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Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 2:17 am
by Gaffer
A brand new day.

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 4:56 pm
by Dexter Ford
Dex will get up, shower and shave, take a look at his arm, and make sure it appears to be healing properly. If everything is okay, he'll get dressed, head down to the neighborhood dinner, and fortify himself for a day of work.
Dex will head out with a leather covered notebook, a couple of pencils, a fountain pen, and his trusty revolver and shoulder holster.
If possible, he will drive himself to Fordham up in the Bronx, but if not, he will take the subway to the Rose Hill stop (in those days, I think it was still the 5 express or 6 local train letting out near the Bronx zoo).

He'll find a parking spot on campus, and head past many of the neo-gothic buildings towards the chapel for a quick morning prayer. Then off to the history department and later the anthropology department to check in on some of the old professors who could help with his inquiry.

(BTW, I did do a semester of my MA work at Fordham back in the late 1980s, and the campus was always an intriguing place late at night.)

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 9:00 pm
by Gaffer
The arm seems to be healing okay - no swelling, no bad smell (but remember, the doc said you should get those rabies shots). Even so, driving mostly one-handed is a bit of a challenge.

[ooc - What kind of professors do you want to see and in what order?]

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 1:43 am
by Dexter Ford
Dex will meet with the following professors:

Dr. Armand Lavoie, Department of History, Medieval History, concentrating on the Crusades,
Author of two books: A History of the Levant during the Crusades, and Eastern Heresies and the Crusades, 1099-1247

Dex will renew is old friendship with Dr. Lavoie, discussing what he might know of the cults and heresies that were dealt with by the Crusaders.

Dr. Philip Richardson, Department of Anthropology, concentrating on Middle Eastern studies
A Cultural History of the Tribal Peoples of the Arabian Peninsula

Dex will speak with Dr. Richardson and show him the book with the picture of the necklace and whatever he knows about the cult from his readings, to see if he can increase his base of knowledge.

Dr. Karl von Gruber, Department of Classics, concentrating on Greek and Roman settlements in the Near East
Author of Rome's Imperial Eastern Frontier from Trajan to Constantine, and Parthians, Scythians and Rome: The Turbulent Eastern Frontier in the Late Empire, 181-450 AD

Based on what Dex learns from Dr. Richardson, he will continue with Dr. von Gruber and see what else he can provide from a more western prospective on the cult like activities of the region.

If none of those professors can provide any help, then he will ask them if they know anything or anyone that can help.

In the late afternoon, he will stop by Roosevelt Hospital for the first of what promises to be a number (13 I believe) very painful rabies shots directly to the abdomen.

(As a medical historian, I know that is going to suck big time...)

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 7:37 pm
by Gaffer
Dr. Lavoie explains that the most troublesome sect or cult at the time of the great crusades were the Nizari, sometimes called the Hashshashins, under the leadership of Rashid ad-Din Sinan, also known as Shaykh al Jabal or the Old Man of the Mountain, based in Masyaf and controlling various districts in northern Syria. The Nizari defied both the Christian invaders and Saladin who ruled over Egypt and Syria. He goes on at some length. When asked directly about the Yezidi, he explains that they are somewhat outside his specialty, being based in Northern Mesopotamia. He advises that Dex talk to Philip Richardson.

Dr. Richardson says that Peter Thwaite would be the best one to speak with, since his area is northern turkey and what has now become Iraq; but he's on sabbatical in Istanbul at present. He knows a bit about the so-called 'Yezidi Devil worshippers' of Iraq. They originally came from Southern Iraq and migrated north to Mount Lalish. It is supposed by many that they are descendants of the Assyrians who sought refuge after the fall of Nineveh in the 7th century B.C.

Their original home was Eridu or Irem, an ancient city in Southern Iraq, also known as “Enkidu” and called Father Satan's city. The valley of Baten El Ghoul which is right over the buried ancient city is now known as "The Devil's Hole" and "Belly of the Beast." The Jordanians and many others consider it to be haunted. Demons have been seen by many who have spent the night there. Those who have been there for any length of time claim it has a powerful energy which people label as "evil." There are also stories about passages being opened to other realms full of demons and monsters, fairly standard stuff, really.

Of course all this is just superstition, the way ignorant people explain things they don't understand and demonize outsiders. Dr. Richardson seems to recall that there was some fuss here in New York about supposed 'child stealers' and 'devil worshippers' down in Brooklyn. He had just become a faculty member at that time, but he remembers that Thwaite was consulted by the police, in particular a detective named Maloney, if he remembers correctly.

The necklace is typical of artisanry from the northern Middle East. Moon imagery is common in that region, as in most parts of the world.

The rabies shot is quite painful, but Dex takes it like a man.

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 4:24 pm
by Dexter Ford
Dex will thank the professors, and offer any follow up questions. He'll also take some notes from the professors in his trusty notebook, and make sure he can still head to the main branch of the NY Public Library on 5th Ave to try and see if he can track down any primers. He'll ask Dr. Lavoie for a book that might give him a primer on the Nizari or Hashshashins as a start, since he remembers enough about the Crusades to not need a refresher on them. He does ask if the Hashshashins are the Assassins of ancient lore, since the name and the reference of the Old Man of the Mountain rings a bell...

For Dr. Richardson, Dex will ask how long Dr. Thwaite has been in Istanbul and when he might be back. He'll ask for any primer about Irem, Yezidi, and information about the Baten el Ghoul. His fairly standard stuff is something that sticks out from Dex's own investigations, readings and the mention by the others of portals/passages that open to other realms.

When he gets to the but about the Yezidi-NYC connection, he'll ask if he knew what happened with the case. The part about Thwaite being consulted by a detective named Maloney (Mahoney?) he'll have to bring up later on when they all get together.

Dex will thank both of the gentlemen, leave them his card, and ask if they remember anything else to give them a call. He will tell each of them he owes them lunch at some point when the case is done. As he leaves the building, Dex will look for one of the payphones on campus and drop his nickel in the slot. He will dial up his contact on the police force (the Captain on my sheet) and either ask directly, or leave a message, for a number where to contact Detect Maloney who was involved in the devil worshipper case in Brooklyn a few years ago. He'll then give Langdon a call and ask him to meet him at the Public Library if he can, around 2-2:30 to do some digging on what he discovered.

Then to the hospital, a bite to eat, and then a trip to the Public Library to meet up with Langdon or do some digging on his own.

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 7:23 pm
by Gaffer
ooc,I think I forgot that you wanted to see Lila for lunch, so let's retcon just a bit.
"Hmmm... I'm not sure of any decent sources by English-language authors. the best is still probably Silvestre de Sacy's Mémoire sur La Dynastie des Assassins, translated by Antoine Isaac, but it was written in the first half of the 19th century. You might turn up a copy in the New York Public - at the main branch, of course."

Dr. Richardson says that Thwaite is due back in January. He recommends Isya Joseph's 1919 volume Devil Worship: The Sacred Books and Traditions of the Yezidiz and suggests an older book, one of the first to outline Yezidi beliefs, though from a rather uninformed viewpoint, An Inquiry into the Religious Tenets of the Yezeedees by George Percy Badger, written in the mid-part of the last century, "if memory serves."

