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Re: IC-GOLD-Triage(Everyone)

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 5:01 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,Five more rounds, including this one.

Re: IC-GOLD-Triage(Everyone)

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 5:30 pm
by masonstone
Crew nodded to Coltrane "It's ok Airman" he said, hesitating as if to say more when Sara spoke "Understood Evans, do what you can for the Airman and hang back, we don't want to give him another hostage and you're more useful where you are." he replied down the radio before snapping the chamber of his revolver shut as David rounded the corner. He kept his weapon down, watching Colin as he advanced "We're not keeping you here Colin, you can leave if you like but you can't take Lt. Spooner with you, you understand?" he said, hoping to appeal to the man's reason "Look I'm holstering my weapon" he said, slowing putting the revolver away. "Now it's your turn, let Lt. Spooner go." Crew said, motioning with his hand at the Coltrane and Robert not to fire.
Handy,Could Crew unsling his rifle and aim quick enough to take out David before he shot Zorie if he took him by surprise or if there was a distraction? Also, here's a [url=]Fast Talk[/url] roll to try and convince him which failed.

Re: IC-GOLD-Triage(Everyone)

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 2:54 am
by kouchpotato
Mason,David's dead, Colin is the one with the hostage.
Captain Johansen beats on the wall with his fist. Dead dead dead dead deeeaaaaaddd!

Re: IC-GOLD-Triage(Everyone)

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 1:52 am
by Mr. Handy
In the women's isolation ward-
Amanda returned her son's hug but then backed away when he warned her of the hostage situation, pulling Melinda and Lisa with her.

"What about Robert?" Beth asked Keith. "He's still out there!"

At the padded cells-
Lt. Evans was too busy and too high on adrenalin to notice that an NCO was giving her orders, and besides, it seemed like good advice to her. She eased Airman SImpson out into the hall and continued to treat him, doing a great job. "Just lie still," she told him. "You heard the Sergeant Major. Ellison and Gomez, give me a hand here."

Lt. Ellison was able to help some more, but only a little. With Lt. Gomez's and Airman Winters's help, the work was going faster and would soon be done.

The others remained where they were, waiting nervously.

In the men's isolation ward-
Coltrane and Robert both stood down. "The aliens must have him under mind control!" said Coltrane. "We all need to wear tinfoil on our heads to protect ourselves!"

"Don't try to follow me!" barked Colin, clearly beyond reason. He pulled Zorie past the others, keeping her between him and them, backing through the doors to the operating room.
OOC,[b]Coltrane[/b] is actually a Senior Airman, and [b]Zorie[/b] is a civilian, but [b]Crew[/b] only arrived recently and might not know this, and he could also be unfamiliar with USAF rankings. Under normal circumstances, due to his low DEX, [b]Crew[/b] wouldn't get off a shot until after [b]Colin[/b] fired once even if he had his weapon ready. Without it ready, [b]Colin[/b] would get to shoot twice before [b]Crew[/b] goes once. A distraction could change that, but it would have to be a good one, as [b]Colin[/b] is expecting trouble.
Captain Nils Johansen,You have four more rounds of temporary insanity, including this one.
Captain Claire Kelleher,You have eight more rounds of temporary insanity, including this one.
In the operating theater-
Wesson and Smith took up their posts in the southwest and southeast corners of the room, respectively. "We're in the OR now, Sergeant Major," reported Smith on his radio. "Ready for your orders." Just then, Colin started hauling Zorie through the doors from the men's ward.

Re: IC-GOLD-Triage(Everyone)

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 10:13 am
by kabukiman
-It was to good to be true. When everything seems will be ok, someone finds a way to blow up.

Re: IC-GOLD-Triage(Everyone)

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 6:18 pm
by ryansommer
Keith kept his pistol down to his side and very slowly backed away from Colin. He moved slowly and quietly to do his best not to startle Colin and cause his to do something irrational.

