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Re: IC-GOLD-Triage(Everyone)

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 6:17 pm
by Mr Zombie killer
Colin decided to try one more time. He just about did it but the straps were on too tight.

Re: IC-GOLD-Triage(Everyone)

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 5:21 am
by Mr. Handy
On the roof-
"We're only getting two dozen Claymores," Crew says to Harper, "so there will inevitably be access routes whether we want them or not. We'll know where you've planted the mines, so we'll be able to bypass them freely. From what I've seen, the infected are too bloody stupid to go around the mines even if they manage to spot them, but there's no point in making it easy for them. That inner ring of Claymores pointed inward will help contain an outbreak if we lose the clinic, but I have confidence that we won't let that happen."
OOC,[b]Airman Harper[/b], roll Listen. The base skill is 25%.
In the intake area-
"ETA is one minute, Captain," said Carmichael over the radio. "i suggest you get ready."

"We're on it, sir," said Captain Kelleher. "Some of the civilians have expressed a desire to leave the base. Can that be arranged?"

"First they beg to be let in, now they want out? Fine, if that's what they want. I'll send a Stryker once one becomes available to pick them up and take them beyond the perimeter. Let me know which ones want to go and I'll have their weapons ready to return to them once they're outside."

"Understood, sir." She relayed the colonel's message to Keith. "While we're helping the wounded, find out which people want to leave and put together a list of their names. Captain Johansen, you'll remain inside for now. You need to stay off your wounded leg as much as possible. Get ready for wounded. Evans, Valdez, and Winters, with me." She led the way through the vestibule and outside. Lt. Evans and Sergeant Valdez followed.
OOC,[b]Airman Winters[/b], assuming you obey orders and go outside, roll Listen.
At the padded cells-
"I'll try," said Catherine Rourke. She spoke into her radio. "This is Airman Rourke, at the padded cells. Airman Hodges is requesting the presence of Captain Kelleher."

"I'm a little busy right now," she replied. "We've got incoming casualties. I'll stop by when I get a free moment."
Colin Lewis,[b]Colin[/b] could feel the straps starting to loosen a little from his efforts, but he was still far from free. [spoiler][b]Colin[/b], you may roll again. At this point, you can roll against STR x 1 until further notice.[/spoiler]

Re: IC-GOLD-Triage(Everyone)

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 12:53 am
by Voodoo
As Harper is pondering location to place the claymores he hears something that startles him out of his daze.

Re: IC-GOLD-Triage(Everyone)

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 12:59 am
by Mr. Handy
Airman Sebastian Harper,[b]On the roof-[/b] [b]Harper[/b] heard the distinctive sound of a vehicle engine approaching from the south. Turning to look, he could see a humvee making its way toward the clinic. It would arrive in about a minute.

Re: IC-GOLD-Triage(Everyone)

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 3:58 am
by kouchpotato
Captain Johansen nods meekly. Understood.

Re: IC-GOLD-Triage(Everyone)

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 2:37 pm
by kabukiman
- How many time before a new wave of those things will appear?

Re: IC-GOLD-Triage(Everyone)

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 6:25 pm
by ryansommer
In the waiting area-

"Can my girl and I get checked out, please? We'd really like to get armed and ready to help before the wounded arrive." Keith said.

Re: IC-GOLD-Triage(Everyone)

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 6:31 pm
by ryansommer
OOC: How is Hodges feeling?

Re: IC-GOLD-Triage(Everyone)

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 8:49 pm
by wizbit
Senior Airman Wright shifted uncomfortably in his Rascal suit as he stood guard on the entrance, not his ideal post be he was sure as hell going to make sure nothing came through that door. As he stood MP5 in hand, he checked both Raffin and Darrow were in position and alert. "Eye's open Airmen." He muttered in an almost mantra like fashion.

Re: IC-GOLD-Triage(Everyone)

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 11:19 pm
by Voodoo
Unslinging his Rifle Harper nudges the Sergeant Major and says, "Sergeant Major, We have an incoming humvee." using the barrel of his rifle he points in the direction of the approaching vehicle.

