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Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 1:50 pm
by kabukiman
Just finished the game syndicate (the original from bullfrog). In the 90's I played it a lot but didn't finished it. I corrected that now. Pure cyberpunk with dark humour.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 2:06 pm
by carnage_lee
Wave of nostalgia..... I used to love to play 'Terror from the deep' never finished that game though :/

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 2:51 am
by Mr. Handy
I have both games and played them in the 90s as well. I completed Syndicate more than once, but I never finished Terror from the Deep either (probably because it was buggy, but it was also a lot harder than the original X-COM). I have heard that the final missions are set in R'lyeh, and Cthulhu might have been the end boss. I do remember encountering Deep Ones. Maybe they'll remake it like they did with Enemy Unknown.

A couple of weeks ago I finished Ultima IV and started on Ultima V, another awesome classic. It's been so long that it's like playing again for the first time, though I am remembering some things. I'm still in the early stages of exploring the world, but I've already made significant progress. After that, I have the newly released Wasteland 2 on deck, but I'll wait until I finish Ultima V before I play it. That'll give them time to patch it.

I've been watching Boardwalk Empire lately. Plenty of 1920s gangster action, but no Mythos. I finsihed Season 2 and am now watching the bonus materials before moving on to Season 3. Season 4 came out on video last month, but I'm waiting until I can get it for a decent price before I buy it.

I finished A Game of Thrones and read about a third of A Clash of Kings, but I've put that on hold to read the new Ken Follett book Edge of Eternity, the conclusion to the Century Trilogy that clocks in at just under 1100 pages. I'm over 1/6 of the way through, and it's still only mid-1962.

I recently had time to play some board games. I played a few games of Machina Arcana, but I got my head handed to me. That game is hard. I've put it aside for now. I played the first scenario in Level 7 [ESCAPE], which was fun, and I have Run Fight or Die ready to play as soon as I have some time, which will hopefully be in a couple of days. Still plenty more lined up after that, plus I just bought a few more on Miniature Market during their one-day sale (including Descent, with an expansion that allows it to be played solo). Also, the core sets of Shadows of Brimstone, which I backed on Kickstarter, should be arriving soon.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2014 11:58 am
by kabukiman
Wow, Ultima! I bougth that in gog and I'l try to finish one of those days.
I am playing rome total war by the seleucids. They are the biggest faction, but they have many problems: they start at war with 4 other factions, their subjects hate them, the empire is too big, they have only levy farmers and hoplites at the beggining.
I started to conquer Jerusalem from the egypcians and another city in anatolia from ponthus; but after some time with my armies far away, I was loosing cities. My situation actually improved: I concentrated my armies in my core region, so my armies could fight several battles in the same turn; I develop the phalanx, missile cavalry and archers. This ways I destroyed the enemies armies, and recovered the lost cities. I have now 13 cities, and I have invaded Egypt and conquered the parthian capital (Susa).
The game has some flaws (It's stupid that even after defeating enemy armies and conquering some of their cities they refuse my peace propositions even if I propose to pay an indemity). But from a tactical point of view, the game is funny.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2014 9:05 pm
by Mr. Handy
I have Rome Total War (got it for $1 when Steam had it on sale at 90% off), but I haven't played it yet.

I'm currently in the process of playing all of the Ultima games in order, for the first time in ages (and I've never played the Worlds of Ultima games, which are free on GoG). I haven't had much time to play Ultima V so far this week, but I've explored a little more and am almost ready to go get the sandalwood box, which I'll eventually need to win the game, as well as the ever-useful magic carpet and a couple of other magic items in Lord British's private chambers.

I started on Season 3 of Boardwalk Empire and have watched the first episode so far. They've skipped almost all of 1922, and it's 1923 now.

I'm almost 1/4 of the way done Edge of Eternity, currently at the height of the Cuban Missile Crisis.

