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Re: The Great Viking Hunt (Ogtuk-luk, Kirima and Qannaq)

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 4:28 pm
by Airbornexo
OOC - Initiative roll is poo 1d10=1. Qannaq's first strike is 1d100=68 hit by 2% (spear 70%). His parry is successful by 1d100=65 5%. Damage is only 6 1d6+1+1d4=6 grrr! Sorry for the delay my computer had some serious mal-ware issues and had to be wiped and reinstalled.

Re: The Great Viking Hunt (Ogtuk-luk, Kirima and Qannaq)

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 8:34 pm
oo c- no worries Airbornexo. As you can see I've been busy or lazy too. For me its the latter but I'll try to keep up.


The shaman tupilac shrieks with fury as her clawed hand rakes across Qannaq's upraised spear. Qannaq bats it aside and thrusts forward. The spear grazes the undead shaman's shoulder causing the wicked thing to let loose an unatural howl.

ooc - Sanity check. failure causes Qannaq to be gripped by fear. act accordingly please... :) If you pass then combat rolls again.

Re: The Great Viking Hunt (Ogtuk-luk, Kirima and Qannaq)

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 8:37 pm
Mannitok is still conscious and stirs to Ogtuk-luk's touch. The axe ther Viking had thrown is deep in his shoulder.

Oddlog backs away from Karima but stares down at her with wild untamed eyes. Lust or concern... none can tell.

ooc - Listen check please Karima and Ogtuk-luk.

Re: The Great Viking Hunt (Ogtuk-luk, Kirima and Qannaq)

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 1:58 am
by Airbornexo
OOC - 1d100=6 San passed. 1d100=93 misses with his next strike.

Qannaq steels himself against the scream but his aim proves poor.

Re: The Great Viking Hunt (Ogtuk-luk, Kirima and Qannaq)

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 11:03 am
by Kirima
Listen,[url=]Listen (1d100=37)[/url] Skill 65%
Kirima hears something.
Oddlog backs away from Karima but stares down at her with wild untamed eyes. Lust or concern... none can tell.
"C'mon, c'mon, kill him for me!"

ooc- no worries Airbornexo. As you can see I've been busy or lazy too. For me its the latter but I'll try to keep up.
Laziness is unforgivable. :P Hurry up, DSIGFUSS, Kirima longs to be rogered by a Viking (but please omit too much description).]

Re: The Great Viking Hunt (Ogtuk-luk, Kirima and Qannaq)

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 5:49 pm
by ryansommer
Ogtuk-luk bends down next to his wounded friend, keeping an eye on the young Viking and the Shaman to be. As he bandages up the nasty wound he is able to hear little over Kirima's words.

Re: The Great Viking Hunt (Ogtuk-luk, Kirima and Qannaq)

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 7:13 pm
Karima hears the soft pads of mocasins on snow and the low cries of a child no more than 30 feet away. Karima is quickly reminded of her parental responsibilities on this quest. Oddlog offer his hand to Karima and stares intently at her figure at he does so.

ooc- please roll a parry Qannaq.

Mannitok's wound is deep and the Dorset hunter is quickly losing consciousness.. He raises his hand to Ogtuk-luk and whispers his sisters name. Sashila.... the wolf....

ooc- Ogtuk-luk. Make a First Aid check. Yours is 50%.

Re: The Great Viking Hunt (Ogtuk-luk, Kirima and Qannaq)

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 7:17 pm
by ryansommer
Ogtuk-luk again tries to bandage the wound but the wound is too great and he cannot stem the flow of blood.

OOC: Does Ogtuk-luk know of Sashila?

Re: The Great Viking Hunt (Ogtuk-luk, Kirima and Qannaq)

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 1:38 am
ooc- Yes.. Sashila is Mannitok's sister. She ran off into the plains in search of a missing Dorset Hunter named Tornuaq. Another hunter named Unulaq and Faroo found her and returned her home. SHe was suffering terrible nightmares and whispering of a black wolf before your party left to find the Vikings.\

Re: The Great Viking Hunt (Ogtuk-luk, Kirima and Qannaq)

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 4:26 pm
by ryansommer
"Tell me, friend" Ogtuk-luk said as he leaned in close to his wounded friend. "Tell me about your sister and this wolf"

Re: The Great Viking Hunt (Ogtuk-luk, Kirima and Qannaq)

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 11:35 am
by Airbornexo
OOC - Parry for Qannaq success 1d100=29

Re: The Great Viking Hunt (Ogtuk-luk, Kirima and Qannaq)

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 2:07 pm
by Kirima
"I hear footsteps outside--it could be a child. I must go out and see."
She takes Oddlog's hand and pulls herself up off the floor of the tent.

