IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

At long last the Stars are almost Right. Soon Nyarlathotep's plans will come to fruition. Then the world will be changed irrevocably -- but not quite yet. Pesky human investigators have learned much, but can they survive long enough to make sense of what they know?

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Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Nethanial opens his black case and begins fingering the items

So it could be hours before anyone bloody shows. I got lots of studyiong up to do if Maks wants to try to meet up with the others. Perhaps if they knew that we knew where Gwen was they would abandon their come right quick now wouldn't they?

I could certainly use a few of me old books from me shop now that I know what we're really dealing with here. Why don't we stop in and see if we can get in and pinch a few. Its been a while since I had to run way from that place. Maybe they left it alone?
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Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Post by Laraqua »

Maksim groans. "Yes, well, they're all at the house, aren't they? Best time to fetch it, and the guns, then we'll check back here and hope for the best. Maybe Yaleesha can check out the hotel and see if she can find where Elizabeth's gone." Though it's really Timour he's waiting for.
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Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Post by Raiko »

Yalesha does her best to smile, glad to have something to do, and to have the opportunity to get away from Menkheper for a while, "Yes I can check at your hotel for your friend, is it close?"
OOC,It's quite a long way to the Ritz from here. Nethaniel's shop is quite close to the Ritz though. I'm planning to post an up to date game map of central London, with all the key locations, [url=http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?saddr=Euston+Rd%2FA501&daddr=Cecil+Court,+London+to:150+Piccadilly,+London+W1J+9BR+(The+Ritz)&hl=en&ll=51.51809,-0.134668&spn=0.031031,0.084543&sll=51.524472,-0.136042&sspn=0.015513,0.042272&geocode=FVw6EgMdovX9_w%3BFWH9EQMdbQ3-_ykFa_vBzQR2SDEJ1qEciPUtew%3BFd7vEQMdkdf9_ylXyA_TKQV2SDE03cnkgqU5Ow&oq=cecil&mra=dme&mrsp=0&sz=15&t=m&z=14]but for now here's a link to a google map route[/url]. A = In front of Euston Station, where you're currently parked. B = Cecil Court (where Nethaniel's shop is located) C = The Ritz Hotel
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Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Post by Laraqua »

"I'll take a quick check inside in case they've come back here," said Maksim, quickly scribbling a few key details down on a note and then heading inside.

Found Gwen's location.
Gone for books.
Back later.

Presuming he can find someplace reasonably secure yet obvious enough that his friends might notice, he'll drop off the note. Either way, he'll head back out unless one of them is inside. "Might as well go for your shop and the Ritz."
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Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Post by Raiko »

Inside the Railway Inn is noisy and crowded, the air thick with tobacco smoke and the smell of ale and sweat; a sign on the door announces that rooms are available. There's no sign of any of the others inside.

Maksim finds that there is a small, scruffy and well used pin-board tucked away inside a cosy side room where three patrons sit playing dominoes by a blazing coal fire. The board mostly contains notices about the pub's darts league, and small advertisements for local businesses, plus an appeal for athletic players for a local amateur football team (all ages welcome). Maksim's note wouldn't look out of place pinned on there.

The pub itself is busy, but well maintained, it's likely that leaving the note elsewhere will just result in it being thrown away at closing time. The oldest of the three domino players glances up at Maksim as he enters the little room and asks if he'd like to join their game. The smell smoke is thicker in here, thanks mostly it seems to a the elderly man's pipe.
ooc,Don't worry about replying in detail. We'll get off to Nethaniel's shop as soon as you're both ready. :)
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Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Post by Laraqua »

