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Tristan's Choice

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 6:10 pm
Tristan rushes to the fallen Viking's side. Olaf was his name. Tristan had only heard it in passing a few times, but now that the Viking's blood had been spilt all over the snow and coninued to flow like a river from his wounds, Tristan would likely never forget the name Olaf.

The black Scaled creature twitched one last time before the heat of the creatures blackish blood sunk the creature into the snow.

Olaf grabbed hold of Tristan's arm and pulled his thick brown beard up to the mountaineer's lips.


I still live? Thank the gods brother.

Olaf's grip is weak.

ooc- roll first aid or equivalent.

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 1:14 am
by Voodoo
"Be still brother and let me tend these wounds or you may not live much longer." Tristan says as he begins to bandage Olafs wounds. Though he never had much skill in tending wounds, he decided he did a pretty good job on these.

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 7:37 pm
Olaf grimaces in pain as Tristan works on him. Tristan manages to stop the bleeding, but his back had been slashed deep. The Viking oarsman will not be walking anytime soon.

I can't feel my legs Tristan. I'll be resting in Hel soon if I have to suffer much more of this cold.

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 3:02 am
by Voodoo
"Your hide should keep you warm enough till I can find shelter or a way to move you back with the group." Tristan says as he pats Olafs shoulder and stands to look around him. Tristan won't show it but he is desperately nervous cause Olaf is right as the cold really may kill him if he can't get him moved. Tristan trys to bundle the wounded man as best he can and says, "Im going to try and find someplace warmer to move you. I won't go to far so if you sense any danger yell and I will come running back." with that Tristan heads off to find shelter.

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 4:01 am
Olaf nods... more winces from the excrutiating pain...

Hurry Back. Don't leave me to suckle from the teat of Hela brother!

Tristan begins to walk. The snowfall picks up and soon Tristan finds himself in a blizzard. The sun had just risen and is now falling once more. The three hours of weak daylight will be gone soon and then the cold of the arctic plains will truely show itself.

Tristan can still see the glint of Olaf's armor shining in the light of the sun. He then looks away for a second and the glint is gone. In a panic Tristan takes a few more steps towards where he thought he remembered Olaf's position and the glint of metal reappears some distance east.

ooc- Roll a Navigation check. You have 10%. I'll give you a 20% circumstance bonus for your mountaineering skill

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 4:08 am
by Voodoo

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 6:37 pm
Tristan was momemtarily disoriented in the snow. In all the years he spent in the mountains, he had never been so quickly turned around. He had just walked away from his wounded Viking companion and he couldn't recall from which direction he had left Olaf. The glint of light on metal shined softly but just didn't seem right. Then to make matters worse. A second glint appeared more than 50 meters from the first and certainly not where Tristan thought Olaf was. Something was terribly wrong...

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 3:38 am
by Voodoo
After the days events Tristan knows this has to be a trap and an unnatural one at that. Deciding that he has no other option he draws his sword and carefully moves toward the first metallic glint. He moves carefully Looking for any hint or tracks that would give him a clue as to what is going on.
DSIG,I did rolls assuming you would require them. Tristans knowledge score is 85%, His Spot hidden is 50% and his tracking is 55%.

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 11:01 pm
Trsitan continues towards the first glint of light on metal knowing full well he could be walking into a trap. Having experience in this sort of terrain, the mountaineer keeps his eyes to the ground, hoping his tracks will lead him back to his fallen comrade. Once he begins to move, however, Tristan quickly begins to realize that his tracks have all all but dissapperaed. Only those footprints immediately behind him remain.

The snow begins to get heavier. Tristan blinks his eyes and there are three lights off in the distance.

ooc- Listen check please and a luck check as well.

ooc- I love it when players toss in unasked for rolls into their posts. It allows me to better explain their surroundings without giving away anything I shouldn't due to a failed roll. keep it up. Any roll you make may also be a solution to your problem. Just throw in some explanation for the roll.

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 11:07 pm
by Voodoo

Sorry for the lack of in character writing for these I just couldn't think of a way to work them together lol.

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 11:10 pm
ooc=- no worries.

Tristan hears a soft moaning in the wind coming from the direction of the Southern most glint. It sounds human.

