discounts. They also have free shipping in the USA for orders of $99 or $100 or more, and I never have a problem finding enough games I want to spend that much. I got the bulk of my vast board game library that way. The only thing I lack is the time to actually play them. I do have Runewars 2nd edition, along with an official solo variant, though I had to pay a lot to get it. It was $65 at the time, as the game was out of print. You got a great bargain! There's a more recent 3rd edition, which has an expansion that allows solo play, but I don't have it yet. I haven't played 2nd edition yet, though.

I finished watching Babylon 5 a couple of weeks ago when the final two episodes aired. Yesterday I finished Season 1 of When the Boat Comes In, and I just started watching Good Omens, which only just came out on video. It arrived yesterday, which was great timing. I loved the book when I read it in college, but there's much I don't remember about it.

I'm now in the middle of my fifth consecutive playthrough of Star Saga, almost halfway through the first game. This will be the last for a while, unless I can find people to play multiplayer with, as once I complete it I'll have played through both games with all six characters. I learn more about the story from each character's personal parts of it. This time I got stopped by a space pirate early in the game before I was ready to fight him and lost a rare cargo I need for my personal mission, which is annoying, but at least it's an extra challenge. I got that cargo early in the game for free, and now I'll have to find somewhere that sells it and pay dearly for it.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2020 2:37 pm
by kabukiman
I have finished deus ex mankind divided. They didn't inovate much and I was getting bored at the end, something that never hjappened in the other games of the saga; at least it was short.

I also finished kingdom come: best simulation (rpg) of medieval life I ever saw. The main story is ok, but many of the side stories are very good. And the mechanics are excelent (even if very dificult to learn at the beggining, (specially because our character is near wortless).
And now after 1 year, I resumed watching babylon 5- the 5 season.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2020 3:35 am
by Mr. Handy
I have the earlier Deus Ex games. I haven't played them yet, but I've heard the first one is excellent. A few weeks ago, I won a game of Master of Magic, a classic Civilization-like 4X fantasy themed game where several wizards are competing to control the worlds of Arcanus and Myrror. Usually wizards start on Arcanus, but I played the draconian wizard Sss'ra, who begins the game on Myrror. After spreading out and building a large empire there, I conquered a tower of wizardry, allowing my flying armies to invade Arcanus, where the other four wizards lived. Two of them declared war on me, and I managed to defeat them with only a little difficulty. At that point, it was much easier to just find and defeat the other two wizards than to research and cast the game-winning Spell of Mastery. With help from the Awareness spell, I located the other two wizards. An aerial sneak attack on the capital of one of them knocked him out in one blow, the city's Wall of Fire proving utterly useless against my fliers. Not long after that, the last wizard declared war on me. It took some time for me to gather sufficient forces to crush his capital, but I managed it with no problem and won the game. Then I started playing the original Master of Orion, a science-fiction themed 4X game, and I'm almost 100 turns into the game. I'm playing as the cat-like Mrrshans. The Humans attacked one of my colonies before I officially made contact with them, but I fended them off and made friends with them, which is a good thing, as I have enough enemies. I had a non-aggression pact with the lizard-like Sakkra (whose homeworld is named Sss'ra), but that didn't stop them from invading and conquering a nearby colony of mine. The game didn't consider the pact broken at that point, but my reinforcements arrived at the colony the next turn and took it back, which caused the Sakkra to declare war. I held it against their second wave, and then I sent my invasion forces at one of their colonies. I would have taken it, but they developed Duralloy Armor the turn my troops arrived and barely held out. My second wave should crush the survivors, though. They've got another wave incoming, but I should be able to beat them and then make peace. The bird-like Alkari (who look quite delicious to my kitties) also declared war on me, but we're not really in range of each other to fight much except for one nearby colony of theirs that I don't have the technology to land on yet. I also brought in the Humans to the war against them. I've really spread far and fast, with more colonies than any other player, and I'm ahead in population and technology. After this game, I plan to play Master of Orion 2, perhaps one of the best games of all time.

I paused in the middle of watching the Doctor Who Season 14 Blu-ray box set when my copy of the newly animated mostly missing Doctor Who story The Faceless Ones arrived. Today I finished watching the black and white version and started on the color version.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2020 5:34 pm
by kabukiman
I never played master of orion 1. But I sometimes play MO2 just to kill the nostalgia, I agreed that is one of the best games of ever.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2020 4:59 am
by Mr. Handy
MOO1 is still fun, but the second game is far better. I also have MOO3, but have never played it. I've heard it's really bad. There's also a more recent Master of Orion, but I don't have that one and don't know how it is. There's a similar game to MOO2 with a Star Trek theme called Birth of the Federation, which is very hard to find, but I still have the copy I bought back in the day. My current game is going well. I took a colony from the Sakkra and one from the Alkari, and I made peace with the Alkari shortly before 2425, when the first Galactic Council met. I almost won the vote then and there, as the Alkari voted for me, seeing as they were at war with the Humans but at peace with me. Of course, the Sakkra voted for the Humans. I was only a couple of votes from winning. I made peace with the Sakkra after taking and holding their colony for a while, but both they and the Alkari have declared war on me again (they're both aggressive). The Sakkra are down to their first two planets, so I can keep them contained while I work with the Humans to fight the Alkari. My colonies near them are under threat, but I think I can hold them off from all except the one I'm about to found on a distant planet. I've also developed Soil Enrichment and made most of my planets fertile, which greatly increases my maximum population and growth. Population is the key to winning, and I'm far ahead in all categories except fleet strength. Maybe my population has increased enough to win the next vote in ten turns if I can make peace with the Alkari again while the Humans are still fighting them. I'm close to getting Fusion Drives, which will give me much faster ships. Once I have a breakthrough, I plan to build a massive war fleet. I'm also researching Controlled Radiated Environment, which will allow me to colonize every planet in the galaxy, and that should be enough for a win by 2475.

I finished The Faceless Ones and am now watching the bonus material. It's interesting finding out about the animation process, and it'll be good to learn more about this mostly lost story.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 4:50 pm
by kabukiman
I finished watching fifth season of Babylon 5... and it was weak. Speially the ending (I want include any spoilers). I have watch several other movies from B5; the gathering, the begining, the river of souls. I still have more movies to watch (the box included all the movies and series from B5).

I have been playing eve online. It was near one year since I played last time, the base where I had acumulated ore to be sold in Jita was invaded and I lost it all. And I was kicked from my corporation. Well, now I'm in a other corporation, I play a miner in high sec., so I can do something else, like reading or even playing other games. But as soon as I buy an exploration ship, that will change.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 9:50 pm
by Mr. Handy
I won my game of MOO1 a couple weeks ago. I wasn't quite able to win in the council in 2450, as the Alkari refused to make peace with me and voted for the Humans even though both of us were at war with them. Fortunately, I had plenty of votes and could block them from winning all by myself. 25 turns later, when the council met again, I had colonized most of the planets in the galaxy and had almost two-thirds of the population by myself. It wasn't quite enough to win outright, but this time I was able to make peace with the Alkari in 2474. They voted for me because they were still at war with the Humans, which put me over the top. I'm almost 100 turns into my game of MOO2 now, playing as the cybernetic Meklar. My rivals are the Humans, the Psilons, the Silicoids, and the Gnolams. I'm well on track to win in the council when it eventually forms with a combination of population and diplomacy. My increased production, combined with my reduced reliance on food, has helped tremendously. My first two colonies are thriving and churning out colony ships, which I'm using to settle the other decent planets in the galaxy. There aren't many of them. I've explored all of the galaxy except for one star I can't reach in a corner of the map, as well as worlds the other races have colonized. I've found a star system with two Terran-class planets that I have staked out for when my next colony ship becomes available, which won't be long. I've out-negotiated the Humans, forming alliances with both the Gnolams and the Psilons, and I'm close to one with the Humans themselves. I went to war with the Silicoids because my allies the Gnolams asked me to, and the Psilons jumped in as well once I formed an alliance with them. The Silicoids and I have left each other alone so far. I've also out-earned the Gnolams, hiring three leaders that really helped me produce more money. I've also out-researched the Psilons, even though they get more technologies than I do through research, as my research is faster thanks to not needing as many farmers or workers, and I can trade technologies with my friends. My strategy is to settle as many planets as I can to bring up the council meeting and grow my population. When it meets, my allies should vote for me, except for whoever is running against me. The Silicoids have reduced population growth, so they won't be as much of a factor, especially since nobody likes them.

