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Re: Friday, Sept. 1, 1933

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 10:30 pm
by Delores Brown
"You're mistakenly assuming I'm a mere 'aspiring, amateur journalist' are you, and that we'd move in the same circles?" says Delores dryly. She doesn't wait for Langdon to answer. "I'll ask around and see if anyone's heard of him and where he worked."

Re: Friday, Sept. 1, 1933

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 11:39 pm
by Dexter Ford
Dex pockets the $100 dollars, though he will make sure to give the bills a thorough going over at a later date. He nods his head and then responds as the others offer their two cents.

Miss Hirt, I am sure the four of us, since the police seem to think the case is not their top priority, can head off to do some digging around on your behalf. But with Detective Esposito on the case, perhaps the police will do some official footwork. I do know some people who might be able to dig around in places the police don't like to stick their noses if it comes to that.

Dex copies down the information on the business card in his notebook. As he is standing next to Delores, he hands her a folded and palmed $20 dollar bill and says sotto vocce. "Just spreading the wealth. I will bill her properly when we find out what happened to her brother."

Miss Hirt, do you have key to your brother's apartment or do you know who the landlord is? Have you stopped by his apartment since you last spoke to him?

Re: Friday, Sept. 1, 1933

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 10:29 pm
by Gaffer
Private Langdon Vilas,You recall the name Hirt – a Palatine Hirt died of Spanish flu in 1918, leaving his fortune to his two young children. The incident was memorable because of a lawsuit involving Palatine’s brother, Jacob, who attempted to have the will overturned.
“It is possible that Alphonse might go to see Uncle Jacob without mentioning it to me, Mr. Vilas, but I cannot imagine what could heal that breach. I do have the key to my brother’s apartment, Mr. Ford, and I have been there quite a bit lately.

Miss Hirt breaks off and looks at a clock on the wall.

“Is that the time? Oh dear, I must go,” She begins to gather things into her handbag, “I have an engagement this evening and will be away over the week-end. Perhaps you will find nothing. Perhaps it is true what I have been telling myself, that he is just staying with friends, or has embarked on a boat for Europe, all without a thought for his sister’s concern. He can be quite unreliable. Sometimes I despair of him ever making anything of himself.”
Private Delores Brown,Miss Hirt extends a well-manicured, soft and warm hand to you, gazing earnestly into your eyes, [color=#0000FF]“I am most grateful. Most grateful.”[/color]
Private Langdon Vilas,Miss Hirt extends a well-manicured, soft and warm hand to you, gazing earnestly into your eyes, [color=#0000FF]“I am most grateful. Most grateful.”[/color]
Private Dex Ford,Miss Hirt extends a well-manicured, soft and warm hand to you, gazing earnestly into your eyes, [color=#0000FF]“I am most grateful. Most grateful.”[/color]
Private Franky Esposito,Miss Hirt extends a well-manicured, soft and warm hand to you, gazing earnestly into your eyes, [color=#0000FF]“I am most grateful. Most grateful.”[/color]
She swirls her coat over her shoulders, tucks her handbag under her arm and quickly exits the room, sweeping through the waiting room and out of the station. Out front, she takes one of the cabs that wait there for fares.

Re: Friday, Sept. 1, 1933

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 11:38 pm
by Delores Brown
Delores says nothing as she pockets the money from Ford. She makes a mental note to speak to him later about the missing $5.

Having shaken Miss Hirt's hand, Delores watches as she leaves the police station. "What do you make of that?" she says to the three men standing around her.

Re: Friday, Sept. 1, 1933

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 5:06 pm
by Langdon
"What a fascinating young lady. She is clearly very worried about her brother. Admirable. The bonds of the family. It is, truly, through these bonds that our socie-- ahem. Oh! I just remembered something. Hirt, the name. It came up a few years ago during the epidemic. If I recall correctly, the Hirt patriarch, Mr. Palatine Hirt, passed away from the disease. Now, this would be irrelevant except that it seems this Uncle Jacob filed a lawsuit attempting to override the will."

Turning the others, "Well, Dex, Dolores, Mr. Esposito, I am stumped. But you three have the skills and experience sleuthing around for these sorts of things. I'll defer to your judgment."

Re: Friday, Sept. 1, 1933

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 6:05 pm
by FrankyEsposito
OOC,Did she give us the key to his apartment?
I have half a mind to give old Dex a dressing down for his "this case is not their top priority" remark. I may not be the cop I was 10 years ago but I'm not exactly chopped liver, either. I take an extra breath and let it slide. Strike one, Mr. Ford.

"I feel compelled to point out that this is a police investigation. I understand that each of you has your reasons to be involved in this and I intend to cooperate fully with you. Given your fine reputations I am sure that each of you will conduct yourselves appropriately." I smile a little, hoping to take just a little of the edge off of my words. I don't want any grief from Zann, but I don't want them stepping all over evidence, either.

