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Dramatis Personae

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 9:30 am
by zielonobrody
Player Name: Cearlan
Name ... Pearl Wealstone
Occupation ... Stage Actress (Entertainer)

Str ... 07
Dex ... 14
Int ... 15
Idea ... 75
Con ... 10
App ... 18
Pow ... 10
Luck ... 50
Siz ... 08
San ... 50
Edu ... 16 (13+3)
Know ...80

Hit Points ... 9
Damage Bonus ... -1d4

Career Skills - 320 points
Art (acting)(05%) ...... 80% (+75)
Credit Rating (15%)... 55% (+40)
Disguise (01%).......... 30% (+29)
Dodge (28%)............. 54% (+26)
Fast Talk (05%)......... 70% (+65)
Library Use (25%)..... 50% (+25)
Listen (25%)............. 45% (+20)
Psychology (05%)..... 45% (+40)

General Skills - 150 points
Drive Auto (20%) ...... 30% (+10)
Occult (05%) ............. 30% (+25)
Locksmith (01%) ........ 36% (+35)
Sneak (10%) ............. 20% (+10)
Persuade (15%) ......... 50% (+35)
Photograhy (10%) ...... 25% (+15)
Handgun (20%) .......... 40% (+20)

Daughter to Hubert Wealstone, stage director, and wealthy dilettente Patricia Garman, Pearl inherited her fascination in acting from her father ... She tried a few "silents" after the end of the great war, but became disenchanted by the lack of money and opportunity the silver screen offered and returned to the stage - her first love. This was despite some high profile silent films where she starred opposite names such as Oliver Hardy, Billy West and even an appearance in a Chaplin film did little to fuel her desire to remain with the glitz and glamour of Hollywood. There were many rumours abroad concerning some form of dust-up with another thespian which was supposed to have been the real reason she left so suddenly and returned to Boston.

Pearl's mother died from influenza in 1922, and as she was an active member in the fashionable spiritualist movement in Boston, Patricia's contacts brought a young and impressionable Pearl into their numbers. Enthralled by the concepts and ideas in her new religion, she explored further and was very dismayed by the number of charlettans who were involved.

Her return to the stage did not produce the sorts of remunerations she had expected, probably from the rumours that followed her from the West Coast. Times became very hard for Pearl however and she turned to petty crime to supplement her living, including a spell in jail for robbery - "I was researching a role" she tells people. A few recent lead roles have meant she has not used her "other dark skills" as she refers to them in private, for some time. She is currnetly between roles and has been taken some time out from her real job to explore the concepts of the new art of photography which she seems to have a bit of a flair for.

Re: Dramatis Personae

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 9:35 am
by zielonobrody
Player Name: ImpInTraining
Investigator Name: Dan Marrison
Occupation: Private Investigator
Sex: Male Age: 28
College: Miskatonic University, BA.
Birthplace: Boston, MA

STR: 14 ---- Damage Bonus = +1d4
DEX: 11
INT: 15 ---- Idea = 75
CON: 15 ---- Hit Points = 14
APP: 8 ---- Magic Points = 9
POW: 9 ---- Luck = 45
SIZ: 13 --- Starting Sanity = 45
EDU: 17 ---- Know = 85

Accounting: 10
Anthropology: 1
Archaeology: 1
Art: 5
Astronomy: 1
Bargain: 50
Biology: 1
Chemistry: 1
Climb: 40
Conceal: 15
Credit Rating: 15
Cthulhu Mythos: 0
Dodge: 34
Drive Auto: 20
Electrical Repair: 10
Fast Talk: 50
First Aid: 30
Geology: 1
Hide: 20
History: 20
Jump: 25
Law: 50
Library Use: 25
Listen: 33
Locksmith: 46
Martial Arts: 41
Mechanical Repair: 20
Medicine: 5
Natural History: 10
Navigate: 10
Occult: 5
Operate Hvy. Machine: 1
Other Language: 1
Own Language: 110
Persuade: 15
Pharmacy: 1
Photography: 50
Physics: 1
Pilot: 1
Psychoanalysis: 1
Psychology: 55
Ride: 5
Sneak: 20
Spot Hidden: 35
Swim: 25
Throw: 25
Track: 20

