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Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 9:43 pm
by Mi-Go Agent
(Completed characters will go here.)

Re: Characters

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 1:39 am
by Mi-Go Agent
Birthplace: Kiev Cemetary

STR:17 DEX:11INT:18 CON:15 POW:13 SIZ:15 EDU:5
Idea:25 Luck:65 Know:90 Sanity:65 DB:+1d4
Armor: Projectiles do half damage.

Bite 30% Block 22 % Burrow 75% Graveyard Dance 30% Claw 30% Climb 85% Conceal 40% Disguise 1% Dodge 22% Graveyard Lore: 60% Hide 60% Jump 75% Knowledge: Humanity 30% Listen 70% Martial Arts 1% Ride 5% Scent Decay 65% Sneak 80% Spot Hidden 50% Throw: 30% Track: 59% Dreamlands Lore 50% Occult Lore 50% Own Language: Gibberish 25% Other Skill: Handgun 50%

.38 Revolver [1d10 dam, 2 RoF, 15 base range, 00-00-96 malf)
36 .38 rounds.
Ceramic Amulet [underwater survival]

Argyle was born near Kiev, Ukraine, in a burrow of several dozen other ghouls. The cemetary offered a plentiful source of food amd shelter for the band, and they lived in relative harmony with the local human populace who were blissfully unaware. That all changed when a vampire, fleeing from Romania, was discovered by a lynch mob in village a few miles from the cemetary. The vampire ran for the cemetary, fleeing into a crypt. The villagers had been sure he was behind the abduction of several local girls. They happened to spot a ghoul digging up a grave, and shot him dead. The ghouls retaliated, and were slaughtered by the humans superior weaponry. Argyle was cowed by the display of the firearms, and managed to grab a gun from a dead human. He picked it up and fled into the burrow. The humans killed many of the ghouls, and left, their bloodlust sated.

The next day the surviving ghouls attacked the village. They burnt it down and Argyle saw the power of his new weapon as he gunned down several humans. They left the village soon afterwords, and Argyle eventually stowed away on a ship out of curiosity, ending up in America. He wandered the west, eventually coming upon Eleanor Pickman, a beautiful female ghoul. He pledged his life to defend her.

Re: Characters

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 1:47 am
by Mi-Go Agent
Y'nkee (born Walter Gilman)
Occupation: Soldier
165 Years Old
Birthplace: Innsmouth, Massachusetts

STR:17 DEX:15 INT:15 CON:16 POW:16 SIZ:14 EDU:4
Idea:75 Luck:80 Know:20 Sanity:80 DB:+1D4

Art 5% Bargain 1% Biology 1% Block 30% Boating 1% Carpentry/Woodcraft 10% Cartography 1%
Chemistry 1% Climb 45% Computer Use 1% Conceal 15% Cult of Cthulhu 1% Cult of Dagon 20% Disguise 50% Demolitions 1% Dodge 60% Echolocation 25% Electrical Repair 20% Electronics 1% Fast Talk 5%
First Aid 60% Geology 1% Handgun 20% Hide 70% History 30% Hypnosis 5% Jump 40% Knowledge: Humanity 51% Occult Lore 10% Listen 55% Martial Arts (Dance of the Deeps) 51% Mathematics 10%
Mechanical Repair 20% Medicine 5% Natural History 10% Navigation/Land 1% Navigation/Sea, Air 10%
Other Language (English)41% Own Language (Reason) 20% Persuade 15% Pharmacy 1% Physics 1%Psychic Will 5% Pilot 1% Psychoanalysis 1% Psychology 5% Ride 5% Rifle 75% Scent 25% Shotgun 30%
Sneak 70% Spot Hidden 30% Submachine Gun 15% Throw 25% Archery 20% Track 15% Claw 51% Grapple 30% Club 25% Knife 60%

Horde Projectile Gun
Psychic Rifle
Weighted Knife

Background: Walter Gilman was born in Innsmouth, Massachusetts in the mid-1840s to a human father and a Deep One mother. From a young age, he has always had a love of the sea, and he apprenticed on fishing boats. He also longed to travel and see the world. During the Civil War, he enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps. He fought in a number of engagements, including the amphibious assault on Fort Johnson and the invasion of Johns Island off the coast of Charleston, South Carolina in 1864. In 1865 he helped occupy Charleston after it finally surrendered, and he remained there for a few years after the war as part of the U.S. occupying force during Reconstruction. While in Charleston, he fell in love with a Southern belle named Penelope Ewell. They got married and he brought her back to Innsmouth in 1868, where she was indoctrinated into the Esoteric Order of Dagon and they began to raise a family.

In the 1870s, Walter's appearance began to change and he took on the Innsmouth Look. This delighted him, as he knew he would be transforming into a magnificent creature of the sea, but he was also saddened that he would eventually lose his mortal father and wife. In 1882, his transformation was complete and he became a full Deep One. At that point he went to live in Y'ha-Nthlei, where he joined his mother beneath the waves and was given the name Y'nkee. He still visited Innsmouth frequently to be with his family. He has served in the Horde ever since, and he is a veteran of the defense of Y'ha-Nthlei in 1928 when it was attacked by humans.

Y'nkee is a skilled soldier, but he also knows a lot about human culture and society, and he has kept up on events on land. Meddling in the affairs of humans is something that appeals to him, so he has volunteered for this assignment.

Re: Characters

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 1:56 pm
by Mi-Go Agent
Occupation: Priest in Cult of Dagon
416 Years Old
Birthplace: Rhode Island

STR: 12 DEX: 11 INT: 12 CON: 12 POW: 17 SIZ: 5 EDU: 12
Idea: 60 Luck: 85 Know: 60 Sanity: 85 DB: +0 MP: 17 HP: 9


Art: 50% Bargain 31% Biology 1% Block 22% Boating 1% Carpentry/Woodcraft 10% Cartography 26%
Chemistry 1% Climb 45% Computer Use 1% Conceal 15% Cult of Cthulhu: 36% Cult of Dagon: 76% Disguise 5% Demolitions 1% Dodge 22% Fast Talk 5% Echolocation 50% Electrical Repair 20% Electronics 1% First Aid 30% Geology 1% Handgun 20% Hide 30% History 30% Hypnosis 5% Jump 40%
Knowledge: Humanity 1% Occult Lore 70% Listen 30% Martial Arts 1% Mathematics 10% Mechanical Repair 20% Medicine 5% Natural History 40% Navigation/Land 1% Navigation/Sea, Air 55% Own Language (Reason) 60% Persuade 15% Pharmacy 1% Physics 1% Psychic Will 35% Pilot 26% Psychoanalysis 1% Psychology 55% Ride 70% Rifle 35% Scent 25% Shotgun 80% Sneak 50% Spot Hidden 30% Submachine Gun 40% Throw 60% Archery 20% Track 15% Claw 25% Grapple 30%
Club 25% Knife 70% Trident 75%

Equipment: HPG and Trident

In 1592 Madinia Dee, daughter of Dr John Dee, sailed to the New World as supercargo in one of her father's ships; she was just 14 years old. The ship "Hermes" was on a voyage of discovery - the elusive North West Passage, however it was wrecked in a storm off Cape Cod and all hands perished. Or did they?
G'Yar (a Deep One) was chasing a fishy delicacy when the "Hermes" foundered, it saved a beautiful human who was clinging to flotsam: Madinia Dee.
Their courtship was peculiarly vile, and need not be discussed; 9 months later a son was born at an exclusive community on Rhode Island, his name is Elijah Dee. Fragments of his grandfather's knowledge has survived: mathematics, astronomy, astrology, occult, navigation, alchemy, divination, and Hermetic philosophy.