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Re: Character Creation and Discussion

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 9:53 am
by masonstone
Markus Fletcher

Markus is a Promising young student of Anthropology, first studying in his hometown of Oxford before emigraiting to the United States to find work. Unable to find any job which he was willing to perform he instead aquired a place at the University of Pennsylvania by pretending to have never studied at any other university while paying for his place with a loan which he obtained after assuring the bank in question that not only was he actually rather wealthy but also that his also wealthy father would be willing to invest heavily in their buissiness if they were generous. This is in fact all lies, the same in many ways to the lies that he has told throughout most of his life. He is the illegitamate son of an English student and a much older American serviceman who left her three months into her pregnancy. The English student went on to become a far-left journalist, decrying America as evil with a zeal worthy of any crusader. Her crusade however left to the neglect of her son, who connected to both her and the world only through the multiple masks and personas he wore over his true personality.

Strength: [1,3,4] = (8)
Constitution: [4,6,6] = (16)
Power: [1,6,4] = (11)
Dexterity: [6,6,6] = (18)
Appearance: [4,1,3] = (8)

Education: [5,5,5,3] = (18)

Intellegence: [6,3,6] = (15)
Size: [4,5,6] = (15)

Idea: 75
Knowledge: 90
Luck: 55
DamageBonus: +0
HitPoints: 16
MagicPoints: 11
Sanity: 55

Money: (5)

Profession: Drifter – Bargain, Fast Talk, Hide, Listen, Natural History, Psychology, Sneak, Anthropology

360 points

Anthropology (56%)
Bargain (60%)
Fast Talk (65%)
Hide (40%)
Listen (70%)
Natural History (40%)
Psychology (50%)
Sneak (50%)

150 points

Credit Rating (65%)
Drive Automobile (40%)
Fist/Punch (60%)
History (30%)
Kick (30%)
Library Use (30%)
Martial Arts (41%) (Wing Chun, a form of chinese boxing, with a few small kicks mixed in. emphasises structure over power and has strong simarlarities with Tai Chi.)
Persuade (25%)
Own Language (90%) (English)
Dodge (36%)
other stats as standard in call of cthulhu rules

I think thats all in order, I picked a drifter as a profession because that was probably the most fitting to his lifestyle and work as a student
also, as I have most of my combat skills in hand to hand combat, what would a knuckle duster come under as a weapon? what skills might be involved, how much damage, that sort of thing. I only ask because, as a weapon, the knuckleduster suits my character both in its use as a punching aid and how much of a dirty fighting weapon it is.

Re: Character Creation and Discussion

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 3:19 am
by Mr. Handy
Great character! You've overspent by 4 on your occupational points, possibly because Anthropology has a base skill of 1% and you might have thought it was 5% instead. Which Martial Art does Markus practice? Also, you should roll 1d10 for your personal wealth - he might not really be lying about being rich!

There's no entry in the Weapons List, but I'd rule that knuckle dusters use Fist/Punch skill and do 1d4 damage, plus damage bonus (which is 0 in your case), and you can make knockout attempts just as you could with a punch. It cannot be used to parry a weapon, but you can still parry unarmed attacks as normal. You can benefit from Martial Arts with a knuckle duster too. When attacking, you only roll 1d100 once against your Fist/Punch skill (or other unarmed combat skill). If you hit and you also rolled less than or equal to your Martial Arts skill, the damage dice are doubled. So if you're using a knuckle duster, you'd do 2d4 damage on a roll of 1-41, 1d4 damage on a roll of 42-60, and you'd miss on a roll of 61-100.

Re: Character Creation and Discussion

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 10:14 am
by masonstone
the edit has been made, if you need any more information about wing chun there is some here: or there is a large number of videos on youtube which depict the martial art.

Re: Character Creation and Discussion

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 3:50 am
by Mr. Handy
Okay, you're good to go! The wealth roll means that you have a yearly income of $11,000 (in 1969 dollars). You have assets totalling $55,000. $5,500 is cash in the bank, another $5,500 is in stocks, bonds, and/or something similar (can be converted to cash in 30 days), and the remaining $44,000 is in other assets and personal property. A house could cost $20,000 or more in 1969, so you could have one if you like. You can also afford a nice car. You can live comfortably on your income. While you're not truly rich, you might be able to fake it convincingly.

