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Re: OOC: Chapter 2 - LONDON, Starts 28th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 6:45 am
by Raiko
Oh no worries, I certainly didn't think you were complaining.

It does interest me though reading Laraqua and and Mr Handy's views on keeping games going (or failing to), it's inevitable that there will be slow periods, but I really believe that games will keep going so long as the Keeper/DM remains enthusiastic about them. This game only really stalled back a few years ago because my own enthusiasm wained (I blame the fun-police at work for this, with their evil anti-fun filters and things). :x

Re: OOC: Chapter 2 - LONDON, Starts 28th Jan 1925

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 5:33 am
by coffee demon
I'm okay with a faster-moving game, but I find it challenging when the pace suddenly changes and it hasn't been communicated to me.

I was really excited to jump back into Masks as Andrei, and was posting frequently when the tempo was there, but the slow tempo, coupled with travelling and an illness, really cut into my momentum. I'm finding it hard to pick this back up at the moment. Sorry, guys. It might just take a while, but I can't promise anything.

I'm going to send Raiko a PM about it now.


Re: OOC: Chapter 2 - LONDON, Starts 28th Jan 1925

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 12:44 pm
by Raiko
Coffee Demon, is quite right. He's always posted very quickly when the pace has been high, and with hindsight I should have at least forewarned him that I was going to move ahead. I'm very sorry about this. :(

I thought I was doing everyone a favour as I wanted to get things moving. I also thought it would make it easier, not harder, for you and Decrepit to get going again, but I was wrong. I'll try not to make the same mistake again.

I'll reply to the questions in your PM as well. :)

Re: OOC: Chapter 2 - LONDON, Starts 28th Jan 1925

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 3:45 pm
by Raiko
One more thing that I think I need to post.

I've been really struggling to post recently, as I've seemed to have very little time in the evenings and it's hard writing decent length posts on my phone from work. It's great for short posts, but a pain for long ones especially with lots of bb code.

Since I can now post via my laptop from work at lunchtimes, I genuinely hope that I can pick up the pace again. :)
All my notes, ect are also on there, which is great.

So please bear with me.

Re: OOC: Chapter 2 - LONDON, Starts 28th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 1:47 am
by Raiko
Sorry, I'll have to wait until morning to post in the other two IC threads.
I had a working lunch and a hectic evening.

Re: OOC: Chapter 2 - LONDON, Starts 28th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 1:24 am
by Raiko
Sorry, I've been absent more than expected this week.

My laptop's been repaired now though, I got it back this evening, so I hope to get caught up again over the next 24 hours. :)

Re: OOC: Chapter 2 - LONDON, Starts 28th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 9:06 pm
by Raiko
Just can't seem to stay online at the moment, sorry!

I was a bit poorly over the weekend, but I should be ok to start posting again tomorrow. :)

Re: OOC: Chapter 2 - LONDON, Starts 28th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 12:20 am
by Raiko
Unfortunately, I've had a bit of a relapse and I've been off work ill since Tuesday. :(
I hope to be fit enough to resume the game either tomorrow or Saturday.
Sorry about the hold up.

Re: OOC: Chapter 2 - LONDON, Starts 28th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 5:28 pm
by SuAside
FYI: I'll be out of the country until monday evening. Probably won't be back online before Tuesday evening.

Re: OOC: Chapter 2 - LONDON, Starts 28th Jan 1925

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 11:56 am
by Raiko
SuAside wrote:FYI: I'll be out of the country until monday evening. Probably won't be back online before Tuesday evening.
No problem. :)

I'm better now, just never have time to post over the weekend. Today's a public holiday in the UK, and I don't think I'll get chance to post during the day, but I think I'll be okay to post this evening.

I should be posting daily for the rest of the week. :)

Re: OOC: Chapter 2 - LONDON, Starts 28th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 3:16 am
by coffee demon
Cool, looking forward to it!

Just a suggestion: You might want to email people when you start posting again regularly, Raiko, in case they're not checking the forums as often.

