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Sunday Sept 3 - Dex

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 4:17 pm
by Gaffer
The sun is already bright when Dex rises about eight o'clock. He takes his time fixing ham and eggs, toast and coffee and enjoys a leisurely breakfast over the Sunday paper until nine-thirty. He showers and shaves and dresses for Mass. After Mass, he returns with a couple of doughnuts from the bakery on the corner, reheats the coffee and sits down with his book.

Re: Sunday Sept 3 - Dex

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 3:40 pm
by Dexter Ford
Dex will spend whatever time it takes to read through the book, getting up only to refill his coffee, or use the bathroom. He will have a small notebook and a pencil to jot down any notes. The comfortable chair is located near the window, catching whatever breeze off the street there is, plus the background sounds will help to settle him in a comfort zone as he reads about foreign people in foreign lands.

Re: Sunday Sept 3 - Dex

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 8:52 pm
by Langdon
Around noon, Dex's phone rings.

"Hello Dex! It's Langdon. Miss Hirt phoned me last night and asked to meet me at Club 21 this evening. I know it's not really your scene, but I thought I would let you know. Perhaps we should invite the others? Well, I was told to come alone. That sounds so sinister! No, she sounded very pleasant and more like she didn't want a crowd. Besides, I'm sure she's aware of the clientel of Club 21. I mean no offense, but I don't think Dolores or Detective Esposito or yourself really fit in with the type of people that frequent the restaurant."

Langdon makes small-talk if Dex will have it, maybe trying to pick up a tip or trick or two to help him get the most out of Miss Hirt when they meet up and not tip his hand too quickly or eagerly.

Re: Sunday Sept 3 - Dex

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 11:14 pm
by Dexter Ford
Langdon wrote:Around noon, Dex's phone rings.

"Hello Dex! It's Langdon. Miss Hirt phoned me last night and asked to meet me at Club 21 this evening. I know it's not really your scene, but I thought I would let you know. Perhaps we should invite the others? Well, I was told to come alone. That sounds so sinister! No, she sounded very pleasant and more like she didn't want a crowd. Besides, I'm sure she's aware of the clientel of Club 21. I mean no offense, but I don't think Dolores or Detective Esposito or yourself really fit in with the type of people that frequent the restaurant."

Langdon makes small-talk if Dex will have it, maybe trying to pick up a tip or trick or two to help him get the most out of Miss Hirt when they meet up and not tip his hand too quickly or eagerly.
Dex puts the book aside and answers.

Langdon, how are you? ::Dex listens to the conversation:: You are right, I haven't been there before, but if you think you need some backup, I am sure I have a decent suit from my days with the government. As for Detective Esposito, well perhaps he isn't the best choice to invite to such a ritzy place as Club 21. If you think it might be better for me to not show up, I won't be offended. But a drink at the bar and perhaps some back up would be a wise decision. But the choice is yours Langdon.

"Hmm she seems like a tough cookie, Langdon, so the usual charm might not work. Honestly, I would just out and out be upfront with her. Treat her like a colleague and not a dame in a skirt, and you might get a great answer to whatever questions you have. I am trying to get through one of these books, but its a bit of a slog through the trenches. If we don't hear from the good Detective, I am considering heading back to Hirt's apartment in the morning. Do you want to come along?"

Re: Sunday Sept 3 - Dex

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 11:15 pm
by Langdon
"I'm not really sure I should tag along on a second visit to Mr. Hirt, sorry Dex. Should we set up a time to meet and exchange information? Would you mind calling the others and inviting them?" If that's all Dex has to say, Langdon politely hangs up.

Re: Sunday Sept 3 - Dex

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 8:33 pm
by Dexter Ford
Langdon wrote:"I'm not really sure I should tag along on a second visit to Mr. Hirt, sorry Dex. Should we set up a time to meet and exchange information? Would you mind calling the others and inviting them?" If that's all Dex has to say, Langdon politely hangs up.
Langdon, I understand perfectly about the Hirt apartment. So...let me get this want me to show up and call the others to see if they will as well? or do you want to get together after you have your meeting with Ms Hirt? Whichever, I don't mind calling the others and arranging for it.