I've finished watching Doctor Who Season 14 and have started on the bonus materials for the last story, The Talons of Weng-Chiang. After I'm done with that box set, I have the Blu-ray box set for the final season of the classic era waiting.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2020 2:09 pm
by kabukiman
I have started to watch a spinoff of babylon V, and it's bad. I just saw the first 5 episodes and I simply don't like it. I will watch a couple more maybe and if it doesn't improve, I'l stop watching it.
I saw (again) conan the barbarian and as usual I liked.
I am also playing eve online, I lost another ship (herom model) when I was exploring a relic site; I arrived at the place, and 10 seconds latter I was deadkilled by several guristas, I didn't have time to escape. So I decide to return mining, and now I mine ice asteroids, that are worth the double the usual ore I mine.
I am also playing tanks online, I'm trying to get a stug IV and I need only to finish the missions from light tanks to get it (I have finished the medium, heavy,arty, and anti-tanks).

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2020 4:08 am
by Mr. Handy
I won the game of Master of Orion 2 using a similar strategy to what I used to win Master of Orion 1, but there were some obstacles. I managed to conquer one of the Silicoid worlds, but the Psilons managed to grab all the others before I could, including their homeworld. Shortly before that happened, the alliance broke up due to the Gnolams and the Humans going to war with each other. I didn't want to get involved, so I refused when both of them asked me to go to war with the other, and they withdrew from the alliance. Then the Humans declared war on me, which was a fatal mistake. I invaded their worlds and conquered the Human race. During the war, the Gnolams did ask me to ally with them again, and I did. After the war, the Gnolams and the Psilons went to war, and I sided with the Gnolams against the Psilons. The Gnolams always voted for me in the Galactic Council against the Psilons, and the Humans always abstained. I conquered some of the Psilon worlds, including the Silicoid homeworld, though anything with a missile base was too tough for me to crack. Still, I managed to get enough population that I won the vote in the next Council with help from the Gnolams.

I've started a new game of Master of Magic, this time with the Community Patch. I never noticed any of the bugs it's supposed to fix, but it also introduces some changes I don't like, as they nerf the wizard I'm playing: Rjak, the death magic specialist. Skeletons used to be maintenance-free and would have made excellent cheap garrisons and guards for magic nodes, but now they each require 1 mana per turn to maintain. There's a Zombie Mastery spell that causes all normal units killed to rise up as zombies under my control, and while they're still maintenance-free, the spell isn't. It used to be only 8 mana per turn, but now it's an insane 40. Still, I've got some excellent spells I can learn that will help me win, and werewolves are amazing. Just one unit of them can conquer any neutral city. The other wizards all hate me, of course, but I'm powerful enough that I can fight them off, though I can't conquer all of them yet. Horus proved to be a pushover. I crippled him early on by taking out his settler and crushing his outpost, and later I was able to conquer his capital city and banish him for good. Lo Pan is the greatest threat, as he had some powerful nodes and towers of wizardry near his starting position, and he also grabbed a node on Myrror and built at least one city there. However, I'm now ahead of him, and once I get Wraiths his days are numbered. I'm about to stomp Jafar into the ground once I locate his capital and my ship with my army lands on his island. Freya is not much of a threat, and I can mop her up after I deal with the others. When that's done, I plan to play Wasteland Remastered.

I've started watching Season 26 of Doctor Who, and I've seen all three versions of Battlefield. Now I'm watching the bonus material, and when that's done, Ghost Light is up next.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2021 6:01 pm
by kabukiman
I started to replay king of dragon pass (I love so much this game, that I was thinking of making a campaign of runequest in this forum, but the rules still scare me, so I decide to go safe with Conan).
I decide to play more violent and chaotic than my usual.
Well, I choose a war clan, short campaign, main gods Orlanth and Uralda, I can have thralls.
In the sacred time, I put 1 magic point in agriculture, 1 in herd (thanks Uralda!), 1 in health, 1 in war. I cannot put anything in mysteries, and left the others as reserve. Orthanc demanded that I increase my herd. Well, that’s why feuds exist, right?
In the fire season, I made a cow raid to get some cows from another clan that I have bad relations; 30 cows, not bad. Then I sent a group to buy cows in the marked, another 30. I explore the tula; found a valley with a duck people; the council want me to attack them (but I know from other games that it is a silly idea at the beginning), so I make a bargain: they pay me food for 50 persons by year (and I really need food and not land, since I cannot put much magic in farms).
An outlaw women have bring us a baby that was supposed to be a great warrior; I adopted the girl and send the women away (my council did not wanted any of them). I made some sacrifices to learn new mysteries.
A weaponthane defies the leader; I’m surprised , but I agreed, and choose another follower of Orthanc
New year: In the sacred time I spend points the same way.
Orthanc is happy because I increased the herd, and get me more magic points. But one herd suddenly get sick and I need to kill the cows (luckily, it's after Orthanc rewarded me). And then my weaponthanes get sick, I pay some shamans that tell me it was a curse. I ask them to send the curse to another people. A group of adventurers (a elf, a duck, troll, a weird, and some human) ask for a inn. Never heard the word, so I give them hospitality (the council is against). But they don’t know how to behave, so I kill them and get several magic objects, who are near worthless; maybe I will trade them for others. Several expeditions in the Tula find ivory and a good clay, that will bring more goods.
Suddenly the weaponthanes are angry again, want a new leader; I exile the leader of the group, who goes away with some carls to another clan. Worst: another clan complains that THEY got the curse; I paid the shamans to get ridd. I ask them very, very sorry and promise not to repeat again.
I need to learn to follow more the advices of the council.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2021 2:53 am
by Mr. Handy
I've heard great things about King of Dragon Pass, and I have it on GoG, but I've never gotten around to playing it. I won my game of Master of Magic a while ago. I defeated Jafar and Freya easily enough. Lo Pan was a little more difficult, but I barely managed to take down his capital once I got Shadow Demons. He had nine Doom Bats there, but I used Black Wind before the battle and managed to kill one before the fight started, and that was enough to tip the balance. All of my Shadow Demons and Werewolves were defeated while there were still a couple of Doom Bats left, but my Huntress managed to finish them off, and that was the end of Lo Pan because I had drained his mana before the fight and he could not cast the Spell of Return. Now I'm almost halfway done Wasteland Remastered, currently exploring Las Vegas, which wasn't nuked because the house bet against it, and nobody wins against the house. There are some bugs in the game that weren't in the original. Most notably, enemies with only melee attacks don't close with you, which makes it very easy to take them down if they don't start close enough, while enemies with ranged attacks will sometimes close with you instead of shooting. There are other bugs too that I don't remember from the original version, but I played on the Apple II, and the PC version had bugs that that one didn't. After I finish the game, I intend to play Wasteland 2. I've had it for years, but I haven't tried it yet.

I've finished Season 26 of Doctor Who and am finishing up the bonus material. After that's done, I plan to watch the original UK version of the House of Cards trilogy on Blu-ray (I've seen it on DVD years ago).

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2021 8:02 pm
by kabukiman
I stoped watching "Crusade" the spinoff from babylon V, it's simply boring.
For the past few days I have been playing cyberpunk 2077. I have finish the prologue after 10 hours. I like the characters and the story. But the game keeps crashing and I have decide to leave until a patch solves the problems.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2021 9:44 pm
by Mr. Handy
I've heard about the problems with Cyberpunk 2077. They're so bad that Sony removed it from Playstation Store. Some people's saved games got corrupted and they lost all of their progress. This is one reason why I always wait until a game has been out for a while before I buy it. That gives them time to patch it, and the price also comes down over time. Wasteland Remastered came out in March 2020, but I only bought it recently. I'd have waited longer if I hadn't gotten an 80% discount on it, so that I got it for $3 instead of $15. Even after almost a year, it still has bugs. Right now I'm done with Vegas and exploring the Sleeper Base, which has all sorts of goodies.

I'm well into House of Cards, and I'm almost done the second series, To Play the King. I don't remember how Francis Urquhart gets out of the mess he's in, but I know he will.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2021 12:22 am
by kabukiman
I usually just buy games after a year too. But this was a gift from my family, the edition of the pre-order that bring some physical goodies, so I couldn't resist it.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2021 6:45 am
by Mr. Handy
I've now done everything I can for now at the Sleeper Base in Wasteland. Now I'm exploring Project Darwin, where I need to find something in order to get the Sleeper Base's best stuff.

