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Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 2:15 am
by mikc
ooc - sure is nice and warm and safe down here in pee-pee land! :oops: Weoulf loses 3 SAN

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 6:11 pm
by Henrik
Orm calmy says: "Nothing. I have no quarrel with your kind although the Aesir have one. We do not wish to hurt your kind, but if someone tries to stop us, my sword will not rest. I am willing to give my word on this matter, if you need it from me."

<i>OOC: Why are we actually going into Jotunheim? Is it for the rune or for the spear? I have forgotten...</i>

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 9:18 pm
ooc- You're looking for the spear...

The Giant scoffs.

You bring the Joton slayer across my border and say you mean the Jotun no harm? That sword has not seen these lands in a thousand years. The last time it crossed these borders it was held by Tyr himself. The rivers ran red with our blood.

The Giant eyes each of the Vikings in turn...

You may pass. I would not anger Jotun Banamaður and have it rob me of my immortality another day. You shall pass sons of Odin. I shall wonder if your name will be read on the scrolls of blood young Viking alongside the Aesir bastards who held that very sword so long ago.


Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 5:49 pm
by Henrik
Orm nods to the giant appreciatively. "Let's hope that it does not come to that. Hopefully you would not even notice us coming and going. Anyway I thank you for your hospitality."

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 6:33 pm
The party passes through the gates of Jotun with little trouble thanks to the blade Orm carries. Orm can’t help but feel a terrible violence building up inside him as he cautiously strides by the gate keeper. The others notice this as well as Orm’s grip tightens on his sword, wringing his hands over the hilt like it were a wet rag.

Berger makes comment drunkenly to himself.

I know… I will help him… Do not worry yourself.

Jarrl leads the group for another few miles into the mountains. They pass a fork in their path and notice several giant size footprints leading further North. Jarrl pauses and looks down to the Vikings.


This is as far as I will take you. What do you plan to do? That sword you carry will only strike so many of my brothers down before one of their own blades finds your skull.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 1:08 pm
by Henrik
"I will not let that happen, although this sword would relish tasting giant's blood again, I do not" Olof tries to hold the fury in check. He so much wants to kill the giant. Blood will be drawn

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 4:41 am
Sigfurd stops in his tracks and lays his shield down.

We should rest! What do we plan on doing? Surely you don't plan on rushing us into a den of crazed Frost Giants brother? I wish for you to be with yur beloved with all my heart Orm, but this not bring us the Odin spear. We need a plan.

Sigfurd look sympathetically to Orm. The Viking would think Sigfurd was mocking him if he didn't know him so well. Weoulf, Ingvar, Orm and Sigfurd had campaigned together for years. Now one was presumed dead and the three surviving friends walked head strong into the realm of the Frost Giants for Orm'true love.

Alrik! You hold the king's seal... What would you have us do?

Berger laughs and mumbles, looking sternly to his side. The drunkard then looks back to the group. He hicups and takes a short swig from the potent spirits in his wineskin.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 6:29 pm
by Henrik
"Pehaps... what if we did the frost giants a service of some kind? To show that we come in honourable intentions? Question is can the frost giants be trusted?"

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 5:10 pm
by kabukiman
-Sure they can! And if they don't, we can all die!- Says Berger with a laught.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 2:41 pm
by Henrik
<blue>"Perhaps we'll just have to press on and hope that we can reason with the giants as we meet them. They might be the enemies of the aesir but they are not really enemies of mine."</blue>

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 4:27 pm
by Piano man
Alrik scans the sky, and then returns his gaze back to his men. I agree with Sigfurd. It might be best for us to rest and gather ourselves before we go much farther. He turns his attention to Jarl with an irritated look. You swore to take us to the spear and see us out again. I will not release you from your bond until that is fulfilled so get an notion of leaving us out of your head right now.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 3:06 am
Jarrl grunts but remains obedient flashing Orm quick fearful glances.

Very well. I will take you to my people but I can not speak my way through our village as you mortals believe. Words show weakness... The swords power will only hold my brothers with fear for so long. If I had not given you this cursed promise, I would throw myself on the blade.

Jarrl snarls at Orm and then returns his icey blue eyes to the others.

I can only guess where they have put the beast Fenris and your spear. In our village square no doubt, hoping that Loki will finally pay homage to our people. after all these centuries of waiting for his return. They will die before they allow you to desecrate his remains. Of this I am sure.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 3:38 am
by Piano man
Alrik scoffs at the large giant. Words have more power than you know my cowed friend. Perhaps I will sing them a song of Viking valor to soften their hearts. We will get the spear back. The wolf was our kill, not your peoples, and I think that Loki shall not show them favor for stealing the spoils of our victory from us. All of Valhalla is singing of our victory over the wolf, and over you. We have the god's blessings and your people would do well to heed this. Do not forget that we have one of our own speaking on our behalf in Valhalla at this very moment. His death brought about our victory, and it will not be in vane.

Alrik looks back to the giant with a steely look. I will speak to your people, and you will stand at my side. You will lay your sword on the ground at my feet and keep your head bowed. Do as I say, and when we pass your guardian again, with the spear, you shall once more be free. Providing of course that you vow not to raise arms against my people ever again.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 4:32 pm
by kabukiman
-I really need a drink. All this talk is boring me. Where is my sweetheart when I need her?

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 9:15 am
by kabukiman
-You can't leave me so much time alone with those guys! They want to go to another foolish mission now, just for killing some other guys.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 11:33 am
by Henrik
Orm is silent having nothing further to add to the conversation.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 5:15 am
OOC - Alrik make an idea check

ooc - Berger make a sanity check

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 2:44 pm
by kabukiman
OOC: The invisible castle is down, so I used dices. I had 40%.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 5:23 pm
by kabukiman
-Fighting giants? Are you hearing too much sagas? We gonna be in the giant bellies as soon as they put their hands in us! Let's go without them knowing.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 7:33 am
by Piano man
Alrik waves a hand dismissively at Berger. Don't worry yourself Berger. Leave the planning to the grown ups.

Not giving the comment a second thought Alrik continues on. We don't need to fight the giants. We have a treasure beyond compare with us from the temple. Let us rest here for a day or two, and I will study them to see what they might be. Who knows we might be able to bargain our way out of this. He glances at Jarl catching his eyes. We are not stupid enough to try and anger a group of giants. I respect creatures of honor.