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Re: IC-SWORD-In Harm's Way(Lara Voronova/Steve Bell/Caitlin)

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 10:20 am
by Dave Syrinx
She did state in a spoiler that she "forgot the hefty wieght of the gun" and thus still would have it. You said she didn´t have to leave it behind... Or am I misreading the post? (Back in the barn.)

Re: IC-SWORD-In Harm's Way(Lara Voronova/Steve Bell/Caitlin)

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 4:49 pm
by SSior.27
OOC,[url=]The post in question.[/url] Also, I edited the previous post just to incorporate either possibility. Will re-edit it depending on the Keeper's discretion. (Though on the way to the truck, Caitlin was allowed to use it.)

Re: IC-SWORD-In Harm's Way(Lara Voronova/Steve Bell/Caitlin)

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 3:43 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,I don't see where [b]Caitlin[/b] fired the gun after leaving the barn, but I'll allow that she still has it. Now that I've had a chance to read [b]Steve[/b]'s earlier post, I can see what his intention was (I was half-asleep and in a hurry last night). The shot does (barely) hit. [b]Steve[/b], you can roll 1d20 for hit location and 4d6 for damage. [b]Caitlin[/b], you can roll 1d20 for hit location and 1d10 for damage. You also get a second shot with the pistol, and you're just within point blank range to boot, so your chance to hit is 40%. However, there is no time to get out of the truck while still having time to fire this round, so you'll have to fire through the open door. Just as well, as you won't be in as much danger inside the truck. There's a good chance that together you'll take out one of the zombies before they attack, but that would still leave two.

Re: IC-SWORD-In Harm's Way(Lara Voronova/Steve Bell/Caitlin)

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 8:14 am
by SSior.27
Caitlin watched as the first shot barely grazed the nearest infected's right arm. The second shot went way wide, though thankfully managed to miss everything else.
OOC,Sorry, was also dreary-minded. Thought the next post where LARA was shooting was Caitlin. Ugh, this sleep schedule is killing me!

Re: IC-SWORD-In Harm's Way(Lara Voronova/Steve Bell/Caitlin)

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 4:38 pm
by Wryce
Steve second shot, aimed downward, takes one of the creatures in the leg for significant damage.

Re: IC-SWORD-In Harm's Way(Lara Voronova/Steve Bell/Caitlin)

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 5:36 pm
by Dave Syrinx
"Get UP, Mister!" Lara shouts to the man in the gutter behind her. She keeps her hands double clenched around the hand gun´s grip.

Re: IC-SWORD-In Harm's Way(Lara Voronova/Steve Bell/Caitlin)

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 4:50 am
by Mr. Handy
On the road-
Steve, Lara, and Caitlin peppered the leading infected person with bullets and buckshot. One of its legs snapped and he went down, but somehow he kept crawling forward. Caitlin knew that the man should have been dead, and that what she was seeing was medically impossible. Even Steve and Lara, without much knowledge of medicine, could tell that. The sobbing man lying in the road just kept wailing and calling out Clara's name, oblivious to the danger he was in.

The horribly wounded ghoul reached out for Lara's legs, while the other two converged on Steve. Lara skipped back in time to avoid the creature's weakly grasping hands. Steve was not so fortunate. The other two reached him and began chewing on him, sinking their teeth deep into his stomach. Mortally wounded, he fell, bleeding profusely as his killers continued to consume him.
OOC,[b]Lara[/b] and [b]Caitlin[/b], you may both act now. The zombies are all at point blank range. The one attacking [b]Lara[/b] has taken 38 damage. If it takes at least two more, it will be destroyed. [b]Lara[/b], you may shoot at it with no problem. [b]Caitlin[/b], if you fire at it, you must roll Luck for each shot that misses to avoid hitting [b]Lara[/b]. If you shoot at one of the other two, you don't have to worry about it. [b]Lara[/b], if you kill your zombie with one shot, you may then direct your second shot at one of the other zombies, but there is no time to aim at the head this round. Next round you'd be able to do so, so you may wish to conserve ammo. [b]Caitlin[/b], you may aim at the head if you target one of the two zombies on [b]Steve[/b], but remember the -5 penalty. This applies after the point blank bonus, giving you a 35% chance to hit with each bullet. Sorry about that, [b]Steve[/b]. :cry: You're not quite dead yet, but you're doomed at this point and it won't be long. If you like, you can take over the man you've found lying by the road once he snaps out of his insanity (which won't be until after this combat is over). I''ll draw up a character sheet for him this weekend. I'd intended for him to be a throwaway character, hoping the zombies would eat him and give you a chance to get away (which was the purpose of the Luck roll). Probably the only way to stall the zombies long enough to either kill them or escape once the tire blew would be for somebody to die and keep them busy eating. The woman's body you had passed earlier was pretty much picked clean at that point, but a fresh corpse does buy you some time.