"As to our home-grown devil-worshippers, it seems there were police raids and a building that was demolished. Some society woman and her husband died, perhaps. It must have been a decade ago."

Dex calls Lila and makes a date for a late lunch at Binyin's. When he calls Miles Boyd, the captain draws a blank for a moment, "Maloney? Mahoney? Oh, wait a minute, you're talkin about that mess in Redhook a few years back. That was Tom Malone! He.. um...retired. Lives up in Rhode Island somewheres now."

Langdon is out of his office when Dex calls, but the secretary takes a message.

Lunch with Lila is a delight! She's so excited about the new show and its success (and hers) that Dex doesn't even think about the case. Of course, she's very sympathetic about his hurt wrist and insists on cutting his food.

He suffers through the shot and then heads over to the library.

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 12:53 am
by Dexter Ford
Dex will head to the library, and right for the card catalogues, since he spent many hours here working on papers for his college degree. Then he will find the librarians to make sure he hands them the book call numbers (and I am not sure if in the 1930s, you can wander the stacks or can't today) for the titles he was suggested. He'll also ask the librarian if they know of anyone on staff who might have an idea about similar books.

(If he can wander the stacks to look for the books, he'll check the books on either side, and on the shelves above and below to see if anything else leaps out).

He'll then take the books to a carrel to work on some notes until the library closes. If he can check out any of the books, he will do so as well for deeper study.

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 3:06 pm
by Gaffer
Dex,[quote="Dexter Ford"]...he'll check the books on either side, and on the shelves above and below to see if anything else leaps out... Just the [b][color=#FF0000]undead librarian![/color][/b][/quote]
The librarian gives him an odd look through her pince-nez: "We certainly haven't anyone on staff who is au courant with devil-worshippers and pagans. However, Mr. Tweedy handles comparative religions. He's on his lunch break just now, but he should be back in about an half hour."

In a few minutes she returns with the de Sacy and two other texts Dex requested, which he takes over to a table in the reading room.
OOC,[color=#FF4000] I'm hoping Langdon will join you here, but won't wait more than this afternoon before bringing Tweedy on-stage.[/color]

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 5:40 pm
by Dexter Ford
Dex will start in on the works that were pulled for him. He hopes that Langdon will show up before long, otherwise he will have to deal with the mysterious Mr. Tweedy himself.
For some reason, Dex shudders, the name reminds him of one of his worst teachers in elementary school..nasal voices, pinched glasses, and checked suits that hardly anyone but a blind epileptic would claim didn't clash. He cracks open the book, but before he does so, he checks the back of the book where the card slot holding the information with the dates indicating when the book was last checked out.

If nothing is noticeable he will start reading and making notes in his pad with a well sharpened pencil.

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 3:52 am
by Gaffer
"Ahem," comes the diffident throat-clearing over Dex's shoulder, followed by a sibilant whisper, "I understand you were in need of some guidance regarding little-known religions."

Turning, Dex regards a short, stout man with a round, pink face, a thin mustache, and a few strands of hair plastered to his bulbous head. Mr. Tweedy is wearing a salt-and-pepper tweed suit and a red vest.

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 12:23 pm
by Dexter Ford
"Mr. Tweedy?" repressing a visible shudder, "My name is Dexter Ford, and I am a private investigator following up on some leads for a client of mine. I am investigating the Yezidi cult from Iraq and Persia area. I know that they are supposed to be devil worshipers, and some of my contacts at Fordham University pointed me towards the titles I have here. I was referred to speak to a Dr. Thwaite, but he is in Istanbul, which makes it impractical to speak to. So I find myself here, and the reference librarian said you might be able to point me in the direction of some more esoteric titles that might add to my research?"

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 6:47 pm
by Gaffer
"Won't you please come with me to my cubby," comes the whispered reply and the man turns and marches off with a pigeon-toed strut, confident Dex will follow.

His cubby, when it is reached is actually a nice-sized office with two windows on the second floor, though on the rear of the building. Every flat surface except the desk chair is stacked with books and papers in unsteady pagodas. The air is scented with strong coffee and sweet tobacco. Tweedy picks up a stack from the visitor's chair and proceeds to distribute it among its ilk, apparently at random. Then he waves Dex to the chair and sits behind his desk, blinking thoughtfully for a moment before he speaks.

"Well, if it's Thwaite you were referred to, then it's Asia Minor," the voice, though louder, is still sibilant and hoarse, "And the north-westerly regions at that. Certainly, if you could speak to Thwaite, you'd have no need of me, he's the pre-eminent expert. But with Thwaite unavailable, I'm probably your best hope this side of St. Louis, where Brooke is.

"So, what do you need to know?"

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 6:57 pm
by Dexter Ford
Dex shakes his head but then takes his seat. "What I would like to know is what is it about the Yezidi cult that they are known as demon worshipers? What specifically would have brought about some charges? Who are they worshiping and why?" He glances at his notes and continues. "Moreover, there have been rumors that the cult has survived all attempts to purge their worship, and that some of them came to the US in recent years. There were even reports that they were involved in some sort of scandal in Brooklyn in the last few years. Do you know anything about these events? Why would such an ancient cult still have worshipers today?"

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 11:44 am
by Gaffer
"Perhaps you know, Mr. Ford that accusations of so-called 'devil-worship' have been leveled against various groups throughout history. King Phillipe IV of France, deeply in debt to the Ordre du Temple, the Knights Templar as they are commonly known, took advantage of such accusations that they worshiped the demon Baphomet to have many of the Order's members in France arrested, tortured into giving false confessions, and burned at the stake. And then seized their property.

"The Yezidis have long been a secretive people who keep their real beliefs hidden. As a result - and because they eschew the orthodoxy of the dominant religion of their region - they have been severely persecuted. As a result they are most suspicious of outsiders.

"Most Yezidis are illiterate and the few doctrines they have are passed down from generation to generation by word of mouth. They have purposely deceived outsiders concerning their beliefs and doctrines and kept their books a mystery, which explains why there are so many conflicting accounts of their faith. And it must be admitted that they have at times referred to their deity as 'Shaitan' or Satan, though this entity is not necessarily a "devil" or "demon" as Christians understand him.

"In general, the Yezidi people are forbidden to mention the name 'Shaitan' or any of his attributes. They refer to their Shaitan instead as “Melek Ta’us” or the 'Peacock Angel' because of his beauty and pride. He is the “Proud One” and “Ruler of the Earth” and they consider him an archangel.

"Despite centuries of persecution by Islam and Christianity, they have clung faithfully to their beliefs. I am quite certain that, to the extent there are Yezidi in this city, they practice their ancient religion here. Certainly the Jews have maintained their faith over the centuries in the face of similar treatment wherever they have settled in the world."

Tweedy pauses for a moment, then says, "Tell me, Mr. Ford, why are you interested in these curious facts? You don't seem the scholarly type to me."