I finished To Play the King and started The Final Cut, which completes the House of Cards trilogy.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2021 2:49 pm
by kabukiman
So I resume the game of kingdom of dragon pass.
New Year: it will be a bad year to trade. Oh, well.
In water season made several sacrifices to Orlanth to near his mysteries, and I build a temple to Barntar the god of farmers that allow my farmers to be more vigorous.
And suddenly my weaponthanes complain that never made a raid outside the tula and they are a war clan and demanded a raid. I complied, attacked the clan that I have a feud, and captured 20 cows; the weaponthanes were so happy that they made me a song. There is a girl that suffered a bad omen; I made divination that aid there was no problem. Except the girl died next season. I explored the tula and found the relic of a dinosaur: I put in my house with proud. Several refugees appeared and ask asylum: I made them tralls as my ancestor did, and they were proud and give me extra magic.
Next year: I did a heroquest! Orlanth and Asoka. I gained some windy stones that help to defeat the enemies in battle. I’m raided by some foreigners but I defeat them and get some extra horses. The cultist of the god of hunt offered to make a ceremony to increase the game: I accepted and give them a reward.
But the owners of the thralls (some distant horse people) came to ask for the thrall: I refused. They said they would revenge themselves. I build a temple to Humanki, the god of dead (the blessing is that my warrioes have better moral).
I'm increasing the population, the animals, but I need to recruit more weaponthanes (12 is a very low number for such a powerful clan likne mine, and I expect trouble soon).

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2021 11:04 pm
by Mr. Handy
I finished with Project Darwin and the Sleeper Base, though I will have to return to the base at some point to learn the Helicopter Pilot skill. I didn't have enough skill points to pick it up at the time. Now I'm storming the Guardians' Citadel, where I'll find what I need to progress to the endgame and get the best equipment in the game.

I only have one episode left in The Final Cut, in which Francis Urquhart finally gets what's coming to him.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement?

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2021 2:35 pm
by kabukiman
My shortest successful strategy game ever.
I played master of orion 2. I was playing the humans. I decide to go full mode colonization: creating colonization ships and colonize planets (all the systems near had planets that supported life). I started to find other civilizations and made trade and science treaties, and after not aggression pacts. And suddenly one of the others was attacked by the silicoids and lost a planet. I continue to expand, until the silicoids send an emissary, insulted and declared me war. And I saw that they had a fleet in direction of one of my planets and would arrive in 3 turns. I sold all my buildings, put the taxes at the maximum and in the last turn, I bought a military station that destroyed their fleet. So now, I started to build a fleet. After a while I had one , and conquered one of their planets that didn't have any defenses (the one they conquered to another civilization). So they were preparing to send another fleet and suddenly there is an election. There are 2 candidates: me (that is a friend with every other civilization) and the silicoids (that have insulted and threaten to conquer everyone). I'm elected and end of game.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement?

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2021 8:16 pm
by Mr. Handy
Nicely done! Humans are the best at diplomacy, and Silicoids are the worst (in fact, they can't engage in it at all). In my own game, everyone hated the Silicoids too, and I had to conquer the Humans in order to keep them from interfering with the voting.

I finished Wasteland Remastered in late January, and then I played Wasteland 2, which I just finished about a week ago. There was a nasty twist at the end, but I still managed to easily prevail in the final confrontation. Now I'm starting a new game of Civilization VI since I recently got the New Frontier Pass on sale for only $10 (the full price is $40). The random civilization and leader I got was China, led by Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor. My starting location is poor, up near the north pole with only tundra and sea around, though at least there are some good resources. I'll need to research Sailing first and then quickly get Celestial Navigation so I can build a Harbor and a Lighthouse in order to get enough food to grow my capital. I'll be building a bunch of early wonders due to my advantages, which will help me breeze through the tech and civics trees, but I probably won't be able to build the ones I want most: Stonehenge (no stone nearby) and the Pyramids (no desert nearby). A few weeks ago, my old desktop computer's monitor died, and I was unable to get it working with another monitor. I was overdue to get a new desktop anyway, so I ordered one and just got it and set it up last night. It's amazing! The 4K monitor's graphics are so detailed, and the solid state hard drive is extremely fast, though not very large. I'd been using my laptop from 2014 for the last few weeks, and it would take about an hour to start Civ VI and load a game. I would start it going in the morning and just leave it running all day, playing when I had time. Now with my new computer, it only takes about a minute or so to get into the game!

I recently watched Dark Skies, a TV series that aired for only one season in 1996-7. I'd seen it then and loved it. It's similar in some way to the X-Files, but it's its own thing. It centers around congressional aide John Loengard in the 1960s, and his discovery of the alien threat posed by a parasitic species and the ruthless organization Majestic that fights against it. I like how it used historical events and people, and it was good to see the bonus material on the DVDs. The plans for future seasons were interesting, and it's a shame they never happened. Then I started watching the first season of The Fall Guy, a 1980s show about stuntman Colt Seavers who moonlights as a bounty hunter. I'm currently in the middle of the final episode. There were five seasons in all, but only the first is available on DVD in America. The second was available in Europe, but they never put out any more because they didn't sell enough copies.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement?

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2021 9:34 am
by kabukiman
I also finished watching firefly, then I rewatch serenity. If I wasn't so busy, I would probably, GM a traveller game.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement?

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 1:44 am
by Mr. Handy
Firefly and Serenity are great! If any series should get a reboot, it should be Firefly. I have them both on video, but I haven't seen them in some time. If you ever do have time to run a Traveller game, I'd be very interested in playing.

I'm about a dozen turns into my Civilization VI game, and it's going fairly well. On the first turn, I founded my city on the coast and got the Eureka for Sailing, and I discovered Crater Lake with my starting warrior to get the Eureka for Astrology (they count as half the tech for me instead of 40%). I finished researching Sailing and have started on Mining so the builder I'm producing can mine the copper next to my capital before I send it out to start fishing for crabs in order to get the food I need to grow. Next I'll have to research Astrology to get started on a religion and complete the requirements for Celestial Navigation. I've recently finished building a scout, and it and my initial warrior have explored much of my starting landmass. I've found no other civilizations or city-states so far, which means I have a good chunk of territory for myself. I found three tribal villages and got an Inspiration (which counts extra for me) and some gold. I haven't reached the third one yet, as I ran into a barbarian scout and am in the middle of fighting it with my warrior. Fortunately there are no barbarian outposts that can easily reach my city by land, but a barbarian galley did sail past. I'll have to make a galley of my own to deal with it so that it won't sink my fishing boats when I build them, and I have to track down the outpost it came from and destroy it, which will require more force.

I finished watching The Fall Guy and have started on the complete collection of Monty Python's Flying Circus. It's as funny/silly as I remember, and I've seen the first three episodes so far. The first episode included the sketch about the funniest joke in the world, which is a favorite of mine.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement?

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2021 9:29 am
by kabukiman
I would actually prefer new seasons with the same cast and not a reboot.
I have started to play again cyberpunk 2077. I have only found a minor bug and the game don't crash anymore. If one person ignores all the hype ("this would be a revolutionary, open world with more freedom than any before") and don't compare too much with other games, it's a decent game with a good story and great characters.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement?

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2021 2:16 am
by Mr. Handy
That's what I meant by a reboot: the same cast making new episodes. A lot of shows have been doing this in recent years, and it would be awesome for new episodes of Firefly with the same cast (minus the two characters and one actor who died).

I guess they've fixed most of the problems with Cyberpunk 2077. It's a game I'd like to play now that they've got the worst of the bugs squashed. I'm just waiting for the price to drop considerably.

I've completed 46 turns in Civilization VI,and I'm falling behind due to my poor starting location. Still, it's a good challenge. Barbarians started popping up, including an outpost in my city's backyard. Galleys are coming from a farther outpost, and they keep sinking my fishing boats, but now I have a galley of my own (which just got a promotion) to protect my sea resources. I finally managed to crush the nearby outpost, which the barbarians left undefended, and then my warrior and slinger mopped up the survivors. I just researched archery, so that slinger just became an archer, and barbarians had better beware! Now I can take care of that further outpost and stop it from spamming galleys. I had to delay building a Holy Site even though I got Astrology early due to the barbs, but I just completed it and started work on a shrine. Before I did, someone I haven't met yet (which is currently all of the other civilizations) built Stonehenge and has founded Confucianism early. Another civilization built a Holy Site a turn before mine finished, so I really need to hurry and get my religion founded before they're all gone. To make things worse, due to poor food production and being kept busy fighting barbarians, I haven't gotten my second city out, but almost all the others have (though I haven't met them, I can tell their growth from their score breakdowns). After the shrine, I'll have to build a settler. If I'm really lucky, which I doubt I will be, I can get the pantheon belief that gives me a free settler. I'll probably have to settle for the one with the free builder, which is still good for me. It also helps that I have my landmass to myself other than the barbarians, except for the part that their outpost is blocking. Once the settler is done, I should be able to build the Temple of Artemis (and even rush it with a builder thanks to one of my special abilities).