I'll add a sheet to the Character Sheets thread now. I should be able to get an IC thread started for you tomorrow night.

Re: Character Creation and Discussion

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 9:43 am
by Voodoo
Remy Leblanc

Occupation:Con Artist
Hometown:Lafayette, Louisiana



Occupation Skills:360
Bargain:75%(05),Disguise:66%(01),Fast Talk:75%(05), Handgun:60%(20),Locksmith:51%(01),Sneak:60%(10),Spot Hidden:45%(25),Hide:55%(10)

Personal interests:140
Drive:50%(25), Credit Rating:75%(15), Own Lanuage:90%


I wanted to post this so you can give your opinion and point out any mistakes. I'll start working on the background tomorrow.

Re: Character Creation and Discussion

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 2:59 am
by Mr. Handy
Looks good!

You actually have 12 HP, not 11. HP is (CON + SIZ) / 2, rounded up. You also have an Idea score of 70, not 60.

You've spent 410 points on your occupational skills, but you've spent 90 on other skills, so the extra 50 points could have come out of your hobby points with no problem. Some of the base skill levels are off, however. The base skill for Locksmith is 01%, and the base skill for Drive Auto is 20%. You may want to adjust your skill totals because of this. If you want to put more points into Locksmith, for instance, you could lower some of your higher skills a little, such as Bargain and Fast Talk.

Your wealth roll means you have a yearly income of $15,000 (in 1969 dollars). You have a total of $75,000 in assets, composed of $7,500 in the bank, $7,500 in stocks, bonds, and the like, and $60,000 in other assets (such as real estate, a house, a car, etc.).

Re: Character Creation and Discussion

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 3:11 am
by Voodoo
Ooops sorry about that. I just edited it instead of posting it again.

Re: Character Creation and Discussion

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 3:23 am
by Mr. Handy
Okay, you're all set! Once you get that background written up I'll post your character sheet and get a thread started for you when I get a chance.

Re: Character Creation and Discussion

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 2:07 am
by Voodoo
Remy LeBlanc History

...Remy Leblanc a suave con-artist from Louisiana. Born in 1940, His father was a petty thief and his mother was a prostitute. While growing up he attended school during the day and ran small time scams ,under the careful supervision of his father, at night. At the age of 27, Having learned all he thought he could, Remy decided it was time to make his own way in the world. After buying an apartment in downtown Lafayette he spent the next 2 years running cons on some of the most influential members of Lafayette society. Unfortunately Remy, Having been used to his marks being to embarrassed to admit to being scammed, was unprepared when he met someone who did report him. So, being a wanted man, Remy, like any good grifter, packed his things and hit the road.

Re: Character Creation and Discussion

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 3:26 am
by Mr. Handy
Your character sheet is up, and you'll be in the thread Telling Lies with Markus Fletcher to start. Begin reading the thread from this post, and do not read any of the posts above it. Remy was in this location when Markus walked in, and he observed the same things. Once you've finished reading the thread, you can go ahead and start posting.

You'll probably also want a handgun for your character, which is fine, provided it's a model that existed in 1969 (so no Glock 17 or Desert Eagle). If you don't know which model you want, let me know what caliber handgun you want and whether it's a revolver or an automatic, and I'll find a suitable model for you and tell you its stats.

Re: Character Creation and Discussion

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 3:34 am
by Voodoo
i'll take an .45 automatic.

Re: Character Creation and Discussion

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 4:16 am
by Mr. Handy
That'll be a Colt M1911A1, then. It does 1d10+2 damage, has a base range of 15 yards, fires one shot per round, holds seven rounds in the magazine (plus potentially one in the chamber), has 8 HP, and malfunctions only on 00.

