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Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 4:31 am

The five Vikings begin their down the long winding staircase. On the way down, Sigfurd sings an Ode to Osvauld, the words and rhymes coming to him as if he too were a bard of Odin. Sigfurd may have been slightly tone def when compared to the beautiful magesty of Alrik’s voice but Melkorka’s bard could not help but be impressed with the structure of the tune. The novelty of Sigfurd’s song wore off soon though as the walk that they had done earlier this same day grew long and tiresome. Berger hefted a “Shadup Sigfucker” at Sigfurd after the fourth encore. Few could blame him but none of the others had the heart to spoil Osvauld’s memory. They could all hear the flapping of wings as they stepped ever downwards. Hundin was following them. The group had held Odin’s interest beyong their encounter with the Fenris wolf.

Finally, when they reached the bottom of the staircase, they stopped to rest. The hall continues on into the darkness. The Norsemen’s very breathe seemed to echo into the black. The eery silence is suddenly broken by one of Berger’s belches.

He sits down on the stair and breathes deeply.

I swear to all that is fucked and buggered in this world that I will not be made to climb those stairs again boys.

He takes a swig from his wineskin, which he had filled several. He then passes it to Weoulf.

Berger’s eyes glaze over as he rests. He holds his hand out in front of him, moving it slowly up and down as if he were touching something.


Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 12:47 am
by Piano man
Alrik pats Sigfurd on the back when he finishes singing. You have the heart of a Bard my friend. My old teacher would have had many things to say about the song you just sung.

As Berger passes the skin to Weolf Alrik snags it. I'll hang on to this Berger, and any other skins you may have filled. You'll get them back a little at a time, but I will not have a louse slowing us down. If you don't carry your wieght then you can turn back to the temple and drink yourself to death. Alrik offers the skin to Weoulf. Take a swig if you wish, but don't give it back to Berger.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 9:53 pm
by Henrik
"Songs might not save us in the end, but it makes the life a little easier to live. Have you found something Berger or have the spirits finally unhinged your mind?" Orm asks.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 11:49 pm
Berger protests to Alrik’s order but hands over three of the wineskins he had filled with the potent spirits with a sigh. He glares absentmindedly at Alrik never taking his eyes of the skins.

I will fight for you Bard. The pretty one thinks you will lead me to where I must go. She thinks Orm is just a whiney mule... Har! Har! Har!

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 7:02 am
by Piano man
Alrik snatches the wine skins from Berger with a glare. Even though Berger was being cooperative the sound of his voice angered Alrik. Dam rights you'll fight Berger. Now fall into line and pull your weight. Alrik turns to leave and then thinks of something else. He turns back quickly with a fresh blaze of anger in his eyes. Oh, and Berger, If another of my brothers die while you drink I promise you'll be the next to fall. There is no room in Valhalla for those who turn their backs on their brothers. Alrik pauses momentarily, but continues before the big man can interject. If you pull you live up to your oath, and serve faithfully I will see that you drink.

Alirk walks a few paces before turning back all anger gone. Now tell me about the pretty one.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 9:14 pm
Berger sighs.

The pretty one? She shaved me from drowning. She shed she loves me Bard. If we help her she shed I can here live with her… She’s so pretty.

The runes on Orm sword begins to shift again creating a dull glow, outlining the script in a soft eerie light.

They read.

One approaches.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 11:19 pm
by Piano man
As Alrik continues walking asking Berger about this lady. Tell me Berger. Did she ever tell you her name, and if not can you describe her.

ooc through the description would Alrik know who saved Berger.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 10:43 am
by Henrik
"One approaches? What does that mean? Do we got company?" Orm stops and listens. Can footsteps or other sounds be heard?

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 3:02 am
Berger looks away from watever had held his attention and answers Alrik.

She won't tell me her name Alrik... She's dark skinned like a Skraeling but more b.. beautiful than SIf herself. Hic! I won't lie to you bard. She's naked as an English whore and certainly not shy about it.

Berger looks lustily back up the stairway.

Sigfurd moves to Orm's side.

What is it Orm?

In the distance Orm can hear a dull pounding against the tunnel floor. As the noise grows louder the others hear it as well.


Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 1:21 pm
by Henrik
"It must be a giant!" Orm says. "If there will be a fight today, may Thor grant us strength!" Orm prepares for combat.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 2:03 am
by mikc
Weoulf strings his bow and peers off into the darkness, breath bated.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 3:36 am
by Piano man
Alrik draws his own bow, and knocks an arrow. Berger, and Orm move forward and stay out of sight. Weoulf move to the other side of the path and take cover. If whatever is coming our way is hostile then we'll fill it full of arrows. He turns back to Berger and Orm. We'll draw whatever this is to us, and when it passes you, take it from behind. If it's a wild beast then kill it. If it's intellegent then let's try to take it alive. It'd be nice to have some questions answered.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 10:00 pm
A small furry creature darts out of the shadows and into the torchlight.

It looks like a large puffy rat covered in thick white fur. It stops dead in it's tracks and to everyone's surprise speaks quickly in a terrified high pitched voice.

Sons of Odin... huff huff huff... You must help me... They know what you have done....

Behind the rodent, the sound of large thumping feet approaches.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 5:50 pm
by mikc
Weoulf looks to Alrik for guidance.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 4:50 am
by Piano man
Alrik makes a judgment call and decides to trust the talking rodent. We defeated the Fenris wolf surely we can defeat these foes. He signals Berger, and Orm to hide again. I say we stick with our plan. Weoulf and I will draw them in with arrows, and when they charge past you you take them from behind. (That's not what I meant so get your mind out of the gutter.)

ooc If there are spots to climb on safely and quickly Alrik will try to climb out of range and signal Weoulf to do the same. If not we'll retreat as far as the door and keep shooting. please feel free to roll for me if needed just to keep things going.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 8:10 am
OOC - Never for combat rolls :D

The "rodent" darts through the Viking's legs and scurries up the first flight of the winding staircase and turns his eyes towards the party. They can see the red in the creatures eyes glowing in the dark like hot coals. It reminds them of the terrible beasts that boarded and sunk the Icebreaker. The Bears and Walrus and Narwhales all with terrible red glowing eyes.


It's coming! From Jotunheim, they come for you all. Flee for your lives you fools...

Berger rushes forward as instructed and crouches against the wall as SIgfurd douses his torch and huddles beside him. Orm does the same on the opposite wall.

Alrik and Weoulf stand a few feet from the stair well as the blue skinned giant show's itself through the light of Alriks's fiery torch. It fixies its gaze on the Viking archers as planned and bellows in an angry familiar tongue.


