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Re: The Skraeling ( Gaeirmund, Gudrun, Ingvar)

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 1:48 pm
by Mi-Go Agent
Gaeirmund tries to move, but has great difficulty

(By the way, I passed my spot hidden roll, so why the special treatment?)

Re: The Skraeling ( Gaeirmund, Gudrun, Ingvar)

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 11:38 pm
by Andrew
Tornuaq stays put, weaponless and being a prisoner he decides it's up to his captures to protect him... unless told otherwise.

Re: The Skraeling ( Gaeirmund, Gudrun, Ingvar)

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 5:32 pm
by She Devil
Gudrun grabs Tornuaq from behind and begins to back away. "What is that! What kind of devil land is this anyways!"

OC What kind of rules do you play with for init. rolled a d20

Re: The Skraeling ( Gaeirmund, Gudrun, Ingvar)

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 4:50 pm
ooc - no special treatment. :) Two of the creatures were getting a surprise attack. You got a dodge and were not caught flat footed. My writing may have been confusing but it all worked out accordingly.

ooc- Gudrun, Initiative is determined by rolling 1d10 and adding it to your DEX score.

On the invisible castle site, your roll should look like this.

1d10, 1d100, 1d100, 1d8, 1d4

Initiative, Strike, parry, damage, damage bonus.

The numbers may vary depending on your weapon and Strength bonus. By making all of the possible rolls, it speeds things up considerably. You may not need all of the rolls but at least they are all there in case you hit.

Now that we are in combat mode I would ask that everyone posts at least every other day. If two days pass between posts I will make the rolls for those of you that have not posted. It's not a big deal either. If you miss a combat round, you miss a combat round.

Starting now.... :)

Re: The Skraeling ( Gaeirmund, Gudrun, Ingvar)

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 4:55 pm

The creature leaps out of the ice and swings wildly at Gaeirmund. His clawed hand passes harmlessly over Gaeirmund's head as he fumbles and falls to the ground, his hammer out and to the ready.

ooc- OK Inits and strike, parry, damage rolls for everyone.

Re: The Skraeling ( Gaeirmund, Gudrun, Ingvar)

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 5:36 pm
by She Devil

Re: The Skraeling ( Gaeirmund, Gudrun, Ingvar)

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 10:42 pm
by Mi-Go Agent

Re: The Skraeling ( Gaeirmund, Gudrun, Ingvar)

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 4:48 pm
by Andrew
Tornuaq replies, "Those guys are Qallupilluk or Child-Snatchers, legends say they are marine creatures of the cold arctic waters. The Qallupilluk is a child-snatcher. No one knows why they love to take children. They hide in the ocean, waiting for children to play alone on the beach or near the breaking ice. Usually the Qallupilluk jump out of the water and grab children without any warning. Sometimes, however, you can hear them knocking under the ice."

He scratched his head and thought for a bit and added, "However they are acting a bit strange from what the stories say. I mean it is obvious that you people are not children so why they are attacking you is very odd indeed. Perhaps they see you as competitors or a danger to their way of life. Honestly and no offense meant but I can't really complain that they're attacking. Even if they kill me as well I do hope they slaughter the lot of you." Tornuaq shrugged, it was true after all.

Re: The Skraeling ( Gaeirmund, Gudrun, Ingvar)

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 4:34 pm
Gudron is first to act, hacking at one of the three"Qallupilluk" that had positioned itself so close to Ingvar. The creature hardly notices the blow as Gudrun's sword is mainly deflected by the thick black scales of the creature's armoured hide. Still, his sword finds flesh and small splatterings of greenish blue blood dot the snow around him.

Then Gaeirmund brings his hammer down onto the back of the Qallupilluk that had just clumsily missed him. His hammer seems twice as edffective as Gudrun's sword, stunning the creature for a short moment.

Tristan and two of the others draw their bows, but pick no targets as every one of the creatures seems to be engaged in close combat with their comrades.

Captain Gunharr calls to Logain..


Logain.. Protect the Skraeling!

Logain charges across the ice and stops at Tornuaq's side. He hands the Skraeling his sword.


Don't try anything stupid Skraeling. We'll find you.

Then the Qallupilluk's swing wildly at their attackers. Gaeirmund raises his hammer in defense and with a savagery, kindred to his race, knocks the black clawed hand aside. The creature hisses...

Gudrun, however is not so lucky as a clawed hand rakes across his mid section, chipping at his chain mail as if the armour were made of bark. The claws find their mark and the Qallipulluk removes a large chunk from belly. Gudrun you take 7 damage.

Broddi dives off his horse as the Qallupilluk drags the beast into the frigid waters of the Arctic sea. Half immersed in the hole the Qallupilluk had made, Broddi scrambles at the edge of the ice in a frenzied panic. The venerable Viking cries for help.


I'm sinking Ingvar! Help me!

Re: The Skraeling ( Gaeirmund, Gudrun, Ingvar)

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 4:26 am
by Andrew
Tornuaq stabs the sword into the snow and ice and looks at the viking by his side. "You're friend there is going to die if you don't help him. Getting trapped under the ice is a death sentence and no way for a man to die if you ask me. I'll stay here and you go help him, I'm not going anywhere." That said Tornuaq crossed his legs and sat down, he began to pile snow in front of himself and started rolling it into a ball.

Re: The Skraeling ( Gaeirmund, Gudrun, Ingvar)

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 5:01 pm
by She Devil
"Auuuuuugh!" Gudrun bellows, leaning over his belly protectively. He winces in pain, snarling at the Qallipuk. "Die vermin!"

