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The Trial (Aglakti)

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 9:32 pm
Aglakti and Pandoval walk through the day and stop to camp, near the shore. As they march through the sunless snowy plains, Pandoval asks the Shaman many questions regarding her relationship with the Dorset Chief Kalituk. He seems absolutely fascinated with the subject.


Does he love you Shaman?

Do you love him?

Why did you leave him?

Why did he not stand up to the Elders on your behalf?

Did he really kill a polar bear to become chief?

Is Chief Kalituk stronger than you?

Do you think that the Chief loves the new Shaman now. I saw how he looked at you Shaman… I think he is sick with feelings for you Shaman..

Then Pandoval begins to sing a children’s about love.

Kalituk and Aglakti rubbing noses
Lying in an igloo full of roses
First comes love then comes marriage
Then comes a wee one in a bone carved carriage.

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!

Pandoval rolls on the snow, laughing at the Shaman.

Re: The Trial (Aglakti)

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 12:42 am
by Laraqua
Does he love you Shaman?

"I think so."

Do you love him?

"I used to."

Why did you leave him?

"It was time for me to leave. They thought I would bring strife to the village..."

Why did he not stand up to the Elders on your behalf?

"The Elders are not to be countermanded."

Did he really kill a polar bear to become chief?

"I don't think that's anything you'd want to hear."

Is Chief Kalituk stronger than you?

"No one is."

Do you think that the Chief loves the new Shaman now. I saw how he looked at you Shaman… I think he is sick with feelings for you Shaman...

"Perhaps he does. In which case he has a peculiar taste in women he may never have."

When Pandoval rolls about, laughing at her, she smiles at him, greatful that he was still alive. She crouches down and rubs him behind the ears.

Re: The Trial (Aglakti)

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 6:20 am
Pandoval seemed to have taken to the Shaman like a child of her own. As they walked Pandoval would often smile at Aglakti, happy for her companionship, and then sudenly take on a deep sadness. He missed his mother and sister Myla far too much to really enjoy his time spent with the Shaman.
The two walk for several hours and and then finally they can once again smell the thick approaching scent of the ocean. The darkness of the short winter days was long and Aglakti could feel the stare of Aningan (the moon god) on her back. The moon would be full very soon and then, like all Dorset women, Aglakti would be foolish to journey outside her home.

Pandoval looked to his left and to his right and then shrugged.

My people live along the these shores... The Ijiraat who still serve the godess are to the East... the traitors and my mother will be to the West.

Pandoval seems so torn and confused. He didn't know what to do. In one direction lay his people and help... the other way led to the Ijriaat who had abandoned Sedna and followed some new ancient god wreaking havoc on Aglakti's island. He sniffs and looks wide eyed up at the Shaman.

Re: The Trial (Aglakti)

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 11:45 am
by Laraqua
"Why is your mother with the traitors? Why would that be?" asks Aglakti. "Perhaps we should seek help and answers from those who aren't our enemies ... perhaps they can help us free your mother from whatever confines her, whether her body or her will."

Re: The Trial (Aglakti)

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 11:27 pm
OOC- Pandoval had identified Ijiraat tracks at the cliff face where his motheer and sister had disappeared. Pandoval assumes they were made by the traitorous Ijiraat that have turned away from Sedna and follow a new god of the north.

Pandoval nods sollumly

Yes Shaman... We'll head east to my herd. I hope our chief, Korgamon will help us...

Then Pandoval suddenly turns to the sea. He points out two Beluga whales approaching the beach a few hundred feet off the shore. They are moving quickly...
Pandoval scratches nervously at the shore.

I can't tell who they are. Maybe they are just whales.

Re: The Trial (Aglakti)

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 7:23 am
by Laraqua
"Are they coming towards us?" asks Aglakti, peering at them.

OOC: Is there any way to tell if they are behaving naturally? Or do they appear to be making a bee line for us?

Re: The Trial (Aglakti)

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 8:09 pm
ooc- They appear to making a B-line for you.

ooc - Spot Hidden

Re: The Trial (Aglakti)

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 1:59 am
by Laraqua
She peers at the whales for a moment as she makes up her mind as to what to do.