There you are Grigrigg! Taken up lot with the wolf hunters now? Heh! Heh! Heh!

The Frost Giant has to crouch to fit through the 15ft ceiling. Fury burns in its eyes as it passes right over top of the trio of Vikings hiding against the walls of the tunnel.

ooc - Alrik and Weolf roll to hit the Frost Giant. I'll roll damage. I don't want you to know how cool your weapons are yet. (if they even are cool...) Orm roll Hide and Luck.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 8:46 am
by mikc
Weoulf lets fly with an arrow, which goes wildly off course. Instinctively, he curses the new bow.

ooc - rolled 93 (skill 75%), can't seem to get Invisible castle to work just now.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 4:55 am
by Piano man
Alrik pulls his bow back as far as he can and releases two quick arrows.

ooc hit both times

ooc are we far enough back that we can get more than one volley into him before he kills us.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 9:59 pm
by mikc
Piano man wrote:ooc are we far enough back that we can get more than one volley into him before he kills us.
ooc - my thought exactly! Valhalla, here we come!

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 4:11 am
Alrik's arrows penetrate the Frost Giants thick blue skin. (6 damage) Each time the Bard releases an arrow, he feels strange and open to the gargantuan creature. Weolf has less luck with his own bow he plundered from the treasure room of Tyr. He finds that on his first shot, the bow jerks suddenly,throwing his aim and his arrow into the side of the corridor. His second shot has the opposite effect. As Weoulf's aim centers the bow on the giants chest, the bow jerks upwards and to Weoulf's surprise, the arrow flies into one of the giant's eyes. (14 damage)

The Frost Giant surges forward, determined to reach the Viking bowman, not noticing the Vikings at his feet as he passes them by.

ooc- OK you each get two more shots if you can beat a 17 for initiative.. Please roll initiative. 1d10 plus Dex. If you roll above 14 then you get two more shots. The Frost Giant didn't notice the Vikings hidden on the side as Alrik planned. Orm please roll 1d10 for initiative and 1d100 to strike.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 8:45 pm
by mikc
can't seem to copy anything from Invivible Castle - tips appreciated!
Initiative: 22 (DEX 17 + 1d10=5)
Bow (75%): missed twice! :evil:

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 4:57 pm
by Henrik

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 6:11 pm
by Piano man
ooc init roll 4 + 14 = 18 Roll to hit, Hit once, missed once

Alrik let's two more arrows fly, and screams NOW!!! to the men waiting to strike, when the giant reaches them.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 11:57 pm
Weoulf's bow seems to have a mind of its own. It jerks around in Weolf's hands like an old man’s genitalia, sending arrows bouncing off the walls of the tunnel. Alrik hits the giant once and the arrow digs deep into his right shoulder, infuriating him further.
(4 damage)

For Alrik's Eyes Only
The Frost Giant is less frightened now. He is unaware of the Vikings at his backside and continues his charge thinking he has found himself an easy kill. The giant was aware of your numbers but believes the Fenris wolf must have killed the others in your encounter with the wolf god.
As Alrik calls for the rear strike, the writing on Orm’s blade glows faintly and the runes for wondrous death scroll across the blade and Orm swears he can feel the blade cackling wildly.

The Giant lunges out for Alrik with his massive free hand, but the sudden emergence of the Vikings at his rear distracts him enough so that he snatches nothing but air.

ooc- Now that the giant is in melee with the Vikings, Please roll the following. The Giant is swinging his two handed sword at Alrik or Weoulf this turn. Each round that the Giant is attacking, I will tell you who the most likely target is and based on that, you must decide if your character is attacking or dodging. You cannot do both.

ooc- So I will need an Initiative (1d10 +DEX), strike with a melee weapon (1d100) or dodge (1d100). The only Viking that can parry the Viking’s massive sword is Orm with his giant slayer.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 12:25 am
by Piano man
Alrik attempts to jump back out the way. He'll retreat and continue to fire his bow once the Giant is taken up in combat with the three other vikings.

ooc dodge passed needed 49 got 39

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 4:43 am
The frost Giant lumbers forward and swings his giant steel blade at the bard who he had perceiced to be the greatest threat. Alrik and Weoulf both step back and the blade whirs over their head. The Force of the swings is horrifying. It surely would have cleaved either Viking in two had it found it's mark. The giant's sword crashes instead into the side of the tunnel and rock begins to fall from the ceiling.

Then Orm, Sigfurd and Berger leap out from the shadows. SIgfurd slashesat the heels of the giant and finds a an artery in the Frost Giants calf...blood pours from his leg and he drops to one knee howling in agony. Burger slashes forward with his own jewel encrusted sword and finds a soft spot under the giants knee. The sword drives so deep into the blue skinned giant's leg that Berger is forced to let go of his wepon as the giant turns and rolls to his back, atempting to crush his opponents. Orm spends a moment speaking with himself and sizing the monster up as glowing letters scroll frantically along the length of his blade.

ooc - Alrik and Weoulf are now both out of danger unless the Giant lunges specifically for them. They may fire normally or perform some other action.
ooc - Orm see pm to see what you were up to this round.
ooc - Everyone else roll luck and attack rolls.

ooc - sorry for the wait. Work is a dirty bizatch lately.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 6:19 am
by Piano man
Alrik pulls back his bow, and releases an arrow. It flies wide, but a second soon follows hitting the mark. Instead of knocking another Alrik yells out. Jarl!!!!! Drop you weapon and we'll let you live. Ignore me at your own peril. We have defeated the Fenis Wolf. What are you to us?

ooc passed one bow failed one.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 2:37 pm
by Henrik
After been in conversation with his bloodthirsty sword Orm attacks the giant again.

OOC: I can not access from my job. :( Why filter everything that is fun on the web. So if our GM would not mind I'd prefer if he rolled when I post from work. If the giant attacks I'll parry with my sword unless I stand a higher chance of succeeding by dodging. Not sure if Viking Sword is the proper skill for the Two-handed sword I got.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 10:38 pm
by mikc
Weoulf lets fly with two arrows, hitting both times.
Then, hearing Alrik speak, he waits, another arrow cocked.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 7:21 am
Orm is first to swing his new blade... The giant slayer now beams with an an irridescent fury as Orm brings it down hard onto the Frost Giant Jarl's back. The giant wails and swings wide with his own sword, roaring in frustrations as the Vikings bring him down hard. Orm deflects the massive sword aside, cracking the stone floor at his feet with the impact of Jarl's swing.