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 4:47 pm
by Dexter Ford
Dex scrambles with pencil and notebook, taking down some of the information, and keeping his comments to himself about the Templar conspiracy that he learned about all too thoroughly at a "Jesuit" school that had a heavy concentration of medievalists. Heads in a box that spoke whispered secrets, improper sexual acts between brother knights, dark Satanic rituals in the temples, the rumors ran fast and furious as the French king tried to build his case. But it was the treasure of the very rich religious order that Philippe was after, and it seemed right that Philippe never got what he truly wanted. But when the discussion got to Yezidis, it was obvious that Dex perked up and took more notes.

When Tweedy was done, Dex finished a last comment and then looked up at the scholar. "I am more interested in this Peacock Angel and any descriptions there might be of this god." He debated for a moment why he was answering the question, but he came up with what was mostly the truth. "Mr. Tweedy, before I became a private detective, before I served my government, I was a student at Fordham and studied history, and as you know, the instructors there have always had a strong medievalist bent. But to answer your question, I am on a case, and it involves a missing young man, and the Yezidi cult keeps coming up whenever we dig into the disappearance. It seems connected to the events in Brooklyn that took place in the recent past, and before I talk to members of the cult directly, I figured I would need to know as much as possible and why a young man, from a decent family, would be involved in such an esoteric cult. Moreover, there are some" Dex obviously searched for the right words "apparent events that even science might have some difficulties explaining. Like a huge dog that comes and goes without notice." He raised his bandaged arm and described the dog from memory. "Does that ring any bells, Mr. Tweedy?"

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 10:50 pm
by Gaffer
Dexter Ford wrote:...I figured I would need to know as much as possible and why a young man, from a decent family, would be involved in such an esoteric cult. Moreover, there are some apparent events that even science might have some difficulties explaining. Like a huge dog that comes and goes without notice."[/color] He raised his bandaged arm and described the dog from memory. "Does that ring any bells, Mr. Tweedy?"
"As to the Black Dog, Mr. Ford, it figures in the lore of several cultures, including the Celtic, but I doubt it is all that germane to your inquiries.

"If the stories of Melek Ta’us, he is said to be able to offer powers that beggar description. He can restore a follower's youth and vitality, endow him with riches, or impart great knowledge and arcane abilities. Which of those might tempt your 'young man from a decent family' to become a one of the Peacock Angel's adherents? It is even told that his most-favored faithful can speak a simple phrase and be transported to the ancient city of Irem where it exists apart from this world in the protection of Shaitan. As to Melek Ta'us's own appearance, the stories are vague, save that he is surpassingly beautiful and generally takes the form of a young man.

"Tell me, Mr. Ford, would you dare to enter the fane of the Yezidi and ask your questions directly of those who have first-hand knowledge?"

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 1:10 am
by Dexter Ford
"Mr. Tweedy, that is a good question. Frankly I took this case because it seemed an interesting and simple one: a young woman comes to ask me to find her missing brother. Then it turns out that young woman is not who she appears to be and is likely a worshiper of this cult. Perhaps she has powers that no mortal is supposed to have." Dex shrugged his shoulders and then absent mindedly fingers the crucifix around his neck. "However, at this point I am pissed off, tired of being jerked around, and I know that I want answers. I get attacked by some dog that can come and go like it wants. My friends see visions of some strange city, perhaps this Irem, perhaps a portal to somewhere else. I have faced down mobsters, even tracked down Capone himself and his boys in Chicago. I have faced down threats to my life and limb and I don't scare easily. Perhaps foolishly it cost those close to me, but I have always got my man. This time, I intend to answer these questions and return the missing client if possible. Does that answer your question Mr. Tweedy?"

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 1:07 pm
by Gaffer
Mr. Tweedy nods. "It sounds like a tall order, Mr.Ford. I mustn't take up any more of your time," he says as he rises from behind his desk and crosses to the door. He fishes in his vest pocket and draws out his card, "If you should have any other questions, please don't hesitate to call."

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 3:27 pm
by Dexter Ford
Dex will thank Mr. Tweedy for what help he has given, though it wasn't very much in hindsight, more clarification than anything. He will then return to his carrel and continue to read the books he had checked out, before calling it a day around 5pm. He'll keep an eye on things around the library when he can, put more note taking in that college student mode/professional investigator investigating, will take place. About 4 pm he will head off to the hospital for another shot, then find his companions for dinner as scheduled.

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 4:26 pm
by Gaffer
At about half past two there's a bit of a commotion at the circulation desk, some voices raised in dispute. Before Dex even turns his head, he recognizes Langdon Vilas's voice. As Dex rises from his chair, Langdon catches sight of him.

"Never mind," he says, his voice ringing amid a chorus of shushing, "I see him now. I must say, Miss, you were less than helpful." With that he marches toward Dex with swift steps, "Sorry, I'm so late. I was digging up some information and time just got away from me. Let me tell you--" By then patrons and staff alike are glaring and a couple of grad student types are rising from their chairs. Dex catches Langdon's arm and steers him out to the front steps for a smoke.

"Okay, here's what I got," the young man says in the shade of one of the stone lions, consulting his notes, "The building at 13 Thomas Street that houses the art gallery is owned by Burton, Eliot & Finney, Inc. It's a long-established property investment firm, in fact, I went to school with the youngest of old Finney's sons, Grandison.

"Hieronymus Koslov leases the building for commercial purposes, but his business license renewal is a couple of months overdue. So is his rent. Burton, Eliot & Finney have filed for eviction and seizure of assets and obtained an order, but Koslov got it stayed, claiming that the artwork is mostly on consignment, not his property, and that he's been unable to locate some of the artists to return their pieces. Burton, Eliot & Finney agreed to the stay, because they didn't want to be responsible for storing and safeguarding the art themselves.

"Koslov's residential address is... also 13 Thomas Street. He apparently lives over the shop,"
he concludes on a triumphal note, "What do you think of that!"

[Posted by Gaffer on behalf of Langdon Vilas.]

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 3:13 pm
by Dexter Ford
Dex listens to Langdon and nods his head. "Well at least we have a locale where the painter is. I think I have pretty much finished up anything I could discover from my major sources. Let me just check these books out, and then we can drive over to the artist and see what we can find from there. If you want to give the others a call, see if they want to meet us there. But if not, I am quite sure the two of us can handle whatever we find."

Dex will head back inside, and collected up the books and check them out if possible. He will then meet up with Langdon to head to the artist's gallery, where on the way he will fill Langdon in with what he discovered during his assorted conversations.

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 5:27 pm
by Gaffer
I presume you're trying Delores and Franky at their offices. Esposito is out, but you reach Delores.

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 12:34 am
by Dexter Ford
"Delores, it's Dex. Langdon and I are here at the Public Library Main Branch. We have both made some progress, but Langdon especially has tracked down the location of the artist who did all those creepy paintings. We were thinking of heading to his shop. Would you like to come along? Do you want us to pick you up or meet us there?"

OOC: IF she says meet us there, I'll get the exact directions from Langdon and relay them to her. Otherwise we will try to pick her up and head to the painter's shop/studio/home.

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 12:48 am
by Gaffer
[OOC - Okay, missed communication. Langdon's information is about Koslov's Art, the gallery on the same street as Hirt's apartment building. You still haven't gotten the name of the artist who did the paintings.]

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 3:46 am
by Dexter Ford
(OOC-Okay I will change things to say we found the lead to where we can find out who the artist is who painted the creepy paintings. Since we all know where Hirt's building is, I'll just go with that.)