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 11:15 pm
by Voodoo
Throwing cation to the wind Tristan makes a full sprint towards the direction of the moaning. He isn't taking the chance of lossing sight of Olaf again.

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 6:37 pm
Tristan follows the moaning and quickly reaches his fallen comrade. Olaf holds out his hand to greet him. He grips Tristans arm and pulls the mountaineer close. With eyes wide with terror, he whispers in a shaken voice.

There's somthing out there Tristan! I can hear it creaking beneath the snow!

A familiar moan echoes out through the blizzard. It sounds disturbingly like Olaf.

Tristan....... Sooo Cold...... Help!

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 2:06 am
by Voodoo
OOC- what are the chances of Tristan being able to carry Olaf safely?

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 3:52 am
ooc - You could carry him slowly. He is badly hurt but the alternative is leaving him right?

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 4:30 am
by Voodoo
Tristan sheiths his sword and bends down to Olaf, "I'm getting you out of here brother. This is going to hurt but I fear whatever is out there will probably hurt more if it catches us." Tristan gets as good of a hold on the wounded man and begins to drag him in what he hopes is the direction of the rest of the viking party, moving as fast as he can with the wounded man.

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 9:17 pm
Tristan begins the long and laborous process of dragging Olaf back to camp. The Viking moans and groans with each tug and pull. The tracks that the Viking Mountaineer had made were now completely gone. As if some force had covered them; no man or snowfall could possibly cover the tracks so completely in so short a time.

Olaf calls to to Tristan as a searing bolt of pain washes over the injured Viking.

Set me down! Set me down!

Tristan does as he's asked and Olaf takes a short rest.

Can you feel it Tristan? The ground shakes like a leaf in a tree, close to falling.

Indeed Tristan can feel a low constant rumbling beneath his feet.

ooc- Spot Hidden Check and a navigation check 30% please. Might as well throw in a luck check as well.

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 4:43 am
by Voodoo
Rolls,[url=]2 out of 3 ain't bad lol[/url]

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 9:34 pm
ooc- Nice. A critical luck check. You get to add +5% to any non-weapon skill of your choice. Let me know and I'll boost it. So whatever that luck roll was for, you were damn lucky yo! :)

While taking a breather, Tristan had tried to figure out where he was and where he was going, trying desperately to get Olaf back to camp. He had no idea. His tracks had been covered and any landmarks had been obscured by the fading sunlight and the snow blowing all across the falt icey plains of Helluland.

With the rumbling beneath his feet, Tristan quickly surveyed the area. Olaf was near unconscious now, but still moaned nearly as often as he breathed. He spotted movement just to his right and saw three white furry rodents scurry across the snow. Almost as fast as his eyes could focus, they were gone, digging quickly into the snowy ground. Then one broke the hard snow and looked directly at Tristan. His red eyes were definitely the most peculiar thing about the pint size arctic rodent.


ooc- roll INTx 5 if you don't know what it is...

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 12:46 am
by Voodoo
ooc- Is that bonus an immediate use or can I save it for later? Also do I have to tell you before I do a roll that I intend to use it?
Intx5 roll, 14

"I wonder if someone is using magic to watch us through the eyes of the creatures" Tristan thinks to himself. Deciding that he needs to test his theory he resolves himself to risk approaching the harmless seeming creature, "Maybe something about this area causes them to have such odd colored eyes" Tristan softly whispers in Olafs ear before moving off, "I don't know if you hear me, but I will be back for you shortly, Brother."

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 8:15 pm
Tristan remembers the red eyed shape shifting monsters that attacked and sunk his Dragon Boat "The Ice Crusher." There were no lemmings among them. Mostly Polar bears and blood thirsty whales. The sea was colored red with the blood of his kinsmen as the red eyed devils tore Tristan's crew apart.

The red eyed lemming freezes as Tristan approches.

ooc - spot hidden. If you fail, continue to post as if I didn't mention anything. If you pass, please just post your roll.

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 11:08 pm
by Voodoo

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 11:45 pm
Tristan spots a dark Norse Rune burned into the shoulder of the red-eyed lemming. He is certain that the rune means Loki.


Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 2:28 am
by Voodoo
Noticing the Mark of Loki upon the beast, Tristan never the less decides to continue towards it in hopes of capturing one alive.

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 9:40 pm
The small furry white lemming with glowing red eyes speaks calmly to Tristan.


You are of Asgard are you not? A son of Odin? You were not born of the frozen rain?

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 10:04 pm
by Voodoo
While momentarily taken aback by the strange entity before him, Tristan calmly addresses the small lemming, "Aye creature, tis true our divine lords do dwell in the realm of Asgard. But what pray tell are you? What kind of creature has the manner of a beast but the tongue of man?"
ooc,Go figure I would be the one to get the talking lemming lol, This is getting pretty good.

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 10:31 pm
I am Ijiraat and I am no beast! We Ijiraat lived here on this heartless island, watching over Sedna's spawn for as long as the goddess could remember. My name is Figgsolandamon and I am honored to meet you son of Odin.

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 10:39 pm
by Voodoo
"Pardon my manners as I meant you no disrespect. My name is Tristan and I am honored as well to meet you. My group was attacked earlier by things that shared your unique eye coloring but had an entirely different form, Would those happen to be related to the Ijiraat in some way? Also how do you come to speak the tongue of the Vikings?"

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 8:46 pm

Language is something my people do not concern ourselves with... We speak and you hear what you wish... From my experience, that is common with most mortal creatures.

The white lemming takes a moment to run his paws along his whiskers, shivering with delight or the cold… Tristan could not be sure… It was colder than a Valkyrie’s heart on the plains of Helluland.

Figgsolandamon continues.

The Ijiraats that sunk your giant sized kayak still believe in the old ways. They blindly follow Sedna wherever she wills. Apparently she willed your vessel to the bottom of the sea, the old tyrant.

Tristan can hear the disdain Figgsolandamon feels towards the goddess Sedna with every spiteful word the lemming says.

There are others like me who have been promised an after-life and serve Sedna no more. We watched with too few numbers to help, as Sedna's Ijiraats slaughtered your men. So few of your men escaped to shore… A pity, but better this way I think. They are all in Valhalla now. So will I one day, if I prove myself worthy.

Though… if memory serves… There were 6 sons of Odin who were taken from the bloody waters….. To the moutains I beleive. Sedna laid her fingerless hands on each of them. Quite a gift! Quite a gift!

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 10:07 pm
by Voodoo
What is this gift you speak of? and can you perchance lead me to were my companions were taken? We seem to have found ourselves in need of some allies in this land and you seem to be exactly what we need. It must be the will of Odin.

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 11:33 pm
I may be able to lead you to your comrades Tristan.. son of Odin. Though I will not show myself in front of your Captain or your comrades. I have seen their minds and they will not have me. Your Captain Gunharr has seen the abyss of Sedna's deep blue sea and the cruelty of her black heart. Sedna's gifts are seldom kind and often cruel. Gunharr beleives he has been blessed by Loki... much like myself. But Sedna will try to lead you away from what you seek. She will lead you to ruin Tristan Odin's son.

The lemming steps closer to Tristan, shaking the snow off his fur.

Your friends were different.... Sedna gave them something... special. A gift she only gives to those...

Figgsolandamon struggles with the word.

Skraeling.. women she sees fit to bless with Shamanhood.

But Sedna held each of your Viking friends in her arms as they succombed to suffocation beneath the waves. They have been touched by magic and fortune will be with them while they remain in her domain. None, save the Shaman, have touched the godess since she came to this island. Sedna even allowed one of your men to touch her hair with his flesh. He is gifted now. In ways you cannot begin to understand.

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 11:55 pm
by Voodoo
You know of what we seek here in your lands? I followed my Captain when he was a counted amongst the living but...Now im not sure of him anymore. He seems more a corrupted thing now, Though I still seek that which we have come for I do not think my path lies with him. I have a wounded companion, Is there anything you can do to help him for I fear he will soon die if left to my meager healing skills. Perhaps we can travel together after my companion has been seen to.