I've now finished the first six episodes of Monty Python.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement?

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2021 1:27 pm
by kabukiman
I finished cyberpunk 2077 (the good ending). I like the main storyand the smaller, but this is not the quality of baldur's gate or deus ex. But the characters and NPC's were also interesting, so it is ok.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement?

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2021 3:36 am
by Mr. Handy
I managed to come back from behind in Civilization VI and win a religious victory in the Renaissance, which is usually how I win. Even with a bad start, it was still all too easy once I got back in the game. What really did it for me was getting Dance of the Aurora as my pantheon, which gave me an insane amount of bonus Faith from all the tundra around my Holy Sites, and Work Ethic as a belief, which gave me a production bonus matching the Faith bonus. It was better than having Industrial Zones, and much earlier! It got completely insane once I got the Scripture policy, doubling my already high faith and production bonus. I then played Anachronox, which I successfully completed. It's a great, though buggy, game from about twenty years ago. Now I've started replaying Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, another excellent game I haven't played since it was fairly new. I'm playing a Scoundrel this time, light side, and planning to become a Jedi Consular (my first play was Soldier->Jedi Guardian, also light side). I've found Bastila and am now on the verge of escaping from Taris.

I watched the rest of Monty Python, though I couldn't see part of one episode due to one of the DVDs having damage. Then I rewatched Firefly. Then I watched the 1990-1 series The Flash, which I hadn't seen since it aired. Two of my DVDs didn't work at all, but I found the episodes to watch online. Then I started watching Allo Allo, a hilarious British comedy from the 1980s and early 1990s. I'm currently in the middle of the fifth season. One early episode and one bonus feature were unwatchable due to DVD damage, but I found them online too.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement?

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2021 10:02 am
by kabukiman
"Allo allo!" here in Portugal was one of the most popular shows.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement?

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2021 1:29 am
by Mr. Handy
I had watched 'Allo 'Allo on public television before when it originally aired in the late eighties and early nineties, and I'd seen some episodes in the last decade when they aired it on public television again. It's amazing how much I remember, but there's still so much I don't recall, and I'm not sure if I've seen every episode before.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement?

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2021 4:28 pm
by kabukiman
I finished watching the italian tv show "Romulus", about the first roman king. It is a very different world from the usual classical rome, it is in an iron age. It reminds me a lot of glorantha, full of gods that demands weird rites, small villages made of wood and violent populations that follow traditions at any cost. The main story seems a mix of Hamlet and Macbeth.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement?

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2021 3:58 am
by Mr. Handy
That does sound interesting. I know some about Republican and Imperial Rome, but not so much about the early days.

Speaking of history, I've been reading the Apocrypha for the first time, and I'm almost done. I'm currently about halfway through the final book, Second Maccabees. It really fills in the gap in history between the Old and New Testaments. The Romans are involved at this point as well, as friends of Judea. I had known that there were treaties of friendship between them in the Republic and early Imperial eras from the histories of Flavius Josephus, but there are a lot of details I hadn't known.

In Knights of the Old Republic, I've just defeated archcriminal Davik and his associate, bounty hunter Calo Nord (well, the Sith bombardment of Taris helped some). Now I can hop aboard Davik's ship, the Ebon Hawk, and get off this rock before the Sith destroy everything.

I'm now more than halfway through the fifth season of 'Allo 'Allo, which actually has almost as many episodes as the first four seasons combined.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement?

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2021 11:46 am
by kabukiman
Several of those books are included in the catholic bible so I actually already knew them.
The books the Maccabees are excelent history books and give you a lot of details of what was happening at the time (the romans and greeks didn't care much). There was a scenario in the GMT serie "Great battles of history" where you could play the maccabees against the seleucids.
I have finish the second ending of cyberpunk 2077 (the devil) and it is depressing.
I'm now playing the third ending.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement?

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2021 11:53 am
by jp1885
My current amusements? Primarily I’ve always been a wargamer, but Covid scuppered that, so I’ve been getting into more RPGs with my pals over Roll20 or FVTT.

Currently I play Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4E and GM Paranoia Red Clearance Edition on a regular basis. Also play a bit of CoC when the old gang are all free.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement?

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2021 11:26 pm
by Mr. Handy
Yes, I've learned a lot about that period from the books of the Maccabees (which I've now finished), much of which I had never known before even though I'm familiar with Hanukkah. Maccabees mentioned the cleansing of the Temple on the 25th of Kislev, but they don't mention the oil lasting eight days. That must have been a later addition. The GMT game sounds great! I've played solitaire wargames before, but haven't really had anyone else with whom to play them. I have a number of board games like that, as well as computer games (which are even better for playing solo against the computer).

In Knights of the Old Republic, I'm currently on Dantooine, where I've become a Jedi Consular at the Jedi Academy, having completed my trials. Currently I'm exploring the plains and trying to resolve a feud between two prominent settler families before I go exploring the ruins.

I only have a few episodes left in the fifth season of 'Allo 'Allo. I just saw the parts that took part on the train, which I had vaguely remembered.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement?

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2021 11:43 pm
by Mephistophilis
I've been running a PbP game of the new Twilight 2000 rules from Free League. Crunchy as fuck. I'm busy bodging some house rules to make it even half playable after our first few encounters. The PCs very nearly got themselves a TPK in the first major battle.

Watched the Midnight Mass series on Netflix. Good horror vibe but a bit too mundane for CoC.

Just finished the old Call of Cthulhu video game (the 2018 one) I quite liked it, apart from the unhelpful controls. But as I get older I find myself turning more and more to walkthroughs because I don't have the time to piss around too much. I'm also playing the old Bladerunner video game. Also kinda fun, captures the atmosphere, but again, turning to walkthroughs to avoid pissing about doing the same thing over and over. I don't get a lot of free time.

Ah, Allo Allo, that brings back memories.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement?

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2021 2:52 am
by Mr. Handy
Blade Runner was awesome! We've talked about it much earlier on this thread. It's been a long time since I've played it, but I still have a copy of it. I try to avoid walkthroughs, but I'm also pressed for time, so I will use them if I get stuck. In Knights of the Old Republic, I've since finished with Dantooine, Tatooine (though I have to go back when I have a chance to look for Mission's brother), and Manaan, and I've just arrived on Kashyyyk.

I'm almost done 'Allo 'Allo, with only the final two episodes left of the ninth and last season. The first disc for season 9 wasn't working, but fortunately I was able to watch the four episodes on it online. I plan to watch the fifth episode tomorrow night and the last one Thursday morning. I'm not remembering any of the stuff from season 6 onwards, so I don't think I've ever seen them before.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement?

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2021 5:31 pm
by Mephistophilis
I never got too far with KotOR - I think I might still have it installed on my phone. I find I get started playing something then life gets in the way. When I went back to Blade Runner recently I'd forgotten what I was doing. I've bought a few old games I had back when I was a kid/teenager and I'm even getting a few minutes to play one or two of them.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement?

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2021 5:00 am
by Mr. Handy
I've only completed it once before. I typically stick with a single game until I finish it, and then I play the next one, but sometimes I've given up on a game. I also usually play for a few minutes at a time, when I do have time. I have far more games than I have time to play, and I have well over a thousand in my Steam and GoG libraries alone, not even counting physical versions of games.

I've watched the penultimate episode of 'Allo 'Allo and have watched the first five minutes or so of the finale. I'm planning to finish it tomorrow morning while I eat breakfast and then watch the Best of 'Allo 'Allo special feature.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement?

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2021 5:50 pm
by kabukiman
So, for halloween I saw several movies that passed in TV. The remake of "the fog" (I didn't liked), a remake of "the murders of Amytville" (it was ok), and "the woods". This last one suprised me.
I played the third ending (the temperance). Probably my favorite, but I think I won't play any of the other endings for now (we must replay exactly the same scenes for half of them, about 30 minutes and it is boring to hear the same dialogues).
So, I decide to play again the mmo secret world. Since they reset it in 2017, I had to start from the beggining. It is a horror game with lots of conspiracies and investigation. I'm already level 14 now.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement?