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 4:38 am
by Gaffer
A few minutes later, Dex's Ford swings into the curb out front of the World-Telegraph Building, getting a horn blast from the cab that was trying to pull away. Delores is hurrying down the front steps and reaches the car just in time to hear Langdon say, "...I'm-a-tella you, in Rome taxi drivers are-a reala men!"

Dex laughs uproariously, though it's not clear whether he's more amused by the punch line, by the knowing grin on Delores's face, or by the crimson color of Labgdon's when he realizes she overheard him. What is clear is that Dex isn't letting his injured hand slow up his driving very much.

[OOC - You get to the gallery about 15 minutes later. I'll assume Langdon describes his info as above. Delores can describe her interview or keep it for Flannigan's.]

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 6:16 pm
by Delores Brown
"Well, what have you guys found out?" says Delores as she slides across the seat, cheered up by the sight of Dex and Langdon. "I found Hirt's literary agent. He's read some of the stuff that Hirt was working on, and he's trying to hide from it in the bottom of the bottle. He said that Hirt had been talking about some ceremony he'd taken part in and he'd seen the moon bridge..." She shudders and rubs her arms. "I saw something similar in the picture in Hirt's flat, and in the shop too..."

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 12:29 pm
by Gaffer
"Well, I had a very productive day," Langdon pipes up from the back seat, "One Hieronymus Koslov leases the building at 13 Thomas Street from Burton, Eliot & Finney, Inc. It's a long-established property investment firm, in fact, I went to school with the youngest of old Finney's sons, Grandison. But--" he scoots forward so that his head is between the two in the front seat, "But his business license renewal is a couple of months overdue. So is his rent.

"Burton, Eliot & Finney have filed for eviction and seizure of assets and obtained an order, but Koslov got it stayed, claiming that the art is mostly on consignment, not his property. He claims he's been unable to locate some of the artists to return their work. Burton, Eliot & Finney agreed to the stay, because they didn't want to be responsible for storing and safeguarding the art themselves.

"And here's the best part, Koslov's residential address is... also 13 Thomas Street. He lives right over the shop,"

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 4:43 pm
by Dexter Ford
Dex speaks as they drive towards the Koslov building for more answers. “I spoke with a few professors at Fordham this morning. Dr. Lavoie explained that the most troublesome sect or cult at the time of the great crusades were the Nizari, sometimes called the Hashshashins, under the leadership of Rashid ad-Din Sinan, also known as Shaykh al Jabal or the Old Man of the Mountain, based in Masyaf and controlling various districts in northern Syria. The Nizari defied both the Christian invaders and Saladin who ruled over Egypt and Syria. He said that the Yezidi are somewhat outside his specialty, being based in Northern Mesopotamia. He advised that I talk to Philip Richardson.

So I traipsed off to Dr. Richardson who says that Peter Thwaite would be the best one to speak with, since his area is northern turkey and what has now become Iraq; but he's on sabbatical in Istanbul at present. Richardson nevertheless tells me a bit about the so-called 'Yezidi Devil worshippers' of Iraq. They originally came from Southern Iraq and migrated north to Mount Lalish. It is supposed by many that they are descendants of the Assyrians who sought refuge after the fall of Nineveh in the 7th century B.C.

Their original home was Eridu or Irem, an ancient city in Southern Iraq, also known as “Enkidu” and called Father Satan's city. The valley of Baten El Ghoul which is right over the buried ancient city is now known as "The Devil's Hole" and "Belly of the Beast." The Jordanians and many others consider it to be haunted. Demons have been seen by many who have spent the night there. Those who have been there for any length of time claim it has a powerful energy which people label as "evil." He stated that the people there also had stories about passages being opened to other realms full of demons and monsters, fairly standard stuff, really.

Of course all this is just superstition, the way ignorant people explain things they don't understand and demonize outsiders. Richardson seemed to recall that there was some fuss here in New York about supposed 'child stealers' and 'devil worshippers' down in Brooklyn. He had just become a faculty member at that time, but he remembers that Thwaite was consulted by the police, in particular a detective named Maloney, if he remembers correctly. I called my police contact who said Maloney is living in Rhode Island at the moment having retired from the force. He mentioned that some of these Brooklyn home-grown devil-worshippers, caused enough of a stink that there were police raids and a building that was demolished. Some society woman and her husband died, perhaps. It must have been a decade ago.

Following Dr. Richardson ‘s advice I went to the New York Public Library to look up some tomes. Oh he also mentioned that Thwaite is due back in January. He recommends Isya Joseph's 1919 volume Devil Worship: The Sacred Books and Traditions of the Yezidiz and suggests an older book, one of the first to outline Yezidi beliefs, though from a rather uninformed viewpoint, An Inquiry into the Religious Tenets of the Yezeedees by George Percy Badger, written in the mid-part of the last century.

In the library I was introduced to some sort of archivist named Tweedy. Creepy fellow if you ask me. He gave me some more information about these Yezidis. He said that the Yezidis have long been a secretive people who keep their real beliefs hidden. As a result - and because they eschew the orthodoxy of the dominant religion of their region - they have been severely persecuted. As a result they are most suspicious of outsiders.

Most Yezidis are illiterate and the few doctrines they have are passed down from generation to generation by word of mouth. They have purposely deceived outsiders concerning their beliefs and doctrines and kept their books a mystery, which explains why there are so many conflicting accounts of their faith. And it must be admitted that they have at times referred to their deity as 'Shaitan' or Satan, though this entity is not necessarily a "devil" or "demon" as Christians understand him.

In general, the Yezidi people are forbidden to mention the name 'Shaitan' or any of his attributes. They refer to their Shaitan instead as “Melek Ta’us” or the 'Peacock Angel' because of his beauty and pride. He is the “Proud One” and “Ruler of the Earth” and they consider him an archangel.

Despite centuries of persecution by Islam and Christianity, they have clung faithfully to their beliefs. I am quite certain that, to the extent there are Yezidi in this city, they practice their ancient religion here. Certainly the Jews have maintained their faith over the centuries in the face of similar treatment wherever they have settled in the world."

He then left me to my own devices before I ran into Langdon, we rang you, and now, spot on, we are driving to investigate the source of the odd paintings."

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 2:52 pm
by Gaffer
Dex has no trouble getting a parking spot almost in front of the gallery. Thomas Street is fairly quiet, given that it's midday on a Tuesday. A couple are just emerging from Trilby's Hat next door and an older man is going into Simpkins' grocery down the block.

A sign hanging in the front window says CLOSED (and probably reads OPEN on the reverse). Several works of are displayed in the window. The ones that don't look amateurish seem weird - melting clocks, blue sheep, people with two noses and three eyes, landscapes of places that couldn't really exist.
Delores,[color=#FF4000]As you try to keep your gaze from the painting that caused you such distress yesterday, you realize that it's... [i][b]gone[/b][/i]. You're flooded with a sense of relief, but then...[/color]
Peering through the glass door, there's a pile of several days' mail on the floor. Beside the shop door is a stair to the second floor with a buzzer and a small card that reads: J. Koslov. A narrow space between this building and the next probably leads to an alley in the back.
Dex,[color=#FF4000]Your years of experience (Streetwise and Shadowing) make you realize that there's probably a back door to the place that might need to be watched, if someone's going to ring the bell.[/color]
Langdon,[color=#FF4000]Your eye catches a movement from a window above, the flutter of a drape in a window, as it falls into place.[/color]

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 10:44 pm
by Delores Brown
"I've been here before," says Delores quietly, "This is where I saw the painting I told you about..." She shudders and waves a hand towards an empty space in the window.

