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The Hunt for Kalituk (Faroo, Kirima, Kinaktok)

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 4:50 am

Faroo and Mannitok had expected to catch up to chief Kalituk soon after they departed the Dorset tribe but it seemed the venerable hunter moved with the speed and endurance of the caribou. A blizzard had risen and the wind was against them, so after a few hours of steady mushing, the dogs needed to rest. The morning sun had faded but the snow still lit the plains as the powerful light of the full moon seemed to set each snowflake ablaze, even through the storm.

ooc- Currently on Baffin Island the sun rises at 7:30 am and sets at 111:30 am. It is dark at Noon.

Mannitok was first off his sled and he held his arm over his face for protection from the winds as he shouted to Faroo

The trail will be gone by morning if this keeps up brother! No matter… Kalituk will be forced to light a fire. We’ll spot him.

Mannitok looks up to the moon through the violent sheet of biting cold and snow.

Aningan, the moon god, is strong this day Faroo. I would not want to be a woman, out in this storm.

Re: The Hunt for Kalituk (Faroo)

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 1:12 pm
by Ash
The women would be unfortunate indeed agrees Faroo. Come now lets start a camp, have some food and then scout the area before dark.

Re: The Hunt for Kalituk (Faroo)

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 1:15 pm
by Ash
KALITUK! Screams Faroo at the top of his vocal capacacity.
Idea roll 1d100=49 Passes Idea (70)

Re: The Hunt for Kalituk (Faroo)

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 9:22 pm
ooc – Idea roll. It might be an idea to build a shelter around the fire to protect it from prying eyes and to hide your camp from predators. A quick igloo construct can be built in only an hour or so. Was there anything specific you were thinking of an idea for?

The Dorset hunters rest for a few hours. Faroo wakes suddenly to Mannitok shaking him.

Faroo! Wake up! There is something alive on the plains. It walks with an evil shaking motion like nothing I have ever seen. Wake up!

Faroo rises and looks over their shelter. In the distance Faroo can see a large group of men dragging themselves through the snow. The blizzard had stopped and in the moonlight the two Dorset Hunters can make out their silhouettes quite well. They limp and moan and twist in agonizing ways. Some appear to missing arms and most of them are armored with a sort of skin they had seen dressed on the Norseman Thorrin that had visited their village. Thorrin was a friendly enough folk but these things were nothing like their new Viking friend.

What are they Faroo? What should we do?

Faroo had trained with the venerable hunter Qannaq and most of the Dorset hunters respected his words even though he was still considered an adolescent by Dorset standards.

Re: The Hunt for Kalituk (Faroo)

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 9:34 pm
by Ash
"Put out the fire, lets move away from this camp quick and bury ourselves in snowholes. Quick now, these are fell creatues indeed. I like not their smell"

Hide (10%) 50%

Roll to hide from the creatures in the snow. Dig ice foxhole. (1d100=60)

Re: The Hunt for Kalituk (Faroo)

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 8:09 am
As the mass of dark armoured figures stretches across the plains, Faroo counts more than 30. Then to the hunter's dismay, three of the twitchy silhoettes break off from the pack and begin to move towards Faroo and Maniitok's shelter.

Re: The Hunt for Kalituk (Faroo)

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 10:11 pm
by Ash
With the fire out from the ice, the smoke has drawn attention.
Farro and his companion steady themselves low in their half dug snow holes and hold their bone tipped spears from the sled at the ready.
Not a twitch is made by Faroo as prepares for the worst.
Spot Hidden (25%) 50%
Roll to observe figures more keenly. Looking for any weak spots on them. (1d100=30)

Re: The Hunt for Kalituk (Faroo)

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 10:51 pm
As the figures draw closer Unulaq can see the flesh dangling and rotting from deep wounds all over their bodies. The wounds don't seem to hinder their movement any (Aside from the limping and twitching) Faroo sneaks a peak and spots the white in the eyes of their horror filled faces.

The lead creature moans and calls out to the hunters.



ooc- Sanity check (1/1d8) and actions

Re: The Hunt for Kalituk (Faroo)

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 11:40 pm
by Ash
Roll for san (1d100=1) Sanity 58
Back on the sled get the huskies, away lets move

Re: The Hunt for Kalituk (Faroo)

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 11:54 pm
by Ash

Throw spear at one figure
Throw (25%)
Spear (15%) 70%
Spear (15%) 70% (1d100=54)

Re: The Hunt for Kalituk (Faroo)

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 9:21 pm
Faroo’s spear digs deep into the shoulder of the lead zombified Viking. It howls out.



ooc- Roll damage. 1d6 + 1d4 (str bonus)

The creature staggers for a moment and then continues slowly forward. Mannitok is unable to move from behind thier makeshift shelter. He shivers and holds his legs tightly against his chest.


