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Re: IC-OMAHA-Afterschool Special(Everyone else)

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 8:34 pm
by Tabs
Image "Brute strength seems to be the answer. We need Darnell! - Only kidding. A couple of fellas would do the job.
"What do you think, Kate and Erica? Perhaps a shouted warning that if we have to break down the door, everyone will be locked up?"

Re: IC-OMAHA-Afterschool Special(Everyone else)

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 8:52 pm
by Mr. Handy
In the lobby-
"Shout what you like," said Kate as she backed up and prepared to attack the door, "but somehow I don't think they'll listen to reason. We need to get through this door fast."

Re: IC-OMAHA-Afterschool Special(Everyone else)

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 9:51 am
by Tabs

Re: IC-OMAHA-Afterschool Special(Everyone else)

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 12:18 am
by Mr. Handy
In the north stairwell, upper floor-
Declan followed Donald downstairs.

In the north stairwell, ground floor-
As Donald and Declan reached the ground floor landing, they heard the voice of Dr. Helene Saunders call from somewhere above them: "A car just crashed southeast of the school! The people inside it need help!"

In the special projects lab-
"So what did you do that stopped them?" asked Diana.

"Well, we did two things," explained Stephanie. "First, we decoded the language of the aliens responsible for the dead rising. We know that they had received signals that emanated from the Earth in that language that apparently told them to commence the attack. Once we were able to understand their language, it was a simple matter to send another signal on the same frequency and vector into space in the aliens' language telling them that the job was done and they could cease the attack. We used your NASA communications project to get the signal into space. This is one of the few facilities that had still been capable of transmitting into space. We have no way of knowing for sure that it worked, but it was the only chance we had. If it did work, then the extraterrestrials will have stopped whatever they were doing to power the reanimation, and the dead should no longer rise up. Those who are already risen are still a threat, however. The second thing we did was use the EMP device on the roof to interfere with the electrical process that reanimates the corpses, thus causing them to fall."

"Like cutting a puppet's strings."

"Exactly! Well, more or less. It covers a decent area in the middle of Omaha, and any of the dead that wander into that area will simply collapse and stop functioning. The EMP is harmless to living people, but it did knock out all electronics within its area of effect." She stopped speaking when she and everyone else in the room heard Dr. Saunders call out. "Oh my God!"

In the lobby-
Kate drew her baton from her belt and took a swing at the door, but it still wouldn't give. The three women could hear the raised voices of Darnell and Jerry Law arguing within.
OOC,[b]Rachel[/b], roll Listen to hear [b]Dr. Saunders[/b] shouting. You may attack the door again, using the same rules. I had forgotten to remind you earlier, but your vest gives you a -5 penalty on all melee attacks, including this one. It has not affected anything so far, but it might.

Re: IC-OMAHA-Afterschool Special(Everyone else)

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 4:41 pm
by ImpInTraining
"It's supposed to be safe outside, right?" Donald double-checked with Declan before deciding to head on out. "These survivors may need more help than the others inside the school."

Re: IC-OMAHA-Afterschool Special(Everyone else)

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 5:11 pm
by Mr. Handy
In the north stairwell, ground floor-
"Those ladies do have guns if they need 'em," said Declan, "but I'm not too keen on letting them face those troublemakers alone and I'm not much good at patching people up - I'm much better with machines. Up to you, I guess."

Re: IC-OMAHA-Afterschool Special(Everyone else)

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 11:57 am
by Tabs
"Ohhhhh!" grunts Rachel in frustration.

She does hear something.

[Post edited.]

Re: IC-OMAHA-Afterschool Special(Everyone else)

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 12:07 pm
by kabukiman
OOC: And what will Michiko do?

