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IC Scene 4a - Supplies; Dan and Calum

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 2:53 pm
by zielonobrody
Monday, March 13, 1922
around 10:30
Providence, Rhode Island

You make your way to the convenience store... there must be one around here somewhere...

Re: IC Scene 4a - Supplies; Dan and Calum

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 3:24 pm
by ImpInTraining
Dan Marrison

"All right, Calum. We're looking for a general purpose store, maybe a hardware store, five-and-dime, or anything like that. We have a pretty diverse shopping list, after all," (and Wal-Mart doesn't exist yet) Dan stated as they made their way to the store. "How are you at sweet talking? Maybe we can get a discount for buying so much stuff."

Re: IC Scene 4a - Supplies; Dan and Calum

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 12:30 am
by andyw666

"Well, I'm happy to try to convince the proprietor that we are buying supplies for an important local archeological dig of great historical significance to the community, something like that? I've never really got the hang of bargaining though."

"Let's start with finding a hardware store."

OOC: Calum's plan is just that. Hit up whoever's running the store with the whole archeological dig thing, great significance to historic Providence, potential for much more purchasing in the future if the dig expands, tourist opportunities etc., and he'll attempt to use his Persuade 35%.

Re: IC Scene 4a - Supplies; Dan and Calum

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 12:05 pm
by zielonobrody
You pass a shiny storefront labeled "Penneys". Unfortunately the sign reads "Opening in May". You continue your way along the street and finally notice a promising store called "Mark's Supplies" in a street heading left. There's a large sign in the window advertizing: "We have products from the Sears, Roebuck and Co. Catalog on hand! Great prices!".

Re: IC Scene 4a - Supplies; Dan and Calum

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 3:51 pm
by ImpInTraining

"Well, God bless Mark," Dan says with a smile. "They should have most of what we need in there."

Dan started heading in to this store, looking around as he stepped through the doors.

Re: IC Scene 4a - Supplies; Dan and Calum

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 10:42 am
by andyw666
Calum steeled himself, straightened his bowtie, doffed the fedora and headed in after Dan. Once in Calum searched about for a proprietor type to hit up for a discount.

Re: IC Scene 4a - Supplies; Dan and Calum

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 9:07 am
by zielonobrody
There's nobody in the small store. The walls are full of shellves, filled with mundane articles. You hear a loud crash and a curse from an adjacent room, and a thick white mist rolls out through the arch leading to that room. You start wondering what it is...
Dan: Idea(75) = 22
Calum: Idea(70) = 60

"Shit! Watch out, get off the floor, it's liquid nitrogen!" comes a shout from the other room. That's exactly what you figured and considering all the horrible things you've heard about it you scramble for the higher ground, be it the counter or the stool behind it.

Re: IC Scene 4a - Supplies; Dan and Calum

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 1:25 am
by andyw666

"AAAGGHH!!" Calum cried, "I'm too young to die!" Whimpering with fear, he fratically scrambled onto the counter (or whatever else was to hand, the counter for preference).

At some point, Calum's brain caught up and he thought to check on Dan. "Quick Dan, head for high ground!"

And finally, Calum paused for a second. "You in the other room! Gee whiz, just because the day has gone to pot does not excuse bad language! What if your Ma had heard you?" Calum shook his head it this uncouth American behaviour.

Re: IC Scene 4a - Supplies; Dan and Calum

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 5:35 pm
by ImpInTraining
Dan lept up to sit upon the counter, dangling his legs a safe distance from the extreme cold liquid below. "What on earth is a place like this doing with liquid nitrogen?" he asked Calum quietly.

Then he called back to the one unseen, "You alright in there?"

Re: IC Scene 4a - Supplies; Dan and Calum

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 1:45 pm
by zielonobrody
"Yes, I'm fine. It'll take a moment before it settles. I'm afraid I'll have to get a new floor. What can I do to help you gentlemen?"

The mist slowly fades, leaving the floorboards white, presumably frozen. It's now safe to get down, as the floor is only frosted over near the entranceway. You hear the man get down from his vantage point and slowly make his way through the cracking floor. It sounds as if he were making his way along broken glass. The floor will definitely need to be fixed after this.

He appears in the doorway, a tall wiry man in his late forties. his once dark hair is graying abundantly and is in complete disarray.