Re: The Great Viking Hunt (Ogtuk-luk, Kirima and Qannaq)

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 3:19 am
Mannitok smiles when Ogtuk-luk asks about his sister.


You I can trust Ogtuk-luk as you are sworn to protect the women of our tribe. Even my closest brothers want her for their desires.. Tornuaq and Unulaq… They would not want her if they knew… Sashila would have been under your guard as Shaman if Yuralria had not taken her post. Shashila was too young to be Shaman… You would have protected her.. from the wolf…

Re: The Great Viking Hunt (Ogtuk-luk, Kirima and Qannaq)

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 3:20 am
Kirima rushes outside to see Torngusac collapse onto his knees at her feet.

He grasps her furs crying…


Qannaq… huff huff.... Tupilac.. huff... the old Shaman risen… hufff huff... evil spirit.

He then points to the north panting heavily to catch his breath.

Re: The Great Viking Hunt (Ogtuk-luk, Kirima and Qannaq)

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 3:21 am
Qannaq bats the old crones reaching hands away with the blunt of his spear.

The twisted form of the Thule Shaman writhes in painful bliss as she continues her relentless attack on Qannaq. Smiling, her wicked teeth mangled beneath her peeling blackened lips, the Tupilac Shaman claws at the venerable hunters face howling in horrific glee.



ooc- Combat rolls please Qannaq. ( Attack, Parry, damage, damage bonus)

Re: The Great Viking Hunt (Ogtuk-luk, Kirima and Qannaq)

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 12:00 pm
by Kirima
Kirima looks in the direction Torngusac points. She clasps the exhausted boy to her bosom.
"Qannaq needs our help?"
She will call the others.

ooc,Who's with whom and where?--I've forgotten. :)

Re: The Great Viking Hunt (Ogtuk-luk, Kirima and Qannaq)

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 7:17 pm
by Airbornexo
OOC - Rolls Attack - 1d100=65 Hit by 5%; Parry - 1d100=63 success by 7% Damage and bonus is 8 1d6+1=4, 1d4=4

Qannaq could suddenly hear the blood pumping in his ears and the whole fight slowed as he focused; his face calm and expression neutral. This had happened several times in his life, the last when a bull-walrus with tusks as long as his forearm had almost gutted him on a fishing expedition. He swatted aside the attack easily then stabbed forwards with a practised precision and although his aim was off his heavy stone-headed spear bit deep...

Re: The Great Viking Hunt (Ogtuk-luk, Kirima and Qannaq)

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 10:38 pm
The Tupilac Thule Shaman swings her unnatural claweded hands over Qannaq’s head but the Dorset Hunter avoids yet another deadly blow.


Torngusac’s Fox companion, now in the shape of a massive caribou, moves in to help Qannaq fend off the Tupilac Shaman. Her massive hooves pound down on the creature’s back but do little to harm it.

Qannaq’s spear plunges through the Tupilac ripping and tearing at undead flesh. The wound would be severe on any man or beast but the Tupilac Shaman does not seem slowed. It wails with supernatural anger and continues its attack.

ooc- Qannaq please post your action

Re: The Great Viking Hunt (Ogtuk-luk, Kirima and Qannaq)

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 10:48 pm
OOC - For Karima and Ogtuk-luk. Now that ryansommer is back in it. He can decide for himself what to do. he just finished bandaging Manitok and was deep in a discussion with Mannitok (wounded badly) about his sister Sashila.. when Torngusac (The Thule boy) ran in telling the group what happened to Qannaq.

ooc- Actions please Kirima and Ogtuk-luk. Oddlog (Viking) and Mannitok are injured but Oddlog is not yet out of the fight. Having just killed a Viking, he is looking like he wants to break off a piece of Kirima. (wild eyed )

Re: The Great Viking Hunt (Ogtuk-luk, Kirima and Qannaq)

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 11:01 pm
by ryansommer
OOC: Where is Oddlog? Ogtuk-luk cannot allow such a loose cannon around Kirima.

"Be still my friend" Ogtuk-luk says. "I will return for you, First, I must protect Kirima. Worried about Kirima, Ogtuk-luk grabs his weapons and sprints off in the direction she ran.