"There's a back door round the back," she says. "And I got the impression there was someone here last time. I tried the door but got no reply."

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 1:17 am
by Dexter Ford
"Well someone had to have taken the picture out of the window. And despite all that mail, they were here recently." Dex moves for his .45, and shifts it from his shoulder holster to his coat pocket. "I can try to jimmy the lock, or you two can try to get in, and I could go around back and make sure no one sneaks away that way. If I don't go there, someone should and quickly."

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 1:51 am
by Gaffer
Langdon says, "Don't look now, but I think someone's at that window up there. I just saw the curtain twitch."

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 10:33 pm
by Delores Brown
Delores glances up but too late to see the twitching curtain. "If there's someone up there, they don't want to play. How about you go and talk to them, Dex? The back door didn't look that sturdy. We can stay out front and make sure whoever it is doesn't come this way."

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 5:12 pm
by Dexter Ford
Dex nods at Delores' suggestion and goes around to the back of the shop, looking for the rear door.
He'll assess whether he needs to drag out the lock-picks or simply kick in the door.

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 6:12 pm
by Gaffer
Dex,You go down the narrow alleyway between the buildings and come out in an unpaved areaway behind several neighboring buildings, with various alleyways in and out. The back of Number 13 has a sturdy door at ground level and a rather rickety wooden stairway to a sort of porch on the second floor. You can see a door that presumably goes into the kitchen of the apartment.
Delores and Langdon,You loiter in front of the shop door and the stair to the apartment.

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 12:25 pm
by Dexter Ford
"In for a penny, old man, in for a pound. The last time you did this, you had back up you could trust, and it was against some of Capone's gang in Chicago. How bad could it be this time?" Dex muttered under his breath. He tucked the .45 automatic back into the shoulder holster, and slowly took a hold of the rickety looking stairs and climbed to the second floor landing. He made sure his wounded arm was protected as best as he could during the climb. Once at the top, if it becomes obvious that the door is locked, its the old "elbow, pane of glass, hand through, open lock, enter" routine...but instead of elbow it will be "butt of .45, pane of glass, hand through, open lock, enter."

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 3:26 pm
by Gaffer
Dex,As you turn the knob to unlock the door, you see a big man with a paper-wrapped bundle under his arm dash across the hallway. He wrenches open a door and runs down the front stairs.
Delores and Langdon,All at once you hear feet pounding down the front stairs, taking them two at a time. A moment later a big, shaggy man bursts from the stairway, a large bundle wrapped in brown paper under his arm. [color=#FF0000][a one-point Scuffle or Athletics spend is available, then make a D6 contest roll][/color]

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 4:10 am
by Dexter Ford
Shit. Dex chases after the man, automatic in his good hand. He will try to pay attention to his surroundings while the man is running, just to make sure there are no surprises.

OOC: I'll make a spend of 2 to try and reach him before he gets too far out of range.
Athletics +2
result =8
<a href=" ... 1d6+2=8</a>

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 9:00 pm
by Delores Brown
Delores acts instintively and sticks out a foot to try and trip the running man as he barrels down the stairway.
OOC,one point spend on Scuffle please. [url=]Nice trip? (1d6=5)[/url] Drat! :(

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 11:39 pm
by Gaffer
As the man clatters to the foot of the stairs, Langdon steps manfully to the fore, "Stop right there, fellow," he pipes, "I want a word with you."

The man growls, "Out of my way, you." and swings his bundle up, the corner catching Langdon under the chin with a dull clunk! sending the young man sprawling. Distracted, the man fails to notice Delores's foot thrust deftly between his own. In a trice, he is on his face on the pavement, his bundle collapsing with a sharp snack beneath him.

Dex emerges from the stairway a moment later.

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 6:31 pm
by Dexter Ford
Dex simple cocks the hammer of his automatic and speaks very softly.
"If you don't want to remain on the floor permanently, keep your hands away from the package and don't move."
He motions for Delores to pick up the package and gives Langdon a hand if necessary.
If the guys so much as looks like he is going to get up, Dex will shoot him, preferably in the thigh, somewhere that hurts but probably won't kill him immediately.

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 9:26 pm
by Gaffer
The big man lies still, spreading his fingers on the sidewalk. Langdon rises unsteadily to his feet. With some tugging, Delores is able to pull the parcel from under the man. The corner of a picture frame juts through the torn paper.

"If is rubbery," the man groans in a heavy Slavic accent, "My vallet iss in my heep po-cket. Bad luck for hyu, hit iss empty. Hyu shuld heff stick-ed me oop when I return-ed.

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 6:02 am
by Delores Brown
Delores pulls at the torn paper, exposing more of the picture, almost dreading what she might find. "Where were you heading?" she asks.

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 1:31 pm
by Gaffer
The guy turns his head to see what Delores is doing with the paper, "Iss hit moch demaged, my pro-perty? Are you int-erested in buyink, perhops?"

Delores tears away enough of the wrapping to determine that it is, indeed, the painting.

"Eff we are goink to tawk busy-ness, per-hops we should be goink into my shop," he continues, "We will be more com-fort-able end there iss less chance Offy-cer Grancher comes alonk end shoots man holdink gon to head off respectable busy-ness man, da?"

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 6:05 pm
by Dexter Ford
Dex pockets his pistol and yet keeps a hold of it. Stupid to shoot through one's coat, but effect nevertheless for concealing a weapon. He stands back from the man to let him up. "Just remember, if you run, I will shoot you. I'll deal with the cops later." He looks at Delores and at Langdon, and then motions the man to head back into his shop. "Why the hell did your run from me in the first place? You could have just spoken to us when you noticed us in the street."

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 6:28 pm
by Gaffer
The guy stands up and dusts himself off. Across the street, Joe Makropolos, owner of Trilby's Hat is standing in his doorway, "Everything okay, Jerry?"

"Sure, sure," comes the reply. "I trip-ped is all." He leads the way into the shop.

Inside, he flips on a light, saying "I'm Jerry Koslov, ass I presume hyu know." The walls are mostly covered with paintings in a variety of styles - faux-primitif, Dada-esque, Surreal-ish - none of it looks very good. A couple of bookcases hold objets d'art of varying levels of talent, few of them better than mediocre. Koslov lays the painting on an empty table and peeks under the paper, then flips it over and strips away the paper and cord (the back is facing up). One corner of the frame has come apart. Koslov sighs heavily.

"As to why I am runnink from hyu... I t'ought hyu was bill-collectors or agents uff my lendlord. Dis is goink to cost moneys to repair that I ain't got," he says, looking at Dex, "Hyu broke it, so hyu should pay, da? I got customer for dis."