Handgun: 60
Machine Gun: 15
Rifle: 25
Shotgun: 30
Submachine Gun: 15

Fist/Punch: 60
Head Butt: 10
Kick: 35
Grapple: 35

I'm not a very open guy, but since you asked ... and since I'm half liquored up... I might as well tell you. I've never lived what one might call a charmed life.

I was born in 1894, in Boston, Massachusettes. My father, Robert Marrison, was a doctor - and he delivered me himself. I remember we lived in this large two-story house. He did well for himself. We were one of the more fortunate of the neighborhood... but the house we lived in always gave me the spooks. Neighbors always said it was part of the underground railroad during slave times. I heard a tale of a night raid on the house that would send shivers down your spine. If any house was haunted, that one ought to be... so maybe that's why I was never very comfortable in it.

My mother, Abigail, she often talked about seeing things in the house... shadows of people walking about when no one was there... talking in the cellar... stuff like that. I never personally experienced these things, but dad assured me it was just her mind playing tricks on her. A big house like ours was bound to have a few strange noises that can get the imagination running away with you. Regardless, I didn't stay home very much, preferring to play with the neighborhood kids whenever I could.

Mother was pregnant with Billy when dad got called away to the Great War in 1915. He didn't think they'd take him because he was already in his thirties, but that didn't stop the draft board. They needed medics more than anything with the number of people dying. I was 11 the last time I saw my dad. We smiled and waved as he boarded the ship sailing for Europe on that cold December morning. He died just a couple months later. The paper said there was some sort of gas that they used on his trench, wiped out the whole platoon without wasting a bullet.

Mom had Billy when I was 12, but she didn't survive the child birth. That left me and Billy alone... no real family to mention since my mother and father were both imigrants as children. We didn't spend any time together, Billy and me. They sent us to different homes. I hear Billy turned out real smart though, just getting out of high school this year and heading for the university on some sort of scholarship. Me ... well... I didn't have it so good.

The family that took me in treated me just a shade better than their dogs. I had a matress in he cellar, and ate whatever leftovers they had. After a couple years of that, I ran away. As a strapping young lad of 16, I figured I could make something of my life. I mean, I wasn't stupid by any means, and all the hard work I had to put up with really helped to develop my muscles and stamina. As I travelled, I took up odd jobs here and there ... learning what I could from the streets in Boston.

I helped out an old asian man, Guan Li, and in exchange he would give me food and teach me. But his lessons were about more than just studies. He taught me this strange style of fighting called Kung Fu, advising me not to tell anyone because it was some sort of guarded secret amongst his people. I didn't much care one way or another if I could talk about it... but I do know that Kung Fu was very potent fighting tactics. Helped me gain the advantage in quite a few fights along the way.

When I was old enough and had enough money stashed away, I set out to get my PI degree and certification. Wasn't much else I could do in the world, but I was good at finding out stuff. And if I had to deal with the seedier side of people, I had an upper hand there as well. So that brings me to where we are now. Yeah, it's a pitiful life, but I'm the better man for it.

Re: Dramatis Personae

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 9:38 am
by zielonobrody
Investigator Name: Mike Peterson,
Age: 29
Occupation: Medical Doctor ... tid=297525

Appearence: small, skinny man looking for no more than 20 years, brown eyes and hair, always wearing little worn black suit. He has small scar on left cheek(war wound).

Peronality: he is a loner, prefers to work in his study or meat with few friends he have.

