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Re: Saturday Sept 2 afternoon

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 4:59 pm
by Langdon
<sorry. Had a busy weekend>

"Well, Dex. I suppose visiting the building can't hurt. It's not unlawful for a citizen to walk past a building, is it?"

After walking a ways, Langdon starts up the conversation again, "I'm sorry about what I said in there. I didn't mean anything against the police. I think the detective and I just have different ways of seeing our duty to the people. But that Dolores woman! Look, I don't take it personally, but I think she's out to get me. Well, not just me. She seems out to 'get' just about anyone she can! Did someone hit her brother with a car or something while everyone stood by to watch? Is there some story of a jilted lover? Her fiance ditch her at the altar? I'd be bitter if any of that happened to me. But boy, it sure feels like she's got a grudge against the world. I'd be surprised if she weren't running over to her newspaper right now to print a story about a crooked cop and politician breaking into some poor man's house."

Re: Saturday Sept 2 afternoon

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 5:58 pm
by FrankyEsposito
"Answers? From those?" I think about it for a bit. "I hope not. But anything is possible in Red Hook."

I close my coat against the sudden chill, knowing even as I do that the chill comes from the inside. "I'm hoping to get some answers from some more mundane sources."

Re: Saturday Sept 2 afternoon

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 8:53 pm
by Gaffer
I'm going to call "Scene" at this point.

I assume that Dex and Langdon are going to their respective offices and will meet around 7:00 pm to check out Hirt's building and/or apartment.

I assume that Delores is going home.

I assume that Franky is going by the Hudson Street Station, then going home.

Correct me if any of my assumptions are off.

I'll cover the next couple of hours in private threads; then start a double thread for Dex and Langdon.