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 4:38 pm
by Gaffer
Koslov looks at each of the others, annoyed that no one takes him up on his proposal, "Come, come, let us be reas-onable. I don't want to call police and tell them that I was ass-aulted by Miss Delores Brown of the Wor-uld-Telegram end her associates. I estimate my damages are no more than fifty dol-lar. An insig-nificant amount for a great metro-pol-itan newspaper, da?" He smiles a very smug smile.
Delores,[color=#FF4000] You remember leaving your card yesterday.[/color]

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 2:34 pm
by Dexter Ford
"Listen buddy, we can play this two ways. The easy way or the hard way." Dex taps the pistol in his pocket. "It'd be three of us against you, so don't be stupid. Answer our questions, and we will consider perhaps reimbursing you for any damage. Otherwise, I can see there being a lot more discussion that might take place before we get to any money changing hands."

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 3:54 pm
by Gaffer
"Hyu are threatenink me with serious bodily injury? That is not goink to sound good when police are takink my statement. But go ahead end esk hyur questions."

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 9:16 pm
by Delores Brown
Delores puts a hand on Dex's arm. Koslov seems to be ready to talk, so there is no reason to threaten him. "The picture?" she says, turning to the store keeper, "Where did you get it? And where are you taking it?"

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 2:47 pm
by Gaffer
"Ahhhh..." Koslov smiles smugly, laying a finger beside his nose, "Is this wery painting hyu are int-erested in. I see.

"Is called 'Within the Walls of Sacred Irem' and was painted by Ear-nest Mo-rris, a tragic young artist of this city, now unfortunately lost to us. As to where I am takink it... Why, to a customer, of course. So I am unable to sell it to hyu. Onless hyu are prepared to offer a wery great amount of money. Which - I must say - seems doubtful."

Chuckling, he says, "Now I would like my fifty dollar and to say good day to hyu. I must repair frame and get across town. Good-bye!"

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 4:45 pm
by Dexter Ford
Dex looks at Delores and her restraining hand, and then nods. He glances back at the art dealer and speaks very slowly. "The only reason you aren't laid out on the floor at the moment is because the lady here seems to think you aren't a wise ass. I am highly skeptical of that conclusion and highly doubtful you want try to jerk us around. So why don't you prove me wrong and tell me who the customer is, or I am afraid I'll have to disappoint my lady friend here."

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 4:13 am
by Gaffer
"And what would hyu do with such in-formation? Go and harass my customer? I don't think that is good for my business. Do hyu?"

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 3:44 pm
by Dexter Ford
Dex reaches into his wallet and puts five $10 bills down on the counter (which pretty much empties his wallet, but the guy doesn't need to know that). Dex just shakes his head.
"Here it is in black and white, my friend." Dex looks at the man and places two fingers on the money, pushing towards the gentleman, but not letting him touch it. "You have a choice: give up the client's name, take your money, go on about your life. Forget we were ever here. Or, I take my bills back, call the police, who I know very well, and have them bring you in for kidnapping and they charge you as an accessory after the fact to murder." He calmly looks at the man, as serious as he can be. "See someone is dead, and all the leads come to you and your client. So you can go to Sing Sing for the next 25 years, or you can give us a name, and take your money. The later sounds like a win for you. The other long do you think you might last in the Big House?"

OOC: I'll make an Interrogation spend if I have to.

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 10:53 pm
by Delores Brown
Delores stands back, staring at flatly at Koslov, willing him to take the money and start talking.

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 4:42 am
by Gaffer
Koslov frowns for a long time, his eyes never leaving Dex's five tens. Finally, he heaves a deep sigh.

"Ho-kay, I will tell hyu all I know, but I expec' to get that money.

"I don't know who my customer is. I am to take painting to a lawyer end he will giff me two-hun'red fifty dollar. I dun't know eefen where customer is, maybe not this city or country eefen.

"Let me fix frame end hyu can go with me to lawyer's office. When i haff my money from him, hyu can go in end tell him hyu follow-ed me. That way I cannot be blam-ed. Hyu agree?"

He looks hopefully from face to face, his eyes pleading.

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 10:27 pm
by Delores Brown
"Who's the lawyer?" asked Delores, "Where's the meet?"

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 11:59 pm
by Gaffer
Koslov ponders for a moment. Dex can see him weighing his options. He shrugs and blows out a dramatic, Slavic sigh, muttering something none of you understand.

"Very well, the lawyer is Claude Raymond. Office is on Fulton Street, not far." With that, he picks up the fifty dollars, picks up the painting and marches back to his workshop. Within minutes, he has repaired the frame (carefully not looking at the painting. He re-wraps it and places his hat on his head.

"I am ready. Someone get a cab."

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 2:33 am
by Dexter Ford
Dex chuckles. "Oh not so fast my friend, my car is out front. We can drive to your lawyer's office and follow you inside. Just say we are interested parties who wish to buy the painting and offered you a significant amount of money." He glances at Delores and then Langdon. "Can either of you two drive? I'd prefer to keep my eye on our friend here." While he looked at their "guest" he kept his hand firmly on his automatic in his coat pocket. "Like I said, we can do this the right way, or the wrong way. So far, my friend, you are doing things the right way. Let's just make sure we don't slip and fall back into old habits."

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 3:39 pm
by Gaffer
"No -- no, no, no, no, no. This cannot be," Koslov shakes his head emphatically and repeatedly, "No offenses, my tough friend, but I do not care to be seen with hyu."

He hangs his head and closes his eyes for a moment. When he looks up there is an expression of real pain on his face.

"Let me be honest with hyu. My busy-ness iss not doink so good. This customer could buy many paintinks, da? This could be my salvation! I beg you," he turns his pleading eyes on Delores and Langdon, "Don't let your friend screw this opp for me. Plees!

"You go in after I leaf. Tell Mr. Raymond you haff follow me there. Esk him hyour questions. Leaff me out off hit."

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 10:42 pm
by Delores Brown
Delores caught Dex's sleeve. "We could drop him off around the corner, then watch the office," she said quietly.

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 12:00 am
by Gaffer
[posted by the Keeper]

Langdon thinks for a moment, trying to put what he's learned in the past few days to good use.

"Maybe Dolores and I could accompany him into the outer office while Dex watches the back door. I can 'stall' the receptionist. Dolores can follow Koslov back outside when he's done, then go get Dex to come in and talk to Attorney Raymond. That way he can't pull a fast one and leave with the painting. What do you think, Dex?"

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 4:37 pm
by Dexter Ford
Looks at both Langdon and Delores, motioning them to one side, a bit out of earshot, while keeping an eye on Koslov so he doesn't do anything 'unsmart.' "I agree that we drive him there, while I think Delores and Langdon should do as you both suggest. Delores, you accompany him inside and wait in the lobby, pretending to be his friend. Langdon, you still the secretary or receptionist, and keep an eye on the street. I'll go around the block and then keep an eye on the rear of the building until one of you get me. Then we head in, talk to the lawyer, and see where things go from there. Does that sound like a working plan?"

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 10:32 pm
by Gaffer
[posted by the Keeper]

Langdon nods.

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 12:47 pm
by Gaffer
A few minutes later Dex is driving with Koslov beside him and Delores and Langdon in the back seat. He finds a parking space and everyone proceeds as planned.