OC Init = 18
Strike = 45
Parry = 68 OH NOOOOO
Damage = 2
Damage bonus = 4

Re: The Skraeling ( Gaeirmund, Gudrun, Ingvar)

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 2:11 pm
by Mi-Go Agent

Re: The Skraeling ( Gaeirmund, Gudrun, Ingvar)

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 4:18 pm
ooc - Sorry guys. We're gonna wait one more day for Basketvector. He's been away in Tasmania.

Re: The Skraeling ( Gaeirmund, Gudrun, Ingvar)

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 6:21 am
by Basketvector

Ingvar snaps out of a daze.
"BRODDI !!!" He lunges forward, sliding across the ice on his stomach.
"I'VE GOT YOU BROTHER!!!" He reaches out a hand and tries to pull Broddi out of the water.


oc. I guess I need a strength roll here? I'll give you a d100 and d20 just in case.
1d100=34, 1d20=10

Re: The Skraeling ( Gaeirmund, Gudrun, Ingvar)

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 9:30 pm
by Andrew
Tornuaq looked around at all the shouting and shrugged, he thought he heard skraeling but wasn't quite sure who said it or why. Either their faces were to the enemy or maybe in the snow or ice. Tornuaq finished making the snowball and hurled it at one of the vikings, he wasn't sure which, in all that metal skin and stuff they did tend to all look alike.

Re: The Skraeling ( Gaeirmund, Gudrun, Ingvar)

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 8:05 pm
Gaeirmund crashes his hammer down onto the Quallipuk's shoulder and the beast crumples to the ice. His thick black scales cushions the monster from the deadly strike, but he still appears dazed and confused.( 5 damage) Still moving and spitting bile at his enemies, the Quallipuk slashes wildly at Gaeirmund but the Viking bat its claws away with his hammer.

Gudrun stabs at the Quallipuk giving him a hard time. His blade finds its mark but Gudrun just can't get the leverage he needs to pierce the creature's scaley hide. (1 damage) A smile crosses the creatures lips as Gudrun overswings and is unable to raise his sword back up to parry the Quallipuk's clawed attack. The Quallipuk rakes his claws over Gudrun's chest and throat. (rolled a 3) (8 damage) Gudrun's shriek carries across the battlefield as he spins and falls unconscius (or perhaps dead) to the snow. The Quallipuk turns to face Tristan and two other Viking archers as they raise their bows and let their arrows fly. The arrows bounce harmlessly off the Quallipuk's scales.

Ingvar grabs hold of Broddi's hand and begins to pull him out of the icey water. The horse the Viking was riding quickly disappears beneath into the sea. Ingvar pulls Brodi more than half way out when the Quallipuk returns for its prey.
The Quallipuk grabs onto Broddi's legs and begins to overpower Ingvar. The Viking Oarsman is quickly losing ground until Logain rushes to Ingvar's side and grabs hold of his other arm. The combined strength of the two Vikings seems to equal that of the Quallipuk and a stalemate quickly evolves.

ooc- Ingvar STR resistance check 1d100

ooc- Tornuaq makes the keeper laugh out loud.

ooc- Gaeirmund actions please.

ooc- Gudrun... You are in big trouble. No actions for you! Sorry!

Re: The Skraeling ( Gaeirmund, Gudrun, Ingvar)

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 4:10 am
by Basketvector
Ingvar wracks his brain for the appropriate Nordic curse.

strength 1d100=72

Re: The Skraeling ( Gaeirmund, Gudrun, Ingvar)

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 1:51 pm
by Mi-Go Agent

Re: The Skraeling ( Gaeirmund, Gudrun, Ingvar)

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 7:41 pm
by She Devil
"AUUUUUUUUUUGH! AVENGE ME!!!" Gudrun bellows from the flat of his back.

OC That sucks! :evil:

Re: The Skraeling ( Gaeirmund, Gudrun, Ingvar)

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 5:37 am
Ingvar and Logain both pull with all their might and finally free Broddi from the black scaley creature's grasp. It's claws rake deep through Broddi's thighs before letting go and the blood from the wounds sinks deep into the snow all around him. The creature, furious from being denied his kill, leaps out of the water and lands snarling at Ingvar and Logain. It raises it's claws and beckons the Vikings with a long black nailed finger.

Meanwhile Gaeirimund swings wildly with his hammer and loses his footing on the ice. The creature takes advantage of the Viking's fumble and leaps on top of Gaeirmund. Gaeirmund holds his hammer out in front of him and presses the shaft of the weapon to the monster's neck. It spits and hisses at Gaeirmund as it desperately tries to sink it's fangs into the fallen Viking.

Tristan sees Gaeirmund in trouble and moves away from the other archers for a clearer shot. Tristan won't risk the shot on the creature with Gaeirmund so closely entwined. He slings his bow and draws his sword covering the distance in just a few strides. The other Vikings fire a volley at the scaley beast approaching Ingvar and Logain.

Captain Gunharr and his undead manservant Hildegarr, however, seem much more interested in the fallen Gudron than anything else. The blue skinned Viking Captain slowly approached Gudrun while Hildegarr pounded savagely on the foul creature that felled Gudrun. He removed his helmet and smiled....From a distance, Gunharr seemed to be scrawling something on Gudron's face.

ooc - Gaeirmund and Ingvar... Please give me your combat rolls plus a spot hidden roll.