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Wed Sep 6 - Red Hook

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 8:10 pm
by Gaffer
Fifteen minutes after leaving the Murray Hill Hotel, Dex is driving over the Brooklyn Bridge. The sun hangs low in the sky behind them, about a half hour from setting, and the pavement gleams ahead of them from the most recent of the day's showers, but the evening air is still warm. At the end of the bridge he turns right onto Henry Street and continues down across atlantic Avenue until Esposito directs him to turn right on Degraw and then left on Van Brunt.

They're solidly into Red Hook now. The streets teem with people, not a few of the men in turban or fez, although there are also a good number that look spanish or Italian ('Portuguese' says Esposito when someone comments). He also points out a few garish symbols painted on walls or hanging in windows.
Just after those start appearing, he tells Dex to turn left into Visitation Street. The block-long street has an air of Carnival. People throng both sidewalks, washing up into a crowd in the middle of the block that spills out and blocks the thoroughfare. Several cops are arriving and trying to force people onto the sidewalks.

Dex spots a space several doors down from the church-looking building that the crowd is making for.

Re: Wed Sep 6 - Red Hook

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 5:03 pm
by Dexter Ford
As Dex parks, he looks at Esposito. "Are you this is the place? Cause that is a boat load of people heading for our destination. And a lot of potential casualties if something goes wrong." He knocks on the wood of the dash. "And knowing Mister Murphy, its likely to head fubar pretty darn soon."

Re: Wed Sep 6 - Red Hook

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 4:42 am
by Gaffer
This is what Dex gave Delores:
Ithaca Auto & Burglar he has stashed in the trunk.
It's a commercial cut-down double-barrel shotgun, still legal this year.
There's about a dozen shells.

Re: Wed Sep 6 - Red Hook

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 10:13 pm
by Delores Brown
"If we're careful and stick together, we should be ok - right?" interjects Delores from the back seat. She fiddles nervously with the catch of the bag that Dex has given her, wondering what would be a good time to load the gun.

Re: Wed Sep 6 - Red Hook

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 12:47 am
by FrankyEsposito
Gaffer wrote:This is what Dex gave Delores
OOC,He sure knows how to treat a girl!

Re: Wed Sep 6 - Red Hook

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 12:57 am
by FrankyEsposito
"This is the place."

This is the place, alright. You'd have to get up pretty early in the morning to find a more wretched hive of scum.

"Be on your toes. They don't much cotton to cops here. Outsiders, either. I'd wager this is maybe the most dangerous thing any of us has ever done." I pause with the door open. "Last chance, you two. Nobody'll fault you for showing the better part of valor here."

I take a good long belt from my flask and close the door. I say a silent prayer, cross myself, and wade into the crowd.

Re: Wed Sep 6 - Red Hook

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 3:57 am
by Gaffer
As Dex gets out of the car, two uniformed cops trot up. "Ya can't park here, pal. The whole block's bein closed down, accounta --"

"Quiet, O'Donogh ya mug, don'cha see it's Franky himself. Is this yer party then, Esposito?"

It's Jerry O'Donogh and Pat Corydon here to keep order.

At that moment, the doors to the hall open and the crowd surges forward, a collective cry going up from dozens of throats: "Ee-yah Gorgo! Ee-yah Mormo! Ee-yah!" And the street starts to empty into the former church.

Re: Wed Sep 6 - Red Hook

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 4:33 pm
by Dexter Ford
Before the cops arrive, Dex checks the two .38 revolvers he has brought with him, as well as making sure the blackjack is inside his coat pocket. Putting both the revolvers into their respective holsters, he nods to Delores. "You might want to hide a couple of those shells someplace you won't lose, in case you have to ditch the carryall at some point. And" glancing at Esposito "After the good officer's little cheer us up speech, it might be best to go lock and loaded."

Dex thinks for one moment it might have been a good idea to ask Joe for the Thompson he knew his partner had for "emergencies." But there wasn't time and that would have probably been overkill. Now looking at the crowd, he wonders if that was the wisest decision after all.