Alrik's arrow flies straight into the giant's shoulder and is pleased with what his bow show's him.

ooc- Alrik see pm

Weolf''s first shot protrudes through the Frost Giant's wrist and he drops his enormous sword. The sound of the sword hitting the stone rings through the Viking's ears until the sound of the Frost Giant's howling quickly overpowers it. Weolf's second arrow finds the flesh of the giant's thigh and Jarl lies flat holding his arms in the air. He shouts out to Alrik.


Help Me Bard! Please don't let them kill me.

Sigfurd steps back and holds his sword out in front of him defensively, not having the heart to fell the sniveling monster. Berger doesn't have the same heart and stabs again into Jarl's leg causing the giant to sbeg even larger for his life.

Please No! Have Mercy!

ooc - If you are still attacking then roll. You have +10% to hit a prone target. If not then actions please.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 9:10 pm
by mikc
Weoulf waits, arrow cocked.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 6:21 am
by Piano man
Alrik signals the men to stand down. Be ready if he looks like he's going to do something. He eyes Berger to make sure the man wasn't going to do anything stupid. Alrik approaches the giant lying on the ground. When he speaks his voice is commanding. He speaks shortly getting right to the point. Listen to me Jarl for you life may depend on your answer. I will make you a deal, but before I tell you what it is let me share something with you. He pauses for a second and looks the giant right in the eyes. I can read you thoughts, so if you lie to me I'll know. Alrik cocks an eyebrow and searches the giant's face for any clue of whether or not he believes him . Would you like proof. Well I know your name is Jarl, and yes we are the ones who defeated the fenis wolf, and whether or not we kill you depends on the little conversation we're about to have.

Alrik clasps his hands behind his back and turns. He walks away a few steps with his back to the giant, knowing his men would never let him be harmed. Jarl would die before he could move. A few paces out he turns and continues speaking. Here are my terms. You surrender, vow to be our guide, and to protect me while we are on this island, and we shall let you live. I will heal your wounds, and you will not be shackled. What do you say Jarl care to keep company with the sons of Odin.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 7:14 am
Berger and Sigfurd both back away from the giant, wiping splatterings of blood from their exposed skin. The giant had already bled enough for three men and the gore was evident all around them. Orm had backed away as well. He stood closest to the frost giant of all the Vikings....

Jarl holds his wrist and lies curled on the stone floor, blood slowly draining from the deep gashes in his leg and back. His eyes dart from side to side as he looks to each of the Vikings, fear heavy on his mind. His stare pauses for a long time on Orm before looking back towards Alrik and Weoulf.

Don't kill me.... I'll do as you ask son of Odin.

ooc- Please wait for Orm to post next.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 7:58 am
by Henrik
"For one so big you surely are a coward.But I promise to honor the deal that is struck as well" Orm says.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 11:22 pm
by Piano man
Alrik glides up beside the giant, and inspects one of his wounds. Think what you want of him, but I don't call anyone who would charge us a coward. I would rather think that he showed intelligence by surrendering. He looks up into Jarl's eyes. Do not mistake my kindness for weakness though. I am not simple enough to trust you completely, but you want to live. I hold your life in my hands right now...never forget that.

He holds Jarl's gaze for a few moments before turning back to his injuries. I am going to heal you now with my magic. Stay perfectly still. Alrik places his hands on Jarl's body and begins to sing.

uruz uruz uruz
u u u u u u u u u
u u u u u u r r r r r r
u u u u u u u u u

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 3:51 am
As Alrik finishes his chant, the wounds on the Frost Giant begin to heal. The blood and the gore ceases to flow and the giant sighs in relief.

You sing the words of Odin well bard! I am in your debt. What will you do with me.

As the Giant thanks Alrik, the small furry creature the Giant had been chasing and had called Griggrigg appears behind Orm. He whispers to the Vikings...


You hold the Stromthrower... son of Odin. End him now before the sword forces your hand and you turn on your friends.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 6:54 pm
by Piano man
Alrik looks to the fury little creature. My man has the strength of will to endure for the time being. If things change we'll deal with it then. Now do either of you know where the Fenis Wolf landed when we sent it over the edge of the cliff.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 8:27 am
by Henrik
Orm looked at the little furry creature. "Who are you and how do I know that your words can be trusted?" he asked. "I have given the giant my word and I will not take it back, because then I would not be worthy of the halls of Valhalla where I yearn to go."

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 11:41 am
by mikc
Weoulf has lowered his bow but it is still strung.
He watches the giant and, especially, the other creature warily.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 5:45 pm
The Frost Giant shakes his head to Alrik's question.

When a god falls. All of the Jotun feel the crash of his loss on their hearts, escpecially when a god so powerful as Fenrir is taken by the hands of men. All eyes turned to the five of you when the Fenris Wolf was slain.

The giant laughs...

The wolf will have some explaining to do if Hel is to release him from her underworld prisons.

The small red eyed rodent retracts from Orm's words but then quickly moves in closer to the others so he can be heard.

Very well son of Odin. Keep your word to the Jotun but heed mine… But know it was not my people who attacked your vessel. I bear the mark of your own gods and have forsaken my people for your own.


The white haired lemming named Griggrig raises one of it’s paws and flashes his underbelly to Alrik. Under his belly, he spots an ancient Norse rune.

Then Griggrig turns back to Orm.

That sword you hold is powerful and has been used for ages to kill the giant’s kind. Your sense of honor may not hold it’s bane for long.

Ooc- read write runes check to recognize the rune.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 10:12 pm
by mikc
Weoulf recognises the Rune

ooc - still can't get any of the links (BBCode etc) to work - any tips?

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 7:27 pm
ooc - no worries... If it helps.. I edited your last post to make a link work. Check it out to see what it looks like.

-Weoulf recognizes the rune as the symbol for the Viking god Loki.

Loki plays a central role in many of the stories of the Æsir. And, he is unique among the gods in having a character which changes through the stories. At first, he was a prankster, not to be trusted, but helpful on many occasions, such as in the story of rebuilding the walls of Ásgarð. With his lies, and his habit of revealing secrets, Loki constantly stirred the gods against each other, such as in the story of Freyja's necklace. Later, he became spiteful and malevolent, such as when he cut Sif's hair. The gods' merriment over the agonies of his punishment probably turned Loki's maliciousness into a vindictive desire to destroy them.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 9:50 pm
by mikc
Weoulf sidles over to Alrik and mutters, low enough that the odd little creature cannot hear him, "Is this not the Rune of the Trickster God, Bard? I like it not!"

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 7:15 pm
by Piano man
Alrik leans back over and speaks candidly with Weoulf. Loki may be the trickster god, but he is still a god and I do not wish to offend any of them. For now we treat this creature kindly, but keep an eye on him and weigh what he tells us carefully. If he tries to lead us astray we'll deal with him then.

