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Re: IC-GOLD-Once More Into the Breach(Everyone else)

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 2:12 am
by Mr Zombie killer
Handy,I was not really thinking of shooting a zombie. I figure Colin is far gone at this point and since he is seeing everything around him as an enemy he may just shoot what ever he can and go out in a blaze of glory. What say you?

Re: IC-GOLD-Once More Into the Breach(Everyone else)

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 5:35 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,I forgot to roll for [b]Coltrane[/b] and [b]Simpson[/b]'s shots in my last update. I don't have time tonight, but I'll edit them in tomorrow night. [b]Keith[/b], if you want to get down to ground level, you can simply lower the ladder and climb down.
Colin Lewis,That's close to what I was going to have him do if he had hit 0 Sanity. However, if you have even 1 point of Sanity left - and you do - you are still yourself and have a grip on reality, however tenuous it may be. If you really want to have him do that I can't stop you, but he currently is not suffering from temporary insanity, and his indefinite insanity will at worst make him think he's back in Iraq. He still knows who his friends are, so he probably wouldn't shoot them. If he did shoot and kill someone living, that would cost him his last Sanity point. He could also shoot himself if he wants. However, you shouldn't just throw your character away. He may have 1 Sanity, but there is still much he can do. After this encounter, he may be able to avoid further Sanity losses and can still participate in the adventure. He'll just need to be careful, as he is hanging on by the slenderest of threads.

Re: IC-GOLD-Once More Into the Breach(Everyone else)

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 9:49 am
by kabukiman
-Keith! Wait! Control yourserlf!

Re: IC-GOLD-Once More Into the Breach(Everyone else)

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 4:51 pm
by ryansommer
On the fire escape-
"I am in control, sweetie. I'm tired of letting these Air Force asshole control me. They need help down there and I intend to help them."

Re: IC-GOLD-Once More Into the Breach(Everyone else)

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 5:38 pm
by kabukiman

Re: IC-GOLD-Once More Into the Breach(Everyone else)

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 4:06 am
by Mr. Handy
On the roof-
Lt. Sara Evans fired twice more, hitting a zombie with both bullets, though one of them only barely hit. She finished off the ghoul that Coltrane and Simpson had wounded. The sniper ejected the spent shell and worked the lever, chambering his next bullet.

"Be careful!" shouted Amanda.
OOC,[b]Colin Lewis[/b], you may shoot if you wish. If you shoot at a zombie and miss, or if you fire a burst and don't hit with all 3 bullets, roll Luck. If you aim at the head, the zombies will be able to attack before you fire. One zombie has not been hurt. The other zombie has taken 9 damage to the head and needs 1 more to finish it (or 31 total).
On the fire escape-
Melinda joined Keith on the fire escape's lower landing. The ladder could easily be dropped to the ground if they wished, but only one of them would be able to climb it at a time.

In the intake area-
"I just want it to be over," muttered Lt. Rebecca Doolittle.

Outside the clinic-
Simpson retreated from the two remaining zombies, one of which was just crawling. He nearly tripped when he crossed onto the grass, but he managed to keep his feet. Coltrane wasn't so lucky, and he stumbled and fell. The one stroke of luck was that the fall did not hurt him, the soft grass cushioning his landing.

However, the zombies were now upon him. They too slipped on the grass and were unable to grab or bite him.
OOC,[b]Hodges[/b], [b]Johansen[/b], and [b]Simpson[/b], you may each fire. If you shoot at a zombie and miss, or if you fire a burst and don't hit with all 3 bullets, roll Luck. If you aim at the head, the zombies will be able to attack before you fire. One zombie has not been hurt. The other zombie has taken 9 damage to the head and needs 1 more to finish it (or 31 total).

Re: IC-GOLD-Once More Into the Breach(Everyone else)

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 4:31 pm
by ryansommer
OOC: Is is pollible to grab Coltrane by the back of his shirt and drag he him out of harms way? Hodges would use all of his actions this round to do that if he can. The goal would be to get Hodges and Coltrane out of range so neither gets attacked this round. Even better would be to drag him back with one hand, while Hodges holds his pistol in the other to try and defend the two of them. Let me know what the options are for soemthing like this."

