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Setting and background

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 8:22 pm
by Dave Syrinx

The Umbrella Biohazard Counter-measure Service (or Service Biological Countermeasures Umbrella) is a special secret body created by the Umbrella own to cope with the adversities that may result from the illegal and covert activities of the company. It is a unit of highly trained men and women, from the military environment or trained by the same umbrella, which come into action to contain the effects of Umbrella's experiments in the field of genetic research and biological weapons, to eliminate any trace or "side effect" which may have resulted as a result and "help those affected”. The UBCS sometimes also responsible for the evacuation of cities and towns, and assisting the wounded, when reaction time is critical and can not wait for the arrival of other troops, or in many cases, when one's corporation wants to keep everything under control. Another function of "unrecognized" is the intelligence and counterintelligence, as well as tactical assaults to certain facilities of rival companies.

You, as members of this body, you are specialized in missions that include erasing corporate disasters in the fields of biological and genetic experimentation. You will also be responsible for tactical assaults in enemy territory for the recovery of key personnel (including kidnappings) and classified information.
You are people who know that your work is something illegal and outlawed, and have no moral problems with it. Receive an impressive salary , long vacation at exotic places, but are required to be immediately available, have absolute discretion and a high level of training. They also know that their lives will be tied to the corporation, they can never leave their job, and that there´s only one way out: in a body bag inside a crematorium ...

Alpha Team

UBCS Alpha team was sent to enter the hive through a hidden entrance (a mansion on the outskirts of Racoon City). Its mission is to disable the Red Queen and collect information on what happened.

Note: What happens to the Alpha team is in fact what happens in the film Resident Evil. iIt is recommended to have seen the film before you play this game.

You are Team Bravo.

You have been informed that there are two survivors who managed to escape from the Hive. These are the two directors of the complex. Both escaped through a hidden exit which leads directly to a shopping mall on the outskirts of the city. It is also known that they broke the security protocol, to smuggle biological samples from the Hive.
After four hours, the Red Queen took control of the mall, sealed all exits and isolated all external communication. It also appears that, somehow, she has killed everyone who was inside at the time ...

Re: Setting and background

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 10:24 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Remember that your UBCS characters doesn´t know what you as players know of Umbrella Corporation. So, the fact that zombies might come in play is not expected by your characters ;)

Just another day at the office - lifting paper clips.