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Mon Sep 4 - Afternoon - Dex and Langdon

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 2:50 am
by Gaffer
Dex's Office

Dex wakes suddenly on the sofa where he has dozed off, jarring his wrist so that it throbs dimly. The room is almost dark in the late afternoon. There's a tentative rapping on the outer office door. Crossing to it, he sees a faint silhouette on the pebbled glass and hears Langdon's voice calling softly, "Mr. Ford? Are you in there?"

Re: Mon Sep 4 - Afternoon - Dex and Langdon

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 3:59 pm
by Langdon
I try the handle, and finding it unlocked, let myself in. I sit in a chair near the couch.

"Dex, Miss Brown went to check on an art store, Detective Esposito went to the station to check for info on Merivana Azaff and follow some other leads. I came here to check on you and we can follow up any leads you have."

Re: Mon Sep 4 - Afternoon - Dex and Langdon

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 3:38 pm
by Dexter Ford
Dex sits up, wiping sleep out of his eyes. He glances over at Langdon with a start and then chuckles. "Not exactly the pretty face I was expecting to wake up to from this." He lifts his bandaged wrist. Processing the information that Langdon has given him, he nods his head as he walks over to his desk drawer, pulling out a bottle of decent Canadian whiskey. "Want a splash?" He pours himself a double, (and Langdon if he wants one) and goes over the notes mentally. "Well didn't we discover along the way that our boy has been involved in some occult activity? We got some books from his apartment, but I figure we might be missing something. We could pop down to the public library main branch on 5th avenue and see what we can find there?" He sips the whiskey and then looks at Langdon. "I'd really like to know what the hell bit me too..."

Re: Mon Sep 4 - Afternoon - Dex and Langdon

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 8:05 pm
by Langdon
I sip the whiskey, enjoying the smooth warm bite. Nodding agreement to Dex's suggestion about the library, "Why not?"

"As for what bit you," I finish off the whiskey, suddenly feeling very thirsty and just a little unsteady, "If Merivana can make the wall vanish and walk through it into some other place, I'd bet she made whatever bit you. Did you find any..." I bring the glass up for another swig, licking my parched lips and coughing out the last word, "pieces?"

Re: Mon Sep 4 - Afternoon - Dex and Langdon

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 4:37 am
by Dexter Ford
Dex shakes his head. "No, nothing was noticable. Docs thought it was a big dog, but they also said I should go back for rabies shots, but to be honest, I think that might be the least thing I have to worry about." He rubs his arm and takes a sip. "I am not sure we can head out to the library today, but I am in the mood for a bite to eat and I think my girl is on Broadway tonight hoofing her way through a show. Perhaps we can grab a bite to eat and then head out to the show, saving the library for tomorrow morning?" Dex sips his whiskey. "We could invite the others as a chance to break the tension and then share whatever info we all have and where to head to next."[

Re: Mon Sep 4 - Afternoon - Dex and Langdon

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 1:51 pm
by Langdon
"Dinner and distraction sound like just what the doctor ordered, Dex."

Re: Mon Sep 4 - Afternoon - Dex and Langdon

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 7:08 pm
by Dexter Ford
Refilling Langdon's glass, Dex sits back down and then leans his forearms on his legs, being careful and favoring his wounded arm. "Langdon, now that you have had some time to realize the truth about Merivana" the name sticking for a moment before spitting it out "do you remember anything sticking out from your dinner with her? Anything that you kinda shrugged off as being odd or perhaps simply thinking you misheard her, but now might be important?"

Re: Mon Sep 4 - Afternoon - Dex and Langdon

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 7:37 pm
by Langdon
"She seemed miffed that Alphonse was spending inheritance money, is all. And she was impatient with our progress at the time." I swish the whiskey and swallow. "There was that Egyptian amulet she was wearing at the station."

Re: Mon Sep 4 - Afternoon - Dex and Langdon

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 8:30 am
by Dexter Ford
"What Egyptian amulet?" Dex gets up and looks through the books he still has to see if there is a picture of the amulet among the works he took from Hirt's apartment. "Would you recognize it if you saw it again?"

Re: Mon Sep 4 - Afternoon - Dex and Langdon

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 12:13 pm
by Gaffer
Langdon describes the necklace:

"It's silver -- or maybe platinum? There's a centerpiece on a silver chain. It's made up of a disk in the middle with a sort of oval on either side, flanked by a half disk, then a sort of quarter disk beside those. It looks like the moon going through its phases, you know? quarter-moon, half-moon, three quarter-moon, full moon. Her earrings were silver crescents, like the moon, too. The whole thing looked like it was Middle Eastern -- Egyptian, or maybe Persian. I'm not an expert."

Re: Mon Sep 4 - Afternoon - Dex and Langdon

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 10:10 pm
by Dexter Ford
Dex will look through the two books for any description of the amulet or any images of it. Hopefully there is something that will illuminate a bit more about the actual cult they are facing.

Spend 1 point of Library Use:

Re: Mon Sep 4 - Afternoon - Dex and Langdon

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 12:37 pm
by Gaffer
You don't find anything in the index about jewelry, but looking at all the illustrations, you do come across a photo of a necklace in Adventures in Arabia: Among the Bedouins, Druses, Whirling Dervishes & Yezidee Devil Worshipers by W.B. Seabrook.