Langdon approaches the receptionist and spins a long story about problems with the City Sealer's office. He explains that Peter Raymond has been recommended and he must see him right away. The woman explains that Mr. Raymond has an appointment, announcing Koslov over the intercom and letting him enter Raymond's office. Langdon begins explaining the whole thing again.

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 11:52 pm
by Delores Brown
Delores sits down in the chair nearest to Raymond's office door, smoothing her skirt. She picks up a magazine from a neat pile and opens it, pretending to read one of the articles, while she tries to listen in on what is happening in the office.

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 4:31 am
by Gaffer
Dex,[color=#FF4000]As Dex turns into the alley behind the attorney's office, he notices two guys in brown suits smoking by the rear door. They don't look like lawyers. In fact they look like leg-breakers or cops. They haven't noticed him yet.[/color]
Delores can just make out low voices coming from the office and laughter.

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 2:56 pm
by Dexter Ford
Dex will slowly drive up to the two men in brown suits, and casually ask them for directions. "Excuse me, officers. I seem to be a bit lost. I was looking for Broadway and ..." He consults a piece of paper in his pocket, which is actually blank. "14th St. I think I got turned around someplace. Can you get me back on the right track?"

If they turn around and answer him, he'll try to see if they are carrying weapons. If they sound or act more like leg breakers, Dex will simply nod and thank them for directions. If they turn out to be cops, well he will have a different sort of follow up response.

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 12:48 pm
by Gaffer
One of the guys detaches himself from the wall and approaches Dan's car. "Sure t'ing, mac. Drive down'a enda dis block an' get lost!."

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 1:16 am
by Dexter Ford
Dex smiles sadly. "I am sorry you had to be such a wise ass." He placed the revolver on the door frame, clearly visible to the guy who spoke to him. "So we are going to do this the easy way, or we are going to do this the hard way. The easy way is you and your friend remove your heaters with your off hands and place them on the ground, then kick them towards the car. The hard way is I plug you so full of holes you will whistle when you breathe." He'll put all the inflection of his former law officer background into the tone of his voice.

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 6:11 am
by Gaffer
The guy at the car raised his hands and said, very quietly, "You are under arrest. Put that gun down very carefully on the seat and we won't make it assault and resisting. Shut off your engine and get out of the car. Okay?"

The guy by the wall raised his right hand and very carefully flipped back his lapel with two fingers of his left, showing a New York City Deputy Sheriff badge pinned to his vest.


Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 5:17 pm
by Dexter Ford
Dex thinks. "Oh shit." He looks at the officer and does the right thing. He places the revolver on the seat next to him and turns off the car engine. He then places both hands on the steering wheel, before speaking slowly. "Well it seems as if there is a misunderstanding here, sheriff. Name is Dex Ford and I am a private investigator and former Prohi. I am working a case, and was told that there were some unsavory gentlemen hanging out here and could be armed and dangerous. Your reaction to my asking for directions seemed to indicate you were the one's I was warned about. If you want to see my ID and my badge, I can give them to you."

Spend: Cop Talk +3
1d6+3 → [4,3] = (7)

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 5:46 pm
by Gaffer
The Deputy motions for Dex to get out of the car. Then he takes a look at his P.I. license and carry permit. He snorts and taps the documents on his palm, "Mr. Ford, you oughta know better'n to pull a bonehead stunt like that. We're waitin' for a guy to come out that door and we're gonna take him into custody. I'd rather not hafta process two suspects today, so whattaya say you just--"

"Phil!" calls his partner as the door creaks open. Dex sees Koslov appear in the doorway with a startled expression, then turn to flee back inside. The deputy grabs his coat collar and gets an elbow in the nose. Phil tosses Dex's papers at him and rushes to help subdue Koslov, pulling a sap from his hip pocket. He taps the struggling gallery owner on the head and all the fight goes out of the big man. In a moment, they have him handcuffed.

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 7:14 pm
by Dexter Ford
Dex breathes a sigh of relief, and then sees the man they are planning on arresting. "Damn you." Dex puts his paperwork back in his pocket and then hurries over to see if he can help the officers. Once they have Koslov under arrest, he chuckles. "Officers, it seems this gentleman is the same man I have been following for his involvement in a case I am working on with a detective from downtown. He's wanted in a disappearance and possible murder of my client."

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 12:50 am
by Gaffer
"Well," said Phil, as his partner hauled Koslov to his feet and began to frog march him down the alley, "We'll be sure to check him for wants and warrants and contact your detective friend. Right now this guy's going to the county jail. You have a good night, pal." And he followed along to the unmarked car that Koslov was being put into.

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 1:01 am
by Delores Brown
OOC: Sorry for the lack of posts - busy week!
Gaffer wrote:Delores can just make out low voices coming from the office and laughter.
Listening to what's happening in Raymond's office. (1d6=3)

Any joy?

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 1:01 am
by Delores Brown
OOC: Sorry for the lack of posts - busy week!
Gaffer wrote:Delores can just make out low voices coming from the office and laughter.
Listening to what's happening in Raymond's office. (1d6=3)

Any joy?

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 2:51 am
by Gaffer
Delores can hear the muted sound of conversation, though without distinguishing any words. There's a bit of laughter, then silence. After a moment, the receptionist's intercom buzzes.

"Someone should be coming in to see me in a moment, Penny. Show him in immediately. "

"There's already a man here who insists on seeing you, Mr. Raymond."

"Is he a Deputy Sheriff?"

"Are you?"
she asks Langdon.

"Yes," says the young man, "Well, I'm working with the police on a case. Practically the same thing." With that, he hurries past Penny and through Raymond's door.

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 10:29 pm
by Delores Brown
OOC,Are we out of sequence? Presumably the arrest of Koslov hasn't yet taken place in Delores timeline?

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 11:31 pm
by Gaffer
OoC,[color=#FF8000]Hard to say. What does Delores do?[/color]

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 8:42 am
by Delores Brown
When Langdon barges into Raymond's office, Delores drops the magazine she's reading and follows him in.

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 2:47 pm
by Gaffer
As Delores enters the office, a tall man, impeccably dressed, is standing behind his desk, his hand extended to Langdon, "Did you catch him, Deputy?" he asks while Langdon shakes his hand. Leaning against the desk is the parcel that contains the painting.

Before Langdon can answer, a short man, built like a fireplug, strides in behind Delores. "We got him, Mr. Raymond. My men are putting him in the car now. This the evidence?"

Raymond looks nonplussed, "Who are you?"

"Assistant Sheriff Lapham, sir, in charge of the operation." He grins uncertainly at Langdon and Delores.

Raymond blinks once and picks up a slip of paper from his desk, "This is the receipt he signed for the money. But..."

"Splendid!" Lapham barks, "That should make it airtight. Mr. Burton will be pleased. Well, I won't take up any more of your time, sir." He nods to Langdon and Delores, picks up the painting, and bustles out of the office.
Langdon,Burton is the senior partner in Burton, Eliot & Finney, Inc., Koslov's landlords.
Mr. Raymond gives Langdon and Delores a baleful look, "Now who exactly are you people? And why are you in my office?"