Re: The Trial (Aglakti)

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 7:09 am
One of the whales turns slightly and Aglakti notices the red in its eyes...

Pandoval whimpers beside her.

I don't know them Shaman... They aren't in my herd...

Re: The Trial (Aglakti)

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 2:13 pm
by Laraqua
"Where do we flee?" whispers Aglakti, trying to think of a thing to do...

Re: The Trial (Aglakti)

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 9:26 pm
Pandoval looks around... The land is flat with very few rolling hills that would, at best , serve as partial cover from anyone seriously searching for them.

Pandoval whimpers before he panics and tears off in a northerly direction.

Run Shaman!

From the south, the two whales are now just approaching the beach. Their large lumbering forms begin to change before Aglakti's eyes. Fur replaces blubber... and long black claws replace fins.

Re: The Trial (Aglakti)

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 5:51 am
by Laraqua
Aglakti begins to tremble as words of power burbled out of her throat, issuing forth on a cloud of condensation that seems thicker, colder, as her fingers twitch spasmodically upon the Spear of Sedna. With a sudden, jerking motion, she upends it and stabs it down into the snow and a slight discoloration forms as though she had bruised the white nature of the snow itself. She continues to twitch and spasm as she draws the Circle of Protection around herself and Pandoval, all the while uttering the vital words, the important words, the words of power that would keep them at bay. Finally, exhausted, she falls upon her knees in the middle of the circle, and stabs the spear point end down in front of her. She waits...

Re: The Trial (Aglakti)

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 7:28 am
The bubbling masses of Ijiraat flesh soon take the form of two polarbears. They charge towards Aglakti and Pandoval kicking of piles of snow in their wake. As they approach, Pandoval cries for his mother and stares blankly in horror at his approaching death. Then the two hulking bears came to a sickening hault. Their faces contorted and shifted to and from this world. Aglakti had seen the effect on malicious spirits before, but never on a living spirit such as the Ijiraat. Waves rippled through their flesh as they came to an abrupt hault just in front of the Shaman's circle.

One of the bears rose before the other and snarled...


Shaman! This is not a battle for the mortal. Give us the cub and we will let you live. He will make a perfect sacrifice to our new God!

Re: The Trial (Aglakti)

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 6:21 am
by Laraqua
Aglakti stands before Pandoval and behind her spear. "There are many things I must know first before I even begin to consider your claim on Pandoval's life! Who is this new God? Why must it require a sacrifice?"

Re: The Trial (Aglakti)

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 6:30 am
Loki demands sacrifice and blood in his name. There is a place in Valhalla for those that follow him. He has promised us a place beyond this snowy wasteland. Join us Shaman. We have to choose a Skraeling strong enough to speak for the Ijiraat in next world.

Re: The Trial (Aglakti)

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 4:35 am
by Laraqua
"How would you wish me to speak for you?" asks Aglakti. "What demands would you make of this foreign God? Who is this Loki?"

Re: The Trial (Aglakti)

Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 7:39 pm
The Ijiraat who have chsoen this new path, have also forsaken the Spirit World and all of Sedna's domains. We wish to hear Loki's command so we mayt do his bidding. There are men who have come to these lands... Some to the aid of Loki and others against him. We wish names and locations so we may crush those who stand against our new lord and aid those that follow his rightious path.

Re: The Trial (Aglakti)

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 4:35 am
by Laraqua
"Why Loki? Why help a foreign God? What has he offered you that Sedna cannot?"

OOC: Sorry, I could have sworn that the last time I checked was only a month ago and there was no Keeper post in this thread. Sorry.

Re: The Trial (Aglakti)

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 7:54 am
The two Ijiraat polar bears continue to pace around Aglakti's circle of protection.

Loki promisses us dominion in this world..... Of this island. Sedna would have us waiting on the Dorset and the Thule for centuries more. Helping mortals of significance find their way to whatever designs she fancies. Loki promises us blood.

One polar bear swings a massive paw at Pandoval. Pandoval cowers before the strike but the Shaman's circle does its job. The bear's paw burns with a blue light beofre the Ijiraat pulls it back and licks his wounds.

ooc - spot Hidden check please

Re: The Trial (Aglakti)

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 3:05 am
by Laraqua
ooc: invisiblecastle seems to be down.