"Alright, there are a few places we need to check right off the bat. Hospitals. Morgues. I need to call around to a few other precincts, see if they have any John Does that might be Mr. Hirt. This "Uncle Jacob" character bears looking into. Mr. Vilas, do you think you could track down some more information on Jacob and the lawsuit? That might be very informative. Miss Brown, please do ask around and see if anyone in your circle has ever heard of Alphonse Hirt. Mr. Ford, you might look into what you can dig up on Mr. Hirt. See if he owed anyone money or had any enemies."

Re: Friday, Sept. 1, 1933

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 6:34 pm
by Gaffer
OOC Franky Esposito,No she did not offer a key.

Re: Friday, Sept. 1, 1933

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 1:09 am
by Dexter Ford
FrankyEsposito wrote:
"I feel compelled to point out that this is a police investigation. I understand that each of you has your reasons to be involved in this and I intend to cooperate fully with you. Given your fine reputations I am sure that each of you will conduct yourselves appropriately." I smile a little, hoping to take just a little of the edge off of my words. I don't want any grief from Zann, but I don't want them stepping all over evidence, either.

"Alright, there are a few places we need to check right off the bat. Hospitals. Morgues. I need to call around to a few other precincts, see if they have any John Does that might be Mr. Hirt. This "Uncle Jacob" character bears looking into. Mr. Vilas, do you think you could track down some more information on Jacob and the lawsuit? That might be very informative. Miss Brown, please do ask around and see if anyone in your circle has ever heard of Alphonse Hirt. Mr. Ford, you might look into what you can dig up on Mr. Hirt. See if he owed anyone money or had any enemies."
Dex notices the odd choice of words, but he simply listens to what is said by the police officer and the others. When Detective Esposito offers up the assignments, Dex shrugs his shoulders. "Alright, Detective, since the police are officially on the case, I don't want to step on any toes. However, if Langdon isn't busy, I think I could use his help on my assignment you have handed out on the case. I think if anyone discovers anything of importance, we should try to get together for dinner this evening to discuss our findings. If anything more important comes up, here is my card." He reaches into his jacket and hands out a business card to each of those in the room. He slips a twenty to Langdon with the card as his portion of the funds passed to Dex by Miss Hirt. "Shouldnt be too hard to find out if Mr. Hirt had any significant enemies. Doesn't seem like the type. What exactly are you going to do Detective?"

Re: Friday, Sept. 1, 1933

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 3:06 am
by Gaffer
<I'll just interject that it's now almost four o'clock on the Friday before Labor Day. City offices (and businesses, including newspapers) will close at six and only be open from nine until noon on Saturday; closed Sunday, of course, and on Monday for the holiday. I doubt anyone will be able to find out much using official channels tonight.>

Re: Friday, Sept. 1, 1933

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 5:18 am
by FrankyEsposito
Dexter Ford wrote:"What exactly are you going to do Detective?"
"Me? I'm going to start calling local precincts and checking for John Does. After that it's hospitals and morgues. Don't want to let that wait until Monday -- you know how it is over holiday weekends."

Re: Friday, Sept. 1, 1933

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 2:42 pm
by Langdon
"I'd be glad to help, Dex. The good Miss Hirt put her trust in us and it is therefore up to us to find her brother. First thing tomorrow morning I will check into her brother's... well, did any of you catch his name? I seem to have missed it... into her family's financial background and the lawsuit surrounding the will. Perhaps when we have this Uncle Jacob's address we can ask him about it as well."

"I don't mean to be rude, Dex, Mr. Esposito, but you seem to presume that I have experience 'digging up dirt' on someone. Now, I will put the full backing of the city behind you, as much as I can, but I want it understood that I'll be doing no kicking down of doors, or participating in any 'interrogations' or shadowing unsavory characters down a back alley.," I pause as imagery from pulp detective novels - the ones I pretend not to read - swells in my head. I'm no coward, but I have a reputation to think of, a career future working in the upper branches of city politics. I can't afford to be seen as a vigilante.

"Besides, you two," I pat Dex and Mr. Esposito on the shoulders, "Are professionals. You're good at this. Not like me and Dolores."

Re: Friday, Sept. 1, 1933

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 3:47 pm
by FrankyEsposito
Langdon wrote:"I'd be glad to help, Dex. The good Miss Hirt put her trust in us and it is therefore up to us to find her brother. First thing tomorrow morning I will check into her brother's... well, did any of you catch his name? I seem to have missed it... into her family's financial background and the lawsuit surrounding the will. Perhaps when we have this Uncle Jacob's address we can ask him about it as well."

"I don't mean to be rude, Dex, Mr. Esposito, but you seem to presume that I have experience 'digging up dirt' on someone. Now, I will put the full backing of the city behind you, as much as I can, but I want it understood that I'll be doing no kicking down of doors, or participating in any 'interrogations' or shadowing unsavory characters down a back alley.," I pause as imagery from pulp detective novels - the ones I pretend not to read - swells in my head. I'm no coward, but I have a reputation to think of, a career future working in the upper branches of city politics. I can't afford to be seen as a vigilante.

"Besides, you two," I pat Dex and Mr. Esposito on the shoulders, "Are professionals. You're good at this. Not like me and Dolores."
I show Mr. Hirt's card to Langdon and anyone else who didn't get a look at it.