Re: IC-GOLD-Triage(Everyone)

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 4:35 pm
by masonstone
Crew slowly raised his radio to his lips and spoke calmly into it "Watch it boys, we have a crazy with a hostage, possibly infected, coming in with his back to you. if you have any cover I'd recommend you get behind it, then try and shoot him in his back, it should be broad enough to prevent you hitting the hostage. When you're ready to fire get one of the civilians to say go down the radio then open up, but try not to hit the hostage if possible." Crew then clipped the radio to his belt, thumbing the volume up to full so that he could hear the signal then got ready to swing his rifle out from where it was slung loosely across his back.
OOC,being as I need to act after the NPCs I'ma just roll up for the shot. I'm not sure if I should roll anything for unslinging the rifle, but here are the other rolls: [url=]just hit[/url][url=]him in the abdomen with 11 damage[/url]

Re: IC-GOLD-Triage(Everyone)

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 6:41 pm
by kouchpotato
Captain Johansen begins to giggle crazily.

Re: IC-GOLD-Triage(Everyone)

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 1:51 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,Actually, [b]Crew[/b], you're not going to be in a position to shoot this round, as [b]Colin[/b] will move through the door and be out of your line of sight before you get to fire. You can certainly draw the rifle and move to the doors where you'd be able to fire next round, but it may not be necessary...
In the women's isolation ward-
Keith could have seen the scene in the operating theater unfolding through the glass windows in the door if he had wanted to, but he was not in the same room as Colin and was in no danger of being spotted by him.

"Is Robert all right?" Beth asked him, increasing worry in her voice.

Amanda held Melinda. "I can't believe Colin just snapped like that," she said. "Maybe I could talk some sense into him..."

"Don't go out there," said Lisa. "He's already got one hostage, don't give him another. Or he may just open fire when he sees you. If he killed David in cold blood, he's too far gone."

"Don't say that. Nobody's too far gone."

In the operating theater-
Colin backed into the room, letting the doors swing shut behind him. He pulled Zorie towards the doors to the intake area. He didn't even notice the snipers in the corners, crouching behind beds and taking aim at him. "Can't get to the civilians right now," whispered Wesson in the radio, "and I don't want to put them at risk, but I have to take this shot." He squeezed the trigger, but Colin hesitated at just the wrong time and the bullet went wide. Smith opened fire as well, hitting the madman in the heart and slaying him instantly. "Target is neutralized," he reported on the radio coldly.

Zorie leaned against the wall and slumped over. "Oh, God..." she moaned, holding her head in her hands. In spite of the trauma, she was very resilient and was fine after a moment of rest.

In the men's isolation ward-
Feaster helped Kowalski around the corner to the padded cells. Robert breathed a sigh of relief that it was over, but shook his head. Too many people had died already. How many more would kill and be killed for no reason?

At the padded cells-
"Put him in the south cell," said Lt. Sara Evans when Feaster arrived with Kowalski. "I'm so sorry, Airman," she said to Kowalski.

"Thank you, ma'am," he answered, looking at his feet.

The rest of the medical staff was almost finished treating Gary Simpson.

Re: IC-GOLD-Triage(Everyone)

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 2:27 am
by ryansommer
"Stay here!' Keith said to his mother and Melinda before running to the Operating Theater. When he entered the theater he shouted the Smith and Wesson: "Put a bullet in his head! He'll get back up again if we don't!"
Handy, Can Keith fire at Colin's corpse this round? If so, he will do that.

Re: IC-GOLD-Triage(Everyone)

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 2:46 am
by kouchpotato
Captain Johansen flinches at the sound of gunfire. I can fix it. Oh God, I'm a doctor... I can fix it! I can fix this!

Re: IC-GOLD-Triage(Everyone)

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 2:48 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,[b]Keith[/b] can't fire this round, as he'll be spending it moving into the OR.

Re: IC-GOLD-Triage(Everyone)

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 4:43 pm
by masonstone
OOC,thats cool, shame because it was such a nice roll but ah well lol
Crew swung his rifle down as Colin exited, then listened as the two snipers fired. He brought his radio to his lips and said "well done boys, you've both done well today." Crew then proceded through the doors to the operating room where he saw Colin's body and Keith running in. Crew looked sharply at Keith then said to the snipers "if one of you can spare a bullet it wouldn't hurt, from what the doctors were saying earlier madness may be one of the signs of infection, and we don't need it to spread. once we're done here we should all regroup and take a full roll call, I don't want more random nut-jobs crawling up out of the woodwork"

Re: IC-GOLD-Triage(Everyone)

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 1:41 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,Actually, I'll count that roll now. It hits even with the -5 penalty for shooting at the head, and that 11 damage will destroy it well enough.
In the operating theater-
The snipers had given away their sidearms, so they started ejecting their spent casings from their M-24s and chambering fresh rounds. Zorie was unarmed, so Crew turned to Colin's body and put a bullet through its skull.