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 12:07 am
by Delores Brown
"Wait a minute," says Delores, as Lapham heads for the door, "Who are you exactly and where are you taking that?" She points at the painting, but her eyes never leave the man's face. He looks shifty and something about his manner makes Delores think there's something up.

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 12:52 am
by Gaffer
"Don't know what business it is of yours, lady," the man said, pulling out his badge.
"I'm Assistant Sheriff Lapham. I am taking this evidence of fraud to the New York City Sheriff's office where it'll be held in the evidence locker until the trial. Satisfied?" With that he turns and walks out of the office.

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 10:50 pm
by Delores Brown
"If it's in the public interest, then it's my business," replied Delores sharply, pulling her press card out of her handbag. "Why has Mr Koslov been arrested?"

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 11:20 pm
by Gaffer
Lapham blows out a disgusted breath. "I'm not at liberty to comment on a case that has not yet been set before the grand jury, Miss..." he takes her wrist and leans close to read her credentials, "...Brown. But 'informed sources' say it's a result of a dispute with his landlords over failure to pay back rent. That's all you'll get outta me, sister." He turns on his heel and is out the door to a waiting car with the Sheriff's insignia on the side and a uniformed deputy driving..

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 3:02 pm
by Delores Brown
OOC,Missed rent? Wouldn't that be a civil rather than criminal matter? Sorry, my knowledge of US property law isn't up to speed.

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 3:58 pm
by Gaffer
Delores,[color=#FF4000]In many U.S. jurisdictions county sheriffs serve as the investigative and enforcement arm for civil courts. They serve subpoenas and eviction notices and carry out physical evictions when necessary. They also serve warrants of various kinds. This may be the function of bailiffs in the U.K.? They may also make arrents on the orders of judges dealing with civil issues for failure to answer subpoenas, contempt and the like. They often have separate lock-up facilities from the police with whom there is often considerable rivalry. In this case, Koslov has claimed that most of the paintings in his possession were not his property, but on consignment from artists, many of whom he didn't have contact information for. He's been lured into trying to sell one of these when the court restrained him from doing so. He'll be charged with a number of infractions, including fraud.[/color]

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 6:14 pm
by Dexter Ford
Dex will notice the Sheriff's Deputies leaving again, and this time he will exit his parked car and head into the building, to see what is going on with Delores and Langdon.
If the secretary gives him any grief, he'll bluff his way through as an "official type" looking for his colleagues.

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 2:49 am
by Gaffer
The receptionist looks pretty dazed as Dex walks past. Obviously, things are rarely so hectic around here.

Lapham almost collides with him on his way out the door with the parcel, "'Scuse it, please."

Mr. Raymond's glare includes Dex this time, "Again I ask, who exactly are you people? And why are you in my office?"

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 3:01 pm
by Lammomedes
Gaffer wrote:Mr. Raymond's glare includes Dex this time, "Again I ask, who exactly are you people? And why are you in my office?"
Dex glances at Delores and Langdon, making sure they are okay. He then pulls his ID for a second time, revealing it to the attorney. "The name is Dex Ford, and I am private investigator, tracking down a client who has gone missing, and these nice people are my friends and assisting in this matter for a variety of reasons. Our trail led us to your client, recently removed by the Sheriff's Office, and thus to whomever is buying his paintings, or whatever he was doing here. So my question simply put, Mr. Raymond" glancing at the desk plate to make sure "is on which side of the issue are you going to fall. Those who are helping us put an end to the mystery, or one of those who find themselves eventually arrested by the authorities?"

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 10:57 pm
by Gaffer
Raymond sits at his desk, gesturing for the others to take either a chair or the sofa. He considers Dex's words for a few moments.

"Mr. Ford, I am bound by attorney-client confidentiality and can only go so far in answering your questions.

"That said, the man who was a target of the Sheriff's Office investigation is in no way my client. I am involved in this as a favor to a friend, one of his landlords whom he has been defrauding. I also am an officer of the court (all attorneys are, technically) and the man has been lying to the court as well.

"I have helped the Sheriff's deputies prove his duplicity and now - unless I am called on to testify against him - my involvement is at an end. I know nothing about a missing person nor am I interested in one."

He smiles at the three in his office, "I trust that settles the matter. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have other matters to attend to and it is getting rather late in the day." He stands, gesturing to the door.

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 11:39 am
by Delores Brown
Delores glances at Dex, puzzled. "You're telling us that you merely played Koslov as a patsy just to prove he wasn't legit?" she asks Raymond.

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 12:50 pm
by Gaffer
"Yes," Raymond answers, "As I was asked to do by my friend and instructed by Sheriff Lapham. Now, please, shoo." And he picks up the telephone receiver.

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 3:54 pm
by Dexter Ford
Dex looks at Delores and sotto vocce "I am getting tired of being led around by the nose here. It wouldn't be so bad if we actually reached water from time to time." He looks at Langdon and smirks. "Snap out of your daze Langdon. The skirt isn't going to give you the time of day, no matter how nicely you ask." He turns back to Raymond and looks at him with an arched eyebrow. "Unless my friends have any more to ask, we will let you get back to your oh so important telephone call."

If no one has anything else to ask the lawyer, he will get Delores and Langdon into the hall. "Either we march down to the Sheriff's office and find out what we can about this Koslov fellow, and maybe spring the bastard from the pokey and see if he will lead us to one of his clients. Or we go find out policeman colleague and let him know what we discovered and let things move through channels. I admit, I am sick and tired of banging my head against the wall. We either go directly to Brooklyn at this point, or we throw up our hands and call it a day. I don't like to be defeated, but this is frustrating, and to be honest, I am not getting paid anything more for this. I know all of us have paying jobs that could use more of our attention."

He waits for the elevator to take them back down to the lobby and his waiting car.
Okay,Honestly the frustration above is both IC and OOC. I do feel we have been chasing our own tails for the last couple of months.

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 3:13 am
by Gaffer
Langdon nods. He seems rather dispirited.


"I thought we'd get a lead on the artist at least, but then he said the guy had died on the psych ward in Bellevue last April. Maybe we should go on to Flanigan's and meet Esposito. It's after five."

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 4:20 am
by Dexter Ford
"Sounds good. Hopefully Detective Esposito has been luckier than we have. I am tired of these dead ends." When they got down to the street, he opened the door to the car for Delores, allowing Langdon to take the passenger seat. He then drove them to Flannigans for some dinner and for drinks. He glanced at the other three. "I think steaks all around. We deserve it."

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 10:20 pm
by Delores Brown
"Perhaps a small one for me," smiled Delores, "A girl's got to watch her waistline, after all."

Re: Tue Sept 5 - Dex

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 4:25 pm
by Dexter Ford
(OOC: I am just going to get things moving so we end up in the proper thread.)

Dex nods at Delores' comment, thinking about adding a snappy comment about not needing to worry about her weight, but his mind is distracted by things that have been happening and by his frustration with this investigation. Langdon in the back seat, seems equally pensive as they drive to Flannigans to meet up with Detective Esposito and hopefully figure out what to do next.

Within a few moments, the familiar glow of the neon sign outside Flannigan's announces their arrival.

(OOC: Moving to the new thread and jump start there...)