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 12:02 am
Yes! You seek the rune! I would find it an honor to quest with you Tristan Odin's Son, but you cannot abandon your Captain now. There is one amongst his men that must reach the mountain. The rune could be lost forever in Odin's well if he does not reach it. I had hoped to convince you to hide me so I may lead you where you need to be. Your Skraeling and his knife are lost to you now. You have no way to find the mountain. I will guide you... and you will guide them.

But you must make a choice Tristan...

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 12:06 am
by Voodoo
I will gladly take you and keep you with me and keep you hidden. Who is it in that group who must reach the mountain as I will have to be especially protective of them and what is the choice I must make?

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 12:33 am
I am sorry Tristan Odin's Son. I cannot say as to whom has been chosen... There are others... and my people will ensure they play their part, but to tell you such a thing would unravel the fabric of destiny itself. Not to make so dramatic a point!

The lemming Figgsolandamon stares at Olaf, who barely conscious, has been watching the exchange from afar with wide terrified eyes.

Your choice Tristan Odin's son. You must leave him behind.

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 12:42 am
by Voodoo
WHY!! why must Olaf be sacrificed? Is there not some way to save him, He is a strong warrior and I fear he will be needed even more moving forward. Not to sound untrusting but I believe now is the time for you to tell me everything you can speak of. If I am to embroil myself in the games of gods then I have need of reasons. I will believe that some things can not be told but surely you haven't told me everything you can.

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 12:52 am
Tristan spots another glint of light bouncing off some armor in the distance through the failing sunlight.

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 12:56 am
by Voodoo
It appears explanations will have to wait for later as we're likely to have quests soon. Come and let us get you hidden and try to make you comfortable, our travels shall be hard and I don't want you crushed.

Tristan moves to pick the Injiraat up to hide him in his gear.

Wait a moment, Something feels wrong about this.

Looking to Olaf and then back to the metallic glint in the distance.

Why is Olaf to be sacrificed? And do you know what that glint in the distance is?

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 7:56 pm
The Qallupilluk are near. They will cloud your mind with false hope in attempt to lead you away from what they desire most. Your people bring no children... their usual prey. Sedna has no doubt set them loose onto you. They rarely gather in these sort of numbers.

The Ijiraat lemming smells the air disapprovingly.

Sniff! Sniff! It would appear that they desire your friend Olaf Odin's son This is why he must be sacrficed. You must choose Tristan Odin's son. Your friend or your destiny. I am sure they would accept your blood as sacrifice to Sedna as well though then they would return to devour your friend Olaf Odin's son.

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 1:32 am
by Voodoo
Very well Figg you have made your point. As much as I do not like this we should get moving. Come let us get you settled and be on our way.

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 9:00 am
The lemming bares his teeth and Tristan is sure the Ijitaat rodent is smiling.

Figg! I enjoy that.... It rattles my teeth... You live up to your name Tristan Odin's son. The call of destiny calls louder to the Vikings than to other mortals. Your comrade may die this night, but your name will be sung in the halls of Valhalla from this moment forth.

Tristan hears Olaf groan as he walks away with Figgsolandamon scampering through the snow beside him.

w....ait....... Trist....

His voice is weak and hopeful.

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 11:11 pm
by Voodoo
"I am sorry, Brother" Tristan sadly mutters to himself. Looking to Figg, "Come little one, Lead the way, Let us be about this godly business. While it may be necessary, there is no honor in leaving a comrade behind. I would not tarry here any longer to be faced with my shame."

Before losing sight of him Tristan stops and turns back towards where Olaf lay, "I WILL RAIN VENGEANCE DOWN UPON THOSE THAT MAKE THIS NECESSARY, I PROMISE YOU!"

Tristan turns back and continues on solemnly

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 3:02 am
Tristan continues on with Figg guiding the Viking mountaineer through the dark. Soon after he leaves Olaf he hears the inevitable final cry of a man having his inards torn and eaten alive. The screaming quickly fades away as Olaf finally dies.

The two continue across the snowy plains. Soon, Tristan hears the continued screams of Olaf behind him.


Tristan knows that Olaf was well out of ear shot but he can't help but think that the creatures are dragging him behind.