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2021 10:47 pm
by Mr. Handy
The original 1980 version of The Fog is much better. I agree, the remake wasn't good.

I only ever played through Blade Runner once, a long time ago. I turned out to be a replicant. I remember flying off in a car at the end, but I don't know what the ending was called.

I've gotten very far in Knights of the Old Republic, having finished on Kashyyyk, been intercepted by the Sith flagship Leviathan and escaped (but not before a confrontation with Darth Malak and the reveal of the big twist). I actually saw the twist coming the first time I played, as I had gone to Kashyyyk first after Dantooine in that game. After taking care of a few things by revisiting planets I'd been to before, I've now landed on the Sith planet Korriban for the first time. This is the last one I have to visit before the endgame.

I've finished 'Allo 'Allo and am now watching Red Dwarf. I'm in the middle of the second season, having just finished watching the second episode, Better Than Life.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement?

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2021 11:12 pm
by Mephistophilis
Ah Red Dwarf. I suspect it hasn't aged well.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement?

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2022 9:28 pm
by kabukiman
So I saw the mummy 3. I actually enjoyed it (even if I still prefer the first 2).
I also saw the first season of the spanish tv show "the 30 coins", a mix of Lovecraftian horror with Christianity in a small village in Spain. I liked specially the characters who had an excellent performance.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement?

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2022 12:04 am
by Mr. Handy
I saw the Mummy movies a while ago, including the third one. I don't remember that one too well, but the first two were very good. I've heard of 30 Coins, but I haven't seen it. I'd like to, but it's probably only on a streaming service, and I don't have one.

I've been reading Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone by Diana Gabaldon for the last month. It's the ninth and penultimate book in the Outlander series, which was just published in late November, and it's set in 1779-80 late in the American Revolutionary War. It's really good, and I think I'm getting to the best part. I'm about 800 pages in, and there are about 100 to go.

I finished Knights of the Old Republic in late November and then started playing Knights of the Old Republic 2. I'm currently on Telos after having escaped from Peragus, and I've dealt with the Exchange to get the information I need and convince them to leave the Ithorians alone. Soon I'll be heading for the planet's surface. I haven't played since I started reading the book, though, as I want to finish it first.

I've finished watching the first eight seasons of Red Dwarf, and I'm almost done with the bonus materials for the eighth season. I just have to finish the documentary about the season, which I should be able to do tonight.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement?

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2022 5:28 pm
by Dave Syrinx
This cowboy have been enjoying Kevin Costner´s and 1883.
I really like the sci-fi Raised by wolves by Ridley Scott.
I watched Dune (2021) and it was awesome!

Blade Runner the PC-game was good fun a long time ago. I saw that there was a cartoon Blade Runner thing called Black Lotus. The soundscape is awesome and the artstyle is good. However the dialogue and character/manga style is not my cup of tea. So, the backdrop and sound/music are great but it falls in the execution of the series.


Keeping withe sci-fi, I have to mention The Expanse, the fantastic show over at Amazon. And on Netflix, Arcane! I didn´t think I´d like it but it was super great! Basen on League of Legends but stands on its own.

And, hi guys!!!

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement?

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2022 3:19 am
by Mr. Handy
I watched the first few episodes of 1883 too and liked them. I've only seen the first season of Yellowstone so far, but one nice thing about a prequel is that no prior knowledge is needed. I've also played the Blade Runner game back when it was almost new and enjoyed that. I've heard of Black Lotus recently, but it looks like I've missed a bunch of episodes already. I saw the first few seasons of The Expanse when it was on SyFy, but I don't have Amazon, so I haven't seen it since it moved.

I finished Go Tell the Bees I am Gone, and WOW! One thing happened that I saw coming a long way off, but there was another big twist I didn't see coming. The final book is set up to be amazing, but it looks like I'll have to wait a very long time before I can read it.

In Knights of the Old Republic 2, I finished on Telos and maxed out my light side points before I left the planet. Now I'm finishing up on Dantooine before I go to another planet, probably Nar Shaddaa (okay, technically it's a moon). I'm almost halfway through the game now.

After finishing with Red Dwarf Season VIII, I started watching Friday the 13th: The Series, which has nothing to do with the movies. It's actually quite good, and it would make an interesting campaign framework for Call of Cthulhu. It aired for three seasons in 1987-90, and I remember watching it at the time. Cousins Micki Foster and Ryan Dallion have inherited an antique shop from their recently deceased uncle Lewis, but they discover that Lewis had made a deal with the devil in which he sold cursed antiques. These are all unique, indestructible objects with unique powers that they provide to their owners, but their powers are activated by killing someone, and they tend to bring their owners to a bad end. Now they have to track down all the items he sold, plus the items they sold themselves before they became aware of the curse. I'm currently almost done the fourth episode of the second season, "Tails I Live, Heads You Die," which is one of the best. It features a coin that the owner can use to kill someone, and afterwards the owner can use it to bring someone dead back to life.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement?

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2022 7:38 pm
by kabukiman
I played one campaign of medieval total war 2, the campaign of the kingdom of Jerusalem. I started as allied of the count of Antoquia (another christian kingdom), and the enemy of the egyptian Fathimids (muslins). My objectives are to conquer 25 cities, Bhagdad and eliminate the Fathimids.
I gathered an army of knight to prepare to attack Egypt, but they invaded me first. Well, I had a bigger army and destroyed theirs easily. And with a reinforcement army of infantry I attacked a city in the south of palestina. I conquered then 2 cities, when I faced a new army. Two victories, and I invaded Egypt. A victory near Damietta (the door to enter Egypt), but after that I was without any troops (and so Egypt). It would be a stalemete... except a new crusade arrived with the Richard Lionheart! Well, Saladin gathered all his troops from the various cities, both armies entered in battle, both kings died in the battle and the armies were destroyed. Well, with the egyptian cities empty, it was a quick conquest. I killed the last heir, the fatimids entered in a civil war and the faction was eliminated. I conquered all the cities. I build churches to convert the population (and avoid civil unrest).
Time to go west. I declare war to the turks, conquered several cities (including Bhagdad)... and suddenly the mongols appear. They have 4 full armies. I defend Bhagdad as best as I can, loose the city, but loose half their troops died. They abandon the city, and go somewhere else. I send emissaries begging for peace. They insult me but it seems to work and they don't attack me. I occupy Bhagdad, conquered a few cities from the turks and I win the game.
There is no shame in being humble to the mongols.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement?

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2022 9:22 pm
by Mr. Handy
Early this month, I received both sets of Choose Cthulhu books, which I backed on Kickstarter years ago. There are 16 books in total, which are adaptations of Lovecraft's stories (except a couple that are original) in Choose Your Own Adventure format, with one of them extra long and more like Fighting Fantasy, which I'm saving for last. I've read and successfully completed nine of them so far, just finishing The Colour Out of Space (which was the hardest one yet). My favorite so far has been At the Mountains of Madness.

After I beat Knights of the Old Republic 2, I started playing Deus Ex, with the Revision mod. It's every bit as awesome as I'd heard, and it uncannily predicts many things about today's world. I haven't had as much time to play since the books came, but I'm getting close to the end of the third mission, at LaGuardia airport. I opted for a hacker build, starting with Advanced Computer skill. This has proven very useful, and there's nothing like turning your enemies' turrets against them and then shutting off the cameras, not to mention copying everyone's emails and hacking ATMs. I also trained up my Rifle skill, and that's Advanced now, though I more frequently use the mini-crossbow and stealth pistol, or the charging prod for melee. I'm planning to advance my Pistol skill as soon as I get enough skill points, which won't be long. I figured out very early that I'm working for baddies, and it sounds like my brother Paul came to the same realization. I've been taking the NSF guys alive as much as possible, though I ran out of tranquilizer darts, having missed opportunities to stock up on Liberty Island, thinking I had plenty and could easily find more later.

After I finished Friday the 13th: The Series, I started watching Sliders. Most of the episodes I don't remember seeing, as the last time I had seen them was when they had originally aired in the 90s. I paused to watch the Doctor Who story The Evil of the Daleks when it finally arrived. I preordered it in late November, but demand outstripped supply and I didn't get it until early this month. 6 of the 7 episodes are missing, but they've animated all the episodes and synced them to the existing audio track. It's one of the best Doctor Who stories. Now I've resumed watching Sliders, and I'm now over two-thirds of the way through Season 3.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement?