Are they still coming Faroo?!? Gods help us!

ooc- Actions please. The undead Vikings will be on you after this round.

Re: The Hunt for Kalituk (Faroo)

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 10:33 pm
by Ash
Roll for damage.

Faroo runs over to his companion and boots him on to his feet whilst planting the other bone tipped spear from the sled in his hand. "On your feet, help me hold these Vikings off."
Faroo steadys himself placing himself between the Vikings and his friend. He prepares to parry any attacks.

Re: The Hunt for Kalituk (Faroo)

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 12:39 am
Faroo's insistance stirs a couragein Mannitok and the Dorset hunter rises to stand beside his friend just as the undead Vikings round the short shelter wall.

ooc- roll attack, and damage if you hit. Plus one parry roll.

Re: The Hunt for Kalituk (Faroo)

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 8:50 pm
by Ash
Hiyahhhhhhh Faroo lunges at the oncoming Vikings

Knife (20%) 40%

Roll for knife damage. (1d4=4)

He hits one and parry attacks another to his left

Parry attack (1d100=60)

Re: The Hunt for Kalituk (Faroo)

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 8:53 pm
by Ash
Come on Mannitok we can make it. Fight, use your training.

Re: The Hunt for Kalituk (Faroo)

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 8:00 pm
Faroo easily parries a slow moving Viking swordas one of the Undead Norsemen mindlessly attacks the Dorset hunter. He quickly counters, sinking his stone knife deep into the creature’s side. The beast hardly makes a sound as Mannitok jumps to Faroo’s side and lunges his spearinto the zombie’s neck. The Norse abomination falls back to the ground and the two Vikings move in calling out in their native tongue.



Mannitok raises his spear and deflects one of the large two handed axes by its hilt. The third zombie’s sword hand swings wide over Faroo's head.

zombie strikes 1- on Faroo: Miss, 1- On Maniitok: Miss, 3- On Faroo: Miss

ooc- new set of rolls please. (Strike, Parry, damage, damage bonus) plus your actions if any...
ooc- Yes, all of your rolls were correct. Next time though, I need a damage bonus dice with your damage roll. I rolled it for you this time to keep things flowing. rolled a 1 on 1d4

I.e. if you are using the knife, then you would roll 1d4 plus 1d4 for damage bonus. For your STR plus SIZ attribute modifier.

On the invisible castle website, you can roll all three at one time.

Roll: Strike, parry, damage, damage bonus.

Roll: 1d100, 1d100, 1d4, 1d4

Then if you miss or your attack is dodged or parried, I will just ignore the damage. Also parry is equal to your skill in the weapon. You failed your parry roll but the zombie missed so I just call it a pass for dramatics. Keep up the good work Ash.

Re: The Hunt for Kalituk (Faroo)

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 9:39 pm
by Ash
Attack for Faroo (1d100,1d100,1d4,1d4=[35], [96], [2], [4])

That's it friend, keep moving and ducking. Hiyaaaaaaaaaaahhhh for the love of the moon and the honour of Nanook of the North!

Re: The Hunt for Kalituk (Faroo)

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 9:40 pm
by Ash
Faroo signals with a whistle to his friend to ready the huskies whilst he fends off the remaining foe.

Re: The Hunt for Kalituk (Faroo)

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 11:30 pm
by Ash
Get to the Huskies, ready the sled, let's get out of here Mannitok!

Re: The Hunt for Kalituk (Faroo)

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 11:38 pm
Both Mannitok and Faroo press on, stabbing and moving their undead foes. Faroo drags his knife across oen fo the creatures bellies, spilling sea water and bloated intestine onto the snow. Mannitok strikesthe other undead Norseman's thigh and a thick black blood gurgles from the wound with a mind of its own. So furious was the Dorset hunter's attack that they just did not expect the zombie's reposte to be so savage and filled with such a blind hatred for life. One zombie crashes his sword downon Faroo's shoulder. The wound burns as the cold air quickly begins to freeze the blood flowing freely down his arm.

The second zombie in his twisted rage, narrowly misses Maniitok's back as the Dorset hunter turns to help his friend Faroo.

ooc- Faroo takes 5 damage. Rolls please and actions. If you want to run now is the time. ;)