"Thanks, Sergeant Major," said Smith. "Damn shame it had to come to this, though."

Zorie stood up. "Thank you," she said. "Now we'd better get organized."

In the women's isolation ward-
"What happened to Robert?" demanded Beth, her eyes watering. "Is he dead?"

Amanda pulled her in close. "I'm sure he's all right," she said.

In the men's isolation ward-
The doctors continued their insane ranting, and Coltrane wasn't much better. He somehow managed to find a roll of aluminum foil and tore off a piece, making a skullcap out of it which he placed on his head. Then he began to make more for the officers. Obviously, they too were acting under the influence of alien mind control.

Robert followed Crew into the operating theater.

At the padded cells-
Lt. Sara Evans and Feaster hauled David's body out of the south cell. Then they locked Kowalski inside. The rest of the medical staff completed their treatment of Gary Simpson.

Re: IC-GOLD-Triage(Everyone)

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 8:17 am
by kouchpotato
Captain Johansen watches Coltrane. What are you doing? I need help, I-I need to help these people. I'm not going to lose them. Not again. NEVER AGAIN.
OOC,How many more rounds am I crazy? Three more?

Re: IC-GOLD-Triage(Everyone)

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 10:10 am
by kabukiman
-Why did you have to go outside keith? Come back quick!

Re: IC-GOLD-Triage(Everyone)

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 4:59 pm
by ryansommer
With Colin put down for good Keith returned to the women's isolation ward.

"Everything is okay now. Let's go join the others" he said to the ladies as he took Melinda's hand and embraced her.

Re: IC-GOLD-Triage(Everyone)

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 8:28 pm
by masonstone
Crew signalled for those around him to follow him then pushed through the door into the men's ward, where he considered the three insane people within before saying "Right, someone fetch me some zip-cuffs or rope or whatever restraints you can find, then let's tie these dumb suckers up until they wise up or start trying to eat us." Crew shook his head and crouched down and regarded Coltrane as he sat intently working on another foil hat.

Re: IC-GOLD-Triage(Everyone)

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 1:35 am
by Mr. Handy
In the women's isolation ward-
The rest of the women filtered back into the operating theater.

In the operating theater-
"May we have our sidearms back, please?" asked Wesson to Robert and Keith.

"Of course," said Robert, returning his pistol and ammo.

Beth and the other women entered the OR. "Robert!" cried Beth, running up to him and throwing her arms around him, tears of joy running down her cheeks. "I was so worried about you!"

Robert hugged her and gently stroked her back. "Thanks, but I'm not about to let anything happen to me. There's too much to live for."

The snipers followed Crew back to the men's ward.

At the padded cells-
Sara Evans tried to treat Simpson further, but there was nothing more she could do for him, nor could Barbara Ellison. Oscar Gomez was able to help some more, and Winters helped too. He was becoming an old hand at this.

In the men's isolation ward-
"I am helping, sir," said Coltrane to Captain Johansen. He finished making another foil hat and placed it on top of Johansen's orange suit's helmet. Around the same time, he started to calm down and felt like himself again. "It's working! I'll make one for you too, Sergeant Major, just as soon as I help Captain Kelleher." He started working on another one and placed it over her helmet when it was ready. She too began to calm down and feel disgusted by what she had been doing. Crew couldn't help but wonder whether the tin foil really was having an effect or if it was just a coincidence. He also had to wonder what would happen next.
OOC,Both [b]Captain Johansen[/b] and [b]Captain Kelleher[/b] may act normally again. Chapter 5 is done for Gold, but feel free to continue talking, roleplaying, and planning with each other and the NPCs. There will be no further dice rolls here, but I'll post instructions for the survivors in Gold to make skill experience checks in the OOC thread soon. Congratulations on surviving!

Re: IC-GOLD-Triage(Everyone)

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 1:59 am
by kouchpotato
Captain Johansen takes a deep breath. I'm sorry it's just... I saw her eating a body and, and. He halts and brushes the tinfoil hat off of his suit. This is Captain Johansen, requesting a sitrep on the current situation.