Re: IC-SWORD-In Harm's Way(Lara Voronova/Steve Bell/Caitlin)

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 5:09 am
by Wryce
Steve goes down, feeling the bloody claws dig into his body. The empty shotgun falls from his hand and clatters a few feet away from the open truck door. He looks at Caitlin, his face a mask of pain, before passing into darkness.
OOC,I kind of figured I was screwed after I missed the first time. There were a couple factors contributing to why I did what I did. I saw Steve as not being the kind of person to leave anyone behind to the fate that befell his wife, and he wouldn't kill another survivor just to save himself. Thinking back on it, he may have done it to keep Caitlin safe, but I didn't consider that angle at the time I made my decision. Ah well. It's survival horror- if no one dies, you're doing it wrong.

Re: IC-SWORD-In Harm's Way(Lara Voronova/Steve Bell/Caitlin)

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 5:36 am
by SSior.27
Caitlin's eyes widen seeing Steve go down out of the corner of her eye. "DAD! NO!" She turns and squeezes the trigger twice towards the monster lumbering toward her
Target + Question,not the one attacking Steve nor the one nearest Lara. Despite her panic, she doesn't want to hit the normal companions. She's more trying to keep the third off her ass so she can get to Steven. I doubt she can move after firing twice?
, barely missing the first shot, and once again shooting wide with her second shot.

Re: IC-SWORD-In Harm's Way(Lara Voronova/Steve Bell/Caitlin)

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 10:18 am
by Dave Syrinx
Lara keeps trotting backwards and squeezes the trigger. The round connects with the monster´s arm and he goes down.

Saving her second shot and taking aim for the next target, Lara watches in terror as Steve is sprawling beneath the hungry beasts.


Re: IC-SWORD-In Harm's Way(Lara Voronova/Steve Bell/Caitlin)

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 5:29 am
by Mr. Handy
On the road-
Lara's bullet lodged itself in the zombie's spinal cord, and it lay still at her feet at last. Behind her, the two on Steve continued their gruesome repast as he bled out. The other man kept wailing.
OOC,[b]Lara[/b] and [b]Caitlin[/b], roll Sanity for seeing [b]Steve[/b] killed. Sanity loss is 0/1d6. If you lose 5 or more Sanity, you must roll Idea. If you succeed at the Idea roll, you go temporarily insane, but if you fail you may act freely. You may both fire two shots this round at point blank range if you remain sane. They may be aimed at the head (with a -5 penalty) provided that both shots from each person are aimed at the same target. This would give [b]Lara[/b] an effective skill of 101% and [b]Caitlin[/b] an effective skill of 35%. It takes 10 points of damage to the head to destroy either zombie. [b]Caitlin[/b], you were right that you couldn't move and fire in the same round. Both of the other two zombies are attacking [b]Steve[/b], so there is no zombie near her.

Re: IC-SWORD-In Harm's Way(Lara Voronova/Steve Bell/Caitlin)

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 6:12 am
by SSior.27
Seeing her dad fall, Caitlin cracks harder than a wine glass but managed to keep enough of her wits to fire two shots across to hit one of her dad's attackers. She tries not to hit Steve, so takes a moment to aim for the head. The shots connect once, though the grazing shot didn't seem to do much to it.
Summary,96 on Sanity roll, lost 2 points. 76% and a 09% for the shots, the second doing 2 damage. Save you a bit of link following.

Re: IC-SWORD-In Harm's Way(Lara Voronova/Steve Bell/Caitlin)

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 7:21 am
by Dave Syrinx
Lara, getting jaded by all she´s seen is more annoyed by the quailing man behind her than the gruesome feast ahead of her. She shuts the sound out and feels the recoil of the gun as she shoots the second target on top of Steve. She feels only one bullet leave the gun. The exploding head of the infected mad man brings sound to her world once more.
She watches Steve´s life run out of his body and brings her gun towards the still munching zombie on top of him. Not sure if it´s dead or dying. The shot sestra had hit got lodged in the head, maybe to something vital...

