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Tue Sep 5 - Delores

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 2:18 am
by Gaffer
A brand new day.

Re: Tue Sep 5 - Delores

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 11:32 pm
by Delores Brown
Delores had slept badly, despite the slug of bourbon she'd taken to help her sleep. Her dreams were haunted by the scene in the picture. She dreamt of herself in the picture, the hot sun burning her skin - making her ill - but not enough so that the faintly glimpsed flying things soaring over the distant buildings couldn't be heard on skittering wings...

She'd been awake before the sky was light, the bed hot and damp with her night sweats and she'd stolen into the bathroom at six to take a quick bath. She exited, avoiding the glare of Mrs Woznizcka (who hated anyone using hot water when it wasn't their 'turn') and ate her breakfast quietly with her head down.

Delores headed to work early, constantly glancing over her shoulder as she headed down the street. When she arrived at the newspaper offices, Delores headed for her desk, pausing on the way only to say 'Hi' to the editor and and check if there were any messages.

Re: Tue Sep 5 - Delores

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 1:15 am
by Gaffer
Delores Brown wrote:When she arrived at the newspaper offices, Delores headed for her desk, pausing on the way only to say 'Hi' to the editor and and check if there were any messages.
"Brown! You didn't forget your interview with old Mrs. DeVanter in Brooklyn, did you? She's a hundred years old, for Pete's sake! What if she keels over before you get there? Here's a buck for a cab. Get over there pronto!"

In the cab you realize that Mrs. DeVanter's address on Berkeley Street is just a few blocks from the 352 2nd Street office of Guy Grenville, Alphonse Hirt's agent.

Re: Tue Sep 5 - Delores

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 10:33 pm
by Delores Brown
As the cab driver corners on what seems like two wheels, Delores ticks herself off for forgetting the time of the interview. The cab pulls up sharply and Delores exits, passing the dollar bill to the driver with instructions to keep the change.

Pulling her skirt straight and fixing her friendliest smile, she walks up the garden path, to be greeted by Mrs DeVanter herself, tidying the flowers that grow in the borders next to her porch. Over a lemonade, and with relatives fussing in the background, Ms DeVanter tells Delores about her long life. She'd grown up in Massachusetts, the daughter of poor farmers and even the laws brought in to restrict child labour hadn't stopped her 'working all the hours God sent'. She'd been married twice, losing her first husband in the Civil War, and had met her second husband when he visited her county fair. He brought her Brooklyn, where she'd been settled for the past 40 years. She'd had three children, who'd brought grandchildren, then great grand-children and even a few great-great grandchildren and it was them, and the gardening, that kept her going.

An hour later, Delores leaves, waving goodbye to DeVanter who sits drinking her lemonade on the porch. After the horrors of the past few days, thinks Delores, that's done me the power of good. She walks down Berkeley to 2nd Street, glancing left and right to get her bearings. Satisfied she's heading in the right direction, she strolls down the street until 10 minutes later, she's standing in front of the offices of Guy Grenville.

She pushes open the door and steps into the office. Behind a tidy desk a young blonde woman sits. "Hello," says Delores, "Would it be possible to speak to Mr Grenville? I'm afraid I don't have an appointment but it concerns Alphonse Hirt."

Re: Tue Sep 5 - Delores

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 10:56 pm
by Gaffer
The offices of Guy Grenville Literary Agency amount to a brass plaque on a grubby brownstone at 352 2nd Street in Brooklyn and a small office behind a half-glassed door up several flights of narrow stairs. The door is locked, but a knock elicits a response.

“Who's it? What’cha want?”

[ooc - Don't forget that Genville's name was suggested by Luther Dewlap (World Telegraph literary critic) as someone who handles weird stories for the pulps.]

Re: Tue Sep 5 - Delores

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 11:14 pm
by Delores Brown
Delores decides that discretion may be the better part of valour. "My name is Delores," she replies, "A friend of mine told me you might be able to get my work published."

Re: Tue Sep 5 - Delores

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2010 12:02 am
by Gaffer
"We're closhed. Not acceptin' new bish- biznesh." Yes, the man is definitely inebriated.

Re: Tue Sep 5 - Delores

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 12:22 pm
by Delores Brown
Delores knocked again. "Mr Grenville? Luther Dewlap gave me your name - said you'd be able to help."

Re: Tue Sep 5 - Delores

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 2:44 pm
by Gaffer
You hear shuffling, unsteady steps and the voice is nearer the door when it says, "Luther? I know Luther. Help what? Whazzit 'bout?"

Re: Tue Sep 5 - Delores

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 8:52 pm
by Delores Brown
Delores glanced down the street and leant closer to the door. "Look, can't you open up?" she said, with a plainitive note to her voice, "I don't really want to talk about it in the street where everyone can hear."

Re: Tue Sep 5 - Delores

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 10:33 pm
by Gaffer
"Not takin' new clients, I tellya. Now Go'way!"

[ooc - You're not in the street. You're in a corridor on the third floor.]

Re: Tue Sep 5 - Delores

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 9:27 am
by Delores Brown
OOC: Oops!

Delores sighs; her approach isn't working. She takes a deep breath and knocks again. "Listen, Mr Grenville," she says through the door, "Luther did give me your details, but it's not about that. I'm here about Alphonse Hirt..."

