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Re: Mon Sep 4 - Thomas Street

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 5:51 pm
by FrankyEsposito
@#%!^ civilians. "Go ahead, Mr. Vilas. I'll be with you in a moment."

I turn back to Mahoney. "Guy's a little shaken up. I think I can take it from here, fellas. I appreciate your help -- I owe you one."

Re: Mon Sep 4 - Thomas Street

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 10:45 pm
by Delores Brown
Delores stepped up smartly to the doorway, waiting behind Franky as the cops left. She pulled the two photographs from her handbag as the cops walked down the stairs and studied them carefully.
OOC,Who's in the photos? I'm guessing it isn't the fake Marlene Hirt.

Re: Mon Sep 4 - Thomas Street

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 3:42 am
by Gaffer
There are two photos, one labeled "Alphonse, 1930" and one labeled "Marlene, 1930":
2 Alphonse_Hirt.jpg
3 Dorothy_Mandeville.jpg

Re: Mon Sep 4 - Thomas Street

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 6:14 pm
by FrankyEsposito
After Mahoney and ... whatever his name was are gone, I pull Langdon back into the apartment. "Get a hold on yourself, bub. We've got work to do."

I turn to Delores and see her checking out the photos of Alphonse and Marlene. "What do you think? That look like our dame to you?"

Re: Mon Sep 4 - Thomas Street

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 6:43 pm
by Gaffer
[OOC - The woman in the photo is definitely NOT the woman who has been representing herself as Marlene Hirt and has told Langdon that her name is Merivana Azaff.]

Re: Mon Sep 4 - Thomas Street

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 7:07 pm
by Langdon
"Work to do? What sort of work do you expect me to do, exactly?" It comes out more angrily than I mean it, and I swallow hard. "Sorry. It's just... Well you know it's been a strange evening to say the least. What can I do to help?"

Re: Mon Sep 4 - Thomas Street

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 7:20 pm
by FrankyEsposito
"First, we can all agree that this" -- I gesture at the picture of the real Marlene Hirt -- "is not the woman we've been dealing with who calls herself 'Marlene Hirt,' right?"

I give them only a second to consider. "Right. I need to go the the station house and start on warrants for Miss Azaff. Langdon, can you track down Dex and see how he is? Call me at the station. Delores, can you check out this art store? Koslov's at 23 Thomas Street. We know that Hirt bought a painting on August 21. See if anyone there has seen him since, all that jazz. Ask about this Azaff dame, too."

Re: Mon Sep 4 - Thomas Street

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 10:46 pm
by Delores Brown
"I think that's a given, don't you?" said Delores, "But we can check with the doorman at Miss Hirt's apartment - the 'real' Miss Hirt, that is - if that helps?"

She pulled out her notebook and made a quick note of the address of the store.
OOC,Which picture did Hirt buy? Did I miss something?

Re: Mon Sep 4 - Thomas Street

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 11:06 pm
by FrankyEsposito
"Oh, someone is going to pay a visit to Miss Hirt's apartment. Count on it. I just need to get some paperwork moving. We have to do this right so that Azaff doesn't walk. Of course, if we have reason to think that Miss Hirt might be in danger..."

Re: Mon Sep 4 - Thomas Street

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 11:10 pm
by FrankyEsposito
Delores Brown wrote:
OOC,Which picture did Hirt buy? Did I miss something?

Re: Mon Sep 4 - Thomas Street

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 7:25 pm
by Gaffer
[ooc - It sounds like everyone is ready to leave Hirt's apartment at this point, so I'll presume Esposito goes around securing the back door and such. Why doesn't everyone post in this thread what they plan to do with the rest of Monday.

You can certainly discuss further plans too; I'll posit that it's two o'clock and Dex has phoned the apartment to let you know what's happened to him. Myron hasn't gotten back yet.

Langdon could point something out to Esposito.]

Re: Mon Sep 4 - Thomas Street

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 7:30 pm
by Langdon

Re: Mon Sep 4 - Thomas Street

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 7:46 pm
by FrankyEsposito
I'm going to head back to the station. Once there, I'll see if we've heard anything from the patrol car I sent out to Marlene Hirt's. (I did send one, didn't I? If I haven't yet, I'll do so immediately.) I don't expect that either she or Miss Azaff will be there, but it's worth a try.

I'm also going to start the paperwork for an arrest warrant for Miss Azaff. I'm not sure I can make a case for Grand Theft Auto (of Miss Hirt's car) but I'm going to work on that. I also want her for assault with a deadly weapon, aka the Hell Dog. Obstructing justice seems to fit also, as she's hindered me in my attempts to locate Alphonse Hirt. I'll add in anything else I think the judge will go for. Hopefully I'll be able to get it in front of a judge before the day is out.

