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The Groovy Psychedelic Chit-Chat Lounge

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 1:23 am
by Mr. Handy
This thread is for general Out of Character discussion for Space Oddity's players and readers, whether game-related or not. There should be a separate thread for character creation discussions up soon. Once the characters have been completed, I'll set up the In Character story threads and get things rolling. In the meantime, feel free to log on, post up, and hang out!

Re: The Groovy Psychedelic Chit-Chat Lounge

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 1:06 pm
by Mr Zombie killer
Ok. Will try to create a character today but I work again tonight so must get sleep. Most likly will not roll it until Friday morning if that is ok? Do you really want me to roll on invisible castle or can I be trusted to roll my own with my own dice?

Re: The Groovy Psychedelic Chit-Chat Lounge

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 9:47 pm
by Philulhu
Greetings from the future, chaps! ;)

It's going to be interesting to see how this works out. Looking forward to it!


Re: The Groovy Psychedelic Chit-Chat Lounge

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 12:25 am
by Mr. Handy
Welcome aboard! There's no rush on character creation, and I'll be busy until Friday night anyway. Sufirjp hasn't even logged onto the board since March 23. Yes, you may use your own dice if you wish. Invisible Castle is usually more convenient, as you can make all of your rolls at once.

Re: The Groovy Psychedelic Chit-Chat Lounge

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 3:00 am
by Mr. Handy
Welcome to OverTheHills, who will be playing a folk singer!

Philulhu, I'm going to start your character's IC thread soon, called "Time Will Crawl." Players are only allowed to read their own threads, so if you're a different player (or if you're thinking of joining the game), please don't read it. It's not good to know too much about the future anyway. ;)

Re: The Groovy Psychedelic Chit-Chat Lounge

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 1:59 pm
by Mi-Go Agent
Hey - I just saw the full description for this game. Someone's been watching "Life on Mars". Good luck!

Re: The Groovy Psychedelic Chit-Chat Lounge

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 4:54 pm
by Mr. Handy
Thanks, Mi-Go Agent, well spotted! Until yesterday I'd only seen the inferior US version, though I've also been watching Ashes to Ashes on BBC America. I'd been looking around for the UK version, but BBC America isn't airing it any time soon, the first series won't be out on DVD here until the end of July, and the second won't be until next year. My new computer's DVD drive is region-free (and I have an HD monitor), so I could get the Region 2 DVDs at a good price either online or when I visit London in November, or if I'm lucky it'll even be out on Blu-Ray. In the meantime, I've found most of the episodes on YouTube, and most of the clips are in HD too.

I hope you enjoy reading, and you'd be welcome to join in. Two of the people who said they would play are no-shows so far, and I need at least one more 1969 character. Even if they do show up, there's still room for more.

Re: The Groovy Psychedelic Chit-Chat Lounge

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 3:02 pm
by Caporegime
Hey everyone, just wanted to say hello! I've been lurking on these boards for a while now and thought it about time I had a go myself. I look forward to getting stuck in!

Re: The Groovy Psychedelic Chit-Chat Lounge

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 7:42 pm
by Philulhu
Mr. Handy wrote:Thanks, Mi-Go Agent, well spotted! Until yesterday I'd only seen the inferior US version, though I've also been watching Ashes to Ashes on BBC America. I'd been looking around for the UK version, but BBC America isn't airing it any time soon, the first series won't be out on DVD here until the end of July, and the second won't be until next year. My new computer's DVD drive is region-free (and I have an HD monitor), so I could get the Region 2 DVDs at a good price either online or when I visit London in November, or if I'm lucky it'll even be out on Blu-Ray. In the meantime, I've found most of the episodes on YouTube, and most of the clips are in HD too.
Roll on next Monday night, when the second series of Ashes to Ashes starts on the BBC. ;)

Re: The Groovy Psychedelic Chit-Chat Lounge

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 1:19 am
by Mr. Handy
You're lucky, we're only just getting the first series here in the States. I've seen the first six episodes so far. They air on BBC America, with new episodes on Saturday nights at 9 PM, so there are two more left. Unfortunately, they cut a lot out of it due to commercials. They have a longer cut available on BBC America On Demand (the international cut), but it's still several minutes shorter than the full-length versions. I'm watching and recording them so I'll be able to see them again any time. I also watched all 16 (uncut) episodes of the original Life on Mars over the past week; I just finished the finale tonight. Great stuff!

Re: The Groovy Psychedelic Chit-Chat Lounge

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 8:23 am
by Philulhu
People over here complain about the licence fee (about £140 per year) but the quality of the programming is much better than the channels supported by advertising revenue (particularly the main channel IMO, which produces some absolute drek for the mindless public to lap up). Unfortunately, the adverts (as poor as they are) are the best bit about their scheduling. <end TV snob rant> ;(

Re: The Groovy Psychedelic Chit-Chat Lounge

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 5:46 pm
by Caporegime
I'm from the UK and as much as I love the beeb, and did enjoy Life on Mars, they don't really come close to HBO on the drama front. At least they've just started to show 'The Wire'.

Re: The Groovy Psychedelic Chit-Chat Lounge

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 1:45 am
by Mr. Handy
I don't have HBO, but I've heard very good things about The Wire. The license fee is actually much less than I pay for basic cable service when converted into dollars. I've always loved what British TV I've been able to see over on this side of the pond (mainly on public TV channels; I've only had BBC America for the past few years). I started watching Doctor Who in 1981, back when Tom Baker was the Doctor. As much as I like the new episodes and glad as I am that they're making them again, I prefer the originals.

Speaking of 1981, I also found the uncut version of Series 1 of Ashes to Ashes on YouTube. Don't know when I'd have time to watch them, though.

Re: The Groovy Psychedelic Chit-Chat Lounge

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 12:12 am
by Caporegime
Hi, just wanted to let everyone know I'm going to be away in Rome for a few days with very limited access to internet. I'll be back to normal from Monday.

Re: The Groovy Psychedelic Chit-Chat Lounge

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 1:17 am
by Mr. Handy
Okay, thanks for letting me know. I doubt you'll miss much, but I'll assume your character just remains where he is and does nothing until you post.

I should be able to get Jerome Padgett's thread started on Friday night, Eastern U.S. time. I'll also probably progress Alan Gains's thread this weekend. I just need to let the other characters catch up first.

Re: The Groovy Psychedelic Chit-Chat Lounge

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 7:47 am
by Philulhu
I'm away this weekend as well. Not Rome mind you (some people have all the luck) ;)

Re: The Groovy Psychedelic Chit-Chat Lounge

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 3:47 am
by Mr. Handy
All of the character sheets and Prologue threads are currently up. Welcome back, Philuhlu and Caporegime! I hope Rome was fun.

Re: The Groovy Psychedelic Chit-Chat Lounge

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 5:31 pm
by Philulhu
Can't say about Rome, but I did enjoy a weekend in the Derbyshire Peak District. I even found time to visit the Nine Ladies.

Umm, that's the Nine Ladies as in the stone circle, just in case anyone was wondering... ;)

Re: The Groovy Psychedelic Chit-Chat Lounge

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 1:47 am
by Mr. Handy
Neat. Glad you had fun. It looks like Caporegime isn't actually back yet, so I'll just assume his character remains still and watches. Probably a good idea anyway... :D

Re: The Groovy Psychedelic Chit-Chat Lounge

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 3:52 am
by TheAlchemist
Don't pay much attention to this post, its an experiment, I'm fiddling with forum code.
OOC,So, am I awesome or what?
I've got skills, I rolled a 22. (1d100=22)