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Re: Wed Sep 6 - Red Hook

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 10:28 pm
by FrankyEsposito
I'll roll with the punch, then take out my badge.

"Well, well. Add 'Assaulting a Police Officer' to the ever growing list of what I'm gonna nail you for." I turn to the uniformed cop. "Put some bracelets on this guy and get him out of here. But don't take him too far. I've got a few questions to ask him."

The crowd is starting to tick me off. I hold my badge up high and shout in my best cop voice. "All right, everybody calm down. Back it right up or I'll shut this whole party down right now."

I turn back to Dex and Delores and whisper "'Miss Hirt's' driver."

Re: Wed Sep 6 - Red Hook

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 11:45 am
by Gaffer
Franky,takes 1 damage from the punch.
The crowd reacts badly to Franky;s threat to shut down the hall. Shouts of "No! No1" mingle with apparent negatives in other languages and a few cries of "Ia! Ia!" Bodies surge against bodies, a woman screams. Four men jostle against the cop trying to make his arrest and shove between him and his almost-prisoner.

Corydon and O'Donogh have their batons out, trying to push the crowd back from their group, but the press is too much. Franky thinks he sees the glint of a knife.

[Roll against Scuffling or Athletics, target 4.]

Dex sees two men hustling Franky's playmate along the fringe of the riot toward the doors.

Re: Wed Sep 6 - Red Hook

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 3:23 pm
by FrankyEsposito
Gaffer wrote:[Roll against Scuffling or Athletics, target 4.]
[Athletics: 5+2 = 7]

I'll try to subdue the idiot with the knife and hold him/her between me and the rest of the crowd.
[Scuffling: 2+1 = 3]

It's starting to look like we may have to retreat and bring in reinforcements.

Re: Wed Sep 6 - Red Hook

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 5:08 pm
by Dexter Ford
Dex glances at the crowd, then at the fleeing men, then back to the surging crowd. He judges the police are not enough to keep the crowd under control.

Having been in a near riot once or twice, and knowing the only thing that tends to get people's attention is a lot of noise, he shakes his head for a moment.
He will also yell over the noise "Delores, get ready to run if it gets out of control. Along the edge of the crowd, towards those doors." He quickly points towards where the men were fleeing.

He then pulls a .38 revolver, and fires into the air, hoping the crack and report of the pistol will get the crowd to settle down. His hand rests on the second butt of the revolver in case there is more violence from the crowd.

Re: Wed Sep 6 - Red Hook

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 4:10 pm
by Gaffer
Screams! Shouts! The crowd begins to flee for the exit. All the cops go for their revolvers.

Corydon gives Dex a hard look, "Put that thing away, ya fool, 'fore ya get pinched."

The guy with the knife wrenches free from Franky's grasp as the panic takes over the crowd.

Dex sees Delores swept along in the rush.

Esposito spots Merivana's driver and his buddies slip out a side door.

Re: Wed Sep 6 - Red Hook

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 12:14 am
by Delores Brown
Delores tries to push against the crowd but feels herself being pulled along as they panic, driven by the gunfire. The bag is almost torm from her hands as people throng around her and she pulls it closer, wrapping her arms around it as if represents her only hope. She cranes her neck, trying to see Dex, but she stumbles and has to focus on staying on her feet, lost in amongst the bustling crowd...

Re: Wed Sep 6 - Red Hook

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 5:54 pm
by Dexter Ford
Dex will just give the cop the "look" and then push and pursue his way through the crowd towards where Delores was swept along.
Anyone who gets in the way will be shoved, pushed or butt stroked/buffaloed with the revolver as necessary until he can get somewhere near where she is at.

Re: Wed Sep 6 - Red Hook

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 2:28 am
by FrankyEsposito
Damn it. I hope Dex can get to her. I'm going after Merivana's driver... I can't let him slip away now.

I bark an order at Corydon and O'Donogh: "Go with him... get that woman, now!"

I grab a couple of the other uniforms and bull my way through the crowd.

Re: Wed Sep 6 - Red Hook

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 8:17 pm
by Gaffer
The crowd is stampeding for the exits, but Delores manages to angle toward the side of the room, finally struggling free by the same side door that Esposito has reached. Dex catches up to them in a moment.

Through the door, the evening is chilly, but clear. There are no lights on in the alley and hardly any filters back from the street.

At the end of the alley, headlights snap on as an engine springs to life. A car hurtles toward you over the cobbles, heading for the street!
OOC,[color=#FF0000]Athletics or Fleeing rolls for everyone; it's a narrow alley.[/color]

Re: Wed Sep 6 - Red Hook

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 5:56 pm
by Dexter Ford
OOC: This is always a bit more pulpy...and cinematic.