I haven't had time to play board games yet, but I should tonight. I also went and ordered another bunch of games from CoolStuffInc, as the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Skull and Shackles Base Set was on a daily sale at $25 (retail price $60, and their regular price is $40) and I couldn't pass it up. With it I ordered The Cards of Cthulhu and Upon a Fable (with the New Kingdoms expansion). That order should arrive tomorrow, well before the one I had previously ordered from MM because of delays due to high volume during the sale.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 4:34 pm
by kabukiman
I'm continuing with rome total war. I conquered all the parthian cities. But since they are a nomad people, they simply fled, and I have now an army looking for them in the russian steppes; a waste of troops.
I have conquered Egypt and Ponthus. I'm near to conquer the last independent greek city in minor asia. The problem is that one of the roman factions has already come to ask a "volunteer contribution". And my army is of very low quality (mainly normal phalanx , missile cavalry and archers), I can only win battles against the independent greeks because I have more than twice the armies and sometimes I bribe. I'l have to get better units (silver and golden shield, catrafactes- but it's very expensives) if I want to have any chance against Macedonia or Rome (and get a navy).

I have read several books of Dylan Dog. They are stories about a paranormal investigator, some are excelent and original, others are near copies of books or movies.
I saw for the first time on tv a Doctor Who episode, and I liked.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 7:30 pm
by Mr. Handy
I'm still a long way from finishing Ultima V, but I haven't had all that much time to play. I really shafted myself early on in the game. Apparently picking crops at Iolo's Hut counts as stealing, even though Iolo has been in my party the whole game. I did it at the outset to bolster my food supplies, and now my virtue score is shot. I've had to start building it up slowly and painfully, but there are only limited opportunities to do so. I'll probably need to donate a ton of gold at the shrines later on to boost my score high enough to complete the game. On the plus side, I've explored a lot of Dungeon Wrong and scored a lot of treasure and items, many of which I didn't need and could sell for more gold. I saved up enough to finally buy a frigate and am now exploring the seas.

After finishing Season 4 of Boardwalk Empire, I've started watching the original BBC version of The Forsyte Saga that aired in 1967. I've watched about eight episodes (out of 26) so far. I also recently bought Homeland Season 3 on sale, which I have lined up to watch next.

I've finished both Edge of Eternity and A Clash of Kings, the latter just two days ago, and I've now started on A Storm of Swords, the third book in A Song of Ice and Fire.

I've since played and won at both the Cards of Cthulhu and Upon a Fable, and I've played a game of The Bravest Warriors, a cooperative dice game based on a cartoon I've never seen, though it's from the same people who make Adventure Time. I lost, but I should have time to try again tonight. After that I have a bunch more games waiting for me to play. Shadows of Brimstone also arrived not too long ago, but I want to play the shorter games I have waiting before I jump into something so big. I've also ordered some new games during Miniature Market's Black Friday Sale, including Nations for only $50. I would have bought Merkator, but someone snatched it out of my electronic cart before I could complete my order. There had been four copies left when I added it to my cart, and immediately afterwards there were three. I'd thought that this meant one had been set aside for me, but it just meant that someone else had happened to complete an order at that moment. By the time I had selected the other games I was buying, they were all gone.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 8:19 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Been watching Sons of Anarchy, reached season 4 atm. Still playing with my dear Skyrim. Trying a Thalmor spy this time. Also, trying to upload vids to youtube and am failing horribly at that. Kudos to those who upload good content over there. They must be skilled in a couple of areas...
That said, most fail to deliver any content worth watching. Humbly I add my name to that list.
I may, however learn by doing.

I´m reading a couple of short novels in one of those Fantasy anthologies you can find at book stores.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 9:35 pm
by Mr. Handy
I just made some major progress in Ultima V at Blackthorn's Castle. Not only did I retrieve Lord British's Crown, which has the very useful (though double-edged) ability to negate all magic, but I've also found several prisoners to rescue, which will do wonders for my virtue score.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 9:57 pm
by Dave Syrinx
I remember playing Ultima IX as one of the first games on my first computer. It was along with the Blade Runner game from Westwood studios.
I got a Tarot deck, a map and some neat stuff in that box.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 10:21 pm
by Mr. Handy
I also got a physical boxed copy of Ultima IX with the same stuff in it. That one tried to recapture the feeling of the excellent middle trilogy, but I think it failed, and the ending seemed rushed. It'll be some time before I get to that one again. I backed Shroud of the Avatar on Kickstarter at the $125 level, so I'll get a boxed copy of that one too, as well as digital copies of all five games they have planned. It's still in pre-Alpha and way behind schedule, and it has just gone into Early Access on Steam. I logged in once to check it out, but I didn't really have time to explore. I also have the Westwood Studios Blade Runner game.