Mike comes from middle class family living in a small city near New York. Afret high school he went to medical univeristy which was payed by his rich uncle, also medical doctor. As he doesn't like to owe anyone, after finishing university he joined US army as a field medic and in 1916 he was sent to Europe with american forces. During war he saw many strange, sometimes unexplanable things(strange deaths with no rational, medical reason, strange woungs on some soldiers as if from some unknown monster, ghosts etc.) and was very interested by them. When he returned to his city aftr war he started working in his uncle's clinic. Surrently lives in his own flat where he has his own practice.

Re: Dramatis Personae

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 10:57 pm
by Gaffer
Player: Gaffer
Name: Karl Werner
5 Guy_Grenville.jpg
Occupation: Psychic Investigator & Publisher of The Seer; photographer
Education: B.A. History, Miskatonic University
Birthplace: Vienna
Mental Disorders: Kleptomania
Sex: Male Age: 29 DoB: 5 May, 1893

STR: 11 APP: 8 INT: 16 Idea: 80
DEX: 11 SIZ: 11 EDU: 14 Know: 70
CON: 12 SAN: 45 POW: 9 Luck: 45
Hit points: 12 Damage Bonus: 0

Accounting 10%
Bargain 5%
Climb 40%
Conceal 30%
Credit Rating 50%
Dodge 25%
Drive Auto 40%
Electrical Repair 10%
Fast Talk 45%
First Aid 30%
Handgun 20%
Hide 30%
History 20%
Jump 30%
Law 5%
Library Use 25%
Listen 25%
Locksmith 25%
Machine Gun 15%
Mechanical Repair 20%
Medicine 5%
Natural History 10%
Navigate 10%
Occult 20%
English 40%
German 70%
Persuade 30%
Photography 50%
Psychology 40%

Ride 5%
Rifle 25%
Shotgun 30%
Sneak 40%
Spot Hidden 40%
Submachine Gun 15%
Swim 25%
Sword 50%
Throw 35%
Track 10%
Fist/Punch 50%
Head Butt 10%
Kick 25%
Grapple 25%
Knife 25%
Cthulhu Mythos 0%
All others 1%

Karl is a very sharp dresser (though rather too porcine to be attractive). In winter he wears a dark wool suit, white shirt, red bow tie, oxford shoes with spats, kid gloves, mohair overcoat, alpaca scarf and a light gray homburg.

On person: gold-plated pocket knife; gold-plated cigarette cass & lighter; notebook, gold-plated pen & pencil set; gold-plated hip flask of good brandy; gold-plated money clip with $100 cash; leather wallet with driving license, calling cards, The Seer Society membership card.

1922 Stutz Bearcat (dark green two-seater convertible)
In car: small toolkit; jack, tire pump and spare, 5-gallon can of gasoline; coil of rope (25’); carbide lamp; leather satchel with Kodak camera, small flashgun & tin of flash powder, 3 film rolls (12 exposures each).

When Karl and his twin brother Klaus were 6, their parents committed suicide. Momma’s family always felt that she had married beneath her station, which mattered a great deal to the bourgeoisie of fin de siecleVienna. Poppa was a loving man, but a dreamer, an artist; Momma was a poet. When Poppa’s photographic studio failed to pay the rent, he and Momma kissed their boys goodnight and tucked them into bed; then went to their own bedroom where Momma slashed her wrists and Poppa cut his throat.

It wasn’t until much later that the boys discovered these facts, but when they did – when Great-Aunt Matilde died in 1911 – it almost seemed that they had already seen the event. Karl felt that his father’s spirit lived on in him and Klaus felt that Momma inhabited his body in some way. Great-Aunt Matilde, the last of Momma’s line, took them in and promptly sent them off to separate military boarding schools. Summers were spent at her estate on Lake Constance.

Karl and Klaus were the sole recipients of Great-Aunt Matilde’s entire fortune, which turned out not to be quite as great as one would have thought, though still considerable. Still, for eighteen-year-olds, it represented a chance for freedom and adventure. They decided to see America, especially the Old West as depicted in Karl May’s books about Old Shatterhand.