Re: Character Creation and Discussion

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 2:46 am
by Voodoo
Oddly enough I just found out the pic I used is the actor who plays gambit in the new x-men movie. Oh yeah and gambits real name is Remy LeBeau. now thats what I call a coincidence.

Re: Character Creation and Discussion

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 3:34 am
by Mr. Handy
That is funny. I noticed a similar coincidence with one of the characters I created for Zombie Apocalypse. I came up with Ho Nguyen's name by combining common Vietnamese first and last names. It turns out there's an actor by that name who was in a movie called Alamo Bay that I noticed in the TV listings.

Re: Character Creation and Discussion

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 6:13 pm
by Ricardo Azuul

For Space Oddity I'd like to select Detective Harry Sawyer, despite the fact that I am apparently unable to actually find his character sheet. Just thought it'd be nice to play a bloke, seeing as how I'm playing two members of the fairer sex in Zombie Apocalypse ;).



Re: Character Creation and Discussion

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 4:54 am
by Mr. Handy
You've got him! You couldn't find his character sheet because I hadn't posted it. While he was an NPCs, there was no need. I do have it written down on paper, and I'll put it up when I have a chance tomorrow night.

Catching up on Harry's story so far may be a little tricky and confusing, but it's a fun ride. You'll need to start by reading the Prologue thread Rebel Rebel, but only the first page. Then you'll need to switch to Time WIll Crawl, starting from this post most of the way down page 2. Don't read anything that happened before it in that thread, and disregard Bill's inner thoughts - your character has no knowledge of these things. Then read up to and including the fifth post on page 4 of that thread, but no further. At this point, you'll need to switch to the Chapter 1 thread Holy Holy, starting at this post near the top of page 2. I'll send you a PM tomorrow night explaining what happened to you between those two threads. Read that thread to the end; that's the one where you'll be posting.

Re: Character Creation and Discussion

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 3:28 am
by zerostate

Re: Character Creation and Discussion

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 4:14 am
by Mr. Handy
Nice! You can post the rest of your character creation work in this thread when you have time. Don't forget that for every full 10 years older than the minimum age that you make your character (age 15 is the minimum for EDU 9), you get +1 EDU, along with the extra 20 occupational skill points and +5 in Know and Own Language that go with it. I recommend that you do this and make your character at least 25 (if not older). You wouldn't have been able to make Detective until you were at least 20 anyway. Remember that you must deduct points from your physical stats if you make your character 50 years old or more. Also, you'll need to roll 1d10 for your personal wealth.

There are full character creation instructions on the first post in this thread. I can also answer any questions you may have.

Re: Character Creation and Discussion

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 8:15 pm
by zerostate
Okay, I reckon I'm done... Wealth roll.

Name Jim Hendricks
Occupation Police Detective
Age 45
Wealth 8

STR 15
POW 11
DEX 12
APP 12
SIZ 11
INT 12
EDU 12

Idea 60
Luck 55
Know 60

Hit Points 10

Occupational Skills
Bargain 25
Fast Talk 45
Law 40
Listen 50
Persuade 50
Psychology 40
Spot Hidden 50
Handgun 45

Hobby Skills
Shotgun 70
First Aid 50
Drive Auto 60
Locksmith 21

Hendricks joined the police at the end of the War – which he spent as a private at a supply depot Stateside. He's worked his way up to detective the hard way, and resents the college boys who are beginning to dominate his chosen career. He knows he's going nowhere, despite being competent at his job... And those rumours of him being on the take haven't helped.

Re: Character Creation and Discussion

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 4:42 am
by Mr. Handy
Excellent! Your character is ready to go. This weekend I should have time to add his character sheet to the Character Sheets thread and start up an IC thread for you. In the meantime, you can post and chat in The Groovy Psychedelic Chit-Chat Lounge. You may also read this post and the four that follow it. They detail what happened at roll call this morning, and you were present there, though you weren't explicitly named in the posts. You're assigned to C Squad. You were already off duty when the events of the night before happened, so you aren't aware of them beyond what you were told at this briefing. Other than those posts above, you may only read IC threads when your character is in them.