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Re: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 2:18 pm
by Andrew
OOC: CONx3=42, rolled 59

Tornuaq started violently shaking uncontrollably completely incapacitated, his eyes rolled into the back of his head, his breath almost non-existent, his heartbeat minimal, his skin turning blue. It was everything he could do to hold onto the knife.

Re: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 4:18 pm
by trixie
Yuralria gasped at the look of him, and stooped to pull him out of the ice. She pressed the spear against his cheek, knowing full well her own immunity to the cold was only the mere result of Sedna's spear.

"Tornuaq! Its alright, hang on!"

OOC Do I need to roll a STR check to pull him out?

Re: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 6:52 pm
OOC- Tornuaq is already out of the water. He's just freezing to death.

Re: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 6:12 pm
by trixie
Yuralria was speechless, staring at Tornuaq as though he were a gutted fish laying in the snow. Her eyes locked on his and she pressed her warm hand to his cheek, then leaned down to kiss him. Her warm breath felt eerie on his cold skin, as though it were the only bit of life she could sense from him. She pulled the cold furs from his skin, teasing her hands down his chest, pressing her own warm body to his until she could feel his body respond. It wasn't lust, but more than that. It was a deep seated feeling that he was a long lost piece of her. She couldn't quite explain the feeling, but knew that it was there.

Tornuaq! If only you knew what I'd do to you if I only had the chance!

Re: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 12:43 am
by Andrew
Shivering uncontrollably Tornuaq couldn't help but smile. "Sw-Sw-Sw-Sweeeeeeeet!"

He knew that he had to stop jumping into frigged waters but then again... he didn't expect this at all, he expected to die alone in the depths. If this was death though, he at least knew that once he stopped freezing... No. His brain told him he was alive, Yuralria's touch showed him that he was not dead... well at least a part of him wasn't. He closed his eyes, gritted his teeth and tried to summon up every once of his Dorset strength that he could to block the cold and show his beautiful woman what kind of man he was, there was no way he was going to freeze to death with her there plus he knew the longer they stayed, the greater the danger.

Tornuaq knew he had to get up, grab Yuralria by the hand and run. Running would make his heart pound, although Yuralria was doing a damn good job at that too but running would work his legs and arms make the warmth of his blood spread over his entire body and not just to... he looked down at his groin and groaned a bit.

Re: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 6:16 pm
by trixie
OC Do we need to roll here or can we just post running away?

PS Andrew you crack me up! Funny as hell!!!

Re: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 7:51 pm
by Andrew
OOC: Arigatou, Arigatou. Image

Re: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 9:12 pm
ooc- You guys are both hilarious..

Andrew see pm.

Tornuaq wishes to run but it will be a long while before he is able to. The wamth of Yuralria seems to be having some effect on his freezing condition. The Dorset Hunter can now move. With the Shaman's help, possibly even walk. Fearful of his pursuers Tornuaq looks around. There is noone in sight for as far as the eye can see. The Viking pursuing him must have given up the chase and returned to his blue skinned Captain. He had time to regain his strength. The voices within said as much and more.

Yurlaria's head spun with the events of the past hour. She had been transported away from the spirit world and to her love as he lay on the tip of an icicle; balancing tenuously between life and death. Had the Shadow people meant for this to happen or had they intended for her to stay and learn the secrets that might save this land? The Shaman had made her choice.

Trixie see pm

Re: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 8:13 pm
by Andrew
Tornuaq slid his hands inside Yuralria's clothing, the warmth of her skin was almost to hot for the Dorset hunter to bear, the smooth silkiness, the soft as a seal's fur coat. He buried his face in the nape of her neck nuzzling to feel her warmth, the smell of her was intoxicating! With one hand Tornuaq began to remove his clothes, being as wet as they were and frozen he knew he had to remove them. It was essential for survival... right? Hearing the voice of the moon god Aningan, Tornuaq knew he wanted what the moon god said, he wanted to bed Yuralria, take her and make her his. He loved her more fiercely than any hunter had ever before loved his shaman, it might be forbidden but nothing could stay the same forever, it was not the way of the world.

Once his pants were off and his body pressed against Yuralria with his hands touching the skin on the small of her back, with his face still buried in her neck, Tornuaq stated, "The voice of the moon god Aningan, spoke to me. This is not the first time that he and his sister have spoken to me but this time Aningan has told me that I must bed you. It will give me warmth and it will let to people who love once another a chance to be together." With that, Tornuaq's hand slid from Yuralria's back to her breast.

Re: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 7:04 am
by trixie
"N...NO! Tornuaq!" Yuralria pulled away, startled. She was terribly one had even touched her hand let alone there.....she felt a sudden rush of excitement and battled herself. She wanted him to do it again, and yet she knew these were precarious times. Allowing him was like abandoning her people and all the faith they bestowed on her!