He turns back to the Giant. Take us to where the Fenis fell. We must retrieve a weapon that was driven in a little too deeply. He gestures to Orm. Some of us don't know our own strength.

Once the group is moving Alrik addresses the rodent. You say that you weren't one of the ones that attacked us on our ship. From this I figure that you are the same manner of creature as them. So tell me then what kind of creature are you that you can appear as anything you want. Do not think that you have lulled me into thinking you harmless by appearing as a rodent. If you are truly the same type of creature then your power is greater than it appears.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 9:11 pm
The Giant answers quickly when asked a question and often eyes Orm suspiciously.

The Fenris Wolf has returned to Hel. He will return soon to extract his vengeance on you puny humans.... The empty wolf carcass with the spear was taken by the Jotun. My people will give Fenrir the respect he deserves.

Griggrigg scurries about the others as they walk.

I am an Ijiraat. We possess the powers of Sedna's children, changing from one animal form to the next as we please. And you are correct to beleive that I am not without my defenses Norseman...

Grigrigg fluffs up his fur aggressively in an almost comical fashion.

The ijiraat that attacked your vessel serve the godess Sedna... I serve the true gods of the North. Those gods that dwelled here long before Sedna was even a gleam in Bor's eye. Before she was licked free of the Frost Giant Y'mer. My people are now divided. Those that follow Loki have been promised a home in Asgard when this island burns into the sea. Those that do not join us will burn with the rest.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 3:03 am
by Piano man
An edge of irritation creeps into Alrik's voice. Don't test me giant my patience is wearing thin. We need to return the spear to the temple, as it belongs to the gods. As part of our bargain for your life you will help us retrieve it.

He turns back to the Ijiraat. What is your name, and can your people aid us on our journey. We are here on the God's behalf, and our only wish is to bring honor to them, and secure our places in Valhalla.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 4:45 pm
by Henrik
Orm lets's the others talk for now. He is disappointed that the spear seems to have been taken away and by the giants. "Odin will not be pleased if we can not retrieve the spear from the giants. Such a weapons in the hands of the enemies of the Aesir. It is not right and proper."

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 6:47 am
If you are here on the gods behalf? The Ijiraat lemming squeeks... Then...

The Frost Giant Jarl interrupts, talking well over the furry rodent shapeshifter.

I will do as you say Bard... I will take you to my mountain where the others will have carried the Fenris wolf.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 6:57 pm
by Piano man
Alrik nods and offers the Giant a smile. Thank you Jarl. I'm sure you are a man of honor, and will live up to your word.

Turning to the Ijiraat he twirls his hand motioning for the creature to continue to speaking. Then what my little friend.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 8:46 pm
by Henrik
Orm listens a bit impatiently. He would have hoped that finding the spear again would be a relatively simple matter, but this does not seem so.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 5:57 am
The lemming nods rapidly...

If you are here on the gods behalf then you are here on Loki's behalf as well... are you not? It was he who saved you when your ship was sinking amidst a sea of blood lusty Ijiraat loyal to the godess.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 12:08 pm
by Henrik
"So we are indebted to Loki? I do not know if I like that..." Orm says. The old man did not like trickery and deceit although a prank amongst friends could liven up a dull day at the oars.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 6:30 pm
by Piano man
Alrik nods to the rodent, but addresses eveyone. If Loki deemed us worthy to save then we are in his debt. He signals Jarl to lead the way to his people as he continues talking to the Ijiraat. We are going to be moving quickly so if you can change shapes like your brethren that attacked us I would suggest something bigger. Perhaps a horse so that I may ride. After a few moments Alrik speaks to the rodent again. What should we call you little friend.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 4:56 am
You may call me Gregrigg... friend....

The Ijraat tilts his his slightly when Alrik mentions a horse. He ponders the notion for a short time and then shakes his head.

Yes Yes! I mean No No! I cannot change into a herdling with no horns... No No No! No Horse! Only beasts from my own lands.. my home.

The tiny lemming then starts to shake as his skin begins to slowly fold in on itself. A festering mass of boils speckle the ijiraat's hide as if the white rodent were suddenly placed over an open fire. His tail splits and coils around his torso as a small tuft of striped fur creeps out his anus and rests itself on the cavern floor. His legs break and mend a hundred times in a matter of seconds as the lemmining's body is thrusted high up into the air atop the bubbling and boiling sticks it now calls legs. Four oversized hooves strain to balance the shifting mound of flesh. His ears drop and giant horns break through the ijiraat's skull splitting the flesh like peels from a fruit. The horns continue to branch off in several direction and only then do the Vikings get a sense of Greggrigg's intentions.

Standing before the Vikings is a White Cariboo.


Will this do... friend. I hope I won't be carrying the fat one. He smells like old goose berries.

Berger laughs outloud.. More out of nervousness than anything.

Bwa Ha Ha!

OOC - Sanity check everyone.

Jarrl holds his nose and grumbles.

I hate it when you change Gregrigg! It smells like dung and vomit...

While the party readies itself Sigfurd seems to be taking things most difficultly. He approaches Weoulf and Orm in private.

Do you think this is wise brothers... Weoulf... Orm..... Must we raid a Giant's keep to prove ourselves worthy of Valhalla... Surely there is another way.

Sigfurd seems to be shaking and he quickly sheathes his sword to hide this fact from the others.

ooc- If you failed your Sanity check, (Alrik excluded) you may feel similarly to Sigfurd. (frightened and confused)

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 6:36 am
by mikc
Weoulf regards the nervous Viking for a moment, then says softly, "I like it not greatly either; but it seems we are being guided in this direction by the Fates.
Have heart, brother - do not falter now!"

ooc - Weoulf made his SAN roll

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 6:24 pm
by Henrik
SAN check 1d100=68

A success for Orm.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 11:43 pm
by Piano man
Alrik mounts up on the creature, and signals to the Giant to lead on. How long shall it take for us to get there. This is not the reason we came to this land, and I'd just as soon be done.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 5:37 pm
by Henrik
"I agree" Orm says although in the depths of his heart he knows that nothing is of more interest to him than to secure his place with his loved one in the afterlife.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 8:27 pm
Gregrigg snorts..

A days ride to the Frost Giant caves. We must pass through the ice and into the heart of the Niffelheim.

Jarl snarls at Gregrigg.

Torrin-Dor will not let us pass. Not with you puny humans...

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 6:16 am
by Piano man
Alrik looks up at the giant as he calls him and his men puny. If there is another way you know that won't take to long then lead on. If this way is substantially shorter then we will....persuade this Torrin-Dor. Alrik looks to Orm's sword, and back to Jarl. Orm, Berger, Weoulf, and I can be very persuasive if we need to be.