Maksim politely refuses and attaches the note to the pinboard before taking a final look around and leaving. He puts his signature on it in a big cursive, on the off chance that it'd catch their eye more, and then forges Elizabeth's signature as best he can remember as well as that might catch her eye. He then looks about for a telephone. He could speed matters up by calling the hotel.
Show,by the way, we've done a lot, so if any of the other groups would be close to reaching us and then be forced to twiddle their thumbs here, then I'm happy to delay a week and just chit-chat until they arrive.
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Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Post by Raiko »

ooc,The whole "split up an meet back within the next 20 hours" feels like blindfolded juggling from my end! :D So I appreciate your efforts to help maintain my sanity. I think you'll have time both IC and OOC to check out the shop & hotel and return. Plus your note will give the others something to discuss if they beat you back. So we'll continue for now.
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Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Post by Laraqua »

Maksim hurries out to the car, hops in, and sets off back for the hotel and the book store.
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Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Post by Raiko »

ooc,Are you dropping Yalesha at The Ritz,then continuing onto Dodgy Pages (Nethaniel's bookshop), or checking out the shop on the way to The Ritz. The locations are all close enough together that driving time won't be much different either way.
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Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Post by Laraqua »

He heads to the bookstore first. He's not going to leave Yaleesha completely on her own.
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Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Post by Raiko »

At the end of Cecil Court – Convent Gardens, London
8:30pm – Thursday 29th January, 1925

The rain patters onto the Bentley’s windscreen as Maksim pulls up just outside the quieter St Martin’s Road end of Cecil Court, he keeps the engine running while they take a look for danger. At this hour the thoroughfare is quiet, only a few of the bookshops along the narrow lane are still open. From the end of the court Nethaniel’s store “Dodgy Pages” appears just as it did yesterday, there is no external sign of break in or damage.
OOC,I’ve tried to put you into a position to give you the initial view that you’d need and still keep all your options open. Dodgy Pages can be entered from either the front (Cecil Court) or the back (an unnamed alleyway). It’s illegal to drive along Cecil Court, and it’s impractical to try squeezing the Bentley along the alleyway at the back, so you’ll probably need to approach the shop on foot. There’s room to park on St Martin’s Road though. It’s still raining, quite heavily now. Traffic is light on St Martin’s Road, but looks heavier on Charing Cross Road, heading towards Leicester Square. It’s past rush hour though, and you haven’t encountered any serious queuing traffic along the route from Euston Station. It’s likely to be busy around Leicester Square and Trafalgar Square though until near midnight.
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Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Post by Laraqua »

"Want me to come with you or keep an eye on Menkheper in here?" asked Maksim. It's a shame that most men don't realise that a woman can pull a trigger easy (and that most women didn't seem to realise the same) because Menkheper's likely to try something if he leaves him in here with Yaleesha.
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Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Nethaniel thinks for a moment.

Well to be perfectly honest Maks, we should all go then shouldn't we?

Nethaniel wasn't sure if that was actually a good idea or if he was just too frightened to go in by himself. But he pressed on with his reasoning all the same.

I might have inquiries whilst I'm looking for volumes of any use that our Mr. Menkheper might be privy to. Plus we'll need someone to keep watch won't we?
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Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Post by Laraqua »

"All right, you've sold me on it," said Maksim, with a nod. "C'mon Menkheper, don't cause us any trouble." He gets out the car, heads around to Nethaniel, and takes the gun from him.
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Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Post by Raiko »

Menkheper and Yalesha both get out of the car. Menkheper offers no resistance at the moment, keeping a sullen silence.

Yalesha is also silent, her eyes flicking nervously from side to side as she looks for danger. The rain is almost ice cold and all four people are quickly soaked as they leave the shelter of the Bentley; Yalesha who is still dressed in only her belly-dancing garments begins to shiver almost immediately.
OOC,The gun that Nethaniel's holding is the one he took from the manager's office. Maks still has his own gun.
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Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Post by Laraqua »

Maksim would take off his jacket before he got out of the car and passed it to Yaleesha with an apologetic smile that's oh so cute and sweet. Then he'd head out into the London cold. Oh well, it's got nothing on Moscow.
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Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Nethanial leads the group to the back of his shop and through the back entrance door. He lights a few candles and then quickly begins to go to work selecting texts that may be useful in the upcoming battle with the beyond.