Re: IC-GOLD-Triage(Everyone)

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 1:22 am
by Mr Zombie killer
Colin looked around for something that he may be able to reach to help him out of the straps.

Re: IC-GOLD-Triage(Everyone)

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 3:54 am
by Mr. Handy
Airman Frank Hodges,You feel that you're burning up, and you know you have a fever. You feel weak and tired, but you do not feel like you're about to die yet. Your abilities are still unimpaired for now due to your normally excellent physical condition.
Colin Lewis,The padded cell is bare except for the gurney to which you're strapped. If you're going to get out of the straps, brute force is probably the best way to do it. Luckily, you're quite strong. Go ahead and roll STR x 1.

Re: IC-GOLD-Triage(Everyone)

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 3:29 pm
by Mr Zombie killer
Handy,I got a 91 when I tried to roll. Figured that I would not even bother to post it

Re: IC-GOLD-Triage(Everyone)

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 5:19 am
by Mr. Handy
On the roof-
Crew had also heard the humvee approaching and turned to look at it. "Yes, I see it, Airman," he said. "Well spotted. Let's keep a weather eye on it." From their high vantage point, the men on the roof watched as the humvee entered the clinic's parking lot near the west side of the building.

Outside the clinic-
Captain Claire Kelleher led the way outside, followed by Lt. Sara Evans, Technical Sergeant Jessica Valdez, and Airman Marcus Winters. Senior Airman Sam Wright stood guard at the entrance with Airman Phyllis Darrow and Airman Basic Ken Raffin. As they watched, a humvee pulled up near the main entrance. Its windows were shattered, and three orange-suited figures were inside. The female driver was hunched over the wheel, and two men rode in the back. Both men had rips in their Racal suits, and their faceplates were broken. The woman put the vehicle in park and climbed out, leaning on its side.

"What happened?" asked Captain Kelleher.

"You wouldn't believe me, ma'am," said the driver. "Let's just get these guys inside; they're hurt bad."
OOC,Everyone outside the clinic, roll Spot Hidden. The base skill is 25% if it's not listed on your character sheet.
In the intake area-
"The colonel meant you'd get your weapons back once you're outside the base, I'm sure," said Lt. Gomez to Keith. "Anyway, it's going to be a little while before they can pick you up. The wounded will be here any minute now."

"My son isn't going anywhere without me," said Amanda Deeds.

"Then I'm coming with you," said Lisa. "I still think we'll be safer here, but I'll go wherever you do."

"Anyone else want to leave?" asked Lt. Barbara Ellison.

At the padded cells-
"Maybe they'll give you permission to leave too," Catherine suggested to Frank. "They probably don't want you on the base in your condition anyway. Want me to ask?"
Colin Lewis,[b]Colin[/b]'s straps still would not budge. [spoiler][b]Colin[/b], you should still post your roll, even if it's a bad one. If it's a critical failure, that could make matters worse. You may roll STR x 1 again.[/spoiler]

Re: IC-GOLD-Triage(Everyone)

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 2:50 pm
by wizbit
Standing guard at the entrnace Senior Airman Wright watched intently as the Humvee pulled up.

Re: IC-GOLD-Triage(Everyone)

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 10:53 pm
by Mr. Handy
Senior Airman Sam Wright,As the driver turned her back to him, [b]Sam[/b] noticed a small hole that looked like it had been torn in the back of her suit.

Re: IC-GOLD-Triage(Everyone)

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 1:37 am
by Voodoo
Harper watches the humvee approach with everyone else. He raises his rifle some in case things get ugly.

Re: IC-GOLD-Triage(Everyone)

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 1:57 am
by wizbit
"Raffin, Darrow, hold your position." orders Sam as he steps forward approaching Captain Kelleher. "Ma'am, I recommend quarantine for all three. That suit's compromised." he says, pointing at the tear in the drivers Rascal.

Re: IC-GOLD-Triage(Everyone)

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 4:48 pm
by Mr Zombie killer

Re: IC-GOLD-Triage(Everyone)

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 3:54 am
by kouchpotato
Captain Johansen waited in the intake area, idly drumming his fingers. No gunshots... guess these ones are still alive.