He glares at the giant questioningly. Wouldn't you say.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 9:11 pm
Jarrl scowls and nods defeatedly.

It is the only way into Jotunheim... Come I will take you to the place where you die!

The unusual group begins their travels through the tunnels of the Temple of Tyr. After a long, winding walk, the tunnel opens up deep in the mountains of Helluland. A long snowy plain stetches out before them leading into another mountian

Greggrigg gives updates every so often to keep Alrik informed of how long each leg of the journey will take.


The Ice Wall is just a few hours walk from here.... Then it will be up to you to negotiate passage into Jotunheim.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 4:10 pm
by Henrik
"By the way, who is this Torrin-Dor?" Orm asks the captive frost giant.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 7:58 pm
The Frost Giant smiles.

Torrin-Dor guards the passage to Jotunheim from this world. He is older than Thor... Some say the cow licked him free from the Frost Giant Y'mer along with Odin and Bor.

The Frost Giant continues to walk in slow strides through the snowy plains as the mountains approach from the North.

Many beleive he is rooted here in thes lands now... Freed from the god's rule by the godess of this realm. Sedna is her name.

Gregrigg shivers at the mention of Sedna. Alrik feels the cariboo shaking as the Giant speaks. The Frost Giant, looking in Alrik's direction, scoffs at Gregrigg.

This one will drown in Sedna's arms for his betrayal.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 3:14 am
by Piano man
Alrik pats Gregrigg's neck soothingly. There is no need for you to come in there with us if you do not wish Gregrigg. I appreciate your company, but if you want to wait for us on this side of the pass then we will see you once we've recovered the spear.

He spares a look to Jarrl. You are bound to me by your honor. Get us past this Torrin-Dor, and help us retrieve the spear. Once we are free of your lands with our prize then I shall release you from your bond. Until then though I will expect you to act as though your bond means something and curb your tongue.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 12:31 pm
by Henrik
Orm strokes the hilt of his sword as to make Alrik's intent clear: Serve us well and you will live, betray us and you will be the first to die!

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 6:15 pm
Jarrl nods.

Very well Son of Odin! I will curb my Jotun tongue for now. We will see what the Big Man says when we reach the wall.... I will do my best to persuade him...

ooc- Spot Hidden and listen checks please.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 11:52 pm
by mikc
Weoulf hears something, but cannot see anything when he looks for the source of the sound.

"What was that noise?" he hisses, motioning the others - especially the giant - to be quiet.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 4:56 pm
by Henrik
"What noise?" Orm asks. He is oblivious to any unseen danger.

1d100=98, 1d100=78

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 11:43 pm
by Piano man
ooc spot and listen failed.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 6:25 am
The Five Vikings walk along side the Frost Giant Jarrl in the moonlight with little to see but the surrounding mountains and the snow. The sun finally rises, washing much need warmth over their frost covered faces. Having spent enough time on Helluland, the Vikings knew the daylight hours were short... four possibly five hours of sunlight at most.

After another hours march, The Vikings spot a large Glacial wall approaching from the North.

Jarrl smiles.

The walls of Jotunheim are before us. I have no power over its keeper. He will likely slay us all.

Alrik hears Gregrigg whimper at the thought.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 3:32 pm
by Henrik
"Can he be bargained with?" Orm asks. "Although you fell easily before our might Jarrl, this guardian may not. But then again... you can be lying."

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 7:41 pm
Jarrl scratches his giant blue beard.

Hmmm... I suppose.

He then looks to the sacs the Vikings carry, laden with trinkets and treasures from the treasure trove of Tyr.

Are those from the temple of Tyr? Did you open the treasure chamber of the one armed god? Hmmm... Of course you did or the Fenris Wolf would not be free. If you have weapons that were used in the old wars... Torrin-Dor may just be willing to Bargain. Be forwarned Vikings! If you insult the Old Giant. He will kill us all. Be fair and perhaps generous in your offerings.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 7:16 am
by Henrik
"I thank you for your advice." Orm did not trust the giant as far as he could throw him and considering the giant's size that was not far at all.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 4:17 am
A giant Icewall appears before the Vikings, rising slowly from the horizon as the misfit adventurers continue to advance towards the mountains. Jarrl leads the group forward until the party is finally within a stone throw's distance from the glacial wall.


Jarrl stops the party and speaks proudly to the Vikings

We have arrived at the gates of Jotun.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 1:13 pm
by Henrik
Orm tries not to look overwhelmed by the size of the gates to Jotunheim, but it's hard not to. "We'd better press on then" he says. "I'm not fond of bargaining with the treasures of the Aesir, but we might not have a choice in the matter."

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 6:01 am
The Five Vikings and their mishappen companions slowly approach the massive wall of ice. As they close the distance, a voice bellows out to them, echoing seemingly from all directions.

Jarrl! Why in Y'mer's three mouths would you bring these men to my wall. It is forbidden.

Jarrl shudders at the sound of his name and takes a step forward.


They have bested me and spared my life. I had no other choice....

The voice interrupts the Frost Giant.

Silence Fool! I'll hear no more from you! Giants are sport for gods, not men! Who Dares think themselves better than Jottun?

Orm's sword glows even more brightly.

ooc- Pass a Sanity Check if you wish to speak or shudder in fear. (Orm you get -20% to your roll for the sword. A wild courage fills your heart)

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 8:58 pm
by mikc
ooc - Invisible Castle seems to be down so I just rolled dice and Weoulf failed his SAN roll.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 8:04 am
by Piano man
ooc rolled a 98...I think that just might be a fail.

Despite Alrik's normally calm demeanor he finds himself stricken fear, and he barely notices the sudden warmth, that begins to spread down his legs. He opens his mouth to speak and finds himself unable to speak. All of Jarl's warnings were not exaggerated, but couldn't possibly have come close to this. Noticing the glow from Orm's sword, he looks to the man trying to anchor himself to that image to keep his mind from reeling out of control, as fights desperately to hang on to his sanity...

ooc I noticed after the fact that the link I posted wasn't the link to my rolls. I left it there for your enjoyment. :)

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 5:52 pm
by Henrik
OOC: San roll 1d100=67 subtracting 20 gives a total of 47. A pass.

While wearing his sword attuned to the slaying of giants, Orm felt no fear. "Guardian, we come here wielding weapons of the Aesir. We do not wish to harm you, since we have no quarrel with your kind, but if it comes to that we must strike blows I am not afraid of that, not as long as I'm carrying this." Orm raises his sword so the giant can see it clearly. "Now is there some way we can pass? Perhaps a bargain can be struck?"

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 10:16 pm
The deep voice gasps in surprise as Orm raises his sword.