"That's it exactly!" Langdon exclaims.
Moon Pendant.jpg
Necklace taken from Yezidee shamaness after capture by British authorities.
Property of Baghdad Archaeological Museum. Donated by Miss Gertrude Bell.

There's no other reference in the index.

By the time you've found it, it's too late to get to the play.

Re: Mon Sep 4 - Afternoon - Dex and Langdon

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 3:34 pm
by Langdon
OOC,thanks for the description and such. It helped!
"So... she's a moon-man?" I chuckle. "Or..." a little more serious, "Maybe she draws power from the moon, somehow. What's the phase of the moon tonight? Do you think that has anything to do with what she could do back at the apartment?"

Re: Mon Sep 4 - Afternoon - Dex and Langdon

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 9:25 am
by Dexter Ford
"Perhaps, I don't really know. This occult mumbo jumbo isn't really up my alley. However, I still think come morning we should head to the library and see if we can track down some more information. Or more importantly, let me try to make some phone calls and see what I can dig up on alleged experts at Fordham, my alma mater, who might be able to point us in the right direction about the amulet and anyone who knows something more about the amulet. In this city, I am sure there have to be at least one egghead who knows all about this." He waves at the book, then mumbles under his breath, after dog earring the page. "Do you want to take the book to look over tonight? It's too late to go to the theater, but I might still be able to get Lila after the show for a late night steak or some food. You are welcome to come along if you want, Langdon. Lila is a swell gal."

Re: Mon Sep 4 - Afternoon - Dex and Langdon

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 1:58 pm
by Langdon
"No. No. That's fine. I think I may just take the book and read at home. I need a rest. Stop by tomorrow and we'll see what else we can find out. Do you need a ride?" With that I make my farewells and head home, by way of Dex's destination if he takes me up on the offer.

Re: Mon Sep 4 - Afternoon - Dex and Langdon

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 6:37 pm
by Dexter Ford
Dex will give the book over to Langdon and make sure he has his number and address. "I'll take you up on the offer. I am not sure I am up for driving, and I can take a taxi home afterwards." Dex will tell Langdon the name of the theater Lila is performing at.

Re: Mon Sep 4 - Afternoon - Dex and Langdon

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 7:53 pm
by Gaffer
The 'phone on Dex's desk rings.

Re: Mon Sep 4 - Afternoon - Dex and Langdon

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 8:13 pm
by Langdon
I stick around, out of curiosity really, not meaning to snoop on Dex. If it sounds related to our case, I'll stay. If Dex shoos me out or if the call seems unrelated, I'll wave goodbye and leave.

Re: Mon Sep 4 - Afternoon - Dex and Langdon

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 4:37 am
by Dexter Ford
Dex hear's the phone ring and walks over to pick it up. He motions for Langdon to hang around.

"Ford Detective Agency, Dex Ford speaking. How can I help you?"

Re: Mon Sep 4 - Afternoon - Dex and Langdon

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 3:08 pm
by FrankyEsposito
"Ford, Esposito here. Just, uh, calling to see how it's going. Haven't turned up anything new here, no hits for Azaff or the car."

I'm not used to this. I've been working alone since... since Vinny.

"Look, have you seen Langdon or Delores? When I was writing my report it... struck me how odd this whole thing must seem to anyone on the outside. I was thinking we should maybe get together, talk about it..."

Re: Mon Sep 4 - Afternoon - Dex and Langdon

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 5:45 pm
by Dexter Ford
"Detective Esposito, good to hear from you. Langdon is here with me, but I am not sure where Delores is at, perhaps the paper? As for discovering anything new, Langdon and I did stumble across a tid bit about a necklace he remembers seeing on Miss Hirt's neck, and we located an image of it in one of the books I was reading." He looks at Langdon and raises an eyebrow, smiling. "I think Langdon and I could be convinced to discuss this more. Over a beer and a steak perhaps? I don't think either of us have eaten tonite. Flannigan's on East 51st, corner of Lexington? Yeah, opposite the Waldorf Astoria. See you there in about 30 minutes?" Glancing over at Langdon and seeing if that is okay. If it is, Dex will finish the conversation with Esposito and hang up.

"Seems our master is summoning us for a little bit of a pow-wow." Dex simple chuckles, finds his revolver, and a new coat to replace the torn up one. I am pretty sure he would have changed his shirt from a spare at the office before falling asleep.

Re: Mon Sep 4 - Afternoon - Dex and Langdon

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 12:14 pm
by Gaffer
Esposito calls just as you're heading out the door to say that he couldn't reach Delores at the paper, but you could try going by her boarding house to see if she's home.

Re: Mon Sep 4 - Afternoon - Dex and Langdon

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 3:08 pm
by Langdon
I'll drive us where we need to go.
OOC,This is my last post for a while.

Re: Mon Sep 4 - Afternoon - Dex and Langdon

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 6:02 pm
by Gaffer
As langdon pulls in to the curb at the address of the rooming house, Delores is about to enter the front door. Langdon toots his horn and Dex gets out of the passenger side. He steps to foot of the stoop and looks up at Delores. "Excuse me, Miss Brown, would you care to have a bite to eat with us? Detective Esposito will be joining us and we can discuss what we've learned and our next steps."

Delores comes down the steps somewhat wearily, saying. "That would be lovely. Suppertime's past here."

Dex lets her into the backseat and Langdon pulls away. Dex says, "We're going up to Flannigan's for a steak and a beer."