Dex draws both pistols, "aims" above and to the right, where the wind screen and the driver would be, and empties both revolvers into the front of the car, hoping to stop the driver, rather permanently.

(Firearms: We did discover that there are rules for firing with two weapons in the many rulebook)
1d6=5 +5 from Firearms spend=10!

Re: Wed Sep 6 - Red Hook

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 10:49 pm
by FrankyEsposito
GM,Not sure if this coupe has running boards or not -- I looked at a bunch of pix on Google Images and it looked like at least some of them did, so... if there are none, we'll erase this and try again.
I see what Dex is doing and move to the driver's side... as the car careens past I leap onto the running board, grab the window, and hang on.

Athletics: 1d6+3=5

Re: Wed Sep 6 - Red Hook

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 11:24 pm
by Delores Brown
Delores starts to run, her heels slipping on the cobbles, trying to reach the end of the alley before the car reaches her!
OOC,[url=]Delores runs from the speeding car. (1d6=3)[/url] plus a four point spend, please!

Re: Wed Sep 6 - Red Hook

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 7:19 pm
by Gaffer
Corydon and O'Donogh duck back through the door into the hall. The two cops with Esposito flatten against the walls of the alley, shouting at the car.

Dex's shots shatter the windshield and the car careens to its left, almost clipping Esposito as he hops aboard, then swerves to the right, smashing into the stone wall between the two cops and Delores. Steam jets from holes in the radiator. Esposito reaches in and shuts off the engine, the two guys inside too dead to argue with him. Neither is the guy he wants.

In the sudden quiet, broken only by the hissing steam and the cops' mumbled prayers (or curses), Esposito hears the sound of someone running the other way up the alley.
Franky,[color=#FF4000][b]Athletics[/b] to pursue.[/color]

Re: Wed Sep 6 - Red Hook

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 2:35 pm
by FrankyEsposito
I start off after the third man, but I've wrenched my knee in hopping onto the car. Damn it all. So close.

Athletics: 1d6=1

Re: Wed Sep 6 - Red Hook

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 3:42 pm
by Dexter Ford
Dex calmly reloads his revolvers, dumping the spent rounds onto the ground, and then using speed loaders to get the chambers loaded.
Muttering to himself while shaking his head, "They never make things easy, never. And they were just as piss poor drivers as some of Capone's gang."
Dex walks towards Delores and the two cops hopefully emerging from the doorway. He drops the speed loaders back into his jacket pocket.
"Delores, are you alright? And you two, perhaps you should hurry along after Detective Esposito?"
Once he is sure Delores is alright, he will reholster one of his revolvers and then move after Esposito, hopefully with Delores in tow.
As they pass by the car, he will take a quick look inside the vehicle to see if anything "leaps" out at him.

Re: Wed Sep 6 - Red Hook

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 8:38 pm
by Gaffer
Corydon and O'Donough set off after Franky, who realizes his knee is loosening up as he runs. The other two cops start securing the scene, searching the car and the corpses.

[Spoiler-Button]Dex & Delores, Make a Streetwise roll.[Spoiler-Button]

Re: Wed Sep 6 - Red Hook

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 4:15 pm
by Dexter Ford

Re: Wed Sep 6 - Red Hook

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 11:46 pm
by Delores Brown
Delores is shaken by the near miss and is all too glad for Dex's offer of assistance. She holds onto his arm lightly as they make their way down the alley, glancing in, then turning quickly away from the two dead men in the car, letting Dex lead her onwards.
OOC,[url=]Streetwise roll. (1d6=2)[/url] Sorry for the lack of posts this week - job applications and interviews to prepare for :(

Re: Wed Sep 6 - Red Hook

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 7:29 pm
by Gaffer
Franky limps up the dark alley, halting as it takes a right turn about the time the two cops catch up. They listen and hear running footsteps. The three round the corner in time to see their quarry turn right into Richard Street.

Meanwhile, Dex has realized (Streetwise 4) that they should go up Visitation to try to intercept the guy. He grabs Delores's hand and they emerge onto Visitation and turn left, heading for Richards, dodging the people who had exited the hall in the panic.

Esposito, with Corydon and O'Donough, run from the alley into Richards. Franky spots the guy running along the sidewalk on Richards past the Visitation intersection. At the same moment, Dex and Delores see a guy sprint across Visitation on Richards just a few yards from them.

[Everyone can roll Athletics to try to catch the guy. He is Fleeing: Your Friend rolled 5 using 1d6+2. Fleeing. Or you can try something other than running after him. (I'll allow Dex and/or Delores to spend a turn getting Dex's car.)]

Re: Wed Sep 6 - Red Hook

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 10:59 pm
by Delores Brown
OOC,Delores will follow Dex's lead.