The ice shakes as a hand, larger than any ship the Viking's had ever seen, grasps onto the walls edge. The hand digs into the ice and man-size chucks fall around the party's feet as the giant lifts itself into view. Towering over the Ice wall, the "Big Man" stares down at Orm and growls low and loud enough to shake the ground at their feet.



The Giant raises his own blade high into the air. It catches so much of the sun that it seems to glow in it's metallic glory. The Vikings were sure the giant could rend the very Earth with the sword he held in just one of his massive hands.

You carry the Jotun Banamaður son of Odin. Older than most of the Gods. Used to cut the Brow from Y'mir himslef. I would kill you now if your blade would not hold it against me!

The Giant of giants lowers his sword.

Why would you bring such a thing to these lands. What do you plan to do with the Jotun Banamaður in Jotunheim?

Berger belches quietly to himself as he too tries to gather his courage. He whispers to orm.


You got em' Hic! Right where you want him Ormy... Get... Hic! Get em!

ooc- Weoulf and Alrik make sanity checks. If you pass, then you can speak freely. If you fail lose 1d6 sanity and continue to cower in your own urine. ;)

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 2:15 am
by mikc
ooc - sure is nice and warm and safe down here in pee-pee land! :oops: Weoulf loses 3 SAN

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 6:11 pm
by Henrik
Orm calmy says: "Nothing. I have no quarrel with your kind although the Aesir have one. We do not wish to hurt your kind, but if someone tries to stop us, my sword will not rest. I am willing to give my word on this matter, if you need it from me."

<i>OOC: Why are we actually going into Jotunheim? Is it for the rune or for the spear? I have forgotten...</i>

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 9:18 pm
ooc- You're looking for the spear...

The Giant scoffs.

You bring the Joton slayer across my border and say you mean the Jotun no harm? That sword has not seen these lands in a thousand years. The last time it crossed these borders it was held by Tyr himself. The rivers ran red with our blood.

The Giant eyes each of the Vikings in turn...

You may pass. I would not anger Jotun Banamaður and have it rob me of my immortality another day. You shall pass sons of Odin. I shall wonder if your name will be read on the scrolls of blood young Viking alongside the Aesir bastards who held that very sword so long ago.


Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 5:49 pm
by Henrik
Orm nods to the giant appreciatively. "Let's hope that it does not come to that. Hopefully you would not even notice us coming and going. Anyway I thank you for your hospitality."

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 6:33 pm
The party passes through the gates of Jotun with little trouble thanks to the blade Orm carries. Orm can’t help but feel a terrible violence building up inside him as he cautiously strides by the gate keeper. The others notice this as well as Orm’s grip tightens on his sword, wringing his hands over the hilt like it were a wet rag.

Berger makes comment drunkenly to himself.

I know… I will help him… Do not worry yourself.

Jarrl leads the group for another few miles into the mountains. They pass a fork in their path and notice several giant size footprints leading further North. Jarrl pauses and looks down to the Vikings.


This is as far as I will take you. What do you plan to do? That sword you carry will only strike so many of my brothers down before one of their own blades finds your skull.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 1:08 pm
by Henrik
"I will not let that happen, although this sword would relish tasting giant's blood again, I do not" Olof tries to hold the fury in check. He so much wants to kill the giant. Blood will be drawn

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 4:41 am
Sigfurd stops in his tracks and lays his shield down.

We should rest! What do we plan on doing? Surely you don't plan on rushing us into a den of crazed Frost Giants brother? I wish for you to be with yur beloved with all my heart Orm, but this not bring us the Odin spear. We need a plan.

Sigfurd look sympathetically to Orm. The Viking would think Sigfurd was mocking him if he didn't know him so well. Weoulf, Ingvar, Orm and Sigfurd had campaigned together for years. Now one was presumed dead and the three surviving friends walked head strong into the realm of the Frost Giants for Orm'true love.

Alrik! You hold the king's seal... What would you have us do?

Berger laughs and mumbles, looking sternly to his side. The drunkard then looks back to the group. He hicups and takes a short swig from the potent spirits in his wineskin.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 6:29 pm
by Henrik
"Pehaps... what if we did the frost giants a service of some kind? To show that we come in honourable intentions? Question is can the frost giants be trusted?"

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 5:10 pm
by kabukiman
-Sure they can! And if they don't, we can all die!- Says Berger with a laught.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 2:41 pm
by Henrik
<blue>"Perhaps we'll just have to press on and hope that we can reason with the giants as we meet them. They might be the enemies of the aesir but they are not really enemies of mine."</blue>

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 4:27 pm
by Piano man
Alrik scans the sky, and then returns his gaze back to his men. I agree with Sigfurd. It might be best for us to rest and gather ourselves before we go much farther. He turns his attention to Jarl with an irritated look. You swore to take us to the spear and see us out again. I will not release you from your bond until that is fulfilled so get an notion of leaving us out of your head right now.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 3:06 am
Jarrl grunts but remains obedient flashing Orm quick fearful glances.

Very well. I will take you to my people but I can not speak my way through our village as you mortals believe. Words show weakness... The swords power will only hold my brothers with fear for so long. If I had not given you this cursed promise, I would throw myself on the blade.

Jarrl snarls at Orm and then returns his icey blue eyes to the others.

I can only guess where they have put the beast Fenris and your spear. In our village square no doubt, hoping that Loki will finally pay homage to our people. after all these centuries of waiting for his return. They will die before they allow you to desecrate his remains. Of this I am sure.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 3:38 am
by Piano man
Alrik scoffs at the large giant. Words have more power than you know my cowed friend. Perhaps I will sing them a song of Viking valor to soften their hearts. We will get the spear back. The wolf was our kill, not your peoples, and I think that Loki shall not show them favor for stealing the spoils of our victory from us. All of Valhalla is singing of our victory over the wolf, and over you. We have the god's blessings and your people would do well to heed this. Do not forget that we have one of our own speaking on our behalf in Valhalla at this very moment. His death brought about our victory, and it will not be in vane.

Alrik looks back to the giant with a steely look. I will speak to your people, and you will stand at my side. You will lay your sword on the ground at my feet and keep your head bowed. Do as I say, and when we pass your guardian again, with the spear, you shall once more be free. Providing of course that you vow not to raise arms against my people ever again.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 4:32 pm
by kabukiman
-I really need a drink. All this talk is boring me. Where is my sweetheart when I need her?