Kepp a looky loo Yalesha. I won't be but a moment...

He then turns to Menkheper and Maksim.

Your with me Menkheper.. Maks if you would please keep your guin trained on Mr Menkheper I would be most grateful.
ooc,- Library use 70% Ocult 75% Cthulhu Mythos 25% roll: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3489275/ rolled a: 36 library Use - Pass 82 Occult - Fail 11 Cthulhu Mythos : Pass
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Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Post by Laraqua »

Maksim happily takes up position and keeps his gun trained on Menkhepher.
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Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Post by Raiko »

Quick summary of events since you split up,Nethaniel travelled straight back to Soho when they left the Ritz hotel. They planned to speak with the dancer Yalesha who had previously offered to help Maksim and Timour. Hopefully she had information about Tewfik's murderous gang, and there was a possibility that Gwen could still be rescued. On their way to the Blue Pyramid Club they passed close to Tewfik al-Sayed's spice shop and saw that it was on fire. They located a couple of attractive young ladies (Alice and Agatha) who accompanied them into the Blue Pyramid. Yalesha met with Maksim outside the back of the club, while Nethaniel searched the office of the club owner, telling him what she knew of the Egyptian gang: [list][*]They call themselves the Brotherhood of the Black Pharaoh. [*]Tewfik al-Sayed is probably the leader, though he often meets a white man called Edward (most likely Gavigan from the Penhew Foundation) [*]On some nights the cultists travel in two beat-up trucks to somewhere outside London. Yalesha thinks it might be a place called Misr House (Misr = Egypt is Arabic). [*]The Brotherhood killed Yalesha's boyfriend Ali. [*]Menkheper the barman is one of the Brotherhood, but is a cowardly bully. [*]All of the Brotherhood members except Menkheper and the club doormen left in trucks earlier.[/list] After returning to the club Yalesha was attacked by Menkheper. Maks and Nethaniel saved her and captured Menkheper, but ended up shooting one of the doormen dead. They then fled the club and travelled to the Railway Inn, hoping that Timour & gang would already be there. Timour wasn't there, so Maks left a note. You are currently visiting Nethaniel's shop to collect useful books, then you planned to get Yalesha to look in The Ritz to see what's happening there with the police, murder, Elizabeth & Johnny, etc. Then you planned to return to the Railway Inn and wait for Timour and rest. You've also learnt them Menkheper of a gun dealer called Sean McNulty with Irish connections. He can be reached in a pub called O'Leary's in Camden Town (close to Euston Station and the Railway Inn). I don't think you were planning to visit O'Leary until you were all back together. Menkheper says that he is helping you because Tewfik will kill him anyway now, like he killed his own brother.
At the back door - Dodgy Papers, Cecil Court, London

Nethaniel finds that the back to his shop is not locked, and shows signs of forced entry. The shop's small back-room where the most valuable books for sale are kept is in disarray, with ancient and valuable hardbacks scattered across the floor and bookcases pulled over.

Fortunately Nethaniel keeps his most precious occult tomes in a locked cabinet down in the cellar. Unfortunately the door to the cellar is ajar.

Menkheper looks worried as he follows Nethaniel into the shop, though that could just be from the handgun that Maksim has pointed at his back. Yalesha stares into the shop from outside the back door, "Oh no, you have been burgled!"
@DSIGFUSS,Nethaniel's rolls are not forgotten. If his books remain then they'll count for then. If not, then I owe you something for your excellent Cthulhu Mythos roll!
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Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Nethaniel's head spins as he approaches the unlocked cellar door. He'd been collecting for years and ever ounce of collector's blood in his body ached with the pain he suspected was coming if they'd found his prize collection.

"Oh bloody hell" he mutters as he slowly opens the door, his stolen pistol drawn.
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