Re: Sunday Sept 3 - Dex

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 3:11 pm
by Langdon
"No no no... I meant arrange to meet later. Oh! Maybe we could meet up somewhere to get a drink after my dinner with Miss Hirt." I take on a playfully sinister tone, like something from a radio drama, "That way, if Miss Hirt tries anything funny and I don't show up, you'll know to come looking for me sooner rather than later. Ha!"

Re: Sunday Sept 3 - Dex

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 1:11 am
by Dexter Ford
Langdon wrote:"No no no... I meant arrange to meet later. Oh! Maybe we could meet up somewhere to get a drink after my dinner with Miss Hirt." I take on a playfully sinister tone, like something from a radio drama, "That way, if Miss Hirt tries anything funny and I don't show up, you'll know to come looking for me sooner rather than later. Ha!"
You know, Langdon, that actually is a smart idea. I think there is a former speakeasy, now a small restaurant, ....Flannigan's Steak House, that isn't too far away. I'll give Delores and Detective Esposito a call and try to meet up with you say around 8 or so? Should that be plenty of time for your dinner engagement?

Re: Sunday Sept 3 - Dex

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 6:08 am
by Gaffer
So Dex will meet Langdon at the Steakhouse speakeasy, around the corner from the 21 Club at eight o'clock.

Langdon should return to his thread.

Does Dex have Delores and Esposito's home numbers? Or will he have to try to leave messages at their offices?

Re: Sunday Sept 3 - Dex

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 5:54 pm
by Dexter Ford
If I got their numbers at lunch time, I have them. Otherwise, I will try to leave a message at their offices.

Re: Sunday Sept 3 - Dex

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 7:42 pm
by Gaffer
I'll assume that you'd be careful about such details, experienced investigator that you are.

Esposito's phone rings continuously without any response.

At Delores's number, the phone is answered by a woman with a noticeable accent (probably Eastern European): "Missus Brown not to home. She go out on date, I think. You would leave message?"

Re: Sunday Sept 3 - Dex

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 1:57 am
by Dexter Ford
Gaffer wrote:I'll assume that you'd be careful about such details, experienced investigator that you are.

Esposito's phone rings continuously without any response.

At Delores's number, the phone is answered by a woman with a noticeable accent (probably Eastern European): "Missus Brown not to home. She go out on date, I think. You would leave message?"
"No, that isn't necessary. Thank you."

Dex will call Esposito's station house and leave a message with the desk sergeant to give to Esposito if he calls in. It will say that dinner is being held at Flanningan's around 8 pm. I'll also ring the Delores' newspaper and leave a message, if possible, with the night editor, saying that the meeting at Flanningan's concerns an important story she is working on.

BTW, did I learn anything from my afternoon reading the book?

Re: Sunday Sept 3 - Dex

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 4:59 pm
by Gaffer
After Langdon hangs up, Dex gets back to his reading. The mystical and obscure language of the book and the warm Autumn sun streaming through the windows combine to make the afternoon somewhat drowsy, so the reading is slow going. Dex takes a break around one-thirty and walks up to Lena's Restaurant at 206 East 198th Street. The fresh air and exercise clear his head and by four o'clock, he's finished. Looking back over his notes, he finds the following fragments:

-Yezidi people originally came from Southern Iraq and migrated north to Mount Lalish --descendants of Assyrians seeking refuge after the fall of Nineveh 612 BC
-Irem or Eridu also known as “Enkidu” -- ancient city in Southern Iraq -- "Father Satan's city"
-Valley of Baten El Ghoul -- right over the buried ancient city -- known as "The Devil's Hole" or "Belly of the Beast"
-many consider this spot to be haunted -- demons have seen by many who have spent the night -- claim it has powerful energy which most label "evil"
-those who have spent the night also claim entire area is "bathed in a strange bluish grey light" -- "apparitions" also seen
-Iraq has many ancient artifacts and evidence of Satan
-Mount Lalesh near ancient Assyrian city of Nineveh and along a three hundred mile stretch are the Ziarahs
-the Ziarahs: the Seven Towers of Satan with the center tower on Mount Lalesh -- high white cone-shaped structures -- bright rays flashing from pinnnacles

A longer note reads: "According to legend, the Satan followers are the victims of their young prophet, the son of Hanalalah, who, as long as he was actuated by a disinterested zeal for religion, was victorious over the principle of evil; but failed when that zeal gave place to a sordid cupidity for earthly treasure."

