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Tristan's Choice

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 6:10 pm
Tristan rushes to the fallen Viking's side. Olaf was his name. Tristan had only heard it in passing a few times, but now that the Viking's blood had been spilt all over the snow and coninued to flow like a river from his wounds, Tristan would likely never forget the name Olaf.

The black Scaled creature twitched one last time before the heat of the creatures blackish blood sunk the creature into the snow.

Olaf grabbed hold of Tristan's arm and pulled his thick brown beard up to the mountaineer's lips.


I still live? Thank the gods brother.

Olaf's grip is weak.

ooc- roll first aid or equivalent.

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 1:14 am
by Voodoo
"Be still brother and let me tend these wounds or you may not live much longer." Tristan says as he begins to bandage Olafs wounds. Though he never had much skill in tending wounds, he decided he did a pretty good job on these.

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 7:37 pm
Olaf grimaces in pain as Tristan works on him. Tristan manages to stop the bleeding, but his back had been slashed deep. The Viking oarsman will not be walking anytime soon.

I can't feel my legs Tristan. I'll be resting in Hel soon if I have to suffer much more of this cold.

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 3:02 am
by Voodoo
"Your hide should keep you warm enough till I can find shelter or a way to move you back with the group." Tristan says as he pats Olafs shoulder and stands to look around him. Tristan won't show it but he is desperately nervous cause Olaf is right as the cold really may kill him if he can't get him moved. Tristan trys to bundle the wounded man as best he can and says, "Im going to try and find someplace warmer to move you. I won't go to far so if you sense any danger yell and I will come running back." with that Tristan heads off to find shelter.

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 4:01 am
Olaf nods... more winces from the excrutiating pain...

Hurry Back. Don't leave me to suckle from the teat of Hela brother!

Tristan begins to walk. The snowfall picks up and soon Tristan finds himself in a blizzard. The sun had just risen and is now falling once more. The three hours of weak daylight will be gone soon and then the cold of the arctic plains will truely show itself.

Tristan can still see the glint of Olaf's armor shining in the light of the sun. He then looks away for a second and the glint is gone. In a panic Tristan takes a few more steps towards where he thought he remembered Olaf's position and the glint of metal reappears some distance east.

ooc- Roll a Navigation check. You have 10%. I'll give you a 20% circumstance bonus for your mountaineering skill

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 4:08 am
by Voodoo

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 6:37 pm
Tristan was momemtarily disoriented in the snow. In all the years he spent in the mountains, he had never been so quickly turned around. He had just walked away from his wounded Viking companion and he couldn't recall from which direction he had left Olaf. The glint of light on metal shined softly but just didn't seem right. Then to make matters worse. A second glint appeared more than 50 meters from the first and certainly not where Tristan thought Olaf was. Something was terribly wrong...

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 3:38 am
by Voodoo
After the days events Tristan knows this has to be a trap and an unnatural one at that. Deciding that he has no other option he draws his sword and carefully moves toward the first metallic glint. He moves carefully Looking for any hint or tracks that would give him a clue as to what is going on.
DSIG,I did rolls assuming you would require them. Tristans knowledge score is 85%, His Spot hidden is 50% and his tracking is 55%.

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 11:01 pm
Trsitan continues towards the first glint of light on metal knowing full well he could be walking into a trap. Having experience in this sort of terrain, the mountaineer keeps his eyes to the ground, hoping his tracks will lead him back to his fallen comrade. Once he begins to move, however, Tristan quickly begins to realize that his tracks have all all but dissapperaed. Only those footprints immediately behind him remain.

The snow begins to get heavier. Tristan blinks his eyes and there are three lights off in the distance.

ooc- Listen check please and a luck check as well.

ooc- I love it when players toss in unasked for rolls into their posts. It allows me to better explain their surroundings without giving away anything I shouldn't due to a failed roll. keep it up. Any roll you make may also be a solution to your problem. Just throw in some explanation for the roll.

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 11:07 pm
by Voodoo

Sorry for the lack of in character writing for these I just couldn't think of a way to work them together lol.

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 11:10 pm
ooc=- no worries.

Tristan hears a soft moaning in the wind coming from the direction of the Southern most glint. It sounds human.

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 11:15 pm
by Voodoo
Throwing cation to the wind Tristan makes a full sprint towards the direction of the moaning. He isn't taking the chance of lossing sight of Olaf again.

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 6:37 pm
Tristan follows the moaning and quickly reaches his fallen comrade. Olaf holds out his hand to greet him. He grips Tristans arm and pulls the mountaineer close. With eyes wide with terror, he whispers in a shaken voice.

There's somthing out there Tristan! I can hear it creaking beneath the snow!

A familiar moan echoes out through the blizzard. It sounds disturbingly like Olaf.

Tristan....... Sooo Cold...... Help!

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 2:06 am
by Voodoo
OOC- what are the chances of Tristan being able to carry Olaf safely?

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 3:52 am
ooc - You could carry him slowly. He is badly hurt but the alternative is leaving him right?

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 4:30 am
by Voodoo
Tristan sheiths his sword and bends down to Olaf, "I'm getting you out of here brother. This is going to hurt but I fear whatever is out there will probably hurt more if it catches us." Tristan gets as good of a hold on the wounded man and begins to drag him in what he hopes is the direction of the rest of the viking party, moving as fast as he can with the wounded man.

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 9:17 pm
Tristan begins the long and laborous process of dragging Olaf back to camp. The Viking moans and groans with each tug and pull. The tracks that the Viking Mountaineer had made were now completely gone. As if some force had covered them; no man or snowfall could possibly cover the tracks so completely in so short a time.

Olaf calls to to Tristan as a searing bolt of pain washes over the injured Viking.

Set me down! Set me down!

Tristan does as he's asked and Olaf takes a short rest.

Can you feel it Tristan? The ground shakes like a leaf in a tree, close to falling.

Indeed Tristan can feel a low constant rumbling beneath his feet.

ooc- Spot Hidden Check and a navigation check 30% please. Might as well throw in a luck check as well.

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 4:43 am
by Voodoo
Rolls,[url=]2 out of 3 ain't bad lol[/url]

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 9:34 pm
ooc- Nice. A critical luck check. You get to add +5% to any non-weapon skill of your choice. Let me know and I'll boost it. So whatever that luck roll was for, you were damn lucky yo! :)

While taking a breather, Tristan had tried to figure out where he was and where he was going, trying desperately to get Olaf back to camp. He had no idea. His tracks had been covered and any landmarks had been obscured by the fading sunlight and the snow blowing all across the falt icey plains of Helluland.

With the rumbling beneath his feet, Tristan quickly surveyed the area. Olaf was near unconscious now, but still moaned nearly as often as he breathed. He spotted movement just to his right and saw three white furry rodents scurry across the snow. Almost as fast as his eyes could focus, they were gone, digging quickly into the snowy ground. Then one broke the hard snow and looked directly at Tristan. His red eyes were definitely the most peculiar thing about the pint size arctic rodent.


ooc- roll INTx 5 if you don't know what it is...

Re: Tristan's Choice

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 12:46 am
by Voodoo
ooc- Is that bonus an immediate use or can I save it for later? Also do I have to tell you before I do a roll that I intend to use it?
Intx5 roll, 14

"I wonder if someone is using magic to watch us through the eyes of the creatures" Tristan thinks to himself. Deciding that he needs to test his theory he resolves himself to risk approaching the harmless seeming creature, "Maybe something about this area causes them to have such odd colored eyes" Tristan softly whispers in Olafs ear before moving off, "I don't know if you hear me, but I will be back for you shortly, Brother."