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Re: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 8:55 pm
by Andrew
OOC: We'll give Penthouse Forums a run for their money. ;)

As the blood thundered in Tornuaq's ears and ... He couldn't really hear anything past himself and Yuralria and to be honest, he wasn't all that concerned at the moment for much else.

OOC: Failed by 5%

Re: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 9:26 pm
by trixie
Yuralriahears a sound and suddenly has an eery feeling that she knows just what it is.

She throws on her clothes and rolls up onto her knees.

"Tornuaq! Now!"

OOC Passed both rolls, d- please pm me when u recover from your turkey overdose and hangover. ;) hahaha

Re: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 12:21 am
Yuralria hears the bone chilling cry of one of her people. The word "Help!" in Dorset lightly echoes from so far away followed by a long agony filled howl.

Tornuaq cannot hear anything but the pounding of his heart and the welcoming silence of the still night air. He was finally rid of the voices in his head... for now.

ooc- Yuralria see pm.

Re: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 7:09 am
by trixie
"Come on!" Yuralria streaks off after the voice she heard, trying to locate where it was coming from.

Re: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 4:35 pm
by Andrew
Tornuaq jumped up, pulled his pants back on and was ready in a moment, waiting to see where Yuralria lead him.

Re: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 3:19 pm
by trixie
Yuralria peers into the darkness, trying to make out who might be there.

They're in trouble." She stated simply, feeling she was stating the obvious. "Who's there Tornuaq? Can you see anyone?"

A rush of pink fills her cheeks and she seems elated all of a sudden. "Finally, my gods have returned to me. Aningan, you must help us!" Her feet move in beat to nonexistant music, but she stamps the drum beat out in the snow despite. Her hands move and the moonlight catches her hair and kisses it, glinting off her cheek and shining on her closed eyes. She tilts her face to the sky, a serene smile grows on her mouth, and she hums lowly, speaking words Tornuaq does not recognize.

Re: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 11:30 pm
by Andrew
Tornuaq smiles as Yuralria mention's the goddess' name. "She and her brother both spoke inside my head to me for awhile. I thought I was insane at first." He stated while trying to see anyone.

Re: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 3:18 am
As Yuralria begins to dance in the pale moonlight on the snowy plains… Tornuaq feels a strange sensation forming in the pit of his stomach. He has diffilculy turning away from the ex-Shaman’s elegance as she moved in a way the Dorset hunter was not accustomed.

ooc- Tornuaq make a Sanity check. If you fail. Roll again.. If you pass. You may act normally.

ooc- Yuralria and Tornauq make a Spot Hidden check.

Re: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 6:56 pm
by Andrew
OOC: Failed the first Sanity roll with a 91, failed the second with a 94. Spot Hidden roll 68: Passed. He's gone nuts be he sees. lol

Re: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 1:36 am
As the snow lets up for a brief moment, Tornuaq spots a Dorset Hunter running his way. A hundred meters or more off still, the Dorset man was limping and barely keeeping ahead of three clumsy pursuers. The pursuers were moving far too awkwardly to be considered natural. Their arms bent and writhing at peculiar angles.

Then it was all Tornuaq could do but stare at his beloved Yuralria as she danced, her body swaying gracefully as long strips of seaweed rocking in the currents of the sea. He could still see the horror taking place in the distance. He understood what was happening... The three writhing, shaking, now moaning figures closing in on one of his brothers. Tornuaq could not tell who from this distance but it was was most certainly one of his people.

Then Yuralria's dancing intensified. Her movement ertotically charged the night sky.. she invoked a certain loyalty in his heart by simply movement. Though the dancing was no simple feat. Yuralria's torso rocked in circles the Dorset Hunter would never suspected a woman capable of. Her leg twisted and her back arched at angles thought possible in dreams and nightmares alone. Tornuaq realized that he would mosty likely do whatever the ex-Shaman asked of him... his brothers be damned.


oocp- One last sanity check there Tornuaq!

ooc- Yuralria. Sanity Check please and if you pass that. Spot Hidden Check. You still have not yet seen the Dorset man.

Re: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 1:50 am
by Andrew
OOC: Whoohoo! Rolled a 35! I passed, I passed!
Tornuaq took a step to run to intercept and help his brother but paused. He didn't like the idea of leaving Yuralria alone and was not sure of what she was actually doing.

Re: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 3:26 am
by trixie
OOC Passed the sanity check, but failed the spot hidden

OOC Can she speak or is she too engrossed in what she's doing?

Re: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 3:30 am
OOC - she is too engrossed.

Re: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 6:34 am
Yuralria finally finished her dance to Aningan and Tornuaq now stood.. Just feet from her... Under her power...

ooc- Yuralria.. You may give Tornuaq one suggestion that cannot be against his better judgement. ie kill himslef or someone he cares for.

Re: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 5:00 pm
by trixie
"Tornuaq!" Yuralria cries breathlessly, then collapses into the snow on both knees. "Save and cry your fiercest battle cry.....avenge our people!" She gasps for air, and closes her eyes weakly. "Leave them!"

Re: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 8:11 pm
by Andrew
Tornuaq was torn but quickly found his feet racing to help those who needed it.

Re: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 10:23 pm
Tornuaq races through the snow in the direction he had last seen the Dorset man fleeing from his attacker. The snow is thick and but the command Yuralria had given him echoes in his mind pushing him forward. Finally he spots him 50 feet ahead.

It is Kinaktok. One of the elder's sons. Behind him four Vikings lumber behind him. Kinaktok is clearly injured. His leg bleeds profusely and the Dorset hunter is having difficulty keeping ahead of his pursuers.

Re: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 11:53 pm
by Andrew
Tornuaq sighed, those were horrible odds! He pulled his viking sword and charged head long at those persuing his brother.

Re: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 7:52 pm
Tonuaq and Yuralria hear a soft pushing sound as if the air had been suddenly drawn from a seal skin pouch. The snow seems to dance at their feet as it slides slowly north along the surface of the plains. The air is then suddenly stilled, casting a suspicious silence. A strange humming begins to rise as the northern lights stretch quickly across the sky like an ethereal ribbon floating in the long dark silky hair of the goddess. The greens and whites of the Aurora Borealis flash and blink their understanding with amazing purpose and wondrous insight. All can’t help but stare and understand as force filled waves of blinding clarity wash over all who bare witness to the lights.

A mountain then appears in the sky, made from the fiery green ribbons the sky dwellers craft like carvings in bone. It is Sivanitirutinguak, the largest mountain on the winter island of Qikiqtaaluk. A river flows from the sea and into its base, an unnatural force to be certain. It was as though the gods themselves were pushing the water from the shores of Qikiqtaaluk or pulling the river from the root of the Sivanitirutinguak.

A longing passes over each and every member of the Dorset tribe as if their mother were calling them home to the mountain. A home long forgotten but as warm and familiar as any hut they had ever laid their skins and a mother perhaps not forgotten but surely missed.

Then the snow begins to rise in the north for miles around them. The snow lifts from the ground in much the same manner as it had fallen in large sullen flakes… The image of Sivanitirutinguak is soon covered by a blanket of thick drifting snow that seems to be picking up a speed as it floats effortlessly north. And then with a sudden flash of green and white, the drifting snow thunders towards them, washing over everything in its path until there is nothing but blackness and cold visions of starless skies.

Re: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 7:54 pm
Everyone please make a 1d100 Sanity roll and post your roll here. I will check to see if you pass or fail as there are penalties associated with the vision you just experienced.

Then Proceed to Chapter 6 when it is ready.