Posted: Sun May 22, 2022 2:15 pm
by Dave Syrinx
So, I've bought a bunch of books while thrifting. I¨m plannning to read them this summer. A list will be up when I¨ve decided which one I'll start with.
I'm also looking forward to the next seasons of: Stranger Things (May 26), Westworld (June 26) and The Umbrella Company (June 22) [not Resident Evil related].
And, I will be watching the Resident Evil series, set in London 2036! (July 14) ""

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement?

Posted: Mon May 23, 2022 2:46 am
by Mr. Handy
I've finished all of the regular Choose Cthulhu books (The Shadow Out of Time was excellent!), and now I'm reading Escape from R'lyeh, the Advanced Choose Cthulhu book. I've done a decent amount of exploring and found various locations, and I've explored a wrecked ship that can be repaired. All I have to do is find various things scattered around the island and bring them back. I'm currently awaiting the Freeway Warrior series, which I backed on Kickstarter years ago, and the Definitive Editions of the first five books of the Lone Wolf series, which shipped about ten days ago.

I'm still enjoying Deus Ex. If Ultima Underworld and System Shock 2 had a baby, it would be Deus Ex. This is no surprise, as Warren Spector was in charge of both Ultima Underworld and Deus Ex (there are several Underworld references in Deus Ex). I'm not sure if he was involved in System Shock 2 or not. Paul confirmed everything I had suspected. When I got back to Battery Park, I made short work of Anna Navarre when she came gunning for me with an assault rifle on full auto into her head, but she hurt me badly when she exploded. I couldn't find a way to kill Gunther (he can even survive multiple grenades), so I surrendered to him to save myself some damage and ammo. Now I'm trying to escape from the MJ12 facility.

I'm almost a third of the way through Season 5 of Sliders now. I don't remember having seen most of the episodes of Seasons 4-5 before, and I didn't recognize the new characters. The last episode I finished, "New Gods for Old," featured nanotechnology that wouldn't be out of place in Deus Ex.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement?

Posted: Sat May 28, 2022 11:48 am
by kabukiman
So I played again master of orion2. A human race customized: the advantages were democracy, lucky and +1 in research.
Well, so I started to explo other planets and found one with suitable life and sent a colony. I waited a bit more before creating another colony. . I found another race, we quickly made a trade and science treaty. Then I found 2 other races and made the same deal (by this time I had 4 colonies). Meanwhile, one of the other races proposed me an alliance (The bulrathi), and I agreed. I discovered a race that was blocking my grow to north (the sakkra). I decide not to make any deals and prepare a fleet to attack them (by this time, I was the most advanced race). But suddely my ally declared war on another race at south. I had change plans, send the flouth south, create an outpost to reach that race and I atacked their fleet: I had one much bigger (I had 2 cruisers and 1 frigates!) and win. I invaded two systems without star bases, but didn't attack the ones with starbases. I build missile bases to defend those planets (didn't need more for now).
My ally declared war to two other races and I repeat the process. So, I was already the most powerful race. But they went to far when they declared war to the gnolls who had helped me, so I refused and broke the alliance. The antareans started to attack everyone once in a while (except me and the gnolls). I had several battleships and decide that the other races should only have 2 systems, so I conquered any third system from the other races.
I prepare to attack the antareans and started to build a doom fleet. Well, first, I had to defend my planets, because the antareans finnaly notice me. They destroyed several planets, until I had the base defenses at maximum. They attacked once more but this time I was ready: 4 doom stars, several battleships and cruisers, a star fortress, missile base and other defses. Well, they attacked the star fortress and destroyed it: but I was able to destroy on of the 2 battle ships they had (making damage to their other ships. Second turn, they destroyed one of my doom star and the minor ships, but I destroyed the other battleship and some minor ships. Third round, they destroyed the last small ships, and I destroyed the rest of the fleet.
Now I was in maximum scientific development, created planets with only robots to increase production, destroyed the guardian of orion, So I build a dozen doom stars, send them to antares and win easily.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement?

Posted: Sat May 28, 2022 8:37 pm
by Mr. Handy
I always win a diplomatic victory in MOO2 before I win any other kind. It's even more likely when playing straight up humans, which I've done before. Alliances can be great for getting that diplomatic victory and for security, but they're a double-edged sword. You'll probably be dragged into someone else's war, like in my last game, but everybody hated the Silicoids and there weren't very many of them to fight. The worst is when two of your allies go to war with each other and force you to pick between them, which happened to me in that game. A while ago I bought the new(ish) version of Master of Orion on sale, which I've heard is largely a reskin of MOO2 with better graphics, and it's on my list of stuff to play. It has real-time battles instead of turn-based, and I prefer the latter, though.

I've explored most of the island in my first playthrough of Escape from R'lyeh, and I only have a handful of locations left to explore. I've only found one of the six items I need to repair the boat (I actually found two different places that had it) so far. There's also a second way to win, which may be a better bet. I'm starting to get dangerously low on Sanity, however. Maybe I'll still make it, but it's probably too much to ask to be able to complete it on my first try.

I've cleared the detention area, nanolab, and robot maintenance area of the MJ12 facility, and I'm about to enter the armory and get my stuff back. I'm about halfway done with the facility now.

I only have six more episodes of Sliders left, or one third of Season 5. Currently I'm watching "A Thousand Deaths," which features various simulations that are not what they seem.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement?

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2022 10:32 am
by kabukiman
I started watching straner things (first 4 episodes). It is screaming to be a delta green scenario.
I also the first episode of edgerunner.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement?

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2022 5:12 am
by Mr. Handy
I did win Escape from R'lyeh on my first try, having found a way to restore my Sanity in town, along with most of the items I needed to repair the boat. I also played through the Definitive Editions of Lone Wolf books 1-5 when I got them months ago. The changes to them are subtle but powerful, and they make the books so much better, eliminating the unavoidable instant deaths and providing more options and bonuses. I preordered the Collector's Edition of Book 28 a couple months ago, but it hasn't shipped yet. It should be soon, though. I've held off on reading Books 29-31, which I already have, until I read Book 28. The Freeway Warrior books that are now almost four years overdue still haven't arrived, and there's been no word from the Kickstarter creator for over four months now. As far as I know, nobody has received the final book yet.

I finished Deus Ex about a month ago, using my saved position so that I could see all three endings. The one I stuck with was New Dark Age, because it's the only one where mankind is free (but at a price). Then I started playing a bunch of games I created using Adventure Construction Set in the late eighties and early nineties. ACS is a powerful tool that's ahead of its time, allowing you to create all sorts of adventures of various genres, even to the point of allowing you to create your own graphics, things, and creatures to completely make an original game. It can also complete a partial game or even create one from scratch. It also allows from 1 to 4 players, and the players can split up and go anywhere in the game world. The graphics on my Apple IIc aren't that great, though there's an Amiga version that has much better graphics. I didn't remember the details of these games (or in some cases, the games themselves) after having not played them for decades, so I got to play them without prior knowledge and they were fresh and new to me. I noticed a bunch of design flaws and typos, but they're still fun. So far I've played:
  • Secret Agent: A cheesy spy thriller set in New York, though you also visit London and Miami
  • The Historian: Visit all sorts of times and places as you try to defeat the Time Wizard and stop him from changing history
  • Trapped: A fantasy game where you have to defeat an evil wizard to return to your own land, where you must then defeat the warlord who took over in your absence
  • Supercop: Play a New York cop battling against a crime wave and trying to shut down a drug smuggling operation
  • Quest of the Gods: A game based on Greek mythology, where you have to rescue Hermes from the Underworld
  • Superspy: Go on a series of missions against the terrorist organization SQUASH. You have to fly a helicopter through hostile airspace multiple times and battle enemy aircraft, as well as go on missions on the ground
  • Lone Wolf: An adaptation of the first five books of the Lone Wolf series, with an ending tacked on which is similar to Book 12 (which I hadn't actually seen yet when I wrote the game) but far simpler
  • Stranded on Volnar: A science fiction game where you get trapped on a hostile planet filled with space pirates, cannibals, and other dangers
  • Swords and Sorcerers: A silly fantasy game set in a kingdom ruled by a five year old boy named Calvin that is threatened by the Evil One (and Calvin's treacherous Uncle Smedley). At the start of the game, you learn that Calvin has declared today "Stupid Day," and anyone found without a dunce cap can be executed
  • Wasteland: Set in the aftermath of a nuclear war that President Dan Quayle accidentally started in 1997. I don't think I had actually played the 1987 game Wasteland yet at the time I wrote this one, but it ticks all the boxes. Ultimately, you have to find an experimental time machine in a government base guarded by robots and use it to go back to 1997 to prevent the war
  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: A combat-heavy game where you battle your way through armies of Foot Soldiers and ninja to reach and defeat Shredder
Currently, I'm playing Star Traveller and am almost halfway done. It's set in 2490, and you start on Earth and have to acquire enough credits to buy a used starship, then go out and explore space, battling the Crotaxian invaders who are conquering outlying human colonies.