The first IBM PC game I got was the VGA version of Quest for Glory I, though I'd been buying Apple II games for years (I think the first one I got for that was the hilarious and difficult Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy from Infocom). I got a boxed copy of the first Ultima VII early on as well, which was a great game. Before that I'd played Ultima I on a friend's computer (it takes all of three hours to complete) as well as the NES version of Ultima III on a friend's console, which had music and better graphics. gives away the two Worlds of Ultima games for free. I've never played them, as they were very difficult to find. I plan to play them right after Ultima VI. I also bought digital copies of the entire Ultima series on sale on GOG. My Ultima I-VI CD doesn't work on any computers that aren't near 20 years old, my floppy disk copies of the Ultima Underworld games aren't in such good shape, and my Ultima VIII is also on floppy disks and thus does not have the speech pack or expansion, so this allows me to get the full experience.

I actually have some surplus GOG codes. Kabukiman, I know I still owe you for Broken Sword 4, so I'll give you first crack at the ones you want. I got a second copy of The Witcher 2 free, but that code expires on December 31, so it has to be redeemed by then. In addition, I got free gift codes for Dungeon Keeper Gold (Fantasy game where you control the dungeon), Magrunner: Dark Pulse (Mythosy Science Fiction), and Torchlight (Fantasy Roguelike). Also, as part of my rewards for backing Wasteland 2 on Kickstarter, I have additional GOG codes for The Bard's Tale and Wasteland 1, and a second digital copy of Wasteland 2 (in your choice of GOG or Steam key).

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 10:52 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Dropping some good games to the list. Had them but they are hopelessly gone, now.
Planescape Torment
Icewind Dale

Pure awesomeness!

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 3:03 am
by Mr. Handy
All of those games are available digitally on (including bonus stuff). Their fall sale is over, but they'll be having another one in December, I'm sure. I have all three of those (including a physical copy of Arcanum), but I never got around to playing any of them yet.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 10:50 am
by Dave Syrinx
Oh! Then you have a treat ahead of you! Especially Planescape is really good. They all follow the same game concept. I guess it´s the sign of the time with Fallout and Jagged Alliance, Baldur´s Gate and so on. The origin must have been Pen & Paper Dungeons & Dragons, I guess. Followed by Zork and those maze games.

Nowadays, most games are good too, but can get by with mere graphics. The question is - is it possible to appreciate the out-dated gameplay mechanics and slower gameplay of the 90´s games?

I´d bet someone is doing a Kickstarter of at least one of the three games I mentioned.

Fabiano, did you play any of the games?

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 6:01 pm
by Mr. Handy
It is possible to enjoy and appreciate old games, not just from the 90s but from the 80s as well (or even the 70s, such as Collossal Cave, the original text adventure). I do it all the time. Earlier this year I replayed Wasteland 1 (1987) for the first time in ages and greatly enjoyed it, and the Ultima games I've been replaying are also from the 1980s (Ultima VI, the next one on my list, came out in 1990). For me, graphics aren't as important as the story and gameplay, and excellent graphics don't make up for the lack of those.

There already was a Kickstarter for another Torment game, Tides of Numenara, which I backed. It's not a literal sequel to Planescape: Torment, but it should be similar. That game isn't out yet, though. I haven't heard of any Kickstarters for Arcanum or Icewind Dale, but those would be great!