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 3:13 am
by Voodoo
"Who do you work for little one? You seem to be well versed in our mission so I can't help but think you have a master giving orders." Tristan trudges on while talking casting his sight about him to pick up any clues to his location.
If its needed,Spot Hidden roll it was a success

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 7:15 pm
Tristan looks back but sees nothing. Every so often he sees that familiar glint come from a different direction. The sun had set now and the glint should certainly have not been there. There was just no light to reflect off the metal of the armor tristan had thought he was seeing. Olaf's voice continued to wail off in the distance. Sometimes the painful screaming was beside him and sometimes behind... but always it was there.

ooc- Sanity check to see how your nerves are handling the screamin. Please act accordingly. No sanity loss for a failed check. A failed check simpley means that Tristan is not acting like himself in the face of this particular horror. At your discretion on how you would play such a break in character of course.

As Tristan's head jerks from side to side, his eyes following the sounds and sight around him, Figg reamains calm and quietly pushes the two forward.

Hurry! Ignore everything but the sound of my voice Tristan Odin's Son. The Qallupilluk can make you hear and see what they want. They will try to lure you into their trap.

Then Figg answers Tristan's question.

I work for my people... The Ijiraat. We serve the gods of Asgard. Loki himself has promised us deliverance from this cold and soul-less place if we help.

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 8:15 pm
by Voodoo
Sanity Roll,it was 13, IC is down for me.
Where are we heading little one? Tell me more of this destiny you have seen for me.

As they continue forward Tristan can't help but draw his sword to sooth his nerves. While the eerie voices are unnerving Tristan is able to keep his wits about him.

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 12:49 am
The lemming pushes Tristan on.

We are heading back to your people Tristan Odin's son. But first there is something I wish to show you!

Tristan sees black scaley figures off in the distance, following him and Figg through the snow. Olaf's voice cries out through the wind.

Triiiiiiiiistan! Myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! Leg Hurts so much! Please heeeeeeeeelp meeeeeee!

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 12:51 am
by Voodoo
We must make haste as we have company approaching that doubtfully means us well.
ooc,How many of them and how close?

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 1:01 am
ooc,There are four or five... Two to your far left and two to three trailing behind. The way to the right is clear. They obviously do not want you turning East. Figg is leading you North West.

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 1:10 am
by Voodoo
Tristan keeps moving after Figg, "They don't appear to want us going east. What are they trying to keep us from?"

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 1:39 am
Your friends I imagine! The Ijiraat and the Quallipuk have an agreement. No blood has been spilled for centuries. Though in these desperate time I would not wish to anger them for whatever purpose they are carrying out for the godess. We will allow them to herd us for a while before we attempt to break away and find your people.

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 6:16 am
by Voodoo
Then we press on I suppose. I must say I don't much like having these things at our backs though. How much farther to were you a leading me?

Tristan presses on despite the creatures following.

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 9:45 pm
The odd couple of Viking and talking Lemming travel on for a short while. When it is clear that Tristan and Figg have no intention of turning west, the black scaled creatures give them a wider birth, seemingly losing interest in the pair.

After an hour or so of walking in the snow, the lemming stops.

We are here...


Tristan cannot see much of anything of great interest. The land is still flat and rocky. There are a few larger flatenned stones standing 4-5 feet high above the snow. He notices a river that runs east. It is completely thawed which is definitely odd for this time of year in the arctic.

ooc- INTx5 roll please

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 10:22 pm
by Voodoo

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 11:28 pm
Tristan is certain that in terrain like that of Helluland, where a small system of mountains, surrounded by flat tundra and ocean, a river should always run from the mountains to the sea. This river is doing no such thing. Not only should the river be frozen at these temperatures, but it is running the wrong way. From the sea, up into the mountains.

ooc- roll one 1d10 and add to your navigation skill for the critical INT check.

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 11:46 pm
by Voodoo
Nav bonus roll,[url=]10[/url]
"Why is this river acting so strange and what does it have to do with our quest?"

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:39 am
Our gods will the river into the mountains... To Asgard! They will drain the very life blood from Sedna and we will destroy our enemies when they are weak. What this river has to with our quest, I do not know. Such things are quite above me Tristan Son of Odin. For now take Solace in the fact that your gods now have dominion over this island once again.