Might be a second d10 for Caitlin for impale, right?

Re: IC-SWORD-In Harm's Way(Lara Voronova/Steve Bell/Caitlin)

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 9:18 pm
by Mr. Handy
On the road-
Lara's single shot blew out the brains of one of the zombies, and it collapsed. Caitlin shot the other one in the head, but it continued chewing. The man lying on the ground just sobbed. "'s not fair..."
OOC,[b]Caitlin[/b]'s shot was a 9, but she would have needed a 7 or less (1/5 of 35) to get an impale, so that was just a normal hit. Both of you may fire at the remaining zombie twice. It will take 8 more damage to the head to finish it.

Re: IC-SWORD-In Harm's Way(Lara Voronova/Steve Bell/Caitlin)

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 9:50 pm
by Dave Syrinx
The first shot hits home. As does the second, but the monster is still moving. "SHOOT IT SESTRA!!" Lara screams not fathoming it is not dead yet.

Re: IC-SWORD-In Harm's Way(Lara Voronova/Steve Bell/Caitlin)

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 10:35 pm
by SSior.27
"I'm shooting! I'm SHOOTING!" And sure enough, she was as she pulled the trigger a few more times, her thoughts nowhere near the count of ammo currently running low. The first shot entered the monster's temple and exited with explosive force on the other side. The second shot missed entirely as the target fell, finally dead to the best of Caitlin's noticing. She hesitates momentarily before making to run over to Steve.
OOC,Hahaha, that's what I get for rolling both at once. Ah well. Job got done.

Re: IC-SWORD-In Harm's Way(Lara Voronova/Steve Bell/Caitlin)

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 11:04 pm
by Dave Syrinx
"Good shot, sestra." Lara accompanies Caitlin by her father, dragging the foul corpses of the crazies off of him. "Into the car.." She says softly. "Treat him there." Lara watches Steve. "It´s gonna be right" She sas to him reassuringly.

Re: IC-SWORD-In Harm's Way(Lara Voronova/Steve Bell/Caitlin)

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 1:36 am
by Mr. Handy
On the road-
Each of the women put another bullet into the ghoul's skull, and it collapsed on top of Steve's body. It was obvious from looking at him that Steve was very dead, beyond all hope. The adrenalin of danger and battle faded, and now Lara and Caitlin felt weariness. They were still in the middle of nowhere with a flat tire, about 150 miles from their destination, and they were dangerously low on bullets. Caitlin had now lost both of her parents, and Lara was all she had left - and the possibility that her uncle and other relatives in Montana still lived.

"I love you, Clara..." moaned the weeping man lying in the road.
OOC,If you want to move the man into the truck, you will have to make a Resistance Table roll pitting your STR against his SIZ of 12. If you work together, you may combine your STR scores, giving you a total of 20 (and thus an 80% chance). If you want to try to help the man out of his insanity, that will take a Psychoanalysis roll (not Psychology). The base skill is only 1%, but [b]Caitlin[/b] has it much higher. You may do this while trying to move him, but not while taking some other action. If you want to start changing the tire, you'll need to roll Mechanical Repair. The base skill for that is 20%. Even if you succeed, this will take quite some time. This time will be shortened if you both succeed at Mechanical Repair rolls. [b]Caitlin[/b]'s second shot never happens, since her first did enough to kill the zombie. In fact, [b]Lara[/b]'s second shot never happens either, since both of their first shots were enough to finish it off.

Re: IC-SWORD-In Harm's Way(Lara Voronova/Steve Bell/Caitlin)

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 1:58 am
by SSior.27
Caitlin knelt by Steve's side, tears flowing profusely down her face as the adrenaline of combat wore off. She knew there was nothing to be done to bring him back, even with everything she had memorized from those damn textbooks, but still could not bear to leave his side just yet. Through the tears, she whispers "You protected me through it all so far. I couldn't have made it without you. I love you, Daddy."

Re: IC-SWORD-In Harm's Way(Lara Voronova/Steve Bell/Caitlin)

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 7:50 am
by Dave Syrinx
Realizing Caitlin´s father is quite dead, Lara puts her hand on her shoulder and comforts the girl. "I´m very sorry..." Words seem to be meaningless and she moves to the back of the truck to look for a jack and pare tire.

Tire swap:
Lara is having problems to get the jack to work correctly...