I finished watching Sliders and then watched the entire series of The Shield, a cop show starring Tony Chiklis as Vic Mackey. He had previously starred as Tony Scali in The Commish (which I also have on DVD), but this is a very different show and he plays a very different character. I'll let Vic tell you in his own words: "Good cop and bad cop left for the day. I'm a different kind of cop." All of the characters are flawed but with redeeming features. It's dark and gritty, and Vic and his strike team are antiheroes, corrupt but also trying to fight crime. I remembered the major plot twist at the end of season 5 as well as Vic's ultimate fate from when I had watched the show when it first aired, but I had forgotten much. Then I started watching Knight Rider, and I'm currently almost a third of the way through Season 2.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement?

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2022 10:22 am
by kabukiman
I saw the movie "ad astra". Not as good as "interstellar" but still very good. Also saw annihilation: I really loved it, it remembers be the story "The color of out of space" from Lovecraft. I watched the russian movie #Superdeep", it remembers me "the thing" and it was much better than I expected. Also finished to see the first season of "stranger things": I also liked, but I doubt I will se the other seasons, too much episodes.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement?

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2022 11:02 am
by jp1885
TV: currently binge watching Dark, a German time travel thriller with echoes of Stranger Things. It’s a very good show; three seasons in all. Just coming out on Netflix is 1899: a show by the makers of Dark; which looks pretty good.
Also just started SAS: Rogue Heroes on the BBC. Again, pretty good so far.

Gaming: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. We’ve embarked on the Enemy Within Campaign. Currently battling through Death on the Reik.
I’ve also joined the Kickstarter for the new edition of Paranoia. I did a lot of GMing with the old Red Clearance Edition last year, but it kinda fizzled out, so I’m hoping to get my mojo back with the new stuff.
Rivers of London (based on the BRP rules): waiting in anticipation for this to be released on 3rd December, as I love the books.
I took the Write Your First Adventure course in the summer and did a scenario for this game, so when the rules come out I can finally finish that off and playtest it!

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement?

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2022 7:19 am
by Mr. Handy
I finally got Lone Wolf Book 28 on Saturday and have started playing it. My first few attempts ended in failure, but I rolled really badly for stats and often in combat, though I did get pretty far on my first try. I got much better Combat Skill for my fourth try, though very badly for Endurance, and I'm now entering uncharted territory, having gotten past the point that always killed me before. Once I get as far as I can with a new character, I'll risk bringing in my veteran character that completed Books 21-27.

I finished Star Traveller, which had some really tough boss fights, especially the final one. I ended up having to scour the galaxy for every healing item I could buy to max out my Life Force, and then I was able to win. Then I played Kwazy Kwest, another silly fantasy game where I had to defeat the evil wizard Zonkface, who had acquired magic that let him control all evil creatures. That was a tough battle too. Then I played Street Warrior, which I had made in the early 90s but set in October 2001 New York, where gangs ruled the streets. You play an ex-cop who was kicked off the NYPD for being too violent who becomes a vigilante. The game turned out to be unfinished, with only four areas done plus the world map, but it was a lot of fun and somewhat predictive of how things would actually develop in the 2020s. At one point, the police arrest you for your vigilante activities, and when you ask why they don't go after the real criminals, one said "We're just too darn scared." Then I played another unfinished game, Star Wars: Rebel Yell. I must have put Street Warrior on hold to work on it. I had had it all planned out, but I only completed the first area and the very beginning of the second. You play a cadet at the Academy learning to be a pilot with Rebel sympathies, and one of your classmates is arrested for aiding the Rebellion. While trying to help her and find a way to contact the Rebels, you run afoul of the authorities and have to escape from the Academy, stealing a captured X-Wing that they use in exercises. The TIE fighters stationed there lack hyperdrives, so they won't help you escape, but they can sure try to stop you. Then I found two of my older ACS games. Prisoner of War is set during World War Two, where you have to escape from Stalag 13 and then make your way across occupied Europe to England before being sent on a new mission in Germany. The characters from Hogan's Heroes are in the POW camp, and the silliness doesn't stop there. There was also a fantasy game called The Stone of Destiny, where your enemy the Deathlord is too well-protected to defeat in the present, so you have to find an artifact that will allow you to travel back in time and defeat him before he rises to power. Then I started playing Bioshock (Remastered), which is a lot of fun. I'm currently in the Smugglers' Hideout near the submarine, but I've put this on hold to read/play my Lone Wolf books.

I'm most of the way done watching the fourth and final season of Knight Rider, in the middle of "Deadly Knightshade" about a stage magician who moonlights as an assassin, which gives him a perfect alibi.

I saw Annihilation some time ago, but I don't remember it too well.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement?

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2022 11:30 pm
by Mephistophilis
Annihilation, particularly the book, has a nice Lovecraftian vibe.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement?

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2022 10:36 pm
by Mr. Handy
I rolled lousy stats for my first attempt at Lone Wolf 28, The Hunger of Sejanoz, but I got fairly far despite that. That was followed by eight more failures, where I had a lot of bad luck, usually in initial stats and often in combat. Some of the tough battles are avoidable, if you're lucky, but I wasn't. Early on there's a 50-50 chance of avoiding a really tough fight, and I missed it every single time. On the last of those tries, though, I didn't get too badly hurt in it, plus I started with maximum Endurance (though only middling Combat Skill), and I got to the final confrontation, only to get killed before it properly started due to running out of Endurance. I'm trying again, and this time I have decent Combat Skill, though minimum Endurance. I've still not rolled the maximum Combat Skill, or even one less than that, and whenever I rolled two less than the maximum (twice), I got the minimum Endurance. Still, I managed to avoid that tough early fight this time, though an unavoidable fight that should be much easier really drained my Endurance due to bad rolls. Hopefully I'll at least get a little further this time, even though I don't expect to be able to win the final fight.

I only have five episodes left of Knight Rider, including the one I'm in the middle of, called "Hills of Fire." Michael and K.I.T.T., and a drone named S.I.D., are trying to stop an arsonist starting wildfires.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement?

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2022 10:25 am
by kabukiman
So I saw the movies "event horizont" and "the cabin in the woods" both lovcraftian in different ways.
I have started to play "stellaris" as rogue servators: basically humans have retired to a life of leisure and utopia and let robots rule everything. That means as a robot I can have good relations with both organics and machines empires (the other 2 robot empire hate organics so they cannot have any comercial or scientific deals). The price is that I have to spend a lot of ressources to let the humans do, well, whateaver humans do. I am expanding and creating colonies in several planets (since I play robots, I can colonize even barren planets, no need to produce food!).

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement?

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2022 11:05 am
by jp1885
Just two days before the Rivers of London rpg comes out. Tempted to run a game on here…

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement?

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2022 5:14 am
by Mr. Handy
kabukiman wrote: Mon Nov 28, 2022 10:25 am So I saw the movies "event horizont" and "the cabin in the woods" both lovcraftian in different ways.
I have started to play "stellaris" as rogue servators: basically humans have retired to a life of leisure and utopia and let robots rule everything. That means as a robot I can have good relations with both organics and machines empires (the other 2 robot empire hate organics so they cannot have any comercial or scientific deals). The price is that I have to spend a lot of ressources to let the humans do, well, whateaver humans do. I am expanding and creating colonies in several planets (since I play robots, I can colonize even barren planets, no need to produce food!).
I've seen both movies. I actually first saw Event Horizon in the movie theater when it was new. Both are great. I've never played Stellaris. I prefer turn-based strategies to real-time.
jp1885 wrote: Mon Nov 28, 2022 11:05 am Just two days before the Rivers of London rpg comes out. Tempted to run a game on here…
If you run it, I'd like to play it!