Tristan watches as a massive Walrus jumps out of the river just 30 feet ahead of them, flopping on the ice and skidding to a hault with alarming dexterity and control. It turns and looks directly at Tristan. The Walrus' eyes flash red before it scurries under a narrow opening at the base of the massive flat stones.


Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:44 am
by Voodoo
"It seems almost like it wants us to follow. Let us see where it may lead." Tristan starts to approach with his sword drawn scanning the area for signs of a trap.
Spot hidden roll,[url=]3, IC seems to love me today[/url]

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 2:38 am
Figg doesn't say a word and follows Tristan as he approaches the flat rocks. Above in the artic sky, Tristan spot three large snow owls circling the area. As he gets closer, the Viking mountaineer sees that the hole leading under the rocks is quite large. Below he sees the flickering of torchlight and hears a low humming sound.

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 4:06 am
by Voodoo
Tristan Proceeds down the hole. As he goes he attempt to be as silent and invisible as possible.

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 8:42 pm
Tristan slowly lowers himself into the hole and Figg follows closely beside him. The hole widens into a short corridor or ice tunnel. To either side of the corridor, narrow stone troughs filled with some sort of flammable liquid serve to light the way. Tristan has seen this technique for lighting catacombs and halls in his homelands... definitely high tech for a walrus. The light from the short flames lining the corridor bounces pleasantly off the icey walls.

As he reaches the end of the short, well lit ice tunnel, he spots a small seal sitting vigilant in front of an opening. Behind him, more light can be seen as the flammable troughs continue on past him. The seal with similar red glowing eyes to Figg hasn't seemed to give any indication that he's spotted Tristan yet.


Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 11:07 pm
by Voodoo
Tristan lowers his sword some so as to appear less threatening and approaches the seal like creature, "Hello, I mean you no harm. My name is Tristan and this is my companion, Figg. What is this place, If you don't mind my asking."

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 4:20 am
The red eyed seal chuckles...

Figgsolandamon! Heh Heh! He has you named like a pet. This child of the frozen rain will do nicely for our purposes. I am Vestervaun Good to meet you Tristan Odin's Son. May your visit with the Ijiraat bring praise to your people and your gods.

Figg interrupts the talking seal.

Our gods Vestervaun! He will bring praise to our gods! This is my home Tristan Odin's Son. The Ijiraat that have pledged themselves to Asgard and an eternity in the halls of Valhalla live here.

We have not pledged ourslelves to this human's paradise yet Figgsolandamon.

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 4:24 am
by Voodoo
"Would anyone care to tell me more of this "Purpose" you have for me? I sense it is more then the simple guiding of my comrades like Figg told me earlier."

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 5:10 am
Figg looks up at Tristan.

Oh of course... my apologies for keeping you in the dark for so long Tristan Odin's son. You're here to help us decide our future. To lead us to Asgard!

No child of the Frozen Rain.. For whatever dramatics dance around in Figgsolandamon's head for your gods and your heroic scripture... make no mistake Tristan, you are here to stand trial for your race!

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 5:16 am
by Voodoo
"Trial! I believe now is the time you want to start explaining. I'm not a violent person but I will defend myself. How am I supposed to be tried for an entire species?"

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 6:39 pm
Figg paws affectionately at Tristan's boots..

Don't let this overbearing guard scare you Tristan Odin's Son. No one could expect you to speak for all humans... All Viking perhaps... and the Norse... possibly the Danish... I'll be there every step of the way. These non-beleivers just need to see that your way, should be our way. Your gods... our gods! We've been promised eternity in paradise and our council, much like this old curmudgeon simply needs to hear it from the seal's mouth... err... or from your mouth I'm sure!

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 7:44 pm
by Voodoo
"Well then by Odins hairy ball sack, Tell me what I need to do and lets be about this business of trials and such" Tristan was sure he could talk these creatures into following the ways of the Vikings. And lets be honest he thought, He really did like Figg, He was a very friendly little guy.

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 9:01 pm
Figg beams up at Tristan.

The seal guard wrinkles his nose.

Very well then... Follow me Tristan, Son of Odin...Child of the Frozen Rain.... Our destiny awaits.

Stay Tuned for:

Chapter 5: The Good The Bad and The Eskimo

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 10:49 pm
by Voodoo
ooc- I can't wait lol.