"Sorry for all the ruckus. The liquid nitrogen for the local university seems to have made itself useless. Th' name's Mark, I'm the owner of this fine store. So, what can I do for you?"

Re: IC Scene 4a - Supplies; Dan and Calum

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 8:24 pm
by ImpInTraining

"Shame about that floor of yours. You'd think something so dangerous they'd put in tougher containers," Dan offers in consolidation. "Anyway, we're looking to stock up on some equipment, maybe you can help us find the bits and pieces? It looks like you should have nearly everything we're in the market for. Where do you keep your sleeping cots, digging implements, and lanterns?"

Re: IC Scene 4a - Supplies; Dan and Calum

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 8:49 pm
by zielonobrody
Going spelunking in the caverns up north? I have them somewhere, maybe in the back, I'll look. How many do you want?

Re: IC Scene 4a - Supplies; Dan and Calum

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 7:54 am
by andyw666

Calum pulled out his hanky and quickly mopped his sweaty face. Did the others notice his panic, he fretted to himself?

Attempting to put his best foot forward, Calum hopped off the counter (a long drop for him) and straightened his bowtie, then addressed the proprietor.

"My good man, actually we are preparing for an archeological dig, of sorts. My name is Calum Childs and I'm part of an international team working right here in Providence. We have quite a few supplies we need straight away, and I can assure you that we will be needing a great deal more supplies when the full team swings into action. And, of course, our work will be in various prestigious periodicals, and most likely the local papers. In fact, if we make any significant discoveries here in historic Providence, it will probably mean a lot more visitors for the city in the future."

"Obviously, anything you could do to keep our costs down, any discounts for the expectations of future rewards, would be much appreciated. And would most certainly be mentioned in our write-ups, and newspaper interviews."

(OOC: Calum will attempt a Persuade [35%] if he can.)

Re: IC Scene 4a - Supplies; Dan and Calum

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 1:57 pm
by zielonobrody
Calum - Persuade,Sure he can Persuade [35%] - 17
Well well. A good reputation is hard to come by, I don't mind if I'll take you up on the offer. He calls from the other room. You hear metal being banged together, stuff being moved around and such. I can give you a 7% discount for this stuff, and 15% for when you come around for more when the international team shows. How's that?

He calls out for you to repeat what you wanted and how much of it.

Re: IC Scene 4a - Supplies; Dan and Calum

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 4:22 pm
by ImpInTraining

Dan smiled and was quite pleased with Calum's ability to win the storekeeper over. He said, "We have some other needs as well." He went through what was already gathered and pulled out a list from his pocket, saying "Two shovels, a pick-axe, about 100 feet of good rope, some flashlights(torches), 2 hunting knives, four notebooks, four pens, a ruler, and if possible... a map of the city would be most helpful. A camera and some film," he added as an afterthought, "if you can manage that."

Re: IC Scene 4a - Supplies; Dan and Calum

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 2:59 am
by andyw666
(OOC: Woo Hoo!! I have a CoC PC who actually made a skill roll! That will be only good roll for the scenario now, of course, and I guess it is really just bringing the intrepid investigators closer to their doom... - Andy)


While Dan was listing off goods and chattels needed, Calum contented himself with refilling his pipe then lighting up and filling the air with aromatic tobacco smoke.

Re: IC Scene 4a - Supplies; Dan and Calum

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 9:11 am
by zielonobrody
Well, I don't have a camera on stock. If you can wait two days. Anyway, that's a lot of stuff. I'll write it down and it'll be ready in 30. How's that? You hear scribbling. It'll be 30$ for the cots, pick-axe, knives, shovels, rope, torches, notebooks, pens, map and ruler.

Re: IC Scene 4a - Supplies; Dan and Calum

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 8:47 pm
by ImpInTraining
Not being one with a mind for math, Dan looked to Calum for approval as he started to fish out bills from what they were given.

Re: IC Scene 4a - Supplies; Dan and Calum

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 1:23 pm
by zielonobrody
OOC,I meant you'll have to wait half an hour before he gets everything ready. You can take a hike if you like ;)

Re: IC Scene 4a - Supplies; Dan and Calum

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 10:21 pm
by ImpInTraining

"Is there another store nearby that has a camera? And what about a grocery? We could probably stand to stock up on some non-perishable food," Dan questioned the man.