The tenth time was the charm! I was insanely lucky with my rolls in The Hunger of Sejanoz. I avoided all of the avoidable fights, and I managed to have halfway decent Endurance left for the endgame and took a better route. I knew I couldn't take Sejanoz in a straight up fight, so I took a shot with the object I had that could destroy him. I actually rolled a 9 somehow, which is exactly what I needed to kill him instantly! Never even had to fight him, which was a very good thing, as I had 5 Endurance Points left at that point. Phew! Then I played the bonus adventure, and while I rolled awful stats, I was lucky and managed to complete it on my first attempt. In that one, you play a different character trying to survive the aftermath of Sejanoz's destruction and find his son, both of whom are vampires who had been turned and enslaved by Sejanoz (who was an extremely ancient vampire). Then I brought my veteran character through the main adventure, which was much easier. Now I'm getting ready to start Book 29, The Storms of Chai, which I've had for years but waited to get the new extended edition of Book 28 before playing. The original version of Book 28 was published in 1998, but Book 29 was first published in 2016. There's also a similar time jump in the book, which takes place 17 years after the last one, though in the same land as Book 28 (Chai has a culture analogous to China), where I begin an epic quest leading into the endgame for the entire series. I still have to finish reading all the frontmatter (there's a lot!) before I begin play.

I finished Knight Rider, and now I've started watching The Commish, which aired from 1991-6. It stars Michael Chiklis again, this time as Commissioner Tony Scali, a very different character than Vic Mackey from The Shield. So far I've watched the first episode, which was great. I probably missed a bunch of these episodes when they originally aired, as I didn't have a TV when I was in college.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement?

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2022 2:51 pm
by Mephistophilis
jp1885 wrote: Mon Nov 28, 2022 11:05 am Just two days before the Rivers of London rpg comes out. Tempted to run a game on here…
About a quarter of the way through so far. Looking like a stripped down CoC mechanically.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement?

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2022 10:43 pm
by jp1885
Yeah, agreed. Just finished reading and summarising the rules into bullet points (helps me memorise the rules).
Going to start on Thursday with 3 players. Hopefully I can fit in a session zero and The Bookshop before Christmas.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement?

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2022 6:14 am
by Mr. Handy
I'm well into Lone Wolf Book 29, which is also set in Chai, but is very different than the previous book. I managed to get quite far with a new character (eventually, after many deaths). While I doubt I'll be able to get all the way through this time, I'll get as far as I can before I try it with my veteran character.

I'm almost halfway through the first season of The Commish and really enjoying it. I actually remembered some of the episodes.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement?

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2023 2:54 pm
by kabukiman
So, I saw "the void", ok, but not great, "the endless" (very original approach about a cult and an eldrich deity) and I started watching "the cabinet of curiosities".

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement?

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2023 5:46 am
by Mr. Handy
I completed Lone Wolf Books 29-31 early in the year (they were excellent), and I've also read the Definitive Editions of Books 1-10. The final book, 32, will be divided into two volumes, with the first due out next fall. I've also been reading the Autumn Snow series, having played the first five books, though only the first two of them have been published. The author is running adaptations of them as roleplaying games using the Lone Wolf Adventure Game on Discord and Roll20. and I'm one of the players. We're nearing the end of Book 6 (there are seven in all). I'm thinking of reading Fire and Blood by George R. R. Martin next.

I also finished Bioshock earlier this year, and I've been playing Fallout: New Vegas on and off for the last seven months or so. Somehow I'd never gotten around to playing it, but it's excellent. I'm about halfway done, at level 26, currently trying to find the Legion spy in Camp McCarran after having explored Freeside and the New Vegas Strip. I've also completed the Honest Hearts DLC. I also played a game of Civilization Revolution on my PS3, which is basically Civilization Lite. It was a quick game, and very easy. I just won a cultural victory last weekend on Turn 90 (1710 AD).

I put The Commish on hold in the middle of Season 4 when I figured out how to get Blu-rays to play on my PC. It hadn't been working with the software that came with the Blu-ray drive, and my PS3 hadn't been able to show any videos on my TV, but I downloaded a free Blu-ray player that worked. I've watched a bunch of them, most recently several seasons of Doctor Who on Blu-ray collections. My TV died in the summer, but I got a new one pretty quickly, only to discover that my PS3 had died. I got another used one, which worked for a while, but then Blu-rays stopped working on it (though games still work), so I went back to watching them on my PC. I'm currently watching Sylvester McCoy's first season, going through the bonus materials for the awful Time and the Rani. Once I finish the season, I plan to go back to The Commish and finish watching it.

I played a few board games over the summer. Twilight Struggle: Red Sea is fun, but I couldn't win the tutorial yet (I came close the first time, but the next couple of times I was automatically defeated by drawing the wrong card at the wrong time). I also played Star Wars: The Clone Wars, which has Pandemic-like mechanics. It was a lot of fun, and my first game was very easy. I actually managed to complete my first mission right away, as I started with one of my Jedi on the planet, and the other was close enough to get there.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement?

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2024 5:04 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Hi! Dropping in to see how thimgs are with you guys. All is well here. Moddiing some computer cases and building computers. Enjoyed the Fallout TV-series. About to read a historic book set in 1400 Visby about Russian illdoings. Cheers guys!

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement?

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2024 2:59 am
by Mr. Handy
Welcome back, Dave!

I read Fire and Blood, which was excellent, and it inspired me to follow it up with some non-fiction history. I next read Flavius Josephus's Antiquities of the Jews, which goes from Creation to AD 66. As great as George R. R. Martin's writing about Westeros is, the fictional characters have nothing on Herod's family. I paused to read the new The Huntress trilogy of gamebooks, set in the world of Lone Wolf and written by Jonathan Stark, and it was amazing. It has so many innovations that are giving me ideas for writing my own gamebooks, and it was a lot of fun with a great story to boot. I also read the Definitive Editions of Lone Wolf Books 11 and 12. Later I reread The Huntress trilogy, unlocking a secret ending that only becomes available after you've completed the series once. Now I'm in the middle of reading Josephus's War of the Jews (or The Jewish War), primarily about the Jewish revolt against the Romans in AD 66-73, though it covers some of the same territory as his other book, starting with the Maccabees. I'm about two-thirds done now, and Vespasian is about to become emperor. Next I plan to read Alpha and Omega by Harry Turtledove, published in 2019, well known for his alternate histories. I've read many of his books, but it's been years since I have, and I found out about this one when I looked into what he had written since then. This book is about an archaelogical discovery under the Temple Mount in modern Israel (presumably the Ark of the Covenant going by the cover), and when the news becomes public, a chain of events begins that changes the world tremendously (kind of like what it looks like is about to happen now). Then I want to read Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. The first three volumes go from AD 180 - 476, from the Roman Empire's peak to the fall of Rome. The other three continue until 1453 when Constantinople fell, focusing on the Byzantine Empire.

I paused Fallout: New Vegas to do that reading, and before I resume it I want to replay Beneath a Steel Sky and then play Beyond a Steel Sky, which I just got for a 90% discount. I've also recently started a game of Civilization IV Beyond the Sword, and I'm about 40 turns into it. I'm playing as Babylonia led by Hammurabi, and I'm off to a decent start. Rome (led by Julius Caesar) and Japan (led by Tokugawa) are also in the game, but they're fairly far from me. Before that I started a multiplayer play by email game of it with a couple of friends, but that's stalled as they've been very busy. I'm about ten turns into that one, playing the Vikings led by Ragnar, and I had an excellent start there. My human opponents are Rome (led by Julius Caesar) and Japan (led by Tokugawa), and I've also met France (led by Charles de Gaulle). I've also started a three-player game of Star Saga: One - Beyond the Boundary, a hybrid board game/computer game/RPG from 1988 about space exploration that I really enjoy. We've played about thirty turns of that in two sessions so far, but one of the other players is away until July. I've almost finished exploring the human colonies, but the other players have headed off into the unknown without doing that and have run into trouble because they didn't upgrade their ships.

I finished Season 24 of Doctor Who and The Commish, and I've also watched Serenity and the Prisoner on Blu-ray. Currently I'm watching A Place to Call Home, a great drama set in 1950s Australia. I'm more than halfway through Season 3 (out of 6). I'm expecting Doctor Who Season 20 on Blu-Ray (Peter Davison's second season) to arrive tomorrow, and the Blu-ray of the newly animated The Celestial Toymaker is not far behind it. Season 15 (Tom Baker's fourth season) is due in early July.