He gets out of the car, and is approached by the police officers. He chuckles when they recognize Esposito, and Dex glances back at the church and keeps an eye out for anyone that might be a "hitter" and a quick survey to see if they can see Miss Hirt's car anyplace.

Re: Wed Sep 6 - Red Hook

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 8:47 am
by Delores Brown
Delores looks down at her close fitting dress, wondering where on earth she's meant to hide her spare shells. She sighs, tells the boys to look the other way and tucks a couple of the shells into her underwear.

Shifting uncomfortably, she leaves the car clutching the carry-all. She's nervous but she's committed to going through with it.

Re: Wed Sep 6 - Red Hook

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 4:45 pm
by FrankyEsposito
I shake their hands, slap them on the backs. I knew I could count on these two.

"Yeah, they're... interested parties. Looks pretty bad out there, don't it?" I'm looking around for other friendly faces.

Re: Wed Sep 6 - Red Hook

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 7:19 pm
by Gaffer
Delores Brown wrote:Delores looks down at her close fitting dress, wondering where on earth she's meant to hide her spare shells. She sighs, tells the boys to look the other way and tucks a couple of the shells into her underwear.
[ooc - Don't you have a purse, Delores? Also, I'm going to consider the street howitzer loaded at this point.]

Re: Wed Sep 6 - Red Hook

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 1:58 pm
by Dexter Ford
[ooc-or a bra or corset? LOL but underwear was an interesting choice.]

Dex gets out of the car, and then does something he rarely does. He shows Delores at least, where he hides the keys under the driver's seat. "Just in case I don't make it back in time, or in case one or the other of us need to drive."

He waits around until Esposito is ready to go. He keeps glancing at the temple/church, then fingers the two speed loaders in his jacket pocket, then walks around to the trunk, to pull out a box of spare ammo, and places it inside his other jacket pocket.

Re: Wed Sep 6 - Red Hook

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 10:37 pm
by Delores Brown
[OOC - Ok you letches, enough of the fascination with Delores' undergarments. Where she hides the shells is for her eyes only! ;) If she's toting the bag with the sawn-off, it will be a chore to carry a purse as well - hence the underwear.]

Re: Wed Sep 6 - Red Hook

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 4:26 am
by FrankyEsposito
OOC - is it just the five of us, then?

Re: Wed Sep 6 - Red Hook

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 5:31 am
by Gaffer
There are a number of cops present, mostly for crowd control.

Re: Wed Sep 6 - Red Hook

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 12:25 am
by FrankyEsposito
"Okay, people. Let's dance."

I head forward, toward the dance hall. This is my town, and I'm taking it back.

Re: Wed Sep 6 - Red Hook

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 11:25 am
by Gaffer
As the five of you join the last of the crowd streaming toward the doors, the sound of whistles and squeeze-boxes and drums begins to waft outside. The insistent rhythm and tootling whine hastens the feet of the patrons. Even O'Donogh and Corydon start to move at a jig-like pace.

At the door, a pair of men are collecting tickets and money. Esposito confronts a face he remembers, the guy that was driving Marlene Hirt;s red coupe!
Esposito,This may be a bit of a retcon, but ...what the hell.

Re: Wed Sep 6 - Red Hook

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 5:04 pm
by Dexter Ford
Dex will follow Esposito's lead, staying close to Delores for the time being.
He will keep an eye out for anything immediately threatening or out of the normal that might pose a threat.

Re: Wed Sep 6 - Red Hook

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 5:44 pm
by FrankyEsposito
I motion for one of the uniforms assigned to crowd control to come over. I walk right up to the ticket taker -- the one I recognize, and get right up in his face. I don't say anything, not at first -- I just want to see what he does.

Re: Wed Sep 6 - Red Hook

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 8:04 pm
by Gaffer
The guy looks Esposito in the eye, his lip curling in a sneer. "Two bucks," he says.

The cop walks up, "What's the beef, pal?" he asks, annoyed that Esposito is holding up the line. People waiting their turn start to mutter.

The guy shouts out something in an unrecognized language and throws a punch at Franky's face. A dozen other men crowd in, jostling Franky, Dex, Delores and the cops. A woman screams!

[Mug rolls 3 using 1d6+2. Scuffle (6) +2 pool .]