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 9:15 am
by kabukiman
-You can't leave me so much time alone with those guys! They want to go to another foolish mission now, just for killing some other guys.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 11:33 am
by Henrik
Orm is silent having nothing further to add to the conversation.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 5:15 am
OOC - Alrik make an idea check

ooc - Berger make a sanity check

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 2:44 pm
by kabukiman
OOC: The invisible castle is down, so I used dices. I had 40%.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 5:23 pm
by kabukiman
-Fighting giants? Are you hearing too much sagas? We gonna be in the giant bellies as soon as they put their hands in us! Let's go without them knowing.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 7:33 am
by Piano man
Alrik waves a hand dismissively at Berger. Don't worry yourself Berger. Leave the planning to the grown ups.

Not giving the comment a second thought Alrik continues on. We don't need to fight the giants. We have a treasure beyond compare with us from the temple. Let us rest here for a day or two, and I will study them to see what they might be. Who knows we might be able to bargain our way out of this. He glances at Jarl catching his eyes. We are not stupid enough to try and anger a group of giants. I respect creatures of honor.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 10:11 pm
OOC- If anyone wants to say or do something before Alrik finishes identifying the Viking relics found in the tomb of Tyr, then now is the time.

Alrik examines the items taken from the tomb of Tyr.


Huscarl, - +3 damage. Cleaving. When you take down an opponent you get an immediate extra attack.
White fur cape with gold trim – Immunity to cold effects. Magical or Natural. Hide 85% while standing still in winter environments. 45% while moving. 85% while moving during snowfall. 98% while in a Blizzard.
White fur boots - Allows the wearer to walk on snow ice or frigid water as if he were stepping on solid ground.
one pair of bone glasses with a narrow slit down the middle to see through, -heat vision up to 200 feet.
Drinking horn carved from bone and lined with hide and gold trim – healing 3 HP per glass. Sanity cost 1 per drink.
1 set of white hide gloves – climbing 85%
1 golden scepter shaped like the Fenris Wolf with a ruby the shape of a hand set in its mouth – summon wolves, 1d6 wolves, sanity cost, 1x/day. Animal friendship wolves. 1x/day.
scroll tubes - see ooc at end of this post


Throwing axe – returning, hurts mythical creatures
Throwing Axe – armor piercing. Ignores Damage reduction and armor. +3 damage when thrown.
scramasax and belt – eversharp. +20% to hit +3 damage
chain boots – gives the wearer a damage reduction of 5
balck fur tunic – invisibility at night.
shield with a matching picture of an ancient family crest. – roll two parries and take the best roll.


one of the golden goblets – unlimited fill of whatever liquid was last in it.
silver skull – similar to crystal ball. Focus on an area or item or person, Sanity cost. 1d6.
Helm – Automatic dodge.
sword with three dark red stones set in its hilt. – +5 damage to mythos creatures
long brown bushy fur robe. – Hunter’s Hides - allows wearer to blend in and assume the shape of whatever animals/creatures are nearby. (sight)


helmet. – comprehend languages.
sword "embroidered in cloudy silver – blade can harm magical creatures. +3 damage. Become ethereal 1x/day.
rope. – unbreakable cannot be cut.


Shield – arrow biter. Enemies firing arrows must first pass a sanity check or be forced to fire at the holder of this shield. Only critical strikes make it past the wearer of this shield and those strikes count as normal hits.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 10:13 pm
ooc- Alrik please roll a Read/ write runes check and a luck check.

Anyone else can help Alrik decipher the scrolls he took from the tomb of Tyr with a successful Read/Write Runes check.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 6:12 pm
by kabukiman
-Mmm, drinking! With this goblett, I'l follow you to any place!

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 8:48 pm
OOC- I'll send pms to MikC and Henrik. Please wait for them to chime in with ideas on how the items from Tyr's tomb could be used to retrieve Odin's spear.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 9:03 am
by mikc
Weoulf looks through the scrolls, but is unable to make any sense of their content.
ooc,I must admit, I don't have any great ideas at present, plus, I'm a bit stuck for time. I've been keeping up with the Thread but, with the excuse that [b]Weoulf[/b] is a silent follower, keeping out of the decision-making. I'm [i]in[/i], but don't expect any great initiative from [b]Weoulf[/b] for the time being, sorry.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 2:02 pm
by Henrik

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 7:44 pm
by Piano man
ooc rolled on the D&M site check there to verify my results. Rolled 65 needed 55. I don't know if having two other people helping gives me a bonus, but it looks like I failed.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 8:05 pm
ooc, No worries MikC. This thread can slow down. I'll keep it going... I do hope everyone sticks around though; The Vikings in this thread a very important to the main plot.

Alrik finds nothing of any major significance in the scrolls that would help him retreive the Odin's spear. He does however find a note in one fo his scrolls. A scribbling on an old map that positions the Tomb of Tyr south to the walls of Asgard. If this were the case... It stands to reason that Asgard is on the island of Helluland.

ooc - Everyone make an Idea check then...

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 11:51 am
by mikc
But surely, that means ...

"Brothers," announces Weoulf, "I have an idea!"

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 5:06 pm
by kabukiman
-I have an idea too: let's leave our weapons here and ask the giants to help us. If they see us without any weapons they will see that we are nice people and will help us. Brilliant idea, right?

OOC: Sorry, with a 99% didn't occured me anything worst.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 4:52 pm
by mikc
"A wonderful plan, you retarded son of a mangy goat," comments Weoulf, "but perhaps I have a better one; why don't we skrye for the Wolf's location in that crystal skull you're carrying about? Once we know where to go, the difficulty of our task is halved."

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 2:55 pm
by kabukiman
-I'm not a son of a goat, your fake wolf! I'l do it when I want and If I want!. And now, because I want and not because you ordered it to me, I will look at the crystal skull.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 2:57 am
by Piano man
Alrik doesn't bother to respond to Berger's incessant yammering, but moves in closer to get a good look. He claps Weoulf on the shoulder. Good idea. Turning to the giant he motions for him to join them. Relay to us what we are seeing. Any advantage we have will lessen the chance of blood shed, and will hasten your freedom.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 12:42 am
OOC- OK Berger, tell me what you wish to see and what you say to the crystal skull as you hold it.

ooc- also Berger, roll a sanity check. you get to add 10% to your base sanity because you are shit faced drunk and find these sorts of magical doohickey's hilarious. lol

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 4:36 pm
by Henrik
Orm says impatiently: "What do you see?"