Re: IC-OMAHA-Afterschool Special(Everyone else)

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 4:56 pm
by Mr. Handy
Rachel Cohen,[b]Rachel[/b] has a +15 bonus to all Spot Hidden and Listen rolls in her secrets, so she barely succeeds. I'll let you know what else she hears inside the security office when I post my update.
OOC,[b]Michiko[/b] can do whatever she wants. It's entirely up to you.

Re: IC-OMAHA-Afterschool Special(Everyone else)

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 5:37 pm
by kabukiman
Michiko decide to stay with the scientist and see if she could help anywhay.

Re: IC-OMAHA-Afterschool Special(Everyone else)

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 8:33 pm
by ImpInTraining
Don nodded, "Alright Declan, you continue with our original plan. See if you can help out at all. I'll see what I can do about the people outside." He turned and started running for the doors.

Re: IC-OMAHA-Afterschool Special(Everyone else)

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 1:52 am
by Mr. Handy
In the special projects lab-
"I'm on my way!" called Dr. Bernard Smith. Dr. Brigetta Hausmann, Stephanie Bridges, Dr. Liz Somerville, Dr. Edward Singh, Adam Donnelly, Michelle Marquez, and Michiko Watanabe followed him out the door, through the hall, and into the stairwell.

In the north stairwell, upper floor-
Dr. Helene Saunders saw the others enter the stairwell. "I need to get back up to the EMP device!" she said.

"I'll take care of that, Doc," said Adam. "You get down there and help those people."

Helene nodded and raced downstairs.

In the north stairwell, ground floor-
Declan raced south, into the hallway while Donald pushed open the fire exit and hurried outside. Dr. Saunders came down from above.

In the rear parking lot-
Donald made his way outside, into the parking lot behind the school. He starred running and was not far from the northeast corner. Once he rounded it, he should be able to see the crashed car.

In the lobby-
Erica slammed into the door again, which shuddered and nearly gave. Kate smacked the door once more, but without effect.
Rachel Cohen,[b]Rachel[/b] could hear the sounds of a scuffle from inside the security office. [b]Darnell[/b] said "This one is for my baby and my future kid you asshole" right before a pair of sickening crunches, and then [b]Jerry Law[/b] shouted "You are no better than those zombies! You are the true cancer of this society!" This was followed by another loud cracking sound.
OOC,[b]Rachel[/b], you may attack the door again.

Re: IC-OMAHA-Afterschool Special(Everyone else)

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 3:54 pm
by ImpInTraining
Run run run...

Re: IC-OMAHA-Afterschool Special(Everyone else)

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 12:13 pm
by Tabs
[Kick 88%]

"Oh no! Darnell is up to no good inside.
"C'mon girls, the door will give way soon."

Re: IC-OMAHA-Afterschool Special(Everyone else)

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 5:00 am
by Mr. Handy
In the special projects lab-
"We'll continue this discussion when they return, said Lawrence Adler. "In the meantime, I'll open the floor to suggestions."

In the north stairwell, upper floor-
Adam Donnelly ran upstairs to the roof while Michelle Marquez led the group of scientists and Michiko downstairs.

In the north stairwell, ground floor-
Michelle reached the ground floor landing first, the others right behind her. Dr. Saunders had already bolted out the back door, which was swinging shut.

In the rear parking lot-
Dr. Helene Saunders ran out the door and started heading east. Donald ran around the corner and out of her sight.
OOC,[b]Donald Woodridge[/b] is moving to the following thread. Please stop reading the current thread at this point, and do not read the posts in the new thread above the one in the link.

In the north hall, ground floor-
Declan hurried through the hall and into the lobby.

In the lobby-
Erica hit the door again, harder than ever. It broke, but for some reason it didn't fall down. As Declan ran in, Kate tried to put her shoulder into the door, but hit the wall next to it by mistake. Then the door collapsed outward with a thud. Heather was standing on the other side, pulling a damaged chair away from it. The women couldn't see much past her. All of the action had apparently been inside the office, around the corner.

