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Never Cry Wolf (Alrik, Berger, Weoulf, Sigfurd)

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 6:43 pm
Jarrl looked at the five Vikings standing below him and grinned devilishly. The Frost Giant held a giant-sized furry leather sac that looked like it was made from a half dozen polarbears, skinned and tanned with expertise skill for such a barbaric creature such as Jarrl.

In the sac! There's no other way!

The Vikings had quested this far into the perilous mountains of Helluland to retrieve one of the most famous weapons in the history of man.

Gungspir.. "The Odin Spear"

Orm had drove the spear deep into the belly of the Fenris Wolf and sent him toppling over a cliff face hundreds of feet to the rocks below. The Frost Giants had taken the wolf and the spear back to their own lands for whatever purpose.

Berger had used his crytaline skull he had stolen from the tomb of Tyr (Viking god of War) to scry the location of the Odin's spear. The Frost Giants had taken the wolf and the spear to the top of mount Odin. It was scarcely guarded, but the Vikings would have to pass through an entire Frost Giant Keep in order to access the temple Berger had seen through the scrying skull.

Image Image Image Image Image Image

Now Sigfurd, Orm, Berger, Alrik and Weoulf,the Ijiraat Gregrigg and the Frost Giant captive Jarrl all sit around the campfire a few miles south of the Frost Giant Keep and discuss their plan.

Jarrl leans in close and smashes his fist onto the snow sending a small cloud of cold powder into the air, nearly extinguishing the fire.


If we're seen I'm dead and my brothers will pick their teeth with your bones. So in the sac!

Re: Never Cry Wolf (Alrik, Berger, Weoulf, Sigfurd)

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 4:11 am
by Piano man
Alrik shakes his head, and squeezes the bridge of his nose between his thumb and finger. He looks back up to Jarl with a steady look of anger that could melt the ice. I have already told you giant. That is not an option. Now I suggest you wrack that brain of yours and come up with another way to the edge of the camp. We'll kill the sentries if we have to, but that is only a last resort. Now I suggest that Jarl and I lead the way, and the rest of you follow, but not too closely. With the magic I got from the Temple of Tyr I should be able to sneak in and retrieve the spear. Then we can get out of hear, and on our way with the quest.

He looks back to Jarl knowingly, searching the giants eyes for deceit. Just get me close and I'll do the rest. Your kinsmen will never even know you were here.

Re: Never Cry Wolf (Alrik, Berger, Weoulf, Sigfurd)

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 4:11 pm
by kabukiman
-Can't we just go at night? We are small, so we should pass easier.

Re: Never Cry Wolf (Alrik, Berger, Weoulf, Sigfurd)

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 10:37 am
by zielonobrody
I'll gladly hitch a ride. Nothing warms my bones better than a little treachery. He stares down the giant and laughs in his face.

Re: Never Cry Wolf (Alrik, Berger, Weoulf, Sigfurd)

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 8:43 pm
See! Little man knows best. There are too many sentries for even giant slayer to kill.

Jarrl flashes Orm another frightful glance. Orm had found the giant slayer in the tomb of Tyr and the sword had been used to press Jarrl into Alrik's service.

Odin's peek is too steep for us to climb. The only entrance to the temple of Odin is through our keep at the base of the mountian. We have kept it since the gods abandoned this place and will keep it still if they return. The wolf and your spear is at the top.

Jarrl then looks to his massive sac and then back to Alrik.

I will do as you wish Al-rik, but if we are seen, then we all die!

Sigfurd grins at his friend Weoulf. Orm just sits with his sword on his lap and stares darkly at Jarrl. Orm had never been a talkative oarsman, but since he had heard new of his wife in Valhalla, he had grown even more inward than before.

Why don't we tie ropes to the giant's back. We could hide under Jarrl's furs and spill the traitor's guts on the snow if he gets any ideas, eh Weoulf?

ooc- Berger see pm.

Re: Never Cry Wolf (Alrik, Berger, Weoulf, Sigfurd)

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 8:54 am
by zielonobrody
Treachery and gut spilling! Count me in.

Re: Never Cry Wolf (Alrik, Berger, Weoulf, Sigfurd)

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 1:46 am
by Piano man
Alrik smiles at Sigfurd's suggestion. That is very wise. We will do as you say giant, but at the first sign of deceit you will know what it feels like to be run through by a giant slayer. Keep that in mind.

He glares at the giant to make sure he gets the point before turning to the men. I'm afraid though that I must insist on going in alone. I alone have the means to approach unseen, and as I've said before we were brought here for more important reasons than this spear. If I should fail consider it my final order to continue on and find the witch. Aid her as you can and be careful she is more powerful than any of you can imagine. Though she is despicable she still acts in the name of our people at least to some point.

