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Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 4:40 pm
by Tabs
Oh, goody, I didn't realise.

Here is the gate card:
You find secret lore hidden in the mosaics on the wall. Make a Lore (+2) check and gain Clue tokens equal to your successes.

Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 6:13 pm
by Mr. Handy
Woohoo! That's the best possible outcome I could have hoped for. I just picked up another 4 Clue Tokens thanks to an extremely lucky roll, so I should have no trouble sealing that gate! 8-)

I'm saving the link to my roll here so I can post it into my IC thread later, but Gloria does go first in this case. She's still in Arkham and has an encounter at the Science Building. As much as she needs clues, I'd hold onto the gate trophy (you'll need all you can get later!) and you don't have quite enough monster trophies to cash in yet. Other World encounters always take place after Arkham encounters.

Lore (+2) roll in Celeano encounter to gain Clue Tokens (5d6.hits(5)=4)

Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 8:38 pm
by Tabs
Mr. Handy, if you feel like it, action the Mythos Card.

Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 11:16 pm
by kabukiman
The asylum is so close... and so far.

Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 11:22 pm
by Mr. Handy
At least the Fire Vampire is easier to sneak past, and even if it stops you it can't cost you Sanity. It may burn you if you fail to evade it, but your sword can slaughter it easily enough. I'm hoping I can seal the gate this turn. That will return the Fire Vampire to the cup if you don't kill it, and it will also prevent new monsters from popping out of Independence Square.

Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 11:17 am
by Tabs
Turn 6 Player Order

Dexter Drake
Gloria Goldberg
Monterey Jack

Gloria intends to kill the Cultist this turn, move to Historical Society next and maybe clear out the Woods after that. :lol:

Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 1:08 am
by Mr. Handy
It might have been better to grab the clues first. What if a gate opens on the Historical Society and we lose them? Too late now, though. With only 2 movement points, you can't make it there.

Monterey can try to evade the Fire Vampire and get to the asylum this turn, but if his Evade roll fails he'll get hit for two damage and be forced to stay and fight. If he chooses to fight and wins in the first round he won't get hurt, but he'll have to wait until next turn before he moves to the asylum (and there's another Mi-Go in the Sky that could swoop down). If I can shut the gate at Independence Square this turn, the Fire Vampire will go back to the cup.

EDIT: Never mind, I see you've left your Sneak at 0, so you'll have to fight the Fire Vampire.

Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 11:02 am
by Tabs
Oh well. I was keen to collect the Monster Trophy anyway. Now, after the Historical Society, Gloria will be blessed at the church and then go to the Woods - that is her plan at the moment.

kabukiman, you have some pretty tasty magical weapons, after the asylum, maybe head for a gate with a nasty monster?

This game is a strange one. Turn 6 and only 2 gates! Unless catastrophe strikes we could gain victory over Yog-Sothoth.

Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 11:18 am
by kabukiman
I was thinking to use the magical weapons, but I need to first get ti the asylum. But first, the fire vampire.

Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 2:40 am
by Mr. Handy
Make that one gate! I wasn't expecting to recover all those clues and seal this gate so fast. We've sealed two and now only have four to go. Of course, the open gate goes to R'lyeh. I wouldn't set foot there with anything less than an Elder Sign, but I'm sure more gates will open before long. Next stop for me is the nut house. Since Monterey will be there at the same time next turn, we might want to trade stuff. He already has 5 Clue Tokens, which gives him the potential to seal a gate. I actually have 2 left over, so I'm well on my way to amassing enough to seal another one. With Find Gate, my trip will be shortened as well - as long as I save enough Sanity to use it next time! Since nobody else will have an encounter this turn, I'll go ahead with the Mythos phase. Gloria will be first player in Turn 7.

Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 9:34 am
by kabukiman
Well, I just hope I can move this turn, so I can do anything else beside cleaning the streets of monsters.

Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 10:22 am
by Tabs
Player Order - Turn 7
Gloria Goldberg
Monterey Jack
Dexter Drake

Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 12:41 am
by Mr. Handy
Note that Gloria did not actually gain 1 Sanity from her encounter, since Dreams of a Sunken City is in effect. At least she avoided being Cursed!

Monterey could go to the Curiostie Shoppe in turn 8. His special ability means he'll get to draw 4 Unique Items and choose one to buy (discarding the other 3), which increases the odds of an Elder Sign coming up. It costs $5, so you can just afford it. Even if you don't find one, it'll help cycle through the deck faster. Instead, you could go to The Unnamable, fight the Zombie, and go through the gate. City of the Great Race isn't as hard as some Other Worlds, you already have 5 Clue Tokens (which is enough to seal the gate as long as you don't spend any), and closing that gate will also get rid of that annoying Cthonian. If you want more clues, Hibb's Roadhouse or the Black Cave each have one token. I'll head to Hibb's unless you want it, in which case I'll go for the Black Cave instead.

Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 9:16 am
by kabukiman
Ithink I will try my luck with the gate.

Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 4:31 pm
by Tabs
Poo, 1 Sanity deducted from Gloria.

kabukiman, your encounter for Turn 7 was 'spend $2 to regain max Sanity', so you do not get another at the asylum with Drake; sneaky of you! (Like Gloria claiming 1 Sanity.)

Player Order Turn 8
Monterey Jack
Dexter Drake
Gloria Goldberg

Mr. Handy, Monterey Jones, hey! Sounds like Dexter's sanity is still in question.

Turn 8- Gloria will be blessed at South Church.

Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 12:40 am
by Mr. Handy
He didn't actually have another encounter at the asylum, but it is his Upkeep phase in Turn 8. We can feel free to talk to each other in the IC thread during the other phases. Fighting the zombie and going for the gate is a good idea. If we can get some more gates sealed quickly, we'll help ensure victory. If you want to give me the powder at the start of your Movement Phase, I'll accept it. I don't know what else I can offer in exchange. I have no money, you really don't want to read my book, you've got better weapons than my knife (and I really need it anyway), and I can use the spells better than you can, as my maximum Lore (and Sanity) is higher.

Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 12:12 am
by kabukiman
Sorry for not posting before, but I haven't receive my new computer yet (they are taking their sweet time in the store). I'm giving you the powder, Mr Handy, losing 1 sanity is too risky.

Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 1:14 am
by Mr. Handy
Thanks! The actual handoff will happen at the start of the movement phase. If you like, I could lend you Find Gate since you're going to an Other World and it'll be a few turns before I'm ready, but considering the Sanity cost it would be very risky for you to use it.

Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 1:17 am
by kabukiman
No, the most important is to seal the gates. This is a cooperative game after all...

Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 2:18 pm
by Mr. Handy
Monterey, you should go ahead and fight the zombie. Combat happens during the Movement Phase.