"Mr. Vilas, you and I are in complete agreement about the wisdom of you kicking down doors and skulking around back alleys." I chuckle a little at the thought. "Likewise, I hope you'll agree that navigating City Hall is a task much better suited to you than to yours truly."

Re: Friday, Sept. 1, 1933

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 3:55 pm
by Langdon
Finding Mr. Esposito much more agreeable and amiable than earlier, I extend my hand with a broad smile and firm handshake.

"Mr. Esposito, you are absolutely correct."

Re: Friday, Sept. 1, 1933

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 9:30 pm
by Delores Brown
Langdon wrote:"I'd be glad to help, Dex. The good Miss Hirt put her trust in us and it is therefore up to us to find her brother. First thing tomorrow morning I will check into her brother's... well, did any of you catch his name? I seem to have missed it... into her family's financial background and the lawsuit surrounding the will. Perhaps when we have this Uncle Jacob's address we can ask him about it as well."

"I don't mean to be rude, Dex, Mr. Esposito, but you seem to presume that I have experience 'digging up dirt' on someone. Now, I will put the full backing of the city behind you, as much as I can, but I want it understood that I'll be doing no kicking down of doors, or participating in any 'interrogations' or shadowing unsavory characters down a back alley.," I pause as imagery from pulp detective novels - the ones I pretend not to read - swells in my head. I'm no coward, but I have a reputation to think of, a career future working in the upper branches of city politics. I can't afford to be seen as a vigilante.

"Besides, you two," I pat Dex and Mr. Esposito on the shoulders, "Are professionals. You're good at this. Not like me and Dolores."
"I beg your pardon?!" snaps Delores, her voice rising. "Professional?! How dare you?! Who do you think you're talking to? I don't know what you do for a living but I work for mine! If you just plan to sit behind a desk and take the credit then I suggest you drop out right now - we don't need you!" Her eyes blazing, she stabs her finger into Langdon's chest to underline the point.

Re: Friday, Sept. 1, 1933

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 9:38 pm
by Langdon
Indignant, I shout, "Excuse me, Miss!" and grab Miss Brown by the wrists. "I meant no insult or slight against you. What I meant was that Dex and Mr. Esposito are paid to pursue and tail and shadow and track and sneak and snoop and pry." I let her go, taking on a calmer tone, "My business, for which I am endebted to the public, is to help our communities prosper and grow. Yours, Dolores, is to find and report the facts, yes?"

I adjust my suit coat and bow tie.

"It has been my experience that few news reporters - well, those not involved in the yellow journals and muck raking and what have you - lie in wait in back alleys digging for a story. I am sure that you are a professional journalist."

Re: Friday, Sept. 1, 1933

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 12:20 am
by Dexter Ford
Dex lets the other have their brief tiff, then pipes up after a polite cough. "Mr. Vilas, I know you aren't a professional detective, but I could use some records from City Hall or from the City Manager's Office about who owns the building, whether taxes have been paid, etc. Maybe see if our missing author has a business license or something along those lines."

He rolls his eyes after his brief suggestion for Langdon, but then smiles at Delores. "I think you, Miss Brown, might have the best connections in the journalism and literary fields to find out if our missing young man was at all successful. If you would like to come "skulking" at the scene of the crime, I could use someone with a photographer's eye to see what might not be right about his apartment. And the keen nose of a true investigator."

He looks at the detective, and very calmly states what he is going to do. "I am going to go to the missing man's apartment and look around the neighborhood and make inquiries with others in the building who might know his actions and whereabouts better than the man's sister." He snaps his fingers. "This sort of just came to me, but we are taking a lot on faith that Miss Hirt is the missing boy's sister. What if she isn't some dame who has had her knickers put in a twist? Maybe one of us could do a bit of digging into our erstwhile employer?"

Re: Friday, Sept. 1, 1933

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 4:36 am
by FrankyEsposito
Dexter Ford wrote:"Maybe one of us could do a bit of digging into our erstwhile employer?"
"Well, Dex, my employer is the city of New York. And they don't care for such snooping." I raise my eyebrows to let him know I'm not busting his chops. Much. "Good idea for you to take a look at the apartment. Or, I could give the precinct a call, have them send a patrol over to have a look?"

Re: Friday, Sept. 1, 1933

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 5:22 am
by Gaffer
<I'm going to jump in here and call Scene. It seems like you've divided up the next tasks, so I'm going to set up a separate thread for each of you to cover Friday evening to Saturday morning. You can re-convene at the Carnegie Deli at 55th & 7th Avenue for lunch to share information. If anyone has unfinished business in the interrogation room, go ahead and post more in this thread.>

Re: Friday, Sept. 1, 1933

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 2:08 pm
by Langdon
Gaffer wrote:<I'm going to jump in here and call Scene.>
<Good move. I'll have to keep that in mind when I'm running a game IRL>

Re: Friday, Sept. 1, 1933

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 7:13 pm
by Gaffer
<It came up in the Y-SdC forums and I thought I'd use it.>