Alrik walks over to Orm and places a hand on the man's shoulder. His gesture seems awkward and a little forced, but still sincere. At least as sincere as anyone here has ever seen him. Do not worry. If I fail I will be standing in Valhalla. I will sing to the gods of your glorious deeds, and you will not be denied entry. It is more honorable for a viking to follow his duty, and live as you do.

He turns to Weoulf, and Sigfurd and addresses them next. The two of you are mighty indeed, and with the power of the weapons you wield behind you there is little that can stop you. But with power must come wisdom to temper it or you will be as much of a harm to us as to our enemies. He holds their gazes for a few seconds as if weighing each of them individually. I believe you each have the honor and wisdom to do as you are commanded. So I will not ask for your word on this. You will leave me if I fail and continue on for our people.

Lastly he looks at Berger and wrinkles his nose in disgust as the man's stench wafts in Alriks direction. He begins to speak saying the man's name and then stops. He studies the warrior for a little longer and then shakes his head before starting again. Berger...just try not to get everyone killed. You are a drunken louse, and cannot be trusted with the simplest of tasks. Fail in this and I promise your lips will never touch another drop of alcohol. Stick with the others and do as you are told, and there will be endless amounts of spirits in your future.

Once all of his men are addressed he turns back to the giant. Alright Jarl. We'll do it your way. Get us past the sentries, and find some out of the way place for us to plan our next moves. Remember though that the tip of Weoulf's sword will be pressed against your back and if I get the slightest sense of treachery you will be run through.

Re: Never Cry Wolf (Alrik, Berger, Weoulf, Sigfurd)

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 3:28 am
ooc - I'm gonna wait for Kabukiman for a bit then assume he's drunk and going along with the plan. lol

Re: Never Cry Wolf (Alrik, Berger, Weoulf, Sigfurd)

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 2:01 pm
by kabukiman
Berger starts going with a strange look to the other side...

Re: Never Cry Wolf (Alrik, Berger, Weoulf, Sigfurd)

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 12:51 am
As Orm and Sigfurd begin to strap ropes around Jarrl's neck and back to brace themselves beneath his heavy cloak.

The group quickly notices Berger walking in the opposite direction of the Frost Giant Keep along the eastern side of Mount Odin.

Re: Never Cry Wolf (Alrik, Berger, Weoulf, Sigfurd)

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 10:17 am
by zielonobrody
I guess endless amounts of spirits aren't to his liking, he says and continues on with his work. He establishes a position for himself on the left side of the giants back and tries to feel out the giant's ribs so as to be ready to stab between them straight to the heart.

Re: Never Cry Wolf (Alrik, Berger, Weoulf, Sigfurd)

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 3:35 am
by Piano man
Alrik watches the drunken viking move away with surprising steadyness. He's seen the man sober before, and he almost seems more capable when he's drunk. Not to say he thought the man was respectable, but steady, fearless, drunk Berger is better than a shaky one, or no Berger at all for that matter. Berger. Where are you going.

Re: Never Cry Wolf (Alrik, Berger, Weoulf, Sigfurd)

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 11:17 am
by kabukiman
He look strangely and then says.
-I was trying to run from... nevermind, it's probably better this way. Why don't we go sligthly west of the mountain?

Re: Never Cry Wolf (Alrik, Berger, Weoulf, Sigfurd)

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 12:28 am
by Piano man
Alrik looks at Berger for a while weighing the man and his words. He thinks of the skull, and of the spirits the man has consumed, and is not sure which of those might be influencing him now. If you know something we do not then now would be the time to share. If not then get in the sac.

Re: Never Cry Wolf (Alrik, Berger, Weoulf, Sigfurd)

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 10:17 am
by kabukiman
-I'm going to the sac. And the gods if they trully exist may be merciful of us- he mumbles

Re: Never Cry Wolf (Alrik, Berger, Weoulf, Sigfurd)

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 9:30 pm
by zielonobrody
Let's get a move on, shall we? I don't fell like riding a giant all day.

Re: Never Cry Wolf (Alrik, Berger, Weoulf, Sigfurd)

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 7:52 am
With Weoulf holding a blade to Jarrl's back the frost giant heaved the sac of Vikings over his shoulder with an unanimous grunt from all those within. The stench of Berger's spirit stale breath plays havoc on Orm and Sigfurd's stomachs. Alrik pulled his white fur cloak over his head and seemed to vanish into the falling snow.