I played two more games of The Bravest Warriors last night. I lost the first one badly, ending with only 3 VPs out of a needed 20, and I was lucky to get that much. I failed a few encounters early on, which doomed me. However, in the next game I did exceptionally well, thanks to a decent helping of luck, and I won the game easily. Of course, that was Easy Mode. In Standard Mode, you need 25 VPs, but it'll be some time before I try that. I have Baldrick's Tomb ready to try next.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 10:39 am
by kabukiman
I have several of those games from gog too :D
When I'm bored from the battles of rome, I play baldur's gate 2 (I never finished it, it was huge).
The only game I'm interested and I'l buy it as christmas present for me is indiana jones and the fate of atlantis. But I have already more games that I have time to play.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 3:41 am
by Mr. Handy
So do I! I have hundreds of games I've never even started playing. I love Fate of Atlantis! I think I got it back in 1994, not long after getting my first CD-ROM drive. It was one of the first true "talkies," with full speech for the entire game.

I played two games of Baldrick's Tomb, a cute dungeon crawl, last weekend. In my first game I had very bad luck and never found Baldrick's gem, so I tried again. Having the Scout skill helped a lot, and I managed to make off with the gem and a decent amount of gold. I have Shadowrun Crossfire, a cooperative deckbuilder, lined up, but there's a lot of reading material with it that's taking me a while to finish. Hopefully I'll be able to actually play it this coming weekend.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 10:27 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Just watched the latest episode of Sons of Anarchy. Good times.
Managed to starting remodel the bathroom. Good job!
Took a few sips of Rosé, cotton for the soul.

Signed up for PARANOIA!, time to deny everything. No secret societies. Nope. None!

Finally, managed to stabilize my laptop. Threw away 200GB Of miscellaneous files and programs.
Hard work to track down the files on the webs to get what I need to play my games.

All files retrieved. System fine. Now, time to update,


Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 4:03 am
by Mr. Handy
Great to hear!

I haven't had time to play Ultima V in weeks, but I hope to be able to during the next couple of weeks. I might even be able to finish it in that time, as I'll be off from work for most of it. Then I can finally start Dreamfall Chapters, and Wasteland 2 after that.

I just finished The Forsyte Saga and started watching Season 4 of Downton Abbey on Blu-ray in preparation for Season 5's premiere in early January. I've already seen Season 4, but it's been a while, and I also watched them as they aired and I was doing other things, so they didn't have my full attention. After that, I have Homeland Season 3 lined up to watch.

I'm more than halfway done A Storm of Swords, and I know that the Red Wedding is coming up soon. There are numerous differences between the TV series and the books. Some things were changed, some were added, and others were done out of order. Before long I'll be in new territory, as I've only seen Game of Thrones through the end of Season 3.

I'm in the middle of a game of Shadowrun Crossfire that I started last Sunday night, but I haven't had time to finish it, though I should be able to tonight. I cleared the first two scenes easily, though I lucked out in getting the right cards at exactly the right time. My Street Samurai faced a Troll Bonelaced Adept that gave me some trouble. It took all of my cards just to put a dent in it, after which I took quite a beating, but my Decker was actually able to finish it off with the perfect hand. I'm early in the third scene, and I've only had to face Normal obstacles in this game because I finished the first two scenes so quickly. With the cards I've gained, I should be able to mop up in short order. I also found a local board game playing group within walking distance, and I went to my first meeting with them today. A lot of people showed up, and I played some great games. I brought Firefly and taught it to a few people. There wasn't really enough table space, and even the introductory scenario took a while, so we didn't actually finish the game, but I did manage to achieve the first goal and get about halfway to the second before the other players wanted to stop. I got to try Rise of Augustus, where I came in second. I also tried Merkator there, as the friend who told me about this group had bought it when it was on sale online for $26, probably the same sale where I missed out on it. After I finish Shadowrun, I plan to play Space Sheep! (a semicooperative real time Star Wars spoof) and then Nations.

If someone wants my extra GOG key for The Witcher 2, please let me know. It expires at the end of the year, so it'll go to waste if nobody uses it.

Re: What´s my/your current reading/viewing/playing amusement

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 11:41 am
by kabukiman
I was in tyhe cinema with my son and we say the hobbit 3; he really liked the movie (for me it was ok, but nothing else even if it had some good scenes).
I've played deus ex the fall (I haven't finish yet)- the game was considered a failure, but I don't agree: thye cyberpunk genre isn't about saving the world, but corporation wars. My char has already all the drugs he wants, now he is trying to save the life of an inspector- trouble is getting to him without killing his bodyguards