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 11:28 am
by kabukiman
-Oh great and powerful skull! Show me the location of the wolf we are looking so those morons stop bothering me!
Passed sanity roll

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 10:09 am
by kabukiman
-Sorry for my ignorance Mr skull didn't wanted to offend you. Well, actually you are practically my brother in law. So Hróðvitnir please answer my question.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 12:16 am

As Berger speaks the ancient name of the great black wolf the crystal skull begins to glow. Swirling globs of dark red liquid begin to dart around the inside of the skull. They look like drops of blood emmersed in water. The droplets begin to form shapes and soon a clear image of the Fenris wolf can be seen. The wolf lies asleep on a massive block of ice. The Odin spear was still jutting out from deep within the wolf's belly where Orm had left it before the wolf toppled over the side of the Tyr's tomb. Blood pooled all around the wolf forming small channels in the ice as it trickled down to the snowy floor. Small, man sized barrels were set at either side of the ice block to collec the blood for whatever dark purpose.

The image breaks apart as the skull changes it's position to a more eagle eye view of the scene. Standing in front of the wolf were three massively armored frost giants carrying polearms laden with runes and symbols the likes of which none of the Viking had ever seen.

The skull then glows blue as the swirling droplets form antother picture of a mountain before turning crystaline once again.


Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 2:38 pm
by kabukiman
-Thank you very much for the help! I promiss I won't disturb you unless I have a good reason. And now, anyone have any idea where this place is?

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 7:43 pm
by Henrik
<blue>"Hmm.... perhaps the giant knows." Orm turns to their prisoner. <blue>"This mountain, these giants. Do you know where this is?"</blue>

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 10:46 pm
The giants eyes widen as the crystal skull glows. He speaks quickly and with great fear in his voice as Orm asks his question.

Yes! This place is sacred to my people. Mount Odin. I will take you there if I must but I will not shed my own kin's blood on this site, such an act would assure a place for me in Hel. My brothers have begun the blóð holræsi... A powerfrul and ancient ritual. The blood from the Fenris wolf will be fed to our young to make them powerful. When all the blood is drained, the wolf will rise... A godly abomination.... An insult to the gods!

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 11:02 am
by kabukiman
-Nice!So we need to stop that weird ritual. Well, I doubt we will go to a hell worst than this place...

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 4:29 pm
by Henrik
<blue>"Mount Odin? Why is the mountain named after the leaders of the Aesir?"</blue> Orm queries.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 10:30 pm
The frost giant grins wide.

Your gods left these lands long ago giant slayer! Left them to the giants and the skraelings... Odin's tomb lies deep in the heart of mount Odin. It is a powerful place, rich with magics and runes long lost.... even to the gods. I found you in the final resting place of Tyr deep below the peak of Mount Tyr itself. Though the Aesir have left this place, their titles stand. Even the Jotun would not disrespect the king of the Aesir by renaming such powerful places.

ooc-If you check out Baffin island Henrik. There are mountains named after all of the Norse Gods and legends. You're the first to notice! hahah! Nice one!

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 10:04 am
by Henrik
OOC: Didn't know that. Interesting. Not even sure where Baffin Island lies :) Not that well versed in the geography of the northwestern America.

"Odin's tomb? What are you saying giant? Won't Odin await me and my friends in the halls of Valhalla? Is he buried? Is the king of the Aesir dead?"

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 11:34 pm
The giant grinned wide.

No Odin is not dead... nor was Tyr buried in his tomb! There fate is still sealed in the Ragnarok. These places were built in their honor long before they left. Perhaps when they finally do die, there will be a place for them here on Helluland. For when the halls of Valhalla fall and Asgard burns... These mountains born from Y'mer himself will remain and we, the forgotten... will fill its tombs with the blood of kings.

ooc- Baffin island is right below Greenland.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 10:37 am
by kabukiman
-How far is that place? Does it have skraelings or anything there?

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 12:25 am
No... the native inhabitants on the island. Those who follow the exiled mistress... The skraelings as you call them. They do not enter the mountains. Only the frost giants and a few of Sedna's creations dare cross the gate into our realm.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 9:59 am
by kabukiman
-So, how long it will take us to there?

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 3:33 am
No more than a day provided we avoid any patrols.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 9:09 am
by Henrik
"Hmmm..."Olof inspects the giant. "Would you be able to carry us? I'm certain that if we travelled with giant strides it would be faster. And your service would be ended faster."

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 9:29 pm
I could carry three of you on my back. The bard and the drunkard will have to ride the Ijiraat scum. And my debt to you will be paid in full once we reach Mount Odin?

ooc- So Sigfurd, Weoulf and Orm will be carried by the Frost Giant. Berger and Alrik will ride the Ijirrat in cariboo form.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 5:24 am
by Piano man
Alrik listens to the exchange as he thinks about what he wants to do. When he hears the Giant's claim to his debt Alrik perks up. Does your honor slip so quickly Jarl. Our agreement was your debt ended when we were safe from your lands with the spear. As to fighting your clan you need not worry about that. I do not think you would be enough if it came to battle. I do not plan on starting any battles. We did not best you because we are stupid, and we know our limits. Don't think us weak though. I have not doubt that with our new weapons we could at least deal your clan a devastating blow, but I have no wish to find out. For now get us as close to the spot where the spear is without being seen. We'll finalize our plans then. Alrik fixes the giant with a glare before continuing. Do not try to betray us Giant. I will not kill you, but I will make sure that everyone of your clan knows of your treachery before I die.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 12:33 pm
by kabukiman
-Just see by this point of view, giant: if we finish our quest, we will leave this place and you will never see us again.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 2:29 am
Jarl sighs deeply knowing his debt must be paid in full.

Then you will leave!

He looks hard at Alrik and then flashes Orm a brief, but fearful glance before turningback to the Viking bard away.

Very well.. we will move quickly for a few a miles. Then I will carry you in a sac. I will have to pass through a sentry of my brothers. I will not be searched, but your presence in our lands will not be tolerated.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 12:43 pm
by Henrik
"Sounds fair, Jarl". Although Olof doesn't find the thought of being put in a sack like a hunk of meat appealing, it might be a very smart way of getting passed any sentries without arousing suspiscion.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 10:20 am
by Piano man
I'm afraid I disagree Olof. It would be all too convenient to get us all in a sack. Then bashing us on some rocks a few times, and no one would ever know he broke his word. I will not take this chance. There has to be another way in. I just need to get close enough to sneak into the camp. The rest of you will wait and watch. The quest is more important, and if I die then I want you to all to continue on without me and forget about the spear. I will sing all of your praises in Valhalla, and none of you will be denied entry. It is for our gods that we must do this, and for our people. He looks to each of the men in the circle, and meets each of their their eyes before moving on. They all know by now that this was an order, and not open for discussion. Now giant lead us on another path and save us the wasted words by arguing about it.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 1:08 am
see pm guys and let me know what you think

I already got one repalcement but I don't want to invite them unless you guys are committed as well.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 5:18 pm
by kabukiman
-Hum, he have a point you know. We could be easily killed without any witness.

Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 6:56 pm