In the security office-
The door broke under the impact of the repeated blows, but the chair kept it from falling in. Heather ran over to the door and dragged the chair away. The door collapsed outward, revealing Kate, Erica, and Rachel on the other side. Kate was holding her baton in one hand.

"Why didn't you kill me?" asked Kyle, confused.

"Yeah, why didn't you kill him?" said Roy.

Re: IC-OMAHA-Afterschool Special(Everyone else)

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 7:27 pm
by Mr Zombie killer
"Cause I am not a murderer and because I think that my girlfriend still loves you and if she does not wish to be with me anymore at least my baby will have a good father. Of course I still wish to be with her but...."

Re: IC-OMAHA-Afterschool Special(Everyone else)

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 12:58 pm
by kabukiman
Law will take his weapon.

Re: IC-OMAHA-Afterschool Special(Everyone else)

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 2:28 pm
by Tabs
Rachel whispers to Kate, "Is Darnell serious about Kyle? - he wanted to tear him limb from limb earlier! Whatever, those two need to be kept apart."

Re: IC-OMAHA-Afterschool Special(Everyone else)

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 4:45 pm
by Mr Zombie killer
Darnell refuses to give up his weapons to anyone.

Re: IC-OMAHA-Afterschool Special(Everyone else)

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:13 am
by Mr. Handy
In the special projects lab-
"What about the rest of the city?" asked Diana. "How will we find out what's going on out there?"

"Officer Kate Wheeler is planning to go to the local police station to find out exactly that," said Principal Adler. "She's busy at the moment, but hopefully she'll be back soon. She's going to want volunteers to go with her. Hopefully the police survived and will be able to help restore order in Omaha."

"I'd like to go with her," said Kelly Cameron. "I like her."

On the roof-
Adam Donnelly emerged onto the roof and looked over the EMP device quickly. It was still humming and running normally. He could see the Mustang to the southeast, and was relieved that things didn't look as bad as they could have been.

In the north stairwell, ground floor-
Michelle pushed open the door and stepped outside. "Follow me," she said. Michiko and the scientists complied.

In the rear parking lot-
Michelle, Michiko, and the scientists got outside just in time to see Dr. Saunders vanish around the northeast corner. "Better prop open the door," said Dr. Singh. "We'll need to be able to get back inside afterwards." He slid a trash can into place to keep the fire exit from closing and locking automatically.

In the lobby-
Erica, Kate, and Declan followed Rachel into the security office.

In the security office-
Heather backed away as the new arrivals pushed their way in, rounding the corner and forming a phalanx to prevent anyone from slipping past them. What they saw shocked them. Kyle was lying semiconscious in one of the cells, the door wide open. His bleeding had stopped thanks to Darnell's intervention, but he had clearly been near death judging by the puddle of his own blood in which he lay. In the other cell, which was also open, Chuck Lubachek lay stone dead in a similar, though larger, pool of blood. One of his legs had been brutally smashed and broken at the hip with extreme force. Doug hung back, cradling his injured arm. Jerry Law stood in the middle of the room, holding his nightstick. Darnell and Roy stood side by side nearby, both clutching their bloody baseball bats and refusing to drop them.

The horrors Erica had seen already failed to inure her against this display of brutality. She shuddered when she saw the corpse. "My God, how could you do this?!" she cried. "What is wrong with you?"

Declan had seen an awful lot of awful things in his many years, and he managed to keep it together. "Young people these days," he said, shaking his head.

Kate felt a deep revulsion, but this was not the first dead body she had seen in her line of work. She glared angrily at Darnell and Roy, brandishing her nighstick in one hand and pulling out her pepper spray in the other. "You are both under arrest for murder!" she shouted. "You will drop your weapons! NOW!"

"No way!" said Roy. "You can't do this to us! I'm a hero! You should be thanking us for doing you a favor!"
OOC,[b]Rachel[/b], roll Sanity for seeing the body. Sanity loss is 0/1d3. Then you may act.