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Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 8:17 pm
by Mr. Handy
It's better to seal more gates sooner rather than later, especially considering how many turns it takes to have the opportunity. Each of us has 5 Clue Tokens, so if we're very lucky we can get three gates sealed quickly. This will give us space to breathe a little easier.

Remember that you can return to either the Science Building or Independence Square. The square has the Ghost on it, and while you don't have to encounter it on the turn you come back, I think you still have the option. It would be a tough fight even with the Wither spell, but Gloria does have higher Will than the rest of us. Neither location has a gate open all that frequently, but it might be better to shut the one on the Science Building because of its special ability. I wouldn't trade in gate trophies considering that Yoggie is the Ancient One, and there are probably better uses for monster trophies, but if we get desperate for clues it's nice to know it's there. Not a single Elder Sign has come up yet, but hopefully we'll be able to find at least one at some point. If you don't get two successes when you try to close the gate, it may be better to wait and try again next turn than to burn clues and prevent yourself from being able to seal it. Remember that you don't have to leave the location the following turn, and you retain your explored marker as long as you stay there.

Okay, you can draw all of the Gate cards, and I'll draw the Mythos cards.

Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 10:03 am
by Tabs
There are so many possible options, it is easy to forget - I remembered in Gloria's post she could return to Independence Square but did not remember in my previous OOC post here. Gloria does not fancy fighting the Ghost so she will return to the Science Building.
Regarding fighting a monster on returning from other worlds I always played an investigator has a turn's grace in order to close/seal a gate, period. I have the Rulebook in front of me and it states, " investigator does not have to..."; so yes, the option is open.

kabukiman - it is your turn, encounter at The Witch House. And how is your back?

Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 1:36 pm
by kabukiman
Hi guys! I'm better. Yesterday I couldn't even dress myself; after several hours in the hospital waiting, they examined me and concluded it just a problem with my muscles (they were afraid I had a problem with my lungs). Heavy medication and in a couple of days I should be fine. I can work thanks to the painkillers, but must be careful, so I will post slowly.
I will draw today my encounter card (couldn't do it yesterday, it was too painful to move).
About the upkeep: I corrected, but please confirm if I have done it. I simply forgot that the focus limited the amount of points I could change in the skills.
By the way, can I draw another clue? Or since I have already draw it once, I cannot do it again?

Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 3:07 pm
by Tabs
kabukiman, it sounds like you are ill, take it easy; we need you to complete this game!!!!!!!!!!!!
Upkeep looks okay now, and you do not get another Clue Token.

Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 5:18 pm
by Mr. Handy
Welcome back, and I'm glad you're doing better! After you draw your encounter in the Witch House, I'll carry out the Mythos phase, and then Turn 4 will begin with Tabs as the first player.

Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 8:57 am
by kabukiman
With so low sanity, I must be really careful. I can try to kill that cultist (I have weapons that alowed that). Should I increase the will?

Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 11:51 am
by Tabs
Congratulations Mr. Handy, nice draw. :P

Gloria will return to the Science Building from Celeano, try to seal the gate this turn and fight the Dark Young next turn; fingers crossed. Edit: I forgot Gloria's Flesh Ward Spell, maybe she'll fight the DY on her return.

kabukiman, Cultists have Magical Immunity and a Combat rating of -1, but I reckon your .38 & Bull Whip should do the job; so yes, increase your Will. And you have the Bravery skill, (is that a re-roll of a Horror check?).

Turn 4 Player Order
Gloria Goldberg
Monterey Jack
Dexter Drake

Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 4:37 pm
by Tabs
I have created a new thread 'Arkham Horror Board' and included the game status, gates, monsters etc. Any mistakes, please shout.

Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 4:52 pm
by Mr. Handy
Yes, Bravery allows rerolling of Horror checks. Cultists don't have a Horror rating, so Monterey doesn't need to worry about that this turn. His Fight skill plus his weapons give him a total of 5 dice, and he only needs one hit. He can also use the whip's special ability to reroll a die if they miss, effectively giving him 6.

Be careful about the Dark Young. Remember that it has Physical Resistance, so your .45 only gives you +2. Wither will help a lot, but even so, with 3 Toughness and only 6 dice it's anything but certain you'll win. You need to be sure that the gate gets sealed, as if you go unconscious you'll lose your explored marker, so I'd decline to encounter the DY this turn. Next turn you can raise your Fight and get an extra die and then have an encounter at the Science Building if you win the fight (or make a second attempt to seal the gate if the first one fails).

Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 12:29 am
by Mr. Handy
Combat takes place during the Movement phase, so Monterey should go ahead and waste that cultist. That way the street will be clear when it's my turn to move.

Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 8:49 am
by kabukiman
I will do that this night.

Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 7:08 pm
by Tabs
Mr. Handy, your OW encounter:

Pass a Luck (-1) check to discover a cache of ancient papers containing valuable information about the Mythos. Gain 1 Clue token for every success you rolled on your Luck check.

Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 7:14 pm
by Mr. Handy
Nice! I'll go process my Encounter phases, and then I'll draw the Mythos card.

Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 7:37 pm
by Tabs
That was a great post for your movement phase, kabukiman. The ending, 'Monterey immediately shot him.' is classic.

Mr. Handy, that is a hell of a set of poor dice results; my rolling has been phenomenal, my luck will change and now I fear for Gloria fighting the Dark Young.

Mythos Phase, would you do it, thanks.

Turn 5 Player Order
Monterey Jack
Dexter Drake
Gloria Goldberg

Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 7:49 pm
by Mr. Handy
No problem. At least I got a turn of good luck with my Other World encounter. Still short by 2 Clue Tokens, but maybe I'll get something in my second encounter next turn. I'd settle for not going insane, though.

Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 10:06 pm
by kabukiman
Thanks! I thought it was really the time to make a special post. By the way, I have several persons in my house the next days, so I will be a bit more irregular (since I need to babysitt the persons).

Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 2:37 am
by Mr. Handy
Before Monterey can go to the Asylum, he has to deal with the Mi-Go that's with him in the Downtown streets (either by evading or fighting it). If you successfully sneak past it, you won't face it at all and can make it to the Asylum, but if you fail it will do its combat damage to you before the fight starts. Once the fight starts, your movement for the turn will end in the Downtown streets. You'll need to make the Horror check to avoid going insane (and getting to the Asylum a different way); remember that you have the Bravery skill if you fail the roll, as it will allow you to reroll. You also have 5 Clue Tokens saved up in case you need them. If you win the combat, you'll actually get to draw 2 Unique Items and pick one to keep (discarding the other), and that Mi-Go will be removed from the game. I'm not sure what you mean about drawing an extra Clue Token; how would you get one?

Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 10:28 am
by Tabs
kabukiman, I would fight the Mi-Go, you are bound to win and can gain a Unique Item, like Mr. Handy says.
Also there are only 3 Clue Tokens on the board at the moment that can be picked up: Hibb's Roadhouse, Black Cave and Historical Society.

I have listed everything, (monsters, gates, etc.) under the Arkham Board thread. Personally, I have packed away my board, it was getting in my way.

Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 11:12 am
by kabukiman
I thought there was a clue to get in the asylum. Ok, I will fight the Mi-Go.

Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 4:26 pm
by Mr. Handy
Good job beating that Dark Young! You also only lose 3 Sanity, not 4. Nightmarish 1 means you lose 1 Sanity if you succeed at your Horror check. If you fail (which you did), you just lose the normal 3.