But the American West was disappointing – a place of automobiles and tame Indians – and after a year of touring, both brothers decided to return to the East Coast and attend college. Having become friends with a young mining engineer in Denver who had graduated from Miskatonic University, they settled on that school for their degrees. They moved to Arkham, Mass. and bought a house, enrolling in the fall term of 1913.

Klaus was diligent and devoted to his studies in literature. Karl was too tempted by the nightlife (and lowlife) of nearby Boston, where his money served him well in getting out of various legal jams. He cheated his way through his classes, paying others to write papers and for test answers. Karl only managed to avoid expulsion for one escapade by means of a very generous donation to the athletics department (in escrow until his graduation) and managed a degree (with “gentleman’s Cs”) in history. About all he excelled in was the fencing team (he lettered) and dance contests – and drinking, of course. He also discovered that stealing worthless items was quite exciting.

The outbreak of war in Europe produced no patriotic upwelling for the Austro-Hungarian Empire in either young man – Karl said he had marched enough at military school already. In any event, they had both applied for U.S. citizenship in 1912. Nor did they feel a desire to defend their soon-to-be homeland when the U.S. entered the fray in 1917, just after they graduated.

Karl wanted to move to Boston, but Klaus persuaded him to go to Providence, Rhode Island instead, where he had bought a struggling Spiritualist monthly, The Seer. Karl taught himself photography (after a fashion) and helped with proofreading and book-keeping chores. The magazine’s fortunes revived somewhat due to plentiful and sensational coverage of supernatural phenomena and weird stories. Karl has also begun The Seer Society, an association of “independent psychic investigators” (membership $1.00 per month). He intends to tell Klaus about it soon, very soon.

Karl now styles himself a “Certified Psychic Investigator” (he carries his The Seer Society membership card, No. 001 in his wallet). What he thinks he knows about such things has been inexactly gleaned from books published by the Society for Psychical Research in London and more dubious sources.

Karl speaks with a slight German accent, but certainly presents himself as a trustworthy character. In all truth, he is not to be trusted. He is also a rather constant drinker, relying on the copious supplies of smuggled liquor available in Providence. And he likes to steal.

Re: Dramatis Personae

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 7:21 am
by andyw666
Okeydokey, no obvious expressions of horror from the Keeper, so will post a final revised version of Calum...

Player: andyw666
Investigator: Calum Childs
Occupation: Archeologist

SAN:55 (-2D4=-2) 53
Hit Points:11
Damage Bonus:+0

Accounting (10%):
Anthropology (01%): 21
Archaeology (01%): 68
Art (05%):
Astronomy (01%): 11
Bargain (05%):
Biology (01%):
Chemistry (01%): 11
Climb (40%): 50
Computer Use (01%):
Conceal (15%):
Craft (05%):
Credit Rating (15%):
Cthulhu Mythos (00%):
Disguise (01%):
Dodge (DEX x 2):10 (Oh dear)
Drive Auto (20%): 25
Electrical Repair (10%): 15
Electronics (01%):
Fast Talk (05%):
First Aid (30%): 35
Geology (01%): 21
Hide (10%):
History (20%): 40
Jump (25%):
Law (05%):
Library Use (25%): 40
Listen (25%):
Locksmith (01%): 16
Martial Arts (01%):
Mechanical Repair (20%):
Medicine (05%):
Natural History (10%):
Navigate (10%): 20%
Occult (05%):
Operate Heavy Machinery (01%):
Other Language: (?????) (01%):
Own Language: English (EDU x 5%):65
Persuade (15%): 35
Pharmacy (01%):
Photography (10%):
Physics (01%):
Pilot (01%):
Psychoanalysis (01%):
Psychology (05%):
Ride (05%):
Sneak (10%):
Spot Hidden (25%): 45%
Swim (25%):
Throw (25%):
Track (10%):

Fist/Punch (50%): 60
Grapple (25%): 35
Head Butt (10%):
Kick (25%):
Knife (20%): 40

Handgun (20%): 35%
Machine Gun (15%):
Rifle (25%):
Shotgun (30%):
SMG (15%):

Calum Childs stands five foot eight, has lightly tanned skin and blond-brown hair. He is adventurous, willing to go to great lengths to find an artifact. He is somewhat of a night owl. He looks for all the world like a mole in a seersucker suit, bowtie and fedora.