Re: Tue Sep 5 - Delores

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 11:56 am
by Gaffer
The door opens a crack and a bloodshot eye peers out. It opens a bit wider and an unshaven face appears, then a tousled head. The man looks up and down the corridor. Satisfied Delores is alone, he opens the door to admit her and staggers back to his desk: "Lock that, willya?"

Guy Grenville is a chubby man about middle height in a good suit that badly needs cleaning and pressing. Strewn about his office are paper bags and paper cups suggesting several meals have been consumed on the premises recently, as well as several empty liquor bottles and one a third full. Grenville slumps in the chair behind his desk, clasping and unclasping his hands as his eyes dart from place to place. He emits a long rumbling belch.

“Oh, excuush me, pleash. I have the worsh indi-indigeshun, ever shince I washa kid.” He belches again in a more suppressed way.

“I gotta tell ya... righ' up fron'," he says pointing a quivering finger in your general direction, "I dunno th' guy you’re ashin' about – Hurd, d'ja shay? Never hearda 'im. My bish- bizznesh is finin' young writersh for th' pulps who c'n churn out shtuff atta penny a word. Thash what I do. I have contacsh with shef... shev... many publishershesh."

He ceases his speech and peers at Delores, blinking, "Who're you now?”

Re: Tue Sep 5 - Delores

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 10:47 pm
by Delores Brown
Delores steps carefully over the detritus littering the floor and carefully pushes the door ajar behind her. The man didn't seem dangerous but there is no point in taking any undue risks.

"I'm Delores," she says, looking around carefully for somewhere to sit. She glances at the chair opposite Grenville, but decides not to try to to shift the pile of food wrappers that are piled up there. She puts a hand on the back of the chair and instantly regrets it. "Look, I was told you'd helped Alphonse Hirst. That's why I'm here. She pauses, then steps closer. "I think he's in trouble and I want to help him."

Re: Tue Sep 5 - Delores

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 10:55 pm
by Gaffer
"Wha's tha t'do wi' me? I tell ya i dunno th' guy!"
Would you like to spend a point for Reassurance?

Re: Tue Sep 5 - Delores

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 4:42 pm
by Delores Brown
OOC,Yes, please.

Re: Tue Sep 5 - Delores

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 5:40 pm
by Gaffer
Delores places the card found in Hirt's apartment on Grenville's desk and arches her eyebrows.

“Okay. Okay, you got me," Grenville suddenly seems much less drunk, "Al Hirt is a client and a big disappointment. I get a letter from him about three months ago asking if I can help get his book published. Can Guy Grenville place a book? So the guy brings in some chapters and Hoo-whee this stuff is weird! Primitive cults in modern-day America among the immigrant families in Red Hook. The guy can write good and I figure to channel him to the pulps and a big payday – for both of us, sure.

“But, I tell him, this one’s been done— a few years ago sure, but these fans have long memories, you know? So I start pitching ideas for a change-up. Maybe it’s Indians out West, or even in India? Roadblock!

“The screwy kid believes what he says, all that nonsense about cults and space gods or something. He wants me to find a publisher for a work of ‘serious social anthropology.’ He was offended to be compared to Lester Dent. Imagine!”

Re: Tue Sep 5 - Delores

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 11:41 pm
by Delores Brown
Delores raises an eyebrow at the change in Grenville's demeanour but says nothing. "So what happened to him after he left - did you seen him again? And have you got a copy of his manuscript? I think what he was writing about could be linked to him going missing."

Re: Tue Sep 5 - Delores

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 11:50 am
by Gaffer
"Lady, what he was writing is definitely connected to his going missing. Lemme tell ya.

"“So I string him along a little, I let him buy me a few lunches. Then a couple weeks ago, he calls me. Says now he’s bound to get his book published. He’s coming to see me. I figure, maybe it’s vanity press time. A lot of writers do it.

“He gets here and it’s like he’s all hopped up. He’s daffy! Talking about how he ‘signed his name in the Book of Death’ and received the ‘ashen blessing of the First-Mother’. ‘It’s bigger than I ever dreamed,’ he says ‘and I’m getting it straight from the high priestess.’

"I’m not making this up, I swear to you. I tell him come by next day and we’ll talk it over. I figured he’d sober up by then

Two days later he gets to my office. Oh boy! He looks like death warmed-over, like he’s been tom-catting around for days. He keeps apologizing, explaining that he’d participated in some ceremony and was ‘quite overcome by revelation.’ He ‘talked with ghouls who were three centuries old’ and ‘saw men fall screaming from the moon-bridge’. Again, this is gospel, this is the kind of crazy stuff he said. And he’s eager to complete the book. Oh yeh! He’d have a first draft ready for me in a week and here were the first pages.

“So I tell him sure, sure I’ll give it my fullest attention as soon as the damn thing’s actually done. And that’s the last I’ve seen of him.

“No, that’s wrong. He leaves and I hear some argument down in the street. I look out and it’s Hirt and this dame. Boy was she a looker – tall, dark and va-voom! But a real Dragon Lady, y’know? They go off down the street still jawing. And that’s the last I’ve seen of him.”

Re: Tue Sep 5 - Delores

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 12:03 am
by Delores Brown
At the mention of the 'moon-bridge', Delores feels shivers down her spine. Dark images crowd her mind and she glances to the corners of the room, as if she hears something from a distance.

She shudders, rubbing her arms to quell the goosebumps. Suddenly she doesn't want to be stuck in here anymore. But she doesn't want to leave empty handed either. "You said he brought in some chapters - have you still got them?" she asks.