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Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 12:44 am
by kabukiman
I think I will try to fight the monster, then as soon as possible I will go to the curiosity shop to try to buy (and maybe find the elder sign).

Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 12:49 am
by Mr. Handy
You'll probably be better off going to the Asylum, unless Gloria happens to be going to the Curiositie Shoppe next turn instead of this one and is willing to give you $2. You're probably going to need $2 just to get your Sanity restored to maximum, though you can get 1 point back for free per turn at the Asylum. If you do buy an Elder Sign, you'll want to have more than 1 Sanity, or using it will drive you insane. Of course, if you do get an Elder Sign you can always give it to someone else instead of using it yourself.

Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 4:14 pm
by Tabs
kabukiman, you have to Fight or Evade the nice Star Spawn this movement (Turn 11).

Gloria was going to the Curiostie Shop, I think now she will try the Newspaper or Train Station. Maybe Gloria and Monty can meet next turn at the Curiostie Shop and she can give you $2?

Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 12:03 am
by kabukiman
I killed the thing. Next time it's probably better to go to the asylum. With just one sanity point, I can't resist another encounter like this one.

Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 12:28 am
by Mr. Handy
Good job! You actually had your Fight at 5, so you had an extra die, and the whip would also have given you a reroll of one die if you'd needed it. It would have been better to use the sword, as this monster didn't have Magical Resistance/Immunity. Now that you have 6 toughness worth of monster trophies, you can cash them in at various places. The River Docks' special ability will give you $5, for instance. But yes, you should get your Sanity restored first. It's a good idea for Gloria and Jack to both go to the Curiositie Shoppe in Turn 12. Gloria could use her Sanity restored too, but maybe she can make some extra money at the Newspaper Office.

I could trade stuff with Gloria as I walk past, but I don't know if there's really anything we should exchange at this point.

Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 1:15 am
by Mr. Handy
Monterey still has to draw an encounter card at The Unnamable.

Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 11:01 am
by Tabs
kabukiman, Gloria will meet up with Monterey at the Asylum and give him the $2 he needs. She will try her luck with the encounters at the Asylum. I shall post in the IC thread later today.

Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 4:07 pm
by kabukiman
I have already my new computer! But now I need to installed everything. My games, office, everything... :cry:

Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 9:51 am
by Tabs
kabukiman, would you give back to Gloria the $2? If so she will try the Blood Magic to gain Clues. BTW, it is Gloria to go first Turn 13, but no matter!

Mr. Handy, good job ridding us of the Rumor.

Rather than Blood Magic, Gloria can pick up the Clue at the Unnamable.

Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 1:28 pm
by kabukiman
Sorry about that! I will give you the 2$.

Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 5:16 pm
by Mr. Handy
Thanks, Tabs! Now I may need some spells to replace the ones I lost. Monterey is more likely to be able to spare them, as he has the Sword of Glory (not to mention his gun and whip). I may also need some money to get my Sanity and/or Stamina back, though if I have no other choice I can sell a Gate trophy or take a loan from the Bank. By the way, Gloria already has $1, so Monterey really only needs to give her one more.

Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 10:31 pm
by kabukiman
So, since I don't have any chance to seal a gate, maybe it's better that I go to the same place with one of you to kill any monster and serve as bodyguard? And I can give the rest of the money to Drake?

Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 1:20 am
by Mr. Handy
Thanks, that would help out a lot! You can move to French Hill, trade with me, and then fight the monsters in the Movement Phase. If you defeat them both, I'll be able to move away freely on my Movement Phase. I plan to sneak past the Cthonian and through the gate to Another Dimension. I'd fight it, but I need to hold onto my Sanity and my Clue tokens. Besides, we're in the endgame here. If we can seal two more gates fast, its presence won't matter. Maybe I'll be able to do something about it after coming back.

I need the Spells more than the money. If Monterey gives me Shrivelling and Wither, I'll be in decent shape. He should only give me $2 and hold on to the remaining $2 for himself. After these fights, he may need his Sanity restored yet again!

Actually, it's better that Monterey be the one to fight the Mi-Go, since he'll get to draw 2 Unique Items and choose which one to keep. Maybe he'll even get an Elder Sign! Just make sure the 5 Unique Items in my discarded cards list (as well as the ones we're holding) aren't mixed in with the deck when you draw.

EDIT: Actually, never mind. It's a very bad idea for Monterey to go to French Hill and fight the monsters, since his current Will score is 0. This means he'll automatically fail both Horror checks (unless he uses his Clue tokens, and even then he could still fail). That will cost him 3 Sanity, driving him insane. He should definitely go somewhere else. I'll fight the monsters.

Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 11:10 pm
by Mr. Handy
Monterey will be pulled through the gate to the Plateau of Leng. I won't have an encounter since I'm in the middle of the street, so Tabs should go ahead and draw a Gate card for Monterey's Other World encounter. After that's processed, I'll do the Mythos Phase.

Now that Monterey left, he won't be able to trade with me. I can either take a chance on sneaking past the Cthonian and into Another Dimension with only 2 Sanity (hoping to save 1 for Find Gate), or I can play it safe and go to the River Docks, where I can sell a Gate trophy for $5 and pay to get my Sanity back. That'll take a few turns and could prolong the game, but I'd also have a couple of chances to read The King In Yellow and get some extra Clue tokens along the way. I'll make up my mind after the Mythos card is resolved.

Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 12:12 am
by kabukiman
But before, should I draw an encounter card?

Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 1:02 am
by Mr. Handy
No, you don't draw an encounter card at the Graveyard; you are pulled through the gate and into the Plateau of Leng instead. You'll have an Other World encounter, but Tabs needs to draw your card to ensure that an already drawn card isn't drawn. We don't know all of the cards that were taken from the Gate deck and discarded.

Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 7:42 pm
by Tabs
Monterey's OW encounter.
Plateau of Leng
You wander the frozen wastes. No encounter.

Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 8:03 pm
by Mr. Handy
Well, since there's no encounter, I'll go ahead and do the Mythos Phase now. Then it'll be your turn for Upkeep first.

Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 2:17 pm
by Tabs
Turn 14 Player Order:

We are almost there! Gloria wlll pick up the Clue at the Unnamable, then she will have 5 and be ready to jump through a gate.

Re: OOC Discussion & Chat

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 10:47 am
by Tabs
Mr. Handy, Dexter has 9 Clues, old yoggy is dust!

kabukiman, Monterey is now at the Plateau of Leng 2nd area, and here is the OW encounter:
You find a quiet spot to rest and recuperate. Gain 1 Stamina.