"Tornuaq, we can't! I have....responsibilities!"
she sputtered, feeling her cheeks burn and her eyes well up. Oh, how she wanted to! "What if I lose my powers Tornuaq! Our people would be left to the slaughter!

Re: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 8:47 pm
by Andrew
Tornuaq moved back and sat up, "I was only doing what the moon god said." a touch of ice crept into his voice, he grabbed his frozen pants and started getting into them, his jaw clenched against the feel of the frozen fabric touching his warming skin. "I will live, thank you shaman for coming here. I do not know how but you may depart the way you came when you like. I will be fine and no longer need your assistance." That said he sat there, holding the knife everyone sought and looked at the hole in the ice from where they had emerged.

'Is it better to just throw the knife in the waters? Without it these Norsemen would not be able to achieve whatever the hell they came here for.' He then stole a look at Yuralria and thought, 'Maybe it is best to throw myself in as well, the woman you love has cut you deeper than any Norse weapon and it is now obvious that she does not share the love. Perhaps death would be be better, an end to this pain and torture.'

Tornuaq lifted his head from the knife and looked at Yuralria and in a small hollow voice, his eyes echoing the sadness that was in his voice said, "Leave now shaman and go to your people, they need you. Remember I am no longer a Dorset hunter, my crimes are to great. Your people need you and will need you in the times to come. Now leave an exile to contemplate his future."

Re: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 11:19 pm
by trixie
Hurt and emotion crept into Yuralria's voice as she spoke next, and the tears welled up despite her best efforts to blink them away. "Tornuaq," she said it softly, pleadingly, knowing that he needed her, and knowing she needed him in return. Why was it so hard!!! "You know that I love you, and yet we can never have one another. We can never be together as long as I am Shaman." She couldn't help the tears that freely flowed down her cheeks. She sobbed openly. Curse this responsibility! Who would know???

She leaned forward, steadying the knife with her one hand, cradling his cheek in the other, kissing him gently. Why rush it....why did he have to rush it....did he know how terrifying it was to be touched by another?? She had never been touched since she was Ogtuk-luk and only when saving her life. How did he expect her to react???

"If you are in exile, perhaps I should be in exile also, for once they find out what crimes I've committed, I'll surely be unwelcome to return."
She kissed him again, running her fingers through his hair, down his neck, and over his chest. She felt the intense desire she'd experienced only a minute ago rush through her and overwhelm her senses, making her shake in anticipation. "It has always been you." She pulled his hand back under her furs, to her naked breast, and pressed it there, til she felt his palm relax. Oh, how she wanted him!

Re: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 1:00 am
by Andrew
Tornuaq shook visibly at the feel of Yuralria's breast beneath his hand, he was pretty sure the cold had nothing to do with the feel of excitement that coursed through his veins, that made his pulse quicken and his (well you know!) stiffen. With his thumb he slowly rubbed her nipple, his eyes locked onto the spot where his hand was and then lifted his head to look at the woman that has always held his heart. "Only for you would I cut out my own heart, only for you would I destroy it to free you of my Earthly body, keeping from you that which could destroy your destiny. Only for you would I do anything that is asked by you, no matter how preposterous it may be."

Tornuaq removed his hand slowly and took a deep, calming breath, he then placed both hands on Yuralria's cheeks and neck, looked deep into her eyes and said, "Your people need you shaman, I do not lie in this, they need you now more than ever! I will go with you and help you, the Dorset people need all the help they can get and I know I am one of the better hunters your tribe has in it. After the Norse are gone, I will leave for my exile but I want to know this now. Would you be my wife Yuralria, shaman of the Dorset? It would mean being in exile yourself if you accept."

Re: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 8:15 pm
by trixie
Yuralria blinked. She closed her eyes and winced, as though fighting for control over her own mind. She took two fingers and rubbed her temple, "Oh..." she remarked appearing pained in some way. "You...know....I to, Tornuaq! I only wish to be free, from.....ooh!" She opened her eyes, and winced again, looking deep into his eyes.

"Tornuaq, there's a voice. Something....or trying to communicate with me. And she's very....angry!"
She held onto his arms roughly, pulled on him slightly, then got to her knees. "We....we can't stay here!" She scooped him up in her arms, pulling herself to her feet heavily, with him slung in her arms. "There is danger!" she excused herself, for slinging him around like a rag doll. "We've got to get out of here!"

Re: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 8:29 pm
by Andrew
Tornuaq stood and looked around, this was not the time for talk, especially of things that would never be, he was sure that he would not live to see the end of this Norse infection but right now was the time for him to gather his wits and get the shaman to her people, hopefully to safety. Now was the time to prove he was a hunter, a warrior. He looked at the surrounding landscape getting his barrings about him, smelled the air, felt the breeze of the wind.