If either Miss Hirt or Miss Azaff are found I'll go to them as soon as I'm done with the warrant.

If I've got time I'm going to give Zann a piece of my mind, too, for getting me into this thing -- and for getting civilians involved.

I'll phone Dex or drop in to check on him. I don't actually like him much, but I do feel bad that he took the brunt of Azaff's wrath. I'll also need to get a statement from him. In fact, I should probably do that before I get the warrant, but I'll take my chances that my eyewitness testimony will be enough for the judge.

Depending on how long that takes I'll either head out to the pub or back to the office to type up statements from Dex, Delores and Langdon as well as my own.

Re: Mon Sep 4 - Thomas Street

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 9:29 pm
by Delores Brown
Back to the office for Delores to catch-up, check for message and placate her editor, reassuring him that the story will be a biggie when it breaks.

She'll spend an hour or two there, getting some ideas down on paper before heading off to check out the purchase from Koslov’s Art. She'll place a call to Dex before she heads off, to check that he's ok and to let him know where she's going. She'll also leave a note on her desk with the address - just to be sure.

Re: Mon Sep 4 - Thomas Street

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 11:02 pm
by Gaffer
Langdon wrote:
Remember this?,[quote]Quick scan through the closet in the entranceway. Signs it has already been rifled through?[/quote] It would be hard to tell, since it’s crammed full of too much stuff in too little space: a couple of overcoats, some hats, a duffle coat, old college textbooks, a box of assorted tools, a pair of mud-encrusted waders, overshoes & galoshes, a broken umbrella, a good umbrella, gift boxes, a lamp without a shade, a flashlight. [color=#FF4000]Langdon observes (Outdoorsman) that Hirt must have been tramping along a shoreline in the waders.[/color]

Re: Mon Sep 4 - Thomas Street

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 11:04 pm
by Gaffer
Delores Brown wrote:Back to the office for Delores to catch-up, check for message and placate her editor, reassuring him that the story will be a biggie when it breaks.

She'll spend an hour or two there, getting some ideas down on paper before heading off to check out the purchase from Koslov’s Art. She'll place a call to Dex before she heads off, to check that he's ok and to let him know where she's going. She'll also leave a note on her desk with the address - just to be sure.
Koslov's Art is just a few doors away from Hirt's apartment, if you want to save the carfare. Your editor will accept a phone call.

Re: Mon Sep 4 - Thomas Street

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 11:09 pm
by Gaffer
FrankyEsposito wrote:I'm also going to start the paperwork for an arrest warrant for Miss Azaff. I'm not sure I can make a case for Grand Theft Auto (of Miss Hirt's car) but I'm going to work on that. I also want her for assault with a deadly weapon, aka the Hell Dog. Obstructing justice seems to fit also, as she's hindered me in my attempts to locate Alphonse Hirt. I'll add in anything else I think the judge will go for. Hopefully I'll be able to get it in front of a judge before the day is out.
You don't need an arrest warrant. You just need to put out a bulletin that she's wanted for questioning and should be picked up and held. A bulletin to watch for the stolen car would be a good idea too.

The car went to Marlene's, but the doorman said she was away for a few days. Her car wasn't there. No response to her buzzer.

Re: Mon Sep 4 - Thomas Street

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 11:44 pm
by Langdon
"Oh! Detective! When we were... ahem... here earlier." I open the closet and point out the recently used hip-waders. "We found these. Well. I found these. Mr. Hirt must have been somewhere wet."
Outdoorsman Spend,Can I spend a point or two to have an idea of where a guy like Hirt would use those waders?

Re: Mon Sep 4 - Thomas Street

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 2:32 am
by FrankyEsposito
Gaffer wrote:You don't need an arrest warrant. You just need to put out a bulletin that she's wanted for questioning and should be picked up and held. A bulletin to watch for the stolen car would be a good idea too.
Done and done.
Gaffer wrote:The car went to Marlene's, but the doorman said she was away for a few days. Her car wasn't there. No response to her buzzer.
Can I get a search warrant? Or is suspicion of foul play enough, your honor?

Re: Mon Sep 4 - Thomas Street

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 2:35 am
by FrankyEsposito
"Hip waders? Not much call for those in the city."
Waders,I assume "recently used" means they've got mud and what-not on them? What size are they? (In other words, are they his or hers?