Calum comes from Vancouver, British Columbia. He participated in digs in the Alberta Badlands when he was a teenager and into his college years, and went on several digs in Egypt and the Middle East. Calum enlisted in the Canadian Army in 1916 and served in the Survey Corps as a junior officer, making maps, for two years. He still has his old service revolver tucked away with his archeological tools.

Currently he is working at the Royal Ontario Museum, identifying artifacts from the tenth Egyptian dynasty, and was on a trip when the call came.

Re: Dramatis Personae

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 1:19 pm
by zielonobrody
Player: Reclaimer

Investigator Name: Andew Greenwood
Occupation: Salesman
Colleges, Degrees: None
Birthplace: Boston, MA
Sex: M Age: 43
STR: 13 DEX: 8 INT: 13 Idea: 65
CON: 14 APP: 10 POW: 13 Luck: 65
SIZ: 16 SAN: 65 EDU: 15 Know: 75
99-Cthulhu Mythos: 99 Damage Bonus: +1D4

Accounting 50% Anthropology 1% Archaeology 1%
Astronomy 1% Bargain 75% Biology 1%
Chemistry 1% Climb 40% Conceal 15%
Credit Rating 60% Cthulhu Mythos 0% Disguise 1%
Dodge 16% Drive Auto 40% Electrical Repair 10%
Fast Talk 65% First Aid 30% Geology 1%
Handgun 45% Hide 10% History 50%
Jump 25% Law 5% Library Use 50%
Listen 25% Locksmith 1% Machine Gun 15%
Martial Arts 1% Mechanical Repair 20% Medicine 5%
Natural History 25% Navigate 10% Occult 5%
Operate Hvy. Machine 1% Persuade 60% Pharmacy 1%
Photography 10% Physics 1% Psychoanalysis 1%
Psychology 45% Ride 5% Rifle 25%
Shotgun 30% Sneak 10% Spot Hidden 40%
Submachine Gun 15% Swim 25% Throw 25%
Track 10% .22 Short Automatic* 45% Fist/Punch 50%
Head Butt 10% Kick 25% Grapple 25%

Small collection of history books, .22 automatic pistol(8/8), Box of .22 bullets(27/50), Bagel Cart, Contact Book, Dented metal flask filled with home-made wine, pen,

Andrew led a very boring life growing up. He got good grades, hung out with the right crowd, dated the good girls. But things never took off for him. He didn't go to college of learn a trade, claiming that they weren't for him. Really he was just scared. He was afraid of failing.

As he became a man letting this oppurtunity pass him by made him bitter. He decided he would use force to get what he should have taken when it was offered. He hatched a scheme of posing as a traveling business man and robbing people at gunpoint. He got bought some pans from a general store, took off the labels, and headed out. He played his role perfectly, easily getting into the first person's house. It was an old widower who lived by himself in a nice country home. He had the gun in his jacket pocket and was ready to go. But he was scared. He was afraid of failing. So he did the only reasonable thing: he sold the man the pans at 200% markup and went home.

This is how Andrew lived his life for the next twenty years. He was a traveling salesman. He started carrying the gun for defense instead of attack. He was briefly married before she divorced him, taking his home and his car with her. He took what was left of his funds and rented a run-down apartment and bought a bagel cart. This was around the same time as Narrow St. started expanding, which is probably what keeps a roof over Andrew's head.

Andrew now occupies himself with running the stand, reading, and drinking to keep the bitterness away. He looks at his life and sees nothing but missed oppurtunities. He wants more than anything to make some experience the thrill of taking some dangerous, uncertain, life-changing action before he dies.