Finally, this bit seemed most significant: “In Irem, it is said by the Yezidiz, nothing can die; nothing ever dies. This is the blessing and the curse of Irem.”

Re: Sunday Sept 3 - Dex

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 6:06 pm
by Dexter Ford
Gaffer wrote:After Langdon hangs up, Dex gets back to his reading. The mystical and obscure language of the book and the warm Autumn sun streaming through the windows combine to make the afternoon somewhat drowsy, so the reading is slow going. Dex takes a break around one-thirty and walks up to Lena's Restaurant at 206 East 198th Street. The fresh air and exercise clear his head and by four o'clock, he's finished. Looking back over his notes, he finds the following fragments:

-Yezidi people originally came from Southern Iraq and migrated north to Mount Lalish --descendants of Assyrians seeking refuge after the fall of Nineveh 612 BC
-Irem or Eridu also known as “Enkidu” -- ancient city in Southern Iraq -- "Father Satan's city"
-Valley of Baten El Ghoul -- right over the buried ancient city -- known as "The Devil's Hole" or "Belly of the Beast"
-many consider this spot to be haunted -- demons have seen by many who have spent the night -- claim it has powerful energy which most label "evil"
-those who have spent the night also claim entire area is "bathed in a strange bluish grey light" -- "apparitions" also seen
-Iraq has many ancient artifacts and evidence of Satan
-Mount Lalesh near ancient Assyrian city of Nineveh and along a three hundred mile stretch are the Ziarahs
-the Ziarahs: the Seven Towers of Satan with the center tower on Mount Lalesh -- high white cone-shaped structures -- bright rays flashing from pinnnacles

A longer note reads: "According to legend, the Satan followers are the victims of their young prophet, the son of Hanalalah, who, as long as he was actuated by a disinterested zeal for religion, was victorious over the principle of evil; but failed when that zeal gave place to a sordid cupidity for earthly treasure."

Finally, this bit seemed most significant: “In Irem, it is said by the Yezidiz, nothing can die; nothing ever dies. This is the blessing and the curse of Irem.”
Dex will head out to the office about 2 hours before dinner. Using his key to enter the office, he will head to the secretary's desk and pull out some paper, feeding into the typewriter. Having had to type up at least a few case files in his days since leaving the federal government, he slowly types up three copies of his notes, and then uses a fountain pen to add a note to the significant section. "This part stands out. Is there any cross reference to other discussions in the other books?" He will then fold the papers up, place them in his jacket pocket, and places the original notes in a locked drawer in his office. He will grab up a shoulder holster and one of his .38s, and he gets ready to head over to Flanningan's for dinner. Placing his fedora back on his head, Dex snaps his fingers. He heads back to the inner office and jots a quick note to his partner to make sure he is caught up on the current discoveries about the case, mentioning Langdon's dinner with the mysterious Ms. Hirt and most of the rest of the material he learned from the others. Sanding the note, he will place it inside an envelope and place it tucked into the corner pocket of the desk blotter, so that Joe can't miss it. He'll lock up and head down to the street, getting back into his car for the drive to Flanningan's.

Re: Sunday Sept 3 - Dex

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 9:36 pm
by Gaffer
You get to Flannigan's a bit before eight o'clock. No sign of Vilas. You wait around until ten past, but you didn't expect him to be punctual. Mike Flannigan, the owner's brother recognizes you and offers you a drink on the house. Fifteen minutes later, still no Langdon Vilas.