Re: OOC: Chapter 2 - LONDON, Starts 28th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 10:21 pm
by Raiko
Thanks. :)

I'll email/message everyone once I've got some posts up.
Should have something in the next couple of hours. :)

Sorry for not posting at lunchtime, couldn't get a good enough cellphone signal for some reason. I'm still fully fit though. :)

Re: OOC: Chapter 2 - LONDON, Starts 28th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 1:02 pm
by Raiko
Things obviously still aren't going to plan, sorry. :(
Unfortunately two weeks off work has left me much busier than I'd expected.
I don't want to resume posting until I'm confident that I can post regular updates, and that now looks like it'll be next week.

Sorry for the continuing hold ups. :oops:

Re: OOC: Chapter 2 - LONDON, Starts 28th Jan 1925

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 1:17 pm
by Raiko
Quick update:
1) I'm still here.
2) I'm mostly caught up again at work
3) I hope to be posting again within the next 24 hours all :)
4) I'll email/pm/Facebook everyone once I've posted.

If any of the above changes then I'll make sure that I let you all know.

Again sorry for the delays, I especially apologise to Laraqua as I've not been posting in Silent Hill either. :(

Re: OOC: Chapter 2 - LONDON, Starts 28th Jan 1925

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 1:17 pm
by Raiko
It'll be later today when the posts go up.
It appears that I left each thread in need of a lengthy "next post" so I'm just getting my head around exactly what to post at the moment! :?
@Decrepit & rbiddle, I'll try to make sure that I provide more than just "Hello!" from the other end of the phone.
@SuAside & Coffee, ouch! I owe you two loads of information.
@Mr Handy & Imme, Same again, so I'll try to provide a full info dump this time.
@DSIG & Laraqua, Nethaniel's roll deserves something useful - working on it!

I really should have time to write these long posts today, so once that's done you should all have plenty to do. :)

Re: OOC: Chapter 2 - LONDON, Starts 28th Jan 1925

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 1:19 pm
by Raiko
:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

Raiko eventually shows his face on the forum again!

:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

Sorry guys, I really struggled to get online regularly from a few weeks, and then felt embarrassed to post here.
I'm back online again now, but I'm not sure what to do about this game yet, given my hopelessness when it comes to staying online for any length of time.

Given that Gomez is starting his own game, with Mr Handy and rbiddle onboard from the beginning, and given that Imme was dropping out anyway, my moat likely approaches are either to call it a day, or to initially just try to wrap up this chapter in a suitably epic way for the other players, and so how everyone feels at the end of the chapter.

As Imme and Mr Handy were in a separate chapter to the rest of you, and rbiddle was playing an ex-npc, it'll actually be easier for me to continue that way anyway.

I'll email / message all the players (including Mr Handy, rbiddle & Imme) tonight to see what everyone thinks. I love this campaign, but I've obviously not been doing a good job of running it since we left New York. Whatever does happen, I will be running a single game on here, and I won't be playing in any games (I found that I no longer have the free time to juggle more than one online game).

@Laraqua I'm very sorry for letting you down in Silent Hill. :(

Re: OOC: Chapter 2 - LONDON, Starts 28th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 3:15 am
by Laraqua
I'm happy to support you whichever way you want to go with it.

@Raiko: I'm fine. My game is designed to allow people to fall out of it and still continue.

Re: OOC: Chapter 2 - LONDON, Starts 28th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 4:18 am
by Mr. Handy
Welcome back! I hope you continue with this game. It's been going on so long, it would be a shame to cut it short.

My character used to be an NPC as well.

Gomez was supposed to start his game last weekend but hasn't shown up yet. It's far too soon to declare him missing or anything, and I'm really looking forward to playing in his game from the beginning, but I'd like to still have the option to continue in this one open in the event that the other game doesn't get off the ground.

Re: OOC: Chapter 2 - LONDON, Starts 28th Jan 1925

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 9:11 pm
by Raiko
If there's interest from the others in resuming then I'll get posting again sometime next week. :)
Mr. Handy wrote:...but I'd like to still have the option to continue in this one open in the event that the other game doesn't get off the ground.
Oh of course, I hope Gomez's game gets going as it's far better if you and rbiddle get to experience the whole campaign, but if not then you're more than welcome to continue here.

Re: OOC: Chapter 2 - LONDON, Starts 28th Jan 1925

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 3:19 am
by Mr. Handy
Thanks. I would really like to experience the whole campaign from the start.