"Where last did you leave your people sha... Yuralria? It is clear to me that you must go back to them, I am sure they are frantic as to where you have gone." He gnashed his teeth together in a flash of anger and through gritted teeth said, "I am sure Ogtuk-luk is near to panicking." Gods how Tornuaq hated that man!

He took Yuralria's hand in his and began setting out, if nothing else to put some distance behind the vikings, to get off the ice and to get his blood moving in other areas of his body.

OOC: What weapons or items does Tornuaq even have at this point? Besides his clothing and the dagger, I'm assuming everything else is gone.

Re: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 9:02 pm
OOC- Tornuaq still has his sword and shield. Captain Gunharr gave them back to you right before your escape. You also have the scramasax(dagger). Yuralria has her furs and her shaman's spear. Nothing else crossed over from the spirit world where she came from. That's it. You guys need to come to an agreement on your next move. Tornuaq still has an overwhelming urge to travel into the mountians. It grows more powerful with each passing hour. Yuralria must decide what she will do next. Go with him or leave him or whatever.

Re: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 11:49 pm
by Andrew
OOC: No matter how strong the pull, Tornuaq wouldn't leave Yuralria out here alone. He is at her mercy.

"I too hear voices in my head, the moon god and sun goddess, Anningan and Malina speak to me although I have not heard from Malina in awhile. Anningan was who told me that I should take you, I must admit that I would have loved nothing more than to follow his advice but coming from him, it would probably have been the wrong thing at the time. However, I also have the knife that in its own way speaks to me and the draw it is pulling me in is almost overwhelming. It wants me to go to the mountains, to where I am sure that the Norse people are heading to. If I throw the knife into the frigid waters I feel, no, I know that it will surface again but to whom? Even though it pulls me to what I believe will be my death, it is best kept with me for now."

Tornuaq squeezes Yuralria's hand and looks towards the mountains, the feel of the pull starts to move his feet but he stops and looks at Yuralria. "If you want, I will take you to your people but I would have to leave in haste towards the mountains. I will not leave you alone out here, it is not safe."

Re: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 6:20 am
by trixie
OOC I thought Tornuaq was still helplessly cold and unable to move.

With a jaw set in determination, Yuralria uses all her might to push Tornuaq over into the snow. Her eyes are black with lust, her lips are quivering from desire. She pulls at his furs, kissing him heatedly, while loosening the knotted leather ties with cold, protesting fingers. Her hair brushes his forehead and he can smell her sea oil lamp's gentle smoke from her hut. She flings open his rawhide shirt and makes a soft moan of satisfaction. She pins his arms, straddles him, kissing her way down his naked chest, rubbing her hands down his burly arms, over the bulk of his shoulders, and down his chest, curling her fingers in the hairy trail.

"I don't want to wait, Tornuaq. If we leave it, it might not happen. And I can't wait forever!"

It is not long before she's pulled her own robe over her head, leaving her soft brown skin naked and a sharp contrast to the white snow they lay in. Her body writhed against his, and her wanderlust fingers found what they were after. Her toying touch made her own cheeks blush, and she giggled softly at her own curiousity. Her kissing continued, making a smacking slurping sound, until it was too late and he was in her. She pinned his arms so that he couldn't protest, closed her eyes in utter seclusion, licked her quivering lips slowly in the hopes they'd stop tingling so. It had all happened so fast, that he seemed useless to stop it.


Re: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 4:06 pm
by Andrew
OOC: :shock: :o Oh Tornuaq just got raped! LOL!

He might be unable to move, I have a bad habit of moving forward on things and forgetting a character is helpless.

Tornuaq, completely at a loss for words or action was as helpless as a baby seal. The smell and feel, the sight and sounds of being with the woman he loved was overwhelming and he couldn't begin to fathom what suddenly overcame Yuralria. As soon as he entered her and felt her warmth and softness his senses snapped back to him, his hands gently running over her breasts, arms and stomach. "Ohhh Yuralria!" He exclaimed, it was just as he had envisioned it, the both of them losing their innocence to one another.

As the feeling came rushing up to him, Tornuaq grabbed Yuralria by her waist and with all his strength heaved her over onto her back. He stopped thrusting to give himself a chance to calm down and started kissing her breasts, chest and neck while slowly moving to her ear, "I love you Yuralria! I have always sought to try and be the best at everything to make you proud."

As he kissed her various parts, his hips started to move as if on their own and his hands began to caress her hips and waist. By the gods! How could anything that felt this wonderful ever be wrong? This... being with Yuralria was better than anything he had ever experienced in his life! The warmth of her body, the smell of her hair, the feel of her female parts was more than Tornuaq could bear, he was just lucky to have a hunter's stamina.

Re: The Deep (Tornuaq and Yuralria)

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 7:26 pm
OOC- Tornuaq is able to move, but is weakened. he can still get the job done though! lol