Re: IC-GOLD-Once More Into the Breach(Everyone else)

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 3:38 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,You're already some yards past where [b]Coltrane[/b] is lying. You can go run back there and help him to safety, but this means you will both be open to attack this round and you will not also be able to attack. However, it means that you can make yourself the target instead of [b]Coltrane[/b] if you wish. You will get to roll Dodge against any attacks that would hit you. You would be better off carrying your commando knife in one hand instead of the pistol, as it can be used to parry a Bite attack. However, you'll have to declare which zombie you want to try to parry in your post: the crawling zombie with 9 damage to the head, or the walking one that hasn't been hurt yet.

Re: IC-GOLD-Once More Into the Breach(Everyone else)

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 4:14 am
by kouchpotato
Captain Johansen takes a shot at the standing zombie but once again misses. Luckily the bullet misses. Coltrane get your ass up now! Move it Airman!

Re: IC-GOLD-Once More Into the Breach(Everyone else)

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 5:03 pm
by ryansommer
OOC: Are we point blank with our rifles at this distance? If so, I will update my post.
Hoping to help Coltrane out, Hodges raises his rifle and fires at the walking zombie and misses. Luckily, he did not hit Coltrane.

On the fire escape-
"Fuck it!" Keith says. He lowers the ladder and begins to climb down. "Stay here, Melinda and pull the ladder up behind me! Be prepared to lower it if needed. I will be right back."

Re: IC-GOLD-Once More Into the Breach(Everyone else)

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 10:43 am
by kabukiman
-At least come to get you mother and the others, so we can all leave this place.

Re: IC-GOLD-Once More Into the Breach(Everyone else)

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 11:46 pm
by Mr Zombie killer
Colin smiled and said, "This is my rifle and this is my friend, one is for fucking and one is to make you dead." He then aimed at the head of a nearby zombie ready to take his shot.

Re: IC-GOLD-Once More Into the Breach(Everyone else)

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 12:02 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,[b]Colin[/b], go ahead and take your shot if you wish. The instructions are in my last update. Make sure you specify which zombie you're shooting at.

Re: IC-GOLD-Once More Into the Breach(Everyone else)

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 7:39 pm
by Mr Zombie killer
Handy,Do you mind making the roll for Colin this time around? I am very busy with other life matters at this time and do not wish to hold the game up.

Re: IC-GOLD-Once More Into the Breach(Everyone else)

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 4:49 am
by Mr. Handy
On the roof-
Sara fired at the crawling zombie, scoring a very accurate hit that blew out its guts, but did not stop it. The sniper put a bullet in the other zombie, drilling a big hole cleanly through its skull and snuffing out its unlife.
OOC,There was no need to roll for [b]Colin[/b]'s shot. The others went first since you aimed at the head, and they managed to finish the zombies with lucky shots.
On the fire escape-
Keith climbed down to the ground, leaving Melinda on the bottom fire escape landing one floor up.

In the intake area-
"I just wish I had something to shoot at," grumbled Catherine Rourke.

Outside the clinic, south side-
Keith reached the bottom of the ladder. He couldn't see what was going on around the corner.

Outside the clinic-
Simpson shot the crawling zombie, putting a round in its skull and stopping it for good before it could chew on Coltrane, who dragged himself back to his feet and caught his breath.

Re: IC-GOLD-Once More Into the Breach(Everyone else)

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 8:37 am
by kouchpotato
OOC,How many zombies are left?

Re: IC-GOLD-Once More Into the Breach(Everyone else)

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 6:29 pm
by ryansommer
By the Striker -
Frank scanned the area for more infected. He keyed his mic: "Snipers, make sure all this noise did not attract any more. We're going to check out the Striker."
Frank motioned towards the Stryker as he looked to the Captain: "Shall we?"
Frank also did a mental count of the rounds left in his magazine.

On the ground -
Keith ran round the building towards the intake area.

Re: IC-GOLD-Once More Into the Breach(Everyone else)

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 4:32 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,Those were the last two zombies. There are no more that you can see. [b]Keith[/b], roll Luck.

Re: IC-GOLD-Once More Into the Breach(Everyone else)

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 9:31 am
by kabukiman
Melinda follows Keith.

Re: IC-GOLD-Once More Into the Breach(Everyone else)

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 5:08 pm
by ryansommer
On the ground -
"Melinda, stay up there. I need someone to lower the ladder down for me if I have to hurry back here."
Once on the ground, luck was not with Keith.