Re: Dramatis Personae

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 8:31 pm
by royya
Player's name: royya
Investigator Name: Andrew Greenwood
Occupation: Salesman
Colleges, Degrees: None
Birthplace: Boston, MA
Sex: M Age: 43
STR: 13 DEX: 8 INT: 13 Idea: 65
CON: 14 APP: 10 POW: 13 Luck: 65
SIZ: 16 SAN: 65 EDU: 15 Know: 75
99-Cthulhu Mythos: 99 Damage Bonus: +1D4

Accounting 50% Anthropology 1% Archaeology 1%
Astronomy 1% Bargain 75% Biology 1%
Chemistry 1% Climb 40% Conceal 15%
Credit Rating 60% Cthulhu Mythos 0% Disguise 1%
Dodge 16% Drive Auto 40% Electrical Repair 10%
Fast Talk 65% First Aid 30% Geology 1%
Handgun 45% Hide 10% History 50%
Jump 25% Law 5% Library Use 50%
Listen 25% Locksmith 1% Machine Gun 15%
Martial Arts 1% Mechanical Repair 20% Medicine 5%
Natural History 25% Navigate 10% Occult 5%
Operate Hvy. Machine 1% Persuade 60% Pharmacy 1%
Photography 10% Physics 1% Psychoanalysis 1%
Psychology 45% Ride 5% Rifle 25%
Shotgun 30% Sneak 10% Spot Hidden 40%
Submachine Gun 15% Swim 25% Throw 25%
Track 10% .22 Short Automatic* 45% Fist/Punch 50%
Head Butt 10% Kick 25% Grapple 25%

Small collection of history books, .22 automatic pistol(8/8), Box of .22 bullets(27/50), Bagel Cart, Contact Book, Dented metal flask filled with home-made wine, pen,

Andrew led a very boring life growing up. He got good grades, hung out with the right crowd, dated the good girls. But things never took off for him. He didn't go to college of learn a trade, claiming that they weren't for him. Really he was just scared. He was afraid of failing.

As he became a man letting this oppurtunity pass him by made him bitter. He decided he would use force to get what he should have taken when it was offered. He hatched a scheme of posing as a traveling business man and robbing people at gunpoint. He got bought some pans from a general store, took off the labels, and headed out. He played his role perfectly, easily getting into the first person's house. It was an old widower who lived by himself in a nice country home. He had the gun in his jacket pocket and was ready to go. But he was scared. He was afraid of failing. So he did the only reasonable thing: he sold the man the pans at 200% markup and went home.

This is how Andrew lived his life for the next twenty years. He was a traveling salesman. He started carrying the gun for defense instead of attack. He was briefly married before she divorced him, taking his home and his car with her. He took what was left of his funds and rented a run-down apartment and bought a bagel cart. This was around the same time as Narrow St. started expanding, which is probably what keeps a roof over Andrew's head.

Andrew now occupies himself with running the stand, reading, and drinking to keep the bitterness away. He looks at his life and sees nothing but missed oppurtunities. He wants more than anything to make some experience the thrill of taking some dangerous, uncertain, life-changing action before he dies.

Re: Dramatis Personae

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 9:38 am
by zielonobrody
Player: zerostate
Investigator: Will Crigler
Age 25
Income (rolled 9) $10,000

STR 13
CON 11
POW 11
DEX 13
APP 11
SIZ 16
INT 11
EDU 18

Idea 55
Luck 55
Know 90

MP 11
HP 14
SAN 55
Damage Bonus +1d4

Occupation Skills
Fast Talk (05) 70
History (20) 60
Library Use (25) 60
English (91)
Persuade (15) 70
Photography (10) 60
Psychology (05) 60
Pharmacy (01) 60

Personal Interest Skills
Handgun (20) 50
Drive Auto (20) 50
Credit Rating (15) 40
Chemistry (01) 26