Re: Sunday Sept 3 - Dex

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 5:56 pm
by Dexter Ford
::Finishing up the drink and chatting with Mike, I glance at my watch one more time. When 8:30 arrives, I place a small tip on the bar and then head out to the club.:: Maybe Langdon was more correct than he wanted to be when he said I might have to come looking for him. ::Walking the streets, since it isn't that far, which is why Flannigan's was chosen in the first place, Dex will head to the entrance of the club. He is dressed fairly presentably, at least for a private detective. It used to be easier, he thought, when you could just flash a badge, but for the moment the past was just a place somewhere over...there.:: Okay Langdon, what exactly have you gotten yourself into? ::murmuring, Dex will look over the entrance before heading in. If there is a bouncer/doorman, it's time to pull palm a 5 spot to grease the entrance if necessary.::

Re: Sunday Sept 3 - Dex

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 7:39 pm
by Gaffer
The sidewalks and streets are busy in this part of town, Depression or no. Swanky cars prowl the streets and taxis pick up and discharge well-dressed passengers. Ladies and gentlemen chatter gaily as they hurry to their destinations. some of the "gentlemen stagger, despite the early hour. On the corner a pair of swarthy street musicians tootle on penny whistles. A red coupe sidles slowly along the curb.

As you scan the Club 21 entrance, the uniformed doorman opens the doors and you see Vilas escort Marlene outside. The red coupe pulls forward and Langdon assists Marlene into the passenger side. The car pulls off and Langdon turns toward you with a somewhat bemused expression.

[Continue in Sunday Sept 3 Evening - Dex and Langdon ]

Re: Sunday Sept 3 - Dex

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 5:44 pm
by Dexter Ford
Dex returns home after dropping Langdon back at his car. He heads into the apartment, turns on a few lights, pulls a beer bottle from the refrigerator and moves to his desk. Gun and holster go back in drawer, tool kit goes back in the closet, and notebook plops onto the desk top. "Damn Dex, this case gets odder and odder. Perhaps Delores and the detective have had better luck in this whole matter. Even Langdon seems to have hit it off with the crazy fake Miss Hirt." He opens a desk drawer, pulls out a few fresh sheets of paper, and types up his notes from the case and the investigation of Hirt's apartment. The idea that a struggle of some sort took place, and that something made the fingernail marks or perhaps claw marks has him worrying over the case. He looks back at his notebook, and then walks over to his shelf to see if any books are there that might help. Not for the first time does he curse not having bought an encyclopedia set from that traveling salesman last year. He goes back to his desk and types up a few more notes, knowing that on Monday its down to the Public Library before heading to see the others for their afternoon meeting.

Dex will turn in around 11 after listen to the radio and trying to let his thoughts unwind.

Re: Sunday Sept 3 - Dex

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 5:54 pm
by Gaffer
[OOC - I think phone calls to everyone in the morning to set a time and place to meet would be a good idea. Or you could just count on everyone to show up at the Hirt apartment and go in without exchanging information. I suggest this to Dex because he seems to be more reliable than Esposito at present.

Boy howdy! coordinating things without mobile phones is tricky, huh?]

Re: Sunday Sept 3 - Dex

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 2:52 am
by Dexter Ford
OOC- Thanks for the vote of confidence! Okay, this is what Dex will do around 9 am tomorrow morning. He will give everyone a call, using the numbers he got before, to their home phones. He'll start with Detective Esposito, then Delores, and finally, around 10, Langdon. The same message below should be the start of whatever conversations you want to post.

Phone rings. When a voice answers, Dex will begin: "Hello, this is Detective Ford. I am trying to reach (insert Delores, Detective Esposito, Langdon as appropriate)." When they answer, or in the case of Langdon, his man, Dex will continue. "I think it's time we meet at the Trilby's Hat, the small cafe near Mr. Hirt's apartment. Time for us to catch up and find out what our individual digging has turned up. How about noon, for lunch?"

Re: Sunday Sept 3 - Dex

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 3:18 am
by Gaffer
Sounds good, but Delores and Esposito will probably be due at their offices by nine. Also, Trilby's Hat is kind of small and public to discuss the case. The Hudson Street Police Station would afford more privacy (but not much in the way of cuisine).

When I post up their Monday threads, you can go ahead and put in the phone calls.