The group walks for a short while through the mountains and then Jarrl stops suddenly. Everyone hears heavy footsteps before another giant calls out to Jarrl in a loud obnoxious tongue.

ooc - Alrik roll Hide.
ooc- Berger and Weoulf roll luck.

Re: Never Cry Wolf (Alrik, Berger, Weoulf, Sigfurd)

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 11:02 am
by zielonobrody
Luck (1d100=61)
ooc: now where do I have my stats... I'll let the GM look it up, I'm sure you have them tucked away under a pile of books neatly somewhere...

Re: Never Cry Wolf (Alrik, Berger, Weoulf, Sigfurd)

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 2:53 am
by Piano man
Alirik hide roll 85

Re: Never Cry Wolf (Alrik, Berger, Weoulf, Sigfurd)

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 3:34 pm
by kabukiman

Re: Never Cry Wolf (Alrik, Berger, Weoulf, Sigfurd)

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 8:04 pm
ooc- Weoulf's character sheet is in the character concepts : Vikings thread on the main Helleland page. His luck is 55. a fail!

The Frost Giant Jarrl's long crunching gate comes to a hault and all of the Vikings freeze in place, trying desperately not to move in fear of being caught and roasted on the hot coals of the Jottun's fiery stove.

Alrik watches in bewilderment as two giant sentries approach Jarrl from the north. They both wear the gold trim capes of their post and carry long halberds as tall as a ships main mast. There is an awkward moment and Alrik is certain he is discovered as one of the guards holds his gaze upon him, squinting through the light snow falling between them. The giant quickly gives up, shaking his head and turns back to the conversation as the other slaps Jarrl on the back warmly. He looks down at the red eyed white furred cariboo Jarrl held by a rope he'd tied to Gregorigg's neck. The massive ungulate seemed like a pup on a leash in comparison to the 16 foot tall blue skinnd Jotun. (Jarrl had put Gregorigg on a rope before he passed the Fire Giant borders. He had been sent to capture the traitorous shapeshifter and the Vikings hoped he appeared sucessful.)


Good Hunting Jarrl? You caught the wretch afterall. There were many wagers against you.

As the second giant's hand comes slapping down on Jarrl's back in congratualtions, Weolf sword flinches, slicing a small scratch in Jarrl's belly. The Frost Giant grunts before answering.


Unngghhh... And where did your wager lie Hoggun?

Alrik can now see the closest giant who had nearly seen him beneath his white godly cloak. He is now staring questioningly at Jarr's chest where Weoulf hides strapped to the giants's belly for insurance that he will cooperate.

ooc - Weoulf roll Hide. Alrik you can do something if you like.

Re: Never Cry Wolf (Alrik, Berger, Weoulf, Sigfurd)

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 4:22 pm
by Piano man
Alrik silently curses to himself. He should have known that Jarl would not be respected by his people. He was too weak. Not wanting to act too soon. No that would make a potentially bad situation into a slaughter. Alrik keeps his head down and uses the guards distraction to move farther in while never letting them out of his sight.

Re: Never Cry Wolf (Alrik, Berger, Weoulf, Sigfurd)

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 4:41 am
ooc- I’m just going to move on. Sorry for the extreme delay in moving this thread guys. I’ll pm all those involved but I’d like to get moving on the adventure as these characters are plot pivotal.

Re: Never Cry Wolf (Alrik, Berger, Weoulf, Sigfurd)

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 4:43 am
The Frost Giant Jarrl quickly recovers from the taste of Weoulf’s blade. Berger belches in the sac and from Alrik’s vantage, both giant guards notice.

Jarrl then slams his hand onto one of the guard’s shoulders, knocking his attention back to the conversation at hand.

So who did you bet on?

The giant Hogunn glares at Jarrl, obviously offended by the slap.


I bet against you Jarrl… What do you think? It seems I’ll be out a few chest of gold... If I didn’t want to see old Gregorigg roast on the spit tonight I’d slay the lot of you and hide your entrails in the snow…

Jarrl laughs.


HARRR! That will teach you to bet against me brother.

Jarrl quickly moves past the sentry guard and Gregorigg whimpers at the mention of his roasting... Soon the party passes through a narrow valley between two snow covered mountains.

Behold Norsemen! Y’MER’S KEEP!!

ooc - please talk amongst yourselves...

Re: Never Cry Wolf (Alrik, Berger, Weoulf, Sigfurd)

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 4:46 am

Re: Never Cry Wolf (Alrik, Berger, Weoulf, Sigfurd)

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 10:51 am
by kabukiman
OOC: Talking between us? Isn't better to wait that we are very far of any other giant?